[03:43] hi [05:12] <7GHAADSF4> when I first installed ubuntu-mate it was running amazing now just a couple of months later I'm having issues with speed [05:41] 7GHAADSF4: what cpu model? grep model /proc/cpuinfo [05:44] <7GHAADSF4> it is a dell 2120 [05:45] That's not a cpu [05:46] If it's atom n550, that's extremely slow, 523 passmark score: https://www.cpubenchmark.net/cpu.php?cpu=Intel+Atom+N550+%40+1.50GHz&id=622 [05:47] Recent CPUs have 6000+ score there, so it's 10 times slower than a recent i3 [06:14] I have a question, does Mate 18.04 still have guest sessions like in 16.04? [12:41] qq [12:41] hi [12:43] Hi there, anyone here who's got ubuntu-mate working on the new raspberry pi 3B+ ? (released on pi-day :-) [12:44] again PIs [12:45] Working SD card on a 3B, doesn't boot beyond the rainbow screen on a 3B+ [14:25] HI! sudo /usr/bin/update-manager - it will do work correctly? It is just like as: start a Software Updater as simple user and then, enter the root password in GUI dialogue? [14:39] Good Bye! === ole_ is now known as oledenmark === oledenmark is now known as ole_denmark [15:13] good morning I get a statement when trying to update Ubuntu Mate on a 64 bit . Waiting for unatended upgrade. It stays like that for a long time [15:35] hi? [15:37] Can you hear me? [15:38] yes [15:38] you voice is cracking [15:39] Thank you :) [15:53] Hi, I have a lttle question, is someone using ubuntu mate beta as daily driver? I know that this is a beta and can have bugs but in the virtual machine seems very stable, only some little issue [19:10] U-mate=L 17.10 64,W=windows xp pro 32 ru. At me so: when I come in L at me time shows for 3 hours less. After a few seconds, the ntp server sets the correct time. What I have: W + L, when I start at L time in the BIOS of the motherboard is set to the wrong time which is set to L (it is necessary to go into the BIOS and set the correct time). If I set the correct time in BIOS and go to W time, it is shown in W to be [19:10] correct and does not change in BIOS. In Windows, the time is synchronized once a week and the first information about the time is taken from Bios, if it is in the wrong bios then W shows the wrong time until it is synchronized in a week with ntp. What I did: changed the battery on the board, did not help, set the regional settings in L in the date and time section, chose the country and the city, did not help. [19:10] У меня так: когда я захожу в L у меня время показывает на 3 часа меньше. Через несколько секунд ntp сервер устанавливает правильное время. Что я имею: W+L, когда я запускаю в L время в биос материнской платы устанавливается на неправильное [19:10] время которое установлено в L (необходимо зайти в BIOS и выставить правильное время). Если я устанавливаю правильное время в биос и захожу в W время показывается в W правильное и в биос не меняется. В Windows время синхронизируется раз в нед [19:10] елю и первая информацыя о времени берйтся с Bios, если оно в биос не правильное то и W показывает неправильное время пока не сенхронизируется через неделю с ntp. Что я сделал: поменял батарейку на плате, не помогло, выставил региональные [19:10] настройки в L в разделе дата и время, выбрал страну и город, не помогло. [19:11] Time Moscow [19:12] you need a motherboard name? [19:15] come=start [19:18] bios last from 2015 FM2 + [19:30] Hello, I'm running the beta and accessing the desktop via x2go. However, when running certain programs (vscode or firefox) I seem to be getting locks in x2go. In particular, this is reproducible when I go to the download page for the ublock extension. The sshd process spikes the cpu in the vm and the x2go session becomes unresponsive until I kill firefox from a second ssh connection. [19:30] any tips on logs to check or troubleshooting to do for this? [20:07] hy [20:09] jorian: wouldn't that be a question for the x2go developers, and not for #ubuntu-mate? [20:09] jorian: I think x2go-server isn't even in the ubuntu repositories... [20:10] akisg: It's available in the ubuntu-mate software boutique. I agree it's most likely on their end. I've asked there as well. Just asking here too in case anyone has ran into it. I've not had this issue with fedora. === marian is now known as Guest54500 [21:02] Heh, I was wondering why I didn't have the boutique; it's now snap-based, so I got rid of it when I removed snapd [21:03] I wonder if debian would be more suitable for me nowadays; I end up uninstalling all the ubuntu-specific bits of mate... [22:06] hwclock из util-linux 2.30.1 [22:06] Trying to open: /dev/rtc0 [22:06] Using the rtc interface to the clock. [22:06] Подразумевается, что аппаратные часы выставлены по UTC времени. [22:06] Ожидается тиканье часов... [22:06] ...получено тиканье часов [22:11] Drone bot? [22:12] 99% Drone bot.