
Ophiddhi guys o/  I'm hoping to find some guidance on the recovery of my (encrypted) home folder. Today my lubuntu(16LTS) would not boot, it displayed "ata1 SRST failed (errno=-16)". Some googling revealed this error shows up when something is wrong with the disk itself (sig!)(a Samsung SSD 128g). But the disk is detected in the BIOS, and GRUB loads correctly (selecting normal or recovery mode does not help, but GRUB is stored on the disk it00:41
OphiddSo I took the SSD out and booted on Lubuntu LiveUSB, and then plugged the SSD via USB (with converter ATA/USB). Now I can see with `lsblk` my partitions, with LVM and the lubuntu--vg-root thing. Conveniently the File Manager managed to mount it (I did not succeed with the cli) but all folders (bin,etc,lib...) are empty and the home folder does not even open. Everything seems vanished but `df -h` suggests the data is still (physically) 00:42
OphiddMost importantly, "sudo pvscan" throws a lot of "read failed after 0 of 4096 at ..... Input/ouput error"00:43
ShellcatZerowhat is the proper place to set the TERM variable? It is currently set to xterm-256color in my .zshrc file, but this overrides GNU screen and tmux causing problems, since they both need TERM=screen to work properly.01:40
miro345I am looking for something13:37
lubot<VikingRedwolf> Me too :|13:38
bumblebeehi. can you please help me installing a printer (canon pixma mg2950) on lubuntu 16.04?15:01
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ebebebis lxqt going to be default in 18.04?16:30
qswzman, I wish I could put a dark theme on leafpad16:52
tsimonq2ebebeb: No.16:53
lubot<VikingRedwolf> @tsimonq2, :(16:53
ebebeb@tsiqmonq2 thanks16:56
qswzguys, when I use shortcuts defined on ~/.config/openbox/lubuntu-rc.xml18:52
qswzthrough which user are they ran?18:52
qswzbecause I need to allow one in sudoers.d, and putting my current user doesn't work18:53
wxlshould be current user18:54
wxlyou could edit the system wide and then any user will pick up on them, but it will still be the current user's openbox process18:54
qswzok it works fine19:10
qswz^ description19:10
qswzI was missing a "sudo"19:10
pmatulis_maybe we should consider moving away from openbox. it's a dead project19:58
lubot<tsimonq2> @pmatulis_, Maybe once we move away from LXDE, which is also dead.20:06
lubot<tsimonq2> Mir seems like an interesting project.20:06
pmatulis_lubot, i didn't realize LXDE is also defunct. geez20:11
parheliaeh? it's dead?21:01
Unit193https://git.lxde.org/gitweb/?p=lxde/lxpanel.git;a=summary - https://git.lxde.org/gitweb/?o=age21:02
parheliaI'm assuming because lxqt.21:04
tsimonq2Well, not "dead" dead, but development has severely slowed down.21:06
wxli think it's safe to say that lxde has long been in a maintenence mode, whereas lxqt is in vigorous, active development21:08
wxli mean this is really not new news21:08
tsimonq2foka: Hey!21:28
fokatsimonq2: Hey!21:28
tsimonq2So you said LO Writer works on amd64 but not i386?21:28
fokatsimonq2: Yes, apparently, though I was testing a SSD that was installed (plugged into SATA) on a HP desktop, and then tested it via USB-to-SATA adapter on my laptop.  Not sure if it had anything to do with it.  LO Calc, LO Impress, etc. all worked IIRC, but LO Writer would just crash.  Unfortunately, I was in a hurry, and didn't try too hard to collect any logs, and just decided to re-install amd64 because we had wanted Google Chrome on it and21:31
fokai386 is no longer supported.21:31
fokaBut yes, I will see if I could reproduce it in QEMU or maybe on a USB thumb drive and get more information first.21:32
tsimonq2OK, cool.21:35
fokaAnother problem I ran into is with Ubiquity or d-i or just parted warning that the root partition starting at sector 2048 (i.e. at 1MiB) is not aligned, and insisted on starting the partition at sector 65535.  After some investigation, I think the most likely culprit is the USB-to-SATA adapter which reports a 33553920 value (= 65535×512) at /sys/block/sda/queue/optimal_io_size, and parted (thus d-i and Ubiquity?) trusting it completely?  I don't21:38
foka think it is specifically related to Lubuntu though, but just wanted to share this information with you anyway, haha!21:38
foka(will report it soon after gathering more information, maybe to parted and/or d-i and/or Ubiquity and/or some place else.)21:39

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