
=== EriC^ is now known as EriC^^
lotuspsychjegood morning to all06:04
lordievaderGood morning07:04
lotuspsychjehey lordievader07:05
lordievaderHey lotuspsychje , how are you doing?07:06
lotuspsychjegreat here tnx07:07
lotuspsychjeand you lordievader07:07
lordievaderDoing good here :)07:07
lordievaderNice to see they used Kubuntu for the screenshot.07:14
jinkMorning, monkeys.07:35
ducassegood morning, all07:36
JimBuntug'morn ducasse07:37
ducassehi JimBuntu - all well?07:39
JimBuntusort of ducasse I woke up a bit earlier than normal/expected... otherwise fine. You?07:40
ducasseall good here, still waking up07:41
JimBuntuyeah, you could say I am still waking up too. "Irish breakfast, start kicking in already!"07:42
ducassegot several inches of snow overnight, not too happy about that07:45
JimBuntuI have not dared look outside yet ducasse, I fear what may have happened overnight.07:46
JimBuntuIt's so dark, I will need to grab a flashlight anyway07:47
ducasseit's light here by now, and several feet of snow07:54
JimBuntuI'll grab a flash light, brb07:57
JimBuntuducasse, Probably only 4-8 inches of snow at the worst here.07:59
lordievaderHey JimBuntu jink ducasse08:00
lordievaderHow are you all?08:00
JimBuntulordievader, I am alive, not bleeding, not freezing, food in the pantry... I call this doing great! you?08:01
ducasseJimBuntu: https://photos.app.goo.gl/I4WZrjMLL72iL0Gv108:02
ducassemorning, lordievader08:02
JimBuntuducasse, We get that here, but not this year, at least not lately, lol... luckily.08:03
JimBuntuA few years back, not that many, we had 36 inches, a good meter, of snowfall in a single night08:04
lordievaderJimBuntu: Good to hear. I'm doing okay.08:04
ducassei guess this comes with living in norway08:05
lordievaderHey ducasse TIme for snow again?08:05
ducasseyup, lordievader - and more expected aiui08:06
lordievaderYayy </sarcasm>08:06
ducasseon the other hand, so is warmer weather, so hopefully it's only temporary08:06
lotuspsychjehey ducasse08:10
ducassehi lotuspsychje08:11
lotuspsychjeducasse: wow still big snow there08:12
ducasselotuspsychje: yep, but warm weather is expected, so it will hopefully melt soon08:18
lotuspsychjehave a nice day all, work time08:30
JimBuntuNo! You have a great day lotuspycheje!08:52
BluesKajhiyas all10:52
JimBuntuhiya BluesKaj10:57
BluesKajhey JimBuntu10:57
lordievaderGood morning BluesKaj10:59
BluesKaj'Morning lordievader11:00
lordievaderHow are you doing?11:00
BluesKajdoing fine, visiting my daughter here in Toronto. How about you lordievader, JimBuntu?11:01
JimBuntuSadly, I am doing as nornal, working :-(11:03
JimBuntu /s/nornal/normal/11:03
BluesKajwatching the sun come up over Lake Ontario11:05
* JimBuntu runs outside11:05
* JimBuntu runs back inside... it's cold out there... and dark11:08
BluesKajjust a red horizon here, looks cloudy above it11:12
JimBuntuBluesKaj, aboot (not mis-spelled) the same here11:18
* JimBuntu loves his Canadian brothers and sisters11:19
BluesKajabawt 2C here11:19
JimBuntu-6C here11:20
JimBuntuBluesKaj, our high is ~2C today11:21
BluesKajerr -2C11:21
JimBuntuany day above 0C is a good day, that's what I say11:21
BluesKajseems colder here than at home, must be due to the humidity11:22
JimBuntucold and wet is way worse than cold and dry, fo sho11:23
guiverc:) @ pronunciations of word(s),  :( @ cold11:30
* JimBuntu figured BluesKaj remembered the infamous movie 'The Warriors'11:32
JimBuntu... and the 70s in general.11:32
BluesKajI recall the 70s, but not that movie, JimBuntu11:33
JimBuntuBluesKaj, Well then... you need to watch it, although I think it was an early 80s movie... I'm looking11:34
JimBuntuBluesKaj, 1979, a decent watch11:34
JimBuntuding ding BluesKaj the sun should be rising now11:37
lordievaderDoing good here, BluesKaj :)11:37
EriC^^hey BluesKaj lordievader o/11:38
lordievaderHey EriC^^11:38
BluesKajhi EriC^^11:41
lordievaderHow are you doing EriC^^ ?11:44
EriC^^good thanks lordievader :) yourself?11:45
lordievaderDoing good here :)11:45
pauljwHi everyone12:32
lordievaderHey pauljw12:34
pauljwhi lordievader :)12:34
lordievaderHow are you doing?12:34
pauljwgood thanks, you?12:35
lordievaderDoing good here 🙂12:37
BluesKajhey pauljw....didn't see you there, was away for bit14:53
=== lotuspsychje_ is now known as lotus|BUG
lotus|BUGgood evening to all17:32
lotus|BUGquick realtek bug17:33
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1755248 in network-manager (Ubuntu) "Network card does not connect anymore" [Undecided,New]17:54
lotuspsychjelaterz guys tv time19:17
JimBuntuhave fun19:20
coffeeguyhunh kinda used to running sudo update as soon as ubuntu has started20:28
coffeeguymust be a lot of security updates since i ran it20:29
daftykinshow come?20:30
coffeeguyit wont let update run for about 5 minutes or less due to something else using the resources20:31
nacccoffeeguy: what version of ubuntu?20:32
daftykinsprobably the GUI updater doing its' own check20:32
nacccoffeeguy: aptd runs startup as well20:32
nacciiuc, to avoid having to run update in general20:32
coffeeguyaah ok that mmakes sense20:32
naccif on desktop, as daftykins said the GUI also runs20:32
coffeeguyyah desktop 16.04.420:33
pauljwjust configure it to never check for updates then you can do it yourself.20:34
coffeeguywell ill run the gui updater to and it will wait20:34
coffeeguyand this last time i ran sudo update after that and there were still 7 updates for appamour and stuff20:36
daftykinssudo apt update20:36
coffeeguyi should check update settiigs20:36
coffeeguyhehe of course20:37
coffeeguyok paul hehe20:38

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