
=== Zimdale_ is now known as Zimdale
=== Zimdale is now known as Guest9704
cmaloneyGood morning11:01
* rick_h looks at weather forecast and starts to get annoyed with snow11:47
cmaloneyrick_h: But snow is awesome11:53
cmaloneyLet's have it all year long! :)11:53
rick_hyea...except I'm getting the camper out in 2 weeks for spring break11:53
* cmaloney shuts up before rick_h deploys the tactical nukes11:53
rick_hand I'd really prefer to have lows above freezing so it doesn't explode11:53
cmaloneyYeah, exploding campers are no fun11:54
rick_hhaving them in the 20s in the 10 day forecast is kind of ... :(11:54
cmaloneytoo many fluids, not enough walls11:54
rick_hand the snow is just the visual aid to my frustration heh11:54
rick_hyea...that's the general idea11:54
cmaloneyor rather insulation11:54
_stink__and why is it that 30 deg F feels so nice in January but feels so cold in March11:56
cmaloney_stink__: Winter blood11:56
cmaloneyOr rather it should last through March11:56
rick_hyea, March is always tricky. Usually there start to be warm spikes so have to get the snow tires off12:08
rick_hbut then it'll give one last snow just for fun12:08
=== ColonelPanic002_ is now known as ColonelPanic001
=== Guest9704 is now known as Zimdale
rick_hlol nice15:47
cmaloneyRegistered for a conference pack from Canonical for Penguicon16:26
cmaloneyI love some of the questions they ask16:27
cmaloneystuff like how active is the group16:27
rick_hhah, I'm surprised it's still available tbh16:27
cmaloneywell, we're still doing release parties, so um... :)16:27
cmaloneyrick_h: Yeah, I'm always surprised that it hasn't been shuttered16:27
cmaloneyThere's only 13 verified loco teams16:29
cmaloneyAnd in the uSA it's Washington DC, Arizona, and Florida16:29
jrwreni'm surprised they invest ANYTHING in desktop or end-user ubuntu.16:31
cmaloneyIt became a bit of a standard and now it's getting pissed away16:31
cmaloneybut w/e.16:32
cmaloneyhonestly if we don't get anything that's one less thing for me to carry to PCon.16:32

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