
=== Nina is now known as Guest48453
daftykinsthat looks a lot like a password01:08
daftykinsthat's not how a command looks01:10
=== Nina_ is now known as Ntd
SuperMattwhat's new pussycats?09:17
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.09:28
SuperMattI dun some good code this weekend10:05
SuperMatthttps://imgur.com/xs8TqqY - I am genuinely surprised how fast this is10:07
SuperMatthah, I just noticed the mild swears in the list of 4 and 5 letter words10:15
foobarryhave a "new" PC but annoyingly 1 month before LTS release10:24
foobarrymeans i will likely be reinstalling in a couple of months10:24
foobarryand its my work PC. my current work pc hasnt been reinstalled in 4-5 years10:25
SuperMattInstall 17.10 for now and upgrade to 18.04 in a month10:26
SuperMatt17.10 is solid10:26
Nafallo*shrugs* help beta test 18.04?10:27
Nafallofeature freeze is already in effect10:27
SuperMattI want to switch to 18.04, but it doesn't even have firefox 58 yet10:27
SuperMattConsidering 59 is out this week (hopefully with csd), I don't want to install 18.04 yet10:28
foobarrygonna beta10:41
SuperMattfair enough10:44
foobarrydo i have to disable secure boot to install it?11:33
TJ-foobarry: the installers have a signed shimx64.efi so S.B. should be fine11:37
foobarryyeah i'm struggling here11:39
foobarrywonder if beta is different11:39
foobarryhmm a release version works ok11:45
TJ-foobarry: As far as I know the cd-image builders use the same (signed) GRUB packages11:47
foobarry"there is no regular Ubuntu 18.04 Beta 1 release. " ah12:03
foobarry"Ubuntu proper only participates in the second round of beta testing"12:04
foobarrylooks like i'm on budgie for a month :(12:13
SuperMattInstall 17.10 then upgrade12:52
TJ-foobarry: You can install from another flavour then just "sudo apt install gnome-desktop" or whatever13:03
SuperMattwell, you'd want to do ubuntu-desktop13:18
SuperMattbecause the gnome-session doesn't give you the same stuff as the ubuntu-session13:18
TJ-ahh, yes. You can tell I don't use either of those :)13:19
SuperMattI thoroughly enjoy using the ubuntu version of gnome.13:27
SuperMattstock gnome is good, but ubuntu's version is just that tiny bit better13:27
TJ-Anything Unity/Gnome related has been awful for my config, I abandonded it about 6 years ago13:29
SuperMattOOI, why would that be?13:31
TJ-multi-GPU, multi-monitor13:32
SuperMattAh, I have multi monitor which works fine with gnome, but I don't have multigpu13:39
TJ-I've got 6 monitors over 3 GPUs13:40
SuperMattI only have 2 monitors13:40
TJ-I use 4 X sessions too13:40
foobarry17.10 feels wrong when we're so close to new release :D14:38
zmoylan-piso young... when you're older you always want an old (warts and all but we know what they are) distro... :-)14:39
foobarryi am older...and i still have 14.04 on my work machine14:40
foobarrywhich is why its annoying being in limbo for another month until i can install a long term desktop on my new machine14:41
SuperMattWay I see things is that because most of my work is done via browser or terminal sshed into another box, it doesn't matter what I run on my desktop as long as I like it14:50
Seeker`pfft, 5.10 is the way to go14:55
Seeker`can't remember if it was that or 5.04 I started with14:55
foobarryi was 4.10/5.04 era14:56
foobarryjust desperate after debian dselect and installer ugliness14:57
Seeker`I came from FC2 or 314:57
foobarryyeah. fedora wasn't working well14:57
foobarryhad the same problem14:57
foobarrydependency issues seemed particualry bad14:58
Seeker`I think 3 or 4 had bad compatiability issues with my laptop / pc14:59
SuperMattmoan all you want about fedora core, but we all know the bad says were around the beefy miracle days15:03
foobarrybut the best name15:11
foobarryalso...bring back wobbly windows!15:11
SuperMatttrue that15:11
SuperMattI think the raring days of Ubuntu weren't great too :/15:12
foobarryremember automatix?15:12
foobarryit was an app to make things easier on ubuntu15:12
foobarrywhen simple things weren't that easy for all suers15:13
foobarryhowever, when the next upgrade came out, the ubuntu forums went mental15:13
foobarrybecause automatix did something to break all the buntus15:13
foobarryAutomatix was not recommended by the Ubuntu development team, which has criticised its content.[2] Some individual Ubuntu developers blamed Automatix 1 for breaking updates from Dapper to Edgy.[3][4] On 2 November 2006 Ubuntu CTO Matt Zimmerman said "I cannot recommend the use of this program, and systems where it has been used cannot be supported with a clean and official upgrade path."[5]15:14
SuperMattoh gosh, sounds like a nightmare15:17
SuperMattI've pretty much given up on a lot of third party tools.15:17
SuperMattthere used to be a number of unity tweak tools, but often they wouldn't be updated with the new version of Ubuntu, and so you couldn't get all the tweaks you wanted working15:18
diploAutomatix was around in the early days, I remember it15:26
diploIt sucked15:26
foobarrya partly necessary evil15:26
SuperMattHow so?15:31
diploI guess he means because some things were a pain to do back then and it made things easier15:48
SuperMattfair enough15:49
diploI still think ubuntu was great back in the 4.10 days, much better than Suse/Redhat15:53
diploI was using debian just before then as well, also a pita15:53
SuperMattI didn't start linuxing until 8.04, so I don't have much experience of those really early versions15:54
diploStill 10 years ago.. :)15:57
SuperMattGosh, yes15:59
SuperMatt10 years and 20 versions15:59
diddledanI started on buntu at 5.10/6.06 era. Before that I was a ricer (gentoo)16:00
SuperMattI had dabbled a little with debian on and off in my time16:15
SuperMattespecially at uni16:15
SuperMattwhich is when you're supposed to play the field a little16:15
SuperMattbut back then it wasn't really nice enough to use in order to get me hooked16:15
diploI started off with AIX and RedHat 7, RH was our mail server and AIX was our ERP system16:18
zmoylan-pired hat 4 just as redhat 5 came along...16:19
diploNot RHEL zmoylan-pi ?16:20
zmoylan-pinah, we were playing with it to learn...16:22
zmoylan-pihalf the fun was finding hardware around the office that people wouldn't miss that was compatible... :-)16:22
diploNo I mean was it the early version, non EL16:25
diploSo 97-2000 time ?16:25
zmoylan-pidownloaded onto umpteen floppies using a 56k modem... yes... :-)16:26
SuperMattthen curse when one of them can't be read16:27
diplohahah. still have a pile here somewhere for aix16:32
zmoylan-pithen it was a quick shuffle and rewrtie the flp file to a new disk...16:35
m0nkey_Ah, yes. Download all the Red hat 2.0 floppy images only to find one or more of them are corrupted.17:09
diddledanpm blames russia: http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-4337785617:29
DrRoachHi is there anyone here that can help me with an issue with mysql?20:57
zmoylan-pinow if it had of been a dbase iii+ problem... :-P22:00
GargoyleThe youth of today! No answer in less than 60s = "Pffft! I'm off..." ;-)23:23
daftykinsdoubt it was youth to blame ;)23:23
daftykinswhat do you guys make of the situation when users come in and ask a help question, but refuse to explain the scenario or why they want to do the thing they want help with?23:24
daftykinsis it bad of a support person to feel they need to understand the task? to me it's key, but in another channel i'm having expletives hurled at me for it23:24
GargoyleWell. If the context helps solve the problem I don't see the issue.23:25
GargoyleI don't think it's bad for you to want to understand the scenario you are trying to help with.23:25
daftykinsit's a little odd for users to refuse to explain, too23:27
GargoyleIf they are that sensitive, they'll have to figure out the solution on their own.23:27
GargoyleOr figure out a way to explain it in a way they are happy with.23:28
daftykinssuch a strange one23:36

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