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Auctusis the telemetry stuff turned on in the beta? where do i find that setting to turn it off02:11
Auctusi didnt see anything during the install process.02:11
tsimonq2Auctus: If it's not in the install process, it's not there.02:12
tsimonq2I don't think they've implemented it quite yet.02:12
Auctushow do i make alt-tabbing normal; i only have firefox open, but it wont switch between windows, i gotta bring up some annoying sub-menu02:28
Auctustheres like a delay before that sub-menu opens up02:33
Auctusis there also no longer a way to change the # of workspaces in the settings? do i have to install some tweak tool or something to do that?02:35
Auctusapparently i should be pressing "super" and then using arrow keys to navigate between open windows02:39
Auctusthats still slower?02:40
Bashing-omAuctus: I use the keyboard short cut .. wayland --- and it it much faster to switch work spaces .03:00
Auctusso apparently when you fill up your last workspace, a new workspace is created below it, neat03:39
Bashing-omAuctus: My ecperience is that once the 1st work space is active, the 2nd becomes available . ( wayland )04:19
enycHrrm. how long does it take or a package agreed, in the package builder "PROPOSED" etc to then appear in bionic archive and packages.ubuntu.com ??07:42
enyce2fsprogs supposedly updated "fix released" for bionic07:43
enycbuild system built it for bionic PROPOSED, no prbolmes days ago07:43
enycwhat happens to push it through?07:43
enycauto-testing-'magic' ??08:04
acheronukenyc: https://wiki.ubuntu.com/ProposedMigration08:13
acheronukpublishing history shows it got through a short while ago: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/e2fsprogs/1.44.0-1/+publishinghistory08:14
acheronukthen it's up to mirrors08:14
enycacheronuk: how/when does  packages.ubuntu.com  update?08:15
acheronukpresumably a cron job somewhere. if so, I don't know the timing/frequency08:17
enychrrm, and i wonder if it reads some master database, or just 'looks at' packages rom mirrors/main-archive/etc08:17
* acheronuk shrugs08:17
enycacheronuk: thankyou =)08:18
ubottuThe packages in Ubuntu are divided into several sections. More information at https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Repositories - See https://wiki.ubuntu.com/RecommendedSources for the recommended way to set up your repositories.09:26
Xardi have ubuntu 16.04 installation and i installed the 18.04 beta on same drive and it seems the efi bootloaders are writing now over each other so i can use either 16.04 or 18.04 but can't have them side by side and choosable from bios10:04
flocculantlotuspsychje: morning :)10:07
lotuspsychjehey flocculant 10:13
enycXard: i wondered if that sort of thing would tend to happen...  I'm not yet EFI general user so don't know correct solution.11:23
enycXard: i'm guessing something can be changed in the older-ubuntu to change boot entry names11:23
enycXard: separate-disks, or "virtualization" tend to be easier fwiw11:23
enycHrrrrm...    Wondering....11:24
enycis  'btrfs-progs' (now in main)  going to be default in most installs now [i'd reccomend it was available/supported...]11:24
enyc[for that matter, can you install with root on btrfs]11:24
enycALSO -- does the default desktop install, handle gracefull, discovering an 'exfat' filesystem? -- Will it do something sensible to help user get  'exfat-utils'  'exfat-fuse'  installed???11:25
Xardenyc: i can boot to older kernels from the efi menu and then recapture the efi boot from the booted system with "grub-install /dev/sdX" where x is the drive letter12:24
Xardfedora seems to do this with each release as separate efi entry so they don't have this issue while ubuntu is just "ubuntu"12:24
enycXard: yes quite, have you looked for ubunut-bugs? discussed with devs?12:29
enycXard: if you've got a really well worded example bug iwth good non-intrusive low-regression-risk solution in there, i can try to rais it with devs in a hurry for bionic12:31
enycXard: have got another issue ssorted myself...12:31
Xardit just feels weird and overlooked problem espicially considering that testing beta releases on real hardware is quite important12:32
enycXard: quite,  Look in launchpad.net  bug search12:32
Xardand it feels more like "feature" than bug12:32
enycXard: but still annoying and unnecessary12:32
enycXard: please, check,   write a good bug along with sogugsed solution  if there isn't one,  give example of HOW i works in fedora/whatever12:33
enyci'm doing some checks/regression/etc on a different, e2fprogs mess ;p12:33
Xardwell, what this efi boot loader is even called since using proper term would probably help12:33
enycXard: 'grub-efi' probably12:34
enycXard: "COLUMNS=200 dpkg -l | grep grub"  (or grep efi)  might give you a clue12:34
Xardprobably "grub-efi-amd64"...?12:35
enycseems very likely12:35
Xardokay, thanks12:35
enycXard: launchpad bug search will let you see all bugs in that package12:35
Xardi'm not really that familiar with efi as i've used always the legacy mbr option on previous hardware12:36
Xardone quite peculiar thing was that the 18.04 beta installer didn't even warn me about not mounting /boot/efi during the installation so i had to manually install grub-efi-amd64 and drive the "grub-install" from 18.04 beta12:38
Xardand setup /boot/efi to fstab of course12:38
enycXard: check for a bug on that too12:38
enycXard: when you have bug report numbers (even if you create them yourself)  i may help look at them and point devs12:38
Xardif recall right 16.04 installer didn't let you continue and warned of the missing efi partition12:39
enyccheck your facts, report bug12:39
Xardokay, thanks for the information and i'll look into it bit later as i have some running matters to deal with now...12:40
* enyc tests an install with btrfs-root ;p15:58
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pajjeHi, Checking out 18.04 beta and realized that I cant find how to enable DTS/AC3 passthrough in pavcontrol anymore. Has this feature been moved or am I missing something?21:38

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