[01:52] what is the proper place to set the TERM variable? It is currently set to xterm-256color in my .zshrc file, but this overrides GNU screen and tmux causing problems, since they both require TERM=screen. [04:19] :) === yokel_ is now known as yokel === codedmart_ is now known as codedmart [06:35] good morning [07:04] Good morning [09:22] o/ [09:22] cpaelzer: good morning! [09:22] cpaelzer: would you have time for a peek at https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/libvirt/+bug/1754015 ? [09:22] Launchpad bug 1754015 in libvirt (Ubuntu) "nova-compute-kvm does not pull ipxe-qemu on non-amd64 archs" [Undecided,New] [09:24] hi jamespage [09:24] did that get the libvirt tasks just minutes ago? [09:25] I don't have any updates in my mail (yet) - just want to ensure I'd have got that without your ping [09:25] reading now [09:27] jamespage: please think with me while I pass through the bug updates :-) [09:27] jamespage: step 1 I agree to coreycb on comment #1/#2 [09:27] reading further ... [09:27] cpaelzer: it did - I just added them [09:28] ok, makes sense then jamespage [09:28] TL;DR: a recommends is the correct dep from the qemu packages [09:28] I'll update the bug [09:29] cpaelzer: I was a bit confused as to why on x86 we Depend, but on arm we only recommend? [09:29] jamespage: TL;DR x86 needs it to work, ppc/arm only needs it to enhance [09:30] even on x86 there would be cases it could be a recommend [09:30] but the general history on this was a depend on x86, so that is kept for compat [09:30] if we would follow the depend/recommend definition hard also x86 would become a recommend [09:31] OTOH - nobody complains that pulled in on x86, while on arm/ppc there are way more cases this isn't needed [09:31] jamespage: ^^ [09:31] I'd update that on the bug - ok? [09:31] yes thanks! [09:31] I guess if its needed for openstack operation we can pull it in via the charm anyway [09:34] jamespage: bug updated, fix dep in nova-compute-kvm or charm would be my suggestion [09:34] I'll track the discussion if any arises [09:34] thanks for the ping jamespage [09:34] cpaelzer: actually I like nova-compute-kvm [09:37] jamespage: I tihnk you are supposed to "like nova-compute-kvm" by your Job :-P [09:38] lo [09:40] cpaelzer: do I need ipxe-qemu-256k-compat-efi-roms as well? or is ipxe-qemu enought? [09:40] my brain can't remember === beatzz_ is now known as beatzz === BlackDex_ is now known as BlackDex === karstensrage_ is now known as karstensrage [15:23] hi there [15:24] I'm following this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/198003/set-default-kernel-in-grub/224708#224708 [15:25] but no matter which number I set in GRUB_DEFAULT it always boots me the newest kernel [15:25] any ideas? [15:26] adac: did you run `update-grub` after? [15:27] nacc, yepp [15:27] adac: did you check the generated file? (/boot/grub/grub.cfg) ? [15:28] adac: what does "grep menuentry /boot/grub/grub.cfg; grep GRUB_DEFAULT= /etc/default/grub" show ? [15:29] TJ-, nacc https://gist.github.com/anonymous/34c54264871a990690ca3b8b75285d49 [15:29] adac: that reads as GRUB_DEFAULT is unset [15:29] adac: grep GRUB_DEFAULT /etc/default/grub [15:29] adac: oh sorry, misread the gist [15:29] is set to 5 [15:29] adac: which one do you want to be the default [15:29] 4.4.0-112-generic [15:30] TJ-, ^^ [15:30] shouldn't the number be 5 for that? [15:30] adac: GRUB_DEFAULT="Advanced options for Ubuntu>Ubuntu, with Linux 4.4.0-112-generic" [15:30] TJ-, so It doesn't work with the number? [15:31] mean when I set the number to 5 [15:31] I need to add this string? [15:31] adac: yes, but it's easier to use the name since numbers can change... you'd want =6 for the same entry [15:31] TJ-: gnulinux-4.4.0-116-generic-advanced-e1b951ba-b110-4a81-bf51-23d82e6c92c5 [15:31] TJ-, ok that is true [15:32] is technically a better choice (less prone to string changes) [15:32] TJ-, still wondering why the number won't work [15:32] I try now to reboot with this [15:32] adac: especially with sub-menus involved using numbers is a pain, whereas using names is understandable long after it is set, e.g. I have GRUB_DEFAULT="Advanced options for Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS>Linux Mainline-RC for Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS>Ubuntu 16.04.4 LTS, with Linux 4.16-rc3-pci_bridge" (2 levels of sub-menu) [15:33] TJ-, ok I see. Yes I try it out now like this. lets see [15:34] TJ-, ok now it doesn't boot up anymore at all :D [15:35] https://gist.github.com/anonymous/09bd217831753d5a017c481af6b8d34b [15:35] this was correct or? [15:35] adac: you sure seem to be good at breaking GRUB :D [15:36] TJ-, totally :D [15:36] how can I set this back in a rescue shell? [15:36] :D [15:36] modifiy the generated one or? [15:36] *generated file [15:36] adac: see what this reports: "grep 'set default=' /boot/grub/grub.cfg" that should match GRUB_DEFAULT= [15:37] TJ-, is this correct what I have generated? see above [15:37] adac: always set it in /etc/default/grub, then do "sudo update-grub" which writes /boot/grub/grub.cfg based on /etc/default/grub [16:04] coreycb, cpaelzer: https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-server-dev/ubuntu/+source/nova/commit/?id=072a1d449e1e37e2a5233f25b7d6568b84b842bc look ok? [16:05] jamespage: yes I think so [16:06] done [16:12] coreycb: I committed the same fix to the stable/pike branch but I think we can wait until the next point release before uploading [16:36] jamespage: not directly related but nova folks seemed to strongly suggest to drop 17.0.0 and use 17.0.1 instead [16:36] yeah I saw that - I'll ask coreycb nicely :-) [16:37] jamespage: frickler: yep saw that as well, planning to do that today [16:37] coreycb: ta [16:39] cool, thx [16:40] jamespage: thanks for the nova fix [21:26] does ubuntu have an official docker hub account, so that i can download the maas container instead of building it myslef ? [22:28] hey team; how to set up x11 for remote clipboard sharing? i have xclip installed on ubuntu server but when i do echo 'foo' | xclip i see can't open display :0 [22:28] even though i've set the var export DISPLAY=:0 [23:47] ugh - ubuntu bionic desktop (gnome over vnc) on kvm is doing that key autorepeat thing [23:47] bouncekeys [23:47] guess it could be the gvncclient [23:48] though i've not seen it happen with other kvms