=== maclin1 is now known as maclin === Peng__ is now known as Peng_ === maclin1 is now known as maclin === karstensrage_ is now known as karstensrage === oanson_ is now known as oanson [18:24] cjwatson: is there a web interface for seeing all MPs pending and merged relative to a given repository? [18:28] nacc: doesn't the repo page show it? [18:29] e.g. here under "Branch merges" https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk [18:29] which actually links to +activereviews which seems like it might be what you want https://code.launchpad.net/%7Eubuntu-installer/ubiquity/trunk/+activereviews [18:30] so code.l.n/~owner/repo/branch/+activereviews [18:30] repository, not branch, FWIW [18:30] oh well even better i guess [18:31] I don't believe we presently have an activereviews view for a whole repository [18:31] slightly surprised there doesn't seem to be a bug for that [18:32] nacc: (please file one) [18:33] cjwatson: thanks, will do [18:33] wxl: thanks for the links, but as cjwatson said, I need the whole repo view (rather than per branch) -- we have a lot of branches :) [18:34] hey, at least i tried :) [18:34] wxl: i appreciate it! [18:34] np XD [18:34] I wonder why I didn't implement that [18:35] lo, even colin is infallible [18:35] hard to believe, i knwo :) [18:35] cjwatson: LP: #1755259 [18:35] Launchpad bug 1755259 in Launchpad itself "Please add an activereviews view to the repository level" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1755259 [18:36] wxl: I hope you mean fallible :) [18:36] nacc: thanks [18:36] lol [18:36] cjwatson: np [18:36] cjwatson: lo, even i am fallible hahahah [18:51] OK, well, it's basically easy to implement, the only hard bit is making it not be code-copying city [18:51] but I must EOD [18:51] cjwatson: np, it's not super-urgent, just a nice-to-have :) [18:51] yep, and its omission offends me [18:51] cjwatson: :) [20:13] heyyy guys [20:13] how can i delete a git branch from my code in launchpad? [20:16] jfmcarreira: same as you would any git branch? [20:17] jfmcarreira: e.g., git push :refs/heads/ [20:17] nacc: i did not find the delete button [20:18] jfmcarreira: uh, that's not how you delete branches with Git ('a button') [20:19] nacc: in github i do it like that :) otherwise i can access the server to delete it. [20:19] nacc: a quick look at google i found that i can delete them on the remote with git commands [20:20] jfmcarreira: (imo, sad if the only way you know how to interact with Git is a web interface :) [20:24] nacc: not really but to be honest based on things you can do with git my knowleadge is not much [20:24] nacc: I think github made it look so simple so people do not learn more [20:27] jfmcarreira: yeah, like said 'sad', not really fatal -- launchpad is also not github wrt the UI [20:29] nacc: we are always learning and now I found something new :) Thanks [20:29] jfmcarreira: np [23:01] hi. could the ppc64el builders maybe get a poke/stab, if you think that may help? [23:01] mostly cleaning :/