
=== maclin1 is now known as maclin
tsimonq2kees: Since you're chairing the TB meeting later, you're welcome to skip my agenda item (well, a review of an action item I had); I didn't quite get the time to follow through with that but I will have something before the next TB meeting.06:26
tsimonq2kees: Oh, and I totally misread the calendar, so unless I ping you after doing it tonight (which is possible, heh) then skip it...06:28
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_Marek_id like to ask about mdadm and ubuntu live install - i had 4 disks as raid5 starting with sda06:50
_Marek_sda sdb sdc sdd06:50
_Marek_during installation ubuntu accidentally picked sda instead of sdf06:50
_Marek_does ubuntu automatically recognize its a raid disk or did it just wipe one disk?06:51
dokoLocutusOfBorg: any update on the llvm sanitizer issues?07:44
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juliankLocutusOfBorg: gnutls28 merged10:18
LocutusOfBorgthanks juliank!10:24
dokoxnox: could you have a look at https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-bionic/bionic/amd64/c/cmake-extras/20180312_104032_b3956@/log.gz ?11:02
juliankmvo: If I run command-not-found petname, it shows me "snap petname" (OK) and "deb petname ()" - the () are confusing, should there be something in there?11:06
mvojuliank: its a bug, sorry for that11:06
mvojuliank: let me upload a fixed version right now. I was holding the upload back because there is some further output discussion11:07
xnoxdoko, thanks....11:07
juliankmvo: not a big deal, I was just wondering11:10
mvojuliank: its uploaded now11:10
mvojuliank: most likely the output will be tweaked but at least the most glaring bugs are fixed now (and tests are much much better too)11:11
tsimonq2mvo: If snapd isn't installed (like with Lubuntu), the snap output for command-not-found isn't shown, correct?12:21
tsimonq2If not, I consider that a regression which I'll happily submit a patch for.12:22
mvotsimonq2: without snapd it should simply skip snaps - if that that is a bug12:59
tsimonq2mvo: ack13:23
mvotsimonq2: if you notice any issues, please do let me know and I will fix13:30
=== herb_ is now known as herb
xnoxinfinity, back to our conversation about "auto-bumping d-i netinst size". Imho to catch the "crazy, d-i should not have grown by 2x" it should be an autopkgtest that compares sizes of new d-i, versus previous upload and/or versus release pocket of the last LTS.14:15
xnoxinfinity, such that it would be an autopkgtest force-bad test, to say "nah, this is all good we really want to ship 10 MiB of network cards firmwares" vs "no this is dumb, somebody upload a fixed d-i"14:15
xnoxinfinity, because the current feedback loop of FTBFS, re-upload to bump d-i by 10 KiB is not fun at all.14:16
xnoxand our current d-i sizings are not as tight as they could be.14:16
xnoxinfinity, thoughts?14:16
=== karstensrage_ is now known as karstensrage
ubottubdmurray, BenC, cyphermox, jbicha, micahg, rbasak, sil2100: DMB ping.15:04
infinityxnox: I think you're spending way to much time thinking about overengineering a solution for something you've had to commit *once* for in two years.18:29
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