[06:37] PR snapcraft#2007 opened: catkin plugin: replace python calls in all profile.d scripts [14:10] hi all. i have a problem. i yesterday installed the spotify snap. it worked. then i rebooted my pc now suddenly, it says [14:10] execl failed: No such file or directory [14:10] child exited with status 1 [14:10] when trying to start spotify [14:10] can anyone help me? it says spotify is installed [14:10] and its still "executeable" [14:14] sorry had to restart somethin was messed up cuz my irc client updated ;D [14:14] mso - can anyone hlep me? :) [14:34] freakyy: over the weekend you're probably better off on the snapcraft forums or ask.ubuntu.com [16:40] Question for the snappy team here. Is it possible to use another version besides 16.04 as the base for a snap? I'm working on Krita V4, and the Krita team have eluded that 16.04 is problematic. Just looking at options here. [16:58] bashfulrobot, no [16:59] Son_Goku: thanks for the confirmation [16:59] bashfulrobot, I'm working on making it possible to have CentOS 7, Fedora, Mageia, and openSUSE Leap 15 as options, but it's not ready yet [17:13] ask.ubuntu.com downvoted my question as offtopic [20:31] freakyy: why not install spotify native? [21:05] pcdummy: whats spotify native? [21:05] u mean using ubuntu apt? [21:05] thats cuz because of an unresolved dependency i cant use the spotify repo [21:05] freakyy: libssl1 i think [21:06] ubuntu 18.04 bionic beaver uses libcurl4 whereas ubuntu 17.10 works with libcurl3 [21:07] and spotify requires libcurl3 [21:07] but when i wanna install libcurl3 it will remove libcurl4 and curl which is required by the login script for my isp hotspot [21:08] ok, i see :/