[00:41] TingPing, you might want to try with the 2.31.1 snapd [00:41] it is in testing for Fedora [00:41] https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/?packages=snapd [00:41] Son_Goku, i tested on ubuntu 16.04, which honestly is the only version i particularly care about [00:42] ah [00:42] I thought you were a Fedora user... [00:42] i am [00:42] apologies for assuming [00:43] snapd in Ubuntu 16.04 has had a tumultuous time getting updated [00:44] so they've been lagging behind Fedora on updates [01:05] funny [01:06] well, I try to keep things fresh ;) [01:07] Fedora also beat Ubuntu to getting an updated Mir, too ;) [01:07] despite all the issues caused by gcc8 [01:07] and fweimer's change to the distro compiler flags [01:07] sounds masochistic [01:08] while i'm here are there any download "badges" for snap? [01:08] badges? [01:08] what do you mean? [01:08] like a standardize logo to indicate a snap download [01:08] ah [01:09] you mean like the things Apple/Google do? [01:09] yea [01:10] yeah [01:10] there's a "snap|built and released" button [01:10] you can get it through build.snapcraft.io when you connect your GitHub account to the build system [01:11] but a regular button? I don't think so [01:11] an example badge: https://github.com/snapcrafters/atom/blob/master/README.md [01:11] * TingPing is working on this https://i.imgur.com/XP2i53v.png [01:12] snaps have an official logo [01:12] and generally speaking, the usage of the ubuntu logo isn't permitted in association with snaps, jfyi [01:13] link to their logo? [01:14] TingPing, yep, trying to find it [01:14] one sec [01:15] TingPing: https://assets.ubuntu.com/v1/d24ea71e-10.+SNAPCRAFT_LOGO_AW.zip [01:16] you'll want {PNG,SVG}_stacked/snapcraft_green-red_st_hex.{png,svg} [01:16] hmm [01:16] TIL that cloud-init has a logo [01:18] bit annoyingly sized [05:46] morning [06:31] * mborzecki is afk for ~1h === akash_ is now known as akash === oh4__ is now known as oh4_ === davdunc_ is now known as davdunc === lfaraone_ is now known as lfaraone === doko_ is now known as doko [07:18] good morning [07:38] aand i'm back [07:38] zyga-ubuntu: morning [07:38] hey [07:38] it's good to be home :-) [07:38] yay ;) [07:41] hey zyga-ubuntu and mborzecki ! [07:41] hey mvo! :) [07:41] mvo: hey [07:43] * zyga-ubuntu updates his fedora system [07:44] zyga-ubuntu: some intersting fedora work coming up? [07:47] I wanted to fix a build issue on newer gcc's [07:47] and since I have ubuntu on my laptop now I could play on fedora on my desktop for some time [07:56] zyga-ubuntu: what build issue on newer gcc? i have 7.3 here and rebuilt the package yesterday [07:56] I don't remember; Neal said there are some issues [07:56] I just rebooted and I'll make a rawhide chroot [07:58] zyga-ubuntu: maybe that's the media-sharing interace thing? [07:59] zyga-ubuntu: /media vs /run/media [07:59] I'll find out soon [07:59] that one was supported for long time now [07:59] but maybe it regressed [08:00] zyga-ubuntu: ok, ping me if you need help [08:01] hah, had to do blood tests in the morning, now i can make up for the lost blood with some chocolate :P [08:07] yum yum === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski [08:11] morning! [08:13] hey pstolowski ! good morning [08:20] pstolowski: hey [08:27] mvo: hey, did you try the tea by any chance? :-) [08:28] hello everyone! I am not a linux expert and I have a question. Can I turn any program into a snap package if I can get its source code? I was thinking about virtualbox. [08:28] the official tutorial looks quite easy [08:28] user9445: hey, [08:29] user9445: virtual box may be a bit harder to snap unless you want to make the kernel modules optional [08:29] user9445: but in general, with enough persistence, yes you can snap anything, it's just a format for packaging [08:29] mborzecki: do you know how to get a fedora chroot? [08:30] I'd rather have a chroot with rawhide than a VM with one [08:31] systemd-nspawn is probably the easiest way, but you'll probably need dnf to install everything, maybe they still publis the raw rootfs images, so this might be a second way to try [08:32] oh, I didn't think about that [08:32] the host if F27 [08:32] zyga-ubuntu: yeah, its interessting. pretty strong flavor, not what I am used to but I will drink it a bit and see if it clicks :) [08:32] zyga-ubuntu: https://download.fedoraproject.org/pub/fedora/linux/releases/27/CloudImages/x86_64/images/Fedora-Cloud-Base-27-1.6.x86_64.raw.xz raw image [08:32] zyga-ubuntu: I will definitely get you some for the next sprint as well :) [08:33] mvo: not sure how many leaves did you use, I usually use a few for a sizable mug (~1L) [08:40] o/ [08:47] how was your travel back home guys? [08:47] pstolowski: short :P [08:49] pstolowski: and we got a chance to do some sightseeing on Saturday morning (at least me, zyga-ubuntu and koza, the rest were leaving earlier) [08:52] zyga-ubuntu: ok, I try a smaller one then :) [08:54] mborzecki: nice! [08:56] mvo: zyga-ubuntu: any idea about https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/nvidia-gl-libs-access-broken-on-ubuntu-18-04/4440 ? [09:05] morphis: ah, interesting [09:05] I will respond on the forum [09:08] morphis: done [09:09] zyga-ubuntu: thanks! === __chip__ is now known as Chipaca [09:21] moin moin [09:22] mborzecki: would you mind doing the fuzzing thing again on the puritan pr? [09:22] mborzecki: I lopped a bunch of checks off [09:22] which should be fine, given they were unreachable :-) [09:23] Chipaca: ok, will try in a couple of minutes [09:23] mborzecki: thanks! [09:30] Chipaca: hey, good morning! do you think 4805 can be merged? or because of it being api we need a gustavo review? [09:30] mvo: I don't think rob addressed my concerns [09:30] let me check [09:32] mvo: "the correct behaviour is if the field is omitted to assume that classic is supported." <- that's not what we do for eveyr other boolean [09:32] Chipaca: please mark as "request change" then, just to ensure it does not get merged accidently [09:34] mvo: is https://github.com/pilebones/go-udev the udev implementation you found last week? [09:35] pstolowski: yes [09:35] PR snapd#4811 opened: tests/main/media-sharing: improve the test to cover /media and /run/media [09:35] nice & easy PR ^^ [09:42] mborzecki: commented [09:44] hey Chipaca! [09:45] pstolowski: hi! [09:45] pstolowski: cmd/snap-confine/spread-tests/main/media-visible-in-devmode this test? [09:45] mborzecki: yes [09:46] pstolowski: i don't think these are run at all [09:46] mborzecki: nb I misread the systems clause there, it's run everywhere but debian it seems; what makes you think it's not executed? [09:50] pstolowski: cmd/snap-confine/spread-tests is not referenced in the top level spread test file [09:53] mborzecki: it's not used [09:53] man, we should drop most of those tetsts [09:53] those are from when snap-confine was in a separate repository by itself [09:53] mborzecki: it's left there by zyga to catch the unwary [09:53] mborzecki: allright [09:54] +1 [09:54] haha, are those kept for reference or shall we make them go away then? :) [09:55] one by one either enable and port or drop [09:58] zyga-ubuntu: every seen this? [09:58] execl failed: Permission denied [09:58] child exited with status 1: File exists [09:58] zyga-ubuntu: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/352240343/log.txt [09:59] Chipaca: yes, on Friday [09:59] is this against master or release? [09:59] zyga-ubuntu: master [09:59] hmmm [09:59] zyga-ubuntu: not a new master though, it's probably a few commits behind [10:00] perfect, 14.04, no logs [10:01] so what we saw in the release branch on Friday is that apparently something mixes old profile and new profile on disk [10:01] zyga-ubuntu: can you remind me again why 2.32 is broken and also why it seems not to be broken when I run an isolated 2.32 test in qemu? [10:01] great question mvo, still investigating that [10:02] so I don't really know yet [10:02] zyga-ubuntu: aha, great. can you reproduce it somehow? [10:02] yes [10:02] zyga-ubuntu: how? [10:02] I mean, I just ran it in qemu [10:02] was I just lucky? [10:02] zyga-ubuntu: I don't know :) did you run just a single failing test or the full ting? I just did the former and do the later now [10:03] I ran tests/main [10:04] my goals today are to fix that, fix the bug that manifests itself as /etc and get back to the bigger bug of /etc being writable [10:05] zyga-ubuntu: ok [10:05] zyga-ubuntu: should I just restart this particular test? [10:06] hmm hmm [10:06] there's nothing in the debug log there [10:06] yeah, restart it for now [10:06] I need to get this under control [10:18] Chipaca: got some panics [10:18] mborzecki: woo [10:18] mborzecki: show me :-) [10:18] Chipaca: i can let it run for a bit and then upload the corpus [10:19] mborzecki: ok [10:22] zyga-ubuntu: as a data point - tests seem to be ok if run in isolation so something is bleeding into it [10:22] yeah, I'm mid way and nothing failed now [10:23] :-( [10:23] Chipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v45xJKWvSY/ [10:23] do you have the seed with a failure by any chance? [10:26] mborzecki: one of the errors in 4811 looks real [10:26] mborzecki: can i see the fuzz function? [10:26] mborzecki: (i suspect you're calling marshal directly :-) ) [10:27] Chipaca: yes i do [10:27] *unmarshal [10:27] zyga-ubuntu: maybe, let me try [10:27] mborzecki: ah, yes that won't work, now -- it's called on things that json already knows is valid json [10:27] mvo: I'm looping through this on my laptop [10:27] it did fail on Friday [10:28] zyga-ubuntu: 1520606008 is what travis was using [10:28] thanks, I will try that with another backend [10:29] not sure if this is reliable [10:29] Chipaca: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/ngFTQqvD4Y/ corpus https://send.firefox.com/download/d3fc9b236a/#CmR2CZR9_Ej7kx3qLjX_JQ [10:31] mborzecki: ah! hm! oh! [10:32] mborzecki: thanks [10:32] Chipaca: that's the tool(ing) https://github.com/dvyukov/go-fuzz [10:34] mborzecki: so maybe I should put those checks back in; the bad data needs to be fed to UnmarshalJSON directly, but that's a public function so why wouldn't it [10:34] * Chipaca feels dumber and wiser at the same time [10:36] haha :) anyways, the fuzzer is a nice thing to play with [10:36] mborzecki: on the next run I got two of them: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/352240343/log.txt [10:36] um [10:37] zyga-ubuntu: you ^ [10:37] zyga-ubuntu: one on 16.04 [10:37] wow [10:37] that's master + stuff right? [10:37] hm device cgroups stopped working or what? [10:38] zyga-ubuntu: master up to 275d1cac4a774fe784f764c0788a689e60cc9d0a [10:38] man [10:38] zyga-ubuntu: then it's jsonutil/puritan and using it from store; at the opposite end from cgroups :-) [10:38] this might be a race, I saw those failing sometimes (just saying) [10:38] it would be way better if spread would say which machine is running a given test [10:39] to show a trace of failure on a given machine [10:39] (I mean, we need to look into this but I wonder if its consistent) [10:39] reproducing this takes tons of time :/ [10:39] catching --strace='--raw' would be useful [10:40] I mean [10:40] I know what happens [10:40] not sure why it happens [10:40] what happens is that snap-confine doesn't have permission to run snap-update-ns [10:41] zyga-ubuntu: shouldn't the denial be logged? [10:41] yes [10:41] it should [10:41] and it's not [10:51] * Chipaca -> physio gym thing [10:52] mvo: i'll into tests/main/snap-service-refresh-mode as it's still failing randomly [10:52] look into === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch [10:57] * Chipaca -> really leaves [10:59] mborzecki: \o/ thank you [10:59] mborzecki: maybe its a real issue :( [11:00] (even though its hard for me to see from the code how this could be) [11:02] zyga-ubuntu: slightly frustrating, I have no luck reproducing the 2.32 failure in qemu so far, I did two runs, one with random seed and one with seed from a failing PR against qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64 but no failures so far (and almost finished) [11:03] could it be, perhaps, caused, by any changes in core that landed since? [11:03] * zyga-ubuntu looks at the logic in prepare code [11:03] #4789 needs a 2nd review [11:03] for me it's not failing anymore either [11:03] PR #4789: many: support holding refreshes by setting refresh.hold [11:08] mvo: are you running all of it or just some [11:08] maybe the update test leaks something into the system? [11:08] all of main [11:09] mvo, hey [11:09] cachio: hey [11:09] cachio: hope you are well! === BlackDex_ is now known as BlackDex [11:33] zyga-ubuntu: *cough* 2.32 is green again [11:33] :/ yeah same here [11:33] it's driving me nuts [11:33] so what changed since friday [11:34] is it just bad luck [11:34] what's the real problem we're not seeing [11:34] zyga-ubuntu: also green in travis [11:34] 1st world problems, tests are green but WHY :) [11:36] zyga-ubuntu: indeed, very peculiar [11:37] ok, I'll keep running and look at our prepare/restore code [11:37] and maybe, just maybe, something will come up [11:40] how come there's no shellcheck snap yet [11:58] mvo: I found a small bug in spread.yaml [11:58] mvo: the tests/completion suite's restore code doesn't remove snap-confine [11:58] it's not a big deal (maybe) [11:59] I've patched it locally now [11:59] snap-confine is supposed to be just transitional now [11:59] zyga-ubuntu: ta [11:59] PR snapd#4639 closed: store: enable deltas for core devices too [12:00] same with the regression suite [12:00] mvo: I just got a failure on the 2.32 branch [12:01] [Mon Mar 12 12:57:05 2018] audit: type=1400 audit(1520855826.802:795346): apparmor="DENIED" operation="exec" profile="/snap/core/4224/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine" name="/usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper" pid=31151 comm="snap-confine" requested_mask="x" denied_mask="x" fsuid=0 ouid=0 [12:01] I have a debug shell [12:01] zyga-ubuntu: what test is that? [12:02] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/47FjVl3F/ [12:02] security-device-cgroups [12:02] with the uinput sub-test [12:02] the previous one was validate-container [12:02] this is on a single-machine qemu [12:03] zyga-ubuntu: thanks, looking [12:03] the profile on disk is: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BNBk4526cC/ [12:03] this is /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.4224.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine [12:04] there is no snap-device-helper here [12:04] zyga-ubuntu: hm, yeah [12:04] looking at the core snap [12:04] maybe the core snap got repackaged [12:04] with some broken stuff inside [12:05] zyga-ubuntu: oh, I think this is the snapd that uses the symlink, so looks like one more thing to cherry pick [12:05] this is the profile in the core snap there: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tcQ42chRQK/ [12:05] /usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper ixr, # drop [12:05] it _has_ permission to run this [12:06] so this is clearly broken [12:06] * zyga-ubuntu diffs the two files [12:06] zyga-ubuntu: meh, how can this happen? this looks like test prepare is broken [12:06] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/KmbgETkf/ [12:07] hum [12:07] this makes no sense [12:07] - /usr/lib/snapd/snap-device-helper ixr, # drop [12:07] + /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev ixr, # drop [12:08] how did we go from - snap-device-helper (from the core snap) to + snappy-app-dev from the apparmor.d dir? [12:08] * zyga-ubuntu looks at the preserved test tarball helper thing [12:08] mvo: I bet you this will show the prepare/restore is wrong [12:08] zyga-ubuntu: yeah, I need to get lunch now, biab [12:10] zyga-ubuntu: are you running just this test or the whole bunch? [12:10] mvo: confirmed, the tarball has junk inside [12:10] mborzecki: all of main each time [12:11] let me give you the seed [12:11] this is on top of release/2.32 [12:11] zyga@t470:~/snapd$ spread -debug -v qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/ [12:11] 2018-03-12 12:07:55 Found /home/zyga/snapd/spread.yaml. [12:11] 2018-03-12 12:07:58 Project content is packed for delivery (3.88MB). [12:11] 2018-03-12 12:07:58 Sequence of jobs produced with -seed=1520852878 [12:11] mborzecki: can you please run that and see if you get the exact same bug? [12:11] I will look at why this happens [12:11] I have an idea now [12:11] and man [12:13] mborzecki: I can send you my spread binary if that is a factor [12:18] 2018-03-12 12:16:21 Preparing qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/interfaces-many... [12:18] # ls -ld $SPREAD_PATH/snapd-state.tar.gz [12:18] -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 366991360 Mar 12 12:16 /home/gopath/src/github.com/snapcore/snapd/snapd-state.tar.gz [12:18] so at around the time when we ran interfaces-many test, the state tarball was made [12:18] and it wasn't touched since [12:18] and it contains _wrong_ code [12:19] as in, it captures a state that is wrong [12:19] and much much later [12:19] 2018-03-12 12:57:06 Error executing qemu:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/security-device-cgroups:uinput : [12:19] this test failed because of that [12:20] that test doesn't fiddle with snapd [12:20] now [12:20] we have code that detects this and writes a correct profile [12:21] but when I inspected the system it wasn't apparent it ran === pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski [12:22] aha [12:22] but this code only runs when we install core [12:22] and if none of the preceeding tests tired to run snap-devce-helper / snappy-app-whatever it was [12:22] it would not trigger [12:23] mvo: so we still have an issue that may need addressing [12:23] apart from 1) how did we get there we have the problem that on startup we 2) may run with stale profile for snap-confine because it is only remade when we install "core" [12:26] I also looked at the backend initialize function and I doubt it is loading the stale profile because it would only do so on system-key like events (nfs or overlay) [12:26] the system-key file also looks sensible [12:27] I added some debug and I will try to reproduce that with the same seed ( -seed=1520852878) [12:29] mvo: one thing that _may_ be related is that /var/cache/apparmor is full of things [12:31] as is /etc/apparmor.d/cache [12:31] the biggest question is if the seed will reproduce the issue [12:32] niemeyer, hey, when you have a time [12:32] https://github.com/snapcore/spread/pull/52 [12:32] PR spread#52: Add storage option for google [12:33] that shoul fix the issue that savic was reporting about out of space [12:33] tx [12:46] PR snapd#4812 opened: tests/main/snap-service-refresh-mode: refactor the test to rely on comparing PIDs [12:48] so, I wonder about an idea [12:48] let's say I get a failure again, and that -seed works [12:48] how can we make spread bisect the test suite to find what breaks [12:49] that is, run the failing test after running half of the preceding tests, etc [12:54] mvo, niemeyer I am waiting for a doctor at home, perhaps I'll be starting later the standup [13:19] excellent, I can reproduce the issue reliably now mvo [13:25] zyga-ubuntu: my test run is still in progress, should i abort? [13:25] no sure, why? [13:26] zyga-ubuntu: thought that maybe reuse the seed, and only use those 2 tests that you mentioned [13:26] aga [13:26] aha [13:26] well, which test are you on now? [13:26] * kalikiana will go try and have lunch without being too soaked in the rain [13:26] (143/234) [13:26] no, please wait then [13:26] it's on 155 AFAIR [13:26] so "soon" [13:26] taking ages :/ [13:28] mborzecki: when did you start it? [13:29] 12:40, but then it got stuck in a debug shell in a test i was working on, and took a while before i noticed [13:29] ah [13:29] for me it's ~30 minutes [13:30] +/- 15 minutes [13:30] zyga-ubuntu: part of the problem is that edge is not really edge [13:30] zyga-ubuntu: I just pushed a pr [13:30] oh? [13:30] mvo: can you explain please [13:30] I see [13:30] PR snapd#4813 opened: release: snapd 2.31.2 [13:30] zyga-ubuntu: snap info core :/ its on 2.31.2 in edge right now [13:30] mvo: but how would it be a factor [13:31] mvo: since we change the version to leet [13:31] zyga-ubuntu: 2.31 is still using snappy-app-dev [13:31] I mean, is it a factor? [13:31] zyga-ubuntu: so that explains why the profiles are strange [13:31] yes but whatever is in whatever channel we start with [13:31] we are repackaging core, no? [13:32] yes [13:32] mvo, can we get this merged so I can rebase? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4811 [13:32] PR #4811: tests/main/media-sharing: improve the test to cover /media and /run/media [13:33] Son_Goku: merged [13:33] PR snapd#4811 closed: tests/main/media-sharing: improve the test to cover /media and /run/media [13:39] PR snapcraft#1985 closed: tests: document arm testing setup [13:42] mborzecki: did it fail? [13:42] zyga-ubuntu: nope, (214/234) [13:42] so it's past that test [13:42] were you on release/2.32 [13:42] zyga-ubuntu: i used the same seed as you [13:42] yes [13:42] and on qemu of xenial? [13:42] that's not great then :/ [13:43] thank you, I wonder what this says then [13:43] yes, tip of release/2.32 branch [13:51] niemeyer: so, the interface is named "dummy" atm, with a description saying "snapd dummy test interface" [13:52] pstolowski: What's the PR? [13:54] pstolowski: After the conversation we just had, that's not too bad actually.. perhaps "snapd-dummy".. I'd just like to have a look at the code first [13:54] niemeyer: #4358 [13:54] PR #4358: interfaces: interface hooks implementation [13:54] niemeyer: look for dummy.go [13:54] Thanks [13:55] niemeyer: no-op interface? [13:59] Chipaca: #4800 is the same as #4799 and the title suggests it ought to be a different thing [13:59] PR #4800: cmd/snap: in changes and tasks, default to human-friendly times [13:59] PR #4799: cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh --time` [14:00] * Chipaca looks [14:00] wtf [14:01] Chipaca: bad rebase? [14:01] mborzecki: thanks, i'll take a look [14:01] mborzecki: shouldn't be, but maybe? 'tis a mystery [14:02] :-) [14:02] mborzecki: probably fat fingers of some sort [14:03] Chipaca: hopefully nothing that cannot be fixed with the reflog :P [14:04] zyga-ubuntu: sorry to disappoint you, found this in my shell history 'git checkout -b release/2.32', i'm restarting the tests [14:04] :D [14:06] if i use the same -seed=.. and list jus 2 tests, will they be run in the same order as if i used tests/main/ ? [14:06] mborzecki: I don't think so [14:06] not sure [14:06] niemeyer: ^ [14:07] pstolowski: This is not a dummy interface, because it actually has expectations in its logic [14:07] pstolowski: People in general will expect "dummy" or "nil" or "no-op" or anything similar to actually not do anything [14:07] So we need a name to represent that [14:17] sunshine [14:24] niemeyer: it's dummy in a sense that it doesn't provide any functionality; it's only useful to test against [14:28] * Chipaca brb [14:30] pstolowski: Yeah, maybe that's fine, and then we can expose this as a general dummy interface that any snap can use.. I'm adding some comments to the PR [14:30] zyga-ubuntu: *maybe* I found the issue with the 2.32 tests, its tests only, I'm running a test now [14:34] mvo: I'm all ears [14:34] I'm iterating on narrowing down the set of tests that causes it [14:35] niemeyer: thanks [14:37] re [14:41] pstolowski: Please have a look [14:41] PR snapd#4814 opened: tests: fix re-exec profile generation in tests on classic [14:41] zyga-ubuntu: just pushed a PR that hopefully explains it (for 2.32) and will also push one for master [14:41] ack [14:42] zyga-ubuntu: its essentially a race [14:42] what's racing? [14:42] zyga-ubuntu: between us modifying the core and the auto-generated snap-profiles for the core. because we have the system key now we need to make sure to re-generate them [14:43] zyga-ubuntu: so your idea about ensure-dir-state was correct, its just that the system-key now prevents security profile generation if nothing has changed [14:43] zyga-ubuntu: (nothing in the inputs) [14:43] niemeyer: looking, thanks [14:45] I see [14:45] mvo: any ideas why this would explain why I can reproduce the problem with a given seed? [14:45] PR snapd#4815 opened: tests: fix re-exec profile generation in tests on classic [14:46] jdstrand, hey, I see this denial executing the security-device-cgroups:uinput [14:46] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gDqTw7JPrp/ [14:46] cachio: jamie is off this week [14:47] cachio: and this is the issue we are discussing with mvo now [14:47] zyga-ubuntu, ah, ok, good to know, thanks [14:48] zyga-ubuntu: maybe, its a mystery why it is not reproducible with the seed. however the race is that for some tests the profile is close enough, so if for whatever reason we force re-generation of security profiles in any test and that happens before the failing test things are good [14:49] mvo: I managed to reproduce it by running one test now [14:49] mvo: maybe it depends on my CPU speed or something like that? [14:51] I'll try your patch on my system, thank you for pushing the fix and finding the problem [14:53] PR snapd#4816 opened: Tests move xenial i386 to google [15:04] zyga-ubuntu: thank you! [15:20] I will try -resend next [15:20] now that I can essentially iterate on one test [15:23] PR snapd#4812 closed: tests/main/snap-service-refresh-mode: refactor the test to rely on comparing PIDs [15:24] Chipaca: how do you feel about 4486? it will run `snap advise` when `snap run not-installed-command` is used. but given our command-not-found work I think we can kill this. wdyt? [15:28] PR snapd#4799 closed: cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh --time` [15:29] Chipaca: and one more silly question, why does https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4800/files#diff-dbcb08a7fd2e809c90019780f0ae6cf6R562 change the format in the tests? [15:29] PR #4800: cmd/snap: in changes and tasks, default to human-friendly times [15:29] PR snapd#4817 opened: overlord: implement policy of holding refreshes for up to 6h since seeding on classic [15:32] PR snapd#4486 closed: snap: make `snap run not-install` output advise for not installed commands [15:33] mvo: kill it :-) [15:33] mvo: i mean, #4486 [15:33] PR #4486: snap: make `snap run not-install` output advise for not installed commands [15:34] mvo: i messed up a rebase and need to fix it [15:34] Chipaca: seems you landed something that conflicts with 4789 [15:34] bit of a mess given that we probably want to cherry pick the latter [15:34] #4789 [15:34] PR #4789: many: support holding refreshes by setting refresh.hold [15:34] for 2.32 [15:34] in my defense, it was mvo that landed it :-) [15:35] mvo: the rebase I messed up was the 'changes' one, fwiw [15:35] mvo: ^^^ [15:35] * zyga-ubuntu feels he's getting sick :/ [15:35] this sucks [15:35] digging in the reflog as i type [15:35] well, not as i type [15:35] Chipaca: uuhhh, what pr was that? [15:35] mvo: it's a bit of a mess if we land cosmetics over things we want for 2.32 [15:35] mvo: #4800 [15:35] PR #4800: cmd/snap: in changes and tasks, default to human-friendly times [15:36] pedronis: yes, sorry for that [15:36] I'm quite sure we already we will have fun with the changes to store tests [15:36] mvo: I'd recommend removing #4799 from master [15:36] PR #4799: cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh --time` [15:36] mvo: make your life easier [15:36] (and by removing i mean 'git revert --hard && git push --force' :-) [15:37] Chipaca: not sure we can do that, but an old fashioned revert seems to be ok [15:37] mvo: we can (we just need to untick the --force protection around it) [15:37] (bah, that might involve niemeyer) [15:38] zyga-ubuntu: it looks like spread is disagreeing with my fix :( [15:39] anyway a 2nd review for #4789 so it can land would also help [15:39] PR #4789: many: support holding refreshes by setting refresh.hold [15:39] mvo: my results will come up soon, [15:39] mvo: I'm still looking [15:40] zyga-ubuntu: its very annoying, it all made sense. I hope to get a debug shell soon [15:40] Thank you [15:40] zyga-ubuntu: maybe its something silly and I can cling on to my theory [15:40] I hope the tea will help you on the way :) [15:43] added more debug, with your patch and restarted [15:51] PR snapd#4818 opened: Revert "cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh -…-time`" [15:52] mvo: about changing the format in the tests, which one do you mean? I presume it's something in https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4799/files [15:52] PR #4799: cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh --time` [15:53] mvo: (i changed a few formats for different reasons...) [15:53] Chipaca: let me just ask in the PR that is easier [15:53] mvo: ok :-) [15:53] mvo: but I _think_ the one you're asking about is because before it just blatted whatever came in the json, and the json in the test was not kosher [15:54] mvo: did you just review #4789 ? [15:54] PR #4789: many: support holding refreshes by setting refresh.hold [15:54] pedronis: yes he did [15:54] thx [15:55] Chipaca: aha, ok. that was my question - i.e. if the json was incorrect or something changed [15:55] pedronis: yes, sorry that it took so long [15:55] mvo: the json was fanciful [15:55] :-) [15:55] mvo: np, was confused by the fix reference, is that about the last change there? [15:55] Hi [15:56] Muravey: hi [15:56] hey hey [15:56] pedronis: the fix reference to zyga-ubuntu ? that was about the test failures on master and 2.32. I thought I had found the issue (race with the core profile rewrite) [15:57] pedronis: but then spread failed in a similar way so there must be more to it [15:57] Can anyone help me? I tring to make snap package for cataclysm dda game [15:57] mvo: no, the fix in your +1 comment to 4789 [15:57] * zyga-ubuntu is still looking [15:58] pedronis: oh, I mean, thanks for fixing this issue, i.e. thanks for this new feature :) [15:58] Muravey: sure (but if it gets long we might ask you to take it to the forum instead) [15:59] After install package i cant run game and it's crashed with file not found [16:00] mvo: ah [16:00] :) [16:00] Muravey: run snap run --shell yoursnapname [16:00] and explore the environment [16:00] that may explain some things to you [16:02] mvo: it didn't fail with your patch now :// [16:02] zyga-ubuntu: sorry for my english [16:03] I'll try again with all of main [16:03] and the same seed as before [16:03] zyga-ubuntu: what environments i need see? PATH? [16:03] Muravey: no, I mean more than that, the whole filesystem [16:03] Muravey: tell us more about your snap [16:03] your snap is mounted at /snap/yoursnapname/somenumber/ [16:03] and if you open a file, say from /usr/share/yourapp/foo [16:04] that won't work [16:04] Muravey: for example, show us your snapcraft.yaml, and your snap.yaml (use pastebin.ubuntu.com) [16:04] it's a typical problem in snapping software [16:07] zyga-ubuntu: will you here in an hour? I'm driving. [16:08] Muravey: probably not [16:08] I need to leave soon [16:08] zyga-ubuntu: yeah, my patch seems to be not sufficient [16:08] I'll look at what exactly happens on restore in this test [16:15] mvo, hey [16:15] I ran some tests for 2.32.2 today in my dragonboard and I see an error [16:15] PR snapd#4819 opened: interfaces/serial: change pattern not to exclude valid devices [16:15] https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zwRWvmx4GZ/ [16:16] mvo, it is strange because I did not see that error when I executed the tests in testflinger devices for beta validation [16:16] mborzecki: mvo: fwiw #4800 is now what it should've been (probably) [16:16] PR #4800: cmd/snap: in changes and tasks, default to human-friendly times [16:16] any idea what be causing that? [16:17] cachio: you don't have policykit installed [16:17] cachio: try again with sudo [16:17] cachio: what Chipaca said, the error is quite confusing though, it should indicate that it is systemd not the unit that has the problem [16:18] cachio: is tht 14.04? [16:18] core-16-arm-64 [16:19] mvo, Chipaca: Anything I can help with or is it sorted? [16:20] cachio: do we ship policykit in core? [16:20] Chipaca, with sudo is working [16:21] the test suite is failing to save the state [16:21] the snapd service is not running [16:21] cachio: AFAICT we don't ship policykit in core, but I don't know how to improve that error message [16:21] but I can't see why [16:22] cachio: what happens if you run: SNAPD_DEBUG=1 /usr/lib/snapd/snapd [16:22] Chipaca: that is coming from systemctl/systemd, right? [16:22] cachio: (as root) [16:22] mvo: yes [16:22] PR snapcraft#1866 closed: lxd: setup LXD remote for multipass [16:23] Chipaca, mvo https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/yM5Tz2qFMw/ [16:23] I found that [16:23] it is causing snapd doesn't start [16:24] cachio: where is that coming from? [16:24] cachio: and what snapd are you running? [16:24] that change _just_ landed on master [16:24] + systemctl stop snapd.refresh.timer [16:24] Failed to stop snapd.refresh.timer: Unit snapd.refresh.timer not loaded. [16:24] sorry, this was the real proble [16:24] m [16:25] the abs-time change is on master only [16:25] cachio: oh? I thought we fixed that everywhere, what branch are you on? [16:25] the snapd.refresh.timer, i thought that was fixed [16:25] 2.32.2 [16:25] yeah something is awry [16:25] cachio: where did the abs-time message come from? [16:26] Chipaca, sorry, that was from another tests executed on master [16:26] this is what I see in 2.32.2 [16:26] Failed to stop snapd.refresh.timer: Unit snapd.refresh.timer not loaded. [16:26] on my device [16:27] cachio: and that is stopping snapd from starting? [16:27] Chipaca, no, it is making fail the step to create the initial state [16:29] Chipaca, then the suite fails because the initial state was not created [16:31] cachio: could you please pastebin "git status" and "git rev-parse HEAD"? [16:32] cachio: I really though we fixed this timer issue :/ [16:33] mvo, you are right [16:33] was my fault [16:34] cachio: no worries [16:34] mvo, I used 2.32.2 instead of 2.31.2 [16:34] that's why all the tests passed on testflinger [16:34] cachio: yeah, that is confusing [16:34] and failed on my device [16:34] Chipaca, mvo sorry [16:36] mvo, that happens when I don't sleep well :( [16:36] mvo: speaking of sleeping well, when're you swapping [16:36] ? [16:37] cachio: with release/2.32:bb05e2fe9539b8728b9d219858125e5f98aed2d5 things should be good in there. 2.31 should be ok as well [16:37] Chipaca: friday [16:37] mvo: ok [16:40] Chipaca, my dauther is seek so I could not sleep last night [16:40] cachio: I hope she gets well soon [16:40] Chipaca, I planned to rest :( [16:40] mvo, yes, she is better today [16:40] cachio: double hard with jetlag I suppose :( [16:41] mvo, yes, I think I'm not buying chacolates anymore during the sprints [16:41] Chipaca: mvo: I'll very likely swap Wed [16:45] PR snapd#4818 closed: Revert "cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh -…-time`" [16:47] * Chipaca hugs cachio [16:47] cachio: take care dude [16:49] Chipaca, :) tx [16:49] mvo, last thing today for you [16:49] mvo: pedronis: any reason not to merge #4789? [16:49] PR #4789: many: support holding refreshes by setting refresh.hold [16:50] mvo, we need the user assertion [16:50] to run again in nightly the core revert test [16:52] zyga-ubuntu: i thought that app in snap package after installing get it's own mount name space. [16:59] Chipaca: no, was waiting for ther revert [16:59] pedronis: already there [17:00] PR snapd#4789 closed: many: support holding refreshes by setting refresh.hold [17:00] saw that now, merged [17:05] who was it I chatted with about shipping an empty squashfs? zyga-ubuntu and mvo? or was niemeyer also involved [17:05] Chipaca: Not me [17:05] FYI, https://people.canonical.com/~john/bare.squashfs <- 4k, including a README [17:05] niemeyer: ok [17:06] niemeyer: FWIW it's about not having a good way of detecting / pulling in squashfs support in some situations [17:06] easiest way being to just try to mount something [17:07] Chipaca: Not sure I understand what's the advantage vs. trying to actually mount the thing you indeed want to mount [17:08] niemeyer: 'snap install foo -> download core -> cryptic message because mount failed' vs 'snap install foo' -> 'no squashfs support lolz' [17:09] making it easy and cheap to detect before downloading stuff [17:09] (especially as the error is currently cryptic, but even fixing that knowing in advance the install isn't going to work has value) [17:10] Chipaca: Yes, I understand that part. The question is why is it easier to have a good message when mounting something empty fails, vs. when mounting the real thing you in fact want to mount. In both cases we're mounting a filesystem, and can introspect the result. [17:11] Chipaca: Also, when do we do that? Every time we're trying to install anything? Everytime we start? What if the kernel changes and squashfs stops being supported? [17:11] Chipaca: My gut feeling is to introspect the system and have good feedback on the real operation, instead of the fake one preceding it [17:12] niemeyer: that would still come after the download (and is a rather large amount of work) [17:12] i mean, it's not just looking errno codes up in the manpage [17:13] it's looking at 'systemd show', probably [17:13] ('systemctl show' i meant -- 'systemctl status's machine-friendly cousin) [17:15] - Mount snap "core" (4110) ([start var-lib-snapd-snap-core-4110.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for var-lib-snapd-snap-core-4110.mount failed. [17:15] See "systemctl status var-lib-snapd-snap-core-4110.mount" and "journalctl -xe" for details. [17:15] ) [17:15] ^ that's what's there now [17:16] Chipaca: [niemeyer@nomad ~]% sudo mount -t squashfs /tmp /tmp [17:16] mount: /tmp is not a block device [17:16] [niemeyer@nomad ~]% sudo mount -t blah /tmp /tmp [17:16] mount: unknown filesystem type 'blah [17:17] niemeyer: we don't call mount ourselves [17:17] niemeyer: if we were doing so, getting the error reason would be easier [17:17] Chipaca: The point is that it seems rather simple to tell whether the system supports it or not [17:18] niemeyer: 'exit status 1' is a lot less information than checking errno == ENODEV [17:20] niemeyer: I'm assuming there is more information somewhere in the guts of systemctl, such that 'systemctl show' with the appropriate --property would let us figure out that it's ENODEV [17:20] niemeyer: if not, then ¯\_(ツ)_/¯ [17:20] Chipaca: Sorry.. I don't really understand what the goal is anymore.. [17:21] niemeyer: did you see the error we're currently giving users when their system doesn't support squashfs [17:21] Chipaca: Are you saying that shipping a dummy squashfs and performing real system calls ot mount it and checking the result is simpler than calling a function and checking its result? [17:21] niemeyer: which function? [17:22] mount("/tmp", "/tmp", "squashfs", MS_MGC_VAL, NULL) = -1 ENOTBLK (Block device required) [17:22] where would we do that? [17:22] Chipaca: Wherever you want? [17:22] Chipaca: release.SupportsSquashfs? [17:23] niemeyer: on the snap itself, once downloaded? to be umounted immediately after? [17:23] Chipaca: Which snap? Download what? I'm lost... [17:24] Chipaca: Isn't the goal to check if squashfs is supported? [17:24] niemeyer: what are you mounting? [17:24] Chipaca: Nothing... /tmp [17:24] Chipaca: /not-something-relevant-or-dangerous [17:24] niemeyer: but it's not going to be a squashfs [17:25] Chipaca: It does not matter what it is.. this is checking whether squashfs is supported [17:25] Chipaca: The result when it is supported is different from when it is not supported [17:26] If that's the goal, that's a handful of lines in a function [17:27] re (briefly) [17:28] Chipaca: Or so I assume.. I haven't tested this on a system that does not in fact support squashfs.. I assume the metadata that describes how to mount the filesystem lives in its module. [17:29] niemeyer: so, there's a more minor issue, and that's that this won't tell you if it supports xz [17:29] niemeyer: but you're right that this would work if that's good enough [17:29] (we've had people not enabling xz, but it's probably an order of magnitude less than people without squashfs) [17:30] Chipaca: For that I'd indeed resort to checking the result of the operation instead of preempting what the operation supposedly looks like ahead of itme [17:30] niemeyer: I'm not sure what you mean, there [17:30] Chipaca: If we change the compression format (or more likely, support many), we don't want to have an empty squash per compression format [17:30] Chipaca: Or per whatever feature [17:30] what about /proc/filesystems [17:30] pedronis: not there if the module exists but isn't loaded [17:31] pedronis: !!! [17:31] Chipaca: well if nobody loads it we fail anyway, no? [17:31] mount() would have the same problem I suppose [17:31] pedronis: mount knows to load modules, if you specify the type [17:32] Ah [17:32] mount the syscall? [17:32] yes [17:33] I think it's via an alias (metadata in the .ko) to "fs-", but i'm not 100% on that [17:34] a bit like how pci modules have aliases to some gibberish 'pci:v00001180d00000822sv*sd*bc*sc*i*' so they get picked up automatically [17:34] Chipaca: I think basically it seems we can use mount to detect if squashfs is there, but if the compression is not right [17:34] we still need to dig into the systemd job errors [17:34] Chipaca, pedronis: Still sounds nice to go through the actual method: [17:34] I need to see if that still works with the module-exists-but-not-loaded [17:34] 1. Does it exist in /proc/filesystems => do nothing, works [17:35] but sounds good [17:35] 2. insmod squashfs => works? okay [17:35] 3. unsupported [17:35] eh.. i wouldn't have snapd doing insmod, no (but i'm fine with triggering it via mount) [17:36] modprobe actually, not insmod, sorry [17:37] Chipaca: Yeah, that's likely cleaner [17:37] PR snapcraft#2000 opened: elf: remove dead code [17:37] zyga-ubuntu: My snapcraft.yaml https://pastebin.com/sKkUBwDd [17:38] what about add "organize" key to snapcraft.yaml with replace /usr/share/game to $SNAP/usr/share ? [17:38] re, sorry, my system crashed on kernel bug [17:39] muravey_omsk: can that game be modified to load things from a config file, variable of some kind? === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [17:41] muravey_omsk: if not we will have a new feature in snapd 2.32 that you can use to put those files in /usr/share/game [17:41] zyga-ubuntu: i don't know. It's need to read man or Compiling.md [17:41] muravey_omsk: you can read about it here: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/layouts-re-mapping-snap-directories/1471 [17:42] muravey_omsk: today edge is "busy" with release process but you can use it in edge soon [17:43] mvo: I will be home soon, my system crashed and took all the debug state along with it [17:43] mvo: darn kernel :-( [17:49] Chipaca: remember about the container use case [17:49] Chipaca: where squashfs is present but we cannot use it [17:49] Chipaca: and we must use the internal fuse helper [17:49] zyga-ubuntu: I've forgotten already [17:49] zyga-ubuntu, selinux is showing denials for the fakestore in the google instace of fedora 27 [17:49] cachio: are those breaking or just warning? [17:49] zyga-ubuntu, should add a rule to allow it in data/selinux? [17:50] zyga-ubuntu, giving permission denied [17:50] cachio: I don't know really, someone needs to sit down and see what the warnings are about [17:50] type=AVC msg=audit(1520876348.249:536): avc: denied { execute } for pid=31385 comm="(akestore)" name="fakestore" dev="sda1" ino=23835 scontext=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 [17:50] cachio: yes but we have some special things that make all the denials into warnings [17:50] I don't really know the details [17:50] cachio: is this a new thing? [17:50] zyga-ubuntu, yes [17:51] it is the new image we have in google backend [17:51] * kalikiana heading out o/ [17:51] zyga-ubuntu: what container does this? so i can play with it [17:51] the config is the same that the one in linode [17:51] do we know how is this different from the old image? [17:51] Chipaca: just LXD is fine [17:51] zyga-ubuntu: ah, not fedora-cloud-in-lxc-trusty? :-) [17:51] cachio: something about it is wrong but not sure what [17:51] well [17:51] not wrong, just different [17:52] Chipaca: no I mean just xenial+xenial is fine to show this [17:52] the fedora cloud issue was different [17:52] the image in linode is created upgrading an old one [17:52] we just had no module for the kernel we booted on [17:52] Ill need to write this down [17:52] … tomorrow [17:52] Chipaca: :-) [17:52] zyga-ubuntu, the one in google was downloded [17:52] * zyga-ubuntu resumes debugging [17:52] * Chipaca is wrapping up for the day [17:52] so I think could be many differences [17:53] cachio: sure I'm saying I don't know what's the real problem and this needs some investigation [17:53] perhaps in the old image the fake store ran unconfined [17:53] no idea [17:53] zyga-ubuntu, ok, I'll take a look in that case, it is only only one issue remaining for fedora [17:54] cachio: ack, I'm sorry I'm not of much help [17:54] zyga-ubuntu, np [17:54] cachio: perhaps Pharaoh_Atem can help you faster, he wrote all of the selinux support code [17:55] wut? [17:55] Pharaoh_Atem: selinux denial from fakestore (go implementation of trivial store for tests) [17:56] what's the denial? [17:56] Pharaoh_Atem: they stated showing up when we switched away from linode to google cloud [17:56] type=AVC msg=audit(1520876348.249:536): avc: denied { execute } for pid=31385 comm="(akestore)" name="fakestore" dev="sda1" ino=23835 scontext=system_u:system_r:init_t:s0 tcontext=unconfined_u:object_r:user_tmp_t:s0 tclass=file permissive=0 [17:56] cachio knows the details [17:58] PR snapcraft#1998 closed: pluginhandler: add {pre,post}-build scriptlets [17:59] Pharaoh_Atem, hey [18:01] Pharaoh_Atem, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/Gby6tcmsQn/ [18:01] Pharaoh_Atem, sorry, it is the denial https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dvBtrhvbKj/ [18:02] it happens running in a google mashine [18:02] which I recently created downloading from here https://alt.fedoraproject.org/cloud/ [18:03] I suspect it's a config difference [18:03] but we should check if the kernel is the same as before as well (apart from things like micro release updates) [18:03] zyga-ubuntu, both configs are identical [18:03] kernel configs? [18:03] SELINUX=enforcing SELINUXTYPE=targeted [18:04] did you compare all of the kernel config of the two running kernels? [18:04] zyga-ubuntu, sorryselinux configs [18:04] ah [18:04] well [18:04] maybe some other changes then [18:04] I could do that [18:04] yeah [18:04] essentially try to guess what is different now [18:05] maybe the build config is different [18:05] maybe some selinux policy is custom [18:05] it's a cloud image after all [18:05] but really no idea [18:09] zyga-ubuntu, selinux configuration in kernel config is the same [18:09] :( [18:11] zyga-ubuntu, I know [18:11] which is the diff [18:11] linode:fedora-27-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-snapd-control-with-manage# sestatus -v [18:11] SELinux status: disabled [18:11] google:fedora-27-64 .../tests/main/interfaces-snapd-control-with-manage# sestatus -v [18:11] SELinux status: enabled [18:11] :s [18:12] zyga-ubuntu, is it on porpouse? [18:15] mvo: this issue is driving me crazy [18:16] cachio: it's because of this: https://pagure.io/Fedora-Council/tickets/issue/99 [18:17] our images are based on the version of the image with no SELinux support [18:20] Pharaoh_Atem, ok [18:21] Pharaoh_Atem, so is it possible to add a rule to make the fakestore run unconfined? [18:21] so this means that for the first time ever, we're going to see failures consistent with users [18:21] is fakestore a snap or something else? [18:21] it is a systremd service [18:22] I mean, how is it getting on there? [18:22] it is not a snap [18:22] ah [18:22] is the code somewhere? [18:22] exactly [18:22] in the snapd project [18:22] guh [18:23] it's not part of snapd itself, is it? [18:23] https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/tree/master/tests/lib/fakestore [18:23] Pharaoh_Atem, no [18:25] Pharaoh_Atem, we setup it for each test when it is required [18:25] https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/tests/lib/store.sh#L50 [18:25] the systemd service needs the following added [18:26] SELinuxContext=unconfined_t [18:27] Pharaoh_Atem, great, I'll try with that [18:27] ah sorry [18:27] it needs fully qualified context [18:29] that's "system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0", I believe [18:29] cachio: if "unconfined_t" doesn't work, try the above [18:30] SELinuxContext=system_u:system_r:unconfined_t:s0 [18:30] the documentation isn't clear if just declaring the type is enough [18:30] Pharaoh_Atem, I'll try one by one in that case [18:31] thanks [18:31] popey: could you please merge this https://github.com/snapcrafters/sublime-text/pull/8 -- flexiondotorg seems away. [18:31] PR snapcrafters/sublime-text#8: Remove '3' from snap name [18:31] normally, just defining the type is enough, because everything else is inherited [18:32] hey, how to debug or find a problem with fonts at my snap app? [18:36] * zyga-ubuntu looks at sublime-text-3 PR [18:36] om26er: is that really desired? I mean, we already have sublime-text-3, why not just create sublime-text-2? [18:37] popey: the suggestion from zyga-ubuntu (and others) was to use a single name and make use of 'tracks' [18:38] yes [18:38] Not sure it's worth it, given how few updates there are. Having two snaps also means you can have both installed should you want to [18:38] popey: that will be available too [18:38] though I doubt that is something that people really want in _this_ case [18:39] popey: I think it's better to use 2.x track for the old sublime-text and the latest track for what's out there now [18:39] I am unconvinced. [18:39] (especially since we could use edge for the dev builds) [18:39] popey: I think this also shows the nice features of snap design [18:40] where developers can release multiple tracks nicely [18:40] flexiondotorg: ^ what do you think? [18:40] (side question: is there no change needed to snapcraft.yaml for a track ?) [18:41] if we use build.snapcraft.io we can only push to edge, and then release to tracks/channels [18:42] popey: in case of sublime, we have two separate download urls, so how do we upload the _old_ version (aka 2.X) ? [18:42] om26er: just release to other track [18:42] om26er: snap info mysql (the same way) [18:44] cool but how do I update a version 2 snap ? Do I change my yaml file manually, create a build and upload it with snapcraft cli ? [18:44] s/update/upload [18:44] you can have two projects in github [18:44] one for 3, one for 2 [18:44] both push to the same edge channel though [19:15] re [19:15] my kernel crashed again :/ [19:15] bionic is not happy [19:30] PR snapd#4820 opened: cmd/snap: use timeutil.Human to show times in `snap refresh --time` [19:52] PR snapd#4817 closed: overlord: implement policy of holding refreshes for up to 6h since seeding on classic === __chip__ is now known as Chipaca [19:55] slangasek: question about today's live cd [19:55] zyga-ubuntu: you still around? [20:05] Yes [20:06] Chipaca: how can I help [20:07] zyga-ubuntu: ah drat, i just closed it, give me a bit to start it up again [20:08] zyga-ubuntu: snap-confine error on today's live cd, about it not running to prevent escalation attacks or sth [20:09] Chipaca: which snapd version is on that? [20:09] 2.31.sth iirc [20:09] Hmmmm [20:09] booting still [20:09] hey, could you help me, again? [20:09] there were some fixes for livecd but I don't know if they are related/when then landed [20:09] smirnovav@techadm03:/home/smirnovav/snap/cataclysm-dda$ locale [20:09] locale: Cannot set LC_CTYPE to default locale: No such file or directory [20:09] locale: Cannot set LC_MESSAGES to default locale: No such file or directory [20:09] I think that doesn’t have the fix yet [20:09] locale: Cannot set LC_ALL to default locale: No such file or directory [20:10] Only master has that fix Chipaca [20:10] zyga-ubuntu: ah ok [20:10] Chipaca: in other news I should have squashed #4789 when merging and didn't :/ [20:10] PR #4789: many: support holding refreshes by setting refresh.hold [20:11] * muravey_omsk interesting in how to paste small command output? Pastebin? [20:11] pedronis: and now? [20:11] Yes [20:11] Pastebin [20:11] Chipaca: I don't know, will not be fun to merge into 2.32 I suppose [20:12] * Chipaca hugs mvo [20:15] I'll see in the morning, anyway I also saw I can simplify the follow-up [20:15] https://pastebin.com/vy1WB7Hk [20:17] What am I doing wrong? [20:18] my program do not see my locale and don't show messages on my language [20:48] Hey everyone, can someone help me get the desktopfile of my snap package show up in the dash? I've tried quite a lot of things but none have helped so far. [20:51] fireclawTheFox: hiya [20:51] fireclawTheFox: can you link to your yaml maybe? [20:51] Note that some desktops have bugs that require you to logout/back in to make the icon appear [20:52] Hey popey, sure, here's the yaml: https://bazaar.launchpad.net/~fireclawthefox/thetravelingfox/snap/view/head:/snap/snapcraft.yaml [20:52] fireclawTheFox: ah, easy one, name your .desktop file the same as the snap [20:52] so thetravelingfox.desktop [20:52] PR snapd#4813 closed: release: snapd 2.31.2 [20:53] popey: I thought it already fits the name as the snap also is also named the-traveling-fox [20:54] oh, you're right. huh. [20:56] I've also tried naming it the-traveling-fox_the-traveling-fox as well as directly add it in the yaml file using desktop: [20:57] lemme take a better look, one moment [20:57] zyga-ubuntu: yeah, its rather unfortunate [20:57] zyga-ubuntu: my latest PR seems to get a step further, but it now fails in interfaces-content-mkdir-writable:snap [21:01] fireclawTheFox: the snap fails to build here. Do you rely on having PPAs or something enabled? [21:02] I don't rely on PPAs, just on a pipy package. Which version of snapcraft do you use? I've just pushed a version of my custom plugin to make it build on the version used on LP. [21:03] snapcraft, version 2.39.2 [21:03] on 16.04 (well, I'm doing snapcraft cleanbuild) [21:04] I need to disappear soon to get my daughter from dancing, if we don't fix it here, I'd recommend a thread on the forum [21:04] ok, then the x-panda3d.py script has to be changed for that version [21:04] ahh [21:05] I've once opened up a thread in the forums but it didn't got much attention. [21:07] Anyways, in the x-panda3d.py script just two things have to be changed, first enable the code from line 38 and disable line 49 to 54 as well as switch line 78 and 79 [21:08] Pharaoh_Atem, no way [21:08] didn't work [21:08] :'( [21:08] it is rejecting to set the type as unconfined_t aparently [21:09] fireclawTheFox: ok, lemme rebuild and see [21:09] Pharaoh_Atem, even if I do it manually with chcon [21:10] hmm [21:10] it's probably not letting you transition domains from init_t to unconfined_t [21:11] any other idea to exec that file? [21:13] Pharaoh_Atem, create a new test domain to set as permissive? [21:13] fireclawTheFox: ok, that built! :D [21:13] either that or just set the VM to permissive while running the tests [21:13] awesome [21:13] and collecting the audit results [21:14] fireclawTheFox: ah, your exec line is wrong [21:15] fireclawTheFox: the exec line should not be launching the command name, but the app name [21:15] exec=the-traveling-fox [21:16] popey: ah, yeah now that you say it, makes sense. [21:16] also, add this [21:16] https://www.irccloud.com/pastebin/XsBC54Nc/ [21:16] to the game part [21:16] that will put the pulseaudio library in an accessible place [21:16] oh, you mung the LD_LIBRARY_PATH... never mind [21:17] also if you put libs in $SNAP/lib you won't need to "cd ${SNAP}" [21:18] because $SNAP/lib is automagically in the path [21:19] mvo: I will check your pull request tomorrow. Spending time with homework and kids [21:21] zyga-ubuntu: sure, thats fine, I had some strange results, I suspect there is also the cache (apparmor cache) that is making things compilicated [21:21] zyga-ubuntu: I will let the tests run over night, fingers crossed [21:21] popey: sorry, my laptop just crashed, did you wrote anything after (22:16:58) popey: oh, you mung the LD_LIBRARY_PATH... never mind [21:22] zyga-ubuntu: lets talk tomorrow :) [21:22] * mvo waves [21:27] fireclawTheFox: no [21:34] * cachio afk [21:41] popey: just got the snap built, the desktop file works fine now, thanks so much for your help. [21:41] Yay [21:41] Good. Looking forward to playing it