
smoserybaumy: here now13:22
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ybaumysmoser: you talked to psyrabbit lately about the vmware ovf dataprovider problem right?20:20
ybaumythe ovf just doenst work20:21
ybaumycause we looked at the code and found that you commented out few lines in datasource provider.py that were responsible for vmguest tools20:21
ybaumythose just dont exist anymore20:22
ybaumybut we found a way to make vmware + cloud-init happen maybe20:22
ybaumyjust a sec i will get the links20:23
ybaumyhave to logon to work20:24
ybaumyif you have time next week in the meeting we would like to participate because of that matter20:25
ybaumypsyrabbit maybe interrested in extending or writing a datasource provider for vcloud20:26
ybaumywe need that for work anyways20:26
ybaumyhttps://github.com/xing/cloudinit-vmware-guestinfo oh here another link20:27
dpb1ybaumy: is this applicable to vsphere/esx at all, or just vcloud?20:27
ybaumydpb1: we need vcloud .. so thats what we looked at yet20:28
dpb1it's fine, was just curious20:28
ybaumybut it would be nice to get some support from you guys if we do that ..20:28
ybaumyalso the question of maintaining is open for us20:29
ybaumyinitial development would be ok i think20:29

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