
Bashing-om!info linux-image-generic bionic05:02
ubottulinux-image-generic (source: linux-meta): Generic Linux kernel image. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB05:02
=== Smedles_ is now known as Smedles
Lopewhat version of libc6 will ubuntu 18.04 use?12:57
FauxProbably the 2.27 it's at today.13:00
Faux!info libc6 bionic13:00
ubottulibc6 (source: glibc): GNU C Library: Shared libraries. In component main, is required. Version 2.27-0ubuntu2 (bionic), package size 2490 kB, installed size 10542 kB13:00
Les_LinuxHello, running a script which returns: dpkg-query: package 'linux-source' is not installed and not information is available. Kernel:, OSv: 18.04. Any suggestion appreciated.13:10
FauxYou could.. install linux-source?13:10
Les_Linuxcan't find it13:11
Les_Linuxapt get linux-source failing13:11
FauxThat's not the right syntax for apt or apt-get.13:11
Faux!info linux-source bionic13:11
ubottulinux-source (source: linux-meta): Linux kernel source with Ubuntu patches. In component main, is optional. Version (bionic), package size 2 kB, installed size 14 kB13:11
FauxIt's definitely there!13:11
FauxPastebin "apt-cache policy linux-source"?13:12
Les_LinuxI am getting 'unable to locate pakcage linux-source'13:13
Les_Linuxi just imaged this machine last night and ran all the updates13:13
FauxPastebin "apt update"?13:13
Faux(As root.)13:13
Les_Linuxlet me grab that Faux13:13
Les_Linuxthat is going thru the motion fine and is complaining about the package I added manual13:14
Les_Linuxif you are saying it's working for you.. that is good enough for me..13:15
Les_LinuxI will blow it away..13:15
Les_Linuxand check again13:15
cranHi. Got a Dell XPS13 9365 with i7-7Y75 CPU. With Ubuntu 17.10 I had VA-API working with decoding support for H.264 and VP9, as vainfo showed. I could also play VP9 videos with mpv, hw accelerated. NOW, after upgrading to bionic beta, we have libva 2.1.0. And now vainfo does not report vp9 anymore as supported/detected codec. H.264 still works. That looks like a regression in either the i965 driver or 13:15
cranlibva. Can somebody tell me who I should report this to?13:15
ahasenackhi, I'm getting daily Xorg crashes in bionic, just wondering if this was in someone's radar: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/xorg/+bug/175373513:28
ubottuError: launchpad bug 1753735 not found13:28
ahasenackubottu: uh?13:28
ubottuahasenack: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)13:28
ahasenackoh, it's private13:28
ahasenackanyway, it's an assert failure13:29
ahasenackXorg assert failure: Xorg: ../src/evdev-mt-touchpad-tap.c:1028: tp_tap_handle_state: Assertion `tp->tap.nfingers_down >= 1' failed13:29
mcm_does anybody have issues logging in with gdm? after entering username & password i land at the login screen again.14:52
mcm_with the journalctl, i get:14:53
mcm_gnome-session-binary[]: unrecoverable failure in required component org.gnome.settingsdaemon.power.desktop"14:53
mcm_installed Bionic couple days ago and since then upgrading with apt-get upgrade.14:53
=== Onigiri_ is now known as Onigiri
mcm_it seems to be the same problem as here: https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=238574516:00
mcm_any ideas how to fix it?16:00
=== icey_ is now known as icey
tomreynwhat makes you think it's the same issue as on this forum post?16:04
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=== stryx`_ is now known as stryx`
FauxOh no, new nvidia driver. Wonder if it works this time.17:03
willemhi all. I'm testing Xubuntu 18.04. Just installed skype from "software" (the xubuntu app to install things). Skype is a snap package. It installed. But it won't start.19:21
willemThe error in the log says: libGL error: unable to load driver: i965_dri.so19:21
willemLibGL error: driver pointer missing19:22
willemAny advice on what could cause this, and what I can do about it?19:22
willemWhere should I report this?19:22
naccwillem: the snap author (see the contact url in `snap info skype`)19:25
naccwillem: it's a classic snap (which i find a bit surprising) so it might not be particularly welltested on bionic19:26
flocculantnacc: thanks - wasn't sure what to suggest for snaps 19:26
naccflocculant: the above is my understanding in general; there are some canonical-owned snaps that i think have an email address to a ML in them, but i'm not 100% on that19:27
willemnacc, I'm new to this so please clarify a bit more: where is the contact url?19:27
naccin general the contact: is what people use should19:27
naccwillem: run `snap info skype`19:27
naccwillem: in the output is aline like 'contact: ...'19:27
naccwillem: effectively, snaps are owned by the upstream19:28
willemfound this: contact:   https://www.skype.com/19:29
flocculantoh that's awesome then ...19:29
willemquite generic 19:29
nacchttps://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/skype/forum/skype_linux  is probably where you should end up19:31
naccbut i'm not 100%19:31
nacci suppose given that url may change they used the generic one19:32
naccwillem: there's also: https://answers.microsoft.com/en-us/skype/forum/skype_linux-skype_startms-skype_installms/skype-is-now-available-as-snap/732fb227-3e0a-46b3-8cbc-55dd2fae09ab19:32
flocculantwillem: you might find that the deb version works better - though as I said earlier I don't use it19:32
naccit seems like, at least, some folks are responsive from M$ on that page19:33
naccwhich is a really nice sign19:33
flocculantnacc: :)19:33
naccgiven the deb was, afaict, totally unsupported by anyone :)19:33
flocculantoh right :D19:34
flocculantwillem: if you do ask on that ms page - I'd be inclined to not mention xubuntu yet - but I would mention you're trying to get it working in bionic - might not be supported yet - but in a few weeks it's an LTS19:35
flocculantyet another password :p19:36
naccflocculant: :)19:36
willemflocculant, does it never end? ;-)19:42
flocculantyep - eventually :p19:56
willemflocculant, nacc I reported the issue over at microsoft. (Believe it or not: I had a password there already :-))20:00
willemI'd be happy to install the deb-version BTW. But the snap package is the version that "Software" came up with. That's why I installed that version.20:01
flocculantstay with that for now 20:10
phoenix_firebrdIs there a possibility intel va driver version 2.1.0 make it to kubuntu 18.04 final release?21:15
phoenix_firebrdvp9 profiles are missing in v221:15
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756380 in libva (Ubuntu) "vaapi VP9 hardware decoding not working anymore in bionic" [Undecided,New]21:32
=== czesmir_ is now known as czesmir
phoenix_firebrdAny one ubuntu intel graphics hardware and testing ubuntu 18.04 please check the following bug report and confirm it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-vaapi-driver/+bug/175638022:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756380 in libva (Ubuntu) "vaapi VP9 hardware decoding not working anymore in bionic" [Undecided,New]22:36
phoenix_firebrd‎ Any one using intel graphics hardware and testing ubuntu 18.04 please check the following bug report and confirm it. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-vaapi-driver/+bug/175638022:37
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756380 in libva (Ubuntu) "vaapi VP9 hardware decoding not working anymore in bionic" [Undecided,New]22:37
naccphoenix_firebrd: any reason you just posted that twice?22:38
phoenix_firebrdnacc: gramatical mistake22:39
phoenix_firebrdnacc: you found both same :'D22:39
ubottuA schedule of Bionic Beaver (18.04) release milestones can be found here: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ReleaseSchedule23:36
tsimonq2genii: Bah, why isn't that https://wiki.ubuntu.com/BionicBeaver/ReleaseSchedule ?23:36
geniiNo idea23:36
geniiBut that page does link there23:37

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