
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
=== Peng__ is now known as Peng_
=== himcesjf_ is now known as him-cesjf
jmuxklebers: I saw you applying SRU patches to Xenial/backlog.11:32
jmuxklebers: My SRU is from the beginning of February, so I wonder, if it was missed: https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/kernel-team/2018-February/089892.html (lp#1745130)11:33
klebersjmux, hi. We are still going over the backlog of patches from the mailing list and we will review it for inclusion on the SRU cycle starting this week.11:48
jmuxklebers: Ok. Thanks.11:51
BitByBitHello to all, please give a hint. I think I miss something in the kernel configuration. Im integrating a qmi interface for a modem. I use libqmi to control the interface. When I try to get or set data format I get error whatever I do. I think I miss a module. could you help?  14:57
BitByBitThis is the error I get.. Us this related to a missing module in the kernel? error: cannot get expected data format: Expected data format not retrieved properly: Failed to open file '/sys/class/net/wwan0/qmi/raw_ip': No such file or directory14:58
apwhave you confirmed the module has autoloaded for the device ?15:00
BitByBitapw, thanks for answer. Sorry could you help me to see how to check this?15:01
apwlsmod would show your module loaded15:01
BitByBitI get any answer15:03
BitByBitI have to say that this is an ARM kernel.. I don't know if this could influence the behavior 15:03
apwnot sure i know what you are telling me, are you saying lsmod says nothing, or that your module is not listed15:16
Moral_BitByBit: lsmod | grep qmi 15:17
Moral_or w/e the module name is instead of qmi15:17
BitByBitMoral_, sorry but no module ar showed, only the header. I think this kernel doesnt have this feature15:19
apwBitByBit, then you do not have the module loaded ?15:21
apwif you are building your new bit as a module then you might need to modprobe the module15:21
BitByBitI boult the kernel from source using make menuconfig and compiled with the suggested ARM copiler.15:23
cascardoBitByBit: you should go to #kernelnewbies on OFTC15:23
cascardoyou should find better help on kernels you built yourself there15:24
BitByBitcascardo, ok.. thanks for suggestion.15:28
cascardoBitByBit: make sure you have CONFIG_USB_NET_QMI_WWAN in your config15:29
BitByBitcascardo, Ok I will verify, but I'm sure that in menuconfig I enabled all the requested features15:34
BitByBitcascardo, CONFIG_USB_NET_QMI_WWAN=y15:42
BitByBitLet see I just compiled the kernel and I got the image. Is there a way to see if the module is present in the image?15:44
cascardoBitByBit: if you've enabled /proc/config.gz, you can check in there16:13
zyga-ubuntuhey, my system just crashed17:44
zyga-ubuntuhow can I report a kernel bug with meaningful debug?17:44
zyga-ubuntuI see this in my journal17:44
zyga-ubuntuthis is from journalctl -b -1 (last boot)17:44
AlexAvadaniizyga-ubuntu: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/Bugs19:18
zyga-ubuntureported as https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/175527019:23
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1755270 in linux (Ubuntu) "Linux crashes when using network sharing over usb-c to iPhone 6s" [Undecided,New]19:23
AlexAvadaniiI joined this channel to ask when hwe-edge will switch to 4.15 in Xenial. not sure I want that now :)19:38

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