
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
Bashing-omTV calls my attention ,,, back in an hour .02:01
lotuspsychjegood morning to all04:09
Bashing-omslow lotuspsychje ,04:10
lotuspsychjekk Bashing-om :p04:10
=== EriC^^_ is now known as EriC^^
=== guiverc_d is now known as guiverc
EriC^^morning guys04:37
Bashing-omEriC^^: :) Morning crew comming on .04:39
EriC^^how was your day?04:40
lotuspsychjemorning EriC^^ guiverc06:20
EriC^^morning lotuspsychje06:26
ducassegood morning, everyone07:37
JimBuntuhiya ducasse07:41
ducassehi JimBuntu - how are you today?07:41
JimBuntuI am doing well... looking forward to vacation, this time next week,.... you?07:42
JimBuntuducasse, ^^'07:42
ducassehaving a quiet morning, no major plans today07:43
JimBuntuwoohoo for quiet days, those are my favs. No fires to put out is a good thing.07:43
ducassei should do some maintenance on my file server, but there's no hurry07:44
JimBuntunever a hurry until the day after there is an issue ;-) may that be may years from now. A prayer for ducasse07:46
ducassei'm the only one it will affect if there is an issue, so the risk is negligible :)07:48
JimBuntulol. I figure you are important enough that it will have ancillary effect... i.e., many people will feel harm from it, even if it's only your stuff.07:49
JimBuntuducasse, You work on the kernel, right? I feel like I recognize your name from work.07:51
ducasseno, afraid i don't - you must confuse me with someone else07:52
JimBuntuhmmmm. Any OMAP4 work?07:54
ducasseii no longer work, but back when i worked i did security consulting07:55
lotuspsychjemorning ducasse07:55
JimBuntuAh, that might be it then. Once a TI person, always remembered as a Ti person, lol.07:56
JimBuntumorning lotuspsychje07:56
lotuspsychjehey JimBuntu07:56
ducassemorning lotuspsychje - how's lie treating you today?07:56
JimBuntulife... lie... same diff07:57
lotuspsychjeducasse: fine here chill before work again, 2 weeks left till holiday07:57
JimBuntuLet the count down begin!08:00
ducasserelaxing day here too, just a little cold today08:00
JimBuntuI have 1 week till holiday, already in party mode, lol08:01
ducasseany plans for easter, guys?08:06
JimBuntuI am going to Florida, USA for Easter... hope it to be fun.08:09
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:04
ducassehi BluesKaj - how are you today?09:04
BluesKajHi ducasse, doing ok, and you ?09:05
ducassei'm good, thanks - having a quiet morning09:05
lotuspsychjehey BluesKaj09:06
BluesKajHi lotuspsychje09:06
jinkMorning. ^__^09:06
lotuspsychjehi jink09:07
BluesKaj'Morning jink09:07
ducasse\o jink09:10
JimBuntuHiya BluesKaj . I hope all is great there!09:14
lotuspsychjelaterz guys work time09:26
guiverchave a great day lotuspsychje09:27
lotuspsychjetnx guiverc09:27
JimBuntuT-32 mins till work here. :-(09:28
guivercmake the most of your remaining time on parole :)09:30
JimBuntuguiverc, I will try... it's a bit like anxiety though...09:30
ducasseJimBuntu: load up on coffee and you'll be fine :)09:38
jinkCoffee isn't always the answer.09:40
JimBuntuNo coffee over here, not yet anyhow, maybe next week09:43
BluesKajHi JimBuntu09:58
* BluesKaj needs more coffee...10:16
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=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
pauljwhi everyone11:54
BluesKaj'Morning pauljw12:49
pauljwmorning BluesKaj :)12:50
naccleftyfb: no money in desktops :)15:58
leftyfbyeah, apparently15:58
leftyfbwhat did they expect when it was free?15:59
leftyfbguess I'll be giving budgie a try15:59
leftyfbI still like my gnome classic15:59
leftyfbakik: no thanks16:09
leftyfbI tried it .. got real tired of every menu everywhere having KDE_ALL_THE_THINGS items16:09
leftyfbit was a mess16:09
leftyfbgnome classic I find is a perfect medium16:10
leftyfbit's basic enough and has features that aren't thrown in your face and the best part is it's customizable. At least it used to be16:10
leftyfbthis new modern UI stuff is crap16:12
leftyfbthe most common theme is "no, it doesn't do that anymore"16:12
akikwhat is kde all the things?16:12
leftyfbI've seen more discussion about what new UI's can't do anymore than what they can do16:12
leftyfbto be fair, it's been a long time since I've used KDE16:14
leftyfblike 2007ish I think16:15
akikkde just works. it doesn't try to force you do anything16:15
akikplasma 5 is a lot different than what you had in 200716:15
leftyfbI'll be exploring options next month16:16
akikplasma 4 wasn't even released in 200716:17
leftyfbno, I don't recall there being plasma back then16:18
naccakik: sorry you had to even respond to that person :)18:10
naccakik: seems silly to build libre from source18:11
oerhekssnap install libreoffice --candidate # gives LO-
naccoerheks: yep18:14
nacclooks like all snap channels are the same right now for libre18:14
leftyfbthat guy knows just enough to maybe help, maybe make things worse, definitely confuse people20:37
oerheks= bugsbunny ??20:38
naccleftyfb: which guy?20:38
leftyfband that's why I don't mention names ... I don't need to :)20:39
oerheksi think he was a regular visitor, now with different name...20:39
leftyfbNotInTheMood and Olufunmilayo were other nicks but only since November20:40
daftykinsi may've done my support for an occasional grump, but at least it didn't lie!20:43
daftykinsi should be banned from typing today20:43
oerheksdaftykins, no no, type this ssd full please...20:54
oerhekszero-ing it would take a day20:55
daftykinshehe :)20:55
daftykinsnah on SSDs you just tell it to secure erase, the controller ignores the page tracking and all data is unrecoverable in mere moments ;)20:56
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