=== maclin1 is now known as maclin === siel_ is now known as siel === doko_ is now known as doko [07:07] good morning desktoppers! [07:10] Morning oSoMoN [07:17] good afternoon duflu [07:21] good morning [07:24] salut didrocks [07:26] Morning didrocks [07:26] oSoMoN, would you like me to condense that list of Gnome fixes in your doc? [07:27] Or maybe as a presentation, a longer list in small text will be more effective [07:27] hey oSoMoN, duflu [07:30] duflu, I think a short list of the most relevant/interesting fixes would be better [07:31] I won't have time to go into a great deal of detail [07:31] oSoMoN, I was thinking maybe an almost unreadable (but accurate) slide you didn't have to explain might be impactful [07:33] not sure unreadable is good [07:33] oSoMoN, yeah it's about the impact ("we did lots"), not the individual items [07:34] The idea is that you're not meant to read it all [07:34] got it, we can do something like that, and people interested can go back to the slides and read them later on [07:35] * duflu continues throwing fixes at Gnome to see what sticks [07:35] I'd still like to highlight a few relevant fixes, those that stand out [07:36] * oSoMoN → school [07:43] hi [07:47] Hello ShriHari [07:48] helo === pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski === maclin1 is now known as maclin [08:57] morning all [08:59] good morning willcooke [09:01] good morning willcooke [09:01] I've just targetted this for Bionic: [09:01] https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gedit/+bug/1754169 [09:01] Ubuntu bug 1754169 in nautilus (Ubuntu Bionic) "[Bionic] [wayland] many gnome applications exit or crash when a file is opened from within" [Undecided,Confirmed] [09:01] But looks like it could be wayland only, so maybe that was a mistake. WDYT? [09:07] duflu: looks like libinput 1.10.2 adds another crasher, according to debian bug #892714 [09:07] Debian bug 892714 in libinput10 "libinput10: Crashes Gnome session" [Important,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/892714 [09:07] * duflu looks [09:08] back [09:09] good morning desktopers [09:11] tjaalton, sounds close (within 2 lines) to a fix that landed today (https://bugs.freedesktop.org/show_bug.cgi?id=105258) [09:11] Freedesktop bug 105258 in libinput "libinput crashes Xorg with SIGABRT in libinput_event_get_pointer_event" [Normal,Resolved: fixed] [09:11] hey duflu tjaalton willcooke [09:11] hi seb128 [09:11] tjaalton, although prexisting crashes in 1.10.1 were marked as a duplicate of that. So it's not new in 1.10.2 [09:11] had a good w.e? [09:11] willcooke, good trip back? [09:11] Morning seb128, willcooke [09:13] seb128, yeah fine. The lounge was closed when we got there, so had a few hours to kill in the airport. Found the "rooftop bar" but it was grrrrrrimmmmmm. [09:13] tjaalton, yes it's the same line of code (off by 2 depending which branch you look at). So sounds like what was fixed today [09:13] duflu: ok god [09:13] good [09:13] Also not new in 1.10.2 [09:17] is there any reason we didn't sync that update yet? [09:17] weekend? [09:19] sounds like a good reason :) [09:47] didrocks, great reply on the hub re: theme. [09:48] willcooke: thanks! :) [09:55] Hi @willcooke and hi @didrocks, thanks for the reply ;) [09:56] oh c-lobrano is around, hey! ;) [09:56] :) [09:56] thanks for your reply as well and happy to see we are aligned :) [09:56] I'm going to push the move to bionic changes today btw, if you have time to review this evening… [09:56] I'm always around, just in stealth mode :D [09:56] heh [09:57] of course, I'm still studying what has to be done however, never managed a ppa before [09:58] c-lobrano: yeah, basically I need to implement the distro-part anyway at first [09:58] changing some XDG_ for that session so that apps can look up for this theme [09:59] alright. I'm also looking at that dashtodock "issue" you posted, but maybe I need a VM to avoid breaking my dev environment :D [10:00] * c-lobrano already did on another machine and couldn't change gnome-shell anymore :( [10:00] c-lobrano: yeah, because if I need to ship the empty file, it needs to be in the distro [10:01] c-lobrano: was my post about it clear enough on the various options ? [10:03] didrocks: if you refer to this https://community.ubuntu.com/t/mockups-new-design-discussions/1898/210, it looks clear, I just wanted to test it on my machine first [10:03] c-lobrano: exactly, it was the one! [10:03] didrocks: perfect :) [10:03] basically my idea to enable you to override from the snap would be to ship in ubuntu an empty .css file [10:03] (matching the theme name) [10:04] then we will provide the real .css with the snap? [10:04] exactly [10:04] or [10:04] even in the main theme [10:04] it should override the rest [10:05] didrocks: I'd like the first option more [10:07] c-lobrano: right, but from the snap, you can't ship a mode_name.css where the extension is installed [10:07] didrocks: oh, right [10:07] which is why we are to rely on the implementation detail if the snap road is chosen :/ [10:13] didrocks: this also means we need to generate the dashtodock css separately from gnome-shell one [10:14] good morning! [10:17] c-lobrano: not with the snap solution, basically we'll get it inside the gnome-shell one (in the snap) and allow overriding it by, in the distro, shipping this empty file matching the mode name. [10:23] ok [10:41] * willcooke has a cunning plan [10:46] * willcooke lols at user "Angelina Bungeejump" [10:48] willcooke: mind sharing your evil ideas? :) [10:48] because… it has to be evil ;) [10:48] didrocks, https://community.ubuntu.com/t/free-culture-showcase/4562/4 [10:49] "Sorry, you don't have access to that topic! [10:49] " [10:49] * didrocks feels out [10:50] sec [10:54] seb128: Thanks for merging gnome-session, but most of the builds failed. Do you understand why? [10:55] didrocks, try now [10:56] willcooke: answered already ;) [10:56] thx! === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch [10:57] didrocks, oh yeah! [10:57] email is slower than you [10:58] heh, I just hit "refresh" after a while while my code was compiling :p [11:06] GunnarHj, hey, yeah, I'm going to fix it ... did you try to build a package with your changes? [11:07] seb128: Indeed I did. But only locally on amd64 (and that one succeeded). [11:08] GunnarHj, weird [11:24] seb128: I'm lost. Usually when such code in d/rules fails, it spots out clear indications about what caused it. [11:30] hey desktopers [11:30] morning ricotz [11:31] chrisccoulson, hi, are you working on firefox 59? I have pushed another change to the beta branch which you should pick up [11:31] willcooke, hey [11:33] good morning ricotz [11:42] oSoMoN, hi [12:08] GunnarHj, k, I understand why it fails [12:16] GunnarHj, your loop ends with [12:16] unity-session/usr/share/xsessions/unity.desktop; do \ [12:16] test -f $$f && echo X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gnome-session-3.0 >> $$f; \ [12:16] done [12:16] GunnarHj, or unity (and gnome-session-common which contains gnome-session-properties.desktop) are "arch: all" so built only on amd64 [12:17] so unity.desktop doesn't exist in this case [12:17] test returns 1 [12:17] the loop ends up on an error return [12:17] the makefile stops [12:17] unsure what's the "most correct way" to fix it [12:17] test && echo || true [12:18] or "! test || echo" maybe? [12:18] ^ does anyone has an opinion on that? === pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski [12:28] seb128: GunnarHj: I believe the "correct" way is to use a override_dh_install-arch and override_dh_install-indep . We had to do this in the gnome-software packaging [12:29] I wish unity-session were provided in a Unity package instead of gnome-session… :) [12:29] I am a bit confused that clamav 0.99.4+addedllvm suggest it doesnt require an external llvm library, but libclamav7 depends on libllvm3.9 [12:31] jbicha, hey, do you want to fix it if you know the tweaks to do? [12:32] I can take a look later if it's still not fixed [12:38] jbicha, well, if I fix it that's by using ! test || echo :p [12:38] that's less code that having sections for arch indep and arch dep bits [12:39] or have Unity provide their own session files, that's less code for us too 😉 [12:40] jbicha, does't resolve the gnome-session-common / gnome-session-properties.desktop which has the same issue [12:40] ok [12:52] jbicha, seems like that deja-dup/webkit bug stalled upstream, it was active/getting regular comment at the begging and now nothing :/ [12:56] I'm concerned that we get it fixed before we need to do another webkit2gtk security update :( [13:23] seb128: I can submit an MP with "|| true" or changing it to "if [ -f $$f ]; then". Would any of those be ok? [13:26] should we install the vulkan drivers by default? [13:26] mesa-vulkan-drivers [13:36] seb128: are we demoting the gnome-characters .deb to universe? [13:48] (I'm asking because I need to know whether to add the dh_translations meson hack or not) [13:49] also, could you subscribe the bug team to volume-key? MIR is LP: #1754422 [13:49] Launchpad bug 1754422 in volume-key (Ubuntu) "[MIR] volume-key" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1754422 [14:05] seb128: https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gnome-session/translations2/+merge/341305 [14:08] GunnarHj, I've been thinking about it over lunch, wouldn't it be easier to do [14:09] (hum, wait, checking something) [14:11] GunnarHj, for f in tmp/usr/share/wayland-sessions* tmp/usr/share/xsessions/* tmp/usr/share/applications/*; do [14:11] test -f $$f && echo X-Ubuntu-Gettext-Domain=gnome-session-3.0 >> $$f; \ [14:11] done [14:11] dh_install [14:11] like do the iterate with *.desktop in tmp before dh_install [14:12] that wouldn't need to code the list of .desktop either so wouldn't need to change the rules if those are changing [14:13] seb128: Makes sense. Back to drawing board. [14:13] GunnarHj, thx [14:13] jbicha, gnome-characters, I guess so? [14:13] jbicha, k for volume-key [14:14] seb128: could you go ahead and demote g-characters then? (it shows up on component-mismatches) [14:16] jbicha, k [14:39] didrocks: could you reconsider making your volume-past-100% feature for gnome-control-center apply only to the Ubuntu session? [14:40] gnome-tweaks on Ubuntu doesn't ship the Sound panel so it's hard for vanilla GNOME users to configure that [14:43] jbicha: well, as long GNOME doesn't include it upstream, we said we would keep the vanilla experience vanilla [14:43] not adding our own features on top of it [14:43] so, I'm really against due to this kind of deal and advertisement to let people using that feature "easily" on the vanilla experience, as they requested… vanilla :) [14:43] I had a complaint about the missing Sound panel though :| [14:44] direct them to the PR on gitlab not getting reviewed [14:45] (Ubuntu GNOME always had a few tweaks though…) [14:45] yeah, but vanilla GNOME isn't Ubuntu GNOME [14:46] it sort of is [14:46] we have lots of gnome-control-center patches, it seems odd to single one out for special treatment [14:47] yeah, and I think we should (apart from the one being really integration to the system) condition them [14:47] hmm, ok, I don't plan to work on that though :) [14:47] everything which is behavior base should be limited to ubuntu and not touching the vanilla GNOME [14:48] if anyone wants to work on that, I would love to :) [14:48] I mean I use the Ubuntu session anyway, so it doesn't directly affect me much :) [14:48] :) [14:48] same here [14:49] if people don't like the vanilla experience, they may raise this on the bug? [14:49] so that we get that finally reviewed [14:49] which will be a win for everyone [14:52] didrocks: btw, I don't see upstream proposed g-c-c patches for that feature, just the g-s-d and gnome-shell patches [14:54] jbicha: the g-c-c patch has been nacked [14:54] only the schema, tweaks, g-s-d and g-s has been +1 [14:54] (even if GNOME design had the g-c-c mockups) [14:55] so there really isn't a place for users to complain easily? :( [14:55] the GNOME Shell MR [14:55] as told, it's where everything is blocked [15:15] xnox, hi! I've +1'd the removals, do you want me to unassign myself and reassign you? [15:15] seb128: Updated as we said. [15:15] https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gnome-session/translations2/+merge/341305 [15:15] willcooke, thanks! well, assign vorlon [15:16] xnox, ack [16:54] Laney, seb128: Since it's Monday, and in accordance with my self-imposed commitment, I hereby remind of the need to decide on how to install langpacks. ;) You know about my 'plan B'. [16:54] https://code.launchpad.net/~gunnarhj/gnome-control-center/scrollbar_hide-more/+merge/339494 === pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk [17:58] I remember a discussion about switching to ext4 encryption (either to replace LUKS or for Home-directoy) - now all I can find is https://askubuntu.com/questions/874122/is-it-possible-to-use-ext4-native-encryption-for-encrypting-home-directory [17:58] is this something that's still be tracked somewhere? [18:34] GunnarHj, L_aney is not working today, but yeah we should discuss it maybe tomorrow [18:34] gQuigs, it's still wanted, I don't know about "tracked", ask the security team maybe [20:21] good morning robert_ancell! [20:27] kenvandine, yo [20:29] robert_ancell: could you look into LP: #1754903 when you have time? [20:29] Launchpad bug 1754903 in gnome-software (Ubuntu) ""Close" string not marked for translation" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1754903 [20:30] whoops [20:31] hey robert_ancell, had a good trip back? [20:31] seb128, long and tedious = good ? [20:31] It was uneventful, which is the best you can hope for :) [20:31] right [21:28] jbicha: spice-vdagent is useful for non gnome flavours I assume? [21:36] acheronuk: yes, it's useful if you want your flavor to work well in GNOME Boxes (or presumably other spice clients) [21:36] it's sort of like the VirtualBox guest additions, as I understand it [21:37] jbicha: right. a quick google after it appeared on my last meta refresh suggested as much, but thought I would double check. thanks [21:38] acheronuk: on a vaguely related topic, is Kubuntu going to install fonts-symbola? LP: #1746310 [21:38] Launchpad bug 1746310 in ubuntu-meta (Ubuntu) "Drop fonts-symbola from platform?" [Undecided,Fix released] https://launchpad.net/bugs/1746310 [21:41] jbicha: I need to review that as I've only briefly scanned the discussion [21:41] tsimonq2 probably has a better idea at this pint than me [21:41] *point [21:42] 🍺 [21:45] tsimonq2 is too young for that sort of pint, but I'll have one :) [21:48] acheronuk: install fonts-symbola> yes please