
bluesabreflocculant, ochosi: a couple questions about defaults... 1) Do we want notifications to fade out? This was the behavior prior to 0.4.0 I think, and 2) Do we want to add the notifyd plugin to the panel? It seems like a nice addition to me and fits in nicely to the left of indicator-messages02:17
bluesabre(also welcome feedback from everybody else)02:18
flocculantbluesabre: first off from my perspective I'd say no to both - all turned off here :p04:17
Unit193I thought they did fade out by default, but yeah added the plugin and didn't see too much of a benefit. :304:18
flocculantfrom not my perspective 1 - not sure what you mean - when I test it for ochosi I thought it faded out 04:18
flocculant2 - the plugin isn't too obtrusive and I don't see having it there would be an immediate fail04:19
flocculantUnit193: ha ha 04:19
flocculantI can imagine if you had them on - the plugin allows you to dnd pretty quickly04:19
Unit193For the only thing that matters, my irssi notifications don't fire if ~/.dnd exists.04:20
flocculantUnit193: suspend screwed up a terminal I had running irssi, was dead, logging out and it was still dead - had to reboot04:20
flocculantaah it moves off stage right - doesn't fade04:25
flocculantapparently I have electron installed ... https://i.imgur.com/sVA1FaM.png04:28
flocculantpretty sure I don't - but I do have something built with it (if that's what I read right)04:28
willemgood moring all08:52
willemmorning 08:53
Unit193Heya, willem.08:53
willemflocculant, as to an update-manager icon appearing in my panel: today I fired up my laptop around 9 o'clock. So far -it's now almost 10- there's no icon to be seen.08:54
willem(I'm refering to an earlier exchange about update-manager)08:55
willemI ran sudo apt update in the terminal, and it tells me that there are 23 upgradable packages. There is still no update-manager in the panel however.08:57
willemShould I report this as an issue do you think?08:57
bluesabreflocculant, Unit193, yeah, it used to fade by default, but the default changed recently to just disappear09:58
bluesabreUnit193: that .dnd thing... that sounds like how it should work?09:58
Unit193bluesabre: Irssi/application specific, thus personally have no need for notifyd's version which is what the plugin provides access to.10:11
bluesabreUnit193: ah, gotcha10:12
bluesabrebut similarly, you wouldn't be bothered by its inclusion10:13
Unit193Yeah, only insofar if I have to re-install, something to remove, but that's not hard so not a big deal. :P10:13
bluesabreflocculant: there's a lot of Electron apps now, so very possible you may have used one at some point10:24
bluesabreI actually need a file a bug about those, fonts are rendering horribly bad in them in bionic10:25
Unit193bluesabre: So, happy with Bionic?  With the LTS status?10:32
ali1234https://i.imgur.com/iCOm6os.png missing icons10:35
bluesabreali1234: in humanity?10:38
ali1234in ubuntu-mono-light and elementary-xfce10:39
bluesabreUnit193: yes, I think we're in a pretty good position. Everything is rock solid and we only have a few minor issues here and there10:39
ali1234and yeah humanity too10:39
bluesabreelementary-xfce looks good over here10:40
ali1234i installed with the daily image downloaded about 2 hours ago10:40
bluesabrethe orange home folder you have there is not elementary-xfce10:40
ali1234corrent, it is ubuntu-mono-light10:40
ali1234the icons are missing regardless of what icon set i choose10:40
bluesabrewill take a look tonight10:42
ali1234hmm, wait, it does have an icon in elementary-xfce10:42
ali1234it's just that it's an amorphous grey blob so i could not see it :(10:43
ali1234also what is this: https://i.imgur.com/iCyTLXr.png10:44
willemI think I may be seeing the same thing: http://i.imgur.com/xhsjUAV.png; below the bluetooth icon, the mouse and touch pad entry seems to be missing the icon. 10:50
ali1234yeah, cos you've changed icon theme as well10:51
ali1234oh hre's something: the gnome icon theme is not missing the icon10:52
ali1234i bet gnome renamed the icon and then nobody fixed all the old themes10:52
willemI just changed the icon theme to adwaita. Now more icons are missing it seems: http://i.imgur.com/p9hLM9a.png10:53
ali1234me too. adwaita seems to have almost no icons at all10:54
ali1234although perhaps that is to be expected10:54
ali1234i'm not sure why it is even listed and even the preview has a missing icon10:54
ali1234ah you need adwaita-icon-theme-full to get the full theme10:56
willemUnit193, as to being happy with Bionic: I've been using it as my everyday install for some 5 days now. Not found any reason to reboot 16.04 so far.10:56
willemSo it's doing well10:56
ali1234hmm yep, most icon themes do have those icons11:00
ali1234faenza, human, breath all have them11:00
ali1234i guess ubuntu-mono is just unmaintained now11:01
Unit193Oh nice, can't get the dropbox indicator to show up.11:02
Unit193willem: Yep, been using it for quite some time myself.11:02
willemUnit193, my dropbox icon in 18.04 is working (unlike in 16.04). It does however not show any menu if i click/tap on it. It does show atatus messages when I hover over it.11:14
ali1234hmm installing adwaita-icon-theme-full fixes ubuntu-mono-light as well11:19
ali1234i dont think i will ever understand how icon themes work :(11:19
Unit193willem: I can get either to work in Artful, though it seems only if I use indicator-application, hmm.11:25
Unit193willem: I usually force it into tray icon mode, but was looking to see if I could get indicators working.11:26
ali1234ah i see11:27
ali1234Inherits=Humanity,Adwaita,hicolor <- that's the problem11:28
Unit193OK, so yes I can confirm on Bionic too.11:30
willemhave to leave for now; thanks11:41
ochosibluesabre: i would set it to fade out by default. not sure if you also want to enable slide out. i would also add the plugin for easy access to DND12:02
ochosiali1234: if you find missing icons in elementary-xfce let me know! and yeah, humanity is in terrible shape12:03
ochosijust don't use it12:03
ali1234i'm not trying to use humanity but ubuntu-mono-light12:03
ali1234but it is also messed up for some reason12:04
ali1234but installing adwaita-icon-theme-full fixes it for some reason12:04
ali1234i'm now writing a tool to tell me why12:04
ali1234can you tell me the name of those icons?12:05
ali1234okay the icon in question is preferences-desktop-peripherals13:15
ali1234this icon only exists inside the 'gnome' icon theme13:15
ali1234this code snippet find the icon even though the gnome theme is selected and the selected theme does not inherit from it http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/f9HmqWSkC6/ 13:16
ali1234it works on both 16.04 and 18.04 so i don't understand why it isn't drawing the icon on 18.0413:17
ali1234this is the worst thing ever13:47
ali1234the icon exists13:47
ali1234somebody changed it to a copy of the missing icon icon13:47
ali1234nope, that's not right either13:50
-SwissBot:#xubuntu-devel- ::xfce4-announce:: ANNOUNCE: xfce4-terminal released @ http://xfce.10915.n7.nabble.com/ANNOUNCE-xfce4-terminal-0-8-7-2-released-tp50792.html (by Igor Zakharov)15:29
willemhi guys. I think I am seeing some weird behaviour when the laptop battery is almost empty. Please see the picture here http://i.imgur.com/x2vCDj3.png 16:40
willemThis screen appeared all of a sudden, and the white squares moves when I move the mouse/touchpad16:41
willemIt happened twice16:41
willemNot sure how to investigate this. Any suggestions?16:41
GridCubewillem: I have the suspicion that's a hardware issue16:46
willemIt think it happens when the battery is very low, and the laptop wants to shut down, and ask me to save my work before the complete shutdown. When I press the on/off button, the Xubuntu-windoing down windows shows up and the laptop turns off16:48
willemThis has not happened before. Is there any log I can have a look at to find out more? Or should I ask that somewhere else?16:49
willemI found a log message which may be related and posted on launchpad: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/linux/+bug/155077917:18
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1550779 in linux (Ubuntu) "[i915]] *ERROR* CPU pipe A FIFO underrun - Xorg glitches" [Medium,Incomplete]17:18
flocculantwillem: what do you have in update tab of software and updates - just screen shot it for me 17:54
flocculantbluesabre: it was early - yea I have electron app - iirc etcher is electron - not sure why notify just calls things electron?17:56
willemflocculant, I hope you mean this: http://i.imgur.com/wksmBeI.png18:01
willemThe option I meant is in this tab: http://i.imgur.com/EdLwRUO.png18:02
flocculantyea - last one - don't turn that on 18:03
flocculantyea - last one - don't turn that on 18:03
flocculantI'll repeat that :p18:03
willemThank you18:03
willemthank you18:03
willemI wont18:04
willemI really won't18:04
flocculantok - so first screenie - set them to same as mine and see what happens tomorrow18:05
flocculanttbh I'm not overly concerned about update-mangler - that's a Canonical thing - they get paid to sort their stuff out :D18:06
willemflocculant, Is there a way for me to know what yours looks like? :-)18:09
flocculantoops - wonder where I posted that then 18:10
flocculantor I thought I was going to - then didn't 18:10
willemwell, my update tab looks the same;now, except for the security updates; there I have Download immediately and install... Is that alright?18:16
willemRemember though: I have not seen an update icon in system tray yet18:17
flocculantyep - leave the security one how you have it18:17
flocculantand yes - trying to trigger it for you by telling it to display immediately18:18
flocculanthow the tool works is that 2 times per day shortly after and admin logs in (you) it checks and should display18:18
willemwell, I have not seen that display yet.18:19
willemstill: food calls18:19
willemI was looking at https://wiki.xubuntu.org/releases/18.04/release-notes; I noticed that the link in "xubuntu-desktop (changelog)" doesn't work.19:35
willemsame: xubuntu-wallpapers (changelog)19:36
flocculantwillem: thanks :)20:14
krytarikwillem: Regarding update-manager not showing up even though you get packages to upgrade using APT directly, there is this too which might play a role here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/PhasedUpdates20:18
dc_coder_84I am testing Xubuntu 18.04 64 Bit on real hardware and have found some weird things. When I execute20:25
dc_coder_84xfce4-terminal --hold --command "echo hello"20:25
dc_coder_84I everytime get a popup with this message: "Child process exited normal with status zero". Should I open a bug report for it?20:25
willemkrytarik, thanks. That may well be the reason. I'll have a better look over there shortly.20:26
ali1234ochosi: getting deeper into this missing icon thing. Gtk+3 has added hardcoded look ups against Adwaita and gnome icon themes in addition to hicolor and whatever your theme inherits20:30
ali1234Gtk+2 never did this, so i don't understand how garcon could ever find the missing icons at all, since they'ev only ever existing in the gnome theme on my system20:31
ali1234hmm https://github.com/GNOME/gtk/commit/a093cd2a22173369424878eb6d8c38124e7aa1f920:55
ali1234got it! setting that setting to "gnome" fixes everything21:08
ali1234just need to figure out why that is not required on 16.04 now21:08
ali1234flocculant: here's all the bugs i found in the beta so far: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/JfKCv3P6bw/22:05
bluesabreflocculant: etcher works well :)22:07
ali1234etcher is electron... didn't someone say they are busted on 18.04?22:07
bluesabreali1234: they work, but fonts seem to be poorly rendered in 18.0422:07
bluesabreespecially noticeable in atom and visual studio code22:08
ali1234bluesabre: do you have any suggestions where i could look for this fallback icon theme setting?22:08
ali1234like where do the default settings live?22:08
bluesabreali1234: I don't know... but I gtk lets you set whether to use fallback icons in case of a failed load22:09
ali1234it does but the problem is i didnt tell it to but under 16.04 it did anyway22:09
ali1234but now under 18.04 it does not22:09
ali1234as far as i can tell no settings changed22:09
ali1234and neither did the source code22:10
ali1234nor any of the icon themes22:10
ali1234so... i have no idea22:10
bluesabreno idea22:10
ali1234what do you think about just setting the setting in the xfconf defaults?22:10
ali1234it fixes the problem and it's just one key that doesn't appear to affect anything else22:11
bluesabreWhat's the setting?22:11
ali1234xsettings\Net\FallbackIconTheme = "gnome"22:12
bluesabreSeems like a reasonable inclusion22:12
ali1234there's a bug report... in the pastebin i linked above... number 422:12
ali1234i don't like fixing things without understand why they fix it :(22:13
bluesabrethanks ali1234 22:13
ali1234i will keep searching for the answer and update the bug22:13
bluesabreLet me know if you find anything, otherwise I'll just add it to our defaults22:13
ali1234hmm... i reproduced it on 16.04 and now i don't understand why22:40
ali1234i found a bunch of other keys that specify an icon theme but the xsettings one really seems to be the only one that does anything22:41

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