[00:21] flocculant: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/light-locker/+bug/1755033 might be related [00:21] Launchpad bug 1755033 in light-locker (Ubuntu) "Lubuntu daily 20180311 black screen for 5 min on ASUS Eee901" [Undecided,New] [00:34] xfce4-settings 4.12.2-1 uploaded by Yves-Alexis Perez (corsac) [03:16] bluesabre: could be [03:17] bluesabre: did you see that bluez service issue on the live session xsession-errors too ? [04:00] bluesabre: can't see similar in looby lou's xsession-errors [05:38] anyone know how to resolve this https://apaste.info/Akyj [05:44] donofrio: Not offhand, no. Can't say I've ever run into it. You may wish to ask #ubuntu or #ubuntu+1 though. [05:46] I am....it looks like this "anyone know how I can get add-repo working I keep getting this gpg message - https://apaste.info/yb2I" [05:49] While important to fix, I think I'd just recv the key, export ascii armored, drop that in in the trust db, and move on. [05:50] hu? [05:59] Basically, gpg --recv-keys 07D44A5424C7C12A4BAB1E80EB563F93142986CE && gpg --armor --export 07D44A5424C7C12A4BAB1E80EB563F93142986CE > newkey.asc && sudo cp newkey.asc /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/xubuntu-dev.asc [06:10] Unit193, tried but no furthor - https://apaste.info/7k03 [06:13] eek now my updates won't update - https://apaste.info/4 [06:13] wyb [06:13] https://apaste.info/4Wyd [06:15] ummm - wrong paste I guess [06:15] donofrio: not that I'd be able to help - but is on your installed in windows thing? [06:15] donofrio: You'll have to kill dirmngr first in that case, it's trying to use root's. [06:15] 4Wyb not d [06:15] Just remove that key and updates will work again. [06:15] ohok [06:17] still ipc call failed even when hup'ed from root and started by donofrio [06:17] I think your dirmngr is messed up. :P [06:18] howto fix? [06:18] flocculant, yes http://www.tinyurl.com/donofrio1804 [06:20] trying to get xfwm4.13 [06:22] does remove-apt-reposity exits or what file to edit to get updates working again? [06:24] donofrio: rm /etc/apt/trusted.gpg.d/xubuntu-dev.asc [06:26] no asc file found only ubuntu-keyrimg-2013-archive.gpg and ubuntu-keyring-2012-cdimage.gpg [06:27] keyring-2012 I meant [06:27] its late for me sorry for mistypin [07:09] Unit193, still not working ;( https://apaste.info/kKn0 [07:15] Yes, you said the key had broken it, that can happen when it's malformed. It was not to solve the missing key issue. [07:15] You're going to have to fix dirmngr or some other way get the key. [07:20] Unit193, I guess first on my list is get updates "updating again" then I'll whack at dirmngr this afternoon [07:20] but how do I repair my system so updates flow again [07:21] donofrio: apt-get update is complaining, you can ignore that. But, remove the sources file in /etc/apt/sources.list.d/ [07:22] expermental is not in sources [07:22] The specific one* [07:23] i see now [07:23] .d my bad [07:25] I have my own python now - neat - updaing and I see python3-louis (spelling wrong I'm lewis lol) [07:39] thank you for helping me 2nite/this morning off to get three hours sleep before work.... [07:42] Heh, nearly 4 am for me too. :) [07:43] ochosi: xfpm plugin with no battery just says 'computer' [07:43] (In bold) [09:04] Unit193: yup, that's known. what else would you let it say? [09:04] at least in the tooltip, that's what it should say [09:05] Not bold, 'no battery'? [09:44] ochosi, mmk. i'll see if i have time [12:27] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r547 lightdm-gtk-greeter: Simplify theming... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [12:27] -SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xubuntu-artwork:: [greybird] r548 Include Gtk3 window decoration icons in Greybird (Fixes #170... (by Simon Steinbeiß) [19:37] knome: shouldn't be too hard, maybe creating something in svg first and then tweaking the png would be sufficient (maybe even without much tweaking) [19:38] yep [19:52] A beginners question again if I may: I'm testing Xubuntu 18.04. I have found I can report bugs/observations here, at launchpad, or by way of xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com. What's your preferred way/place to report bugs? Launchpad? xubuntu-devel@lists.ubuntu.com? Here? [19:53] the most persistent way is certainly bugreports (my personal opinion) [19:53] mailinglists are really not the right medium [19:53] if you think immediate feedback is possible and necessary, irc is ok too [19:54] depends on whether you're already in a discussion with someone here, then it's easy to mention stuff [19:54] BUgreports being launchpad then? [20:17] Used2BTracker5: depends, if you know something is an upstream issue you can report it on bugs.xfce.org [20:18] if it's not xfce related maybe launchpad is still the right choice [20:18] linking it to our bugs blueprint may also be helpful [20:25] ochosi, thanks for the answers. I don't think I am able (yet) to decide if something is an upstream issue, or not. I didn't know about bugs.xfce.org; I'll have a look over there. [20:25] what kind of issues have you identified so far? [20:28] mate-calc crash; sgt puzzles not translated; "weird" messages when starting update-manager from cli; menulibre invalid desktop files [20:28] right, none of those are upstream xfce issues [20:29] I have reported these on launchpad [20:30] menulibre is maintained by bluesabre [20:31] mate-calc would probably go to the mate team directly [20:31] sgt puzzles i'm not sure about [20:31] SGT Puzzles [20:31] © 2016-2017 Sean Davis [20:33] Used2BTracker5: One normally wouldn't report bugs in here, but sometimes can be useful to talk or ask about something before filing the bug. [20:34] ochosi, you say "mate-calc would probably go to the mate team directly": you mean: when I reported it on launchpad the bugreport went automatically to the dev-team [20:34] yeah, that sounds likely [20:34] at least the ubuntu mate team [20:34] not sure where mate tracks issues, probably github or something [20:35] Github. [20:36] but anyway, crashes with an application can also be distro specific [20:36] so it's definitely not wrong to start reporting something on LP [20:36] So, trying to help to test Xubuntu 18.04, I need to know where teams/people track their issues, and I have to be able to sort of understand about upstream? [20:37] to some extent you'll learn that naturally [20:37] step by step [20:37] What's the best way to find out where to report issues for a specific programme? [20:41] I don't want to bother you guys too much, but I also don't want to report issues at the wrong place. No point in reporting issues that will never be picked up by the right team. [20:42] you can always check where the upstream source is maintained, the bugtracker is usually not far from there ;) [20:43] ochosi, "linking it to our bugs blueprint": how/where do I do that? [20:43] this is our roadmap for bionic: https://blueprints.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+spec/xubuntu-b-roadmap [20:43] you can see all blueprints in the dependency tree section [20:43] that includes the xubuntu-b-bugs blueprint [20:44] if you go to that blueprint, you can use the "Link a bug report" button to connect LP bugreports [20:44] I'll note that if you use `ubuntu-bug`, it attaches a lot of debug info (including crash reports at times.) and files on LP. [20:45] ochosi, thanks! I have added that link to my favorites [20:48] I'll head over there now. Thanks again. Testing what I thought to be one entity "Xubuntu", proves to be a whole different can full of worms :-) I'm not English so this may not make sense to you... still [21:05] I used to be "Used2BTracker5", and I just managed to change my nick to "willem" and claim that as mine, which is nice because, well, it's my name :-) Thanks krytarik. [21:06] You are welcome. :) [21:08] (Irc is a overwhelming experience; I'll have a cup of tea and a lie down for now...) [21:08] willem: hi :) I see that ochosi and Unit193 have explained bugs a bit to you - cool [21:08] All ochosi, not me. [21:09] :) [21:11] yes, I've been bugging them about bugs, and they've been patient and understanding. :-) [21:11] Long way to go yet. [21:11] For me, that is [21:11] hanks [21:11] Thanks [21:11] willem: slow but sure is the way :) [21:12] ochosi: To be clear btw, you told me to look, I finally updated the netbook to Bionic thus got the new xfpm, that's something that stood out. If it's not of interest to you, well...Then there's that. :P [21:23] I'll be off for now, dreaming of bugs and places where not to report them. :-) [21:24] night willem [21:40] Unit193: sry, but what stood out? [21:40] ah [21:40] the "Computer" tooltip