
waldo323good morning12:21
jrwrenGood Morning.13:10
jrwrenWhy does it feel like 8:10 and not 9:10?13:10
rick_hjrwren: ummm....because stuff13:11
cmaloneyFuck DST13:36
cmaloneyThat's all I'll say13:36
rick_hI hate it but damn I'm glad to have the later sunlight13:41
rick_hI just blame jetlag for it all since the clocks went back my first day back from UTC+113:42
jrwrenyeah, great timing for you rick_h13:45
jrwreni should have planned a trip for easier adjusting. for some reason my internal chronometer isn't adjusting easily this time.13:45
rick_hhah "sorry boss, I need to take a few days of medical leave to head to Europe and back"13:46
cmaloneyApparently I'm the only person that would rather noon show up properly on a sundial13:54
waldo323sometimes(not this time unfortunately), I start setting some of my clocks ahead early (not so smart watch, microwave, car)14:31
jrwrenyou are the only one cmaloney14:39
cmaloneyjrwren: I am so lonely14:39
rick_hsad/funny "But he had gotten an oblique warning of what was coming the previous Friday from the White House chief of staff, John F. Kelly, who called to tell him to cut short a trip to Africa and advised him “you may get a tweet.”"16:27
rick_htwitter has a new business model as an HR tool?16:27
brouschrick_h: Try that as a management style16:45
Scary_Guyso, looks like I'm missing tonight.  car isn't doing too good so I need to take it into the shop17:09
cmaloneyScary_Guy: Sorry to hear that18:45
cmaloneyhttps://icosahedron.website/@technomancy/99677580694718340 <- re: Golang19:33
Zimdalewell shit hopefully I can get there on time.21:13
jrwrencmaloney: i lolled21:16

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