
rydarefossfreedom: you already saw it haha03:08
rydareyou seem to be on the ball03:08
rydaresorry i went afk for a while03:09
NoCodeMan, Budgie is solid.03:22
rydaresometimes i dream of leaving the whole desktop environment scene behind03:27
rydareand writing some improvements to flwm03:27
rydarehuh, firefox isn't showing in budgie menu03:47
rydareis there a way to update it?03:47
rydareoh, killing budgie-panel worked to make it update03:48
NoCodeI only had one major problem with Budgie after installation. Since then it's been 100%04:54
rydarewhat version are you running04:54
NoCode16.04 version.04:55
rydareoh classic04:55
rydarei like being on the edge04:55
rydareeven though things break04:55
NoCodeWhen the other LTS gets released, I'll switch I think.04:55
NoCodeIn a month or whatever.04:55
NoCodeAnd if it's a shitshow, I'll move to something other than Ubuntu. They better get it right. :P04:56
rydareUbuntu is pretty good04:56
NoCodeYeah it's alright04:57
rydareworks pretty good every release05:02
rydaresometimes you have to tweak things to your needs05:02
NoCodeoh yea, definitely. Totally agree.05:03
NoCodeBeen using Ubuntu since Dapper Drake I think it was. Yeah. Well, a few years not, but mostly yes.05:05
rydareI've had installations outlive hardware05:05
rydareone day i went down for a reboot, new kernel i think05:07
rydareit never came back up05:07
rydareand the graphics card had died so i couldn't attach a monitor to the pc05:07
cubamukundanAnybody know how much accessible Ubuntu Budgie is?07:51
fossfreedomWhat do you mean by "accessible?09:20
NoCodeand what do you mean how much?09:58
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