
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
=== shardy is now known as shardy_lunch
=== shardy_lunch is now known as shardy
AscIIsmoser: regarding https://code.launchpad.net/~lp-markusschade/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/33843913:56
AscIIyou asked if the local-hostname is always present13:57
AscIIwe do generate or enforce a valid hostname in the API/frontend13:58
AscIIso it should be present13:58
do3melismoser: re your comment in https://code.launchpad.net/~d-info-e/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/340220 - am i seeing that right that for resizefs module no unit tests at all exists so far?14:12
smoserdo3meli: :-(14:40
do3melii found some in the meanwhile. but not a lot...14:41
smoserAscII: could you put a comment in coede to that affect ?14:41
AscIIsmoser: done and pushed15:17
=== Gaffel_ is now known as Gaffel
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34153016:43
smoserand want to chat on ntp ?16:43
blackboxswsmoser: probably 10 mins for me. wrapping up unit tests on ubuntu-advantage16:47
blackboxswI'm sitting in hangout, but will be distracted until then16:48
dojordanhey @blackboxsw, any chance to take a look at the azuretimeouts branch? https://code.launchpad.net/~dojordan/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34054617:59
blackboxswdojordan: nope, but it's 2nd in my queue today so it'll definitely get reviewed today18:01
dojordan:) thanks for the update18:01
bemishey, google is failing me here - is this an expected error? https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/8KirXN0pTDwsFOlzzlaZOA18:05
bemis(AttributeError: 'Namespace' object has no attribute 'action') for those that don't wish to click18:05
bemisoutput from cloud-init-18.1 on centos6 built from copr url linked in here earlier this week (i went back to 18.1 release day so no git-tag)18:07
blackboxswsmoser: simpoir ubuntu-advantage module is  up for review18:26
blackboxswbemis: +1 on that, it is a valid bug.... I can sort that next week18:26
blackboxswbemis: if you get a chance can you file a bug for it? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+filebug18:26
simpoirblackboxsw: oh, good! I was wondering where this was18:26
blackboxswsimpoir: yeah just had to sort unit tests18:27
blackboxswalways takes me a while18:27
blackboxswI'll add a testing description now (but basically the same thing as the snap module18:27
blackboxswsimpoir: oops and I need to set prerequisite branch one min18:28
bemisblackboxsw: thanks - another seems to be that 18.1 can't detect OracleLinux's distro (there's inconsistency between whether it returns "none" or "ubuntu")18:28
bemisi'll file a bug once i have some real data on that18:28
blackboxswsimpoir: smoser resubmitted the branch https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34154318:31
blackboxswthanks bemis for the heads up there. yeah a bug will give us something actionable.18:31
blackboxswsmoser: per lint warnings that you recently fixed:  did you see this one? cloudinit/config/cc_puppet.py:143: [W1505(deprecated-method), handle] Using deprecated method readfp()18:33
* blackboxsw needs to rebase I think18:38
smoserblackboxsw: i have not seen that.18:49
* blackboxsw lands snap-module branch19:39
blackboxswand smoser 's pylint branch19:39
smoserAscII: hostname may be fqdn and also may not be ?19:46
=== r-daneel_ is now known as r-daneel
smoserblackboxsw: ugh. deprecated method20:14
smoserare you fixing that ?20:14
smoserwhat started that.20:14
blackboxswsmoser: pylint picked it up today afaict. I landed a workaround in snap module20:14
blackboxswto ignore the warning on readfd20:14
blackboxswbut I think we need a helpers fix20:15
blackboxswsmoser: that's in cc_puppet right?20:15
blackboxswor somewhere else?20:15
smoserwhy did pylint start seeing it ?20:15
* blackboxsw thinks it could have been seeing it for a while, I just today ran tox -r -e pylint to rebuild dependencies before linting 20:16
blackboxswI'll check on the origins20:16
smoserbugger. you ruined my tox output20:17
blackboxswgah fixing unmocked stderr20:17
smoserblackboxsw: i thin the warnings are a new pip version.20:22
smoseras the hetzner is starting to show it, and it didnt' move with trunk.20:22
smoserand the c-i reviewer will always (i hope) do a clean tox20:22
smoserwe froze the version of pylint, but not of any dependencies20:23
blackboxswsmoser: want an MP for that stderr leak or a trivial fix?20:23
blackboxswthis stops the leaked msgs on tox -e xenial  cloudinit/config/tests/test_snap.py20:24
smoseryou can quick-fix20:25
blackboxswok landing20:25
blackboxswsmoser: minor nit on https://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34014020:35
blackboxswsmoser: is it time for me to make a bionic release cut for today?20:36
smoseryeah.... if you want i just pushed to fix-iscsi20:38
smoserwe can grab that.20:38
smoserassuming tox pass.20:38
smoserblackboxsw: ping21:02
smoser cloudinit/config/tests/test_snap.py21:02
smosercloudinit/config/tests/test_snap.py:448:62: F841 local variable 'm_stderr' is assigned to but never used21:02
blackboxswbah you are out of time. lost track of it.21:02
blackboxswcan hangout to see what you want to do21:02
smoserwell,. fix that...  or i can.21:04
blackboxswfixing that21:04
blackboxswpushing and making and MP for bionic21:04
smoseri can come back in in a while... so why not try grab the iscsi21:04
smoserget your fix in, then i can rebase and push21:04
smoserthen wait on c-i for that and approve.21:05
blackboxswwaitingon flake21:05
smoserand then bioinc21:05
blackboxswsmoser: 7ce839f846de705980839f9c7851bd0fd7353aad pushed21:07
blackboxswwill watch your iscsi branch and land it prior to bionic MP21:07
smoserjust pushed.21:09
smoserhttps://code.launchpad.net/~smoser/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/340140 should get marked c-i happy "real soon now"21:19
* blackboxsw watches21:20
bemisblackboxsw: it's like a pot waiting to boil dude - stop watching or it'll take forever21:32
blackboxswI looked away and wham, tea is ready  ;)21:33
blackboxswmerging now and proposing a bionic merge of tip :)21:33
bemisjust the tip21:37
bemis(sorry - it's like a macro-trigger or something)21:38
blackboxswheh, ok Bionic update proposed smoser https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34155221:50
* blackboxsw needs to wrap up the azuretimeouts review. nearly there 21:50
bemisi don't recall who all i've spoken with on this, but it looks like 18.1 actually does drop EL6 support (via using python27+ methods)21:51
blackboxswbemis: I recall seeing your message exchanges earlier, generally we try not to break compatibility with older versions of python. We even monkey patch functionality in some cases to bridge the gap (even as far back as py2.6). It might be worth bringing up the specific discussion on this on Monday's status meeting21:56
blackboxswas RHEL folks may be in attendance21:56
blackboxswper the topic: Next status meeting: Monday 3/19 16:00 UTC21:56
blackboxswin this channel21:57
blackboxswif nothing else. more eyes will be on this channel for discussion21:57
bemisblackboxsw: awesome, i'll try very hard to attend with useful data -- for right now the only confirmed thing i have is running analyze show https://paste.fedoraproject.org/paste/S5xXDUkIuW-Vl5pplr5uaw22:10
blackboxswbemis: out of my own curiousity, what prompted you to play with some of cloud-init's  commandline utilities/scripts? I'm asking as I merged a bunch of them into cloud-init proper recently as they were helpful for me, but I wasn't sure about the general population.22:13
blackboxswdid you find out about those features via cloudinit.readthedocs.io? or just playing around with "cloud-init -h"22:14
blackboxswanalyze specifcally was our own development tool written by rharper, but I hadn't known if others outside of our team were interested in using it22:15
bemisblackboxsw: 100% tinkering - i think i might have seen it in readthedocs when trying to figure out why my userdata that worked in 079 didn't work in 18.1?22:35
bemisso it kinda turned into "what throws errors?"22:35
bemis(i still haven't finished reading the docs at readthedocs - so i'm in the weekend reading phase)22:36
smoserblackboxsw 'build-and-push' is in progress. should get uploaded in 3 minutes or so.23:03
blackboxswcouple minor comments posted dojordan. I need a bit of discussion on this with folks on Monday to see if we want to tweak UrlError handling a bit more23:31
dojordanawesome- will address asap23:31

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