
blackboxswsmoser: for tomorrow https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/341437 a cut at the subp fix to allow for string as a command03:48
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* smoser thinks we should format code with isort14:42
ch007mCan we define the version of the package to be installed under `packages:`?14:52
smoserch007m: possibly.14:53
smoserpackages are installed from the distro14:54
smoserso.. for example in apt/ubuntu, you could do:14:55
smoser packages: ['mypackage=1.2']14:55
smoserbut that assumes taht there is a 'mypackage' at version 1.2 in your repos14:55
smoserif you had ppas or somethign that would work, but generally speaking ubuntu doesnt have 2 versions of the same package in its archives.14:56
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smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34146515:36
blackboxswsmoser: you can try landing that15:38
blackboxswsince review-mps runs tox, I'm not concerned about waiting for ci15:39
blackboxswhrm something failed integration testing of my subp branch twice in a row last night. I can't reproduce the failure locally with:   tox -e citest -- run --verbose --os-name xenial --test  modules/set_password_list.  I'm kicking the builder again since we know some services were under maintenance last night15:58
do3melismoser: you may have some spare mins to look at https://code.launchpad.net/~d-info-e/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/340757 ? ci run completed successfully.16:27
smoserdo3meli: that looks fine. I dont like the long line though.16:34
smosernot sure what to do with it.16:34
smosermaybe just: See rc.conf(5) in FreeBSD 11.116:34
do3melismoser: hmm that would be possible. it's the same whay in rhel.py distro class...16:36
smosersee comment in MP16:37
smoserjust change the comment i think to make shorter.16:38
do3melismoser: fine for me. will do right now.16:38
do3melias it is not version specific i will leave that away. ok?16:40
smosersure. you can drop the version16:42
smoseryou had that inherently in the link16:42
smoserso i left it16:42
do3melismoser: perfect, i have commited it. ready for setting it to approve ;-) thank you16:44
do3meli(local tox run was good)16:44
do3melithanks smoser. wish you guys a restful evening. cheers16:49
ch007m@smoser. thanks for the answer17:07
smoserblackboxsw: commented on subp branch. just a suggestion. feel free to pull either way.17:09
smoserblackboxsw: i'd like a review of https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34014017:16
blackboxswsmoser: just left comments on https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/341417 to see what you think17:20
blackboxswgrabbing your other branch17:20
blackboxswI know apt retries is a bit of a hot button issue :)17:20
smoserblackboxsw: hm.. that should be fixed17:22
smoserthe apt thing.17:22
smoserthere it is17:23
smoser 6f2aaf7b0fa9fd9376561e9b6233b4d36de51da117:23
blackboxswyou mean apt should fix it, or cloud-init should work around it17:23
blackboxswgit push :) I'm still on d7e538517:25
smoserblackboxsw: https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/169336117:26
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1693361 in APT "cloud-init sometimes fails on dpkg lock due to concurrent apt-daily.service execution" [Unknown,Confirmed]17:26
blackboxswohh I see, then this is a symptom of another problem17:27
smoseror it wasnt correclty fixed.17:28
blackboxsweach cloud-init clean --reboot --logs  traces on "apt update" on a xenial container when providing #cloud-config\ndrivers:\nnvidia: {license-accepted: true}17:30
blackboxswwithout some sort of retry on CalledProcessError. I could try emitting ps output to see what else might have apt locks17:31
blackboxswtook your suggestion on fix-subp branch17:36
blackboxswawaiting my local tox run before merging17:36
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blackboxswsimpoir: I just rebased the feature/snap -module branch to pull in the util-supb fixes so unit tests will now pass there17:54
blackboxswI didn't have to resolve any conflicts in the rebase so no changes to what you are reviewing, but thought you should know17:54
blackboxswas unit tests locally wouldn't run until the rebase fixed it17:54
simpoirblackboxsw: ok17:55
simpoirblackboxsw: I was wondering about those17:55
smoserblackboxsw: your mrege tool should comment on the bug (possibly in addition to the merge proposal)18:04
smoseror instead of. dont know.18:05
blackboxswsmoser: you mean on merge, the bug comment should point to the commitish as committed in trunk?18:05
blackboxswI think you mentioned that last week, and I failed to add it18:06
* blackboxsw has to grab lunch back in a bit18:06
smoserno. you added it so it adds a comment.18:10
smoserblackboxsw: well, it makes a comment on the merge proposal18:14
smoserbut does not comment on a linked bug18:14
smoser https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34143718:14
smoseris an example.18:14
smoseri'd like for the bug to also get a comment. possibly instead of the merge proposal, as the merge proposal does get a state change event.18:14
smoserblackboxsw: ping when around19:13
blackboxswsmoser: hangout?19:30
blackboxswsimpoir: I think we are going to try wrapping up the snap module for inclusion in cloud-init if you have a chance to wrap up a review there https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33836620:16
blackboxswsmoser: bionic MP https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34148220:50
blackboxswI was awaiting snap module, but I don't think it'll make it by EOD20:50
smoserThis commit fixes get_hostname on the AzureDataSource.20:51
smoserwe need to be better when reading messages.20:51
smoserself referencing in the subject :)20:51
smoserinstead just20:52
smoser Fix get_hostname in Azure20:52
blackboxswahh I see s/This commit fixes/Fix/   gotcha. makes sense too noisy +120:53
* blackboxsw and "too noisy" are synonymous20:54
simpoirblackboxsw: added comments on MP; mostly typos and small things that may be symptomatic of my lack of knowing the codebase20:55
blackboxsw+1 simpoir I see review comments on snap stuff. fielding them now thank you20:55
blackboxswsimpoir:.... "lack of knowing the codebase"  welcome to my life.  :)20:55
* blackboxsw might have a fixup to handle for containers on this branch as a result of my testing. simpoir and I left you without a leg to stand on because I didn't give testing instructions20:56
blackboxswsorry about that. I'll add them for reference now in the description20:57
smoserblackboxsw: ok. uploaded20:59
smoserand i fixed my branch for drivers i think20:59
smoserpylint really being a pain.20:59
* blackboxsw sits on artful & xenial dev environments. I need to move to a bionic container/base system for development so I can feel the pain too21:00
blackboxswthx smoser21:00
blackboxswok so we can queue drivers and snap modules for tomorrows bionic build. I might have time for review of some of the other outstanding branches  too.21:01
blackboxswmy goal is to get the ubuntu-advantage module up for your review tomorrow21:01
blackboxswsimpoir: thanks again, I finally added testing instructions that would have helped a bit. https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/338366 sorry 'bout that21:11
simpoirblackboxsw: were your testing instructions to run tox && make deb && throw in a container and call manually with a random snap like lolcat?21:11
blackboxswyeah just that. minor sneakiness with user-data seeding21:11
* simpoir feels proud for figuring it out21:12
blackboxswI'm sure you did all that. but, it would have helped me, and I just lacked the consideration making you work hard for it21:12
blackboxswlolcat.... good choice ;)21:12
simpoirdid not know know about the clean command. I'll keep that in mind21:13
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