[00:35] oh no, not again! https://twitter.com/angryearthling/status/975157299999379457/photo/1 [00:38] :D [00:46] At least no petunias were harmed in this snow... === diddledan_ is now known as diddledan [09:15] morning boys and girls. [09:28] o/ [09:30] snow on the ground... that changes usual plans for a nice long sunday walk... [09:31] o/ [09:31] same as here too, :( [09:32] sudo build snow_man [09:33] sudo cmake snow_angel [09:34] :) [09:50] :) [11:50] Virgin angryies https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Byz94fkwf6U [13:10] Quiet today. I'm guessing they're all out sunbathing. [13:13] oh yes, lovely weather for sunbathing [13:15] :) [13:16] * SuperEngineer looks on bright side: if it's snowing, it isn't raining! [13:17] actually it's not snowing here now, we've just got a layer of it and it's still 1c [13:21] typical... not quite cold enough to make your own ice, not quite warm enough to put the mankini on.