
UserUSAnyone install a Display Link driver for usb to hdmi here?00:00
vfwon3pk: What version of ubuntu are you on?00:00
UserUS16 LTS00:00
on3pkvfw, some weird minimal version setup by my host00:02
dntercan I ask how to run a gui apps (GNS3) inside the LXD ?00:08
on3pkok.  I might use centos, because that can complete the update00:12
Nokajivfw: Hiyas, .... juat wanted to say a big THANKS, opted for WiFi File Transfer and it is by far the easiest, which means I will use it way more often too :)00:14
NokajiI won't ping Jeremy_31 in case he is busy but thanks to you too (actually seems he's moved on)00:15
PhazonicRidleyhello, i just installed xubuntu and was wondering how to activate the wifi menu00:19
arooniid like to write some blogs posts;  is vim a good editor for that or are there better options00:30
TemperedSoulhey whats up00:30
TemperedSoulI have an ubuntu question00:31
Butterfly_just ask00:31
TemperedSoulthanks... so i just downloaded the newest .iso and installed Ubuntu into a vm using Virtual Box... When I added a pgp key using seahorse aka password n keys, i had to export my key to add it into gpg.  arnt they supposed to be linked?00:32
operator-errorDoes anyone know when 18.04 will be coming out (roughly)?00:33
Butterfly_operator-error : may/june i believe00:33
vltoperator-error: In 04-201800:33
Butterfly_oh earlier00:34
operator-errorCool.  Thanks.00:34
Bashing-omoperator-error: Yhe hint is in the relese designation .. 18.04 == April (04) of 2018 - somtime .00:34
Butterfly_oh lol, never realized that :D00:34
operator-errorBashing-om: Doh!  I actually had no idea that the ".04" referred to a date. :)00:35
Bashing-omoperator-error: Just goes to show, there is a lot to learn ... and believe me ..none of us know it all .00:35
Butterfly_the strength of a community is the combined knowledge of all it's members :)00:36
Bashing-omButterfly_: Shared knowledge .. closed source systems are not as much fun :)00:37
Butterfly_true :)00:39
TemperedSoulanyone know why openpgp wont work in ubuntu's newest release00:39
ZythyrNeed help starting a service after decrypting a partition. My service is NOT starting. More details here: https://askubuntu.com/questions/1013627/how-to-automatically-start-a-service-after-manually-decrypting-home-partition00:49
MeaCulpasomeone was illegally using my nick I hope they weren't in here behaving poorly00:59
MeaCulpaor even worse than I :)01:00
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donofrio_How would I heal my ssh keys?  https://apaste.info/yjmF right now I cannot ssh to localhost ;(01:19
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bcpoieverytime I search on firefox there is something on the end on the address bar which is the '&t=canonical&ia=web'02:05
bcpoiwhat does it mean?02:05
operator-errorbcpoi: probably means canonical is spying on you :)02:07
cfhowlett!fud | operator-error02:08
ubottuoperator-error: Please do not fall prey to, or spread FUD (fear, uncertainty, and doubt) - it is not welcome here!  Please see http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Fear,_uncertainty_and_doubt02:08
cfhowlettt=canonical is a partner tag that allows Ubuntu to generate revenue from searches on DuckDuckGo that use Ubuntu (anonymously)02:08
cfhowlett&ia=web - the ia is short for "instant access"02:09
bcpoiwhat does it mean? that i'm not secured?02:09
cfhowlettnothing to do with security.  it's an anonymous tag02:10
operator-errorcfhowlett: has that something to do with running the Unity desktop?  Because I'm using Kubuntu, and I get no such "canonical" tag in my search results in DuckDuckGo.02:11
cfhowlettnothing to do with unity at all.  it's browswer generated and is generated by ALL browsers02:12
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cfhowlettbut I'll verify DDG02:12
operator-erroryeah, because I'm using stock firefox from the repository (in KDE) and I'm not getting that tag02:13
cfhowletthuh.  Ubuntustudio 16.04 + DDG = https://duckduckgo.com/?q=peace+love+harmony&t=canonical&ia=web02:15
cfhowlettFFox + DDG search engine02:15
bcpoicfhowlett how can I disable that?02:16
operator-errorhmm... I'm using 16.04 Kubuntu and here's the result I get searching mittens:  https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mittens&t=hg&ia=web02:16
Ben64operator-error: are you typing 'mittens' directly into the address bar02:17
operator-errorBen64: no, I'm typing it in the search bar on the page02:17
Ben64well that's not what was being discussed02:17
cfhowlettnot sure you can disable according to this.  https://qph.ec.quoracdn.net/main-qimg-764c461fa18fbd81ce6413de57d7b42302:18
operator-errorahh, now when I type my search in the address bar I get:  https://duckduckgo.com/?q=mittens&t=canonical&ia=web02:18
cfhowlettin any case, as the info being passed is anonymized ... ?02:19
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zzo38How to get bold Japanese text to display correctly on Firefox? It displays correctly if it isn't bold.04:09
Butterfly_zzo38 : are you running the latest firefox ?04:10
zzo38Butterfly_: No, the extensions I want to use will not work in the latest Firefox04:13
Butterfly_which extension is that ?04:13
Butterfly_maybe there's an alternative that does work with the latest firefox04:13
zzo38All of them; userChrome.js is one04:13
Butterfly_i had to change some extensions myself in the last few months, but some extensions were even better than the original i was using04:13
Butterfly_zzo38 : doesn't User-Agent Switcher do the same ?04:14
zzo38There is also Classic Theme Restorer, OverbiteFF (although it has some problems and I should write my own), Status-4-Evar, etc04:15
Butterfly_there is OverbiteWX ? maybe something similar ?04:15
zzo38And, no, User-Agent Switcher is not the same as userChrome.js. However, the Rewrite HTTP Headers extension (which I also have) does the same as User-Agent Switcher (and more).04:15
Butterfly_i guess you have too many extensions to actually make the switch to latest firefox :)04:16
Butterfly_not sure if your firefox issue is a bug that has been resolved in newer versions ?04:16
Butterfly_which site did you have this problem on? maybe i can have a look04:16
zzo38Butterfly_: Wikipedia, although it applies to any bold Japanese text displayed by Firefox as far as I can tell. If the text is copied and pasted into the location bar or something else that isn't bold, it displays correctly.04:18
Butterfly_let me find a page04:18
zzo38The problem is only with bold Japanese text; non-bold Japanese text and bold non-Japanese text both work correctly.04:18
Butterfly_i don't really see much strange in wikipedia in japanese, although i don't know japanese, so i might not spot what you're spotting04:21
zzo38Do you have any Japanese fonts installed? I think the problem might be with the fonts.04:24
Butterfly_zzo38 : it seems to display correctly, i didn't install additional fonts, but it seems perfectly japanese to me04:25
jas_So the unity dm doesn't seem to start upon system boot. I don't know what's causing it. For now, i'm launching folders and the browser using the terminal. I'm not able to move the windows using the cursor too. Do I have to restart any service or are there any other options?04:26
Butterfly_i'm using Linux Mint though, not Ubuntu04:26
zzo38Butterfly_: Do you know anything about how it decides what fonts to use?04:29
Butterfly_zzo38 : not entirely to be honest04:29
zzo38jas_: I don't know; I don't use Unity. But if you can't move windows, that suggest perhaps the window manager is not installed or is not configured.04:30
EriC^jas_: does the guest account work?04:30
zzo38(Although the window manager ought to be installed by default)04:30
jas_EriC^: Yes, it does.04:30
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EriC^^jas_: try "dconf reset -f /org/compiz"04:31
EriC^^jas_: and "rm ~/.compiz ~/.config/compiz-1"04:31
jas_EriC^^: crap! i'm not able to move to the terminal. lemme log back in.04:32
zzo38You can also push CTRL+ALT+F2 or another function key to login to the text screen (and then CTRL+ALT+F8, or possibly a different function key on your computer, switches back to the X windows)04:34
jas_Hey EriC^^04:36
jas_It seems it is a directory04:37
EriC^^jas_: oh, yeah, type "rm -r ~/.compiz ~/.config/compiz-1"04:38
zzo38You can also push CTRL+ALT+F2 or another function key to login to the text screen (and then CTRL+ALT+F8, or possibly a different function key on your computer, switches back to X Windows). You can see if that works04:38
zzo38(Although you would still have to restart it probably in order for the changes to take effect)04:38
jas_EriC^^: you want me to delete the compiz dir and config/compiz-1 dir?04:39
EriC^^jas_: yeah04:39
EriC^^jas_: did you tr dconf reset -f /org/compiz /04:40
EriC^^jas_: did you tr dconf reset -f /org/compiz ?04:40
jas_EriC^^: yes I've done the dconf step first and then I deleted the two files04:41
EriC^^jas_: ok try logging back in04:41
jas_EriC^^: nope it doesn't seem to work.04:43
donofrioanyone got an idea of how I can fix this ssh issue? https://apaste.info/yjmF04:44
EriC^^jas_: try "mv ~/.cache ~/.cache.old"04:44
EriC^^jas_: also "mv ~/.gconf ~/.gconf.old"04:45
jas_.cache is a folder04:45
jas_EriC^^: it's a folder you want me to move the folder04:47
EriC^^jas_: yes04:48
EriC^^essentially renaming it04:48
jas_So rename the .cache folder to .cache folder to cache.old?04:48
mauI have an partition that is mounted at ~/development but I have to chown each time I boot. Is there any work-around?04:50
jas_EriC^^: Done both the cache and the gconf04:50
EriC^^donofrio: seems like the private key is invalid cause it's attempting to offer it as public key04:51
donofrioEriC^^, howto fix?04:52
EriC^^mau: what filesystem is it?04:52
EriC^^jas_: try to login again04:52
donofrioEriC^^, hu?04:54
EriC^^donofrio: did you add the public key to the ~/.ssh/authorized_keys file?04:55
donofrioNot done anything yet04:56
EriC^^donofrio: ok, type "ssh-copy-id localhost"04:56
mauEriC^^, ext4. Apparently that seem to be the problem04:58
jas_EriC^^: Thanks a lot mate! It worked. Is there anything else I should do after this? And what might have caused the problem.?04:58
EriC^^mau: no, that shouldn't be a problem ext4 uses permissions04:58
EriC^^mau: are you certain it's ext4?04:58
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donofrioEriC^^, https://apaste.info/iupp04:59
EriC^^jas_: no problem, nah you should be good, no idea to be honest05:00
jas_ EriC^^: fine, thanks again05:00
Draconiatorhttps://arstechnica.com/gadgets/2016/08/seagate-unveils-60tb-ssd-the-worlds-largest-hard-drive/ - Yeesh, this probably would sell for 50 grand.05:01
EriC^^donofrio: try "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"05:01
mauEriC^^: I formatted it as ext4 and Disks confirms that it's ext4. When I try to use uid=1000,gid=1000I get "bad options"05:01
EriC^^mau: yeah, ext4 saves the permissions05:02
mauEriC^^: then I don't understand what I'm supposed to do05:02
EriC^^mau: what exactly are you trying to do?05:03
EriC^^mau: with the filesystem mounted, sudo chown -R <user>: /mountpoint should change the permissions, and upon unmounting and remounting they'll stick05:03
mauEriC^^: oh, I didn't know that05:04
mauEriC^^: then I'll be fine05:04
mauEriC^^: I misunderstood what I read on the web and what you told me05:04
mauEriC^^: thanks for your patience05:05
EriC^^mau: no problem05:05
mauEriC^^: :-)05:05
donofrioEriC^^, https://apaste.info/HAs505:05
EriC^^donofrio: type "chmod 750 ~" and "chmod 700 ~/.ssh" and "chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"05:07
EriC^^donofrio: try again with "ssh localhost -vvv" if it doesn't work and paste the output05:08
donofrioEriC^^, https://apaste.info/ys7M05:11
EriC^^donofrio: my bad, type "rm ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"05:13
EriC^^donofrio: we should copy the public key not private one05:13
EriC^^donofrio: type "cat ~/.ssh/id_rsa.pub > ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"05:13
EriC^^"chmod 600 ~/.ssh/authorized_keys"05:13
donofriothat worked05:15
xeonhi is anyone on?05:16
donofrioEriC^^, thank you for your time05:17
xeonsorry haha?05:17
EriC^^donofrio: no problem05:18
donofrioEriC^^, the reason I wanted to get ssh is cause I thought this I needed this to resolve this issue but nope ;( https://apaste.info/Akyj05:22
Guest73hi when I open raw images in Ubuntu(default image viewer, darktable), it has reddish tint. It works fine with lightzone and in windows(lightroom). How do I fix it?05:23
Guest73Please let me know if anybody finds the solution to the problem.05:32
donofrioanyone know of a fix for this ipc message05:32
GizmoRomickCould I get some help please?  I re-installed openmediavault on my NAS, and now when I try to connect over SMB/CIFS, I get Failed to retrieve share list from server: Connection refused.  Any idea why that would be?  The configuration is pretty close as far as I can tell05:36
donofrioanyone know how I can get add-repo working I keep getting this gpg message - https://apaste.info/yb2I05:45
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Guest73more problems, less solution... :(05:56
djddutyIs there any way with gnome 3 on 17.10 to get different wallpapers on each monitor?06:25
djddutyOnline only suggests using nitrogen but it doesn't seem to have a monitor option when using gnome 306:25
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ghostnik11hi i am trying to make an edit to my kernel.configuration file but i can't find it in my system in what folder would it be located06:30
ghostnik11is kconfig the same thing as kernel .config06:32
ghostnik11please i am trying to patch something into my kernel06:32
segersjerryghostnik11, the config file for kernels installed from the repositories are in /boot06:33
ghostnik11segersjerry, thats where i will find it will look now but i am looking for kernel .config06:33
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ghostnik11segersjerry, config-4.13.1-...generic should be it correct?06:34
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segersjerrycheck with uname -a06:35
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ghostnik11segersjerry, yeah i found it bro, thanks a lot now i can change the config_i2c and pmw values06:36
segersjerryghostnik11, :)06:37
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ghostnik11okay i have made the changes in my kernel configuration file located in boot. how can i check that its working? in terminal do i need to run a command to restart computer or tell it that i made changes to the kernel configuration file. should i just reboot?06:55
segersjerryghostnik11, not 100% sure, but I think you would have to use it to compile a new kernel for the changes to do anything. You probably want to change something in /proc to make it work the way you're talking06:57
ghostnik11segersjerry, these are the steps i am following: https://github.com/Asus-T100/kernel/wiki/Compiling-the-kernel-for-T100TAF06:59
ghostnik11i segersjerry the section for screen brightness and power savings, i made my hex and also made the changes to the kernel configuartion file and just installed iio-sensor-proxy via synaptic07:00
lotuspsychjewe dont reccomend compiling, use !mainline instead07:00
ubottuThe kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds07:01
ghostnik11lotuspsychje, yeah but this is for a specific 2 in 1 tablet = asus t100taf would kernel mainline builds have the changes i am trying to do already in kernels for this particular 2 in 1 tablet segersjerry07:03
segersjerrylotuspsychje, thanks. ghostnik11 there you go, try the latest kernel, but to follow those instructions you have to compile the kernel and patch it07:03
segersjerryghostnik11, possibly, I would try it.07:04
ghostnik11segersjerry, yeah i am at the last step now which is to compile as i made all the other steps just need to compile then possilbe patch it for auto screen brightness and i should get amazing battery life and power saving07:05
lotuspsychjeghostnik11: is this machine arm based?07:05
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ghostnik11lotuspsychje, no its an intel but a baytrail cpu07:05
ghostnik11segersjerry, lotuspsychje say i wanted to grab from the main line do i just run it through terminal or is it easier from the website to get the kernel?07:13
segersjerryghostnik11, no clue here.07:13
lotuspsychje!mainline | ghostnik1107:13
ubottughostnik11: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds07:13
ghostnik11lotuspsychje, yeah but now i want to grab one of the main line kernels? like i want to download it to my system07:14
ghostnik11lotuspsychje, would this work sudo apt-get install linux-image-4.95... etc?07:16
ghostnik11lotuspsychje, i needed the wget command07:19
segersjerryghostnik11, it looks to me like you want to grab whichever .deb file and install it manually with dpkg or gdebi07:20
ghostnik11segersjerry, well i want the kernel 4.9.54 file b/c from the google plus group they say 4.9 kernels work best with this particular 2 in 1 asus tablet07:21
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nseihi guys07:22
ZaZaQhi nsei07:23
ZaZaQwhats up07:24
JimBuntunot much, up a little bit early, you07:24
ZaZaQjust bored07:24
ZaZaQi just downloaded hexchat07:24
ZaZaQit seems good07:24
JimBuntuYeah, I feel the boredom bug a bit often... hobbies help07:25
ZaZaQlol like ubuntu?07:25
JimBuntuZaZaQ, I prefer XChat, although, it's been a while since I compared07:25
EgoAleSumhi, when using cloud-init with Ubuntu, how can I install a DEB package from a URL? (not in a repo)07:26
ZaZaQWell, i used irssi07:26
JimBuntuI meant hobbies like archery or a garden... Gentoo if so inclines ;-)07:26
segersjerryghostnik11, I would try the latest 4.9.x and the latest non -rc version overall before I tried compiling my own.07:26
ZaZaQoh ic07:26
ghostnik11segersjerry, yeah i will do that now but i need to grab it with wget first07:26
ZaZaQwell the fork of xchat is hexchat :P07:26
ZaZaQbecause xchat doesnt get updated07:27
ghostnik11 wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.9.54/^Cnux-headers-4.9.54-040954_4.9.54-040954.201711052237_all.deb does that look legit?07:27
Amm0nxchat is dead since 201007:27
JimBuntuAmm0n, not true... the version I use was updated in 201407:28
JimBuntuI do admit it is currently "discontinued"07:29
Amm0nlast official release is from 2010, dunno what version you got07:29
JimBuntuVersion 2.8.807:29
JimBuntuWhich is from 201007:29
ghostnik11segersjerry, that command didn't work to get a 4.9.x kernel07:29
EgoAleSumwhen using cloud-init with Ubuntu, how can I install a DEB package from a URL? (not in a repo)07:30
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JimBuntuEgoAleSum, Do you mean like... dpkg --install <filename> ?07:30
ZaZaQi'm back07:31
JimBuntuwb ZaZaQ07:31
segersjerryghostnik11, is there some reason you are stopping at 4.9.54? 4.9 goes up to 8707:31
EgoAleSumJimBuntu: yes, where do you put it in cloud-init? under runcmd? or is there a better way to do that (e.g. in the packages section)07:31
ZaZaQi'm using irssi now07:31
JimBuntuNote: I am only partially awake,, and only a partially intelligent bot.07:32
ZaZaQwhat kind of hobbies you have?07:32
ghostnik11segersjerry, okay thats cool, but i am trying to find a command for the 4.9.87 so i can get it and the wget command i ran didn't work07:32
ZaZaQI'm using the Ubuntu 18.04 beta07:32
segersjerryghostnik11, ok, you're intel I remember, are you 32 or 64 bit?07:33
JimBuntuZaZaQ, for 18.04, I would prefer #ubuntu+107:33
ghostnik11segersjerry, its a 64 bit07:33
ZaZaQyou mean room?07:33
segersjerryghostnik11, I think you want wget http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.9.87/linux-headers-4.9.87-040987-generic_4.9.87-040987.201803111631_amd64.deb07:34
segersjerryoops, no07:35
ghostnik11segersjerry, i just downloaded that using terminal but i need also 2 more07:35
ghostnik11header and the image, i think segersjerry07:35
ShriHarihi necm07:36
necmhey is there anyone american?07:36
necmi  live in montana07:36
ZaZaQwhere is montana?07:36
segersjerryhttp://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.9.87/linux-headers-4.9.87-040987_4.9.87-040987.201803111631_all.deb  and http://kernel.ubuntu.com/~kernel-ppa/mainline/v4.9.87/linux-image-4.9.87-040987-generic_4.9.87-040987.201803111631_amd64.deb  seem to complete the set. I've never done this before though07:36
JimBuntunecm, yes07:37
ShriHariwassup necm from montana ?07:37
necmZaZaQ: USA07:37
necmnort side07:37
necmnorth side07:37
necmin billings07:37
ZaZaQoh its near idaho07:37
ghostnik11segersjerry, thanks bro07:38
necmhey dude what u doing over there07:38
segersjerryghostnik11, glad to help.07:38
necmJimBuntu: are u in montana?07:38
JimBuntunacc, I am not in Montana :-/07:39
ZaZaQi live in California07:39
necmcool city.ým in fucking getto man07:40
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ghostnik11segersjerry, on the mainline page for 4.9.87 it says to apply the patches from top order: do i need to do that or what i just downloaded will have the changes made already07:40
segersjerrythe .debs already have that07:41
segersjerryghostnik11, ^07:41
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ghostnik11segersjerry, okay and hopefully once i install kernel and restart stuff like powersaver and auto screen brightness should work?07:42
segersjerryghostnik11, right, if not I'd try latest before the -rc versions (release candidate)07:43
ghostnik11segersjerry, the only other thing is that i don't have grub properly working. i get booted to a grub that is with uefi or something like that. is there a way that i can set grub as default, i did make changes in grub.cfg07:44
segersjerryghostnik11, that is black magic to me, sorry.07:44
ZaZaQhih shrihari07:46
ZaZaQoh room is quiet now07:49
rts-sanderhey my computer froze on friday evening, had to hold the power button to forcefully reboot it this morning07:54
rts-sanderin /var/log/syslog lines stopped appearing at that time, where else to look what happened?07:55
ShriHarirts-sander :  /var/log/deug07:55
rts-sander/var/log/debug: No such file or directory07:56
ShriHarirts ?07:59
ghostnik11segersjerry, hey i did everything will restart and see if i will have grub back to normal and be booted into 4.9.87 kernel. thanks for everything08:01
segersjerryI'll be here08:01
segersjerrygood luck08:01
rts-sanderShriHari,  /var/log/debug: No such file or directory08:02
ZaZaQis 4.9.87 a beta kernel?08:02
rts-sanderShriHari, I don't seem to be having the file08:02
ShriHarirts .. ok08:02
segersjerryZaZaQ, It's the latest 4.9 from mainline08:02
ZaZaQoh ok08:03
rts-sanderalso looked at /var/log/kern but learned nothing08:04
rts-sandermaybe a freak accident?08:04
ShriHarigrep for that time in /var/log/*08:04
ZaZaQi'm watching mr. robot08:09
Butterfly_which season ZaZaQ ?08:10
lotuspsychje!ot | ZaZaQ Butterfly_08:11
ubottuZaZaQ Butterfly_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:11
ShriHari!ot | ZaZaQ Butterfly_08:11
ubottuZaZaQ Butterfly_: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:11
JimBuntuZaZaQ, come on over to #ubuntu-offtopic08:12
netochkaI'm looking for a platform or app that has both features of a cloud space and also the option to add users who can manage the data on it or leave notes. a blockchain concept or something like that. and also security and encryption is a factor of importance08:12
rts-sanderShriHari, I'm only seeing auth.log and syslog08:13
JimBuntunetochka, check #linux, please don't limit yourself to #ubuntu08:13
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rts-sanderah well it's the first this happened in 2 years so I'm dropping it08:13
netochkaJimBuntu: Ty. will do08:13
JimBuntunetochka, I fogot, it's ##linux08:14
Mavawhat might be the issue: my 11Tb local SAS storage is seen as 1.1Tb by fdisk  ?08:14
netochkaaha. ok08:14
netochkaJimBuntu: the issue i wrote is for #ubuntu offtopic.. right?08:15
JimBuntuIt could be... it's up to you netochka. I would suggest ##linux as there is no need to limit yourself to Ubuntu as a distro08:16
netochkaGot it. Thanks.08:16
=== anders is now known as Guest39826
_Marek_id like to ask about mdadm and ubuntu live install - i had 4 disks as raid5 starting with sda08:19
_Marek_sda sdb sdc sdd08:19
_Marek_during installation ubuntu accidentally picked sda instead of sdf08:19
_Marek_does ubuntu automatically recognize its a raid disk or did it just wipe one disk?08:19
vlt_Marek_: `blkid` or `lsblk` might tell you.08:48
vltMava: What does `blockdev --getsize64 /dev/your_device` say?08:49
Mavavlt: 1.2 tb seems. quite odd08:55
Frankfurt_SoupHi guys just wondering, i have just done a fresh install of ubuntu server and on reboot the system is sitting at a black screen with just a flashing white cursor is that normal?09:08
fishiemy system date keeps resetting a few seconds after I change it. How do I stop that? I'm using Xubuntu.09:10
fishiecrap. I knew there was a synch option before. the help menu shows it but my actual settings menu doesn't have one.09:12
fishieah. it's there under "configuration". mine was already set to manual.09:13
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fishieuhg. I can't find anything in a web search. except stuff about using it with like a VM or dual-booting with Windows, neither of which applies to me.09:19
pagios_hello everyyone, i am a developer and i would like to specialize n backend development. Specifically in how to write APIs in a correct,stable,correct way. I would like to understand how to architect my backend so that it can accomodate lot of client traffic as well as getcorrectly integrated with other API gateway for third party cloud providers. Do you recommend any nice book to read about architecting APIs on the backend?09:33
pagios_Thank you for your time09:33
=== pagios_ is now known as pagios
ducassepagios: that's not an ubuntu question, try a development channel09:35
Frankfurt_SoupGuys whats a nice easy desktop to use with ubuntu server?09:45
guivercFrankfurt_Soup, no DE is lighter, and best in my opinion for servers. ssh into the box is quick, any graphic gui (esp. if decent resolution) just wastes bandwidth & slows ability to do anything09:48
_Marek_thanks vlt :)09:48
guiverc(by no DE I meant no gui)09:49
=== Guest82249 is now known as matthiaskrgr
Frankfurt_SoupGuiverc i see your point and i will mostly be admining the server from my phone via ssh but im still sorta new to linux so i guess a de is just my security blanket lol but yeah ill se how i go with just cli for now09:49
guivercthe lightest mainstream DE is LXDE, above that is XFCE ... then there is a larger jump..  openbox & others can be lighter than LXDE but are less mainstream (subjective!)09:50
guivercgnome, kde, (even MATE now it is GTK+3) are heaver; mate is still slightly lighter though09:51
guiverc(above meaning heavier, but maybe more features... - heaviest are mainstream gnome/kde..)09:52
Frankfurt_SoupI think my main issue is file browsing but i guess i need to learn how to do it all in cli so now would be a great time to start09:52
vltFrankfurt_Soup: Have a look at "mc".09:52
guest-2JnRBGпривет чики09:52
Frankfurt_SoupGuiverc thanks for the help09:53
guivercI have installed GUI's on some of mine, and have configured them so by default only CLI boots; but a change of runlevel enables gui ..09:53
Frankfurt_SoupMc? Is that another de?09:53
guiverc(some of mine being home servers..)09:53
guest-2JnRBGhellow guys09:53
Frankfurt_SoupHi guest-2JnRBG09:54
ducasseFrankfurt_Soup: mc is a terminal-based file browser, ranger is another one09:54
Frankfurt_SoupDucasse ahh ok cool ill look in to them thanks09:54
vltFrankfurt_Soup: mc stands for Midnight Commander, a file browser.09:54
atif5any human here09:55
guest-2JnRBGhi man do you wonna some blue things with me??09:55
atif5can any one help me09:55
atif5i am new to irc09:55
Frankfurt_SoupVlt ok yeah i have heard of that then lol i think i tried it a little while back before the server got shut down09:55
guivercFrankfurt_Soup, if you're old like me - mc=midnight commander (old dos based file.man)09:56
vltatif5: Usually on IRC you ask your actual question and wait. If someone can help they will answer.09:56
guest-2JnRBGwhy ALL ignores me?????09:57
guivercatif5, if you have a ubuntu question; please just ask it.  if someone knows the answers, they'll reply.09:58
Frankfurt_SoupGuiverc is it just the mc-data package? I just did sudo apt install mc and thats what it found09:58
atif5i am thinking about switching to ubuntu09:59
atif5from windows to ubuntu09:59
ducasseFrankfurt_Soup: the package should just be called 'mc'09:59
ikoniaguest-2JnRBG: stop10:00
ikoniafinal warning10:00
guivercmc is available on supported versions of Ubuntu -- https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=mc  (in universe repo - do you have it enabled?)10:01
Frankfurt_SoupDucasse ok it wants to install libssh2-1 mc-data and unzip10:01
ducasseFrankfurt_Soup: sounds good10:01
Frankfurt_SoupGuiverc idk i normally do that sort of thing via a gui10:01
Frankfurt_SoupDucasse ok cool ill install and see if it works lol10:02
PCatineanIf I have a command that launches a special shell and I want to feed some data into it, how can I achieve this using a bash script or using the CLI?10:02
Frankfurt_SoupOk yeah MC is perfect for what i need thanks peoples10:03
guivercatif5, sorry I don't see a question, just a statement or wish (switching from w to ubuntu)10:03
hhhhtrt hgfjd nhkjsdrhft  gkgfh b,msnoi glkhkjswahf wwe10:03
hhhh 10:03
hhhhebgsjsd fgew,rasthoieqw fesdg10:03
ikoniahhhh: stop10:03
hhhhjwehr wehwgfsddashmdasnm s kefhrest\10:03
hhhh aesdh hsgdbfwmeyk,qhjha ggGHGGwe vfkjsadh fvkeawusdf \asj dfgdjsagf adsf c]10:03
ikoniahhhh: you will be muted if you continue10:03
hhhh 10:03
PCatineannot sure what was his plan to be honest10:04
atif5al are bots10:05
ikoniano they are not10:05
atif5no human here ?10:05
ikoniaas you've been told earlier10:05
sveinseHow can I turn off the Gnome display configuration selector? (the one you get with Super+P)  It is buggy and it prevents me to set my own display configuration with xrandr on 17.1010:05
ikoniaatif5: you asked this earlier and was told, most are humans, ask your question10:05
bazhangatif5, did you have an actual ubuntu tech support issue10:05
sveinseThis is growing so bad that multi-screen setup is becoming unusable :( https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XDgUlVNVn010:06
TJ-sveinse: is the Xorg session being used? On 17.10 it'll default to Wayland rather than Xorg except on nvidia/proprietary, in which acse xrandr has no control10:06
* JimBuntu is not human... and understands delays responses,10:07
ikoniasveinse: I'm curious to how you're logging in and changing the desktop settings when both keyboards and mouse are on the desk10:07
* TJ- is based on DuckDuckGo A.I. v0.6-rc3 :)10:07
JimBuntusveinse, 17.10? Do you expect it to be usable?10:07
sveinseTJ-: this is with nvidia, so its Xorg I believe. The noveau drivers does not work with hybrid graphics. Or at least it works less10:08
JimBuntuikonia, I accomplish this via 'Synergy'10:08
TJ-sveinse: what are you trying to do? multi-monitor, or *multi-seat* ?10:09
sveinseTJ-: Multi monitor10:09
JimBuntu9 monitors, 3 computers... one KB/Mouse to rule them all!10:09
TJ-sveinse: well, admittedly I've skipped 17.10 (only use LTS) but I have 6 monitors over 3 GPUs using nvidia GPUs and nouveau without a problem10:10
sveinseThe thing is that when GDM3 starts, everything is sunshine wrt screen setup and config. It's when Gnome starts, havoks breaks loose to the display configuration. I just want to leave it at what gdm3 is using. Possible?10:10
TJ-sveinse: ahhh... there you have it "Gnome" - that went bad with multi-monitor way back in 2012 or earlier. I hit lots of bugs and brought them up with Gnome devs and got the response "we dont' support, or test, for multi-monitor support - in fact no Gnome dev at that time was even using multi-monitor)10:11
ikoniaI'm on gnome with 3 monitors without issue10:12
sveinseTJ-: I tried 16.04, but I couldn't get the external screen working on this laptop, unfortunately. I'm waiting (in)patiently for 18.04 :D10:12
TJ-sveinse: My system's use lightdm and usually XFCE or KDE/Plasma10:12
* JimBuntu has no issue with multi-monitor... multi-GPU10:12
sveinseJimBuntu: Do you have a machine with hybrid graphics?10:12
JimBuntusveinse, I don't rely on on-board GPU.10:13
TJ-sveinse: Optimus is the problem because there are so many  (bad) implementations of it, both in hardware and in drivers.10:13
sveinseSomewhat ironically, but I bought this laptop because it was one of Canonical approved for Ubuntu types :P Lenovo P5110:14
TJ-sveinse: orginally the GPU multiplexer was done in hardware and all was great, then the manuacturers wanted to save more cost so made it mux-less (no multiplexer) and that's when problems start.10:14
* JimBuntu loves their Lenovo with built-in Nvidia GPU10:14
sveinseyup. ...if only gnome could let go of trying to set my config/resolution10:15
TJ-sveinse: back to your orginal question... disabling the Gnome display config tool/applet - how does it interfere? does it over-ride your settings if you make changes?10:15
JimBuntuI will admit that it's 3x the size of my Macbook Pro... then again, it whoops the MBP's butt in benchmarks10:16
sveinseTJ-: Yes. Did you see my video above?10:16
TJ-sveinse: when the applet is running have you checked the process list to identify the binary running it? if you can ID it, you could prevent that binary from being executed ... but I'd guess whatever is monitoring/changing is in the internal libraries rather than the GUI applet10:17
TJ-sveinse: no; I don't touch Youtube10:17
sveinsehttps://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_XDgUlVNVn0 <-- the same thing happens if I set resolution with xrand or similar. It behaves like "Super+P" is pressed insanely fast and then after 10-20 sec settles on a setting which I didn't ask for10:17
sveinseDisabling the service which is responsible for the "Super+P" functionalty would cetainly help10:18
* TJ- ponders the internals... I wonder if it uses DBus messaging and you could disrupt that10:19
sveinseBecause from my POV, xorg and the drivers seems to work, since I'm getting the config and resolution I want when gnome doesn't interfere.10:20
sveinseI've deleted .config/monitors.xml a few times. That can help. Other times not10:21
TJ-sveinse: I'm reading up on the codebase; it seems like it's an internal monitor monitoring ('scuse the pun!) library so it can automatically reconfigure the display when things are connected/disconnected, so might be harder to turn off10:23
sveinseTJ-: but of course :P10:23
sveinseFor reference, what is this functionality called?10:24
sveinseSo I don't have to call it the-thing-you-get-when-pressing-Super-P10:24
TJ-sveinse: I'd love to know too!10:25
sveinseheh, got it10:25
TJ-sveinse: this (later answers) seem to be relevant: https://askubuntu.com/questions/68463/how-to-disable-global-super-p-shortcut#6848710:26
sveinsewhat will be the display system and desktop slated for 18.04?10:26
TJ-sveinse: 18.04 default is Xorg with Gnome10:27
TJ-sveinse: too many problems with the Gnome Mutter (Wayland) compositor still10:28
sveinseTJ-: How's the maturity on nouveau with wayland?10:29
sveinse...using hybrid graphics10:29
TJ-sveinse: no idea; not allowing any Wayland compositors on my systems; the protocol is too brain-dead and user-hostile10:29
sveinseI see10:30
sveinseThat being said, and slightly OT, but I'd expect the nvidia drivers on Win10 to be more mature than what I'm experiencing in windows. They're not. In windows you cannot get full native resolution on the third screen when using 3 screens.10:32
TJ-sveinse: that could well be a hardware limitation, if they're high-res there may simply not be enough VRAM or CRTC bandwidth for all 3 at native resolution10:33
sveinseSome others at work has been bugging IT about it, and they've checked with Lenovo. Which claimed it to be a HW limitation. The funny thing is that I'm actually running this config in Xorg+nvidia without problems....10:33
TJ-sveinse: if the driver by default wants to triple-buffer, then the amount of VRAM required for 3 might be too much10:34
sveinseSince then I've learned that it works if the make of the external screen is the same model. If you mix and match using two different screens + the internal panel in the laptop, then it doesn't work10:34
sveinseAnyhow, not an #ubuntu topic10:35
TJ-sveinse: that's interesting; are they operating independently or is 1 mirrored?10:35
TJ-sveinse: that kind of info is actually very useful for us in diagnosing obscure issues!10:36
sveinseall three independently10:36
TJ-sveinse: the only thing I can imagine as a restriction there would be if the 2 have to use the same EDID data - cannot imagine /why/ that would be though, I don't see any advantage10:36
sveinseApparently xorg is able to get the correct EDID and config for all screens10:37
akiksveinse: maybe there's a similar thought process on windows driver side "who would ever need support for 3 displays?"10:38
sveinseUnless of course there is a correlation between the "Super+P" issues I'm experiencing and the windows display config. That it works is just an illution10:38
TJ-sveinse: Hmmm, for Windows, I wonder if it's that Nvidia arbitrary limitation to try to push customers to using Quadro hardware? I recall some time ago they did that for Linux - reduced the number of GPUs/monitors the linux driver would support so to keep existing functionality you could no longer update the driver10:38
sveinseTJ-: hmm, it *is* GM206GLM [Quadro M2200 Mobile] I have10:40
ShriHariyou are eff'd then10:41
sveinseShriHari: eh?10:41
sveinseAnyhow, I've turned off the automaitc activation of xrandr. Let's see if that fixes the display config mess10:43
NCC1701DSo I need help finding a website editing tool to install on my web server.  I need one that is WYSIWYG... nice easy snap-in interface... but the files it outputs NEED to be .php.  So far all the ones I can find with a snap-in interface output .html files, then php code I put on the site won't work.10:47
TJ-sveinse: took some time but I /think/ the name of the gnome component is monitor-manager-kms10:48
NCC1701DBy the way, bonus points for anyone who can figure out where my name came from.  It's really easy.10:48
bazhangNCC1701D, how is that website editiong tool related to ubuntu support10:49
NCC1701DI just always get really good help here.  Name a room I can take it to where I'll get equally good help and I'll go there.10:49
TJ-NCC1701D: search for "linux php ide"10:50
bazhangNCC1701D, /msg alis list term to find one10:50
akikTJ-: do you have a link to that gnome external monitor discussion? i've used two displays since years and would like to understand why they think it's of little use10:50
Ben64btw, you can have php code in a .html file10:50
TJ-akik: you mean when I was told the devs weren't testing/using multi-monitors?10:51
akikTJ-: yes10:51
BluesKajhiyas all10:52
TJ-akik: no; it was about 6 years ago now, and in an email exchange. I may have reported a related LP bug at the time but I can't remember.10:52
ShriHariHELO ELO LO O10:54
bazhangShriHari, any ubuntu support issues?10:55
bazhangShriHari, please take the offtopic chatter to #ubuntu-offtopic or elsewhere10:55
ShriHariYes , something happened after running update-grub.10:56
ShriHariNow system get stuck at grub >10:56
=== messer440 is now known as Guest34566
_Marek_NCC1701D: ghost?11:06
bumblebeehi. could you please tell me how to install a lexmark x1160 printer on linux (ubuntu/lubuntu)?11:07
_Marek_bumblebee: does it have opne source drivers?11:08
bumblebee_Marek_: i don't know11:09
bumblebeewhere can i see that?11:10
_Marek_bumblebee: seems like its impossible11:10
_Marek_just google fro your printer model linux drivers11:10
bumblebeeA Linux driver is not available for this printer.11:11
bumblebeedoes this mean that i can't get it to work?11:12
_Marek_most likely11:13
_Marek_ive got a xerox .... (doesnt matter it doesnt work anyway)11:13
JimBuntubumblebee, You can get it to work if you write/modify the driver. Chances are, you can use a "compatible" driver though11:13
Ben64it's a printer from over 10 years ago, i'd say the chances are slim11:14
BluesKajLexmark has scanty linux support11:14
Ben64that too11:14
bumblebeeJimBuntu: what do you mean bei "compatible driver"?11:15
_Marek_bumblebee: a driver that is meant for more printer models11:15
TJ-_Marek_: seems like there /was/ a community driver for it 18 years ago! https://www.openprinting.org/driver/lm1100/11:15
akikbumblebee: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HardwareSupportComponentsPrinters/LexmarkPrinters11:15
_Marek_TJ-: it seems the situation hasnt changed that much11:16
JimBuntubumblebee, I mean there may be a universal type driver that works OK. I'm looking, sounds like TJ found something though11:16
* _Marek_ owns a xerox 3230 phaser11:16
TJ-_Marek_: I'm not surprised; Lexmark never were good at providing/allowing Linux support11:16
JimBuntuLexmark != "good for much"11:16
_Marek_it seems neither does xerox11:16
TJ-_Marek_: printer vendors love lock-in11:17
_Marek_TJ-: some do have oss drivers i think hp ddoes11:17
TJ-_Marek_: I have HP and Samsung multi-function printer/scanner/fax/etc; HP  drivers are in Ubuntu, Samsumg provided by a 3rd party repo from someone who cares11:19
_Marek_does someone understand? two packages which seem to be the same11:19
_Marek_inside full of .so libs11:20
_Marek_and it doesnt even work11:20
TJ-_Marek_: looks like 2 titles for the same package. Compare the md5sum's of the 2 files see if they are identical11:21
_Marek_my bet is they are11:22
_Marek_point is they dont care11:22
=== BlackDex_ is now known as BlackDex
Shibewhy can't I install wine32 on ubuntu? wine32-development:i386 : Depends: libwine-development:i386 (= 2.18-1) but it is not going to be installed11:32
EriC^^Shibe: try sudo apt-get install libwine-development:i38611:32
ShibeEriC^^: libwine-development:i386 : Depends: libmpg123-0:i386 (>= 1.13.7) but it is not going to be installed11:33
EriC^^Shibe: try sudo apt-get install libmpg123-0:i38611:33
ShibeEriC^^: it's asking me to remove just about everything11:33
Shibeincluding ffmpeg and other stuff11:33
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
EriC^^Shibe: odd, what does "sudo apt-get -f install" give?11:35
ShibeEriC^^: does nothing?11:35
Shibe0 upgraded, 0 newly installed, 0 to remove and 1 not upgraded.11:35
EriC^^Shibe: can you pastebin the output of sudo apt-get install libmpg123-0:i386 ?11:35
EriC^^i have it installed with ffmpeg as well11:35
EriC^^the dependency for it is only libc6 and it has no 'conflicts with'11:36
Shibeericus: https://pastebin.com/raw/ZN4xYgVY11:36
ShibeEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/raw/ZN4xYgVY11:36
EriC^^Shibe: aha, those are packages already in the 'autoremove' list11:37
EriC^^oh nevermind11:37
EriC^^Shibe: can you pastebin the output of apt-cache show libmpg123-0:i386 ?11:37
ShibeEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/raw/gsbn1a9M11:38
EriC^^odd, i wonder why apt wants to remove ffmpeg and the rest to install it11:39
EriC^^Shibe: what does apt-cache policy libmpg123-0:i386 give?11:40
ShibeEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/raw/DDUM9jQg11:41
TJ-EriC^^: there may be a related -dev package installed that has amd64/i386 conflicts11:41
EriC^^TJ-: oh, so if a package that conflicts with libmpg123-0:i386 is installed, apt would also take that into consideration, not just libmpg123-0:i386 's info11:42
TJ-EriC^^: it'll follow the dependency graph down to it's root, so if along the way there's a package declares a Conflicts: with the same package of the alternate archtiecture, it'll say it needs to remove everything of the alternate architecture to install the packages of the requested architecture - what a mouthful!11:44
EriC^^Shibe: is other stuff being installed fine?11:46
TJ-EriC^^: sometimes the apt option Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true can help11:46
ShibeEriC^^: what do you mean?11:46
ShibeI can install wine64 but not wine3211:46
EriC^^TJ-: cool thanks11:46
EriC^^Shibe: try with TJ- 's suggestion sudo apt-get -o=Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true install libmpg123-0:i38611:47
ShibeEriC^^: should i post the output?11:48
Shibeseem to be saying some kde packages are "broken"11:48
EriC^^aha pastebin them11:48
KristineI seam to be having troubles in an ubuntu 17.10 server, previously i was using 16.04.4. My problem is that i used pointopoint in /etc/network/interfaces, what would the equiviliant be in netplay ?11:49
ShibeEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/raw/YasqFnfC11:49
EriC^^Shibe: what does sudo apt-get install libmpg123-0:amd64 give?11:50
ShibeEriC^^: libmpg123-0 is already the newest version (1.25.8-1~ubuntu17.10.1~ppa1).11:51
TJ-Kristine: I'm not sure netplan has support for P-t-P yet; you're better off creating the /etc/systemd/network/ systemd.network config yourself11:51
EriC^^Shibe: try apt-cache show libopenmpt0:amd6411:51
ShibeEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/raw/5iZAPv6U11:52
TJ-EriC^^: looks like a PPA issue11:52
EriC^^TJ-: yeah11:52
BluesKajone can also use ifupdown and the interfaces file in place of netplan and network manager11:53
TJ-BluesKaj: it's server; it has systemd-networkd, and on 17.10 ifupdown is no longer installed, deprecated11:53
BluesKajTJ-, ok, perhaps not for a server, but that setup works on my 17.10 desktop quite well11:55
EriC^^Shibe: try to purge ppa's that you dont need11:56
EriC^^Shibe: any reason you're using those repos instead of the official ubuntu ones?11:56
ShibeEriC^^: which ones?11:57
ShibeI have a kde unstable on on my system11:57
Shibelet me see which other ones I have11:57
ShibeEriC^^: I was having download speed issues with the ubuntu ones11:57
Shibewhere as the nayatel mirror is in my region11:57
TJ-BluesKaj: yeah, netplan is targeted more for 'standard' mass orchestrated virtual machine or container deployments11:58
=== Tinus is now known as Guest9983
EriC^^Shibe: there's a program in ubuntu that checks for the fastest one close to you it might work11:58
EriC^^Shibe: dash > software & updates > click on download from > other, select best server11:58
EriC^^Shibe: what does 'apt-cache policy libmpg123-0:amd64' give?11:59
ShibeEriC^^: https://pastebin.com/raw/cbhvpqQ012:00
ShibeEriC^^: is there any way I can check which packages a certain repository provides?12:00
ShibeI'm going through my ppas but I can't quite remember which ones  i need12:01
Shibeand which I dont12:01
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=== graphene is now known as zzz
EriC^^Shibe: sorry i got dc12:07
ShibeEriC^^: I fixed it12:07
Tin_manShibe, try this link, might have what your looking for, not completely sure >> https://askubuntu.com/questions/8560/how-do-i-find-out-which-repository-a-package-comes-from12:07
Shibeit was the vlc ppa causing it12:07
Shibeit bundled libmpg12312:07
Shibeusing ppa-purge fixed it12:07
Shibethanks a lot for your patience EriC^^ !12:08
EriC^^Shibe: great! no problem12:08
NetmageHello, I would like to create a .bash_aliases. For my alias I have a oneline script that includes the '. How can I add a aliases and use ' for the alias command and ' for the script ?12:08
akikNetmage: use \'12:14
Netmagealias youdl_audio-best='youtube-dl -x --audio-format "best" --audio-quality 0 -o \'~/Downloads/%(title)s.%(ext)s\''12:18
NetmageUnfortunately. The \ does not work in this case12:18
akikNetmage: my aliases are enclosed with ""12:24
akikmaybe that's the difference12:24
TJ-Netmage: you've already used " once, does it not work if you use it again for that -o option ?12:25
=== devnull- is now known as devnull
VjdfMQhey all12:30
VjdfMQTrying to execute an application and gettng: exception inside UnhandledException handler: The type initializer for 'Ionic.Zip.ZipFile' threw an exception.12:30
VjdfMQCould it be because of OpenGL ?12:30
jkdrHow can I get intel video driver to work in Xorg so glxinfo shows using video card?12:48
jkdrI created files /usr/share/X11/xorg.conf.d/10-intel.conf and 10-i915.conf12:48
jkdrI copied from 10-radeon.conf and changed references to intel and i915 accordingly12:49
=== NERD is now known as Guest32624
jkdrcurrently GLX is missing12:50
jkdrI'm using Ubuntu 16.04 LTS12:50
=== Guest32624 is now known as NERD-k
NERD-kHow to input chinese when I in English Ubuntu12:54
z0hi guys. im relatively new to ubuntu and i found a  mongodb deamon running that I have no idea why I installed. is there a way i can find why is it running and if its safe to purge?12:59
NERD-kHow to input chinese char when I'm using the english environment of Ubuntu 17.10???13:00
JimBuntuz0, how about `sudo service mongod stop` and see if anything complains13:00
z0nothing complaings13:01
z0but im still afraid13:01
NERD-kSomebody can slove my problem??13:02
NERD-kOK, it can work now ...13:03
NERD-kIt cannot work jist now ...13:03
z0JimBuntu: i've been doing apt-cache rdepends for 15 minutes now13:04
MarceeZHello all i uninstalled one old thing what was related to firefox and now history and bookmarks not save in firefox13:04
MarceeZHow to solve these problem13:04
NERD-kMe? Do nothoing. Just reboot,13:05
JimBuntuz0, Well, I can't (literally) figure out why you would be running MongoDB and not know it. I could only venture you installed it once upon a time to play with.13:05
NERD-kI have no idea with this.13:06
JimBuntuz0, I wouldn't consider MongoDB to be a common database option when installing something else.13:06
TJ-z0: what have you experimented with recently? one possibility is wekan13:06
TJ-z0: you could do "zgrep mongo /var/log/apt/history.*"13:08
erdemthe nodejs package is a bit old13:10
erdemwhat would be the right way to get a newer one?13:10
JimBuntuTJ-, or possibly even check out the `/var/log/mongodb/mongod.log` to see what ( if anything) has been running queries13:10
JimBuntuz0, you could run `mongo` and then try `show dbs` to see the database names13:11
z0JimBuntu: TJ-: i did all that. no relevant clues. just a lonely apt install mongodb-server in the middle of the afternoon 10 months ago... thanks guys.13:14
JimBuntuz0, Yeah , sounds like it's safe to `chmod -x /etc/init.d/mongod*` then13:15
TJ-z0: so now you have a date/time ... use that to narrow down what you were up to. Look in the same log-file around that install for other packages being installed, that may jog your memory, or you could scan the file-system iwth 'find' for files timestamped within a range of that time13:15
=== Optimus_Prime is now known as selsper
z0oh man im getting that rush of a mistery to solve13:17
z0but ive got work to do :x13:17
ioriaz0,   ' aptitude why mongodb-server '13:17
JimBuntuz0, Why an app is installed that you don't remember installing sounds like a security related task (work)13:17
TJ-Plus... inquistive minds want to know! :)13:18
z0unfortunately this is not a work related server :D (im on lunch break)13:19
z0i find it odd that13:19
JimBuntuancillary machines can still be work related, when it comes to security13:19
MarceeZI have Linux version 12.04LTS WHy i cant get newer version of firefox13:21
z0JimBuntu: how very persuasive of you13:21
z0ok so13:22
MarceeZI havr firefox 52 version13:22
JimBuntuMarceeZ, possily because the version of Ubuntu you have is VERY out of date and EOL.13:22
z0'apt-cache rdepends mongodb-server' lists libstdc++613:22
z0am i misinterpreting rdepends?13:23
MarceeZJimBuntu, Is it possible to upgrade linux version online without CD or something like that?13:23
JimBuntuMarceeZ, yes.... ioria beat me to it13:23
JimBuntuMarceeZ, first... make a backup of anything you value (just in-case)13:24
JimBuntuMarceeZ, then... https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-upgrading-ubuntu-desktop13:24
MarceeZJimBuntu, ANd what i need to do?13:24
EriC^^MarceeZ: which ubuntu do you have right now?13:25
TJ-z0: that's because libstdc++6 declares a Breaks: on mongodb13:25
JimBuntuEriC^^, please make sure you are seated.... they have 12.04LTS13:26
EriC^^JimBuntu: :)13:27
EriC^^!eolupgrades | MarceeZ have a look here13:27
ubottuMarceeZ have a look here: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades13:27
MarceeZHow to make backup simplest way?13:27
JimBuntuMarceeZ, that is also discussed in the link I provided, probably also in the one from EriC^^13:28
z0TJ-: ok now you lost me13:29
z0where can i look up what that means?13:29
erdemhow do i get into nautilus preferences in xubuntu?13:29
erdemam i missing a package?13:30
TJ-z0: Do "apt-cache show libstdc++6" you'll see a line starts "Breaks:" with a long list of package(version)'s that library is incompatible with13:30
* z0 not clicking13:33
TJ-z0: it means that the libstc++6 ABI/API has changed so any packages linking to it expecting the older libstc++6 ABI/API will fails, so the libstdc++6 package declares it 'Breaks' specific package/versions so those won't be installed at the same time.13:35
z0TJ-: still dont get why apt-cache lists libstdc++6 as a reverse dependency of mongodb-server. wouldn't this mean that libstdc++6 depends on mongodb-server (surely not). am i misinterpreting rdepends?13:38
TJ-z0: Depends: Conflicts: Breaks: Recommends: Suggests: are all 'dependencies' in apt terms; that's why13:38
TJ-z0: it implies some relationship between the packages13:39
* z0 clicks13:39
z0did not know that. thanks13:39
TJ-z0: yeah... first time I hit that I was puzzled for several hours :D13:40
dchotasTJ-: Hey there, we chatted a couple days ago regarding a broken Ubuntu 16.04 after latest os updates, resulting in a broken DE. Here's the inotifywait output on the $HOME/config folder that you requested then: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/3PmhNRdqSq/13:41
z0i wont complain about 30m then13:41
TJ-dchotas: ha! I need to consult my logs to refresh my memory13:41
TJ-dchotas: OK, up to speed! We had another user with the same issue in the last 24 hours; took the quick solution there and did "mv $HOME/.config $HOME/.config.bak" - we did try to diff the clean recreated .config with .config.bak but couldn't isolate what causes the problem13:44
erdemany idea how to fix this problem?13:44
erdemnot able to install nextcloud-client-nemo13:44
TJ-dchotas: interestingly your log ends with a huge amount of skypeforlinux going on13:45
TJ-dchotas: hmmm, this one sounds like it might be related. what's in it? /home/fabio/.config/cairo-dock/current_theme/plug-ins/showDesktop/ OPEN showDesktop.conf13:46
NetmageTJ-: Unfortunately it still doesn't work13:47
erdemPackage nemo-python is not available, but is referred to by another package.13:49
erdembut its not showing which package13:50
erdemhow can i find out?13:50
ioriaerdem, you know it's not an ubuntu pkg13:50
dorian_@search origine des victoires13:52
erdemoh i see13:52
erdemthank you13:52
oerheksas of artful nemo-python is availale... https://packages.ubuntu.com/artful/nemo-python13:53
dchotasTJ-: I'll try .bak'ing the file and see how cairo behaves with a fresh file13:53
invizhi, any guide on internet how to install kernel 4.15 on 16.04?13:53
dchotasTJ-: if that doesn't help i'ma try with a new .config folder like you suggested earlier13:53
scorpius2k1anyone recommend a good dock app similar to docky that has a thumbnail preview?13:54
EriC^^!mainline | inviz this might help13:54
ubottuinviz this might help: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds13:54
EriC^^!hwe | inviz possibly this too13:54
ubottuinviz possibly this too: The Ubuntu LTS enablement stacks provide newer kernel and X support for existing LTS releases, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/LTSEnablementStack13:54
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VjdfMQHey all14:12
VjdfMQIs it possible to change OpenGL 2.1 to 3 ?14:12
VjdfMQDriver i91514:12
donofriowhere is the datavirt channel (on freenode or another host?)14:16
leftyfbdonofrio: datavirt? Also, try #freenode for such questions14:16
kostkonVjdfMQ, if yu trying to play a steam game that requires opengl3+ you can put this in the Launch Options for the game: MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.0 %command%14:18
donofrioleftyfb, figured someone might run redhat datavirt on ubuntu14:19
leftyfbwhat is datavirt?14:19
VjdfMQkostkon: Not the sateam, but GOG.com version14:20
VjdfMQsteam *14:20
leftyfbdonofrio: do you mean libvirt?14:20
leftyfbas in, kvm14:20
VjdfMQIs it possible to make the same via GOG.com version ?14:20
dchotasTJ-: No bueno :( I tried "soft-deleting" both .config/cairo-dock and .config altogether. After soft-deleting .config and relogging the user through the dm i don't event get the unity dash or the top panel14:21
kostkonVjdfMQ, try doing the same in the terminal, MESA_GL_VERSION_OVERRIDE=3.0 my_game_command, it might work14:21
kostkonVjdfMQ, if it works, then update its .desktop file accordingly, if there is one14:21
=== karstensrage_ is now known as karstensrage
mb_pantsim triying to make a kickstart bootable usb, i have a problem in the %post section, i created user with useradd blabla -m dont create the folder14:39
mb_pantsis posible what i want?14:40
adacFor my 16.04 I'd like to install (downgrade) the kernel to "4.4.0-112-generic" Is that possible and if yes, how can I do that?14:41
bumbar__i'm trying to set up openvpn server, and can connect to it on phone, but no traffic seems to passing through14:42
leftyfbadac: why?14:43
adacleftyfb, I would check if the newer kernel makes problems with my rancher installation14:43
adacon my old hosts with that kernel it works fine14:43
adacthis new host has a newer one and there I have issues14:44
leftyfbadac: is this an user in addition to the "user" section of your preseed/kickstart?14:44
adacleftyfb, not sure If I can follow you14:44
leftyfbsorry, wrong person14:45
leftyfbmb_pants: is this an user in addition to the "user" section of your preseed/kickstart?14:45
leftyfbadac: sudo apt install linux-image-4.4.0-112-generic14:45
mb_pantsno leftyfb i created in the %post section14:46
mb_pantswith useradd command14:46
adacleftyfb, thanks!14:46
adacleftyfb, ona  reboot it will use this kernel already right?14:47
leftyfbmb_pants: why? use: user mynewuser --fullname "mynewuser" --password mypassword14:47
leftyfbadac: only one way to find out14:47
leftyfbadac: I don't think it will though14:48
adacleftyfb, kk14:48
sin_dyTest Test14:52
leftyfbsin_dy: test failed14:52
mb_pantsleftyfb: because kickstart create users at finist, so i haev the same problem14:53
mb_pantsi the %post section the user not exists14:53
mb_pantsonly root14:53
adacRun grub-set-default or grub-reboot (with sudo) with the number of the menu item to boot (the first item is 0). This command will change the default to the second item:14:53
adacsudo grub-set-default 114:53
adacnot sure how to find out the item numbers :D14:53
=== fix is now known as A1ve5
leftyfbmb_pants: huh? You can create your user using the above command in your kickstart file I gave you14:54
leftyfbmb_pants: do the above before %post14:55
abdhihi three14:56
abdhianyone here?14:56
leftyfb!ask | abdhi14:57
ubottuabdhi: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience14:57
mb_pantsleftyfb: i tryed both methods, i need to copy some files to the user folder in the %post section, if i do the cp /usb/folder/1 to /home/user in the %post section says that the user folder not exists. Neither kickstart either creating the user in the post section14:59
mb_pantssorry for my english14:59
mb_pantsis not good14:59
adacleftyfb, aha like this: https://unix.stackexchange.com/a/19802714:59
leftyfbmb_pants: cp /usb/folder/1 /target/home/user15:01
leftyfbmb_pants: during the install, your root filesystem is in /target15:01
mb_pantsi will try it15:01
naccmb_pants: otherwise you're trying to modify the installer's image (i.e., the $user does not (correctly) exist in the installer's OS)15:02
a_Hi I need help please15:05
mb_pantsleftyfb: i use %post --interpreter=/bin/bash so dont need to put /target/home15:05
leftyfb!ask | a_15:05
ubottua_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience15:05
mb_pantsonlye /home/user15:05
bn_workhi, does Canonical have any general usage stats on the different versions of Ubuntu?15:08
bn_workI tried looking around on the web but couldn't really find any info on it.  Someone posted a similar question here but it has no answers:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/959570/telemetry-is-there-some-statistics-about-ubuntu-desktop-usage-provided-by-canon15:09
akikbn_work: here are some stats https://errors.ubuntu.com/15:10
bumblebeehi. can you please help me installing a printer (canon pixma mg2950) on lubuntu 16.04?15:10
a_I wanted to extend the C in windows 7 and the operation was unsuccessful than I reboot and have the unknown file system entering grub rescue mode warning I have win 7 and solus budgie15:11
akikbn_work: although you can't really get the info that you wanted from that. there'll be a new data collection system in the next version (18.04)15:12
a_Now I want to do a clean install of win 7 and than I will install linux too15:12
adacHmm I now followed this:15:12
adachttps://unix.stackexchange.com/a/224708 but no luck, setting the GRUB_DEFAULT to 5 but still reboot does only boot the newest one15:13
a_how can I do that in the bios menu there is a option to clean the ssd will that help  me?15:13
dorian_@search weather15:13
leftyfbdorian_: no15:13
leftyfba_: so do your clean install of Windows15:13
leftyfba_: nothing you have said has anything to do with ubuntu15:14
bn_workakik: thanks, what units is the vertical scale in?15:15
a_leftyfb I am a newbie and want to learn if I delete the ssd from bios can I install win 7 without grub error screen15:15
akikbn_work: that's what i wondering about too :P15:15
leftyfba_: you want #microsoft15:16
leftyfba_: or #windows15:16
akika_: windows 7 will overwrite the mbr15:16
a_and yes sorry I now only have a peppermint to work with and thought maybe can have advice fromhere15:17
akika_ will receive no support from ##windows15:17
leftyfbakik: really?15:17
akikleftyfb: well they think just like you, it's an ubuntu problem15:18
a_I did a usb stick iso but only had the grub error screen but I can use live linux isos15:18
leftyfbakik: not if they have the faintest idea about how a Windows installation works15:18
leftyfba_: just reinstall Windows .. it will wipe everything on the drive15:19
a_I hate windows just keeping it for some official hardware programs which are not avaliable for linux15:19
a_how about if I just install ubuntu on the entire ssd that can also solve the problem right15:21
leftyfba_: if you need Windows, reinstall Windows first15:21
a_I know leftyfb15:22
a_I can do another clean install later cause win 7 installing page is not launching when I use the win 7usb stick15:23
bn_workakik: yeah, I'm having a hard time gleaning any useful #s from that :/  any rough estimate?  specifically I am curious about 14.04 LTS usage15:27
MarceeZHi all i made problem. I have ubuntu 12.04LTS i make unity-reset but now disapears close minimiza icon toolbar15:28
MarceeZHow to get back this toolbar? : (15:29
a_thanks people15:29
a_thanks leftyfb and akik15:29
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akikbn_work: sorry, no. there's also the popularity contest site but it hasn't been updated since 201615:30
akikalmost :)15:30
bn_workakik: oops, that's what I meant :)  yeah, I looked at that earlier but couldn't figure out how to drill down to version :/15:31
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kes0Why is driver manager show fglrx drivers that downt work?15:48
mekhamihttps://askubuntu.com/questions/683555/unable-to-install-python3-dev-ubuntu why am i still having this problem when i try to install python3-dev in 16.0415:58
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AlericEvery now and then copy&paste stops working... Currently, when I double click some text in a window it doesn't copy that anymore and the middle mouse button just keeps pasting the same thing :/.  I don't want to have to reboot every time... is there something that I can do to fix this?16:45
Alericwindow switching is broken too... ALT-TAB does nothing16:54
dchotasTJ-: I've also tested creating a new user and this new user seems to work just fine, wether it's booting a Ubuntu session or a cairo dock session they both work. I've also noted that on my faulty user cairo complains of not finding compiz, while it's perfectly usable by a newly created user.16:57
* huggis 16:58
TJ-dchotas: that's useful info, I wonder what's in it's config causing that17:01
AlericI fixed it... Alt-F2 and then type: kquitapp5 plasmashell && kstart plasmashell17:02
AlericAfter that copy&paste works again... so plasmashell is broken17:02
dchotasTJ-: I've a plethora of things regarding config files, I tried copying ~/.config/cairo-dock from a newly created user to the faulty one or even hiding the .compiz and .config folders my moving to *.bak on the faulty user but that didn't help17:03
TheSHAD0WQuestion: Will 17.10 update cleanly to 18.04 - at least, theoretically?17:03
dchotasTJ-: would it be possible for compiz to keep some sort of user related configurations on it's own folders or some other system folder?17:03
TJ-dchotas: yeah, it's been an elusive one to track down which is why we don't know yet17:03
TJ-dchotas: I don't think so, that's the point of the per-user config, but if it did it'd likely be under /var/ somewhere17:04
oerheksTheSHAD0W, sure, 'cleanly' as in you keep settings & data17:05
finder123could anyone please explain why this is giving me permission denied error?17:05
finder123 su; mkdir foo; chmod 777 foo; exit; ls foo17:05
oerheksfinder123, and the location of /foo is ??17:06
finder123overheks, $HOME/foo17:06
oerheksfinder123, i thinkt you do not need (and the ubuntu way is 'sudo -i' ..)17:07
finder123oerheks* sorry. I misspelled your nick17:07
oerheksjust mkdir foo, chmod 777 ~/foo17:08
tgm4883and maybe drop the chmod 777, depending on what your end goal is17:08
finder123actually, i was trying to solve another problem.17:09
tgm4883finder123: naturally17:09
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
finder123su; mkdir /mnt/linux; losetup .... Linux.ext4; mount -t ext4 ... /mnt/linux; exit17:10
finder123but after doing this, normal user cant write to the mounted folder.17:11
oerhekssu does something different than sudo -i, something with environment variables..17:11
tgm4883I always find it a good idea to add "..." in place of some of the commands you're trying to run when asking for help17:12
finder123it was /dev/loop017:12
finder123sorry :/17:12
finder123thanks oerheks, let me duckduckgo more about that17:13
finder123I have an ext4 formatted usb drive, which mounts fine and writeable when running as normal user in ubuntu. But when logged in as guest session, it says permission denied when opening the drive in file manager. Won't even list the directory contents.17:15
finder123but a fat32 formatted drive works fine17:16
finder123is this the intended behavior?17:16
oerheksfinder123, yes, soiunds normal to me, see this page, it may be a help https://askubuntu.com/questions/587247/how-to-create-a-ext4-partition-for-all-users17:17
finder123So mounting the drive first as normal user and then chmod 77717:18
finder123chmod 77 -R should do the trick. Right?17:19
arthur_Anyone got a public GPG/PGP Key? I would like to test email encryption.17:21
rvgateits a trap17:22
arthur_What is a trap?17:23
shazbotmcnastya device or enclosure designed to catch and retain animals, typically by allowing entry but not exit or by catching hold of a part of the body.17:23
shazbotmcnastyor: a situation in which people lie in wait to make a surprise attack.17:24
arthur_Thanks for the definition17:24
shazbotmcnastyand there's one other definition.17:24
finder123oerheks: I just read a little bit about sudo and su. su switches to the root user, while sudo -i gives a session where the user is not changed but is elevated to root privileges.17:24
TJ-arthur_: try ubuntu@iam.tj if you want17:24
arthur_Thanks, TJ. I will take a look now.17:25
finder123oerheks: so su; mkdir creates a dir with user and group root:root while sudo -i; mkdir creates with finder:finder17:25
akikfinder123: sudo -i gives you the root user shell17:26
finder123Regardless of whether a folder is owned by root or normal user, shouldn't a folder with drwxrwxrwx permission.be readable to all users?17:26
akikfinder123: commands you run after sudo -i create everything with root ownership17:26
TJ-finder123: it depends on the parent directories too, the path up from /17:26
finder123akik: oh. I think i got it wrong then. Let me dig a little bit more17:27
TJ-finder123: the user needs to have +x (traverse) permission on all parent directories17:28
finder123TJ-: I am in $HOME. But this gives me permission error. What is going on here? su; mkdir foo; chmod 777 foo; exit; ls foo17:28
finder123ls -la . shows drwxrwxrwx 2 root root 4096 Mar 12 22:26 foo17:29
TJ-finder123: I'm not sure what problem you're trying to solve. If it is related to *mounting* an ext4 permissions, then it's the permissions *inside* the file-system, not those outside, that control access17:30
TJ-finder123: which is why FAT works, since it has no concept of permissions attributes17:31
Alex98register alex07101998 poboranu.alex@gmail.com17:32
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finder123TJ-: although I actually wanted to solve the ext4 mounting problem, now I am really curious about what is happening here in this simple case. I think there are some flaws in my understamding of unix file permissions.17:32
finder123I would really appreciate if anyone could shed some light on the case17:33
TJ-finder123: you've got 3 sets of permissions intersecting: 1) the mountpoint and directories leading up to it from / 2) the mount options that affect permissions, if any 3) the permissions in the file-system itself17:35
finder123I see17:36
Exterminadorerm... I was trying to upgrade to Bionic Beaver (I know it's still development branch) but my Xubuntu just errored and it started it all again by itself (I'm upgrading from tty2). now it's removing 156 packages. is it reinstalling the OS from "scratch"?17:40
boot1my auto is no longer working with ubuntu17:42
boot1i have checked the speakers and confirmed they are connected to the sound card17:43
boot1in the sound settings I have no output options17:43
boot1it happened after using REISUB17:44
boot1to reboot17:44
boot1any suggestions would be appreciated17:44
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boot1I have tried reinstalling pulse audio with no success17:50
kidarhi, need sone help in cloning 500gig hhd to 250gig hd. please let me know the command. need to clone ubuntu mate. Thanks kidar17:56
nicomachus!info dd | kidar17:57
ubottukidar: Package dd does not exist in artful17:57
nicomachus!dd | kidar17:57
ubottuTo replicate your packages selection on another machine (or restore it if re-installing), you can use the !software package "apt-clone" - See also !automate17:58
lotus|BUGalso not17:58
kidarrepilacte from one machine to another17:58
TJ-boot1: have you tried a cold power-off restart, possibly removing the battery for 1 minute if the PC has a removable battery?18:01
kidarclone two machine one i5(500g) and the other xeon (250G)18:02
TJ-kidar: do you want to do a bit-perfect clone, or just installed-packages + config + user data18:02
TJ-kidar: well, 500G to 250G obviously doesn't fit, so something has to go18:03
TJ-kidar: one approach is too boot the 500G system from a LiveISO, then use file-system resizing tools to shrink all file-systems to their minimum possible size, then if they're less than 250G they can be copied directly over18:04
kidarok thx will try18:06
boot1TJ: I have restarted, it is a desktop18:09
boot1im 90% sure but I will restart again18:10
boot1no battery though18:10
=== Alexandru98 is now known as alex98
albertoiNETHey, any can helpme with this issue. I can't adjust brightness in a laptop. More info in this ask:  https://askubuntu.com/questions/1010405/the-brightness-of-laptop-screen-cannot-be-adjusted-with-either-the-buttons-or-th/1013767#101376718:11
yaskinaanyone know why i can not install 18.04 on my netbook18:15
yaskinaguess no one here18:16
TJ-yaskina: try #ubuntu+1 for 18.04 issues18:17
ashutoshCan someone tell me how do I register my username here?18:25
ikonia!register | ashutosh18:25
ubottuashutosh: For information on registering your IRC nick, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/InternetRelayChat/Registration - For any further help, ask in #freenode.18:25
ashutosh!register | ashutosh18:25
ubottuashutosh, please see my private message18:25
ashutosh!register | ashutosh18:26
ubottuashutosh, please see my private message18:26
pragmaticenigmaashutosh, that is not how to register... look at the message ubottu sent you, it has the link with instructions on registering your nick here18:28
DrRoachHi can anybody here give me a hand getting mysql installed on Ubuntu 16.04?18:32
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TheWildI want to flush very large amount of text from clipboard to file. Now what?18:36
TheWildgedit won't take it18:37
DrRoachecho text > file.txt18:38
DrRoachor >> I can't quite remember18:38
leftyfbTheWild: xsel --clipboard --output > file18:38
lotuspsychje!lamp | DrRoach18:38
ubottuDrRoach: LAMP is an acronym for Linux-Apache-MySQL-PHP. However, the term is often used for setups using alternative but different software, such as Perl or Python instead of PHP, and Postgres instead of MySQL. For help with setting up LAMP on Ubuntu, see  https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ApacheMySQLPHP - See also the Server CD installation process.18:38
leftyfbTheWild: out of curiosity, how did you get that much into the clipboard?18:40
DrRoachI'm having issues installing, for some reason mysql-server-5.7 is failing installation18:40
DrRoachI've never seen the error before18:40
lotuspsychjeDrRoach: check apt-cache search yourpackage18:40
leftyfbDrRoach: please post your terminal with the command you're running along with the error message to pastebin18:40
TheWildI copied a large Facebook group member list outer HTML18:41
lotuspsychjeDrRoach: and wich ubuntu version are you on?18:41
leftyfblotuspsychje: he posted 16.04 earlier18:41
lotuspsychjeoh kk18:41
kes0TheWild: Try nano18:42
DrRoachgetting error that mysql-server-5.7 isn't configured, maybe there's a way I can do that?18:42
leftyfbDrRoach: please post your terminal with the command you're running along with the error message to pastebin18:42
DrRoachkes0: *vim18:42
DrRoachleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/TaCPani7    thanks18:43
TheWildneither nano is taking it :(18:43
kes0DrRoach: Yes but nano is nice program18:44
leftyfbTheWild: xsel --clipboard --output > file18:44
DrRoachTheWild: try xclip -o > path18:44
leftyfbDrRoach: please pastebin: systemctl status mysql.service18:45
DrRoachkes0: I know, poor attemp at humour on my part18:46
DrRoachleftyfb: https://pastebin.com/6MNwsh4S18:46
TheWild"xsel --clipboard --output" does not produce output18:46
leftyfbTheWild: xsel --clipboard --output > file18:46
TheWild"xclip -o": Error: target STRING not available18:46
TheWildleftyfb: without > file it should print a thing to stdout18:49
leftyfbTheWild: then are you sure you've got anything in your clipboard at the moment?18:49
leftyfbTheWild: test it with a smaller copy18:49
TheWildI'm not sure, there is "something", but some programs hang on it, some claim there was nothing.18:50
leftyfbTheWild: test it with a smaller copy18:50
TheWildI copied the HTML but before I tried to paste it, the firefox tab crashed. Could that be the issue?18:51
TheWildlike: the clipboard is a socket?18:51
leftyfbcould be18:51
leftyfbagain, test these clipboard utils with something else18:52
kes0DrRoach: Not really humor on my part18:52
JimBuntuDon't no body be talking bad about nano.18:53
kes0Nano is nice18:54
JimBuntuSeriously though, I have such muscle memory for typing nano that I have an alias with one additional letter so I can quickly up-arrow and change the command18:54
xet7How do I download latest snap build for CentOS 7 from here? https://jenkins.linuxcontainers.org/job/lxd-test-snap-latest-edge/19:03
xet7Or somewhere else?19:04
naccxet7: just use the edge channel, no?19:05
xet7nacc: rpm package of snap19:06
xet7not edge19:06
naccxet7: 'rpm package of snap'??19:06
naccxet7: do you understand what a snap is?19:06
naccxet7: that particular jenkins job is for testing the edge snap19:06
xet7where are downloads?19:07
xet7for snap for different operating systems19:07
naccxet7: i don't understand what you mean? it's a snap, you get it from the snap store, like any other snap19:07
naccxet7: use `snap install lxd`19:07
xet7installing snapd package19:07
xet7not package from store19:07
naccxet7: if you are on centos, you are also on the wrong channel19:07
xet7the snap software itself19:07
naccxet7: i don't know what you are saying, and you're not using complete sentences19:08
naccxet7: you don't know how to install snapd on centos?19:08
naccxet7: that is a question for centos19:08
naccxet7: this is the ubuntu support channel19:08
xet7isn't snap developed by canonical?19:09
naccxet7: ... what does that have to do with anything?19:09
lotuspsychjexet7: we support snaps for ubuntu..19:09
xet7Ok, I'll look elsewhere19:09
naccxet7: you presumably want one of #centos (if it exists), #snappy or #lxcontainers19:09
DrRoachleftyfb: Any idea with the mysql issue?19:16
TruxxWhy is /list not a good idea? I just wanted to see the available channels...19:18
lotuspsychje!alis | Truxx too large19:18
ubottuTruxx too large: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"19:18
Truxxubottu I see, thank you for the explanation.19:20
ubottuTruxx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:20
Truxxubottu That's ok, you've been still helpful.19:20
ubottuTruxx: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)19:20
boot1I am able to see the volume icon and hear sound on my login screen but when I login the sound icon is gone and I cannot hear sound19:21
boot1just rebooted19:21
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bn_workFor older pre-systemd Ubuntu versions, does Ubuntu mandate any sort of changes from Debian's LSB spec?19:23
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Simonious_E: Unable to locate package phpbcmath <- I did not expect this..19:27
naccSimonious_: no such package in ubuntu19:27
naccSimonious_: you want php-bcmath ?19:28
Simonious_nacc: indeed that seems to be the case19:28
Simonious_nacc: yes..19:28
naccSimonious_: easy enough :)19:28
Simonious_not for me, point it out to me?19:28
naccSimonious_: phpbcmath != php-bcmath19:28
naccSimonious_:  you want 'php-bcmath'19:29
kostkon!info php-bcmath19:29
Simonious_E: Unable to locate package php-bcmath19:29
ubottuphp-bcmath (source: php-defaults (54ubuntu1)): Bcmath module for PHP [default]. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:7.1+54ubuntu1 (artful), package size 1 kB, installed size 12 kB19:29
Simonious_sorry, tried that too19:29
Peyamhi I have a directory with lot of other directories and I want to find a certain file named " blabla.java'19:29
Peyamhow do I do it19:29
naccSimonious_: you didn't say that earlier :) what version of ubuntu?19:29
kostkonSimonious_, should be there19:29
kostkon!info php-bcmath xenial19:30
ubottuphp-bcmath (source: php-defaults (35ubuntu6.1)): Bcmath module for PHP [default]. In component universe, is optional. Version 1:7.0+35ubuntu6.1 (xenial), package size 1 kB, installed size 11 kB19:30
EriC^^Peyam: find /directory -type f -iname 'blabla.java'19:30
Simonious_Debian GNU/Linux 8.10 (jessie)19:30
naccSimonious_: lol.19:30
naccSimonious_: you are in the ubuntu support channel19:30
naccSimonious_: please ask debian?19:30
Simonious_yeah my bad19:30
Simonious_I use ubuntu for everything, but this.. target is different19:30
naccSimonious_: np :)19:31
PeyamEriC^^, find: Arguments to -type should contain only one letter19:31
naccPeyam: EriC^^'s did.19:31
EriC^^Peyam: there's a typo after -type19:31
Peyamwhich one19:32
EriC^^Peyam: what did you type as the command?19:32
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PeyamEriC^^, find -type -f -name 'MainActivity.java'19:32
naccPeyam: you wrote '-f'19:32
naccPeyam: that is not what EriC^^ wrote.19:33
naccPeyam: and you also didn't give it a directory to search19:33
Peyamit is the current directory19:33
naccPeyam: then you should use '.'19:33
Peyamnothing showed19:33
naccPeyam: that is `find . -type f -name ...`19:33
nacc(iname rather)19:33
EriC^^Peyam: try it with iname , also if you're unsure of the name you could use wildcards e.g -iname '*something*.java'19:34
naccPeyam: then perhaps that file does not exist by that specific name19:34
naccPeyam: if it does exist, use a pastebin and show us19:34
DraconiatorLOL this site says the most use "bad word" in the code of the Linux kernal is "crap"19:52
yaskinaid really like to contribute to unbuntu design, esp the colours and loading screen19:59
kostkon!contribute | yaskina20:00
ubottuyaskina: To contribute and help out with Ubuntu, see http://community.ubuntu.com and https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ContributeToUbuntu20:00
yaskinai signed up20:02
yaskinai want a cool looking loading screen20:02
yaskinasomething no one has done20:02
yaskinaor thought of20:02
yaskinaanyone want to see a GUI desing i did for a media player before media players were even a thing, I invented the tab years before it was a thing also20:04
nonix4my preferred loading screen design is one that disappears in less than 20 milliseconds20:04
JimBuntusure yaskina, post a link20:05
yaskinatrue but how often do you load it20:05
yaskinaJim i can send it to you20:05
yaskinai dont have a link20:05
yaskinai sick of signing up for shit20:06
JimBuntuyaskina, you don't have to sign up20:07
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yaskinaI was working for and apple developer and a year later apple quicktime copied me, i think they sold me out20:07
yaskinalike i said i invented the tab and media player before it was even a thing20:08
yaskinai rather a kewl loading screen that is impressive even if it takes a few seconds longer20:09
yaskinathe loading screen now is to plain20:10
yaskinacolours are all wrong20:10
skinuxIs it the lower number for swappiness that tells it to use swap more/earlier?20:11
yaskinaif you set it too 10 it wont use swap20:11
skinuxWhat's the highest number then?20:11
yaskinalower the number the less swap20:12
yaskinahigher more swap20:12
skinuxOKay, it's set at 60 but isn't using swap at all20:12
yaskinaprob cause you have enough ram20:12
yaskina60 is default i think20:13
skinuxOkay. Thanks20:13
tomreynHi Martin20:17
r203r9j049k124r9Very busy here !? :)20:17
tomreynr203r9j049k124r9: it's not a social channel, 'just' support. There is #ubuntu-discuss and #ubuntu-offtopic, too.20:18
coffeeguyi think you reversed your password and nick r203r9j049k124r920:18
icompadecidoweb programming20:18
nacc!alis | icompadecido20:18
ubottuicompadecido: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"20:18
r203r9j049k124r9Reversed my password?20:18
naccr203r9j049k124r9: just a very long, random-looking nick :)20:18
r203r9j049k124r9Thank you ubottu20:18
r203r9j049k124r9I think the IRC client auto-generated it TBH20:19
r203r9j049k124r9I'm using HexChat20:19
ioriaidt so20:19
diogeneshello world20:22
naccdiogenes: do you have an ubuntu support question?20:22
diogenesnoo im just testing out hexchat20:23
diogeneshaven't used an IRC for like 2 decades20:23
naccdiogenes: ok, this is the support channel, please use a different channel for tests20:23
diogenesmy apologies20:24
=== calvin is now known as Guest98567
azizLIGHThow do i restrict wmctrl to this current workspace? is there another tool that can list program windows in the current workspace?20:27
nehemiahLooking for inspiration to solve the following issue: I have a preseeded ubuntu installation. After installing from that ISO, a computer turns into an LTSP instance. All works great so far. The problem is that I'll have to distribute this ISO to people who will then install it on a machine but do not necessarily have great technical skills. One issue I'm left with is having more or less automated backups of peoples home directories. Probably with some ex20:37
pragmaticenigmanehemiah, I think your message was cut off mid-sentence...20:41
vltnehemiah: after "some ex"20:41
pragmaticenigmaI think they were going to say with some examples. If that were the case, I'm surprised google hasn't generated anything for them. I wish I knew what LTSP instances were and how to make an automated install disk20:43
vltpragmaticenigma: LTSP is the Linux Terminal Server Project.20:45
vltWorks great,.20:46
nehemiahProbably with some external device. I've thought about using btrfs for the /home partition to automate snapshots. But I need something in case the hard disk dies. Any ideas how to solve this?20:47
vltnehemiah: Put everything on LVM on Raid.20:49
vltnehemiah: A dead harddisk can be replaced while everything just keeps running.20:50
vltnehemiah: For the backups of /home you can either use an LVM snapshot or just rsync or rdiff-backup.20:51
nehemiahI'm mostly worried about not loosinguser data after a hard drive failure20:52
vltnehemiah: Raid.20:52
vltnehemiah: But Raid != backup20:52
nehemiahWe'll there's the issue.20:52
vltRaid just protects against having to shut everyhing down and restore from backup when one drive fails. And it will. Drives die.20:53
Sven_vBevery now and then udisksd starts pushing my system load. how can I see what it's trying to do currently? (to decide whether that's worth it)20:53
vltnehemiah: I don’t understand the issue here.20:54
nehemiahMy users will just grab any computer laying around and make a computer lab out of it with some instructions. Creating a raid or anything like that will be out of their reach. Also, I'm not worried about the LTSP install since the automated install will fix that in less than an hour.20:54
nehemiahWe'll, the idea is that the user just plugs in a hard drive.20:54
nehemiahMaybe with a specific label20:54
nehemiahThe lab will recognize it on say a cronjob20:55
nehemiahAnd start rsyncing /home to it on a regular interval.20:55
nehemiahThat's the idea I had20:55
nehemiahBut I wonder if somebody has a btter idea.20:55
cheguacamoleIf they can plug in a hard drive surely they can manage some other check list for R.A.I.D. also20:58
KatronixHi all, can someone tell me which file I need to successfully do a ./configure for gtk+ to get rid of the XInput2 extension not found error?21:04
mojtabaHello, I am in a LAN with network address 192.168.2.x, and I am using VPN to connect to another LAN, with the same network address. Do you know what should I do to check the other router's home page? I don't have access to the first router, to change its address.21:04
Katronixmojtaba, go to its external IP with the right port to see the router page21:04
naccKatronix: libxi-dev maybe?21:04
Katronixnacc trying it out :)21:05
mojtabaKatronix: I am not sure, what is it's right port.21:05
Katronixnacc thanks! that fixed it :)21:06
Katronixmojtaba, do you know what kind of router it is?21:06
naccKatronix: yw, it helps to provide exact output in a pastebin; i did a `apt-file search XInput2`21:06
mojtabaKatronix: Asus21:07
Katronixmojtaba, check out https://www.asus.com/support/FAQ/1000926/21:08
Sven_vBmeh. now my syslog is spammed with "Activating via systemd: service name='org.freedesktop.UDisks2' unit='udisks2.service'¶ Activation via systemd failed for unit 'udisks2.service': Unit udisks2.service is masked." how do I find which service tried to interact with udisks2?21:09
Katronixso getting ready to make gtk+ and it says its GDK backend is x11, does that mean anything I compile off this version of GTK+ won't work under Wayland?21:13
naccKatronix: probably a question for gnome devs21:14
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Katronixnacc, okay thanks!21:14
mojtabaKatronix: Is there any other solution, because I have not enabled login through WAN, before.21:16
joenutsGreetings channel, I'm having trouble getting sudo -i to process bash commands same as sudo, any direction is appreciated21:23
joenutssudo bash -c 'NETWORK=foo && echo $NETWORK' displays foo, sudo -i bash -c 'NETWORK=foo && echo $NETWORK' displays empty line21:23
joenutsam I overlooking something simple?21:23
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kes0Dont use sudo while root21:26
joenutsI didnt think I was using sudo as root, but it appears whether running command as unprivileged user and also root, I get the same behaviour21:27
akikjoenuts: use ${NETWORK} with the echo command21:29
akikjoenuts: i don't know the reason why21:29
joenutsakik: outstanding!! I was not familiar with the ${} construct to reference variables in bash. many thanks21:29
kes0joenuts: Ah ok21:29
joenutsakik: I dont care why, just need to get working, cheers !21:30
socI need some help, I can't login anymore, after providing user and pass it just goes to a black screen, and then back to the login screen21:31
socI want to paste .xsession-errors to pastebin21:31
soccan someone tell me how I can copy the text from that file into the clipboard and paste it into links or something?21:32
akiksoc: install pastebinit21:33
socok, got it21:35
sochere is the paste: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v2n5vNzCKk/21:35
socany ideas what's the issue21:36
socit's reporting multiple things but I can't figure out the root cause21:36
akiksoc: is your ~/.Xauthority owned by you?21:36
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=== Map is now known as Guest86301
dabbadoes anyone have experience with landscape on the premises?  my update_security_db.sh will not run, and I don't need HTTP/HTTPS proxy and have no uppercase in my FQDN which are the only solutions my google-fu has been able to locate: https://askubuntu.com/questions/818983/landscape-alert-script-with-issues-update-security-db-sh  --  anyone ran into this issue before!? pls halp!21:57
dabbarunning the script manually completes correctly, nothing stands out in the logs in /var/log/landscape-server/ as far as I can tell but will gladly copy some to PMs if someone wants to take a stab at this issue. :P21:59
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azizLIGHThow do i restrict wmctrl to this current workspace? is there another tool that can list program windows in the current workspace?22:06
pragmaticenigmadabba, does the script require sudo to run?22:08
pragmaticenigma!repeat | azizLIGHT22:09
ubottuazizLIGHT: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/22:09
socakik: let me see22:09
socakik: it's set to ICEAUTHORITY DEFAULT=${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}/ICEauthority in .pam_environment22:10
azizLIGHTpragmaticenigma: i figured it was ok to repeat since its been like 2 hours22:10
akiksoc: you don't have a ~/.Xauthority at all?22:10
dabbapragmaticenigma, it runs as user landscape22:11
dabbapragmaticenigma, running: sudo -u landscape bash -x /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/update_security_db.sh works just fine22:11
dabbaabout 6 hours later i have a notice that it hasn't been run in sometime22:11
socakik: it doesn't exist, because I can't login22:12
socbut the directory is owned by me and writable22:12
soc(which is a core requirement of XDG_RUNTIME_DIR22:12
pragmaticenigmadabba, does anything show up in the logs? can you redirect the output of the script to a file so you can see if it output's an error22:13
akiksoc: i'm not talking about XDG_RUNTIME_DIR but your own home dir22:13
pragmaticenigmaazizLIGHT, It's not about the time between, it's that it still exists in recent memory22:13
geirhasoc: .pam_environment is not a script. It will not expand ${XDG_RUNTIME_DIR}22:13
azizLIGHTim posting it for others who joined in between my last post. besides the bot said about repeating quickly22:14
dabbapragmaticenigma, may I pm you?22:14
socgeirha: it does. the syntax is a bit weird, but it works.22:15
pragmaticenigmadabba, it's best to keep the dialog here. there may be others who may benefit from the help22:15
socI'm working on my laptop right now, which is exactly setup like that.22:15
dabbawell i didn't want to paste the log data in the channel22:15
socakik: my home dir is owned by me and writable, too22:15
dabbait's a bit spammy22:15
akiksoc: how about ~/.Xauthority ?22:15
soc(my $HOME is usually read-only, but I made it writable, so that's not the issue)22:16
dabbawhen i run the script manually it outputs to the console and downloads and completes fine - when the script runs automatically it errors out without downloading anything every time (every hour) <- pragmaticenigma22:16
akiksoc: why is it read-only?22:16
socakik: .Xauthority doesn't exist (and shouldn't)22:16
akiksoc: are you running ubuntu?22:17
socakik: I'm sick and tired of random applications dumping their folders into $HOME22:17
pragmaticenigmadabba, how is it setup to run automatically? Cron or some other task?22:17
socyes, 18.0422:17
socboth on desktop (that broke) and laptop (which works fine)22:17
dabbaits part of the landscape-server package that we can run privately as 'on-premises' mode to manage our ubuntu machines22:17
dabbait worked fine for the past 300 or so days since i setup landscape-server22:17
akiksoc: i think you've dug your own grave with your modifications :)22:18
socit worked perfectly fine for a year or something22:18
dabbaI assume it's a cron entry but not sure where it is, its not under the landscape user22:19
pragmaticenigmasoc, ubuntu 18.04 is beta and shouldn't be used for everyday use yet.22:19
socpragmaticenigma: yes, I know, I usually use it because of the more recent openjdk packages22:20
dabbapragmaticenigma, found it /etc/cron.d/landscape-server has the entry: # Security Updates22:20
dabba35 * * * * landscape /opt/canonical/landscape/scripts/update_security_db.sh22:20
socpragmaticenigma: I'm often fine with sorting out intermittent issues myself, but I can't seem to sort out this one22:20
pragmaticenigmasoc, in that case, you should go to #ubuntu+1 and ask there. If there is a bug it will help get it resolved before final release22:20
dabbaand like i mentioned when i run it manually as user landscape it completes fine, just the automated execution fails every time22:20
socI removed the XAUTHORITY line from .pam_environment, didn't help22:21
socok, thanks, will try that22:21
pragmaticenigmadabba, add an output redirect to that cron job so it outputs to a text file in a folder where you can find it. Take a look and see if there is an error in the output.22:22
dabbathere is a log file: /var/log/landscape-server/update-security-db.log22:23
dabbaall it has in it is essentially the same message every hour:22:23
dabbaMar 12 17:36:19 update-security-db INFO  Error downloading USN pickle from https://usn.ubuntu.com/usn-db/database.pickle.bz222:23
dabbaMar 12 17:36:19 update-security-db INFO    % Total    % Received % Xferd  Average Speed   Time    Time     Time  Current#012                                 Dload  Upload   Total   Spent    Left  Speed#012#015  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0#015  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:-- --:--:-- --:--:--     0#015  0     0    0     0    0     0      0      0 --:--:--  0:00:01 --:--:--22:23
dabba0#015  0 14.8M    0 45672    0     0  17530      0  0:14:51  0:00:02  0:14:49 17525#015  0 14.8M    0  104k    0     0  29002      0  0:08:58  0:00:03  0:08:55 29000#015  0 14.8M    0  136k    0     0  27713      0  0:09:23  0:00:05  0:09:18 27715#015  0 14.8M    0  144k    0     0  26191      0  0:09:56  0:00:05  0:09:51 29877#015  1 14.8M    1  160k    0     0  24069      0  0:10:48  0:00:06  0:10:42 31969#015  1 14.8M    1  184k    0     0  2456822:23
dabba     0  0:10:35  0:00:07  0:10:28 28188#015  1 14.8M    1  216k    0     0  25728      0  0:10:07  0:00:08  0:09:59 23282#015  1 14.8M    1  236k    0     0  25159      0  0:10:20  0:00:09  0:10:11 2222:23
pragmaticenigmadabba, just a suggestion, use pastbin to put those.. it will make it easier to read22:26
TabMasherdabba: Consider paste bin.22:26
dabbargr will do so next time22:27
dabbathe lines are broken in the long so it still would've looked like garbage22:27
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dabbabut i'll keep it out of chat next time :)22:27
dabbacould it be that every instance of landscape-server that is defaulted to checking that pickle every 35th minute of every hour is causing my download to die?  I'm going to change it to 45 minutes and monitor22:29
pragmaticenigmadabba, is it possible your running low on disk space? I don't see why it can't download in the cron job, but can download manually22:29
dabbano disk space issues22:29
pragmaticenigmadabba, it is possible that the source server only allows downloads every X number of minutes22:29
yaskinawhat is the terminal commands for the swap setting22:30
dabbayeah but it fails for days on end, without completeing, but when I login and manually run it (at times other than the schedule time) it completes quickly with no issue.  I suspect the response is truly taking too long like the log says, so I'll get the update at a non-default time22:31
yaskinawish they would just add it to the gui22:31
dabbaand maybe it'll work... i might follow up with ya, pragmaticenigma, if you care to hear about the outcome22:31
dabbaI've got to head off to class at the moment unfortunately, didn't realize the time!22:31
pragmaticenigmadabba, good luck... maybe the different time will help. feel free to report back when you find out22:33
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=== jarek is now known as Guest64378
strengthanyone know a good channel for uefi support?22:44
Kolotun13Hello world. ;)22:45
sereis the a ppa for android studio?22:54
bazhangsere, a quick web search says yes22:55
pragmaticenigmastrength, ask your question here, someone may have the answer22:56
strengthpragmaticenigma, well, tahnks. i'm trying to clean install win10 with the latest .iso on a macpro4,1 [flashed to 5,1 with high sierra]. i can get the uefi based usb to start the installer, but the installer just BSOD at the windows icon loading screen...23:01
akikstrength: does the usb stick work on some other computer?23:02
socok, thanks to everyone involved, looks like the read-only $HOME was not the culprit in this case23:06
socbtw, here is the guide I wrote on making $HOME read-only: https://soc.github.io/articles/linux/self-defense-against-dotfiles.html23:07
akiksoc: what do you use your home dir for?23:07
ubottuПожалуйста наберите /join #ubuntu-ru для получения помощи на русском языке. | Pozhalujsta naberite /join #ubuntu-ru dlya polucheniya pomoshi na russkom yazyke.23:08
vitalii /join #ubuntu-ru23:09
socakik: for the usual stuff, audio, code, video, documents, config, cache etc.23:09
akiksoc: but if you keep it read-only?23:10
socyes. the directories underneath are writable23:11
akikah just the $HOME23:12
akikso you don't mount it read-only23:12
vitaliiгде там набрать ? /join #ubuntu-ru?23:12
akikvitalii: please write in english23:12
socno, I just did chmod $HOME -20023:13
akiksoc: i hope your apps get fixed before there'll be a new standard :)23:14
=== void__ is now known as _Marek_
vitaliimy language russian. I speek bad eng23:14
akikvitalii: try23:15
vitaliihow add this chanal t/join #ubuntu-ru23:16
akikvitalii: you are on that channel already23:16
socakik: which new standard?23:17
akiksoc: the standard that comes after xdg23:17
akiksoc: i just mean that it might not be possible for all your apps to be updated to xdg standard23:18
socwell, I'm not too troubled about that. I don't think that any future standard would be a regression compared to xdg23:18
socakik: yeah, I write pacthes from time to time to get apps fixed23:18
socnano for instance doesn't use .nano and .nanorc anymore23:18
socgot the patch in last year23:19
socsame for coursier23:19
soccurrently looking into cargo23:19
CodeBughey room hows it going?23:21
CodeBugI take it no one is in?23:24
naccCodeBug: not a chitchat room, ask a support question if you have one23:24
TabMasher1.5k people here, just waiting for an ubuntu question.23:25
TabMasherCodeBug: There's always #ubuntu-offtopic23:27
strengthmost guys probably have irc running at work23:27
TabMasherOr at home, while at work.  :D23:28
Frankfurt_SoupI have it running on my mobile at work :-)23:31
CodeBuglol didn't know that23:37
cheguacamolethey all went to molo anyway23:39
DraconiatorI bet even modern digital watches have some form of linux in them...heh23:47
strengththey make watches in hexadecimal now?23:48
oerheksno, internet-time .. but this goes offtopic23:49
strengththe internet has a time?23:50
oerheksjups, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gnome-panel/+bug/8893923:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 88939 in GNOME Panel "Internet time or UNIX time clock crashes gnome-panel " [Critical,Fix released]23:51
cheguacamolecould that be the time in hexadecimal23:52
oerheksold, 2007, don't worry23:52
cheguacamoleoops sorry wrong channel23:52
kostkonstrength, google 'internet time swatch'23:52
neredsenvyAnyone knows of software to remap keyboard keys23:54
neredsenvysomething with a UI23:54
Budgii__Oh, i'm in ubuntu channel, sorry neredsenvy23:54
Budgii__I do have an idea though!23:54
Budgii__xdotool and assign keys to the xdotool script?23:54
neredsenvyI was hoping for something with an UI for easy work23:56
Budgii__What extent of remapping are you needing?23:56
Budgii__I was going to suggest Autohotkey but this is linux23:56
neredsenvy9 keys need remapping23:57
Budgii__just to other keys?23:57
oerhekson what ubuntu version, and for global use or application?23:58
neredsenvyYes I have some keys on laptop keyboard that stopped working and id like to remap them23:58
Budgii__give me one key and i'll try it23:58
neredsenvyubuntu 17.1023:58
Budgii__what key, and what key to have it remapped to23:58
oerhekshmm the screen keyboard would be helpfull23:59

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