
EdDeAlmeidaHi everybody.03:42
EdDeAlmeidaI was looking for a good distro for my 3 years old son and read this article here: https://opensource.com/article/17/9/linux-kids03:43
EdDeAlmeidaIt says Edubuntu is about to disapear for having no maintainers.03:44
EdDeAlmeidaI'd like to know if this is true. It would be a shame to allow such a project to disapear.03:46
EdDeAlmeidaI am a old Linux developer. Already contributed to the kernel for sometime back in the 90's and I'd be pleased in helping Edubuntu to continue.03:48
EdDeAlmeidaPlease write me at edvaldoajunior@gmail.com to let me know how may I help.03:49

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