[00:22] It was me, but also, I'm normally drunk whenever I'm on IRC, so that's a horrible excuse. [00:24] ok ok.. I wasn't drunk, I was on drugs, actually [00:24] (nbome and cachaça make a good mix) [00:25] Meh, perhaps you need to worry about your life choices before returning to IRC. [00:26] don't worry about me [00:27] I just want to get unbanned, if you think that's reasonable [00:33] It is unreasonable. Being on drugs doesn't excuse poor behavioural choices. You have plenty of time to reevaluate your priorities. [00:34] can you at least tell me what I did? [00:38] stallman, you cannot even recall? that's not recommendation for getting an unban [00:39] all I remember is that I was listenning to ruído/mm [00:47] stallman: We have finished here, if you could please /part - come back in a while and we can reevaluate. It won't be removed at this time. [16:18] In #ubuntu-offtopic, oerheks said: ubottu> Meltdown is a security issue with (primarily) Intel processors. It's mitigated by kernel patches named KPTI. Ubuntu released them in security updates for 14.04, 16.04, and 17.10. 17.04 will not receive this update. 18.04 will ship with kernel 4.15, which is patched already. 16.04 has updates for Linux 4.4 (release) and 4.13 (HWE), installs with 4.10 should upgrade to 4.13. See also !spectre, !nopti [20:31] leftyfb called the ops in #ubuntu (AuroraAvenue)