
TMLI just can't seem to transcode them to something more practical00:00
wulungvlc can stream out to another format I think00:00
Kumoolcan probably stream to pcm00:00
Kumoolask in #vlc00:01
Kumooli doubt vlc can fail on any respect00:01
Kumoolwell, it does fail on being a media player00:01
wulungyeah, no more using it00:02
TMLwhat do you use instead of vlc? I tried mpv, but didn't care for the chrome in it.00:03
gporhi is there any way to run gpg inside lxd?00:04
wulungfor player i use smplayer00:04
gporhi is there any way to run gpg inside lxd?00:05
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Tin_mangpor, you have to have a tad bit of patience, don't repeat your question every minute, give time for an answer.00:06
Kumoolthere are no good media players for linux afaik00:06
gporSorry I thought i didn't send00:07
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Tin_mannp, we all make mistakes :-)00:09
ycyclistIs there a way to execute update-alternatives without interacting with prompts?00:18
boxingrockycyclist: update-alternatives --set editor /usr/bin/vim.basic00:19
ycyclistThanks.  I found that too boxingrock.00:22
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JakethepythonHelo room i am trying to SCP files onto a server and it is giving me a premission denied error00:49
Guest60499hi all does ubuntu  17.10 have file size limitations for fat 32 partitions (like windows does)00:53
WorldGenesis[v]i think that's more dependent on the FAT32 filesystem itself00:53
Guest60499i have some 25GB files id like to store on fat 32 partition under ubuntu not likely possible hey00:54
kk4ewtor any os as far as that is concerned00:55
Guest60499can windows read any linux partitions at this point in time  (i know i can do it on ntfs but dont want to if avoidable)00:56
jvgeekbuenas tengo una pregunta00:58
Kumooleach filesystem has limitations, this is why you're using ext4 instead of ext1 and etc Guest6049901:00
Kumoolhowever, most OS's support ntfs via FUSE. so go with that01:00
brenster21hey so for some reason my external drive is owned by user sshd. and i cant change its ownship01:03
Guest60499<Kumool> Many thanks01:03
compdocbrenster21, is the drive a seagate?01:05
brenster21compdoc wd easystore01:05
Kumoolthere is an extension to fat called exfat, dont know if linux supports it01:05
compdocdid you install ssh?01:05
compdochow are you mounting the drive?01:07
Kumoolit does, via fuse, i still think you're better off using ntfs. since support is native on linux the bsd's however rely on fuse01:07
brenster21it is it is ntfs01:08
brenster21compdoc i am sorry for disturbing i somehow got it working. ownership is missed up I can access everything.01:10
Kumoolthat was meant for Guest60499 brenster21, although it was more thinking out loud than anything else01:10
brenster21kumool oh sorry.01:11
Kumoolprobably fstab is messed up01:11
Kumoolon your case01:11
Kumoolcant help more than that01:11
Guest60499is fuse already present on 17.10 cant find in software center (i also need it now)01:11
wulungsome external automounted by daemon01:12
wulungwhich daemon, depend on what you install01:12
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wulungin my pc, gnome-disks, automount it to /media01:16
KumoolGuest60499, ntfs support is already supported via ntfs-3g which should already be installed01:19
Kumooland i was wrong about the native aspect01:19
jwash_Hi everyone, I want to play older video game consoles via a capture card on my computer. Does anyone have any experiences with a particularly good card for this purpose? I'm going to be using composite inputs.01:23
uplinkhi all01:24
pragmaticenigmajwash_, you may find it easier to get an adapter (and cheaper) for your TV than to try and play via capture cards01:25
pragmaticenigmajwash_, otherwise this reddit thread has some suggestions https://www.reddit.com/r/linux_gaming/comments/4l9r06/capture_card_for_obs_studio_on_linux/01:25
jwash_my projector is hanging way up on the ceiling01:26
jwash_connected to pc via hdmi01:26
jwash_i used to use an adaptec gamebridge, 15 years ago..01:26
pragmaticenigmaAdd a signal switch near the computer that allows you to switch between the computer and your console?01:26
jwash_one hdmi cable running to the projector, no composite or s-video01:27
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jwitkoHey All,  I have an ubuntu server with xubuntu desktop environment.  I have a desktop autostart file that is not autostarting the java application its intended to.  It has previously worked but does not seem to be functioning anymore and I have no idea why.  Is there any logging for autostart ?  I don't see anything in the syslog at all.  If I run the .desktop file manually it runs no problem01:28
jwitkoand if i search the GUI auto-start programs list it shows in the list01:28
masterfoo-pthi all01:28
Jakethepythonprotocol error: expected control record01:30
Jakethepythonscp: /media/raid/CHP/smb.conf: Permission denied01:30
pragmaticenigmajwash_, I'm suggesting you get an HDMI switch and install that at the end of the run by the computer... allowing you multiple inputs for the HDMI cable going to your projector. Then you can pick up an adapter for composit to HDMI put that in one of the inputs, the computer in the other01:31
pragmaticenigmajwash_, otherwise take a look at the link I provided. I don't think the results will be what you want because the video capture on the computer will introduce significant lag01:32
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jwash_https://www.newegg.com/Product/Product.aspx?Item=N82E16815116034 http://www.hauppauge.com/pages/support/support_linux.html01:50
jwash_that's more along the line of what I was looking for01:50
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pragmaticenigma?? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=b_ILDFp5DGA02:01
jwash_you're bad02:02
pragmaticenigmayou clicked :-P02:02
jwash_the simple life must have been such a dissapointment02:03
pragmaticenigmaThe reason I didn't link to products is because i've found it very hit and miss for linux support with various tuners and video inputs02:04
pragmaticenigmaEven the ones claiming to have linux support, often have some limitation compared to their implementation with Windows02:04
jwash_the 955c has a ppa with drivers02:04
pragmaticenigmado be careful with 3rd party PPAs, they can install newer packages to things that aren't supported in the main Ubuntu releases02:05
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ubottuLaunchpad bug 1721909 in linux-hwe (Ubuntu) "Goodix GF3208 (fingerprint reader) not being recognised by kernel/system" [Undecided,Confirmed]02:12
thirasis there anything i can do about it?02:12
thirasits been used new generation dell laptops which is quite popular. i think it's importance level should be higher than medium02:13
pragmaticenigmathiras, the fingerprinter is not a critical component to the operation of the computer. which is part of the reason why it's rated medium02:14
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thiraspragmaticenigma, I've check other bug reported on the package. there is no high or critical02:15
pragmaticenigmathiras, there are bugs that are not listed for various reasons (including those that could compromise the security of a system)02:15
pragmaticenigmaA critical bug would be "display not working" or "backdoor for application allowing exfiltration of user data (see Specter and Meltdown)02:17
thirasbeside status 128 i don't see any critical. but of course there could be some hidden ones02:17
thirasi was just talking with those i can see02:17
pragmaticenigmaA non-functioning finger print reader is not currently affecting the ability to use the computer. Thus it won't receive a the same kind of attention that would come from something that does prevent the computer from being usuable02:18
thiraspragmaticenigma, do you have any idea why the kernel doesn't recognize even vendor info?02:18
pragmaticenigmathiras, it could be the Vendor didn't follow specifications for allowing an operating system to inspect the device02:19
thirasquite weird. never seen before02:20
pragmaticenigmathiras, it's on the manufacturer to follow the standards set forth. in this case, it's possible the manufacture had no intention of supporting Linux and therefore made it so it's driver installer in Windows would be able to find and activate it02:20
pragmaticenigmabut any other operating system wouldn't see it and just ignore it02:20
thirasso in that case pragmaticenigma the only was is reverse engineering right?02:21
pragmaticenigmavery possible thiras02:26
thirasthe funny thing it has android driver02:27
thiraswhich has the same kernel02:27
thirasalmost the same kernel02:27
pragmaticenigmaandroid is quite a bit different though. android lives on top of a linux envrionment. Also, android, like windows, is created by a single entity. Linux based distributions are created by millions of different groups, there is no uniformity between distro (which is on purpose) that makes it harder to support. Ideally a kernel driver will get made, it's just when someone rises to take on the challenge02:31
doge-dogeis anyone else getting a huge ff icon after updating to v59? on u-mate02:31
thirasyeah thats why i said almost02:32
thirasin manner of hardware drivers it should be that far. but rest is crazy different02:33
doge-doge"resize icon" in the context menu doesn't appear to work...02:33
pragmaticenigmadoge-doge, have you tried logging out and back in or rebooting the computer?02:33
doge-dogethat could be it02:33
doge-dogenever done that for a ff update but worth a try02:34
pragmaticenigmaIt's rare, but happens... I have strange issues now and then with apps and their display. Usually a quick log off and log in remedies the problem02:35
doge-dogehow odd...changing the icon theme to high-contrast themes and the moka theme appear to resize it correctly...02:35
pragmaticenigmathere's usualyl a clean up task after package installation that gets called... i'm trying to remember what it's called, but it usually triggers an update to the icon set being used. Changing the theme/appearance probably also triggers it02:37
doge-dogei'm gonna dig into the firefox.desktop file to see which icon it's pointing to...02:38
pragmaticenigmadoge-doge, it usually points only to one... the task I'm thinking of compiles a cache of the icons to be uniform02:39
pragmaticenigmathe window manager uses that cache to display the icons02:39
doge-dogelol ok nevermind: "Icon=firefox"02:39
doge-dogethere might have been an .svg update to the icon itself02:39
pragmaticenigmapossible? hard to know, you can always check out the release notes02:40
pragmaticenigmaI know that my Ubuntu instance has an extremely large icon for Eclipse, but that's mostly because I installed Eclipse manually instead of through the package manager02:40
doge-dogeomg the re-added amazon to a preferred search engine again02:41
doge-dogeamazon is a retailer...not a search engine?02:41
doge-dogelooks like indeed gfx upgrades: https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/59.0/releasenotes/ brb02:43
Euph0riaAmazon has a search engine in it to search for products sold on Amazon... so, yeah, it qualifies as a search engine in that aspect.02:44
Euph0riaIs there a program for ubuntu that will display all my system's specifications?  Ram, CPU, Display, attached perhipials, USB buses, etc.?02:45
doge-dogelol, no go on a reboot02:46
doge-dogedeleted the shortcut and re-added from the start menu to the desktop02:47
doge-dogeI can't remember -- was ctrl+mousescroll-up/down the shortcut to change the size of all desktop icons?02:48
doge-dogethat's apparently not working02:48
Euph0riadoge-doge: What DTE are you using?02:48
doge-dogeubuntu mate02:49
Euph0riadoge-doge: If you figure out how to do that in mate, I'd like to know too.  lol02:50
doge-dogei was pretty sure the mouse wheel + ctrl did it before...02:50
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doge-dogeok yeah that shortcut works in caja view...02:54
Euph0riacaja view?02:54
doge-dogeyes that's the file manager in mate02:55
Euph0riaI see.02:55
doge-dogethis is hilarious...if I navigate to the desktop folder in caja, I can resize all icons except firefox02:55
Euph0riaSo not for icons on the desktop, but the view in the filemanager02:55
doge-dogewell see I thought shortcut used to work on the desktop as well...02:56
Euph0riaThe other icons may be vector based, like svg files perhaps. (or vice-versa)  Just speculating.02:56
doge-doge"list view" and "compact view" appear to be normal...icon view is problematic02:56
doge-dogethere seems to be one icon size on the new ff. If I change the icon view to maximum 400%, ff becomes the smaller icon of all lol02:58
doge-dogeand vice-versa02:58
doge-dogeanyone know where the default icon folder is...something like /usr/share/local or something like that?02:59
pragmaticenigmadoge-doge, /usr/share/icons/...03:02
doge-dogeok thanks...03:03
pragmaticenigmaalso /usr/share/app-install/icons03:03
pragmaticenigmaand /usr/share/app-install/desktop/03:03
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doge-dogeok this is interesting...in /usr/share/icons/ there are no references to the ff icon in the scalable folders...except 2 places -- the high contrast theme and moka (I theme I installed previously)03:10
doge-dogeresizing the icon works on moka theme...03:19
doge-dogeicon is otherwise static on other themes03:20
doge-dogemoka's not a bad theme, i'll just switch to it for now03:21
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eraserpencilI have a USB device, shows up on dmesg, shows up on lsusb, but ls /dev shows nothing03:33
eraserpencills /dev shows no differences from whn the device is plugged in and not plugged in03:35
eraserpencilwhich part of the OS creates the rules for /dev?03:35
kmasI just installed Ubuntu 17.1003:39
kmasAfter loggining in the screen turns black03:39
kmasno cursor03:39
Bashing-omkmas: nvidia graphics driver ?03:40
ryuuseikmas : Please ask in the forum03:41
kmas@Bashing-om I have gtx 106003:43
kmas6gb version03:44
kmas@Bashing-om is there a way to install the driver or do something?03:44
kmasI just got it to work03:44
kmasbut cursor works slow03:44
kmasI think not utilizing GPU03:45
kmasWindows are moving around with delay. Def not utilizing GPU03:45
kmasany help?03:45
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Bashing-omkmas: K; next then, is this the wayland session ?03:48
descuidadohello! im a newcomer to ubuntu and im excited, however i cant decide between LTS and regular version, also should i completely erase my computer or dual boot? (i guess that last question was more of a preference)03:48
kmas@Bashing-om no idea03:49
linux_what ?03:49
kmas@Bashin-om no idea how it boot up or what it used to finally display something. But I am connected the monitor to the GPU but doesn't seem to utilize it03:49
Bashing-omkmas: What shows ' echo $XDG_SESSION_TYPE ' ?03:50
eraserpencilwhat makes a device show up as /dev/bus/usb/001/001 as opposed to /dev/ttyusb*03:51
eraserpencilis it kernel modules?03:51
kmas@Bashing-om wayland03:54
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Bashing-omkmas: As a thought .. 17.10 defaults to the wauland session, nvidia does not play nice . At the password entry screen is a small gear icon . see if you can change to Xorg rather than wayland as the session to boot .03:54
doge-dogeBashing-om, does xscreensave work on wayland?03:54
fs__where are you from03:55
Bashing-omdoge-doge: Not got the experience running wayland (yet) to know . Still on Xorg here .03:55
fs__Anybody from China?03:55
eraserpencilfs__: nihao aint jap03:56
eraserpenciland tokyo aint chinese03:56
kmas@Bashing-om kind of better but still some lag/delay on window movement03:57
kmasis it possible to install some drivers or should I just switch to windows?03:58
linux_apt-get system03:58
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ryuuseiall right03:58
Bashing-omkmas: Now what shows - in a pastebin - ' sudo lshw -C display ' . See if a driver is loaded .03:58
kmas@Bashing-om I added the graphics drivers repository and now installing the prp[roetary drivers04:01
someone_Hi, I have a weird problem my Ubuntu 16.04 does updates updating automatically without ask root password.04:04
kmas@Bashing-om now I get an error "Invalid video mode specification "text""04:05
kmasbooting in blind mode04:05
Bashing-omkmas: Just be aware that with the proprietary driver will not be able to boot the wayland session .04:05
doge-dogesomeone_, 16.04 and higher does security updates automatically be default via the unattended-upgrades packages04:05
kmas@Bashing-om is there a going back from this error... or should I just re-install04:06
doge-dogeonly security, not backports or proposed04:06
kmasI can't even boot at this point04:06
Bashing-omkmas: Pastebin the error . Then we have an idea .04:06
kmas@Bashing-om https://pastebin.com/r6Nj5sVx04:07
Bashing-omkmbY The way, this irc is not twitter .. do not '@' at the mick. else notice highlighting is defeated .04:08
someone_doge-doge but I see updates icon for while then the update be installed, now my ubuntu update firefox without asking password04:08
doge-dogeff v59 is a security update04:09
someone_ok , thanks.04:09
Bashing-omkmas: show in a pastie ' dpkg -l | grep -i nvidia ' . See what got installed if anything .04:10
kmasI can't boot up @Bashing-om04:11
kmasthis is what happens when I try04:11
Bashing-om!nomodeset | kmas04:11
ubottukmas: A common kernel (boot)parameter is nomodeset, which is needed for some graphic cards that otherwise boot into a black screen or show corrupted splash screen. See http://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=1613132 on how to use this parameter04:11
descuidadoshould i pick ubuntu lts or regular?04:12
Bashing-omdescuidado: As you have to ask , then it is LTS ..04:12
Saabstory88What would be a good freenode channel to ask about Vulkan game support on ubuntu?04:19
Bashing-om!alis | Saabstory8804:19
ubottuSaabstory88: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"04:19
Bashing-omSaabstory88: :) not what you wanted, but what we have .04:20
Saabstory88No reason to complain. The community has been invaluable in helping me move more of my computing time to linux04:22
Bashing-omkmas: Still hang'n with us ?04:28
Compuanyone have any idea about things crashing with this error in ubuntu 14.04.5? crashed with SIGABRT in __libc_message()04:29
Compuit started yesterday, so far hexchat has been affected as well as the official discord desktop client, google chrome, and even nautilus file manager04:29
Compunot sure what to do about it04:29
Computhe crashes r spaced out over hours and seemingly random04:30
lotuspsychjeCompu: your system up to date? added external ppa's of any kind?04:31
Compuyes and yes, i've had this system going with virtually no issues for years, it seems to be related to the libc-bin package as far as i can tell, that package is still only updated from ubuntu's repo and not any ppa's04:32
lotuspsychjeCompu: you have errors on apt update?04:33
Compuno, none at all04:33
lotuspsychjeCompu: allright, have you checked syslog on crashes?04:34
Compuwhat should i look for there?04:34
lotuspsychjeCompu: not sure yet, but i would leave a tail -f /var/log/syslog running and see whats going on when launch your crashing programs04:35
Compui found this https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/P93htySWmf/04:36
lotuspsychjelets c04:36
lotuspsychje!info linux-image-generic trusty04:37
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (trusty), package size 2 kB, installed size 31 kB04:37
lotuspsychjethis the kernel you have Compu ?04:37
Compui have 4.4.0-116-generic04:38
lotuspsychjeCompu: you might wanna test other kernels as a test perhaps04:38
ryuuseii have 4.4.0-21-generic04:39
Compusomeone elsewhere is suggesting i do a memtest04:39
EriC^^Compu: pastebin /var/crash/_usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash.04:39
rootany one here?04:40
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lotuspsychjeroot: yes?04:40
Guest40834what is the main topic in this room04:42
CompuEriC^^: that command doesn't exist?04:42
lotuspsychjeCompu: have you seen any IO errors regarding harddisk in your full syslog Compu ?04:42
lotuspsychjeGuest40834: ubuntu support04:42
EriC^^Compu: type "cat /var/crash/_usr_bin_nautilus.1000.crash | nc termbin.com 9999"04:43
Compuno and my hard disk is perfectly healthy according to SMART data, no read/write errors whatsoever04:43
CompuEriC^^: looks like it's reading out the file in the terminal, taking a while04:45
Computhe guy who usually helps me with this stuff thinks it's an error in the libc-bin library somewhere04:46
lotuspsychjeCompu: open your crashing porgrams from the terminal04:47
lotuspsychjeCompu: see if we can catch usefull errors there04:47
Compulotuspsychje: but the crashes aren't predictable, it goes hours upon hours between crashes, like i've only had 2 this entire day with more than 6 hours between them04:48
lotuspsychjeCompu: thats not very usefull indeed04:49
Compuand i have no idea how to predict which one will crash next either, it could be chrome, discord, nautilus, hexchat, or any number of programs that apparently rely on that library04:49
Guest40834I tried to run GAN codes in terminal. It works for the first time, however it raises MemoryError for the second time.I have to restart my system to avoid this. What happend? anyone can help me?04:49
Compui think dropbox crashed once too but didn't generate a crash report04:50
lotuspsychje!info libc-bin trusty04:50
ubottulibc-bin (source: eglibc): Embedded GNU C Library: Binaries. In component main, is required. Version 2.19-0ubuntu6.14 (trusty), package size 1079 kB, installed size 3275 kB04:50
guivercCompu: i don't think it matters (i agree run from term); I'd just minimize the terminal and use it, should it crash then I bring up the term & look to see if messages were caught (they usually are)04:50
lotuspsychjethis the version you got Compu ?04:50
Compuyes that's the one04:50
guivercCompu, use it, as in use the app (ignoring the term unless you quit & need to restart the app)04:50
lotuspsychjeCompu: and you sure this aint got scrambled with dependecys somehow with your ppa's right?04:51
Compuguiverc: which program do i run from terminal chrome can't be done cuz it uses multiple processes so it doesn't output anything useful to the terminal, same with discord04:51
Compuyes, i can check apt-get policy for the package04:51
Compulotuspsychje: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/rzSZDCvKzK/04:52
EriC^^Compu: /var/crash should have the error reports there, upload them somewhere04:52
CompuEriC^^: https://mega.nz/#!918zCAyY!_eIYdH_yoRO8iUaSiRjiRR_w1lcCMDUg9iIoxtj7WWw04:53
EriC^^!pastebinit | Compu for future04:53
ubottuCompu for future: pastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit04:53
Compuok thanks04:53
CompuEriC^^: how do i stop that terminal from reading out the file? ctrl+c isn't working04:54
EriC^^12.8MB wow04:54
EriC^^i dont think nautilus is even 12mb itself xD04:54
EriC^^Compu: try ctrl+d too04:54
Compunevermind closing the terminal stopped it04:55
Compui guess it was actually done and the terminal buffer was still catching up04:55
Compuanyways brb i'm gonna run hexchat from the terminal04:55
EriC^^Compu: is there anything really obvious in syslog?04:57
Compuno, just a bunch of sensor checking stuff mostly04:57
Compuu know, checking the cpu temp sensors and such04:57
EriC^^Compu: sudo grep -i "error|segfault|segv" /var/log/syslog returns anything?04:57
lotuspsychjeCompu: if i was you, i would remove all ppa's and cleanout system with bleachbit04:58
CompuEriC^^: returns nothing04:58
Compulotuspsychje: but that would remove like all the stuff i use04:59
lotuspsychjeCompu: sounds like a system scramble for long use04:59
Compui guess i'll just deal with it and buy a new hard drive next month, i been meaning to reinstall when 18.04 comes out anyways04:59
lotuspsychjeCompu: well, lets think of it this way, if you would test a 14.04.5 liveusb session i dont think apps would crash04:59
lotuspsychjeCompu: for stable use, we always reccomend using ubuntu vanilla with programs installed from repos05:02
Compu[Thu 12:56:24 AM] <Breezeglider> meep. isnt that a segmentation fault following a buffer overflow or misallocated memory error05:03
Compuis that useful at all?05:03
lotuspsychjeCompu: i would test a few hours 14.04.5 live to see & compare05:04
Compui think i'll probably just buy a new hard drive next month and install 18.04 and start copying settings and such over05:05
lotuspsychjeCompu: but you said your hd had no errors?05:05
Compuyes but it's easier to do that than to overwrite the current one and risk missing something i should've copied05:06
Compuhard drives r cheap05:06
lotuspsychje!info aptoncd | Compu05:06
ubottuCompu: aptoncd (source: aptoncd): Installation disc creator for packages downloaded via APT. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.1.98+bzr117-1.4 (artful), package size 213 kB, installed size 1561 kB05:06
Compueh? what's that meant to do05:06
Compui mean things like music and settings and my steam library05:07
Compui have american truck simulator saves i don't want to lose05:07
lotuspsychjeCompu: thats for backing up your existing programs05:07
Compuwon't that just cause the same issue in 18.04 then?05:07
lotuspsychjeCompu: when installing new ubuntu versions, you can preserve your /home aswell05:08
Euph0riaIs there a program or terminal commands for ubuntu that will display all my system's specifications?  Ram, CPU, Display, attached perhipials, USB buses, etc.?05:08
Compubut i have things outside of /home i'm pretty sure05:08
lotuspsychje!info inxi | Euph0ria05:08
ubottuEuph0ria: inxi (source: inxi): full featured system information script. In component universe, is extra. Version 2.3.37-1 (artful), package size 136 kB, installed size 610 kB05:08
EriC^^Euph0ria: lshw perhaps05:08
Compuhardinfo will do it05:09
Compuand hardinfo has a gui05:09
Compu!info hardinfo05:09
ubottuhardinfo (source: hardinfo): Displays system information. In component universe, is optional. Version 0.5.1+git20170815-1 (artful), package size 311 kB, installed size 797 kB05:09
lotuspsychjeCompu: to goto 18.04 you would have to upgrade to 16.04 first05:09
Compulotuspsychje: not upgrade, fresh install, i learned the hard way to never upgrade05:10
Compugo fresh install then reinstall programs and copy their settings over05:10
Euph0riaNice.  Thank you for the suggestions.  Sometimes when trying to troubleshoot problems with others, that info can be very helpful.05:10
lotuspsychjeEuph0ria: inxi -F will give you alot of info05:11
Euph0rialotuspsychje: sounds very useful05:11
lotuspsychjeCompu: sounds like a good idea05:12
Computheres also a nice little terminal app i can't remember the name of that gives u things like gpu and cpu model, OS name/version, linux kernel version, desktop shell, etc05:12
Compulotuspsychje: i was gonna do that anyways early next year05:12
Compunow that i know lollypop exists when i upgrade i can switch to it from banshee05:13
Compui can also stop using xboxdrv and use the kernel driver, i started using xboxdrv for my ps3 controller and then i got an xbox 360 controller but didn't want to screw with what was currently working05:14
Euph0riaCompu: thankyou for the hardinfo suggestion as well.05:16
Compusure, no problem05:16
Compuglad to help05:16
doge-dogeanyone dl ff v59 yet and put a desktop shortcut on it?05:18
Euph0riaAnd that terminal app that gives you all that info would be great too.  I forget, but there is a command that will tell you the version of linux you're using too. Anyone know what that is off the top of their heads?05:18
lotuspsychjeEuph0ria: lsb_release -a05:18
Euph0riaClient: HexChat 2.12.4 • OS: Ubuntu "artful" 17.10 • CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-2450M CPU @ 2.50GHz (2.49GHz) • Memory: Physical: 15.2 GiB Total (13.4 GiB Free) Swap: 7.8 GiB Total (7.6 GiB Free) • Storage: 37.7 GB / 87.6 GB (49.9 GB Free) • VGA: Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family Integrated Graphics Controller @ Intel Corporation 2nd Generation Core Processor Family DRAM C05:18
Euph0riaontroller • Uptime: 1d 17h 17m 2s05:18
Euph0riaoops, sorry.05:19
Euph0riaBut hey, that gave a bunch of good info.05:19
Euph0riaWow, Hexchat got all that.  heh05:20
Euph0riaAnd it's just my IRC client.  lol05:20
Euph0riaSorry, I should have opened a msg to myself and tried that.05:21
Euph0riaThis old laptop.  I forgot, this thing says I have 16GB Ram, should I make my swap 16GB+ a little bit perhaps?05:26
Euph0riaCurrently it's at about 8GB05:26
EriC^^Euph0ria: do you want hibernation?05:26
Desktop_32GB Swap05:26
Butterfly_if you want to hibernate you should have the same amount of swap as you have ram05:26
Desktop_Old Laptop with 16GB ram .. phewww!05:27
Butterfly_if you don't hibernate, ask yourself.... do you ever run out of ram ?05:27
Euph0riaEriC^^: No, but I do want plenty of memory if tasks should need it.  For example, rendering a very large fractal image for print at 24x36.  That I have to rely on windows to do, and it would be great do render it in linux!05:27
Euph0riaDesktop_: I upgraded the ram right after I got it.  It's about 5-7 years old.05:28
Butterfly_a lot of ram for a laptop that old05:28
Euph0riaWell, I use every bit of it.05:28
Euph0riaAnd more.05:29
lotuspsychjeplz stay ontopic guys05:29
ubottuWant to talk about Ubuntu, but don't have a support question? /join #ubuntu-discuss for non-support Ubuntu discussion, or try #ubuntu-offtopic for general chat. Thanks!05:29
Euph0rialotuspsychje: Ram amounts suggested for ubuntu.  check!05:29
Euph0riaSpecifically ubuntu running XFCE as the DTE.05:30
Euph0riaThank you for the suggestions!05:30
Euph0riaI'll increase it to at least 16Gb+1Gb and see how that fares.05:31
Butterfly_i'd suggest 8GB of swap05:31
lotuspsychjeEuph0ria: please stop05:31
Desktop_So swapsize is decided ?05:39
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RandomNoobShriHari  what?05:50
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RandomNoobHello guys. I have intel hd 4000 graphics and I am getting some artefacts. What should I do to fix this issue ?05:51
toorchinhi guys, writing here because ubuntu+1 is static and nobody answers. When will Gnome 3.28 be on the 18.04 ISO?05:56
Compufor future reference what's the best way to go about mounting a second hard drive as read only with root permissions05:56
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lotuspsychje!mount | Compu06:15
ubottuCompu: mount is used to attach devices to directories. See also https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Mount06:15
Compubut doesn't ubuntu auto mount?06:15
Compulotuspsychje: also does the fact that it's an LVM i want to mount affect anything?06:18
EriC^^Compu: it should be listed under /dev/mapper06:19
Compui want to know so when i reinstall ubuntu on my new drive i can mount the old one without affect it's ability to boot or messing up the permissions06:20
EriC^^Compu: what does your partition table look like? pastebin sudo parted -ls06:20
CompuEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/gz7GY5t5C5/06:21
Compui'm not gonna do an LVM on the new install, it seems to just cause me more trouble than it's worth06:22
EriC^^Compu: you'll want to copy your data over to a new hdd, reinstall then copy back06:22
Compuwhy? i was gonna leave the old HDD as is and use the new HDD for the reinstall06:22
EriC^^that works too06:23
Compui just wanted to be able to mount the old HDD on the reinstall without affecting it's ability to boot that old HDD06:23
EriC^^use the manual partitioner so it doesn't touch your old hdd06:23
Compueh? no i was just gonna unplug the old HDD during install06:23
EriC^^that works too06:23
Compuplug it back in after to copy stuff over, then completely remove it and store it away for archival purposes06:24
EriC^^Compu: mounting it won't affect anything06:24
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Compuand ubuntu can handle auto mounting the LVM?06:24
EriC^^not sure about that, in any case you can get it from parted's output and mount as "sudo mount /dev/mapper/ubuntu--vg-root /mnt" and access the files at /mnt06:25
CompuEriC^^: but won't i have to chown stuff to see anything unless i mount as root?06:25
EriC^^Compu: you'll have to be root to see stuff, so use sudo -H nautilus /mnt to see the files06:26
Compubut that would cause permissions issues copying files to my home folder06:26
Compuwouldn't it be easier to mount as read only root?06:27
EriC^^Compu: same thing06:27
Computhat way i can access everything but i can't change anything and i don't have to open nautilus as root06:27
EriC^^Compu: even if it's read only it won't change the actual permissions of the files, just won't allow you to modify06:28
Compubut u can mount drives as a user06:28
EriC^^so you might need root nevertheless, after you copy the stuff as root, then use chown to change the permissions06:28
EriC^^Compu: it's an ext4 filesystem, so it has the permissions saved in its filesystem06:28
EriC^^unlike ntfs where you can specify a uid etc06:29
Compuyes but u can mount the drive as a particular user and thus get that users permissions can't u?06:29
EriC^^nope, read above06:29
Compuok i guess06:30
EriC^^no matter what user you mount as, if a file has specific permissions they'll be the same permissions with each user06:30
EriC^^the key here is to run nautilus as sudo -H so it doesn't mess up any home configs06:32
blockaIs anybody around to help me solve my bluetooth issues?06:57
lotuspsychjeblocka: best to ask your issue in the channel so users can try to help07:02
Butterfly_blocka : just explain the issue in detail, if someone can help, they will07:02
blockathat's my basic issue07:03
blockadigging a bit deeper: when I run pulseaudio manually I see07:03
blocka"E: [pulseaudio] backend-native.c: connect(): Protocol not supported"07:03
lotuspsychje!bluetooth | blocka07:09
ubottublocka: For instructions on how to set up bluetooth, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BluetoothSetup07:09
lotuspsychje!info blueman | blocka can also try this07:09
ubottublocka can also try this: blueman (source: blueman): Graphical bluetooth manager. In component universe, is optional. Version 2.0.4-1ubuntu3 (artful), package size 1636 kB, installed size 4837 kB07:09
ShadowWarriorHey.. I am using screen and I want to write a script to start multiple programs in multiple windows of a screen when a certain event occurs. But, using options -X with -dmS(I want the screen detatched) is not working because it waits for the currenct process running on a window to finish before it can allow me to switch windows using screen -p.. an07:09
ShadowWarriory ideas on how I should do this?07:09
ShadowWarriorThe command I am using now to execute a program is screen -S name -dr -X stuff "command"07:12
blockalotuspsychje I don't have an issue setting up bluetooth. I have the headset already set up and connected to my computer. As you can see it's even listed in the sound settings. The issue sounds like to me on the pulseaudio side.07:13
ShadowWarrioressentially I want to programmatically generate Ctrl A + C ...07:15
guivercShadowWarrior, I can only think of signal() [sigaction() etc] - I'd experiment until I got what i wanted; but a quick scan of man pages highlights its possibly not the best solution07:25
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descuidadocan someone enlighten me how updating works? if a new LTS version is released, does my current ubuntu LTS switch to that? or is that optional? same question for non-LTS08:15
EriC^^descuidado: it depends on the settings in software & updates, if you have lts you can go straight to the next lts, if it's non lts then you have to go to non lts then non lts then lts08:16
geirhaIf you're using the desktop, you'll eventually get a notification that you can now upgrade if you want08:17
descuidadoEriC^^: wait, what do yo umean non lts to non lts?08:17
guivercdescuidado, optional; if using 16.04LTS and 18.04LTS release occurs; you still won't be offered it, which will change at 18.04.1 where you'll get an offer to update (but can decline)08:17
EriC^^descuidado: if you're on 16.10 you'll have to go to 17.04 then 17.10 then 18.04 lts08:17
descuidado18 lts isnt even out though... is it?08:18
EriC^^yeah it's just an example :)08:18
descuidadoim having a hard time deciding to use lts or non lts08:18
geirha18.04 will be released in month 04 of year 1808:19
EriC^^if you want latest packages and dont mind updating every 6-9months then go for non lts, if you want a solid release good for 5 years use lts, every 2 years you can jump to the next lts if you want08:19
EriC^^fwiw i always fresh install rather than update, ymmv08:20
Butterfly_^ ditto08:21
descuidadoEriC^^: that's what i'd do08:21
descuidadoofc saving my stuff08:21
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BluesKaj'Morning folks08:29
ShadowWarriorSo can I do the same thing with tmux?08:36
ShadowWarriorhey Kartagis08:37
Kartagiswhy am I getting permission errors with rsync when transfering files from centos to ubuntu? I am root on both systems.08:38
guivercKartagis, i have no idea?  are they standard files/dirs, and not devices? (or unusual file-types that aren't really files)08:42
Kartagisthey are standard files, yes08:42
guiverci'd `stat` a file that had the error & hope it provided a clue08:43
Kartagisguiverc: I should probably say that I'm trying to send to /var/cache. I have no problems sending to /home/ubuntu or something08:45
ShriHariLoaded log from Thu Mar 15 11:58:19 201808:46
Kartagisguiverc: https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/2jMClaQtuOjofv7oWCkYqQ/08:47
ShriHarithis place has become inhabitable..08:47
Kartagisstat output08:47
ShriHarinobody talks to each other08:47
bazhangShriHari, did you have a topical ubuntu support issue08:47
bazhangShriHari, this is ubuntu support not chatter08:47
BluesKajShriHari, check the definition of "inhabitable" :-)08:50
guivercKartagis, (sorry for delay; called away) nothing stands out, I'd next check to see if file was busy (`lsof` etc)08:55
guivercKartagis, note: i have no idea if a processing writing to a file would cause a different process (the rsync) to have issues - i'd just test & see (ie. i have no special knowledge)08:57
funabashiHey how do i clean the dns cache?09:01
funabashiok i got it09:03
pcdummyz01d: i run gitlab on ubuntu with nginx as proxy.09:10
Kartagiswhy is syslog 3 hours behind me?09:19
Butterfly_it must be in a different timezone :)09:20
Kartagistell me you're not serious09:20
Butterfly_of course i'm not serious :)09:20
haltHi guys, I'm searching for an event trigger gui for ubuntu, I want to setup things like if connected to a wifi which is not listed on trusted, then dial in VPN, or if office network detected, then turn on printer service, or if vlc lunched then unmute etc etc, something like what Cuttlefish used to be, but as that is currently not available on 17.04 and , and not actively maintained I'm searching for an alternative, I don't mind scripting, but would be g09:21
davithalt, you write a script for that probably.09:22
bazhang17.04 is eol halt09:23
haltbazhang: I'm on 17.10 just the 17.x is the one which had radical changes that's why I wrote 17.04 and up, but not sure how is that relevant, cuttlefish is not available from the ubuntu repo even in 16.04 or before09:27
haltdavit: what kind of source event you would use for a script like that ? I mean for network stuff I have ifup and ifdown but that's pretty specific for networks09:28
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davithalt, i am not an expert in systems development, so i'd just poll the state from my script periodically.09:29
davitmaybe linux signals that event, i haven't done any research on that09:30
davitneed to reboot sorry09:30
davitI have a question, could there be that KDE doesn't respect changes to /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us file?09:34
ubottuCompiz (compositing window manager), for a howto see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/CompositeManager and more help #compiz09:45
davitoh, turns out had to delete /var/lib/xkb/*.xkm files09:46
haltdavit: Gnome user here, but as far as I can tell that is pretty basic dependency check it with "apt-cache rdepends $(dpkg -S /usr/share/X11/xkb/symbols/us)"09:46
_28kbwhy this compiz take more than 50% of CPU... can I turn it off or optimize?09:47
Kartagiswhen I restart nginx, I get nginx.service: Failed to read PID from file /run/nginx.pid: Invalid argument but the pid file is there. why?09:48
davithalt, thanks, haven't used rdepends option before, but how would that lead me to /var/lib/xkb/*.xkm cache files?09:48
haltKartagis:  check your nginx config itself, in that can have a pid location config, that should match the real location, the distro version and the nginx official location of the PID is different I thinkg it's /var/run vs. /run but just double check it that the file exist09:50
Kartagisthe file exists, I checked09:50
Kartagishalt: ^^09:50
haltdavit: directly it would not lead to the cache but at least you can close out the fact that it does not use it09:51
R13oseI am in busybox after I restart but unsure how to fix this.  Any ideas?09:52
EriC^^R13ose: is there a message at the start of the busy box shell?09:53
EriC^^something something .... dropping to busy box09:53
davithalt, turns out it does. It's just it uses sorts of caching and i had to delete them to effect take the place. Found on kde forums.09:53
_28kbi did swapoff in gpated earlier... could this cause system slowdown?09:53
R13oseEriC^^: yes09:54
EriC^^R13ose: what does it say?09:54
_28kbI'll see myself then... swapon-ed swap partition, hope for the best09:55
R13oseEriC^^: I don't remember09:56
EriC^^R13ose: restart and write down what it says or use another pc to get on here09:57
R13ose 09:58
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R13oseEriC^^: I used fsck but only sda5 didn't say no file or directory09:59
haltKartagis: what do you have here "augtool print /files/etc/nginx/nginx.conf/pid" ?10:00
EriC^^R13ose: can you run a smart test on the hdd?10:01
R13oseEriC^^: how?10:02
sanrootwhat's diff. btw apt and apt-get10:04
Ben64apt tries to unify apt-get and apt-cache into one command10:04
Onepamopaguys, m trying to dist-upgrade  wily to xenial, but do-release-upgrade spits some nasty errors10:05
Onepamopaany ideas on how to do this?10:05
Onepamopafailed to fetch, hash sum mismatch10:06
ubottuUbuntu 15.10 (Wily Werewolf) was the 23rd release of Ubuntu. Support ended on July 28th, 2016. See !eol and https://ubottu.com/y/wily10:09
OnepamopaEriC^^, Im aware EOL has passed10:10
EriC^^!eolupgrades | Onepamopa i dont think you can jump straight to xenial but read below10:10
ubottuOnepamopa i dont think you can jump straight to xenial but read below: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades10:10
Onepamopais there a way to dist-upgrade or am I wasting my time>10:10
EriC^^oh nevermind, my bad10:11
EriC^^Onepamopa: there is, check the link on editing sources.list and using do-release-upgrade10:11
OnepamopaEriC^^, yeah reading that now ....10:11
Onepamopathanks :)10:12
EriC^^no problem10:12
kus_should I allow myself to write to /usr/local? or should I use sudo?10:12
kus_I need to run this tar -C /usr/local -xzf go1.10.linux-amd64.tar.gz10:13
adrian_1908kus_: All i can say is that by default you wouldn't have write permissions there and thus use sudo.10:14
kus_ok I will use sudo10:14
adrian_1908kus_: Is this for the Go language?10:14
Ben64you should install it from the repo10:15
R13oseHow do I figure out where the root filesystem is on bootup in grub?10:15
kus_ah I'll delete it10:16
adrian_1908kus_: ubuntu's package is called `golang-1.10` i.e. `sudo apt update && sudo apt install golang-1.10`.10:17
kus_I was going to ask just that golang-1.10/artful-backports,artful-backports 1.10-1ubuntu1~17.10.1 all10:17
haltKartagis: It's a config parser tool http://augeas.net/ pretty handy but I guess you got the same if you do something like "grep ^pid /etc/nginx/nginx.conf" but as I config manager even on a local laptop I trust more augeas then a smart grep / awk / cut magic :)10:19
Kartagishalt: pid /run/nginx.pid;10:21
Kartagiswhich exists10:21
kus_adrian_1908, should I install golang-go or gccgo-go?10:22
kus_I tried to run go --version and it said I have to pick one10:22
adrian_1908kus_: golang-go i would imagine.10:23
adrian_1908kus_: I've never worked with go.10:23
m2_teknixI need to remove "Files" (the file system explorer) from the "dash". Tried editing, even removing, the file /etc/xdg/autostart/nautilus-autostart.desktop, but no success so far10:25
m2_teknixcan someone help??10:26
EriC^^m2_teknix: it should be this one /usr/share/applications/nautilus.desktop10:27
R13oseEriC^^: got this working.10:29
m2_teknixEriC^^: I changed the file from nautilius.dektop to nautilius.desktop_. Would that be suffecient? And how to apply the changes without restarting?10:33
haltKartagis: Permissions on the file and the parent folder ? user which execute the process ? content of the file ? if not empty the status of that process ?10:33
EriC^^m2_teknix: nope it wouldn't, maybe try to mv it or call it nautilus.desktop.backup10:34
EriC^^m2_teknix: oh sorry i misread, yeah that might work10:34
Kartagishalt: permissions are 755 for both, and the user is root10:35
m2_teknixEriC^^: and how to apply\implement the changes. Would they be applied automatically?10:35
Kartagishalt: /run/nginx.pid contains pid10:35
m2_teknixEriC^^: "Files" Icon is still there in the dash. Should I restart?10:36
EriC^^m2_teknix: yeah try restarting10:37
haltKartagis: I *think* the process by default run as the "nginx" user even is the 755 should be enough, I would try to re-own it, but you might want to ask about in #nginx as well10:38
R13oseOpera Browser keeps crashing when I am in Gmail.  How do I fix this?10:42
starfallshi everyone10:43
starfallsanyone there ?10:44
starfallsI'm newbie to Linux10:44
ducasse!ask | starfalls10:45
ubottustarfalls: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience10:45
starfallsis 16.04 is latest version of Ubuntu right now ?10:49
starfallsor 17.1010:50
OlofLstarfalls: 16.04 is latest long term support10:50
OlofL17.10 is latest regular version10:50
starfallsif I want to go to 17.1010:51
starfallsit is just to update ?10:51
starfallsor re install linux version 17.10 ?10:51
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ducassestarfalls: which version are you on now?10:53
starfallsIt is now 16.0410:53
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starfallsI'm abit confuse with version10:53
ducassestarfalls: to upgrade you need to go first to 16.10, then 17.04 and only then to 17.10. a reinstall is simpler and likely faster.10:54
starfallsso that  means 16.04 is abit outdated  ?10:55
Butterfly_18.04 is just a month away10:56
BillD73starfalls: the current supported versions of LTS here are 14.04(released april 2014), 16.04(release April 2016) and 17.10(release Oct 2017)  LTS has a 5 year support life cycle. So 16.04 will reach end of life(end of support in April 2021). 17.10 will reach EOL Oct 2022.10:57
Butterfly_starfalls : those version numbers mean something... 16.04 means... 16 = 2016... .04 = april10:57
ducasseButterfly_: 17.10 will reach eol in june 2018.10:59
ducasseBillD73: ^^10:59
starfallsokay  thank you all10:59
starfallswhat is your advice about version10:59
starfallsshould I go to latest version ?10:59
ducasseif you need to ask, stay on lts10:59
Butterfly_starfalls : i would just wait for 18.04 and then upgrade to that or do a fresh install11:00
starfalls18.04 will be LTS ?11:00
* Butterfly_ prefers and does fresh installs each time11:00
ducassestarfalls: yes11:00
Butterfly_yes starfalls11:00
starfallsThank you guys11:00
Butterfly_starfalls : 14/16/18 are all LTS, 15/17/19 not11:00
BillD73uhh if 17.10 is LTS why would it EOL in 2018?11:01
Butterfly_BillD73 : it's not LTS11:01
popey17.10 isn't LTS11:01
popey12.04, 14.04, 16.04, 18.04 are LTS11:01
Butterfly_even numbers = LTS, uneven = not LTS11:01
BillD73ahh kinda dropped the ball on that one lol11:02
ducasse<even numbers>.04, even11:02
guivercButterfly_, april release of even year = LTS; not all of even numbered year11:02
starfallsany different and capacity between LTS and not LTS ?11:02
guivercstarfalls, difference is support life primarily; non-LTS usually are more modern11:03
guiverc(more modern relating mostly to software included)11:03
JimBuntunon-LTS don't have the track record to qualify as LTS. Either too new, too many disliked changes, too many bugs.11:04
JimBuntuWhat proves good enough, long enough, has the chance to make it into the next LTS11:04
guivercgood point JimBuntu - extra care is taken with LTS to use stable software11:04
starfallsokay  then I 'm satisfy with my 16.04 LTS :D11:06
starfalls_btw , Nice to meet you all11:06
starfalls_greeting from Burma11:06
roryI can create a file /etc/sudoers.d/10-jenkins containing jenkins ALL=(root) NOPASSWD:/bin/systemctl11:09
roryThat will allow jenkins user to run systemctl - but how can I restrict him to only restarting jenkins service?11:09
Harishello all11:16
HarisI have limited space in /boot. I have 12 different kernels present there. Is there a way for me to remove most, leaving 2-3 latest ones ?11:16
Haris..an easy/easier way11:16
HarisI have multiple kernel pkgs installed11:18
BillD73Haris: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RemoveOldKernels11:18
BillD73Haris: I find 2 is typically sufficient  one to fall back too in case one gets hosed11:19
HarisI need mongo latest. what version of ubuntu is good for me in production ?11:19
HarisI'm on xenial demo local-demo11:20
HarisCorrection: right now, I have xenial for local/demo11:20
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BillD73Haris: havent used it but quick google says 16.05 should be jsut fine11:23
BillD73err 16.0411:23
Harisit has mongo 2.611:23
Harisnot 3.x11:23
BillD73damn  I need a keyboard with back lighting on this little laptop lol11:23
BillD73Haris: 2.6 is the included stable mongo for ubuntu 16.04  I couldnt tell you if 3.x is to be included in 18.04 or not11:24
BillD73Haris: you could look through the packages currently in 18.04 or ask around in #ubuntu+111:25
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adrian_1908Haris: https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/mongodb11:27
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BillD73adrian_1908: thx just copied that but they net split lol11:28
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BillD73wait he still here lol11:28
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BillD73Haris: if your curious about packages in 18.04(probable release next month) https://packages.ubuntu.com/bionic/11:30
BillD73you are* pfft11:31
BillD73I think he got it hehe  could thing it was U R lol11:32
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haltthe audience might changed so I fire up my question again from few hours ago11:36
halt I'm searching for an event trigger gui for ubuntu, I want to setup things like if connected to a wifi which is not listed on trusted, then dial in VPN, or if office network detected, then turn on printer service, or if vlc lunched then unmute etc etc, something like what Cuttlefish used to be, but as that is currently not available on 17.10 and, and not actively maintained I'm searching for an alternative, I don't mind scripting, but would be good somet11:37
lesshastewhat is the linux on windows system called?11:41
Butterfly_lesshaste : virtualbox ?11:42
geirhawsl, windows subsystem for linux11:42
lesshastethat's it11:42
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Butterfly_lesshaste : which one did ya need? :)11:44
Butterfly_ah k11:44
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cchaHello I got an problem zith xenial desktop. About virtaulbox The top menus are being cut off. This means that I click on the menus and no menu rolls down, but the menu bar still displays the hovering effect as it should.11:55
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cchasomeone already got this problem?11:58
Butterfly_ccha : not sure if this is a virtualbox issue or not... but you could check out #vbox channel12:00
Butterfly_if it's virtualbox related, they should be able to help, if not, just get back in here :)12:00
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jertoHi all, is there a specific channel to get help on ubuntu server ?12:11
geirhathere's #ubuntu-server12:13
MuriiHi, does anyone know when we're going to be able to use VirtualBox ?12:31
MuriiI heard that starting with 4.10 it doesn't work anymore12:31
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MuriiThe guys from ##linux told me it works for them so it must be something from ubuntu.12:36
terensIs there a way to tell if server or desktop edition is installed?12:36
oxo1o1o1ohow to set the path of python3.6 ,but not remove python3.5 ,ubuntu16.0412:38
EriC^^terens: look into /var/log/installer12:38
vltMurii: Have you tried to use it? Did you get any error message?12:38
oxo1o1o1oI create the virtualenv by mkvirtualenv -p /usr/bin/python3 xxx12:39
vltoxo1o1o1o: I use pyenv but maybe there's something else/easier.12:39
Muriivlt, I set it up and everything but when I wanted to launch the .iso (windows 10) it freezed at boot screen12:40
MuriiI googled and there are lots of people who have this problem on ubuntu and the posts are from this year12:40
oxo1o1o1othank you @vlt12:40
Muriithey say it's related to meltdown bug12:41
BillD73terens: tried this? cat /etc/os-release12:41
GLORYcan someone help me ?12:42
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:42
GLORYoh ok12:42
vltMurii: Can you try something else (another guest system) to narrow down the problem?12:43
Muriinot really12:44
GLORYdo linux is good for hacking ?12:45
Muriivlt, I can look for logs tho12:45
adrian_1908GLORY: yes, many use it for that, even ubuntu.12:45
BillD73GLORY: not a support issue12:46
guivercGLORY, this is for Ubuntu Support; your question didn't relate to Ubuntu.12:46
ubottu#ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!12:46
GLORYI heard that edward snowden use linux so yes ty12:46
vltGLORY: It's perfectly fine. The tools you might want to install and learn first are git and a good editor (like vim).12:47
Cheezdoes anyone know OTOH when 16.04 goes out of support?12:48
guivercCheez, 16.04 = 2016.April release + 5 years = (you do the math!)12:48
terensBillD73, it doesnt mention server12:48
guivercCheez, my answer was not intended to offend, it was to help you realize the naming scheme (year.month) making such questions real easy12:49
CheezOh i didnt take offense, i thought you were just giving me the answer lol. It wasn't until you clarified that i realised 16.04 was a date :)12:50
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1736116 in virtualbox-guest-additions-iso (Ubuntu Artful) "[SRU] Host with kernel 4.13 freezes when starting a VM with VirtualBox" [High,Fix committed]12:50
Cheezthanks guiverc :)12:51
guivercmost welcome :)12:51
ubottushockwave is currently only available for Windows. To run it under !Wine, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Shockwave12:57
jk^i have a problem with a plug in chromium12:57
jk^Plug-in not supprted12:57
jk^if i right-click it tells me: "application x/shockwave/flash12:58
ubottuPlease don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience12:59
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/12:59
adrian_1908jk^: have you installed it?13:00
jk^adrian_1908, ? what?13:00
adrian_1908jk^: flash13:00
jk^i don't know :|13:01
jk^which package?13:01
adrian_1908jk^: You say Chromium. try installing the flashplugin-installer package.13:02
jk^i found it in the package manager, in its checkbox there is a upward arrow, what means?13:04
pragmaticenigmaupdate available13:04
pragmaticenigma!ask | giaco13:04
ubottugiaco: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience13:04
giacohow can I install a i386 package from apt on a x64 while preventing it from installing each following packages in both architectures? I just want to install a single package and it's dependancies13:05
geniigiaco: (sudo) apt-get install whatever:i38613:05
pragmaticenigmagiaco, those additional packages are dependencies... they wouldn't be installed for any other reason13:06
giacopragmaticenigma: false, it does install both architectures for every following apt-get13:06
adrian_1908jk^: if it's already installed, then I don't know what else to suggest. In Firefox one is usually asked to enable flash on a per-site/widget basis -- it's disabled by default.13:07
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pragmaticenigmagiaco, it's not false. those packages were flagged as dependencies by the package maintainers. whether those packages are required for operation of the software is a different matter, and may be the matter of opinion. The package manager is designed to reduce dependency hell, sometimes it's configured to be over cautious, but someone determined those were necassary to install the requested package13:08
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giacopragmaticenigma: I can give you an example. I added i386 arch to install steam on x64, afterward I had to switch from noveau to official nvidia driver but apt installed both architectures by default13:10
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pragmaticenigmagiaco, the fact that it's in both should be enough to tell you that you didn't need to enable the i386 packages repository. the x64 repository carries 32bit software if no 64bit version is currently available13:12
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RobertPlummerI'm running ubuntu 17.10 on a lenovo yoga 3 11, when I close laptop lid, and open later, the network is unresponsive.  I cannot restart the networking, and I cannot shutdown the computer because it is hanging on processes I'm assuming are related to networking.  I've tried restarting the network manager, but it hangs.  Does anyone know if this is a reported issue or if there is a fix?13:21
pragmaticenigmaRobertPlummer, take a look at this article, it offers some troubleshooting tips for laptops and powersaving https://askubuntu.com/questions/970501/cant-use-ubuntu-after-opening-laptop-lid13:23
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pragmaticenigmaRobertPlummer, even if you are not running Xubuntu, the same applies in Ubuntu13:24
RobertPlummerpragmaticenigma: ty for finding and posting13:25
RobertPlummerThe laptop is perfectly responsive in my case, just no networking13:25
RobertPlummerDoes anyone know if there is settings to simply turn off the screen when laptop lid is closed?13:26
RobertPlummerI think I'd much rather that13:26
pragmaticenigmaRobertPlummer, the issue isn't responsiveness... it's that the lid triggers a power save event for the entire laptop. By changing what happens to when the lid is closed, you avoid the trigger that power saves other components13:26
pragmaticenigmaRobertPlummer: that power save event affects the screen, networking, usb, harddrive and other attached and internal devices. When you turn off the action when the lid closes, it won't set the powersave state for all the other devices, including networking13:27
RobertPlummerpragmaticenigma: ok13:28
RobertPlummerI found https://askubuntu.com/questions/15520/how-can-i-tell-ubuntu-to-do-nothing-when-i-close-my-laptop-lid, I think this is acceptable13:28
pragmaticenigmaRobertPlummer: What you're experiencing is the laptop entering a power save state the networking hardware may not support, or isn't implemented quite right for your configuration13:28
RobertPlummerit is a low power latop, and battery lasts like 5 hours with screen on13:28
RobertPlummerI think simply turning the screen off is perfectly acceptable13:29
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pragmaticenigmaMe too RobertPlummer13:29
akikRobertPlummer: the setting for what to do when you close the lid is somewhere in your power settings. i have it in kde13:30
RobertPlummeranyone know what the defacto power manager is in gnome?13:32
pragmaticenigmaRobertPlummer: if you are running ubuntu , it's in your system settings. Since I don't have a laptop, I'm not sure if the setting your looking forward is under "power" or if you might have to configure a different setting in a config file13:34
ioriaRobertPlummer, if you don't find it in Settings, install    gnome-tweak-tool13:34
pragmaticenigmaioria, Do not recommend unsupported tools... gnome-tweak-tool is known to cause problems13:34
ioria!info gnome-tweak-tool13:34
ubottugnome-tweak-tool (source: gnome-tweak-tool): tool to adjust advanced configuration settings for GNOME. In component universe, is optional. Version (artful), package size 200 kB, installed size 1170 kB13:35
pragmaticenigmaioria, it's still not recommended13:35
ioriapragmaticenigma, got a link or something ?13:35
RobertPlummerioria: and I already have that installed....  nice13:36
RobertPlummerclicks "twaeks", "power", "suspend when laptop lid is close: off"13:37
ioriaRobertPlummer, something like that, yes13:37
RobertPlummerwe are in business!13:38
ioriaRobertPlummer, goody13:38
RobertPlummeryou guys rock, ty ty ty13:38
RobertPlummerhave a good day!13:38
ioriabie bie13:39
pragmaticenigmaI may have confused gnome-tweak-tool with Unity-tweak-tool13:41
ioriaRobertPlummer, one for gnome, one for unity13:41
ioriapragmaticenigma, ^13:42
pragmaticenigmayes... I saw... I know unity-tweak-tool had lots of bugs in it and often was resposible for corrupting unity's configuration files13:42
pragmaticenigmaI saw tweak tools and forgot there were two of them13:43
ProfMac_in Gedit, can I shift an entire block of selected text left or right?13:56
dirci switch from unity to i3 (16.04 LTS) so i can't use mouse locator that works in unity.13:58
dircis there any recommendation mouse locator that independent of DE?13:59
JimBuntuProfMac_, you can indent selected blocks with TAB, I am not sure about a reduce indentation option. Check out Sublime text editor, notepadqq, etc13:59
geirhashift+tab should reduce indent14:00
ezioduring installation, if you set an http proxy server, how do you unset it after installation?14:00
dserodiodebconf froze while updating grub, and I had to kill it. I tried to `dpkg-reconfigure shim-signed` (the package that was being configured when debconf froze), but the config file is locked. I'm afraid my system will be left in an unbootable state. What should I do?14:04
EriC^^dserodio: what about 'sudo dpkg --configure -a' ?14:06
dserodioEriC^^: dpkg: error: dpkg status database is locked by another process14:06
ProfMac_Thanks, JimBuntu.  I just tested it and it works for me.  A thought just occured to me, :-), how do I move a block left?14:06
EriC^^dserodio: make a copy of the status file, remove the lock file, then run dpkg --configure -a again?14:07
dserodioEriC^^: which process should I kill? https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/BGQ5jJ4K6C/14:07
EriC^^dserodio: 978814:08
dserodioEriC^^: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/SqvWQy4KNP/14:10
adrian_1908dserodio: the output of which command is that, with the application tree?14:10
dserodioEriC^^: should I kill the `frontend` process too? Which file should I backup?14:11
dserodioadrian_1908: `ps auxf`14:11
adrian_1908thx, didn't know it could do that.14:11
The8chanMan8chan power14:18
The8chanMan8chan folks are master race14:18
PiciThe8chanMan: thats enough14:19
The8chanManAre you a mod14:19
ProfMac_Does it matter?14:19
The8chanManIf ur a mod then ill stfu14:19
The8chanManIf not then ill lol14:20
learningcI have an issue. I execute a script in the .desktop launcher. The script will source a file that contains some export variables then run my application. The problem is, the export variables don't appear to my application.  How can I resolve this?14:20
The8chanManStfu nerd14:20
tmwsiyIt seems that the most recent update for samba has broken my install. All looks well with testparm and in the logs when the service starts but 139 and 445 are never opened. running netstat -tulpn | egrep "samba|smbd|nmbd|winbind" only shows 137 and 138 open14:41
oxo1o1o1ohow to upgrade pip from 8.1.1 to 9.0.114:41
oxo1o1o1oYou are using pip version 8.1.1, however version 9.0.1 is available. You should consider upgrading via the 'pip install --upgrade pip' command14:42
oxo1o1o1obut it 's wrong14:42
adrian_1908oxo1o1o1o: what happens when you try? Does the following order work: `pip install pip --upgrade` ?14:45
oxo1o1o1oyes ,but after I do it ,It shows the same message14:46
adrian_1908oxo1o1o1o: so `pip --version` outputs that it's 8.1 and not 9.0.1?14:47
oxo1o1o1opip 8.1.1 from /usr/lib/python2.7/dist-packages (python 2.7)14:47
ossedid you sudo pip install --upgrade pip?14:48
adrian_1908oxo1o1o1o: how did you install pip originally? Via the package manager? And which Ubuntu version are you using?14:48
adrian_1908right, sudo would likely be needed.14:48
oxo1o1o1oubuntu16.04 sudo apt-get install python-pip14:48
ossemaybe you have one "global" (for lack of a better word) pip, and one somewhere else for your user only.14:48
adrian_1908pip without extra qualifiers should be the "global" pip.14:49
TJ-oxo1o1o1o: try "which -a pip"14:49
oxo1o1o1oI set local python 3.6.4 by pyenv14:51
pavlostmwsiy: are you running nmbd ? (ps -ef | grep mbd)14:52
adrian_1908oxo1o1o1o: there's 'pip3' btw, just so you know.14:52
oxo1o1o1oubuntu   28200 18285  0 22:52 pts/2    00:00:00 grep --color=auto mbd14:52
ubottuUbuntu bug 28200 in linux (Ubuntu) "ide-generic freezes installation" [Undecided,Won't fix] https://launchpad.net/bugs/2820014:52
oxo1o1o1othank you @adrian_1980 @ubottu @pavlos14:56
adrian_1908oxo1o1o1o: Did it work? I don't know how safe it is to upgrade pip beyond your disto's version, given that you have installed it via the package manager. You could try again with "sudo" as osse suggested.14:57
oxo1o1o1o sudo pip install --upgrade pip The directory '/home/ubuntu/.cache/pip/http' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and the cache has been disabled. Please check the permissions and owner of that directory. If executing pip with sudo, you may want sudo's -H flag. The directory '/home/ubuntu/.cache/pip' or its parent directory is not owned by the current user and caching wheels has been disabled. check the permissions and owner of that 15:01
oxo1o1o1osorry ,I forgot the tool to paste the code15:01
oxo1o1o1oIt works to download the pip-9.0.1,but not install15:02
adrian_1908no idea then, sorry. I guess you could just ignore the message. I reckon you won't be using pip too frequently.15:03
adrian_1908on later ubuntu versions, the pip package is at 9.0.115:04
oxo1o1o1othe pip3 is 9.0.115:05
oxo1o1o1opip 9.0.1 from /home/ubuntu/.local/lib/python3.5/site-packages (python 3.5)15:05
leftyfbrdispatch5: can we help you?15:13
nicomachusyes, 5 please15:15
=== jfwneud is now known as jfwneu
subdtrying to figure out how to copy text using only the keyboard -- ubuntu 16.4 -15:20
nicomachusI'm a bit confused about how a PPA/repo conflict is handled. I originally installed good ol' regular, stable firefox from the repos but added the firefox-next PPA for the beta build when they introduced CSDs in 59.0 (beta). 59 is now in stable but without CSDs, and 60.0 is in beta. I still have the firefox-next PPA installed, but my current version is still 59.0 and seems to have reverted to stable. Do15:21
nicomachusI need to remove the stable repo to force it to update to the firefox-next ppa version of beta?15:21
akiksubd: screen has functionality for that. ctrl+a [ and ctrl+a ] (copy and paste respectively)15:22
Thewiseonecan somebody help with a c code15:22
leftyfbThewiseone: that is beyond the scope of this support channel. You might try #c or ask in #freenode for a more appropriate channel15:23
adrian_1908Thewiseone: ##C15:23
nicomachus!alis > Thewiseone you can also use alis to search for an appropriate channel15:23
ubottuThewiseone, please see my private message15:23
leftyfbnicomachus: maybe apt-cache policy firefox to see if 60 is actually available in that repo15:24
subdcould the person who answered me possibly private message me please15:24
lordcirth_worksubd, Ctrl-C (aka ^C) and ^V work.  On a terminal, Ctrl-Shift-C and V are needed because they are already taken15:24
leftyfbsubd: please keep support conversations in channel and not in PM.15:24
nicomachusleftyfb: just 59. 60 should only be available from the PPA15:24
nicomachus45 is also available for some reason.15:25
leftyfbnicomachus: then 60 is not available in the PPA if you have the PPA enabled, ran apt update and you don't see it in apt-cache policy15:25
iorianicomachus, are you sure 60 is already available by ppa ?15:25
nicomachusleftyfb: actually, you're right. the PPA is listed here too with install candidate being 59.0~b.14+build1-0ubuntu0.16.04.115:26
nicomachusso the PPA hasn't been updated....15:26
leftyfbthen that is the latest available in that PP15:26
nicomachusleftyfb: interesting.... thanks.15:26
yaccnicomachus, old firefox versions might be available because of Selenium, which is choosy about the versions of firefox it's willing to control15:27
nicomachus45 is OLD though. but that's off-topic so oh well.15:28
iorianicomachus, if you want to test 60 : https://www.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/channel/desktop/15:29
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nicomachusioria: installing from a tar seems messy, since I already ahve 2 sources for firefox packages as is. but I'll give it a shot anyway.15:30
jfwneuif you have to support PHP, is it better to use some other distribution? there's a denial of service bug with a 2-line fix that's been out for 3 weeks but php5 and php7 still haven't been updated. https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-security/cve/2018/CVE-2018-7584.html15:30
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iorianicomachus, it's a tar , yes, but i'am sure it contains a binary15:31
naccjfwneu: LP: #1744148, it's in progress15:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1744148 in php7.0 (Ubuntu Xenial) "[MRE] Please update to latest upstream release 7.0.28 / 7.1.15 / 7.2.3" [Wishlist,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174414815:33
naccjfwneu: there was some miscommunication on my part for the 7.0 issue15:34
naccjfwneu: dunno about php5, but i can flag it up15:34
jfwneunacc: that would be appreciated, thanks!15:37
naccjfwneu: done, security team will update php5 too (php7 has a MicroRelease Exception, where we can just update to the latest upstream, while php5 does not)15:38
airkingHow can I view the .bash_history of the mysql user?15:42
lordcirth_workairking, "less ~mysql/.bash_history" but they may not have a home directory at all15:43
naccwhy would your mysql user have a bash history15:44
nacc no one should be logging or using the shell as that user15:45
TJ-nacc: ignore it - it is someone who's Debian host on DO was compromised15:45
naccTJ-: ah :)15:45
TJ-nacc: he thought that there was someone typing interactive commands :p15:45
TJ-DO flagged it because it was attacking Sony hosts who had blocked the IP address15:46
prophecy04I would like to find someone who is very experienced with the kernel of ubuntu15:46
JimBuntuprophecy04, have you tried #ubuntu-kernel ?15:47
nicomachusprophecy04: you're in luck! #ubuntu-kernel is a great place for that.15:47
TJ-prophecy04: what do you need? we have a channel devoted to the Ubuntu kernel development itself, but that doesn't deal with general questions15:47
deadromsetup an SSD in a Thinkpad (intel cpu, intel gpu, intel chipset). transplanted ssd into amd FM2 system, amd chipset, AMD HD 7480D on-chip gpu. system about 4 years old. boot loop.15:48
deadromrescue mode, network, manually startx: session starts. why not on regular boot?15:49
TJ-deadrom: so not a boot issue, but a user-space GUI issue?15:49
deadromTJ-, not sure, can't find logs to narrow down at which point it really reboots15:49
TJ-deadrom: presumably it'll start without the GUI, with 'systemd.unit=multi-user.target' on the kernel command line15:50
deadromXorg.0.log is clean15:50
TJ-deadrom: which Ubuntu release is it? 17.10 may be using Gnome/Wayland session, not Xorg15:50
deadrom16.04 LTS15:50
TJ-deadrom: Id' start without the GUI, with 'systemd.unit=multi-user.target' on the kernel command line added from the GRUB boot menu, then you can manually try starting the GUI with 'sudo systemctl start lightdm.service' and if it fails without restarting the PC, check logs15:52
prophecy04is there a hidden money debit bank in the operating system that might actually have a balance?15:52
deadromhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YqqcKvHnh7/  <-- lsmod. please have a look: no radeon, no ati.15:52
ioriadeadrom,   cat /proc/cmdline15:52
deadromI wonder what graphics driver I'm on in this jury rig15:53
deadromioria, BOOT_IMAGE=/vmlinuz-4.13.0-37-generic root=UUID=94889a47-16db-464f-bde9-2820558cc151 ro recovery nomodeset15:53
ioriadeadrom, nomodeset15:53
deadromioria, elaborate please15:53
ioriadeadrom, that's normal in Recovery15:53
TJ-ioria: that's standard for 'recovery' though15:54
ioriai know15:54
TJ-deadrom: as I said, reboot using the multi-user.target' so everything is the same as a GUI start, without the GUI :)15:54
ioriadeadrom, the reason you don't see anything radeon related in lsmod (it's not loaded)15:55
cristian_cI've installed dropbpx in 16.04 and I've noticed there is not dropbox indicator/applet on panel. In place of that, there is a kind of placeholder / fake icon, but it doesn not show either tooltips if hovered or menu if left/right clicked15:55
cristian_cit's odd, this behaviour didn't happen in previous releases15:56
cristian_cAny ideas?15:56
deadromioria, I cannot manually load it either. that's a tad weird. 16.04 might be 2 years old, but the gpu is 4 years, so I guess radeonhd should tackle it.15:57
deadromTJ-, I heard you, try that in a moment15:57
deadromfglrx is not in the dist anymore since 16.04, right?15:57
cristian_c(unfortunately, this way I can't know if something is syncing at a given time)15:57
ioriadeadrom,  yes15:57
ioriadeadrom,  try TJ- suggestion15:58
deadrominsmod /lib/modules/4.13.0-37-generic/kernel/drivers/gpu/drm/radeon/radeon.ko15:58
deadrommodprobe: ERROR: could not insert 'radeon': Invalid argument15:58
deadromthat's from "modprobe radeon"15:58
deadromthe 7480D *is* a bit of a special snowflake, rather rare cheap-o chip15:59
chatchatti have a onboard rtl8101 chipset network adapter, which stopped working with recent kernels. known issue? lshw just lists it as unclaimed then. older kernels are ok.16:01
prophecy04TJ, is the kernel of linux a man in the machine to where it is possible to speak to?16:05
deadromchatchatt, needs recent firmware probably. growing pest with realtek.16:06
deadromprophecy04, quit drinking16:07
prophecy04deadrom, I don't drink.16:08
prophecy04I saw an old article on getting a linux debit card.  Can that work with your system?16:11
naccprecise: this is the ubuntu support channel, please stay on topic16:15
tgm4883prophecy04: ^16:16
naccprecise: sorry, prophecy04 was the intended person --^16:16
naccmistab! :)16:16
Boyettei have an issue with torrenting and vpn... which channel do i go?16:16
adrian_1908Boyette: maybe ##networking ? Or try here if you think it's Ubuntu specific, I don't know.16:18
Boyettei dont think its ubuntu specific16:18
Boyettei think its related to the VPN or Torrentclient16:18
prophecy04does anyone know if the kernel to the system carries a personal banking account?16:18
naccprophecy04: please stop, this is not an ubuntu support topic, and you seem to be trolling.16:18
sphrakhey, if I installed ubuntu with an EFI partition.. and switched hardware. Can I remove the EFI partition and still make the system bootable without reinstalling?16:19
deadromTJ-, added systemd.unit=multi-user.target to grub line, removed "ro", same result, boot loop16:19
deadromthe really weird thing is when I pop the disk back into the thinkpad it works a charm.16:20
adrian_1908Boyette: I'd suggest you solve one problem at a time. Does the VPN work aside from torrenting?16:20
bhanzHow can we determine  if server has SAN boot ?16:20
Boyetteyes adrian VPN works fine16:21
Boyettewith and without torrenting it works16:21
Boyettebut when torrenting i can also see my original IP in the peerlist like its leaking16:22
mojtabaHello, I can ssh to my system, but I want to open a web browser that is installed in that system. I know that I have to use -Y, but I am not sure what to do with DISPLAY variable. Should I do any configuration on the remote machine, beside using the -Y key?16:23
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
ioriadeadrom, so, boot normally (not in recovery), open a console ctrl+alt+f1 and check dmesg16:28
mojtabaHello, I can ssh to my system, but I want to open a web browser that is installed in that system. I know that I have to use -Y, but I am not sure what to do with DISPLAY variable. Should I do any configuration on the remote machine, beside using the -Y key?16:29
pavlosmojtaba: usually not, test first by running xclock. If it displays, your X env is ok and you can run your browser16:30
JimBuntumojtaba,I presume you want the browser to open up in your local display, not at the remote location... is that correct?16:30
prophecy04ok, I finally figured out how to register myself16:30
mojtabaJimBuntu: ok16:30
namratahi, I'm currently working on the issue: Bug 1141118 as my first contribution. However, I'm unable to locate the file: https://hg.mozilla.org/mozilla-central/file/eab4a81e4457/testing/marionette/client/marionette/runner/base.py#l848. I followed the steps in the user story to build mozilla central and firefox. Can someone please help me?16:31
ubottuError: Launchpad bug 1141118 could not be found16:31
namratalink to the issue: https://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=114111816:31
ubottuMozilla bug 1141118 in Marionette "With --shuffle option used the actual seed should be logged before the tests are run" [Normal,Reopened]16:31
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
namrataI'm sorry I have posted in the wrong channel.16:33
pragmaticenigmagood bye?16:35
deadromioria, can't, reboots before I get anywhere. we decided to ditch the machine altogether. easier :)16:39
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
naccprophecy04: please don't PM16:46
david_____hola instale lubuntu y me gustaria saber como proyectar la pantalla16:47
ubottuEn la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:48
prophecy04nacc, ok, sorry16:48
pragmaticenigma!es | david_____16:48
ubottudavid_____: En la mayoría de los canales de Ubuntu, se habla sólo en inglés. Si busca ayuda en español entre al canal #ubuntu-es; escriba " /join #ubuntu-es " (sin comillas) y presione intro.16:48
cristian_cok, then another question16:49
pragmaticenigma!ask | cristian_c16:49
ubottucristian_c: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience16:49
cristian_cI'd like to pair a bluetooth controller, but every time I try to pair I was requested a PIN code, but it's totally non-sense because the game controllr has not number keys16:51
cristian_cI've tried also by bluetoothctl16:52
cristian_cAny ideas?16:52
cristian_cImean: how could I make pairing without pin code request?16:53
kostkoncristian_c, tried typing 0000 using your keyboard?16:55
pragmaticenigmacristian_c, Usually you are asked to enter a code in the computer. Not the device16:55
cristian_ckostkon: do you mean pc keyboard?16:55
kostkoncristian_c, ^16:56
cimmerian38whats up16:56
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: usually, ubuntu throws a notification requesting to type a pin on the device16:56
kostkoncimmerian38, hi16:56
cristian_ckostkon: btw, I've tried to enter pin on pc keyboard16:57
cimmerian38hi iuve got a qestion im using xubuntu right now did you know best player for xubuntu for movies16:57
ubottuA general introduction to the ways software can be installed, removed and managed in Ubuntu can be found at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/SoftwareManagement - See also !Packages, !Equivalents16:57
cristian_ckostkon: any other ideas?16:58
kostkoncristian_c, so you tried to type the pin and what happened16:59
pragmaticenigmacimmerian38, There is not best player. Each person has their own preference on what they find works best for them. There are many to choose from, you should explorer and find the one you like best.16:59
cristian_ckostkon: I contunue to see pin code request in notifications16:59
cristian_ckostkon: it expects I type pin code on device, inatead16:59
kostkoncristian_c, does it say so?17:00
cristian_cno, it repeats to requests pin code17:00
kostkoncristian_c, Ubuntu expects you to type a pin on the device?17:00
kostkoncristian_c, which pin are you using17:00
cristian_cuntil the controller stops blinking and exits pairing mode17:00
pragmaticenigmakostkon, it's possible the default code on the controller is not 0000...17:01
cristian_ckostkon: it seems the pin code is genratee randomly, because it changes every time17:01
kostkonpragmaticenigma, probably17:01
kostkoncristian_c, oh now i get what's happening ok17:01
pragmaticenigmacristian_c, you will need to look up the manual for the controller and see what it says about linking the device to a computer. While the instructions might be for another OS, they will help you and us figure out what's going on. It may also have the PIN code to complete the pairing process17:02
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: yeah, btw I couldn't type either 0000 or whatever number on the device since the gsme controller has not number keys17:02
kostkoncristian_c, so Ubuntu is giving you a random pin to type on the device in order for the pairing to proceed17:03
cristian_cpragmaticenigma: yeah, the manuak is so poor but it doesn't talk about pin requests. I cpuld try on windows 10 and that os doesn'tmrequest pin code17:03
cristian_cso, that request seems not made by fabric17:04
cristian_ckostkon: exactly17:04
cristian_cit seems a bit challenging. I don't know because bluez has got this behaviour17:06
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kostkoncristian_c, you could post some screenshots. also did you try just randomly pressing all the controller's buttons when Ubuntu is showing you the pin to enter?17:07
merpnderpWhat's the best package to automatically install security updates?17:07
merpnderpThis it? https://help.ubuntu.com/lts/serverguide/automatic-updates.html17:08
cristian_ckostkon: unfortunately, I've already tried, no success17:08
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
kostkoncristian_c, does Ubuntu give you a confirm button to press? according to this it should https://help.ubuntu.com/stable/ubuntu-help/bluetooth-connect-device.html17:09
JimBuntumerpnderp, That's the default and most official/supported way, yes.17:09
cristian_ckostkon: I could pastebin bluetoothctl commandline if you want, in order to provide better info17:09
merpnderpJimBuntu: sweet, thanks :)17:09
cristian_ckostkon: unfortuantely not, but I could make a screenshot of pin request notification17:10
TJ-cristian_c: you've hit a common issue; I only just looked, what is the exact device? I know of workarounds for several issues like that17:10
cristian_cTJ-: yeah, it's a common game controller, usually called T317:11
merpnderpJimBuntu: oh wow, looks like that package comes installed default17:11
cristian_cbut it has other names, I suppose17:11
JimBuntumerpnderp, Now make sure it's set up the way you want... all upgrade or security only/etc.17:11
cristian_c(it appears well built and responsive in windows 10)17:11
TJ-cristian_c: can you pastebin a log of the bluetoothctl session when you try to pair (use bluetoothctl as the agent, not the GUI)17:12
TJ-cristian_c: e.g. use "agent KeyboardDisplay" and "default-agent"  then "scan on"17:12
prophecy04I get a failed on the Automatic USB/Bluetooth printer setup service, and I was wondering if it could be because of my firewall17:13
prophecy04I block it all17:13
TJ-cristian_c: when the T3 appears do "connect AA:BB:..."17:13
cristian_cTJ-: btw, I tried also KeybosrdDisplay as explained in a retrpie thread, but no success. Nevertheless I'll pastebin all the requested stuff17:13
TJ-cristian_c: great, I just want to be sure I know exactly what is being seen and reported, otherwise my advice might be nonsense17:14
cristian_cTJ-: ah, sorry, when I type agent KeyboardDisplay I don't type default-agwnt too17:14
cristian_c) thought default-agent was YesNoDisplay17:14
TJ-cristian_c: issuing that without an argument defaults to Yes17:15
cristian_cso, Ill tty also default-agent after agent name_of_capability17:15
TJ-cristian_c: yes, and use KeyboardDisplay so the internal agent handles it17:16
qwerkushello, quick question: since the last update, my 16.04 ubuntu desktop resets display settings after every reboot, and even after going into screensaver mode. How can I keep the settings ?17:23
lotuspsychjeqwerkus: is your system up to date? wich graphics card chipset do you have with wich driver loaded?17:25
qwerkuslotuspsychje: did an update yesterday. Nvidia 384.11117:26
lotuspsychjeqwerkus: did you add ppa for that driver?17:30
memo1hi, iam capturing video from a cctv camera using ffmpeg. But, how i manage to overwrite the videos once the harddisk is full?17:31
lotuspsychjememo1: perhaps the #ffmpeg channel might know that one17:31
qwerkuslotuspsychje: http://ppa.launchpad.net/graphics-drivers/ppa/ubuntu17:32
FuchsI'd just set up a cron job to peridically remove old ones, tbh17:32
memo1lotuspsychje: on freenode?17:32
lotuspsychjeqwerkus: can you try switch driver perhaps, see your available with ubuntu-drivers list17:32
lordcirth_workmemo1, just have whatever script rotate the file every day or something, and delete olds17:33
memo1lordcirth_work: any ideas how to do it?,17:33
lordcirth_workmemo1, well, what are you doing now?  You have some script that runs in the background, presumably started on boot, that records it?17:34
qwerkuslotuspsychje: hmmm - I would rather avoid having to test graphics drivers; it's always a mess. You sure my problem is related to the driver ?17:34
memo1lordcirth_work: yes, im capturing on realtime video.  The scripts start on boot.  The disk is not full yet, but i want to be ready for that17:35
lordcirth_workmemo1, ok, and are you rotating to a new file now and then?  That's the best way.  eg every 24 hours you close the current file and open a new one17:35
lordcirth_workmemo1, then you can just do something like: find * -mtime +30 -delete17:36
lotuspsychjeqwerkus: check your syslog to see whats happening17:36
lordcirth_workMake sure to carefully test without -delete, of course!17:36
Ice-CoffeeHas anyone here installed ors and turtlebot successfully on Ubuntu 16lts? Please help17:37
qwerkusxlog shows strange things: NVIDIA(GPU-0): DFP-1: disconnected17:38
qwerkusand than reconnects to the dell monitor17:38
memo1lordcirth_work: im saving video on mp4 "containers" every 10 minutes.  Every file size is about 250MBytes.17:39
lordcirth_workIce-Coffee, don't ask poll questions, say what your problem is17:39
lordcirth_workmemo1, excellent.  So all you have to do is make a cron job that runs every day and deletes any file in that folder older than X.17:40
memo1lordcirth_work: lordcirth_work i format the name of the mp4 files dauphine-%Y%m%d-%H%M%S.mp417:40
lordcirth_workIf you want to only run that when the disk is full, you could do that too I guess17:41
memo1lordcirth_work: how i do that, sorry the question.17:41
memo1lordcirth_work: older that a mont for example17:41
memo1lordcirth_work: older than a month17:41
lordcirth_work"find /my/dir/* -mtime +30" will match any file with a 30day+ old mod time17:41
lordcirth_workTo put it in cron, you'll need to specify /usr/bin/find, actually17:42
lordcirth_workOnce you've tested that it's working properly, add -delete to delete those files instead of just listing them17:43
qwerkusok, working my way through the driver options17:43
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pragmaticenigma!anyone | Ice-Coffee17:45
pragmaticenigma!ask | Ice-Coffee17:46
ubottuIce-Coffee: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:46
memo1lordcirth_work: thank you17:46
ubottuDon't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/17:46
lordcirth_workmemo1, no problem!  Generally there is a tool for everything :)17:46
cristian_cTJ-: https://pastebib.com/rr83ushZ17:47
cristian_csorry, wrong url17:47
cristian_cTJ-: https://pastebin.com/rr83ushZ17:47
Ice-Coffeeubottu: pragtam. and lord... thanks for letting me know. I am triny the installation process again before I reachout for help.17:49
ubottuIce-Coffee: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)17:49
cristian_cTJ-: after that, I've experiences a strange behaviour by bluez17:49
cristian_cafter those commands, ?ve opened gui and I managed to connect the gamepad /but not paired)17:49
KalElI am creating a backup script. I want to run every day, or when the computer wakes up if a backup was missed. How do I do that? Does crontab have options?17:49
pragmaticenigmaIce-Coffee: please use full usernames. Many IRC clients highlight the text to let the intended recipient know they have a message17:50
TJ-cristian_c: as an aside "Failed to connect: org.bluez.Error.InProgress" indicates there's another admin client trying to handle it, have you got Blueman installed/active, or some other GUI BT manager?17:50
cristian_cwhen I tried to enable hid funtion from bluet0oth manager, a dialog with a text field appeared17:50
memo1lordcirth_work: it defines the file date for the name or attributes?, is i want to order by names?17:50
Ice-Coffeepragmaticenigma: thanks for letting me know. I'll use full usernames.17:50
pragmaticenigmaThanks Ice-Coffee  ;-)17:51
lordcirth_workmemo1, the mtime is the time that the file was last opened for writing.  So it will work regardless of naming scheme17:51
cristian_cTJ-: I've ipened blueman after those commands, not bef0re17:51
lordcirth_workmemo1, though naming these files by date is still a good idea17:51
cristian_csine bluetoothctl had failed17:51
memo1lordcirth_work: ok17:53
kostkon!tab | Ice-Coffee17:53
ubottuIce-Coffee: You can use your <tab> key for autocompletion of nicknames in IRC, as well as for completion of filenames and programs on the command line.17:53
cristian_cbtw, led on the controller works but keypresses don't work if the device is not paired. Ten minutes ago, I've tried also in 16.04 without bluetootctl but just only GUI and no pin request, but again it connects but it doesn't pair. And then keypresses don't work17:53
cristian_cso, I'll try in 17.10  again by bluetoothctl, step by step17:54
TJ-cristian_c: OK, well, the most important part is this: "Device DE:9B:22:80:63:25 LegacyPairing: yes" - if it only supports LegacyPairing blueze broken that a long time ago - it hit be around Ubuntu 15.10 time, I eventually found workarounds for devices that have PIN entry capability, but not had a device with a default PIN so far like you have.17:55
prophecy04How to block the network entirely with Uncomplicated Firewall: sudo ufw reject proto any from any to any17:55
prophecy04also blocks broadcast I think17:56
cristian_cTJ-: ok, so, do I try again being sure blueman daemon is not open?17:56
TJ-cristian_c: The issue is, I think, the order in which the devices try to do the authentication. For my (keyboard) devices I found it only worked if I started the auth by typing blindly on the keyboard first, then replicating that code via bluetoothctl PINentry ***ignoring the code suggested by bluez ***17:56
pragmaticenigmaprophecy04, unplug the ethernet cable and/or turn off wifi? Wouldn't that be faster17:56
TJ-cristian_c: so, I'm wondering if you can create the same scenario by pressing one of the game controlley keys and then typing 0000 in the PINentry (assuming 000 is the controllers default code)17:57
TJ-cristian_c: adjust my typos!17:57
pragmaticenigmaprophecy04, in otherwords, could you describe to us what you're attempting to do so we may better understand a proper answer to your question?17:57
cristian_cif I use bluetootctl, text pin field does not appear, but it just appears when I try to enable hid function  in blueman (after connected)17:58
cristian_cso, I've to guess the order of steps to execute17:59
prophecy04pragmaticenigma, what question are you referring to?18:00
mr1412how are you18:01
TJ-cristian_c: possibly yes, and once connected, set it to paired and trusted and it'll continue to work18:01
craigbass76What's the command to restart pulse? I've done a systemctl list-unit-files | grep uls just to see what the name might be. Nothing.18:01
TJ-cristian_c: you could try issuing the 'pair' command from bluetoothctl18:01
mr1412what your name18:01
pragmaticenigmaprophecy04, you asked about blocking all network activity18:02
cristian_cTJ-: I've tried but I'll make it again18:02
prophecy04not exactly.  What I showed you may also block broadcast.  And then you allow specific ports18:02
prophecy04as needed18:02
mr1412good evening18:02
TJ-cristian_c: right, I went through this for hours trying to find the correct sequence and combination. I found using 'delete' and re-discovery the cleanest way to avoid artifacts from prior attempts affecting it18:03
mr1412fuck you !18:03
TJ-cristian_c: sorry, 'remove' not 'delete'18:03
pragmaticenigmaWhen you wrote that, you didn't indicate who it was for. If you responding to another person, please remember to include their screenname in your response (preferably at the beginning)18:03
pragmaticenigmaprophecy04, When you wrote that, you didn't indicate who it was for. If you responding to another person, please remember to include their screenname in your response (preferably at the beginning)18:03
prophecy04it was for everyone18:04
mr1412FUCK YOU ALL!!!18:04
pragmaticenigmaprophecy04, Please don't add triva/annecdotes/random thoughts to the chat, we are all trying to help one another and random comments make it difficult18:05
pragmaticenigma!language | mr141218:05
ubottumr1412: Please avoid any language that may be considered offensive, including acronyms and obfuscation of such - also see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines || The main channels are English only, for other languages, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/ChannelList18:05
segersjerryHi, ubuntu mate 16.04, with the proprietary nvidia drivers. Currently the only way I've figured out to adjust my screen brightness is with "nvidia x server settings" which is a gui app. I would like to do it from the cli in a bash script. Any ideas?18:10
EriC^^segersjerry: xbacklight can do it18:11
pragmaticenigmasegersjerry, while I'm not totally sure how, You can probably activate the keyboard shortcuts by assigning them to execute xbacklight commands to change the brightness18:13
pragmaticenigmasegersjerry, rather I mean to say you can assign commands to keyboard keys18:13
segersjerryEriC^^, pragmaticenigma Thanks, installing now.18:13
=== ipkaf is now known as tyiop
TJ-segersjerry: use " nvidia-settings"18:23
TJ-segersjerry: e.g. I have a script for Nvidia fan control, that does " nvidia-settings --verbose=none --assign=[gpu:${GPU}]/GPUFanControlState=1 >/dev/null "18:24
segersjerryEriC^^, pragmaticenigma TJ- The xbacklight command as a google query found me what I actually wanted which was powering down the panel with "sleep 1 && xset dpms force off" thank you all for the help. :)18:29
arcmasscan anyone help me out with figuring out some proposed changes that aptitude is giving me?18:29
pragmaticenigma!ask | arcmass18:30
ubottuarcmass: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience18:30
angelhxHi, i'm looking for some help. I can't install ubuntu on my Asus Rog :(18:30
naccarcmass: just pastebin it, i think?18:30
mensvagaI'm on 16.04 LTS, and lpass cli complains about certificates.18:32
ioriaarcmass, do you have  ppa  installed ?18:32
=== SimonNL is now known as SimonNL_Afk
mensvagacrap.  Thought I was ready to ask, now I have to look for things.18:33
arcmassI'm on 16.04, and i'm trying to install libgtk2.0-dev so that i can compile some software (called workrave). Using apt to try to install it told me that i'm holding broken packages, so i google and found aptitude instead. Now, after trying to install libgtk2.0-dev with aptitude, it offers to fix things, but notes that it will uninstall some libraries. The output showing these libraries is in https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zqmwbz8dP7/. A18:34
arcmassioria, i'm not sure what you mean by installed. I think i am subscribed to some PPAs (if that's the right nomenclature)18:35
arcmassi thought PPAs were like, update channels you subscribe to...?18:35
lotuspsychjearcmass: install the workrave from the official repos?18:36
arcmassi admit, i'm kid of a linux noob--just getting started really18:36
lotuspsychje!info workrave | arcmass18:36
ubottuarcmass: workrave (source: workrave): Repetitive Strain Injury prevention tool. In component universe, is extra. Version 1.10.16-2ubuntu1 (artful), package size 470 kB, installed size 1690 kB18:36
arcmassoh jeez, that's a fantastic idea. i didn't realize i could install it from the repo... the site offers the source code18:36
arcmassoh man, i can't believe it missed that ._.18:37
arcmassthanks lotuspsychje!18:37
mensvagaYeah, so, it looks like the most recent version of lastpass-cli on ubuntu 16.04 LTS isn't happy.18:39
mensvagaCompiling from https://github.com/lastpass/lastpass-cli/releases/tag/v1.3.0 is good18:39
tgm4883!bug | mensvaga file a bug against the package then18:41
ubottumensvaga file a bug against the package then: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.18:41
=== nat is now known as Guest29332
mensvaga*sigh* yeah.18:42
mensvagaMore amazed that nobody on 16.04 LTS actually noticed a problem with lpass .18:42
mensvagaI also have to look back through my dpkg log to see what the hell version had the problem.18:43
mensvagaIs there a way to see what package version is inside of apt-cache?18:43
tgm4883mensvaga: I'd think that the people using the lpass cli is pretty low18:43
mensvagaLike if I do an "apt-cache search lastpass-cli"18:43
mensvagahow do I tell what package version that entry represents?18:44
pragmaticenigmamensvaga, it's not that no one noticed, it might be just circumstances in your setup that allowed to be noticed?18:44
mensvagaDoubtful; I haven't frakensteined this box.18:44
mensvaga... Unless ubuntu Mate does something silly (not ruling that out)18:45
tgm4883mensvaga: would 'apt-cache policy lastpass-cli' tell you what you need?18:45
pragmaticenigmamensvaga, not think oyu frakensteined... I don't know how popular that app is, I haven't worked with it before18:45
mensvagaNot that I feel it's necessary to say this, but no offense taken.18:45
=== kwirch is now known as SkiRek
=== marin is now known as Guest40707
Mini_Hey guys, I'm in need of dire help. My server got hacked and some guy started mining cryptocoins on it. I physically went down to the computer to take back control, but I couldn't for the love of god edit /etc/passwd or /etc/group. I finally got it working by adding a current user to the sudoers file and changing the users password with the 'passwd' command. I still can't edit the passwd file though. I'm on ubuntu 16.04. Any thoughts?18:48
mensvagaPower it down.18:48
mensvagaremove hard drive.18:48
SkiRekWhat is the output of ls -l /etc/passwd?18:48
mensvagasave what data you can.18:48
mensvaganuke the site from orbit.18:48
tgm4883Mini_: I generally recommending nuke&pave when someone gets access to your system.18:49
tgm4883mensvaga: don't use enter as punctuation18:49
Mini_$ ls -l /etc/passwd -rw-r--r-- 1 root root 1931 Mar 14 08:57 /etc/passwd18:49
lordcirth_workMini_, as others have said, nuke, pave, load backups, then obviously improve security18:49
Mini_He got in by brute forcing, had no ssh key18:50
segersjerryMini_, the main problem is you can never be sure you've removed all backdoors the hacker installed, as mensvaga said, recover files and reinstall.18:50
gde35I had a noob thought on security: The password dialog could be easily replicated by any website. Maybe it would be better to put it in the left top of the screen rather than the center. Or give it some other visual distinction.18:50
lordcirth_workMini_, so after reinstall, use a key and disable passwords over ssh.18:50
SkiRekMini_: Are you root?18:50
Mini_I have root access yes18:50
SkiRekCrap man.  That sucks.18:50
lordcirth_workMini_, 'lsattr /etc/passwd'18:50
mensvagaMini_: when you're done, install fail2ban18:50
lordcirth_workNot that it matters if you're nuking, but I bet it's chattr +i18:51
Mini_$ lsattr /etc/passwd ----i--------e-- /etc/passwd18:51
lordcirth_workYup lol18:51
mensvagaMini_ this is now a salvaging operation.18:51
SkiRekSorry Mini_ ,  above my head18:51
mensvagaPower it down.  Get the data off of it.18:51
mensvagaAnd if you use the same password on that system to log in anywhere else, change those passwords too.18:52
Mini_Yes I will move stuff to another vm, but luckily my vms with more serious stuff on I actually took security seriously and didn't allow password logins18:52
mensvagasudo apt-get install fail2ban <---- that's how you take security seriously.18:53
Mini_I have fail2ban as well18:53
mensvagaAAAAAAnd they brute forced the password?18:54
mensvagaI realize I'm getting in the realm of being unhelpful by potentially starting to criticize, but, something doesn't add up.18:54
mensvagaI wish you a speedy recovery.18:54
Mini_No, I have fail2ban on my other servers18:54
Mini_Not on the one that got brute forced18:55
SkiRekThat sucks Mini_ .  Happens man18:56
SkiRekRIP Mini_'s VM18:56
Mini_It isn't that bad though, just a test vm, but had some tests I would like to continue18:56
SkiRekMini_: I wonder if you could something with mounting the drive on a live CD and do something with fakeroot.18:57
nthsynci have some question18:57
Mini_I'm very curious though, the hacker created a user with a UID of 0, so he becomes root, but I can't remove him from passwd18:57
mensvagaSkiRek: read about what fakeroot does.18:57
mensvagaMini_: power the thing down.  Examine the vmdk file or something.18:58
JimyeHi there18:58
merpnderpI know this is offtopic a bit, but does anyone know if letsencrypt's certbot automatically adds a cron job, or if I need to figure it out?18:58
mensvagamerpnderp: cron entries go under /var/spool/cron18:59
Freekidhi nthsync18:59
mensvagaor /etc/cron.d/ or /etc/cron.hourly18:59
nthsync@Freekid :) tks u18:59
nthsynchow to limit cache memory in ubuntu 16 ?18:59
TJ-mensvaga: maybe the +i attribute is set (immutable)19:00
mensvaganthsync: You're going to have to be more specific.  There are MANY memory caches.19:00
merpnderpmensvaga: Thanks, I see a certbot entry there :D19:00
mensvagaTJ-: don't care.  Compromised test system19:00
TJ-mensvaga: sorry, tab-complete failure! Mini_ maybe the +i attribute is set (immutable)19:00
Jimyedoes someone tell me how can quit channel ?19:00
mensvaga    /q19:00
Freekidnthsync someone asked you something19:01
nthsyncFreekid : i seen19:01
mensvagaJimye: /part19:01
mensvagaoh well.19:01
Freekidok then good night :) im off to bed now :)19:01
nthsyncso, cache memory sometimes take 90% computer memory19:02
mensvagaSo what?  Are you using swap?  free -m19:02
TJ-!ram | Freekid19:02
ubottuFreekid: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/19:02
lordcirth_workMini_, he set /etc/passwd Immutable, you can reverse that with 'chattr -i /etc/passwd'19:02
dgazzHi! I use color management after I calibrated my displays with a colorimeter. So far it works good, besides that there is sometimes a tinge of red after a reboot, which is reset by e.g. setting the display to another resolution. Is this a bug?19:02
FreekidTJ- i dont have a problem19:02
Freekidthats someone else19:03
lotuspsychjedgazz: where did you get that program?19:03
lordcirth_worknthsync, That is expected behavior.19:04
nthsynci know how RAM in linux work , but i want limit cache memory :)19:04
dgazz@lotuspsychje I used a colorimeter with DisplayCAL.19:04
nthsynchow ?19:04
Sbur3My desktop won’t boot because of node problems. I am told to « fsck » the hard drive. I am in Live CD mode. Can someone walk me through fsck on hard drive from Live CD?19:04
tgm4883nthsync: out of curiosity, why?19:04
lordcirth_worknthsync, please explain why you want to limit cache usage.  Trying to simulate a weaker computer?19:04
mensvaganthsync: Read the link that ubottu posted above.  http://www.linuxatemyram.com/19:05
nthsyncsome purpose : mensvaga :)19:06
nthsynctks u mensvaga :)19:06
Freekid!ram | TJ-19:06
ubottuTJ-: If you are wondering why some tools report your system has very little free memory, have a look at http://www.linuxatemyram.com/19:06
cristian_cTJ-: unfortunately, bluetoothctl always asks for typing pin code on devices, when I run pair mac_address command19:06
cristian_cI don't know if bluetoothctl pastebin cpuld be useful19:06
lotuspsychje!fsck | Sbur319:08
mensvagamerpnderp: I forgot to mention that if the entry is under /var/spool/cron, you should su - to that user, and crontab -e19:08
ubottuSbur3: fsck is the FileSystem ChecKer, which runs automatically when you boot if you didn't shutdown cleanly. Type "man fsck" for information on running it manually. The command "sudo touch /forcefsck && sudo shutdown -r now" will force a reboot and a filesystem check; "sudo touch /fastboot" will skip a filesystem check at next reboot19:08
Sbur3lotuspsychje During boot, it tries a fsck, but fails. It tells me to do it manually. That command will do exactly that manually?19:09
Sbur3lotuspsychje And exactly which one will be the best (ubottu) command?19:10
nthsync HexChat: 2.10.2 ** OS: Linux 4.13.0-37-generic x86_64 ** Distro: Ubuntu "xenial" 16.04 ** CPU: 4 x Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-7200U CPU @ 2.50GHz (GenuineIntel) @ 2,70GHz ** RAM: Physical: 11,6GiB, 77,9% free ** Disk: Total: 346,5GiB, 37,9% free ** VGA: 8086:5916 ** Sound: HDA-Intel - HDA Intel PCH ** Ethernet: Realtek Semiconductor Co., Ltd. CIe Gigabit Ethernet ** Uptime: 1h 30m 12s **19:10
ihwhas anyone used unetbootin to install ubuntu here?19:11
ihwhaving a bit of a problem19:11
kostkonnthsync, youve got the option to get the latest hexchat with sudo snap install hexchat19:11
mensvagaSbur3: ls /dev/mapper/ ; there's going to be a vg-root device.19:11
lordcirth_workihw, what's the problem?19:12
lotuspsychjeihw: better try other tools to make usb19:12
mensvagaI think you want to fsck -y /path/to/device19:12
mensvagaTOTALLY could be wrong.19:12
lordcirth_workihw, if you're on windows right now, try Rufus instead19:12
lotuspsychje!usb | ihw19:12
ubottuihw: For information about installing Ubuntu from USB flash drives, see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Installation/FromUSBStick - For a persistent live USB install, see: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/LiveUsbPendrivePersistent19:12
ihwah, im trying to install onto my hard drive, i selected the iso but it only lets me install onto c and not any other drive19:12
ihwi dont have a spare usb on me currently, thats why im using unet19:12
Sbur3mensvaga I did the « sudo touch /fastboot ». Didn’t do anything19:13
lordcirth_workihw, burning the iso to a drive creates a bootable installer drive, not a running system19:13
ihwso im stuck creating the installer to c regardless?19:14
ihw4 gigs of free space should be enough right/19:14
tgm4883ihw: installing to c? That's generally windows terminology19:14
Sbur3mensvaga from a live cd position, can you give me the exact command to fsck the hard drive? please19:14
lordcirth_workihw, you need some temporary medium to make the installer on and boot to19:14
arcmassi'm on 16.04, and i'm trying to configure some code. I get the error "configure: error: OpenSSL library required". I assume this indicates that I don't have OpenSSL dev libraries installed, but sudo apt install libssl-dev says it's already installed. Any ideas on how i can fix this?19:15
nthsync@kostkon i use  Ubuntu Softwave Center to install19:15
EriC^^Sbur3: pastebin your partition table, sudo parted -ls19:15
ihwno i get that, i was just wondering if its possible to have the installer on another drive19:15
Sbur3EriC^^ From Live CD?19:15
kostkonnthsync, should be available there as well19:15
EriC^^Sbur3: yes19:15
tomreynihw: you whould have two separate storages (not just partisions) to install ubuntu (or any operating system). if you only have a single hard disk and no removable storage (such as optical media or usb connected storage) then you'll need to get that first.19:16
Sbur3EriC^^ brb, loading live cd for the moment19:16
nthsyncOP nthsync19:16
lordcirth_workihw, if you have 2 hard drives, one is free, and you want to install to the other one? Yes I suppose that would work19:17
Sbur3EriC^^ by the way, thanks for your willingness to help19:19
pragmaticenigmaihw, unet is a tool for creating install media. It might work to install to a different drive, but it can't be assured it will work.19:20
EriC^^Sbur3: sure no problem19:20
pragmaticenigmaihw, this link is the officially supported way for installing linux. https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/tutorial-create-a-usb-stick-on-windows#019:21
pragmaticenigmaand they're gone aren't they?19:21
Sbur3EriC^^ https://pastebin.com/4ikPjaJ419:23
Sbur3EriC^^ I don’t see in system “/“19:24
EriC^^Sbur3: type "sudo fsck /dev/sda1"19:24
slackjeffhey guys neeed help!19:25
slackjeffhow list all kernel modules currently loaded in memory?19:25
EriC^^slackjeff: lsmod19:25
Mini_Thank you lordcirth_work, 'chattr -i /etc/passwd' worked. I successfully deleted his user.19:27
Sbur3EriC^^ “Inodes that were part of a corrupted ophan linked list found. Fix<y>?”19:27
slackjeffEriC^^, the lsmod command does what?19:27
tmwsiyHas anyone else had issues with samba breaking in 16.04 with the latest update?19:27
EriC^^Sbur3: press y19:27
tgm4883Mini_: I'd still recommending the nuke&pave approach19:27
EriC^^slackjeff: it lists the loaded modules19:27
tgm4883Mini_: You have no idea what else he did on the system19:27
tmwsiyeverything looks fine but nmbd is the only service that grabs a port19:27
tmwsiyno 139 or 44519:27
Mini_I mean, if I don't care about anything on the system than having it run for a few more weeks, would it really be that bad to take a chance?19:28
tgm4883Mini_: what's the point in removing his account then?19:28
slackjeffEriC^^, i have alternatives to the command lsmod?19:28
tgm4883slackjeff: why are you asking?19:29
Sbur3EriC^^ stupid question, but « Block bitmap differences » yes to fix? I imagine that there is no question to fix that I should refuse19:29
EriC^^Sbur3: yup19:29
Mini_I want to do my best to stop him from accessing it again, or what do you mean?19:29
slackjefftgm4883, curious!19:29
Sbur3EriC^^ All questions « fixed ». Is that all? Or is there something else to do?19:30
tgm4883Mini_:  he had root access to your box. It would be trivial to add a way to regain access at that point19:30
Mini_I realize that there is a good chance that he will be able to access it again, but that doesn't mean I should make it easy for him19:31
kostkonMini_, backup and reinstall only way to be sure19:31
EriC^^Sbur3: that's about it, after it's done try to mount the partition using sudo mount /dev/sda1/mnt and see if everything is ok in /mnt19:31
thinkyi am having problem in terminal19:31
Sbur3EriC^^ A great « Thank you ». see ya later.19:31
EriC^^Sbur3: typo, sudo mount /dev/sda1 /mnt19:31
EriC^^np, later19:32
thinkyhow can i fix this?19:32
tgm4883Mini_: it's your box19:32
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Mini_Yes, and I really appreciate the help and advice! If it were any other server I would have followed it, but I really don't feel like resetting everything as It wont matter in a few weeks.19:33
Sbur3EriC^^ I’m good. Just don’t understand why it messes up like that.19:33
lotuspsychjethinky: added ppa's of any kind to your system?19:33
EriC^^thinky: from the looks of it the repo has a fault somewhere, there's nothing you can do19:33
thinkyEriC^^:  there must be something :S19:34
EriC^^Sbur3: sudden power offs could do it, or if the hdd is dying, did you run a smart test?19:34
EriC^^thinky: maybe apt has some option to ignore the error, how bad do you want it19:36
thinkyEriC^^:  but why am i getting that error?19:36
tgm4883thinky: It would appear because it's trying to write more data than expected19:37
thinkycan i uninstall that maybe?19:37
EriC^^i think somewhere there's a number of how large the Packages file should be, and it's actually bigger in the repo than it states19:37
thinkyEriC^^:  i just did sudo apt-get update19:37
EriC^^yeah, you could purge the ppa if you dont want it anymore19:39
tgm4883thinky: it's possible they are currently syncing their mirror19:40
tgm4883thinky: but in any case, it's not a Ubuntu issue19:40
thinkyms code19:40
tgm4883thinky: if it's a critical issue to you then you need to ask the owner of the repository since the issue is on their end19:42
thinkyok another issue19:43
TJ-thinky: the problem there (in the MS repo) is they've not updated the InRelease file but that have updated the Release file!19:43
thinkyok another question19:44
thinkyi added repository for libre office 619:44
thinkyin this link19:44
thinkybut nothing happened19:44
TJ-thinky: looking at both the timestamps, and the contents of, InRelease and Release shows also they list different sizes for " main/binary-amd64/Packages"  at  main/binary-amd64/Packages19:44
thinkyit suppose to update?19:44
TJ-thinky: sorry, at http://packages.microsoft.com/repos/vscode/dists/stable/19:44
cristian_cTJ-: what do you think about it19:45
naccthinky: what version of ubuntu are you on?19:46
TJ-thinky: Yes, the Release file is a list of files and their checksums in the archive, signed by GNUpg with the signature in Release.gpg HOWEVER the two can be cominbed in a InRelease file and if apt see's an InRelease it fetches that in preference to having to fetch 2 separate files. Because the InRelease is out of sync with Release it's breaking apt19:46
naccthinky: also adding a repository doesn't do anything other than just that. Did you do an upgrade, or attempt to libreoffice after?19:46
TJ-cristian_c: Only just come back? Have I missed something?19:46
thinkynacc:  i did sudo apt-get update19:46
naccthinky: right, ... so what did you expect to happen?19:46
thinkyupdate the current libre version?19:47
naccthinky: no.19:47
naccthinky: update updates the apt package lists, it never installs anything19:47
thinkyoh sorry19:47
cristian_cTJ-: no, I mean about pin request in bluetoothctl when I type pair mac_address19:47
naccthinky: you need to do a `sudo apt-get upgrade`19:47
naccthinky: possibly a dist-upgrade, depending on whether the libreoffice from the PPA needs to remove anything19:47
TJ-cristian_c: I need to go back over the channel log, hanf on19:48
naccthinky: or you can just use the snap19:48
cristian_cTJ-: I can pastebin bluetoothctl log if you want19:48
thinkyi dont know how to use snap19:48
cristian_cthis is what I said before19:49
TJ-cristian_c: OK, I've got it (I have a script that separates conversations out of the channel into a separate window)19:49
cristian_cah, sorry19:49
cristian_cI've mademmany tests, now I pastebin19:49
thinkyi think it is upgrading now19:50
thinkyalso i removed microsoft code ppa19:50
thinkyand no error now19:50
TJ-cristian_c: I'm not sure what else to recommend; my original bug report originally claimed that LegacyPIN was broken but after I discovered the sequence-of-operations workaround I re-titled it... let me get that bug report so you can see if anything there helps. Bug #149034719:51
ubottubug 1490347 in bluez (Ubuntu Wily) "[Regression] 16:04 + 15:10 - Cannot pair with devices using (legacy LMP Link Management Protocol) PIN codes" [High,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/149034719:51
arcmassHey all, I have a question. I'm on 16.04, and i'm trying to configure some code. I get the error "configure: error: OpenSSL library required". I assume this indicates that I don't have OpenSSL dev libraries installed, but sudo apt install libssl-dev says it's already installed. Any ideas on how i can fix this?19:52
=== dominix__ is now known as dominix
dominixarcmass: explain "i'm trying to configure some code" pls19:53
arcmassdominix: i'm trying to use ./configure, and it's failing19:54
dominixfrom what ? a source .deb a git repository ?19:55
arcmassoh sorry, a source19:55
arcmassa git repository19:55
lotuspsychjearcmass: why dont you use openssl from ubuntu repos?19:57
TJ-acetakwas: "error: OpenSSL library required" suggests the library itself is looked for, not the dev headers. check what the configure script is in fact looking for when it checks for libssl19:57
dominixlibssl-dev should works. if not ask to the author what distrib he.she use19:57
TJ-arcmass: it might be a simple issue like it tries the wrong path, or it may try to link the library into some test code to figure out if it's installed19:58
arcmasslotuspsychje: i thought i did by installing it using "sudo apt install libssl-dev" beforehand19:58
arcmassTJ-: ok, i'll check that out real quick19:58
TJ-arcmass: also, it might actually be looking for a different version of the openssl libraries to those installed19:58
arcmassthe author says any debian-based distro is fine. for reference, i'm trying to use https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer/blob/linux/build.sh19:59
arcmassbut it fails on line 14, so i'll check configure now19:59
cristian_cTJ-: yeah, thanks for the launchpad url20:00
TJ-arcmass: line 81 of configure.ac "AC_CHECK_LIB([crypto],[EVP_DigestFinal_ex], [], [AC_MSG_ERROR([OpenSSL library required])])"20:00
arcmassyea, just found that... not sure what it means though20:00
arcmassi guess i'd need to examine AC_CHECK_LIB...?20:00
TJ-arcmass: that tells us it'll try to build a small test program that links wioth libssl and calls the  EVP_DigestFinal_ex() function.. so the error could be due to the installed libssl not supporting that symbol20:01
TJ-arcmass: which is what my comment about differing versions was referencing20:01
TJ-arcmass: what release of Ubuntu are you using?20:01
arcmassoh, i see. so i guess i need the OpenSSL version that has that symbol20:01
TJ-arcmass: OK, I have that here let me check20:02
cristian_cTJ-: and, as I notice, bug report shows the same bluetoothctl output messages than me20:02
cristian_cso, it's the same bug20:02
TJ-arcmass: try this command: "strings /lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libssl.so.1.0.0 | grep EVP_DigestFinal_ex"  you should get output "EVP_DigestFinal_ex"20:03
arcmassyup, got it20:03
TJ-cristian_c: right, so, we need to figure out a workaround for a device using the default PIN!!20:04
TJ-arcmass: so, that might suggest the compilation test has failed to find the library itself20:04
arcmassah, i see! that makes sense20:04
arcmassi guess i'd need to like... pass in that directory to configure to force it to look in there?20:04
TJ-arcmass: I'll try building it here, give me a few seconds20:04
black_13how do you install the 32 bit versions of the mpc libraries20:07
TJ-arcmass: wow, slow clone, possibly github is under DoS attack20:07
lordcirth_workblack_13, append :i386 to the package name(s)20:08
arcmassTJ-: yikes! they have had some issues with that recently. no worries, i'm in no rush20:10
TJ-arcmass: weird; pulled in ok to a server in a DC, so I'm pulling it from there instead20:12
dominixare you sure you have libcurl4-openssl-dev already ?20:13
arcmasshmm. strange... localized attack perhaps? dominix: let me double check20:14
nthsyncany one using VM ware in ubuntu ?20:14
arcmassdominix: i have it20:14
dominixit could lead to openssl error as well20:15
nthsyncdid u installed any OS in VM ware ? @arcmass20:15
dominixif missing20:15
dominix<nthsync: VMWare in ubuntu or ubunru in VMWare ?20:16
arcmassdominix: yup, i installed several other libraries just in case. unfortunately still getting that error :( nthsync: i don't vmware installed20:16
arcmassand i'm running on bare metal20:16
nthsyncVMWare in ubuntu20:16
arcmass*i don't have vmware installed20:16
dominixyou mean vmware server or vmware player so.20:17
Xhakraarcmass: Did you follow the compilation guide in the INSTALL file in the git repo?20:17
ioriaarcmass, can you paste the configure  file ?20:17
arcmassXhakra: yes, i did20:17
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:18
robbmunsonJust in case you needed it. :)20:18
arcmassioria: just a sec20:19
arcmassioria: https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer/blob/linux/configure.sh20:20
arcmassthanks robbmunson, luckily it's on github though :)20:20
robbmunsonarcmass: when I see "paste it" I get nightmares of channel floods...lol!20:21
TJ-arcmass: seems like I suffered some repo corruption too; having to retry :s20:22
ioriaarcmass,   don't you have a configure file ? (not configure.sh)20:22
arcmassTJ-: no worries! maybe it's the solar storm today lol (https://www.express.co.uk/news/science/931666/solar-storm-2018-today-earth-geomagnetic-storm-forecast)20:23
arcmassioria: not sure what you mean... build.sh?20:23
ioriaarcmass,   nope, plain a 'configure' file  (not .sh)20:24
robbmunsonno, the only thing it has in the name is configure arcmass.20:24
arcmassjust a sec20:24
TJ-arcmass: ioria  build.sh runs autogen which'll call autoconf and automake20:25
TJ-arcmass: configure.sh just calls configure with pre-defined arguments20:25
ioriaarcmass,   TJ-   i remember (maybe wrong) that autogen creates a  'configure' file ...20:26
robbmunsonmeh you're right TJ-, im half asleep! :P20:26
TJ-ioria: autogen calls automake and autoconf to generate those20:26
TJ-arcmass: got ./configure running here now20:27
ioriaarcmass,   TJ-  yes, and i'd like to see that :þ20:27
arcmasssorry, found it!20:27
arcmassi'm pasting it20:27
TJ-arcmass: hahaha! I hot a different error, got libssl OK but not curl20:27
arcmassioria: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tX8HBp8r5c/20:28
TJ-arcmass: so I must have some libraries pre-installed; best do this in a container. https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zkV6sRVbG5/20:28
arcmassTJ-: that happened to me before too!20:28
arcmassi had to put the curl libraries in /usr/local/lib20:28
tessierHello all! I'm trying to install a package (filebeat) on my system and I'm getting 7M of errors such as: E: Release 'filebeat-6.2.2-amd64.deb' for 'ecasound-doc' was not found20:28
tessierAnyone know what I'm missing here?20:28
tgm4883tessier: how are you trying to install it?20:29
ioriaoh, not what i thought20:30
arcmassTJ-: for example, i had to change build.sh to tell it to look in /usr/local/lib: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/YrDdrd3q3s/20:30
TJ-arcmass: OK, it starts building fine for me, I just installed "libcurl4-openssl-dev"20:31
arcmass(/usr/local/lib is where i had added the curl .so files)20:31
arcmasshmm. dang20:31
arcmassdo you have anaconda python installed by any chance?20:31
TJ-arcmass: oh, did you put some libssl in /usr/local by chance?20:32
ioriaarcmass,  could be a path issue20:32
TJ-arcmass: I wonder if your configure is picking up an older version from /usr/local/ rather than the system version20:32
peter22hi folks20:32
arcmassi've noticed that when i look for curl and openssl (using which curl and which openssl), they're both in my anaconda python folder. figured maybe they had moved the location of the libraries to that folder as well or something (though it is on my path, so configure should find it right..?)20:32
peter22anyone familiar with STK SuperTuxKart?20:32
arcmassTJ-: i did, unfortunately it didn't work for SSL though. just for curl20:33
arcmassand i think i checked the symbols of the one in /usr/local/lib, it has that specific function too (but let me double check)20:33
TJ-arcmass: you shouldn't need those is the point... your mentioning anaconda seems to be the problem, no system libraries should be in python20:33
naccarcmass: PATH and where configure looks for libraries are unrelated20:33
lotuspsychjepeter22: ask your question in the channel20:33
arcmassnacc: thanks for the info20:33
TJ-arcmass: do you have LD_LIBRARY_PATH set ?20:33
arcmassTJ-: i was just guessing, since that's where openssl and curl are according to the `which` command20:34
TJ-arcmass: starting to sound like an rpath issue20:34
TJ-arcmass: which they shouldn't be20:34
arcmassjust a sec, let me check on LD_LIBRARY_PATH20:34
TJ-arcmass: show us "which -a curl; which -a openssl"20:34
arcmassoh that's good! at least i know what might be broken now20:34
naccarcmass: what are you building that requires its own openssl and curl, but you don't know how to build?20:35
naccarcmass: it seems like a fairly terrible idea to do this, imo20:35
TJ-nacc: it's ccminer from https://github.com/tpruvot/ccminer/tree/linux20:35
arcmasshere's the output of which -a, etc.: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dkrkvTrrvW/20:35
TJ-nacc: and it doesn't require it's own versions; I've got it configure and start a make with 16.04 libraries20:36
naccTJ-: ok, so why are we debugging arcmass' completely broken environment?20:36
TJ-arcmass: well there's your problem, anaconda has taken over your PATH20:36
naccTJ-: particularly, in this channel :)20:36
arcmasshmm, so `echo $LD_LIBRARY_PATH` does not show anything20:36
arcmassthanks TJ-!20:36
TJ-nacc: because originally it seemed a system library issue20:37
arcmassso i guess i'll have to remove it, and then retry configure?20:37
arcmassnacc: apologies if i hijacked the conversation in the channel in any way20:37
naccTJ-: ah ok -- i saw a mention of /usr/local/ and immediately assumed PEBKAC20:37
TJ-arcmass: edit the path20:37
TJ-arcmass: before building do "export PATH="$(echo $PATH | sed 's,/home/g/anaconda3/bin:,,')" then check it with "echo $PATH" there should be no ananconda there. If so, rerun ./build.sh20:39
arcmassthanks for the tip, just a moment20:40
Nexiuhello again :)20:40
TJ-arcmass: you also have "/home/linuxbrew/.linuxbrew/bin/openssl" --- what is homebrew doing!?! You might be better off doing that kind of stuff that messes with the system in separate containers20:40
NexiuIve mount a windows shared folder to /var/www/html/owncloud/data/autolux but when I log to www i cant see file from there20:40
Nexiumount says: // on /var/www/html/owncloud/data/autolux type cifs (rw,relatime,vers=1.0,cache=strict,username=guest,domain=JANOSIK,uid=33,forceuid,gid=33,forcegid,addr=,file_mode=0755,dir_mode=0755,nounix,serverino,mapposix,rsize=61440,wsize=65536,echo_interval=60,actimeo=1)20:40
Nexiuwhat do i wrong?20:40
arcmassTJ-: unfortunately, i'm not sure :( i suppose i'll edit that out too20:41
black_13what would cause libmpc.so.3: cannot open shared object file: No such file or directory20:41
* robbmunson avoids obvious answer and shrugs.20:42
TJ-black_13: what does this report? "ldconfig -p | grep libmpc.so"20:43
black_13libmpc.so.3 (libc6,x86-64) => /usr/lib/x86_64-linux-gnu/libmpc.so.320:45
robbmunsonTJ-: possibly looking for it locally you think? (black_13's issue)20:47
TJ-black_13: right, and is the software you're running for the i386 architecture (because you don't have the (libc,i386) version installed20:47
TJ-earlier... 20:07:10        black_13 | how do you install the 32 bit versions of the mpc libraries20:47
black_13yeah the target is 32 bit20:47
black_13i actually append :386 on the files and they did not install20:48
TJ-black_13: so you need to do "sudo apt install libmpc3:i386:20:48
tessiertgm4883: I am installing it using apt install ./filebeat-6.2.2-amd64.deb20:48
TJ-black_13: if that fails then you first need to add the 32-bit architecture with "sudo dpkg --add-architecture i386; sudo apt update"20:49
TJ-black_13: after those commands are complete this will work "sudo apt install libmpc3:i386"20:49
vlad__I appear to be stuck in a login loop :(20:52
vlad__purging and reinstalling nvidia drivers did not help20:53
kostkonvlad__, any error messages?20:53
vlad__not that I saw20:53
vlad__oh wait, I do see one in dmesg20:55
vlad__something about version magic20:55
robbmunsonpaste it to us20:55
robbmunson!paste | vlad__20:56
ubottuvlad__: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.20:56
robbmunsonif you can that is.20:56
vlad__I can't paste it, as I'm stuck in the virtual terminal20:58
kostkonvlad__, use pastebinit20:58
ubottupastebinit is the command-line equivalent of !pastebin - Command output, or other text can be redirected to pastebinit, which then reports an URL containing the output - To use pastebinit, install the « pastebinit » package from a package manager - Simple usage: command | pastebinit20:58
TJ-vlad__: which Ubuntu release is it?20:58
TJ-have you checked the ownership of "ls -l $HOME/.Xauthority" is your user account?20:59
arcmassTJ-: dang, still no luck :( i'm going to uninstall linuxbrew and remove all the packages it installed; hopefully it'll work after that21:00
arcmassi think it's a problem with linuxbrew21:00
arcmassreally should have never installed that21:00
naccarcmass: why did you? (just curious)21:01
vlad__^ that's the pastebinit hash from `dmesg | tail | pastebinit`21:01
zumba_addictGood afternoon. I need to be able to compile an old version of squid but I'm getting errors - https://pastebin.com/pjJMXNBP . I tried compiling the same version of openssl and squid-2.6 on Debian and I was able to compile and install it. Where do I start debugging?21:01
TJ-vlad__: :) is that at paste.ubuntu.com ?21:02
nacczumba_addict: there's no -ldl in your gcc line21:02
zumba_addictI tried the stuff mentioned in this forum but still got the same failure - http://squid-web-proxy-cache.1019090.n4.nabble.com/Squid-3-5-20-compile-issue-td4679602.html21:02
vlad__TJ-: yes21:02
zumba_addictnacc. Where do I add it? I tried adding it in Makefile specifically on line LDFLAG right before -g last night, it didn't wor21:02
nacczumba_addict: why are you building an old version of squid, or build it at all?21:03
zumba_addictbecause of some politics. We need to keep the old version :(21:03
nacczumba_addict: well, given that -g isn't in that output either, that doesn't make sense21:03
TJ-vlad__: you can ignore that; it's the nvidia proprietary module complaining because it isn't built with the compiler that support the spectre vulnerabilities21:03
nacczumba_addict: LDFLAGS != CCFLAGS21:03
zumba_addictoh ok. Which do I look for?21:03
TJ-vlad__: have you checked the ownership of "ls -l $HOME/.Xauthority" is your user account?21:03
zumba_addictlooking for CCFLAGS :)21:03
carpediembabyHello, I am having trouble with connecting to some machine through ssh. But it seems it is a dns issue. ping says name or service not known. I am connected to the internet.21:04
zumba_addictnacc: it's not in Makefiel. I'll specify it in the command line21:04
nacczumba_addict: i dont' know how squid builds specifically, it's relatively dependent on that21:04
nacczumba_addict: what version do you need and on what OS?21:04
vlad__TJ-: yes .Xauthority is fine21:04
zumba_addictit's squid 2.6. We have 2.6 but no https support21:05
TJ-vlad__: OK, next thing to try is creating a new user and logging in with that. If it works you know the issue is a user-account thing, not systemwide. E.g: "sudo adduser testuser"21:05
carpediembabyWhat could the problem be? I am on ubuntu 17.10. Internet generally seems to be working fine. Just not able to connect to this particular domain (of my work) from this computer. It works from another computer on the same network21:06
vlad__TJ-: hm so I found bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/1750937 which seems to suggest that the magic thing is real21:06
zumba_addictis this right nacc, CCFLAGS="-ldl" make?21:06
kostkonlaunchpad bug 175093721:06
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750937 in xorg (Ubuntu) "4.4.0-116 Kernel update on 2/21 breaks Nvidia drivers (on 14.04 and 16.04) by an insufficient compiler!" [Undecided,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175093721:06
nacczumba_addict: ... you really want to run software in production that was last updated in 2009?21:06
nacczumba_addict: that's not politics, it's stupid :)21:07
zumba_addictwe really can't. But i quite agree with you21:07
TJ-vlad__: if the module symbols are different nvidia driver won't load; maybe un-blacklist nouveau and use that in the interim?21:07
nacczumba_addict: i'm really not sure -- i'd have to go look at the software and have no interest in doing so21:07
nacczumba_addict: afaict, this isn't an ubuntu support issue21:07
nacczumba_addict: you're best off asking squid how to build old defunct software, but they're likely to say the same21:07
nacczumba_addict: or ask in #linux or so21:07
zumba_addictthe reason I brought it up is because i was able to compile.install the same tar.gz in bunselabs distro21:08
TJ-zumba_addict: can't you install a prebuilt package in a container from an Ubuntu release of that year? Using the old-releases.ubuntu.com archive?21:08
zumba_addicttaht's what we have in production but not ssl https_port support21:08
TJ-zumba_addict: Ahhh, I see.21:09
zumba_addictand Google specifically Chrome browser is going to start yelling at us if we visit an not-https site21:09
zumba_addictin July21:09
UnregisteredScumFinally found a nickname that wasn't registered. I just have a question. I'm having some issues with my computer resuming from hibernation and suspend. I've noticed that the SMBUS is listed as UNCLAIMED. Could this be the culprit, and is there a driver package required? The chipset is Intel C226.21:09
black_13TJ-: thanks21:11
TJ-UnregisteredScum: can you show us "pastebinit <( lspci -nnk; dmesg )"21:12
UnregisteredScumSure. One moment.21:12
arcmassnacc: honestly don't remember. i think i was trying to install berkeley-db or node.js... those seem to be the only installed packages in linuxbrew that aren't in apt. i think i had some issues instlaling them with apt21:14
=== SimonNL_Afk is now known as SimonNL
TJ-zumba_addict: your compiler command-line is missing, at the end, "-ldl" (dynamic loader)21:18
memo1lordcirth_work: Hi friend, you help me this morning.  I have a question regarding the ffmpeg cron job you recommended.  If i want to check first that the disk is almost full prior to delete, how i do it?21:19
UnregisteredScumTJ: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9bKNtCpJyX/21:20
TJ-UnregisteredScum: lines 41-43 show there is a kernel module that recognises the device but it hasn't been loaded21:22
UnregisteredScumAny idea why that may be?21:23
TJ-UnregisteredScum: has the PC always had this issue or did it start recently (which amy indicate a kernel upgrade broke it) ?21:24
UnregisteredScumWell, it's a new installation of Ubuntu Server 16.04.4. It wasn't upgraded, and I've only just migrated from Windows 10 (where the hibernation and suspend functions worked fine).21:26
ntzgiving to somebody help, I don't have ubuntu, just fast Q:, will ``ls -ltr /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient*'' do what I expect ? eg are in this dir a lease files from dhclient ?21:27
=== SnowCrash_ is now known as SnowCrash
TJ-UnregisteredScum: OK, so we don't know if it worked or not with earlier kernels. Am I correct in assuming you've very recently upgraded the firmware, presumably for the Spectre microcode fixes?21:27
kostkonUnregisteredScum, well hibernation might not be working due to this bug #174309421:27
ubottubug 1743094 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "[regression] hibernation (freezes on resume) since 4.13.0-25.29" [Medium,Confirmed] https://launchpad.net/bugs/174309421:27
UnregisteredScumWhen I've used Ubuntu in a "live" capacity to secure erase SSDs, it's always had issues with suspend across multiple computers with different hardware. However, I always assumed this was because it was missing required packages, and disabling any dedicated video cards and using the "nomodeset" flag seemed to do the trick. However, since I am trying to move to Ubuntu permanently on my workstation, it would be fantastic to get it working21:29
kostkonUnregisteredScum, i don't know how much of it applies to 16.04 but both releases use the same kernel21:29
TJ-kostkon: I don't see mention of that affecting the 4.4 series (it has 4.4.0-116-generic)21:29
kostkonTJ-, UnregisteredScum said 16.04.4 i assumed 4.1321:29
TJ-kostkon: the dmesg shows the above version ^21:29
zumba_addicti'm back. It's working now. I saw they have --with-dl. It worked!21:30
UnregisteredScumI have recently upgraded the BIOS to A25, which was recently made available by Dell due to the Spectre vulnerabilities, yeah.21:30
TJ-UnregisteredScum: the usual cause of suspend/resume issues on Linux is PC firmware bugs in ACPI and we have a workaround that /usually/ works by having Linux pretend to be Windows.21:30
kostkonTJ-, yep you are right21:30
TJ-UnregisteredScum: something for you to read and a possible fix:  http://iam.tj/prototype/enhancements/Windows-acpi_osi.html21:30
UnregisteredScumI'll have a read through the link, thanks.21:34
ntzgiving to somebody help, I don't have ubuntu, just fast Q:, will ``ls -ltr /var/lib/NetworkManager/dhclient*'' do what I expect ? eg are in this dir a lease files from dhclient in ubuntu ? thanks21:38
kostkonntz, folder is full of .lease files yes21:39
ntzcool, thanks21:40
ntzjfyi, customer says, that he can't resolve certain sites ... he has in resolv.conf which is supposed to be dnsmasq imho .. I want him to check the lease file and try directly dig teh.site @ip.address.of.his.dns.as.get.from.dhcp21:41
demon_please how do I use my ubuntu laptop as wifi hotspot21:42
pragmaticenigma!repeat | demon_21:44
ubottudemon_: Don't feel ignored and repeat your question quickly; if nobody knows your answer, nobody will answer you. While you wait, try searching https://help.ubuntu.com or https://ubuntuforums.org or https://askubuntu.com/21:44
TJ-ntz: for your info, you can directly get that with "nmcli con show <id> | grep ipv4.dns" where <id> is the active connection shown by "nmcli con show"21:45
energizerif i get a keyboard that has the spacebar split into two separate buttons, can i configure the left space to act like control?21:46
naccenergizer: depends on if it sends different key codes or not21:47
energizernacc: is it plausible that a keyboard might send two different key codes for the left and right spacebar keys?21:47
naccenergizer: i would doubt it would, but it's possible, i guess21:48
naccenergizer: i'm not sure if there is a "L_SPACE" keycode anyways21:48
naccand it would need to be recognized as space by default, of course, so I'm not sure21:48
_Sym_I would guess no because its probably the same key code.21:48
ntzTJ-: thanks, yep, that's also option21:50
ntzTJ-: maybe even nicer ``nmcli device show21:51
=== neunon_ is now known as neunon
arcmassTJ-: thank you so much for all the help! finally uninstalled everything that linuxbrew installed and it compiled!21:54
TJ-arcmass: Yay :)21:58
TJ-ntz: I've got a one-liner figures it out now; shell piping is wonderful21:59
l3s7r0zhi guys21:59
=== kenden is now known as Guest58414
TJ-ntz: may as well show it before I forget it so others can use it:   for c in $(nmcli con show --active | tail -n +2 | awk '{print $1}'); do nmcli --fields connection.id,GENERAL.DEFAULT,GENERAL.DEFAULT6 con show $c | awk '$0 ~ /^connection\.id/{IF=$2} /yes$/{print IF}'; done | while read conn; do nmcli --fields IP4.DNS con show  $conn; done22:07
raidghostTJ-: How to speedup rsync transfere ?22:08
raidghostgoes in 55.57MB/s abit slow when its gigabit card22:09
ntzTJ-: :D, ain't just easier to do: > nmcli device show | grep DNS22:09
ntzbut awesome one-liner22:10
TJ-ntz: depends on how many connections are active; I have it in a script /usr/local/bin/nm-show-dns22:10
Jordan_Uenergizer: Now I'm curious what gets sent if you press the left shift then the right spacebar key, then release the left then right space bar. (Could possibly be either keypress, keypress, key release, key release or keypress, key release).22:11
fecking_installei accidentally clicked "erase and install" and then back, have i last all data permanently... i can seem to recover by boot and recovery partition but not an LVM partition22:15
fecking_installeis anyone able to help?22:15
fecking_installevia testdisk22:15
TJ-fecking_installe: provide more context; where did you do this 'clicking' ?22:18
fecking_installethe installer22:18
fecking_installeon a usb live booted installer for 16.04 desktop22:19
Jordan_Ufecking_installe: It's probably possible, but likely very difficult. How important is the data that was on the drive? Do you have backups?22:19
fecking_installeit's code i could do with having22:19
fecking_installei assumed that would take you to a confirmation screen to be honest, pretty silly22:19
fecking_installeive not tried any of the lvm tools, just a scan with testdisk22:20
TJ-fecking_installe: is there any LVM PV recognised on the disk now?22:22
WorldGenesis[v]what exactly is LLVM? o.o22:22
TJ-fecking_installe: I recall the installer does a --zap to delete old metadata because that used to cause problems22:22
WorldGenesis[v]its always an option during install, but never really utilized it22:22
TJ-WorldGenesis[v]: LVM, not LLVM - Logical Volume Management22:23
naccWorldGenesis[v]: do you mean LVM or LLVM?22:23
WorldGenesis[v]oh ^^ yeah LVM22:23
Jordan_Ufecking_installe: If you can restore the partition that contained the LV, there's a chance that you will then be able to just "pvscan && lvscan && vgchange -a y" then mount the device from /dev/mapper/ .22:23
fecking_installelol, not talking about compiler middleware here22:23
fecking_installenice, testdisk is saying "no lvm or lvm2 structure"22:23
fecking_installeand for some reason it lists the partition twice22:24
frostschutzif it's SSD and it got to mkfs, it might have discarded everything22:24
fecking_installeit's a nvme m.2 thing22:24
fecking_installebut then why the other partitions are still accessible?22:24
Jordan_Ufecking_installe: s/contained the LV/contained the PV/22:25
fecking_installepvscan reports no matching physical volumes found22:26
frostschutzfecking_installe, strings -t d /dev/disk | grep '(LABELONE|# Generated by LVM2 version)' should find possible candidates for partition offsets22:27
frostschutzLABELONE at +512 and Generated by at +5000ish from the actual partition offset22:27
fecking_installeok i have a few patches there22:28
frostschutzunless it was LUKS encrypted, then you're looking for 'aes-xts-plain64' or something22:28
fecking_installewas not encrypted22:29
fecking_installeso i can put these matches + 512 into testdisk and see if it will load the filesystem?22:30
frostschutzyou can losetup --find --show --read-only --offset=$((LABELONEoffset -512)) /dev/disk and then pvck /dev/loopX22:31
fecking_installeok nice, so i can write a script to pipe the matches of the above command into this one and should find some matches that way?22:33
frostschutzstart with the ones that are MiB aligned first ... unless it was a very old install22:34
frostschutzif it's not even sector aligned, no point in even trying22:34
fecking_installedivisible by 1024?22:34
frostschutzyou can also grep for unique_function_name of your code that you remember... of course, if it's a hundred files, it won't help you22:35
fecking_installeive considered that22:35
fecking_installein the past i find many matches for the same file22:35
fecking_installeand it's hard to find which version was most recent22:35
frostschutzbetter than nothing22:35
frostschutzgood luck22:35
fecking_installealso it assumes that the file is not fragmente, but you're right22:35
fecking_installethis was a stupid mistake22:35
fecking_installei'd even created an archive of the home directory first, but then jumped the gun because i assumed id be able to see gparted first22:36
fecking_installebefore it actually erased anything22:36
fecking_installeknowing the filename for that wouldn't help?22:36
frostschutznot unless you're a filesystem developer and find a stray superblock or something22:37
frostschutzeven then, probably no22:37
fecking_installethe strings | grep command, is it worth running that on the whole device or just the /dev/nvme0m1p322:38
fecking_installethe actual partition itself22:38
frostschutzif that partition is wrong then - whole device22:38
fecking_installei dont know if it's wrong, it seems to come right after the one prior22:38
fecking_installeat least as reported by testdisk22:38
frostschutzwell, if it was right, you'd already be seeing your lvm after vgscan / lvdisplay22:40
fecking_installei see22:41
frostschutzif the installer didn't flatten it :)22:41
fecking_installei have hopes for the method you described, i'll get to it, thanks again22:41
fecking_installeim hoping it just started on the inital steps22:41
frostschutzflattening it kinda is the initial step :-/22:41
frostschutzanyhow, good luck22:42
memo1hi, i have a question, if i want to create a service (systemd) it supports redirects, like </dev/null >/dev/null 2>&1 &22:44
UnregisteredScumTJ, does both /etc/default/grub and /boot/grub/grub.cfg both need to be updated, or does /etc/default/grub suffice? Taking a look at /boot/grub/grub.cfg says that it is auto generated, yet your script appears to be modify it.22:45
UnregisteredScumAdditionally, should the value also be set for GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT or just GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX?22:46
TJ-UnregisteredScum: only /etc/default/grub ... the script /checks/ /boot/grub/grub.cfg got the expected changes22:48
TJ-UnregisteredScum: the script is completely accurate, don't try to 2nd-guess it :)22:48
TJ-UnregisteredScum: update-grub concatenates GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX + GRUB_CMDLINE_LINUX_DEFAULT for the default menuentrys, but doesn't use _DEFAULT for recovery entries22:49
TJ-UnregisteredScum: so settings in _DEFAULT only get applied to defualt entries, not all. We want acpi_osi applied to all entries22:50
UnregisteredScumOK, thank you for the explanation, much appreciated.22:51
UnregisteredScumI'm going to give it a try in a moment and see how it goes. Looks like Windows 2013 (8.1) was the last version supported by the DSDT.22:52
prophecy04does anyone here know how to find all gems that uses gem?23:03
naccprophecy04: do you mean for ruby?23:05
et09is there a good media player besides vlc that'll let me navigate tree-wise at an arbitrary point in the filesystem like vlc does?23:07
=== gms is now known as Guest63332
N3X15Been having trouble with Firefox in Ubuntu apparently reversing left-click and middle-click behaviours, however, I'd like to see if this extends to other applications.  Is there a tool for seeing what keypress/mouse click events are triggered?23:18
N3X15I am on xenial, by the way23:18
naccN3X15: xev23:20
pstoneN3X15: Settings / Hardware / Mouse and Touchpad / Test Your Settings (upper right corner of the window)23:20
avrocan any one teach me how to change plymouth in ubuntu mate23:21
N3X15Looks like my settings are correct, nacc, thanks23:21
N3X15pstone, KDE desktop. :P23:21
pstoneN3X15: Ah! :-D23:22
avrocan any one help?\23:23
prophecy04no.  some gems are not from ruby23:24
prophecy04I was wondering if I can find a repository of gems for gem23:24
prophecy04to install, that is23:26
=== idwer_ is now known as idwer
pragmaticenigma!ask | avro23:37
ubottuavro: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience23:37
guivercwhat version of ubuntu-mate avro23:39
guivercavro doco can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Plymouth , though this will probably be more useful https://askubuntu.com/questions/2007/how-do-i-change-the-plymouth-bootscreen  (not all plymouth screens may work with all versions)23:42
TJ-guiverc: avro left 15 minutes ago23:44
UnregisteredScumNo luck. Resuming from hibernate simply reboots the computer like it's just been powered on (i.e. doesn't resume the session), and suspend is unresponsive and doesn't appear to even provide power to the USB devices, requiring a hard shutdown. Should I reinstall with 17.10.1 or 18.04 beta and see if that improves the situation?23:48
UnregisteredScumAdditionally, the SMBUS is still listed as UNCLAIMED.23:49
TJ-UnregisteredScum: next thing I'd recommend is trying the latest mainline kernel in case a bug has been fixed23:57
TJ-!mainline " UnregisteredScum23:57
ubottuTJ-: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)23:57
TJ-!mainline | UnregisteredScum23:57
ubottuUnregisteredScum: The kernel team supply continuous mainline kernel builds which can be useful for tracking down issues or testing recent changes in the Linux kernel. More information is available at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Kernel/MainlineBuilds23:57
TJ-UnregisteredScum: and, luckily, I have a a script for that, too!  http://iam.tj/projects/ubuntu/wget_kernel_mainline.sh23:58
UnregisteredScumHa ha, you're a machine! Thanks, I'll take a look.23:58
TJ-UnregisteredScum: run without options it fetches and installs the latest release-candidate version. With a version passed on the command-line it fetches that. with "-l" it'll list all available versions, latest last23:59

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