
xcyclistI have been using https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/BuildYourOwnKernel, and for instance it says I should see 3 .deb files instead of dozens of files.01:15
xcyclistUbuntu kernel builds appear to put out a bunch of stuff, .deb files, .udeb files, and a .tar.gz file, that I don't see specified in a document accurately.  Is there a document I SHOULD  be reading, or can I help updating one that is old?01:16
xcyclistPlease advise how I can be most helpful in either asking a question, reading other documents, or updating inaccuracies.01:16
tsimonq2xcyclist: Your question's good enough to me, you're just asking in the wrong place. ;)01:19
tsimonq2xcyclist: Try #ubuntu or #ubuntu-kernel.01:19
xcyclistThank you.01:21
tsimonq2You're welcome. Have a good day.01:22
cjwatsonenyc: thanks08:34
juliankmvo: command-not-found feedback: it is not particularly helpful if I accidentally type lsa. It tells me there are 17 similar ones and to try apt install <deb name>, but not which packages. http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/v5zsTgyYpP/09:24
juliankwith lsx I get a list of commands and packages09:24
mvojuliank: oh, that is a bug09:28
mvojuliank: will fix09:29
mvojuliank: thank you!09:29
cpaelzerdoko: I already had retriggered the ruby-libvirt test for libvirt with the right triggers (needs all proposed for the ruby things to work)10:04
cpaelzerdoko: I see you later on triggerd one as-is (which will fail)10:05
cpaelzerdoko: is there a way to cancel your test request from the queue?10:05
cpaelzergood: ruby-libvirt {"all-proposed": "1", "requester": "paelzer", "triggers": ["libvirt/4.0.0-1ubuntu5"]}10:06
cpaelzerbad: ruby-libvirt {"requester": "doko", "triggers": ["libvirt/4.0.0-1ubuntu5"]}10:06
cpaelzerthe second being about 7 pages below the former entry on http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/running10:07
cpaelzeranyone else knowing if/how one can cancel test retires?10:20
cpaelzerpitti: ^^ ping for being a subject matter expert10:20
pitticpaelzer: https://git.launchpad.net/autopkgtest-cloud/tree/tools/filter-amqp10:23
pitticpaelzer: but it needs to be run on the infra, i. e. only Laney, infinity, and a few others have access (not me any more)10:23
pittithere's no public API for it10:24
cpaelzerok thanks pitti10:24
pittiit's usually not a biggie, just some wasted electrons10:24
pittithis makes more sense when one needs to remove a hundred wrong test requests10:24
cpaelzerI thought I've had cases where the second (bad) test will again make it not migrate10:24
pitticpaelzer: I thought it wrote it so that "any pass wins", not "the latest result counts"10:25
cpaelzerok, if that is true I feel better10:25
pittibut this is becoming a bit blurry, I'm afraid10:25
cpaelzerin the current case it is the last missing bit, so I assume it will be migrated before it gets to the second test anyway10:25
LaneyI think that's right10:26
pittion second look at https://git.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-release/britney/+git/britney2-ubuntu/tree/britney2/policies/autopkgtest.py#n165 , maybe I'm wrong10:27
pittibut in the worst case, just re-trigger your's again10:28
pittiuh, the queue is quite long right now10:28
pittikde update ho10:29
LaneyI'll just kill it out to be safe10:31
rbasakenyc: metadata_csum is enabled in Debian stretch I think?10:45
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=== Sigyn is now known as Sigyn`
=== Sigyn` is now known as Sigyn
dokoxnox: does xe-guest-utilities need a MIR?14:15
dokoin supported-cloud seed14:15
xnoxdoko, it does14:16
xnoxdoko, i've started to fill one out, but it is incomplete.14:16
ricotzmdeslaur, hi, why is clamav depending on llvm3.9 while it ships an internal copy?14:57
mdeslaurricotz: which release?15:00
mdeslaurdebian typically strips out the internal llvm and uses the system one15:01
mdeslaurbut when we backport for our earlier releases, the system llvm is sometimes too old, so we use the internal one15:01
ricotzmdeslaur, afaics this is a special ubuntu repack?15:02
mdeslauryes, it's a special repack for our old stable releaes15:02
ricotzit used llvm3.9 on bionic which seems odd15:02
mdeslaurand I used it for bionic because debian is currently using a pre-release version15:02
ricotzis uses *15:02
mdeslauronly trusty actually uses the built-in llvm15:03
mdeslaurxenial and later use the system llvm15:04
ricotzI see, the version somehow suggested this is not conditional15:05
mdeslaurwhen we released 0.99.4, debian didn't have a tarball yet15:05
mdeslaurso I just used the same one I prepared for trusty, even though later releases didn't need the internal llvm15:05
mdeslaurlooks like debian has a 0.99.4 tarball in stretch, would could use that for bionic, but meh15:07
ricotzok, I also assumed this is a step to get rid of libllvm3.9 which is only used by libclamav7 in bionic15:07
mdeslaurI hadn't considered that15:11
geofftcyphermox: are there netplan packages for Debian? (or would you expect the dsc to build on Debian?)15:44
cyphermoxgeofft: I expect it would build on Debian fine, the only issue might be version numbers for Depends16:46
cyphermoxI have yet to file a ITP for netplan.io in Debian.16:47
naccOdd_Bloke: are you working on any ruby packages right now?17:13
Odd_Blokenacc: Other than keeping an eye on autopkgtests to request retries, no.17:28
naccOdd_Bloke: ok, i'll start trawling17:30
naccslangasek: not urgent by any means, but samba 2:3.6.5-2ubuntu1 is unable to be extracted (dpkg-source -x) in modern Ubuntu, which means we can't get to a patches-applied state (cf. https://bugs.debian.org/cgi-bin/bugreport.cgi?bug=850843). Do you have any ideas of what we might do there? We could simply not import that patches-applied version, and I think it would have no impact to our new algorithm.21:29
ubottuDebian bug 850843 in dpkg-dev "dpkg-source in stretch cannot extract samba_3.6.5-2.dsc" [Important,Fixed]21:29
naccBut it would mean this one publishing event (or anything like it) isn't in our Git repo21:29
slangaseknacc: my empty stomach is suggesting options to me that may not be constructive ;)21:33
naccslangasek: :)21:38
naccslangasek: like i said not urgent, just something to mull over when/if you have time21:38
naccslangasek: it doesn't *really* affect us, because we don't treat patches-applied imports as full failures (we figure it's a tooling thing and will get fixed by future fixes to dpkg/etc). However, in this case, there hasn't been much movement (possibly won't ever be) and it might make sense to provide some mechanism to deal with it. I think I'd be "ok" with a blacklist of source package, version tuples21:41
naccthat we know don't work21:41
slangaseknacc: yeah, that's probably reasonable in this case21:41
slangasekit's sort of like, yes this version number exists, but it's associated with a thing that's not actually a source package :P21:42
naccslangasek: right21:42
nacci'll file a bug to document the idea, at least21:42
naccslangasek: and, since the patches-unapplied import does exist, it's possible to at least get the source package in Git and probably munge the patch so that it applies by hand21:44
slangasekyep, the main problem is that it doesn't tell you which way to munge it is the correct way21:45
naccslangasek: yeah, in my mind the 'right' way would be to spin up precise, i guess and do it there :)21:45
naccmdeslaur: fyi, LP: #1744148 updated, i've assigned the two security tasks to you and uploaded the php7.2 update to bionic23:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1744148 in php7.0 (Ubuntu Xenial) "[MRE] Please update to latest upstream release 7.0.28 / 7.1.15 / 7.2.3" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174414823:02
naccxnox: have you already fixed rails? Odd_Bloke mentioned you were working on it23:04
xnoxnacc, rails is fixed; but fixed rails showed that ruby-spring is broke; just now fixed ruby-spring https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ruby-spring/1.3.6-2ubuntu123:05
xnoxnacc, then need to rerun rails (and rails-like) with all-proposed, to see if this ruby-spring fixes everything23:05
naccxnox: ack, i was just leafing through ruby-defaults and there are a few *rails* pacakges with failures; i assume you'll retry?23:06
naccxnox: ruby-turbolinks is agreat one, calls ruby2.3 explicitly  in it's dep8 test :)23:09
naccxnox: ah Odd_Bloke already fixed that one, just nees a retrigger23:10
naccit's a bit annoying that before the fixes were all in place, another ruby-defaults was uploaded23:10
xnoxyeah, but oh well, doko didn't know we were actively looking and manually re-triggering half of the things with the right triggers.23:10
naccyeah, it happens :)23:11
xnoxand were hoping to migrate current ruby-defaults; before merging in a bug fix.23:11
naccfun, ruby-turbolinks looks to just have raced (it's migrated already now acc'g to rmadison) the test rerun, so i'd let that settle and it can be retriggered without any extra flags23:12
naccruby-sexp-processor looks ugly... "[BUG] Stack consistency error"23:13
naccah fixed in debian, will sync23:14
naccalready synced, nm23:14
mdeslaurnacc: thanks! I'll work on them tomorrow23:48
naccmdeslaur: thank you, let me know if you need anything23:49

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