
rbasakpopey: please could you add Skuggen to ~ubuntu-wiki-editors? His LP ID is lars-tangvald.12:25
rbasakpopey: also while you're there please also add ~nryeng.12:26
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dokocoreycb, jamespage, rbasak: could I have feedback on https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/mailman/+bug/1735372 ?14:36
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1735372 in mailman3-core (Ubuntu) "mailman/mailman3: Please drop dependency on Python2 (demoting mailman)" [Undecided,New]14:36
gQuigsseems to be going more towards a NAK for my Ubuntu Monthly Update Cadence Proposal but more comments always welcome!  https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-devel-discuss/2018-February/thread.html#1787515:44
gQuigsTo me, this is also the perfect couple of months to make proposals like this. So if you want to make a different proposal, please do :)15:44
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popeyrbasak: sorry only just saw this. Will do.18:35
rbasakpopey: np, thanks!18:36
popeyrbasak: done19:31
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phibsAnyone know if launchpad is having issues? I'm trying to upload my GPG key and getting timeout errors.20:01
cjwatsonThat's an isolated problem, though a known one20:08
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1753019 in Launchpad itself "Cannot import gpg key - Timeout" [Undecided,New]20:08
phibsoh man20:09
phibs2 weeks ????20:09
cjwatsonwgrant: Do you think you could review https://code.launchpad.net/~cjwatson/launchpad/gpg-timeline/+merge/340554, please?  I'd like to have some hope of being able to debug this20:12
cjwatsonYeah, I mean it's probably not going to go away by itself and the current instrumentation isn't enough to debug it (or I'm missing something).20:13
cjwatsonThough somewhat mysterious why it appeared in the first place.20:13
phibscjwatson: thanks for the info20:17
ahasenackhi, who maintains gvfs in ubuntu? I'm tempted to bump this timeout[1] to see if the gvfs tests[2] become less flaky21:18
ahasenack(hm, just a sec, I should have had the urls ready)21:19
ahasenack2. http://autopkgtest.ubuntu.com/packages/g/gvfs/bionic/ppc64el21:19
ahasenack1. https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/1713098/comments/421:19
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1713098 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Frequent DEP8 test failures related to ftp" [Undecided,New]21:19
ahasenackand https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gvfs/+bug/1713098/comments/521:20
ahasenackhttps://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/tree/test/gvfs-test#n264 for the code21:21
ahasenackalternatively, I was wondering about using Gio.MountUnmountFlags.FORCE instead of NONE21:22
ahasenackbut if there is a real bug there, FORCE might hide it21:23
jbichaahasenack: I know that Laney has a gvfs upload in progress :)21:26
ahasenackreason I'm interested in fixing this is because my samba uploads always have a hard time with this flaky gvfs test :)21:27
ahasenackjbicha: is it in excuses already, do you know?21:28
ahasenackdoesn't look like it21:28
ahasenackalso not in lp yet21:28
jbichathere is a 1.36.0 upstream release, he hasn't uploaded his work to bionic yet21:29
ahasenackI checked git and that particular test hasn't changed21:30
jbicharight, I only mentioned it because you wanted to know who to talk to ;)21:30
ahasenacknor has unmount_api(), which is what times out21:30
jbichaI think upstream was a bit surprised we used their tests, lol21:31
ahasenackseb128 seems to have done a lot of uploads21:31
ahasenackjbicha: I'm actually hovering over "submit bug" on https://bugzilla.gnome.org/enter_bug.cgi?product=gvfs, I have it filled out alreayd21:31
ahasenackLaney: if you see this later/tomorrow/monday, would you be willing to "sneak in" a timeout change in https://git.gnome.org/browse/gvfs/tree/test/gvfs-test#n264 from 5 to, say, 10s, to see if the gvfs tests pass more frequently? (bug #1713098)21:33
ubottubug 1713098 in gvfs (Ubuntu) "Frequent DEP8 test failures related to ftp" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/171309821:33
ahasenackor perhaps use Gio.MountUnmountFlags.FORCE instead of NONE in that unmount_api() call21:37
ahasenackok, have a great weekend everyone :)21:37
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