=== toxync11- is now known as toxync11_ === toxync11_ is now known as toxync11 [05:29] 有人补 [05:30] 有人在补 [05:30] 有个问题麻烦你们帮忙解决 [05:30] 阿里云 > 教程中心 > linux教程 > ubuntu 无法修改pdf的打开方式 [05:30] ubuntu 无法修改pdf的打开方式 [05:30] 发布时间:2018-01-19 来源:网络 上传者:用户 [05:30] 关键字: 无法 打开 修改 方式 Ubuntu PDF [05:30] 发表文章 [05:30] 摘要:默认用imagemagick打开,用openwith修改没用,ubuntutweaktool也没用YoumightfindthisisamoreclearanswerthatworkedformeinUbuntu15.10:editthefile~/.config/mimeapps.listjustremovethelinesthatassociatePDFtoimagemagickinthefile:image/pdf=display-im6.desktopimage/pd [05:30] jiangfuqiao:. .., 别刷屏,超过6行 大段文字 请贴至paste.ubuntu.com +q 23s [05:30] 默认用imagemagick打开,用open with修改没用,ubuntu tweak tool也没用 [05:30] You might find this is a more clear answer that worked for me in Ubuntu 15.10: [05:30] edit the file ~/.config/mimeapps.list [05:30] just remove the lines that associate PDF to imagemagick in the file: [05:30] image/pdf=display-im6.desktop [05:30] image/pdf=display-im6.q16.desktop;display-im6.desktop; [05:30] http://askubuntu.com/questions/591425/why-do-pdf-documents-open-with-imagemagick [05:30] ⇪ t: default programs - Why do PDF documents open with ImageMagick? - Ask Ubuntu [05:32] 有人在 么 [05:32] 求助啊 [05:32] ubuntu中的pdf文件默认打开不能换程序 [05:55] jiangfuqiao 可以换的,去谷歌下啊 [05:56] 那不要翻墙啊 [05:56] google在国内是上不了的 [05:56] 这论坛这问题都解决不了啊