
duflujbicha, out of curiosity, what name does 'xinput' refer to your touchpad as?02:39
jbichaum, I guess SynPS/2 Synaptics TouchPad02:39
duflujbicha, yes that explains it. My hack around the gdk bug was case sensitive ("pad")02:41
dufluAlthough I copied it from the same source file :)02:41
duflujbicha, I can do a more reliable fix that doesn't need a gdk fix. Plus the bug ID has changed. Will try to get that done today02:45
dufluAlthough it's kind of ugly unless gdk is fixed :/02:45
oSoMoNgood morning desktoppers07:05
dufluMorning oSoMoN07:16
jibelGood morning07:21
dufluHey jibel07:25
oSoMoNgood afternoon duflu07:27
oSoMoNsalut jibel07:27
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didrocksgood morning08:12
dufluMorning didrocks08:35
didrockshey duflu, how are you?08:39
dufludidrocks, alright I guess. A bit rushed (some days the backlog of tasks grows faster than actual progress). You?08:39
didrocksduflu: same, happy to take time to write a very large set of tests for telemetry, found some bugs already or things that could be better, and improved them along the way!08:41
didrocks(already 70+ tests)08:41
Nafallomorning willcooke09:00
Laneyhey hey09:01
didrockshey willcooke, Laney, Nafallo!09:01
dufluMorning willcooke, Laney09:03
dufluand Nafallo09:03
seb128good morning desktopers!09:10
didrockshey seb12809:12
ShriHarihey seb12809:27
Nafallosalut seb12809:29
dufluMorning/evening seb12809:49
Nafallohah. going for the state of tired there, duflu ? ;-)09:50
dufluNot intentionally09:50
Nafallothat said... more coffee!09:52
dufluStill bisecting, but also preparing dinner10:08
popeyseb128: thanks for your reply to that performance thread. Will you also be looking at performance of things outside the GNOME space?10:33
popey(e.g. the top 5 things in the store with diverse setups, classic, using helpers, not using helpers, qt etc)10:34
Nafallohmm. I think I've misunderstood -proposed. anyone know where I can read up about it?11:27
LaneyNafallo: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration/ maybe?11:28
Nafalloah. thanks Laney :-)11:29
LaneyThat might be too in the weeds already though.11:30
Nafallospecifically, I'm trying to figure out what's going on with https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/ansible11:30
Nafallothree months migration seems a bit long for a successfully built `all` package :-)11:31
jibelNafallo, it's all red https://people.canonical.com/~ubuntu-archive/proposed-migration/update_excuses.html#ansible11:36
Nafallowell, for an all package I'm not surprised ;-)11:37
jibelNafallo,and this is why  https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-bionic/bionic/amd64/o/os-faults/20180211_083835_a5a32@/log.gz11:37
jibeleither fix ansible or os-faults to work with the newer version of ansible11:38
Nafalloyeah. let's see if I can figure it out :-)11:39
Nafalloautopkgtest wasn't there last time I did packaging in Ubuntu ;-)11:39
jbichaandyrock: what services will be using Ubuntu SSO in 18.04.0? Only LivePatch?11:52
jbicha(I mean with the new GOA provider)11:52
andyrockand all apps using the store12:04
jbichacan you explain more?12:07
jbichaI'm asking because I want to figure out whether your GOA patch should be pushed into Debian12:08
jbichaLivePatch is useless there, the Snap Store isn't useless but it's not installed by default either12:08
Laneyit's going to come via upstream anyway12:10
jbichathere are 2 GOA patches, maybe the LivePatch helper script should be in a different package?? since it's not useful to other distros12:13
jbichaif the Ubuntu provider isn't useful at all to Debian, it doesn't make sense to enable that feature even if it an option upstream12:14
jbicha"Use for … Network Resources"12:15
Nafallohrm. my autopkgtest keeps saying there is no tests in package when I try to reproduce it :-P12:25
Laneydid you follow http://packaging.ubuntu.com/html/auto-pkg-test.html#executing-the-test ?12:26
Nafallothat's the one I'm trying, but with lxd instead12:27
Nafalloautopkgtest --apt-pocket=proposed=src:ansible ansible -- lxd autopkgtest/ubuntu/bionic/amd6412:27
Laneyit's the test of os-faults12:27
Laneyreplace the second ansible12:28
Nafallostill something wonky. let me pipe it to pastebinit12:32
andyrockjbicha: so it will be useful if gnome-software to buy snaps12:46
andyrocklivepatch is in another patch on purpose12:47
jbichaandyrock: do we know when Snap purchasing will be enabled?12:47
andyrockjbicha: I don't know tbh12:48
LaneyNafallo: you might need to install autodep812:48
andyrockseb128: ^^^12:48
Laneysome packages have these automatically generated tests that come from there12:48
seb128popey, yes, it's on our my/our list, but our list of things to do is quite long so I don't know how much we are going to work on that and when :/ we should be at least able to do some poking, but having snappy team people helping would be nice12:48
seb128andyrock, jbicha, I don't know either, willcooke might be able to help12:49
popeyseb128: I'll if I can get some time to help.12:49
seb128popey, thx!12:49
willcookeIt'll be landing in G-Software real soon now.  It's already upstream, just that we didnt turn it on yet.  They are argreeing the final URL for the payments etc atm.  I'd say it will be on in the next week or so12:50
willcookejbicha, ^12:50
jbichaoh wow, ok12:51
seb128grrr udisks autopkgtests12:51
andyrockjbicha: so we need to patch gnome-software to use gnome-online-accounts12:51
andyrockupstream already agreed12:52
jbichaseb128: :( I've got to figure out what broke in gnome-photos autopkgtests12:52
andyrockand I've already most of the code there12:52
seb128jbicha, dconf also we never figured out :/12:52
seb128jbicha, did you get any reply from mterry about deja-dup? I think it's fine to drop the ulimit hack if he doesn't respond12:55
jbichano reply, I can go ahead and drop the ulimit thing without waiting longer for a response then12:57
jbichait's going to be annoying for other distros though… but most distros don't include it by default anyway12:58
seb128right, and he might enventually reply/do an update for that12:59
seb128I still think we are going to have an issue there that it would nice to handle12:59
andyrockwebkit crashing if ulimit is set?13:00
seb128which deja-dup does in the Exec in its .desktop as a workaround for an (old) issue13:00
seb128that's easy to change13:00
jbichaseb128: right, I was going to ask you about doing that on Monday if we hadn't talked about it today :)13:01
seb128but it's likely some sysadminds/users out there set ulimits on their machines13:01
seb128they are going to have webkit/goa/etc just segfaulting without obvious reason13:01
jbichaandyrock: and Deja Dup is only affected because it uses GOA !13:01
seb128we should probably display a dialog at login telling them that ulimit use is incompatible with modern GNOME13:01
jbichaseb128: we should try it out to see what breaks. I mean GNOME Shell uses webkit for its captive portal handler so things could be really broken…13:03
seb128jbicha, right13:05
andyrockcan webkit gigacage adapt to the maxixmum size?13:06
andyrockin order to not crash?13:06
seb128seems not according to the webkitgtk guys13:06
jbichaif it did that, it would eliminate the security hardening feature13:07
andyrockseb128: I asked bdmurray to review the software-properties patch13:11
andyrockif you also want to take a look13:12
seb128andyrock, did he reply? sure, it's on my list for today13:15
andyrocknot yet13:17
seb128andyrock, he's not really a GTK hacker so I'm unsure how much he's going to be able to review, anyway I try to have a look13:18
acheronukhow does this minimal install exclusion list treat dependencies of the removed things? are they autoremoved as well, if not required by anything that is left?13:31
jbichaacheronuk: no13:34
jbichaspeaking of that… didrocks: is this your area? https://code.launchpad.net/~ubuntu-mate-dev/ubuntu-seeds/more-minimal/+merge/34075913:35
acheronukright. thanks.13:36
didrocksjbicha: lgtm, pushing13:38
jbichadidrocks: we were wondering about adding totem to the list…13:40
didrocksjbicha: I don't think that's desirable, but I don't have any strong opinions13:40
jbichathe justification is that it's a popular app for people to replace with like gnome-mpv or vlc13:41
acheronukjbicha: ok. if you remove a dependency via the list, will that in turn remove things that that depend on it? or will it baulk and refuse unless you list them all?13:41
jbichaso this way, we can sort of comply with the wishes expressed in the default apps survey without actually killing totem in the default install ??13:41
acheronukjust trying to work out how to do this most efficiently13:42
jbichaacheronuk: I don't know. I've not experimented with the feature13:42
didrocksjbicha: maybe next team meeting? I would like to have other opinions on that, but yeah, as some people will replace with vlc, that kind of make sense13:42
didrocksacheronuk: it will remove all things depending on it13:43
didrockshowever, it doesn't remove reverse depends due to package being marked as manual, not auto13:43
acheronukthanks. makes sense13:44
didrocksWe have plans in the future to enhance that and have everything unused removed13:45
didrocksand that will speed up install time as well13:45
didrocksjust not for 18.04 :)13:45
acheronukright. understood. thanks again13:47
acheronukif I try this for Kubuntu, going to have a BIG list!13:48
acheronukif it's going to be made worthwhile having13:49
didrocksI added support for the KDE variant of the installer13:51
didrocksso yeah, if you just drop the magic file before you start ubiquity, you should see it13:51
acheronukI shall try some testing over the weekend13:51
didrocksfeel free, I tried it on a Kubuntu live system at the time, but a double check is always appreciated :)13:52
acheronukdidrocks: can you pint me to where the file goes when ubiquity fetches it?13:52
didrocksacheronuk: minimal_install_rlist_path = os.path.join(13:54
didrocks    '/cdrom',13:54
didrocks    get_casper('LIVE_MEDIA_PATH', 'casper').lstrip('/'),13:54
didrocks    'filesystem.manifest-minimal-remove')13:54
acheronukdidrocks: minimal_install_rlist_path = "/cdrom/casper/filesystem.manifest-minimal-remove" ?13:57
didrocksacheronuk: if LIVE_MEDIA_PATH isn't set in Kubuntu in /etc/casper.conf, yes :)13:58
Laneyalways good for tidying up your bos grunniens14:43
ricotzLaney, wth, was there some discussion about abandoning it?15:25
Laneyricotz: abandoning what?15:27
ricotzI assumed you referred to https://bugzilla.gnome.org/show_bug.cgi?id=79439315:33
ubot5`Gnome bug 794393 in module sets "RFC: Add GNOME latest modulesets" [Normal,Resolved: fixed]15:33
Laneylatest would be OK for me tbh15:36
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seb128Laney, can you skip the udisks2 autopkgtest failures on arm64 and s390x in bionic-proposed? the arm64 one is one of the test being flacky, I see similar issues here and it had the same on other archs/worked after some retries and s390x is just disks being weird on that arch and such normal rules don't applying, that need work but I don't think we should delay testing the 2.7 serie on figureing out s390x issue when nothing is going to use udis16:05
seb128ks there anyway ... wdyt?16:05
seb128I'm going to debug the flacky one, but that's not going today and I've some days off next week16:06
seb128I would prefer we start testing 2.7 earlier than later16:06
seb128I can have a look to s390x as well but same than ^16:06
Laneyto me http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/udisks2/bionic/arm64 and http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/u/udisks2/bionic/s390x look like they were working and then became worse16:07
seb128Laney, well as said arm64 has one test failing which is flaky16:08
seb128maybe something in the arch/env is making it more likely to hit the flakyness on it that it does on amd64 or i38616:08
Laneyit looks like it became flaky though16:09
seb128Laney, see https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-bionic/bionic/i386/u/udisks2/20180316_120827_f40c5@/log.gz16:09
seb128as said, that's a known issue, and I'm going to work on it16:09
seb128but not today and I'm off part of next week16:09
seb128I'm arguing that it's more important that 2.7 gets early testing than it is that a flaky test is fixed to not be flaky16:10
seb128anyway, if you disagree you are the one deciding16:10
seb128I made my case :)16:10
seb128I'm back on friday next week and I expect to deal with backlog and other things16:10
seb128so I can look at it on monday 26th soonest16:11
seb128or we find somebody to look at it next week is an option16:11
seb128Laney, wdyt?16:11
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Laneyprobably ok with skipping this version if someone does look at it16:13
seb128I look at it, maybe tomorrow in the train more16:13
Laneythis was flaky on amd64 too, and this is all quite new so I think it wants some investigation16:13
seb128but I can't promise I'm going to fix it before being off16:14
seb128right, I'm poking at it16:14
seb128I just don't think I'm going to get it figured out/fixed today16:14
LaneyI'd appreciate a bug to track it if that's alright16:15
Laneythen I can link to that in the hint file16:15
seb128Laney, https://trello.com/c/o8J0Uo6O/278-resolve-udisks2-flaky-test-s390x-issues16:16
seb128I can do that as well, sec16:16
seb128Laney, https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/udisks2/+bug/175637816:17
ubot5`Ubuntu bug 1756378 in udisks2 (Ubuntu) "Udisks2 flacky test (regression from 2.7)" [Undecided,New]16:17
seb128thank you!16:18
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seb128Laney, btw if you feel like that should better blocked I'm not forcing the decision but respecting what you decide is best16:19
seb128I just think we need to start to get that update rolled out to users so it gets some better testing16:19
seb128so making my case for that :)16:19
LaneyI find ignoring test failures we don't understand to be a bit uncomfortable, and I feel a bit forced by the "away for a week" thing16:23
Laneyprobably people are going to keep hitting that retry button16:23
Laneyhopefully the flakes don't point to a real problem16:23
Laneygot to go to physio now, see you later unles you're gone in which case have a nice weekend, unless you're seb128 in which case have a nice holiday!16:33
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seb128Laney, k, as I said your call. If you think we should investigate rather than skip maybe you can find a slot to pick that up on monday if you are not too busy and see if you can figure it out?18:51
seb128Laney, worth case let's see where we are next friday, I might be able to fix it in the train tomorrow or on the way back on thursday18:51
seb128have a nice w.e/week desktopers (I'm off monday to thursday, probably going to be a bit online/checking backlog as I travel back on thursday)18:52
willcookehave a good one seb12818:58
willcookeI should probably call it EOD too, night all18:59
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