
wxlbillybob: you installed the drivers?00:01
billybobYes. When I installed the linux drivers, I had the printer contacted to the laptop using the usb cable.00:01
wxlthat may be the problem but i don't know00:02
wxlhonestly seems like more of a question for canon00:02
billybobOops. "Connected" to the laptop using the usb cable.00:02
wxlunlike a lot of other printer manufacturers they actually seem to support using it on linux so i'd use them00:03
billybobok, I'll try Cannon. Thanks.00:03
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=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
asdfasdfasHey #lubuntu. Wondering if anyone can spare me some time? I've gone down quite a rabbit hole. Starts at python complaining: "ImportError: No module named '_tkinter'" and ends with a seemingly circular dependency in upgrading to 17.10 (I'm at 16.10)04:36
=== Guest25362 is now known as LaserAllan_
GoopAwayThe mouse scroll wheel doesn't work with Firefox pages on my Lubuntu machine. Any fixes?21:59

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