
diploStill being built :( - first forgot a cpu cooler, then found out with Ryzen machines you can't use onboard gfx - so last delivery today hopefully and it'll be alive!08:02
brobostigonmorning boys and girls.08:20
daftykinswowzer, just had my new phone line done - my router now syncs at 61Mb for my 60Mb service (instead of 52 to 58 tops before) and my download speed has gone from 6.3MB/sec to 6.9 :D11:51
diddledandaftykins: might want to get them to reset the exchange training thing to get your line to retrain itself to the new conditions rather than waiting an age for it to stabilise (resetting the training means it will profile more aggressively IIRC)12:11
daftykinsnah it was a whole new copper run from end to end, i'm probably in a totally different linecard now12:12
daftykinsit's been instantly as good as it's gonna get \o/12:12
daftykinswell, might still creep up i suppose once it settles :>12:12
daftykinsengineer pulled the power cable out of my server, hah12:12
diddledan"how can one insulated wire bring so much happiness?!"12:13
diddledanstupid engineers12:13
daftykinsbest part was mine and the neighbours lines we'd unclipped from the front of my house last summer to repaint it all, so now they're gone and the fresh ones are tacked on - it's looking really smart12:13
daftykinstook the neighbours via another route so it can't be seen, too12:14
daftykinsjust finished setting up a synology 2 bay NAS with a pair of 10TB WD Red disks in, now got 6TB+ of video to rsync to it xD12:59
zmoylan-pispinning, spinning, spinning, keep those diskies spinning, raw-video :-P ♪13:01
diddledanfirst opened window this year just happened at my place15:07
diddledanit's 22C in here right now15:07
daftykinsstill awaiting a call from Zen as to when they can push this BT install back to for my clients London pad, oy15:23
diddledanyou know your evil apple tablet? want more evil Microsoft stuff on your evil apple tablet? Good news everybody: https://www.windowscentral.com/microsoft-edge-beta-ios-picks-ipad-support15:58
diddledananother Ruskie dead?! http://www.bbc.co.uk/news/uk-4343355215:59
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