ubptgbot | <PhoenixLandPirate> @dohbee, We created a kickstarter for it, and had test builds but the kickstarter never got launched. | 00:11 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yep. The hardware is still around, but the project is dormant due to a small present we got in April of last year. | 00:15 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> "present" | 00:18 |
ubptgbot | <libremax> April fools are coming back, be careful | 00:19 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Frame something positively, maybe you'll start believing it | 00:19 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @UniversalSuperBox, Well you didn't get laid off because of aforementioned gift | 00:20 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> You're correct | 00:20 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> New job is nice though, aside from the he proprietary bit | 00:20 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> Anyway, one's gift is another's torment | 00:22 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> Not specific to this of course | 00:23 |
ubptgbot | <Tygerpro Tygerpro> We talking about the dock again? I'd be happy to help with that if it helps make it come true. | 00:26 |
ubptgbot | <Tygerpro Tygerpro> I don't have a fancy 3D printer but I can at least get the concept bits figured out if it helps | 00:27 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> so... there isn't a kind of 'backup and restore' app for UT, eh? | 00:32 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> I mean.. i guess nextcloud does much of this but... | 00:32 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> should be like a NC backup/restore thing | 00:32 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> What in the world did I do? Just fired up UT for the first time in a couple weeks and all of my apps load to a white screen... | 00:34 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> that's the flashlight feature | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> Reboot went ok but now wifi won't connect | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> try it in a dark room | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> @wayneoutthere, Lol you're not helping wayne | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> N5? | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> @wayneoutthere, Yep | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> i have major network issues too.. going to reflash tonight | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> Ota3 | 00:36 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> If wifi works and I reboot, when it comes back wifi won't work | 00:37 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> If I now try to reboot or shutdown the system will hang. Backlight will be on a black screen. I have to hard reboot. Takes that a few tries before UT comes back with working wifi | 00:38 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> OK back up and wifi is working. I tried telegram first this time and it took a few seconds of white screen but it populated. | 00:41 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> Trying open store... | 00:41 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> maybe go to the install room with this for now. | 00:42 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> unless you think others might be able to help here who can't there. | 00:42 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> i'm going to be there doing a reflash in the next few hours | 00:42 |
ubptgbot | <alan_morford> The what? | 00:42 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> the this: https://t.me/WelcomePlus | 00:42 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> if 1404 people were doing install stuff here it would get rather funky | 00:43 |
ubptgbot | carlos machado was added by: carlos machado | 00:45 |
ubptgbot | <carlos machado> Boa Noite tenho um Huawei nova 2 e quero instalar o Ubuntu | 00:46 |
ubptgbot | <carlos machado> Tem alguma possibilidade? | 00:46 |
ubptgbot | <carlos machado> Alguém fala meu idioma? | 00:49 |
ubptgbot | <rubencarneiro> @carlos machado, amigo deve ir para https://t.me/UBPortsPT | 00:52 |
ubptgbot | <carlos machado> Obrigado | 00:53 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @carlos machado, Is unsupported | 01:19 |
ubptgbot | <carlos machado> Não tem como burla o código e instalar nao | 01:25 |
ubptgbot | Andi was added by: Andi | 01:33 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> Help me to select a wallpaper for my smartphone | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/eHVkZlIl.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/NkhxULkY.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/l5en4MiZ.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/KhvXFkz0.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/ofAChWtP.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Y0WlR7Zu.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/qNKvjhy0.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/jzFoEIkw.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/Kr95wChQ.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/B2q3UO0Y.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/uCca0Wef.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | <Giampy_DAntonio> (Photo, 720x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/wzJXfjW2.png | 02:26 |
ubptgbot | Cracazyabra was added by: Cracazyabra | 02:50 |
ubptgbot | <Cracazyabra> Русская поддержка есть? | 02:50 |
ubptgbot | <Cracazyabra> (Photo, 960x1280) https://irc.ubports.com/5xqQW2HU.png Нажимаю установить и ничего не происходит | 02:51 |
ubptgbot | <AmolithSeregion> @Cracazyabra, What language do you speak? | 02:58 |
ubptgbot | <AmolithSeregion> @Cracazyabra, Позволь мне найти тебе русский канал. Дай мне пару минут. | 03:00 |
ubptgbot | <AmolithSeregion> @Cracazyabra, Проверьте это, чтобы вы начали. Я не знаю, насколько точна этот перевод; Я использую Google Translate. … https://ubports.com/telegram-welcome … https://t.me/UBports_Ru | 03:04 |
ubptgbot | <Danjreynolds> What is the desktop app situation | 03:10 |
ubptgbot | <Danjreynolds> Can I setup the convergent experience as a dev box | 03:10 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> From my understanding it is 'not working' until 16.04 is fully functional... and will it work then? not sure because we need unity8 working first, right? | 03:45 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @Danjreynolds, What exactly do you want to do? | 06:41 |
=== ecloud is now known as ecloud_wfh | ||
ubptgbot | <Danjreynolds> I suppose just my normal web dev would be nice. Text editor, JS programming, are any other browsers possible? Dumb questions but I'm just getting started | 07:35 |
ubptgbot | artsabaev was added by: artsabaev | 07:38 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @Danjreynolds, Yes but so you want to install unity and then work on convergent apps? | 07:39 |
ubptgbot | <neothethird> @unknown, Yes, it was recorded. It's going to be uploaded at https://chemnitzer.linux-tage.de/2018/de/programm/beitrag/289 once the event organizers are done with post-production. | 07:48 |
ubptgbot | <neothethird> You can also find the slides here https://speakerdeck.com/neothethird and here https://github.com/neothethird/talks but it's in german | 07:49 |
ubptgbot | <neothethird> Next weekends munich meetup is going to feature more or less the same talk in english, though, and that's going to be recorded as well | 07:51 |
ubptgbot | <neothethird> *drops this in here* https://gettogether.community/events/7/meetup-or-coding-get-together/ | 07:51 |
ubptgbot | <Mark> @Stereofont, :) it's Pi Day! | 07:52 |
ubptgbot | Selvie Vie was added by: Selvie Vie | 08:08 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Selvie Vie, Hi Selvie, check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started | 08:34 |
ubptgbot | <YougoChats> Selvie is already there :) | 08:43 |
ubptgbot | <YougoChats> i'm not quite sure what (s)he wants though, as there is a language barrier | 08:44 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Mark, Last week was Pie Week | 09:28 |
ubptgbot | <Mark> @Stereofont, Just can't get enough of the stuff! | 09:43 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> Hawking is dead 😞 | 09:52 |
ubptgbot | <malditobastardo> The last genious on earth | 09:54 |
ubptgbot | <malditobastardo> We are in the darkness era again | 09:55 |
ubptgbot | <neothethird> @malditobastardo, that statement gains a lot of validity by misspelling genius | 09:55 |
ubptgbot | <malditobastardo> 😹😹😹 | 09:55 |
ubptgbot | <malditobastardo> blame the UT kb* | 09:57 |
ubptgbot | <neothethird> @Stereofont, Yeah, a really inspiring person. A shame he had to go, but he reached quite an age considering his illness. | 09:57 |
ubptgbot | <JoshuaAshton> Hey there. How can I test nexus 5x port? | 10:08 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @JoshuaAshton, I think Marius was working on that. Best to ask in Halium group probably | 10:09 |
ubptgbot | <JoshuaAshton> Thanks | 10:13 |
ubptgbot | <Jyoti> @Stereofont, Join the lubuntu Telegram group: https://t.me/joinchat/BapcuBIvHm45GTzAxLDaWg | 10:15 |
ubptgbot | <Yann Roth> What do you use as an email client on ubuntu touch? Dekko is not working... Any helpful suggestions? | 10:54 |
ubptgbot | <DanChapman> Define not working? | 10:54 |
ubptgbot | <Yann Roth> I can open it, add an account (GMX), then everything stays blank... no new emails, nothing... | 10:58 |
ubptgbot | <Yann Roth> rectification: i can send emails.... | 11:00 |
ubptgbot | <Yann Roth> inbox stays empty though | 11:00 |
ubptgbot | <DanChapman> Yann ahh ok. Try installing https://gitlab.com/dekkoproject/dekko/uploads/d6e03b08e2309a5b4da83b5fd594ed6d/dekko2.dekkoproject_0.1.6_armhf.click with the openstore app | 11:01 |
ubptgbot | <DanChapman> should sort it out | 11:01 |
ubptgbot | <Yann Roth> @DanChapman : fantastic! Works now! Many many thanks! | 11:06 |
ubptgbot | <DanChapman> 👍 | 11:07 |
ubptgbot | <kristijantkalec> @DanChapman, This is development version or is ready for the open store? | 11:13 |
ubptgbot | <DanChapman> It's just a development click that fixes that particular issueand will be in the next update | 11:17 |
ubptgbot | <kristijantkalec> ok | 11:18 |
ubptgbot | <kristijantkalec> thanks 👍 | 11:18 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @JoshuaAshton, Dalton was the one working on it. In the last Q&A he said he's found lot of weird issues porting Nexus 5X, and "Port on hold for now due to huge time required". … https://ubports.com/blog/ubports-blog-1/post/ubuntu-touch-q-a-24-97 | 11:39 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> Yep. I tried to pick it up again on Monday and it actually regressed, taking 9 hours of my time to get to a state that was exactly where I was before | 12:16 |
ubptgbot | <UniversalSuperBox> nah, we've got better to do | 12:16 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> 😆 | 12:16 |
ubptgbot | Vinz was added by: Vinz | 12:26 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Vinz, Hi Vinz, check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started | 12:27 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> tanx | 12:27 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> Hi, just installed ubuntutouch on my fairphone 2, i had it already runnig on my bq aquaris E5. any way i could transfer my contacts to my fairphone? | 12:36 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> You can import a Vcard | 12:39 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> Of course also save contacts to SIM and then import from SIM | 12:40 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> i'll try that, tanx! | 12:40 |
ubptgbot | <alan_griffiths> @Vinz, You just need to copy the database and reboot. (I have ssh enabled and use rsync to keep things in step YMMV.) | 12:40 |
ubptgbot | ixavier was added by: ixavier | 12:44 |
ubptgbot | Fornavn Etternavn was added by: Fornavn Etternavn | 12:47 |
ubptgbot | <Fornavn Etternavn> Hey, I am trying to install UT on my FP2. I follow the instructions until they tell me to reboot my phone. I do so, and nothing happens. Anyone has an idea what is wrong? | 12:51 |
ubptgbot | <ixavier> are you using the snap version of ubports installer? | 12:54 |
ubptgbot | <Fornavn Etternavn> I dont think so. Im installing from windows. Following standard intrusctions | 12:55 |
ubptgbot | <ixavier> Ahm, in that case I won't be able to help you on the windows version. Let's wait untill someone pick you up | 12:56 |
ubptgbot | <Fornavn Etternavn> OK, thanks | 12:56 |
ubptgbot | <Yann Roth> Fornavn I had a similiar issue with the ubports installer. Just switched back to an older version (0.1.5-beta) which did the trick. OS: macOS and Ubuntu touch. Not working installer version: 0.1.11-beta. Good luck! | 13:00 |
ubptgbot | <Fornavn Etternavn> Thanks, will try! | 13:01 |
ubptgbot | <Yann Roth> @Stereofont how do you import a vcard? or a set of vcards? | 13:02 |
ubptgbot | <unknown> @neothethird, Wow thank you - your slides look really interesting … Can't wait for the record 🤠👍 | 13:06 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Vinz, Yes, just need to copy .local/share/evolution/addressbook/contacts.db | 13:14 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Vinz, [Edit] Yes, just need to copy .local/share/evolution/addressbook/system/contacts.db | 13:14 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Fornavn Etternavn, By the way, we have a Scandinavian group! | 13:20 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Yann Roth, All contacts can go on one Vcard | 13:22 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Stereofont, https://t.me/UBports_scandinavia … It will make Marius happy | 13:23 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> advocatux | 13:41 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> tanx, trying... | 13:41 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> contacts.db is on my fairphone now | 13:41 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> but can't open | 13:41 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Vinz, UT uses containment so the issue may be the file location | 14:11 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> ok, just needed to restart the device☺️ | 14:11 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> 👍 | 14:11 |
ubptgbot | <Vinz> tanx for the support! | 14:11 |
ubptgbot | <samitormanen> Is it possible to get that canonical made gmail-webapp anywhere? I tried to make own but it didnt really work, no notifications and looks different.. | 16:39 |
ubptgbot | <samitormanen> I have that app installed on N5 (vivid), can I copy it from there somehow? | 16:41 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> @samitormanen, Yes, there is a solution , wait moment | 16:51 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> https://askubuntu.com/questions/784372/how-can-i-make-a-click-file-from-an-installed-app/784374 | 16:54 |
ubptgbot | <samitormanen> Thanks Milan! 😃👍 | 17:18 |
ubptgbot | <Gabriele> @DanChapman, new version of dekko2? I have tried adding a google mail and it says unsecure access and deny it. Then I tried also outlook and it stare empty screen without emails. I got UT one month ago and still can't log in with emails😁 | 17:44 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> @Gabriele, Do you have 2FA? You've to allow "less secure apps" or something like that in your Google account | 17:48 |
ubptgbot | <advocatux> See this https://support.google.com/mail/answer/185833 | 17:51 |
ubptgbot | Pathumego was added by: Pathumego | 20:16 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> @Pathumego, Hi Pathumego,check out https://ubports.com/page/telegram-welcome to get you started | 20:20 |
ubptgbot | <Pathumego> @milkor73 thanks! That's nice to get a welcome! So I was super interested in Ubuntu Touch and even got a M10 tablet! It was sad that Canonical dropped it. Since that I stopped following the proejct. But thought to check you out when I saw LibreM 5. Man you guys are amazing! I will get my M10 updated and test :) | 20:26 |
ubptgbot | <milkor73> (Sticker, 512x512) https://irc.ubports.com/uSRr5p4K.webp | 20:26 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @Pathumego, I hope they didn't crack the glass 😂 | 20:29 |
ubptgbot | <Pathumego> Btw is there any plans or talks with LibreM guys in possible collaborations? | 20:30 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> Both make use of Halium. You could check out that project | 20:31 |
ubptgbot | <Pathum Egodawatta> @Stereofont, Nice! | 20:33 |
ubptgbot | <dohbee> @Stereofont, Eh? I'm pretty sure they're not using halium for librem5 (would defeat the whole "no android at all" claim) | 20:41 |
ubptgbot | <JBBgameich> No, they aren't using Halium but maybe Plasma Mobile | 20:46 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> @JBBgameich, Sorry I meant Plasma… | 20:52 |
ubptgbot | <Stereofont> Hardware up, Purism don't need a compatibility layer | 20:53 |
ubptgbot | <wayneoutthere> @Pathum Egodawatta, yes. talks are happening. | 21:03 |
ubptgbot | <zoomer296> Pathum Update: Purism doesn't use Halium, as it doesn't need a HAL. | 21:04 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> @Flohack I don't like very much the blue to say the message was not read. IMO that blue is too dark | 21:05 |
ubptgbot | <Flohack> @garrogarri, Its according to Suru colors that are in the style guide | 21:06 |
ubptgbot | <garrogarri> @Flohack, Okay. But it's really dark to be the background for a text message in my opinion. AFAIK it is better to avoid primary colors as background. | 21:14 |
ubptgbot | <Tomas> Is anyone successfully using ubports with aquaris E4.5? | 22:59 |
ubptgbot | <Tomas> I'm having tons of problems :| | 22:59 |
ubptgbot | <libremax> It's the second most used behind N5 | 23:00 |
ubptgbot | <libremax> What problems ? | 23:00 |
ubptgbot | <Tomas> should I paste the terminal output, of the ubports installer? … ? | 23:02 |
ubptgbot | <Tomas> https://pastebin.com/E5FsURnm | 23:03 |
ubptgbot | <libremax> Your install failed; the newcomers room is here : https://t.me/WelcomePlus | 23:07 |
ubptgbot | <Pathum Egodawatta> @wayneoutthere, Thanks! Looking forward to hearing more on this. If UT also can have a 'pure' version would be nice. | 23:31 |
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