
analogicalis there a way in xubuntu to place the taskbar and the startmenu on bottom of the screen instead of at the top of the screen?00:03
Unit193analogical: Ctrl+R_click → Uncheck lock → Drag panel to bottom → Re-lock.00:08
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=== Andrio- is now known as Andrio
tdaHello, All. I have updated my xubuntu 16.04 yesterday (on Asus laptop with UEFI only boot, installed on second SSD with GPT) and immedeately after reboot I had GRUB console only...08:39
tdaCould You help me boot using EFI booting for try to remove wrong update? I think it was "friendly-recovery 0.2.31ubuntu1" possible...08:40
tdaToday I updated xubunty 16.04 VM on my another PC successufully. And I saw message about "generate grub.cfg" during this "frendly" package installing...08:42
dreamerhi all, I'm trying to install virtualbox guest additions but this will remove a ton of xorg packages and even xubuntu-core and xubuntu-desktop. does anyone know what to do?11:21
bazhangxubuntu-desktop is a metapackage, thus safe to remove11:26
dreamerbazhang: what about xorg ?12:03
=== drleviathan is now known as leviathanAFK
dreamerf-it, lets see what happens ..12:10
dreamerso far so good :)12:11
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=== chmurifree is now known as chmuri
Draconiatorhi :)  temporary Xubuntu user here, main hard drive died and using my netbook one until the new one arrives.19:25
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang

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