
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Is there any news on the workstation dock stuff? Like is it gonna remain what it was or is the code eventually getting released? I would like to tinker with form factors if the software is getting released02:09
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Honestly I don't have time to watch an hour long video cause I have a 4 year old that gets into everything02:11
ubptgbotEldar_Issabayev was added by: Eldar_Issabayev02:17
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> On Saturday I tried LOS and switch back to UT within the hour and I feel I need to let the devs of UT's gesture-system know.02:58
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> (I know people hate word-walls so I'lll break this up :P :)02:59
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> When I got this Nexus5, it was to replace my old phone, which was a cheap $30 Alcatel from Walmart that isn't even listed on their website. I had a **horrid** time with it. I see myself as a power user; I had so many apps, some that would run all the time, some normal ones, that my phone would crash almost weekly and every s03:02
ubptgbotingle time it would crash, i would have to restart it.03:02
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> When I restarted it, I always got the error message "Process system is not responding." I found out that this ment that I could not install any apps or uninstall any or it would start crashing continuously. Every minute or two it would reboot until I factory reset it. I had this phone for about a year until its capacitor ble03:05
ubptgbotw and it wouldn't charge. Instead, it got so hot it burned my hand to pick it up. After this, I bought a cracked iPhone 6S from a friend and I really enjoyed it. It was fast, snappy, intuitive, and had all the music apps I had wanted for a long time. Unfortunately, it was locked to a company that no longer exists. So I had to give it back.03:05
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> After this, I got a Nexus 5 with the sole purpose of using it for UT, Plasma Mobile, looking into PostMarketOS, possibly PureOS and some Android ROMs. Out-of-the-box, I installed UT. All I did was update it (from Android 4.01 to 6.1 I think) then install Ubuntu Touch. I didn't mess with any apps, I didn't customise anything,03:07
ubptgbot I just went straight for UT.03:07
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> After getting it installed (surprisingly easily, I might add ;), I started using it, seeing what it could do, learning the UI, etc. I had UT for a week then I decided I wanted to try LineageOS.03:09
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> I went through that process, got it installed, got Open GApps, etc. and **could not stand it**. The top bar was too big, the bottom bar was too big, it felt so much slower navigating around, the horizontal pageination just felt wrong, and the quick settings were slow and clunky in comparison.03:11
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> UT just got it right. The swiping gestures on the sides make it so quick to navigate in combination with the launcher on the left. The quick settings are just that: quick. I love swiping down from the icon to view that page and being able to slide from one to another. I love actually seeing my whole calendar and all the even03:15
ubptgbotts for that day (**seriously** useful). I'll say it again. UT got the UI right.03:15
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> That's a quality word wall.  :)03:18
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> After going back to Android (albeit a custom ROM), I am even more impressed and appreciative of all the hard work UT's devs have put into it. When you (or at least me) think "Linux mobile OS", you think something that looks kind of thrown together but functions wonderfully; you think the devs wouldn't really care to make it03:19
ubptgbotlook good and they'd focus on performance and making it work as well as it possibly can. That, however, is **not** the case with UT. It works like a dream and looks even better with an absolutely stunning UI and it is **so**  intuitive and easy to get used to.03:19
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> All that is to say thank you to everyone who has made UT possible; the developers, the designers, and everyone in the community as well. You have done fantastic work and I couldn't be more excited to be a part of this growing  and expanding ecosystem.03:22
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> @wayneoutthere, I tried to break it up lol :P (needless to say, it was all done with my bluetooth keyboard; there's no way I could type all that with my thumbs :P )03:24
ubptgbot<Danjreynolds> Woohoo just put my sim in my nexus 5 and have 4g data04:02
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> Boom. Unleashed UT. Feels good to be more free, eh?04:30
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> I wish I could get somewhere with it on my device, but my device is being pretty defiant, I'll re-visit it in a week or two04:56
ubptgbotOlav was added by: Olav05:25
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @AmolithSeregion, You made me cry07:49
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hello Olav. There is lots of stuff about UBports on https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome. We also have a Scandinavian group btw08:25
ubptgbot<Mark> Wayne(out there): "the only question remaining is: how much screen do we need in our pocket?" I've always liked the idea of a phablet: 6.5" - like the Sony Xperia Z Ultra or the Xaiomi Mi Max08:52
ubptgbot<Flohack> (Photo, 600x524) https://irc.ubports.com/qIg8lvZB.png08:56
ubptgbot<PhoenixLandPirate> @Flohack, Why would you use something that small?08:57
ubptgbot<Mark> :) looks good to me!! :p Why isn't he using earpgones and micro combo??08:58
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @AmolithSeregion, I agree with everything that Amolith has said but there are two further ingredients. We, the community shape how UT develops. Also, features are added for their practical utility, not in order to boost data harvesting09:02
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Mark, its about stauts πŸ˜†09:03
ubptgbot<Flohack> @Mark, [Edit] its about status πŸ˜†09:03
ubptgbot<Mark> @Flohack, Size matters!!09:06
ubptgbot<Flohack> https://imgflip.com/i/26a2ku09:10
ubptgbot<Flohack> πŸ˜†09:10
ubptgbot<DanChapman> πŸ˜‚09:10
ubptgbot<Javacookies> phablet@ubuntu-phablet09:12
ubptgbottechnologiclee was added by: technologiclee09:17
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hi Lee. You can catch up with what is happening with UBports on here https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome09:20
ubptgbot<Mark> Perhaps the PiPhone proof of concept does offersomething - put UT on an sbc and offer modular peripherals options.09:35
ubptgbotogami itto was added by: ogami itto09:35
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @ogami itto, Hello Ogami. Please check out this for UBports info https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome09:36
ubptgbot<ogami itto> @Stereofont, Hi @Stereofont , I am very very new to Ubuntu Touch and just joined the group now. I wanted to know what you mean in terms of benefits for Africa. Thanks09:42
ubptgbot<ogami itto> @Stereofont, Thanks @Stereofont I will check this out now09:42
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @ogami itto, May I ask what your first language is?09:43
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Oh I see. You have been speaking to a friend?09:44
ubptgbot<ogami itto> @Stereofont, My first language is french09:47
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Well, it would be wrong to generalise. Cape Town and Abuja are much like Rome or Aachen. In other places though, internet is patchy or poor quality  and the types of phone device available are limited09:48
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Also, a 'phone as computer' may be particularly important where it is not the norm to have phone + laptop + desktop + tablet09:49
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Community control is also important09:49
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Our interest in the Serval project  considers situations where connectivity is difficult09:50
ubptgbot<Stereofont> We created a browser for children. That can help a lot with education09:51
ubptgbot<alan_griffiths> @UniversalSuperBox, Maybe not. The existing group is "dev", not "support".11:18
=== ginggs_ is now known as ginggs
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Flohack, Hahaha.  "Packin' screen in my blue jeans packet"11:52
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @ogami itto, Bonjour et bienvenue et il y a in group en francais vous pouvez rejoindre par le linque welcome en haut.11:55
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, All the code is already in the open12:10
ubptgbot<jonny> Is there anyone here who has connected successfully to a nextcloud account on a Nexus 5?12:38
ubptgbot<milkor73> @jonny, Me or malditobastardo12:38
ubptgbot<milkor73> We use this Mateo web app12:39
ubptgbot<Mark> @Stereofont, Te Serval Project looks interesting! I'm really pleased to hear that debs are working on a UT apples for it! :)12:39
ubptgbot<milkor73> @milkor73, There are already more than 400 downloads12:41
ubptgbot<milkor73> (Photo, 1080x1920) https://irc.ubports.com/Dn0dobCd.png12:41
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Mark, Yeah!! It's my hope that I will be able to build a local serval network on both UT and Ubuntu in 2018 :)12:43
ubptgbot<jonny> @milkor73, So adding via system settings does not work for you?12:44
ubptgbot<jonny> Did you already try on a different device?12:44
ubptgbot<jonny> [Edit] Did you already try on a different device? Because this seems to happen only on the Nexus 5 (https://github.com/ubports/ubuntu-touch/issues/468)12:46
ubptgbot<milkor73> @jonny, No, you have to use that app12:49
ubptgbot<milkor73> At least for me12:51
ubptgbot<Mark> @wayneoutthere, That's excellent! Keep us updated.13:00
ubptgbot<libremax> @milkor73, Me also, same way13:01
ubptgbot<jonny> @milkor73, Ok, thanks.13:06
ubptgbot<Mark> @milkor73, Can you give me a hint about what exactly I need to enter when it asks for the URL13:10
ubptgbot<ogami itto> @wayneoutthere, Merci Wayne13:15
ubptgbot<andreasimonetti> Hi all! I need to give back the nexus4 to my cousin for a while with android.. could you point me to the right steps to revert it ? can i use directly lineage OS or should I use the original android rom?13:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> @andreasimonetti, lineage would probably be better as it has some security fixes you'd miss out on with oem that stopped getting updates long ago13:32
ubptgbot<andreasimonetti> thanks it is not a matter of system but on documetation... so can i just follow the lineage way ... install twrp..and than the rom?13:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> yes13:34
ubptgbot<andreasimonetti> [Edit] thanks it is not a matter of system but of documetation... so can i just follow the lineage way ... install twrp..and than the rom?13:34
ubptgbot<andreasimonetti> ok .. thank you so much πŸ‘13:34
ubptgbotCrazyCreep was added by: CrazyCreep14:03
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @CrazyCreep, Hello Hahn. Please have a look here if you would like to know more about UBports https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome14:20
ubptgbot<c4trololo> @andreasimonetti, be carefull, once i try to do that my phone wouldnt even boot to recovery. i might be wrong in my way but just a heads up14:29
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> @dohbee, It is? Mind pming a link? I have a spare RPI to play with14:31
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, github.com/ubports14:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> are you looking for something more specific? ubports is not a proprietary project, and all the code is in the open14:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> i mean, yeah, android devices tend to have binary drivers and such at the low level, but that's i presume not what you're asking about14:33
ubptgbot<andreasimonetti> @c4trololo, right.. the same happened to me.. i booted into fastboot manualy.. and than fastboot commands worked..14:34
ubptgbot<andreasimonetti> thk anyway..14:35
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> @dohbee, I'm asking about the raspberry pi based workstation dock that was mentioned some time ago, the response at that time was "we haven't decided yet"14:37
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, ok, i have no idea what you're talking about there. if you want to run unity8 on a raspberry pi, there's absolutely nothing stopping you from doing so today, and you don't need a rpi to dock a phone with14:39
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Iirc it was more of something like convergence or something, I'll have to see if I can find sources to link14:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> "convergence" already "works" today, if you have a decent device running ubports on it14:41
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> https://www.google.com/amp/s/www.omgubuntu.co.uk/2016/11/station-dock-ubuntu-phone-ubports/amp … This thing14:42
ubptgbot<Mark> @milkor73, Can you give me a hint about what exactly I need to enter when it asks for the URL14:44
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> I'm just curious cause I haven't heard anything more about it14:47
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, oh "this post is more than a year old"14:50
ubptgbot<dohbee> i guess nothing came out of that14:51
ubptgbot<dohbee> ah, it's basically a normal dock, but instead of slimport/mhl, it's just only doing miracast14:53
ubptgbot<dohbee> so yeah, that's the first i've heard of that, and it's from like 1.5 years ago, before canonical dropped unity14:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> i would say that is probably shelved for now, and i guess it didn't reach funding14:54
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> That's what I'm guessing as far as hardware, but if they release software I can make a homebrew version with a RPI and a wireless charging dock and even work on other iterations like laptop or tablet form factors15:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, i don't think the software that would have necessarily existed on the device, exists15:06
ubptgbot<CrazyCreep> @Stereofont, Thanks. I did and it was very helpful. I am currently thinking about buying a nexus 5 as it seems to be best for UT. Just now i read that anbox is not supported on the nexus 5. A meizu pro 5 is way to expensive for me, i could get a nexus 5x for the same prize as the non-x. I do rely on some android apps like f15:06
ubptgbotor getting tickets. How do you guys get along with UT?15:06
ubptgbot<dohbee> i don't think you even need an rpi to build something like that15:06
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Yea but a RPI is what I have sitting on my desk doing nothing, so that's what I intend to use if I proceed with trying it15:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> maybe to do it with a qi charger you would, if you want to convert the USB accessories to BT HID devices15:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> to do it all wireless15:08
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Yea, but I haven't found a mhl to HDMI cable that works with my device so this dock would make life easier15:08
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, i don't think there's any miracast "server" side implementation to run on a pi15:09
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, what device?15:10
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @CrazyCreep, Anbox will come to Nexus later but there are some issues with the Qualcomm processor. Meanwhile, either a very cheap Android second phone or use webapps15:11
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Samsung Galaxy Note 4, its fighting me on getting a GUI with ubports, which is frustrating15:12
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @CrazyCreep, 5X is not supported yet but probably will be soon. It does not sound great though. The OnePlusThree is more of an improvement and may be out at the same time15:13
ubptgbot<LarreaMikel> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, This "appeared" in a Q&A or two, iirc...15:13
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, oh you're trying to port? that device isn't supported by ubports15:13
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> @dohbee, Hence the port, I'm taking a break from porting cause I'm ready to throw it, but I digress on that15:17
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> @LarreaMikel, Yea I thought so too, but the latest from what I remember was still "haven't decided yet"15:18
ubptgbot<dohbee> @LarreaMikel, I guess "appeared" over a year ago15:19
ubptgbot<LarreaMikel> Probably...15:21
ubptgbot<LarreaMikel> maybe It's worth asking in the next one...15:21
ubptgbot<CrazyCreep> Just bought the Nexus 5. Looking forward to give Ubuntu a try and hope Anbox is coming soon.15:37
ubptgbot<CrazyCreep> @Stereofont, As im always on budget the onePlus Three is to expensive as well. The Nexus only costs about 90 bucks.15:38
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> If I have time to attend I will, but with a 4 year old its hard getting an hour of free time15:49
ubptgbotShadowless422 was added by: Shadowless42215:55
ubptgbot<NikosChat> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, Maybe ask directly mariogrip16:01
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Mark, you can always join the dev group as a tester, idea sharer.  let me know if you want to join.  we want a nice 'sub commmunity' aroudn Serval because we feel it will be a really key part of UT16:20
ubptgbot<unknown> https://www.maketecheasier.com/group-apps-together-in-unity-launcher/16:24
ubptgbot<unknown> @unknown, Is this possible in Unity 8 / Ubuntu Touch too16:24
ubptgbot<unknown> @unknown, [Edit] Is this possible in Unity 8 / Ubuntu Touch too?16:24
ubptgbot<unknown> @unknown, [Edit] Is this possible with Unity 8 / Ubuntu Touch too?16:26
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> @wayneoutthere, I might join if I ever get my device to cooperate with me16:26
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> HAPPY 1400! (unless my Telegram is lying to me again)16:28
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> (Document) https://irc.ubports.com/E1GNSEcw.mp416:28
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> mine shows 2345 members right now.16:28
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> @Tygerpro Tygerpro, sure. here is the link to the group.  We're inviting all super excited Serval fans and *mostly* we are hoping for developers to get this launched as quickly as possible.  @TronFortyTwo says it's 'prety clean code' https://t.me/UB_serval16:29
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Well I have no coding skills ATM, but I'm willing to learn if someone points to a starting point16:31
ubptgbot<malditobastardo> @wayneoutthere, 1400! 😻😻😼😼16:32
ubptgbot<Tygerpro Tygerpro> Telegram is telling me there's 1.4k members in this chat16:32
ubptgbot<dohbee> @unknown, It's an external app, but i suspect it does not work well under unity8/mir16:40
ubptgbot<dohbee> @wayneoutthere, says 1399 here16:40
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> i'm seeing an increasing number of 'issues' with telegram over last week or two.  Some might be self-inflicted on my UT but desktop also..16:42
ubptgbot<dohbee> now it says 1400 here16:42
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> with this new bug we can celebrate over and over again!16:43
ubptgbot<jakko> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/QbKRUhUO.png16:45
ubptgbot<jakko> Its says 1400 πŸ˜‚16:45
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> mine has changec back from 2345 to 1400.  yaya16:46
ubptgbot<jakko> @wayneoutthere, πŸ˜‚πŸ˜‚16:47
ubptgbot<Mark> @wayneoutthere, I'd be happy to join. :)16:52
ubptgbotXaviCarreraGimbert was added by: XaviCarreraGimbert16:57
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hello Xavi. We just reached 1400! To know more about UBports read … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome17:12
ubptgbot<Stereofont> We also have a group in Spanish17:12
ubptgbotOE9SBV was added by: OE9SBV17:29
ubptgbot<OE9SBV> Hello!17:30
ubptgbot<OE9SBV> Just tryed to step into the world of Ubuntu Touch but I ran into a problem...17:31
ubptgbot<OE9SBV> Fastboot: Unknown error: target reported max download size of 134217728 bytes17:32
ubptgbot<OE9SBV> With the Bq M10 FHD17:33
ubptgbot<dohbee> hi, do you currently have android or ubuntu on the m10?17:34
ubptgbot<OE9SBV> I think it's shipped with android17:34
ubptgbot<OE9SBV> [Edit] I think it shipped with android17:34
ubptgbot<dohbee> ok yeah, the partition sizes are different. the "ubuntu edition" image has to be flashed on first17:35
ubptgbot<OE9SBV> hmm ok17:36
ubptgbot<dohbee> please join @WelcomePlus for help with that17:36
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hi Samuel. There is an intro to UBports here https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome17:36
ubptgbotear3ndil was added by: ear3ndil17:50
ubptgbot<Javacookies> mine shows 0 members 😝18:16
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> that's a UT feature. :)18:17
ubptgbot<wayneoutthere> it makes all groups equally successful18:17
ubptgbot<mattbel10> @Flohack my compliments! I feel Telegram much faster and smoother than before after updating....I can even ping people πŸ˜ƒ Impressive job Florian!18:18
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> @Flohack I just added a comment to the Github issue with NextCloud on UT; I fixed it on my device. I don't know if my fix will work for everyone but it did for me.18:45
ubptgbot<XaviCarreraGimbert> @Stereofont, Hi! Can I enter the Spanish group also?18:46
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> @XaviCarreraGimbert, You can enter as many channels as you want! You can find all of them here: http://ubports.com/telegram-welcome18:47
ubptgbot<Stereofont> https://t.me/UBPorts_ES18:48
ubptgbot<Stereofont> 😜18:48
ubptgbot<Javacookies> libreoffice needs java???? I tried it on my Nexus 5 but it lools for java18:54
ubptgbot<dohbee> yep18:55
ubptgbot<Javacookies> so how do you install java on the phone? openjdk can't be found19:01
ubptgbot<TronFortyTwo> openjdk-8-*?19:02
ubptgbot<dohbee> @Javacookies, in libertine you mean?19:03
ubptgbot<dohbee> or are you doing the crazy installing with apt in a different root and creating a symlink farm in the rootfs thing?19:03
ubptgbot<Javacookies> I'm installing directly **hides in the corner** … but it should be the same way with libertine right?19:04
ubptgbot<Javacookies> anyway, I guess I'm out of luck, I don't have enough space for java, I'm sure it'll be big19:05
ubptgbot<Javacookies> didn't know libreoffice uses java...you learn somethinv everyday πŸ˜…19:05
ubptgbot<dohbee> well the deps should have been installed by apt19:06
ubptgbot<milkor73> @Mark, Mark, normally I would say the URL where is your nextcloud hosted. Not sure if I understand your question right now. But pherhaps in case you have nextcloud on your home raspberry than you may insert the URL asigned by your home router to your raspberry. If you have DNS  enabled for accesing your nextcloud from anywher19:56
ubptgbote you have insert your fix IP adress provided by your telephone company or noip service one or similar you have set up for your device wuth nextcloud. And finally cloud hosted nextcloud, like digitalocean and many others than you have to use the address the have provided to you.19:56
ubptgbot<Mark> @milkor73, The app asks for a URL straight away. I've played around with different combinations of what I think that URL should be, such as http://localhost/remote.php/files/MYACCOUNT NAME but without any success. I've also tried the same in Settings>Accounts, but although the CalDAV accepted it, neither nextcloud or owncloud hav20:03
ubptgbote. I'm at a loss. :(20:03
ubptgbotMichael was added by: Michael20:06
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> Does anyone else have issues posting on reddit with uReadIt?20:10
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> Also, I have an integration/app/thing idea . . . . uPay/uWallet20:11
ubptgbot<milkor73> @Mark, Pherhaps my address is:, it depends on your router, you may have pherhaps 192.168....20:12
ubptgbot<Mark> @milkor73, Ahh! I see. Thank you. I'll try something like that then.20:13
ubptgbot<milkor73> Mark pls join here https://t.me/UBports_Cloudsters20:14
ubptgbot<milkor73> There are masters that can help you, here we are little OT20:14
ubptgbot<Mark> @milkor73, Thank you!20:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> @AmolithSeregion, Not really doable without NFC working, I guess. Otherwise would just be a Google/Paypal/whatever webapp20:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> also, i would say those are horrible names :)20:16
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Michael, Hello Michael. Have a look at … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome20:16
ubptgbot<dohbee> ie, they might create some confusion with ubuntu pay, and such. which normally wouldn't be terrible, but when talking about people's credit cards, best to be as clear as possible20:17
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> @dohbee, Does NFC not work now? Also, what's Ubuntu pay?20:20
ubptgbot<dohbee> @AmolithSeregion, There's no support for NFC right now, no. Ubuntu Pay is the payments service in ubuntu for buying snaps or i think commercial launchpad or such (and was used for paid apps on the phone when canonical was building a phone os)20:21
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> And I kind of like uPay. Because YOU are paying for something lol. Though it is very reminiscent of Apple's naming scheme and it'd be better to be unique.20:22
ubptgbot<AmolithSeregion> @dohbee, What would it take to use NFC?20:23
ubptgbot<dohbee> @AmolithSeregion, i'm not exactly sure. possibly some hybris work, would need appropriate apparmor rules, probably a system service with trust-store integration20:24
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> A competent keystorage, which is not available, would be required for banks to be willing to get on board21:50
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> Most card vendors offer contactless stickers or cards... I'd say just pick up one of those if you want the "Experience".21:51
ubptgbotPredrag Kobajagi was added by: Predrag Kobajagi21:51
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hello Predrag. This will give you an intro to UBports … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome22:00
ubptgbot<Stereofont> May I ask what is your first language?22:00
ubptgbot<Predrag Kobajagi> Hey everyone. My first language is Serbian.22:03
ubptgbot<Stereofont> I remember one other here who is Serbian22:04
ubptgbot<Stereofont> We don't have a language group for it22:05
ubptgbot<Predrag Kobajagi> Intresting timing for me to join, I was messing around earlier with custom casio watch with nfc chip22:05
ubptgbot<Predrag Kobajagi> and realised I can't test it on utouch22:05
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Predrag Kobajagi, AsteroidOS watch with nfc could be interesting22:06
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> I hope AsteroidOS takes off22:06
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Lyokanthrope, +122:06
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> At least I have my Pebble for now22:07
ubptgbot<UniversalSuperBox> They were looking at Halium a bit back... wonder what came of that.22:07
ubptgbot<Lyokanthrope> even if rockpool seems to barely work at the best of itmes <.<;22:07
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Predrag Kobajagi, So you have a UT device?22:08
ubptgbot<Predrag Kobajagi> Yup, old e4.5 for more then a year now22:09
ubptgbotPonchale was added by: Ponchale22:19
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Ponchale, Hi Alfonso. Check this for UBports stuff … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome22:20
ubptgbot<Stereofont> We also have a group in Spanish, if that is of interest22:21
ubptgbot<Ponchale> hi Lionel thanks for the welcome :)22:21
ubptgbot<Ponchale> yes I ready join on the group Spanish22:21
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Great22:21
ubptgbotchefTxuTy was added by: chefTxuTy22:22
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Predrag Kobajagi, Using Canonical or UBports version?22:22
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @chefTxuTy, Hello Javier. Another Spanish speaker? … https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome22:23
ubptgbot<Predrag Kobajagi> @Stereofont, UBports. I've switched as soon as first stable release happened22:24
ubptgbot<Squish :3> @Predrag Kobajagi, Fellow E4.5 user here. How is it?22:26
ubptgbot<Predrag Kobajagi> Hi Squish. Doing fine here. People still getting impressed how 'light' E4.5 is22:31
ubptgbot<Squish :3> @Predrag Kobajagi, And im having issues installing πŸ˜†22:32
ubptgbot<chefTxuTy> @Stereofont, Yeah Lionend, I'm already in Telegram's Spanish-language band. … It was my restless hand that made me gassy, I'm done here.22:33
ubptgbot<chefTxuTy> @Stereofont, [Edit] Yeah Lioneld, I'm already in Telegram's Spanish-language band. … It was my restless hand that made me gassy, I'm done here.22:35
ubptgbot<chefTxuTy> @Stereofont, [Edit] Yeah Lioneld, I'm already in Telegram's Spanish-language band. … It was my restless hand that made me end up here.22:38
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @chefTxuTy, πŸ‘23:04
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @Predrag Kobajagi, Squish is having such major problems with install that he was having doubts about the 4.5 performance23:07
ubptgbot<dohbee> How hard can it be to install?23:07
ubptgbot<Squish :3> @dohbee, I don't know and im mad. sigh...23:11
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @dohbee, Windows 7 behaving badly. I don't have enough familiarity with Windows to fix it23:14
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Hopefully trying tomorrow if Lubuntu can be squeezed onto the HD23:15
ubptgbot<dohbee> Why not install from live USB?23:18
ubptgbot<Stereofont> @dohbee, If I wasn't so tired that would have been obvious. Bedtime for me 😊23:27
ubptgbot<Stereofont> Tomorrow is another day23:27

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