
ManxPiesLast week I installed Rosa QxLt Linux 1001:03
ManxPiesOnly problem - the external monitor didnot work.01:04
ManxPiesSo this week I install elementary.01:04
ManxPiesMy first app I installed was Software-Boutique.01:04
ManxPiesThis didn't work, and01:04
ManxPiesalthough there were people saying that flexiondotorg would show on #snappy channel, he didn't01:05
ManxPiesSo I was basically left with a crap snap.01:05
ManxPiesI then thought that with all the chatter on the snapcraft forum - I should install spotify.01:06
ManxPiesSo I installed spotify01:06
tsimonq2ManxPies: This is not a channel for support.01:06
ManxPiesOne problem.01:06
tsimonq2Please try #ubuntu01:06
tsimonq2Or #ubuntu-mate.01:06
tsimonq2But not here.01:06
ManxPiestsimonq2: How are you progressing with snaps on Lubuntu01:07
tsimonq2ManxPies: We aren't doing snaps on Lubuntu.01:08
tsimonq2This also isn't the channel for this. ;)01:08
ManxPiesWhy not ?01:08
ManxPies& Can I PM you ?01:08
ManxPiestsimonq2: tried to PM you, but you don't answer.01:11
guivercManxPies, this channel is for the Ubuntu-News team project01:13
ManxPiesguiverc: Yes, I understand, but tsimonq2 won't answer my PM.01:13
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