
donofrio_How would I heal my ssh keys?  https://apaste.info/yjmF right now I cannot ssh to localhost ;(00:57
donofrio_its 1804 install00:59
donofrioanyone know how I can get add-repo working I keep getting this gpg message - https://apaste.info/yb2I05:45
=== siel_ is now known as siel
hokoplohi gals and guys, when can we expect to have an iso of 18.04 with gnome 3.28? I'd like to install the 'beta', but only after 3.28 lands to avoid any breakage.08:35
enycTJ-: thankyou for help on ubuntu-bugs last week =)12:03
enycTJ-: is it just-me, or can you also 'not' find a bug relating to grub2... some suggestions Grub2 in Xenial won't be able to load/boot systems from ext4 w/"64bit+metadata_csum"  (again, a dualbooting headache as you rightly mentioned...).12:04
enyci may be searching poolsy... realizing also, it 'depends' sometimes isue is 64bit, sometimes issue is metadata_csum ;p12:05
TJ-enyc: that'd make sense, I've not seen GRUB support for such features12:13
TJ-enyc: https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=86660312:20
ubottuDebian bug 866603 in grub-common "grub-common: enabling metadata_csum_seed feature on ext4 renders system unbootable" [Important,Open]12:20
enycTJ-: thats the _cseed feature12:34
enycTJ-: im suspecting the problem so far as grub2 is concerned, is with '64bit' feature12:35
enycmetadata checksums don't need to be read for  grub2s' simple readonly access12:36
akiki install kubuntu 18.04 beta 1 and it didn't ask anything about the data collection. did i miss it somehow?12:59
TJ-enyc: right; but that's only reference I could find in the grub-devel relating to any of these feature issues12:59
TJ-akik: possibly Kubuntu doesn't do any?12:59
akikTJ-: why wouldn't it? it's an official flavor13:00
akikpopularity-contest is installed but not enabled13:01
TJ-akik: because as I recall the Kubuntu installer is done separately to the vanilla ubiquity. I'm not even sure the patches have landed in ubiquity as yet13:02
akikoh boy fragmentation++13:02
TJ-I'd have thought if the functionality was shipping then the web-site would have been refreshed/fixed13:02
akikyea the popcon site is still at 2016 status13:07
CoJaBoIs there anything special I have to do to configure netplan to use a static IPv6 address? E.g., adding addresses: ['fd00::99/64']  adds that address, I can ping it from the system, but not from any other device on the network; what part am I missing?13:10
TJ-CoJaBo: are those devices configured to route the ULA prefix?13:14
CoJaBoTJ-: That's probably what I'm nmissing, but I can't figure out where to set that13:22
TJ-CoJaBo: well, either each device, or the gateway router since presumably the other clients will send those packets to their default route 13:22
CoJaBoIs there a guide to that lol13:23
TJ-CoJaBo: it's just a standard additional (static) route. On a linux host it'd be "ip -6 route add fd00::/8 dev XXXX" - not sure how your gateway/router requires that setting permanently13:26
CoJaBoTJ-: So it's not something i can set thru netplan?13:29
TJ-CoJaBo: depends on what your gateway/router is, does it use netplan?13:30
CoJaBoTJ-: I'm not sure the router supports that option at all; it's a RT-AC320013:30
TJ-CoJaBo: access it's admin interface, look for an option to 1) view the (IPv6) routing table and 2) set a static (IPv6) route13:31
CoJaBoThe IPv6 page is pretty.. bare13:32
CoJaBoTJ-: Actually, I can ssh in; it was just disabled. But I'm not sure what it's running to make that option persistant :/13:33
TJ-CoJaBo: right, generally persistent settings have to be added via a HTML interface13:34
CoJaBoso is it not possible then? :/13:34
TJ-CoJaBo: like I said it depends on the device13:35
CoJaBoWhich does not support that, as far as I can tell13:36
CoJaBoIs there another way, or should I just stick to ipv4 till ipv6 is widely supported lol13:36
TJ-CoJaBo: does the interface look like this? https://fatmintech.files.wordpress.com/2014/11/static_routes_asus_rt-ac66u.jpeg13:38
TJ-CoJaBo: try entering an IPv6 format route13:39
CoJaBoThe corresponding tab under ipv6 tho, just isn't there13:39
CoJaBoIt doesn't accept anything but ipv4 there13:40
CoJaBoTJ-: any other ways, or is only ipv4 going to be possible still?13:48
TJ-If you've got ssh access try adding it manually, see if that at least works13:53
CoJaBoTJ-: even if it does, it'll be flaky because there's no way to restore it without manual intervention13:57
TJ-CoJaBo: correct, but it depends how often the router is rebooted. Mine goes for months between that13:58
CoJaBoAnd if that happens when I'm not here, it'd take out half the network with no way to fix it remotely13:59
CoJaBoI guess this shouldn't surprise me; I only got IPv6 on WAN a few months back, so there's not been much reason for even brand-new routers to suppport it out of the box :/13:59
TJ-CoJaBo: have you checked the router's current IPv6 routing table? It might have entries already14:00
CoJaBoIt does. The interface even lets you view them. There's just no way to edit them.14:00
TJ-CoJaBo: does it have any related to the ULA prefixes fc00::/7 or fd00:/8 - can you pastebin the table?14:01
FauxOoh, comedy central: Starting Chrome with --no-sandbox (i.e. screw security) fixes the horrible latency (1+s of no audio or mouse movement) I'm getting on Google Maps, due to the newer nvidia driver.14:02
CoJaBoJust fe80::/64 and ff00::/814:02
enycTJ-: hrrm, it amy just need some testing in practice14:27
enycTJ-: thankyou for suggestion grub-devel...  what about looking for 64bit ext4 in grub-devel etc.?14:27
BLZbubba_good morning, is it possible to use an MTU of 9000 with Ubuntu 18.04 and Netplan?  It seems to be totally broken15:55
BLZbubba_i.e. silently ignoring the option.  it shows up in the link section of the .network files but ethtool says 150015:55
donofrioBLZbubba_, why would you want to (are you using satellite linkup's?)15:58
BLZbubba_it is quite a commonly used option, especially for storage protocols like iscsi16:00
donofrioah ic16:01
TJ-BLZbubba_: the interface is statically defined, no DHCP involved?16:02
BLZbubba_TJ-: it is dhcp16:13
BLZbubba_well it is on a bridge, so the real nic doesn't do dhcp, but the bridge does.  both are set to mtu 9000 but both end up at 150016:20
BLZbubba_i saw that someone was able to make it work with mac address matching, so i'm trying that next16:24
BLZbubba_that would be painful though, i have a lot of vms that need 9000 too, but way better than not working at all16:25
BLZbubba_it worked!16:26
BLZbubba_so i'll bet that disabling the interface renaming and leaving it as eth0 would also work16:27
BLZbubba_confirmed, I also was able to fix it by adding this to the kernel: net.ifnames=0 biosdevname=016:42
BLZbubba_whoever chose the term "predictible naming" for ens2, enps0f0d1 etc etc gets the award for most ironic jargon of all time16:44
TJ-it's related to the physical location of the device and/or the hardware MAC address, rather than the order the kernel discovers the interface16:46
akikBLZbubba_: what does biosdevname=0 do?16:53
BLZbubba_yeah i know, it is just overkill on systems with one nic, e.g. vms16:53
BLZbubba_akik: to be honest i just cut & pasted it from someone else who had this problem.  i haven't seen that option before16:53
akikBLZbubba_: ok it's not needed16:53
BLZbubba_akik: confirmed, thanks for the hot tip16:57
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotus|BUG
CoJaBoOk, I think this one might be a bug [255369.707228] BUG: unable to handle kernel NULL pointer dereference at 000000000000004017:50
yaskinaanyone here18:18
yaskinafor support18:18
yaskina18.04 works when i try it, but when install it, it starts to boot then stops on my acer netbook anyone know why18:20
ikoniayou need to be able to clear define the problem and do basic troubleshooting if you expect to use a pre-release18:20
tgm4883ikonia: +118:20
yaskinait says holding here waiting for boot to finish18:21
TJ-yaskina: As soon as you mentioned Acer I think 'firmware bug' :)18:21
TJ-yaskina: how long have you waited?18:21
ikoniait actually says the words "holding here, waiting for boot to finish"18:21
ikoniathose words are on screen 18:21
yaskinawaited along time18:21
yaskinatried installing 3 times18:22
tgm4883'a long'18:22
yaskina16 works fine, but missing the good stuff18:22
ikoniait actually says the words "holding here, waiting for boot to finish"18:22
ikoniais that right ?18:22
TJ-yaskina: can you take a photo of the screen and show us?18:22
yaskinasomething like that 18:22
ikonia"something like that" is not accetpble18:23
ikoniawe need the real error message18:23
yaskinai can't 16 is installed right now18:23
ikoniaand a description of what has happened first18:23
tgm4883yaskina: so you came here looking for an answer without the ability to troubleshoot the issue?18:24
yaskinahow do i get involved in the development of unbuntu, im a graphic artist and have the time to make unbuntu look better18:24
ikoniaor even a real description of the problem18:24
ikoniayaskina: make it look better and demonstrate your work 18:24
tgm4883I mean, ikonia's good, but ikonia's not that good18:25
ikoniapeople will always welcome help18:25
ikoniaha ha, 18:25
ikoniatoo kind18:25
yaskinai don't know how to code18:25
ikoniayou don't have to 18:25
yaskinawell i do sorta18:25
ikoniayou've just said you do graphics, so do graphics18:25
yaskinavisual basic18:25
* TJ- lends ikonia his telepathic bluetooth v5.2 NFC WiMax Wifi precognition18:26
tgm4883yaskina: probably https://community.ubuntu.com/t/contribute/2618:26
ikonia!getinvolved | yaskina 18:26
ubottuyaskina: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu18:26
yaskinawhat is the loading screen a gif or a jpg18:27
TJ-yaskina: SVG I think18:27
yaskinai think the colours and loading screen i can make nice, and the orange i don't like18:28
yaskinasomeone should add colour themes using triad colour combos18:28
TJ-yaskina: the Orange is a part of the Ubuntu colour scheme and logo https://design.ubuntu.com/brand/ubuntu-logo/18:28
ikoniais the colour scheme of ubuntu18:29
yaskinaits awful18:29
ikoniaso you're not going to change that18:29
ikoniaothers like it18:29
ikoniabut we are a bit offtopic for that discussion in this channel18:29
ikonianot a problem18:29
yaskina18.04 im really impressed though18:29
ikoniathat's great18:30
yaskinai would make the loading screen in blender using particle emiters and moving lights18:30
TJ-yaskina: so basically gobble up CPU when our focus is on minimising boot times18:31
yaskinasomething no one has done18:31
yaskinai think it could be done as animated gif18:33
yaskinashould not hog the cpu18:33
yaskinaTriad colour themes would be a nice addition18:34
tgm4883yaskina: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth18:35
yaskinaunbuntu has come along way18:35
yaskinaim going to install it on all my families computers now18:36
yaskinaseeing how i look after them18:36
lotuspsychjeyaskina: keep in mind we at beta1 still at the moment18:37
yaskinatrue but it works great for me on my destop18:37
yaskinamy dad only web surfs and spotify18:38
yaskinahe can do it on linux instead win 10 spyware, malware, and bloat ware18:39
yaskinai came back to linux because the goverment is spying on me18:39
yaskinaswitching to protonmail.com for encrypted emails18:40
tgm4883yaskina: even though this is the +1 channel, it's still a support channel and shouldn't be used for soap boxing18:40
yaskinaoh sorry 18:41
yaskinaI was bored thought i would talk to you tell you what im up too18:41
CoJaBoWhere do i report something like this: http://termbin.com/5hjk18:42
CoJaBo(kernel oops while unplugging an esata drive)18:42
yaskinamaybe ill reinstall 18.04 and video it with my cel phone18:42
lotuspsychje!bug | CoJaBo 18:42
ubottuCoJaBo: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:42
yaskinaOpera wont install for me18:43
yaskinai hit install and it does not18:43
yaskinaopera was also removed after an update, anyone know why18:44
naccyaskina: opera is not packaged by ubuntu, afaik18:45
yaskinai know18:45
tgm4883yaskina: considering you're giving almost no information, no logs and using an unreleased version of ubuntu. I would have to guess you forced a partial update18:45
naccyaskina: so ... not an ubuntu support topic18:45
yaskinayah ok18:46
tgm4883Not knowing what a partial update is another reason you should be using 16.04 or 17.10 and not a beta18:46
yaskinai love 18.0418:46
yaskinakeep up the great work18:46
yaskinabest linux distro yet18:47
yaskina16.04 on my net book18:47
lotuspsychjeyaskina: try to focus on support issues in this channel18:48
yaskinaok i will install 18.04 on my netbook and give you proper feedback18:48
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: did you try other kernel?18:48
CoJaBolotuspsychje: no18:48
yaskinai tried the other two was of loading still same prob18:49
yaskinai don't know how to change a kernal, i was into linux so long ago i have forgotten everything18:50
yaskinaare you the guys coding 18.0418:51
lotuspsychjeyaskina: that was not for you18:51
tgm4883!ot | yaskina 18:51
ubottuyaskina: #ubuntu+1 handles support for the development version of Ubuntu.  Please join #ubuntu for all other Ubuntu support.  Chat in #ubuntu-offtopic.18:51
yaskinathose other channels are dead18:54
tgm4883yaskina: 1) No they are not. I'm in them now and see people and discussion. 2) Even if they were, that doesn't make this the correct place for chat18:55
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: found few bugs on eSata but nor very relevant and other ubuntu versions, id reccomend a new bug18:57
CoJaBoLaunchpad seems to hate me at the moment18:58
yaskinaoh yah i found a bug/problem too unbuntu does intall does not see raid 0 drives18:58
lotuspsychjeCoJaBo: just make an account?18:59
CoJaBo"Invalid OpenID transaction"18:59
KrimZonmy nvidia drivers have stopped working properly19:12
lotuspsychjeKrimZon: on xorg or wayland19:12
KrimZonxorg most likely, but I'll check19:13
lotuspsychjeKrimZon: check your drivers available with ubuntu-drivers list19:14
lotuspsychjeKrimZon: perhaps also test nouveau on xorg?19:14
KrimZonwhen i booted it up this morning i was in 640x480 and the "Additional Drivers" dialog said that it was using nouveau19:15
KrimZon*this evening, rather19:15
lotuspsychjeKrimZon: can youn recall wich nvidia driver version was working?19:15
KrimZonI tried switching to 390 with that dialog, which failed, then when I tried to apt-get update and apt-get upgrade it said dependencies were borked19:16
lotuspsychjeKrimZon: did you add external ppa's?19:16
KrimZonI did "apt --fix-broken install" 19:17
KrimZoni can't remember - /etc/apt/sources.list is all ubuntu stuff, and the only thing in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ is steam.list and steam.list.save19:18
KrimZonfixing the broken packages has me with nvidia 390 but i'm missing libGL,so and libGL.so.119:18
KrimZonthat's where I'm up to19:19
lotuspsychje!ppapurge | KrimZon fix your sources first19:19
ubottuKrimZon fix your sources first: To disable a PPA from your sources and revert your packages back to default Ubuntu packages, install ppa-purge and use the command: « sudo ppa-purge ppa:<repository-name>/<subdirectory> » – For more information, see http://www.webupd8.org/2009/12/remove-ppa-repositories-via-command.html19:19
lotuspsychjeKrimZon: we reccomend help bugging out 18.04 with a vanilla daily19:19
KrimZonthanks :)19:20
KrimZonoh I have some java PPAs to make minecraft 1.6.4 work19:24
KrimZonppa-purge says it can't find the package list for any PPA that my .bash_history shows me installing19:27
KrimZonapt-get upgrade says a lot of packages have been kept back, and that lib32gcc1 and libc6-i386 can be auto-removed19:29
yaskinawhy can't i install opera, i had it installed, and a update removed it, i have tried two versions of opera and it will not install, it just does a quick 1 second install bar, and does nothing19:30
yaskinait worked before19:33
yaskinano it does not19:33
yaskinaanyone here care to see a GUI desing i did for a media player, before media players were even a thing20:00
yaskinai invented the tab20:00
naccyaskina: this is a supoprt channel, not for general chitchat20:17
yaskinai know20:18
yaskinabut no one is talking20:18
naccyaskina: so?20:19
naccyaskina: that does not give you permission to chitchat20:19
yaskinawhy cant i install opera20:19
yaskinai asked no support20:19
naccyaskina: you just talked about some GUI20:20
yaskinai asked before that20:20
naccyaskina: you have provided *no* logs about opera20:20
naccyaskina: and as you've been told, it's not an ubuntu package20:20
naccyaskina: ask opera20:20
yaskinaunbuntu update removed opera20:20
naccyaskina: what 'update'? do you mean an upgrade?20:20
yaskinanow it wont install at all20:20
naccyaskina: and yes, that can happen20:20
naccyaskina: as it's not an ubuntu package, and maybe depended on something no longer available20:21
yaskinaok that suck20:21
naccyaskina: and if it fails to install, then you need to contact opera20:21
yaskinaOpera is the best with the free and fast VPN20:21
naccyaskina: that is an opinion. please stick to support topics.20:21
yaskinaand turbo mode20:21
yaskinacould unbuntu 17 and 18 not be installing on my net book becasuse its only a 1.6 quad core and not 2ghz as spec20:24
yaskinasee no support reply20:27
naccyaskina: i don't believe you need a specific speed cpu (among modern cpus) to install ubuntu20:28
nacc16.04 required 700MHz20:28
yaskinayes but i want to run 18 on my netbook, works fine in try unbuntu but install boot freezes, im going to get them the data on video so they can see what happens20:30
naccyaskina: my point was the cpu frequency is fine20:30
naccyaskina: although i don't know what 'spec' you are referring to when you said 'as spec'20:30
yaskina16 works fine on my netbook20:31
naccyaskina: also, 16.04 please, '16' is not a version20:31
yaskinajust tried installing Opera on 16.04 and it does not work anymore either, looks like some nerfed Opera from installing20:32
naccyaskina: while good to know, still offtopic :)20:33
yaskinaim on 18.04 here20:33
yaskinasame prob20:33
yaskinano one knows they blame Opera20:33
yaskinabut unbuntu removed it20:34
yaskinaI need the security of Opera's free and fast VPN because im being spyed on 24/720:36
naccyaskina: you are not listening.20:40
naccyaskina: opera is not an ubuntu software20:41
naccyaskina: you had a 3rd party repository20:41
marathone**don't feed the troll**20:41
naccmarathone: touche :)20:41
yaskinaim not a troll im here to learn and help in anyway i can20:41
yaskinaim going to install 18.04 just so these guys can see whats happening20:43
yaskinaI just made a call to a BFF who heads up the IT department for a large school board, i told him to check out 17.10 unbuntu has finally nailed it you can use it in your schools now20:45
yaskina16.04 sucks 17.10 and 18.04 rock, keep up the good work guys20:48
yaskinainstalling 18.04 on my netbook to get you guys the info you need20:51
yaskinaill shoot video of it starting up20:52
yaskinaand hanging20:52
yaskina480p should be good enough20:53
yaskinaid shoot it in 4k but my upload would be insane20:54
yaskinashould i install updates and thrid party or not20:56
yaskinagoing to do min install see if that works20:57
yaskinaanother bug/problem unbuntu does not see raid setups20:59
yaskinaCopying files21:00
naccyaskina: what do you mean by 'raid setups'?21:05
naccyaskina: yes it does, btw, so you need to be more specific21:05
naccyaskina: please don't abstract from your one experience to all users21:05
yaskinai tried to install unbuntu with a raid 1.7tb with win10 and 163gig for unbuntu 18.04 it would not see the drive at all as it was a raid21:07
yaskinaraid 021:07
naccyaskina: do you mean hardware raid?21:07
naccyaskina: is it actually hardware raid? or is it an embedded controller (bios raid, aka fakeraid)21:07
yaskinaok embedded21:08
naccyaskina: 1) those things tend to make things worse (performance wise) and 2) what controller?21:08
yaskinasorry i thought there was a controller on the board21:08
yaskinai would have to reboot to see what it is21:09
naccyaskina: ok21:10
yaskinano my 2x1tb raid 0 was twice as fast 21:10
naccyaskina: does ubuntu even see the controller?21:10
naccyaskina: then that's the issue, is it supported in linux?21:10
naccyaskina: what did you compare it to?21:10
naccyaskina: i was saying performance relative to swraid, etc.21:11
yaskinaguess not, it works when i load raid drivers on HIRENS BOOT CD FOR LINUX21:11
yaskinaworks with clonezilla live cd21:11
naccyaskina: i don't know what that is, or why it's all in caps21:11
yaskinalook up HIREN"S its a everything disc21:12
naccyaskina: no thank you21:12
yaskinacd or DVD every tech should have it21:12
yaskinahas everyting21:12
flocculantwill you please just talk about issues 21:12
yaskinai was21:12
flocculantand NOT your preferences :(21:13
yaskinaok just trying to be helpful cause you said you did not know what it was21:13
flocculantobviously I didn't21:13
naccyaskina: in any case, it's impossible to know if your hardware is *meant* to work, if we don't know what the hardware is21:13
yaskinaclonezilla sees the raid21:13
naccyaskina: no, i said that21:13
naccflocculant != nacc21:13
naccyaskina: clonezilla in ubuntu?21:15
yaskinabtw thanks for being understanding 18.04 almost installed will be making video soon, btw my name is Jason Newmarket Ontario Canada pleasure to meet you all21:15
yaskinaClonezilla is a linux live cd to clone partitions21:16
naccyaskina: right, so that's also not relevant to whether ubuntu supports it or not21:16
yaskinatrue i was just saying others support it, so unbuntu should be able too also21:17
yaskinamaking video21:18
yaskinais there any buttons to push to see the code21:20
yaskinainstead of the logo21:20
flocculantsee the code?21:21
flocculantwhat do you mean?21:21
yaskinalike verbose21:21
yaskinathe scripts running21:22
yaskinasorry i talk mac pc and some linux21:22
flocculantwhen? 21:23
flocculantyou've really got to give people detail - and stop using the enter key as punctuation - people are capable of reading sentences ...21:24
flocculantif you mean during boot - try esc21:25
yaskinasorry about that, Im an english failure because my mom put me in all french for 3 years, i rejected it and my english grammar sucks21:26
yaskinatrying to take a photo of the screen21:27
yaskinagoto photo of where it hangs21:33
yaskinaGnome Display Manager, Dispatcher service21:34
yaskinawhen the verbose mode shows everything is marked with the green [ ok]21:35
yaskinaloading windows to upload to flicker21:36
yaskinauploading boot video and verbose screen hang21:42
yaskinagoing to take about 40 mins my upload is like super slow, but im getting 30 down 5 up next month sorry about the wait21:44
yaskinaanyone from support still here21:46
yaskinai have a acer netbook aspire one d270 1.6 quad core 4 gigs of ram 256 ssd FYI21:47
tsimonq2;win 1021:48
yaskinaintel Atom chipset and intel 3600 graphics21:48
naccyaskina: you understood we are all volunteers in this channel?21:50
naccyaskina: ok, well now you do :)21:51
yaskinaok kewl21:51
naccyaskina: did you think you were getting paid support?21:51
yaskinathats where it hangs21:53
naccyaskina: is it a VM? or is that the actual machine's cursor?21:54
yaskinaits not a virtual machine21:54
yaskinai have a bot load video too21:55
naccyaskina: so i had a similar symptom (cursor showed up but nothing else); do your cpu fans kick in?21:56
yaskinacan hear my fans21:56
yaskinacan't hear my fans21:57
tsimonq2Which one is it? :)21:57
yaskinawell i did my best to give you guys what you need on where it hangs, want to see my cryptice etched guitar or hand made fishing lures well im on flickr22:00
yaskinahttps://flic.kr/p/fhgtyk Warning off topic custom guitar i made22:02
naccyaskina: do you understand what ontopic is or is not?22:03
naccyaskina: please stop posting totally offtopic things22:03
yaskinai just spent an hour trying to help you22:04
naccyaskina: help?22:04
naccyaskina: I don't personally need your help?22:04
yaskinayou guys all siad you needed more info on the hang so i reinstalled 18.04 and took photo, i just thought i would share with  a warning thought you might like to see my art work seeing how im going to try to redo the loading screen with something out of this world22:05
naccyaskina: no, we don't carea bout that.22:06
naccyaskina: please pay attention. This is a support channel, for support discussion only.22:06
yaskinaso what do you think the prob is22:06
yaskinait says everything ok22:06
yaskinabut hangs22:06
naccyaskina: when did you make your bionic USB?22:07
yaskinatry it works fine22:07
yaskinajust now22:07
naccyaskina: hrm, I don't know what the issue is22:07
yaskinai tried22:07
yaskinayour the only one here22:08
yaskinamaybe its hanging on the next thing that is to load, but never gets to print to screen22:09
yaskinalike i siad before works fine it you just try 18.0422:10
yaskinamaybe its my Atom processor22:14
socI can't log into my graphical system anymore since a few days22:21
socanyone knows whether this issue is known already?22:22
FauxThere were issues with the nvidia driver a week ago, but they've been mostly fixed now.22:22
Faux(At least as far as "getting to desktop" is concerned.)22:22
sochere is the .xsession-errors log: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v2n5vNzCKk/22:22
soclot's of errors, but I can't sort out what's the root cause22:22
socFaux: I'm using the nouveau ones22:23
akiksoc: please describe your setup as it's custom22:23
FauxOh dear.22:23
soc.pam_environment: ICEAUTHORITY DEFAULT=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/ICEauthority22:23
socI also had a line for XAUTHORITY in there, but I removed it and it didn't change anything22:23
socany suggestions what I could try to figure out the cause of this issue?22:28
yaskinawhats the terminal commands to change your swap setting in 18.0122:29
soccould this be an issue with xfce4-settings?22:30
socor gtk?22:30
socIf I use GDM, I get to the login screen22:30
socwith LightDM I don't even get that22:30
socso things are failing at a different step22:30
socI think what's interesting is this line: dbus-update-activation-environment: setting XAUTHORITY=/var/run/lightdm/soc/xauthority 22:33
socsomething changed here22:33
socweird, it works now, changed login app from gdm3 to lightdm and now it works22:52
socbut a few files random files are owned by root, looks a lot like after something has logged as root, but with my $HOME22:53
socas there where some questions on whether the read-only $HOME was the culprit in this case, here is the guide I wrote a while ago on making $HOME read-only: https://soc.github.io/articles/linux/self-defense-against-dotfiles.html23:08
socin general, it would be great if more people made their $HOME read-only, so that the remaining applications that violate platform standards are more motivated to fix their code23:09
akiksoc: you are talking against ubuntu's "standard"23:19
socwhat standard?23:19
akiksoc: ubuntu doesn't chmod 200 $HOME23:19
socsure. would certainly be nice if it did. then it would probably take a week until application authors fixed their code, and no one would ever have to worry about this again23:20
akiksoc: this thing is a problem for you, not for the majority of users23:21
soccurrently it's just fixing applications one-by-one and hoping things get fixed faster than new apps ignoring the standard appear23:21
socakik: I think many people would like to be able to easily backup their configuration, or blow away the cache23:21
akiksoc: there are configuration management tools for that23:22
socwhich ones?23:24
socI'd rather just do cp .config X and be done23:25
akikfor example ansible23:25
socI'm not interested in writing more config files to configure the configuration management of my config files :-)23:28
socthere is a config directory that works perfectly fine, people just need to use it.23:29

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