
SaliorMoonLTI'm just wanting to update the BIOS finally. It's on v1.05(?). There's one issue with the trackpad and Linux (semi-fixed by setting it to "basic" in the UEFI).00:00
bugzbunnyIt's not just ACER00:01
bugzbunnyIt's mostly Laptops00:01
tomreynTJ-, SaliorMoonLT: this is exciting, but i need to get some sleep. good luck, ttyl.00:01
SaliorMoonLTbugzbunny: My Lenovo had no issues for the duration of it's life. :)00:01
SaliorMoonLTtomreyn: Thanks and goodnight!00:01
TJ-tom :) sleep well00:01
Bashing-omSaliorMoonLT: TJ- will get to the bottom of it .. and I watch over yall's shoulder while he works :)00:02
SaliorMoonLTBashing-om: I've literally sunk over 13hrs into this non-stop and have come up with only dead-end after dead-end. The only solution I can conceive of revolves around using Windows 7: Pro on another box and using Rufus (USB burner) and installing FreeDOS like that (with the BIOS update files).00:03
bugzbunnyI was going to say except IBM00:04
bugzbunnyBut I ommit it00:04
DeeJayTwoWhy is it that in some applications, I see my mounted network shares and can open files from the application without problem but in some other applications, I see everything but my network shares...00:05
SaliorMoonLTbugzbunny: IBM has generally left a sour taste in my mouth00:05
hggdhSaliorMoonLT: isn't there an option to burn an iso for freeDOS?00:05
Bashing-omSaliorMoonLT: Understand .. Been a long time since I made up a Freedos disk .. Has no real issues then on a desktop linux box.00:05
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: almost done00:05
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Thank you, very much.00:05
SaliorMoonLThggdh: Which?00:05
bugzbunnyIf I make mistakes in Wording, I'd appreciate if you guys catch me on that00:06
SaliorMoonLTBashing-om: How did you succeed in making one that actually booted up and/or was recognized (USB flash drive)?!00:06
JohnnyMondayThank you, Jason.  Many didn't believe.00:06
bugzbunnyI most working of memory instead Real World experience... But I am using Ubuntu for the last 82 days00:06
SaliorMoonLTbugzbunny: I'd spend more time being a grammar Nazi than I would trying to help / get helped! :p00:06
bugzbunnyI have up and downs00:06
bugzbunnyWith this distro00:06
SaliorMoonLTbugzbunny: Are you on Arch, Gentoo, SuSe?00:06
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: I'm just going to test it booting in a UEFI virtual machine00:07
Bashing-omSaliorMoonLT: Yepper, iffen ya have the need I will hunt up the old tutorial I used .00:07
JohnnyMondayNice, Leo!00:07
bugzbunnyI hate Grammy Nazi, they focus on the wrong thing instead of the message00:07
hggdhSaliorMoonLT: when I had the same issue(in my case with a Dell laptop) I downloaded a FreeDOS ISO, and burnt a USB stick with it, then used it00:07
SaliorMoonLTBashing-om: I'll be more than happy to read it. :D00:07
Bashing-omSaliorMoonLT: Gimme a bit to hunt it up :)00:07
SaliorMoonLTbugzbunny: Hahahaha. You were asking for help with your English. That's why I called myself a: "Grammar Nazi."00:07
SaliorMoonLThggdh: "Burnt a USB stick" with what...?00:08
SaliorMoonLTBashing-om: Thanks. :)00:08
hggdhSaliorMoonLT: when I needed it, there was an option, IIRC, at the FreeDOS site, to download a ISO image of it. I downloaded it, and dd-ed it to a USB stick00:09
SaliorMoonLTThanks again, TJ-. I'm more interested in how you're accomplishing this (so I can reproduce it and FINALLY update this BIOS).00:09
hggdhSaliorMoonLT: so, the short answer to you "with what" question is "dd".00:09
SaliorMoonLThggdh: When trying to dd it: The USB is not recognized as bootable. If you manually flag the partition as "bootable": It does not show.00:09
SaliorMoonLT[18:02:29] <SaliorMoonLT> Hi. I have a mild issue; trying to update the BIOS (Acer Swift 1 laptop; the BIOS updates are *.exe format (only 1 file)). I have spent the last ~13hrs trying everything under the sun. GRUB/GRUB2 + syslinux (memdisk) & grub2dos & unetbootin & MultiSystem & dd & Create Disk Startup & Burn Image. No avail. Any ideas?00:10
SaliorMoonLT(Not an all inclusive list.)00:10
SaliorMoonLTHi, Umeaboy.00:11
UmeaboyIn 17.10 I can't get Dropbox to show me any menu alternatives when right clicking on the panel applet in the Gnome like environment that comes with the installation.00:11
UmeaboyAny fix for that besides NOT installing Dropbox at all?00:11
bugzbunnyGnome like?00:11
bugzbunnyYou mean Budgie?00:12
UmeaboyIf that's what it's called, then yes.00:12
bugzbunnyYeah, that's a problem, I didn't report upstream yet00:12
UmeaboyI see a dropdown menu, but no options to click.00:12
bugzbunnyBut, left click should work, have you tried it00:12
UmeaboyYeah, still same result.00:13
bugzbunnyWell, when you say Gnome like, I am not sure if this Unity00:13
bugzbunnySorry, i might have jumped the gun here00:13
UmeaboyI thought Canonical abandoned Unity in favor of Gnome.00:13
pragmaticenigmaSaliorMoonLT, what is the specific model of your laptop00:14
bugzbunnyNot in favor, more like Unit wasn't working for them00:14
Bashing-omSaliorMoonLT: Here : http://linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html .00:14
SaliorMoonLTpragmaticenigma: https://www.acer.com/ac/en/US/content/support-product/7211?b=1 -- Listed here00:14
bugzbunnyUmeaboy: cat /etc/*-release and pastebin00:14
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: Need to make some alterations. I've based it on the FreeDOS Lite image, removed all the FDSETUP/ part, and installed the FLashit tools. Has to boot in BIOS/CSM/LEgacy mode, and just found it needs the FreeDos high-memory manager loading so need to set that up00:15
pragmaticenigmaSaliorMoonLT, is there anything in the list of BIOS updates that are available that you currently experiencing issues with?00:15
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: I cannot boot into "legacy BIOS." This is LOCKED into UEFI.00:15
SaliorMoonLTI stated that previously.00:15
SaliorMoonLTpragmaticenigma: Trackpad/BIOS scanner/sleeping issues.00:16
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: according to the article it suggests Insyde should.00:16
SaliorMoonLTAlready went down that train of thought. Ergo: IRC. Last ditch effort of ideas.00:16
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: have you booted it using the EDK II Shellx64.efi ?00:18
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pragmaticenigmaSaliorMoonLT, still a lot of options. One would be to image the harddrive to a backup, temp restore windows back to the laptop to do you bios update00:18
SaliorMoonLTThanks for the article, Bashing-om. Just finished it.00:19
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Speaking Greek to me with that. I will safely assume: No.00:19
SaliorMoonLTpragmaticenigma: There's no CD/DVD drive. Nothing other than the USB.00:19
Umeaboybugzbunny: https://hastebin.com/sorovoviwu.ini00:20
pragmaticenigmaSaliorMoonLT, otherwise, power save sleep is temperamental in all linux distros I have found. I didn't see anything for the trackpad update and that is usually something covered in drivers, not firmware/bios00:20
pragmaticenigmaSaliorMoonLT, not sure what BIOS Scanner is00:20
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: Whilst I get the EFI shell, can you partition/format your USB device to GPT with the 1st partition FAT16 or FAT32 512MB, mount it locally, and create within it: "mkdir -p /mnt/target; mount /dev/sdX1 /mnt/target; mkdir -p /mnt/target/EFI/BOOT"00:22
bugzbunnyUmeaboy: Ahh, same here, I thought that would show the DE or WM00:22
fa0In 17.10 I've set it to use Local Time, but when I boot up I'm getting; 'Superblock last mount time is in the future', anyone know how to fix using 'LocalTime'?00:23
bugzbunnyI have personal question, what's the easiest way to tell what DE/WM is using on Ubuntu?00:23
fa0I've looked online, can't find anything...00:24
mattflyDoes anyone have any idea how to fix the ubuntu 16.04 hibernation issues due to meltodown patches? im on kernel 4.1300:24
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: once you've got that done fetch the EFI shell with: "wget -O /mnt/target/EFI/BOOT/BOOTX64.EFI https://svn.code.sf.net/p/edk2/code/trunk/edk2/ShellBinPkg/UefiShell/X64/Shell.efi"00:24
bugzbunnyAFAIK, the should have either been backported00:24
bugzbunnyOr already in the kernel00:24
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: most of those commands will need the 'sudo' prefix unless you do "sudo -i" first00:24
bugzbunnymattfly: Sorry, AFAIK, that should have either been backported or already in the kernel... dmesg | grep meltdown00:25
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: once you've put that file on "umount /mnt/target" and try booting from the USB device00:25
Bashing-ombugzbunny: ' echo $DESKTOP_SESSION " " $XDG_CURRENT_DESKTOP ' .00:25
bugzbunnyOh, okay thanks, keep that in mind Bashing-om00:25
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Yes. I can format the USB device. No issues there.00:26
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mattflywhat do you mean bugzbunny?00:26
bugzbunnyUmeaboy: echo $DESKTOP_SESSION00:26
mattflyi thought and update to kernel 4.15 would fix00:26
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: what you're doing there is creating a bootable removable-media EFI device, with the EDK II shell in the 'simple boot' path used on all removable media - meaning the firmware knows where to find it, it doesn't need an entry in the firmware boot menu00:27
bugzbunnymattfly: AFAIK, all patches concerning meltdown have been applied, unless you saying meltdown is causing problems00:27
mattflyyes i am having problems with hibernation00:27
bugzbunnymattfly: If that's the case, I honestly say, the best thing to do is report it as a bug00:27
mattflyi cant recover from hibernations anymore00:27
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: if that boots then we know we've got a basic bootable EFI from where we may be able to bootstrap into a firmware update00:27
mattflyit is reported00:27
bugzbunnyLet me see the bug report?00:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1743094 in linux (Ubuntu Artful) "[regression] hibernation (freezes on resume) since 4.13.0-25.29" [Medium,Confirmed]00:28
bugzbunnyAlso, you might find some mailing list or ubuntu forums00:28
bugzbunnyAlso, what type of system are you having hibernation issues on?00:28
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: As I've said numerous times (with all due respect): I am more interested in knowing how you got from A to B so I can reproduce it myself. I doubt you mean any malicious behavior, but: This isn't /my/ laptop to begin with. :s00:28
mattfly16.04 64 bits00:29
mattflya laptop00:29
SaliorMoonLTThe *.efi file appears to be rather large (GEEdit doesn't like opening it) and it's full of plain text nullbytes and misc. data.00:29
SaliorMoonLTNote to self: Install NPP.00:29
Umeaboybugzbunny: unity00:29
mattflysome said that with kernel 4.14.1500:30
mattflyit would work00:30
bugzbunnymattfly: People seem interested, you going have to wait00:30
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: the .efi file is an EFI executable, it contains the EDK II shell00:30
bugzbunnyYou can try it, that is, I had checked earlier, kernel.ubuntu.org00:30
mattflyis there any way i can install that kernel?00:31
bugzbunnySee if it fixed it00:31
mattfly"Works fine for me with 4.14.15-041415-generic. I did not try  disabling PTI with 4.13.0-26-generic. Also, I'll note that I only  noticed this problem after updating my BIOS (including the latest Intel  microcode update and Intel ME patch). Computer: Dell XPS 9360'00:31
bugzbunnyUh, I didn't go as far as figuring that out00:31
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mattflymine is also a dell00:31
bugzbunnyI have issues with amdgpu but I stopped there00:31
Umeaboybugzbunny: And?00:31
fa0Does anyone know how to use Local Time and then not have the time in the future?00:31
mattflyhow can I update my kernel to that on ubuntu? with a ppa or something like that?00:31
mattflyim currently with 4.13.0_3700:32
bugzbunnyUmeaboy: I don't have Unity here, but it might be broken, but Unity systray is well defined, have you asked Dropbox users?00:32
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Okay. I'll be back in a bit then (must dig deeper into understanding what EFI stands for in this context as well as EDK; I keep thinking of x86 asm and the edx register).00:32
bugzbunnyOr maybe waiting around here people have answer00:32
SaliorMoonLTEmbedded development kit (EDK)?00:32
bugzbunnyI know on budgie, left click is right click.. right click is left click with no actions00:32
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: almost all proprietary UEFI's are built on the open-source Tianocore EDK II (created by Intel) with their own customisations. The prebuilt shell for 64-bit I linked you to provides a very powerful CLI environment and scripting like a bash shell. See e.g. https://www.tianocore.org/00:33
UmeaboyI get a dark thinner drop down menu both left and right clicking.00:33
bugzbunnyScreen shot?00:34
ripdiskHey guys, having problems with lubuntu but nobody will answer me in there. Last night, SSHD was working perfectly. I could SSH via my public IP, and also the lubuntu box's network IP.00:34
ripdiski woke up today, and this is suddenly broken.00:34
ripdiski cannot SSH into it via my public IP, or its network IP00:34
ripdiskHOWEVER, when i get on the lubuntu computer itself, it allows me to SSHD to both localhost AND
ripdiskso SSHD is working00:35
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: Insyde use the EDK II as the basis of their H2O firmware, and the EDK II does have a Compatibility package (CSM/Legacy/BIOS mode) but we only have source for it and cannot build it without the Insyde headers/platform files (source is at https://github.com/tianocore/edk2/tree/master/EdkCompatibilityPkg)00:35
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: http://linuxinsight.com/how-to-flash-motherboard-bios-from-linux-no-dos-windows-no-floppy-drive.html -- This seems as if it would address the issue. I need to try it out.00:35
ripdiskbut for whatever reason, it wont let me connect from any other computer other than itself00:35
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: that's precisely what I've been building, but as you pointed out, that PC cannot use BIOS mode so DOS can't be used00:36
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: I am not looking to disassemble and recompile the entire Linux kernel (that's what it's sounding like at this point) right now. I am sure there's an alternative viable solution that's much simpler and less eloquent.00:36
ripdiskthat computer runs a site on port 80 and i can reach that just fine.../. but nobody can SSH into that computer, unless its from the computer itself via localhost or the network IP00:36
Umeaboybugzbunny: How can I take a screenshot of it without it going away? A terminal command?00:37
bugzbunnyDo you have Print Screen button?00:37
bugzbunnyripdisk: Check your Firewall00:37
bugzbunnyripdisk: iptables -S00:38
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: You bring a valid point out. Perhaps I will be forced into installing Windows XP+ onto my USB.00:38
Umeaboybugzbunny: Yeah, but that just makes the menu vanish.00:38
ripdiskOK bugzbunny, let me run in that room since... i cant ssh..00:38
SaliorMoonLTCorrect me if I'm wrong: A locally installed VM will not be capable of accessing the UEFI directly, yes? Translation: A VM of Windows XYZ will be unable to update the BIOS firmware.00:38
Bashing-omfa0: What release ( systemd ??) .. and what time is now set in bios ?00:39
bugzbunnyUmeaboy: than screen record?00:39
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: There is a UEFI 'Capsule' firmware update format and we have Linux tooling to use that, but it seems the PC manufacturer doesn't provide a Capsule file, only this Windows-specific raw image and Windows-specific tools00:39
ripdiskit says iptablles -s requires arguments00:39
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: correct, no VM can access the host firmware00:39
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Which is why I am immediately leaning towards a quick and swift (no puns intended) solution of using one of my Windows discs that's lying around as a solution.00:40
fa0Bashing-om: I said I was on 17.10 and the BIOS is set showing the local time00:40
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Thank you for all the assistance and answers. These are the stringent questions you seldom find answers to on various forums (despite hours of Googling).00:40
ripdiskiptables -S printed like a million lines of gibberish00:40
SaliorMoonLTfa0: Ubuntu 17.10 has been suggested as highly buggy and it's encouraged that you use 16.04 (from Ubuntu).00:40
ripdiski just dont understand wwhy it suddenly stopped acceptig SSH connections from anywhere other than itself00:41
ripdiski mean, that same computer is running apache and i can access that just fine00:41
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: if there was a Capsule file containing the firmware image all we'd need is to put it in the EFI-SP of a USB at /EFI/CapsuleUpdate/ (e.g. see slide 16 here https://www.slideshare.net/insydesoftware/uefi-spec-version-24-facilitates-secure-update )00:41
ripdiskand i can ssh to itself from itself, via public and network IP00:41
* SaliorMoonLT looks00:42
fa0SaliorMoonLT: yes I figured that out after installing it... LOL But I have to much set up in it to ditch it just yet, and I figure to wait on the next LTS release, which I'm assuming is next month00:42
fa0So this isn't helping my situation... :P00:42
fa0There must be someway around this, and I'm about to install ntp and see if it helps, but before I do that, trying to see if I can do this without ntp00:43
bugzbunnyI'd like to differ in SaliorMoonLT opinion00:43
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Ah. Okay. I apologize. You are still speaking Greek to me (it's been a while).00:43
Bashing-omfa0: K, linux expects bios time to be UTC . http://ubuntuhandbook.org/index.php/2016/05/time-differences-ubuntu-1604-windows-10/ ... Then try : ' timedatectl set-local-rtc 1 ' :: http://manpages.ubuntu.com/manpages/xenial/man1/timedatectl.1.html .00:43
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: trouble is we don't even know if that PC has UEFI v2.4 so even if we had a Capsule it'd be 50/50 if that (easy) method would work00:43
bugzbunny17.10 is not LTS00:43
pragmaticenigmafa0, with the release next month, it's still recommended to wait a month or two before jumping on it as it might be a bit while some of the bugs are worked out00:43
bazhangbugzbunny, thus his saying wiating for it next month00:43
fa0Bashing-om: I've been running Slack a very long time and I've always used Local Time, I don't believe that...00:43
bazhangbugzbunny, next being the LTS00:43
SaliorMoonLTHello, bazhang.00:43
bugzbunnybazhang: He said, that 17.10 was buggy as hell00:43
fa0I've never run UTC in the BIOS ever...00:44
bugzbunnybazhang: I took the opportunity to defend Ubuntu on this regard00:44
SaliorMoonLTbugzbunny: I was just paraphrasing the site (Ubuntu). They made it a hassle to get 17.10.00:44
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: EFI Capsules are supposed to be standard way of updating firmware, and is OS independent. However, Insyde produce cheap buggy firmware and don't seem to have invested in adding this functionality (we haven't seen it so far)00:44
fa0pragmaticenigma: I'm a geek I know... :P00:44
bazhangbugzbunny, and he wanted for next month's LTS which is 18.0400:44
bugzbunnybazhang: Ahh, must have missed that00:44
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: Unfortunately: You are speaking about things that I am 100% ignorant of. I am unable to offer much of a... Compotent reply. Thank you for the information though. The more the merrier.00:44
bugzbunnySaliorMoonLT: I saw that comment00:44
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: No sarcasm. I like learning. :)00:45
bugzbunnyWell, I liked so far that TJ is going of his way to help support you00:45
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: if you want to learn about the BIOS and UEFI boot process, I wrote the book on it :)  http://iam.tj/prototype/guides/boot/00:45
bugzbunnyIt's a nice reading from open source point of view00:45
pragmaticenigmaDoes anyone know if and when 32 bit support will be dropped?00:45
fa017.10 isn't all that crappy, BUT I'm surprised Canonical released it in the state they did, this isn't going to win Canonical any respect if they keep this up...00:45
TJ-SaliorMoonLT: and you may find the flow-chart there very useful00:45
SaliorMoonLTTJ-: I will definitely read over that before the end of the day.00:46
SaliorMoonLTCoffee's brewing... :)00:46
TJ-pragmaticenigma: only 32-bit ISOs are dropped, I doubt we'll stop building i386 packages00:46
SaliorMoonLT"Created August 2014 last updated 2017-09-30, more to come" - TJ-00:46
ripdiskcan anybody help me determine why my lubuntu setup would randomly start blocking ALL remote SSHD traffic from anywhere, including from within the network??00:46
pragmaticenigmaTJ-, how will one get 32bit installed in the future? or will network install always have a 32bit spin?00:46
fa0If ntp is installed and running, this should fix the time in the future?00:47
TJ-pragmaticenigma: I think the expectation is that most 32-bit systems will be low-power and will use lubuntu/xubuntu/budgie or be in a container or VPS00:47
fa0I'm surprised there's no way to disable systemd for the time, have it set to local restart systemd and have it synced?00:47
ripdiskI can SSH to the computer FROM itself, using localhost OR its 192.*** network address...... but i cannot SSH from ANYTHING else. However the same computer is running apache, and i can visit that website on port 80 just fine00:48
TJ-pragmaticenigma: but the main Ubuntu/Kubuntu ISOs will be 64-bit only since they're expected to require heavweight GPU support for compositing etc00:48
ripdiskthe computer is blocking all sshd traffic from anywhere other than from itself00:48
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pragmaticenigmaTJ-, main concern is being able to do a network install. I haven't run Ubuntu/Kubuntu on these old rigs I have. But since they're testing grounds for other things, I do wipe and start over frequently00:49
pragmaticenigmamost they run Ubuntu Server00:49
TJ-pragmaticenigma: netboot will continue to support 32-bit, there's no extra maintenance/testing load for providing that. The reason for dropping the 32-bit ISOs was the amount of testing required and so few users actually downloading those ISOs00:51
guiverc_dpragmaticenigma, https://lists.ubuntu.com/archives/ubuntu-release/2017-December/004257.html  (server end of 32bit images)00:51
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SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: "At power-on the CPU begins executing code to enable Random Access Memory (RAM)" -- I did not know RAM was loaded from the HDD... :p00:53
pragmaticenigmaguiverc, my concern is the mini.iso which can install ubuntu server... not full ISOs as mentioned in the article00:53
SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: Oops! CPU... I thought that said SSD.00:53
* TJ- grrrs00:53
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guivercpragmaticenigma, i saw your msg to TJ after I pressed enter - my quick search didn't find anything about minimal00:54
pragmaticenigmaSM|LT-Reading, needs more coffee and slow down a bit there00:54
SM|LT-Readingpragmaticenigma: No coffee.... Yet. Girlfriend just went to fetch me a glass! >:)00:55
pragmaticenigmaguiverc, it's in the same link you posted :-) mini.iso is still going to be generated00:55
SM|LT-ReadingGPTs still feel alien to me. I am used to MBRs.00:58
donofriohumm "Using Ubuntu on Windows is safer than Ubuntu on Linux." - Page 46​00:59
donofrioopppps http://www.alex-ionescu.com/publications/BlueHat/bluehat2016.pdf01:00
funkyHi folks I was wondering if someone could tell me why my 250 GIG drive is three quarters full and I only have ubuntu 16.04 LTS Loaded01:03
SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: "On Ubuntu these come from the packages shim-signed and shim respectively"01:04
SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: Didn't Linux black-box reverse engineer these things from Microsoft Windows?01:05
supernovahwhats the bash channel01:05
TJ-SM|LT-Reading: where did you read about reverse-engineering them?01:05
TJ-supernovah: #bash01:05
supernovahor can I just ask here, I want to make a for loop on two variables which were the output of previously executed programs in the script01:05
SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: I do not recall... I do remember reading-- Oh! That may have been WINE.01:05
SM|LT-ReadingI was researching how WINE came about earlier this week. They black-box RE'd it.01:05
ripdiskman, can somebody PLEASE help me??? i'm asking in #lubuntu i'm asking in #linux i'm askding politely everywhere01:05
SM|LT-Readingripdisk: You cannot SSH from...?01:06
TJ-SM|LT-Reading: Microsoft signed the Canonical shimx64.efi which contains the Canonical cert which then checks the canonical signature of grubx64.efi and so on01:06
ripdiskI didn't change any settings, I didn't mess with anything at all, and for whatever reason, my SSHD is not allowing connections from ANYWHERE other than itself via localhost or the 192.168**** network IP.01:06
SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: Microsoft cooperated with GNU/Linux?!01:06
TJ-SM|LT-Reading: Yes, of course, why not?01:07
Bashing-omfunky: What does 'ncdu' report about disk usage ?01:07
ripdisknobody has ANY idea?\01:07
SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: I was under the impression that GNU/Linux was in competition with Microsoft all these years (the only commerial one that comes to mind is: RedHat).01:08
funkyBashing I'm a newbie with Ubuntu diagnostics  ncdu ?01:08
donofriohumm in the context of WSL what do you folks think of the concept that "Using Ubuntu on Windows is safer than Ubuntu on Linux." - Page 46​ of http://www.alex-ionescu.com/publications/BlueHat/bluehat2016.pdf ??01:08
pragmaticenigmaripdisk, have you attempted to restart the service, or even rebooted the machine?01:08
ripdiskyes, both.01:08
ripdiski even reverted the SSHD config to defaults01:08
TJ-ripdisk: if the port isn't accessible and the process has bound to it, then there must be firewall rules preventing access01:09
ripdiskso, the firewall made a rule on its own?01:09
ripdiskbecause last night, i was working on that computer via ssh until like 3 in the morning01:09
ripdiskhavn't touched it since then, try to SSH now and its dead01:09
pragmaticenigmaripdisk, do you have fail2ban enabled?01:09
TJ-ripdisk: earlier you said "iptables -S printed like a million lines of gibberish" so presumably there's something in there... what created those million lines? maybe you have some automated tool like fail2ban installed01:10
ripdiski'm not sure... but if you can do a ssh -v for me maybe you can see the verbose stuff01:10
ripdiskjust use lyonsit.tk as the IP01:10
SM|LT-ReadingTJ-: That was a hell of a read! Thank you. You wrote it all?01:10
ripdisklyonsIT.tk points to the computer we're trying to SSH to01:10
Bashing-omfunky: ; ncdu - will require installing from repo - else one can also get an idae of disk usage from the 'du; tool . A varient of ' du -h --max-depth=1 | sort -hr ' .01:10
=== SM|LT-Reading is now known as SaliorMoon|LT
ripdiskon port 80 of that, it works01:10
ripdisklike if you go to lyonsit.tk on port 80 it works01:11
ripdiskbut you cant ssh to lyonsit.tk01:11
funkyLoading ncdu right now Bashing-om01:11
TJ-ripdisk: right, so check if there's a firewall rule blocking port 2201:12
TJ-ripdisk: for example, try this: "sudo iptables-save | grep 22"01:12
ripdiskok, let me write it down and go into the other room so i can type it01:13
TJ-SaliorMoon|LT: yes, and it took 10 times longer to draw the SVG diagram!01:13
funkyBashing-om for some reason I can't find it after loading it.  # sudo apt-get install ncdu -y01:13
TJ-ripdisk: if you find rules doing a -j DROP for --dport 80 then you've found the culprit01:14
Bashing-om!info ncdu01:14
ubottuncdu (source: ncdu): ncurses disk usage viewer. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.12-1 (artful), package size 39 kB, installed size 95 kB01:14
SaliorMoon|LTTJ-: 1080p monitor and I cannot read that tiny pixelated diagram... I just didn't want to bring it up (despite the note being left behind)... >_>01:14
Bashing-omfunky: ^^ universe repo enabled ?01:14
funkyBashing-om, I did a search your computer nothing came up01:14
TJ-SaliorMoon|LT: it says at the top of the diagram "Click the PC POWER ON round button at the top of the flowchart to toggle between column and full-screen view"01:14
=== leftyfb_ is now known as leftyfb
SaliorMoon|LTTJ-: Anything that says that makes me afraid that it'll blow up if I click on it.01:15
TJ-SaliorMoon|LT: you'd best not touch the Esc key then!01:15
funkyBashing-om, sorry don't know what that means  universe repo enable  how do I activate it?01:15
Bashing-omfunky: what shows in terminal ' which ncdu ' ?01:15
SaliorMoon|LTTJ-: I try not to! I rely on CTRL + SHIFT + ES.... I mean... CTRL + ALT + DEL!01:15
TJ-SaliorMoon|LT: doesn't work for me :p01:16
ripdiskOK i typed it01:16
ripdiskthis iis what it said01:16
SaliorMoon|LTTJ-: Does kill dash nine at least work? :)01:16
funkyBashing-om, nothing shows I just typed in sudo apt-get install01:17
ripdisk-A ufw-before-input -d -p udp -m udp --dport 5353 -j accept01:17
ripdisksorry i had to write all that01:17
ripdiskthats what the output was01:17
TJ-SaliorMoon|LT: anyhow, right now I don't see any easy way to get around the Insyde H20 lock-downs, and I think many have tried. The only possibilty I can think of is if the firmware automatically checks the EFI system partition for a fixed path where it expects to find an update file. Even then, that would probably be the Capsule file support and we don't have a Capsule01:18
funkyBashing-om, nothing is listed below the command it's like it didn't work01:18
ripdiskdoews that mean anything01:18
ripdiskcos it doesnt mean anything to me01:18
bugzbunnyoO TJ01:19
SaliorMoon|LTTJ-: I have come to a quick solution of ---> The model calls for "Windows." I will then use: "Windows."01:19
TJ-ripdisk: OK, well the only 22 tere is the 224. which means there's no firewall rule blocking port 22, which is good news in a way01:19
bugzbunnyI have American Strands01:19
SaliorMoon|LTThank you though, TJ-, for all the effort and reading material. I really enjoyed it. :)01:19
SaliorMoon|LTbugzbunny: You're American?!01:19
Bashing-omfunky: Keep in mind being new and not knowing is not a sin . We were all new at one time. to install ncdu from terminal do ' sudo apt update ; sudo apt upgrade ; sudo apt install ncdu ' .01:19
TJ-SaliorMoon|LT: yes, I think so, you could waste weeks on it otherwise01:19
bugzbunnyI play with some older 286/386/438 in Emulators01:19
ripdiskhow yeah TJ-01:20
bugzbunnySaliorMoon|LT: I am American yes, but the BIOS I have is American Strands or Strends01:20
ripdiski mean yeah tj01:20
bugzbunnyIt's a ASUS Mobo01:20
ripdiski mean, shoot01:20
ripdiskshould i just uninstall sshd01:20
SaliorMoon|LTbugzbunny: What state? >:)01:20
ripdiskand reinstall it?01:20
SaliorMoon|LTOH! I love that state.01:20
bugzbunnyIt's alright01:21
SaliorMoon|LTYou know that horrible construction spot on the interstate on the south east side (where all 3 interstates conjuct)?01:21
TJ-ripdisk: well, let's check off some items. 1) is sshd running ("systemctl status ssh") - if so, is it using the config you think it is ("grep Port /etc/ssh/sshd_config") and is the Port set to 22 ?01:21
SaliorMoon|LTI almost ran an 18-wheeler into some bizarre apartment complex office. The detour said to go down a 1-way 1-lane road (middle of the night).01:21
SaliorMoon|LTthe *01:21
ripdiski know SSH is running because i can SSH to the computer FROM the computer01:22
funkyBashing-om, will this upgrade to Ubuntu 17 ?01:22
TJ-ripdisk: OK, so now you need to monitor the system log whilst trying to get another PC to connect to it: "journalctl -f -u ssh.service"01:23
TJ-ripdisk: are all the PCs in the 192.168.x.y/24 sub-net ?01:23
Bashing-omfunky: No will not release upgrade . that procedure is a differing command. Here we update what is presently installed .01:24
TJ-ripdisk: wooa, hang on, is the PC directly connected to the Internet with a public IP address, or is it behind a gateway/router like at home?01:24
ripdiskits here at home on a router01:24
ripdiskthe computer is
bugzbunnySaliorMoon|LT: I don't know PA that well, I didn't grew up here01:25
ripdiskbut lyonsit.tk points to my IP.... and it goes through a router, which fowards 22 to the 1.20 IP01:25
bugzbunnyI grew up in NJ and I don't know NJ that way01:25
TJ-ripdisk: OK, so all PCs are in the sub-net and connected to the router via either wire or Wifi ?01:25
bugzbunnyI like the police here, for a black person, they are pretty nice01:26
bugzbunnyConsidering the crimes we have01:26
TJ-ripdisk: if the problem was only affecting connections coming in from outside the obvious issue would be the router was no longer port-forwarding - but if this is happening on your internal LAN as well that's another ting01:26
ripdisklike, i'm on the same network as that computer01:26
ripdiskand when i SSH to, nothing happens and it times out01:27
TJ-ripdisk: is it on wired or wireless interface?01:27
ripdiskbut if i get on the computer itself and SSH to localhost or that 1.20, it works01:27
bugzbunnyAlso, is it bind to
bugzbunnyBecause wired and wireless wouldn't matter01:27
TJ-ripdisk: you're sure .20 is it's current address? It could be using DHCP and the address changed?01:27
bugzbunnyWhat does 'ip addr' say?01:28
JakethepythonHello Room i am running Ubuntu 16.04 Server and i am having trouble with network connectivity all ports say MULTICAST01:28
funkyBashing-om, seems like a lot of upgrading just to load one small program. I'm just new so I have no Idea01:28
SaliorMoon|LTbugzbunny: It says it looks to similar to C code.01:28
SaliorMoon|LTbugzbunny: NJ? Disgusting. PA has some BEAUTIFUL hills around Morgan / Clinton / that one city's name I always forget.01:28
SaliorMoon|LT(I was never fond of going 15MPH up the hills though with a 40-ton load though).01:28
ripdisktj, my ips dont change because they are bound to their hardware IDs01:29
ripdiskand yes i'm sure, because the computer also runs apache, and i can visit the website with
TJ-ripdisk: so it's using static IPs, OK... I'm trying to cover all the obvious bases01:29
Bashing-omfunky: Well, if you do not have "unattended-upgrades" enabled, then yeah ! A lot of updates to be done .01:30
TJ-ripdisk: I think it has to be a firewall rule, if we have no other evidence. Can you use a USB thumb drive to copy a file onto from that PC so you can upload it to a pastebin?01:30
funkyBashing-om, I thought I did have it on, but probably I don't  ;0)01:31
JakethepythonI am also not seeing an Eth0 of 101:31
Jakethepythonor 101:31
ripdiskyeah i can do that actually01:32
bugzbunnyTJ-: I said that earlier based on my deduction01:32
bugzbunnyTJ-: He gave enough information, if it's iptables, then it's routing01:33
TJ-bugzbunny: right, but I had ripdisk do an iptables-save | grep 22 and it came up with nothing01:33
TJ-bugzbunny: but it doesn't have to be a port-block rule necessarily01:33
TJ-bugzbunny: i doubt it's routing if port 80 is fine01:34
bugzbunnyI have read up because was AFK, but may I ask, SSH locally doesn't help, can he SSH from another computer with the same lan01:34
TJ-bugzbunny: I was wondering if there's a duplicate IP on the network and another system is answering, maybe we should check the neighbor tables01:34
TJ-bugzbunny: no, that fails too01:35
bugzbunnyWhat does 'arp' say?01:35
SaliorMoon|LTbazhang: I hope01:35
TJ-bugzbunny: ripdisk do you know how to get the PC interface MAC address, and on other computers, to check their ARP/neighbour tables?01:35
TJ-bugzbunny: actually, can't be MAC either! doh. port 80 again :D01:36
bugzbunnyAlso, do you have pastebin of iptables -S please01:36
bugzbunnyWell, he said timed out, not connect refused01:36
TJ-bugzbunny: I've asked ripdisk to get a USB flash drive to transfer some file/logging off for us01:36
bugzbunnySo, it can't be SSHD is not running01:36
TJ-bugzbunny: hmmm, good point... timed out sounds like it's answering the SYN but not going firther01:37
bugzbunnyI'd like to see iptables -S, instead of greping for 2201:37
TJ-bugzbunny: again, that could be a firewall rule!01:37
funkyBashing-om, everything is now upgraded now I type in sudo apt install ncdu ?01:37
TJ-bugzbunny: yes, I asked to see iptables-save (same thing)01:37
ripdiski said yeah, i have plenty of USB things01:37
ripdiskwhat do you you want me to get?>01:38
ripdiskoh wait01:38
ripdiski'm dumb01:38
ripdiski can get on IRC from there01:38
TJ-ripdisk: OK, plug one into the server, make sure it's mounted and you know where it is mounted, then do "sudo iptables-save > /path/to/usb/iptables.log"01:38
TJ-ripdisk: hahaha of course :D01:38
bugzbunnyTJ-: I have a lan with about 4 computers, I have problems a lot, at this point, for me I like to see Wireshark heehh01:39
TJ-ripdisk: so you can do "pastebinit <( sudo iptables-save; cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config; systemctl status ssh )" for us01:39
ripdisk_HERE I BE!@#@!$@!501:39
Bashing-omfunky: Affirmitive . ' sudo apt install ncdu ' .01:39
TJ-ripdisk_: so you can do "pastebinit <( sudo iptables-save; cat /etc/ssh/sshd_config; systemctl status ssh )" for us01:39
bugzbunnySaliorMoon|LT: Yeah, I haven't travel around PA that much, to be honest, I have my personal opinions01:39
TJ-bugzbunny: I've got ~30 here and never have network issues - well, unless I try to access a device via the LAN that's actually on the isolated management network!01:40
funkyBashing-om, now I did that now what do I do?01:41
SaliorMoon|LTWhere on Ubuntu do you change file association (default text editor: NPP)?01:41
SaliorMoon|LTI believe I installed nautilus.01:41
ripdisk_sorry, had to install pastebinit... what a cool app!01:42
Bashing-omfunky: In termianl type ' ncdu ' and see the numbers of where all the disk space is used .01:42
SaliorMoon|LTNever mind; found it!01:42
TJ-ripdisk_: OK, it's the firewall, UFW, it's dropping all INPUT unless it sets exceptions01:43
bugzbunnyTJ-: Yeah, you want to brag01:43
Bashing-omfunky: The tool uses a pager to display . 'q' to quit .01:43
ripdisk_thas very odd, it must have set that as part as an update01:43
ripdisk_how do i fix i01:43
TJ-ripdisk_:  I don't use UFW, I need to lookup the command, put it looks to be something like 'allow input port 22' - let me check the syntax though01:45
ripdisk_I don't use it either, no ideahow it got on here01:45
TJ-ripdisk_: try this: "sudo ufw allow ssh"01:45
ripdisk_it must have automatically been added when  i upgraded tothe new version of lubuntu01:45
ripdisk_ripdisk@bmt-one:~$ sudo ufw allow ssh01:45
ripdisk_Rule added01:45
ripdisk_Rule added (v6)01:45
TJ-ripdisk_: then go test connections again01:45
ripdisk_ok, brb.01:45
funkyBashing-om, Thanks a million works like a dream. One last question it says there is a backup going on for one of my backup drives. That's what is taking up all the space. how do I shut that off? or delete it?01:46
TJ-ripdisk_: it works, I'm connecting01:46
ripdisk_THAT DID IT01:46
ripdisk_now, the bigger question01:46
TJ-ripdisk_: phew!01:46
ripdisk_what in the HELL set that for me01:46
ripdisk_i didn't change that stuff, i dont know anything about that stuff01:46
TJ-ripdisk_: as you said, most likely the upgrade01:47
ripdisk_so like01:47
ripdisk_lets say i want to openanother port01:47
Bashing-omfunky: Got me .. there are so many backup utilities out there .. deja-dup ?01:47
ripdisk_ripdisk@bmt-one:~$ sudo ufw allow ssh01:47
ripdisk_Rule added01:47
ripdisk_Rule added (v6)01:47
TJ-ripdisk_: try "grep -C 4  ufw /var/log/apt/history.log"01:47
ripdisk_grep -C 4 vfw /var/log/apt/history.log01:47
leftyfbripdisk_: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UFW01:47
ripdisk_is ther ea command where i can just like01:48
ripdisk_can i uninstall vfw?01:48
Jakethepythonafter restarting server and installing a new router i no longer have network01:48
TJ-ripdisk_: to open other ports see 'man ufw' but basically it's "sudo ufw allow <service-name>" (e.g. ssh) or "sudo ufx allow <port>/<protocol>" (e.g. 22/tcp)01:48
Cyber_AkumaIs there any gui-based tightVNC server for Ubuntu? I have no idea how to configure the CLI one01:48
TJ-ripdisk_: I'd assume "sudo apt purge ufw"01:48
ripdisk_by protocol you mean udp/tcp right01:48
TJ-ripdisk_: correct01:48
ripdisk_do you recommend i purge it01:49
ripdisk_or just continue to use it01:49
funkyBashing-om, I haven't loaded anything on this but VLC gpart and a scanner software01:49
pragmaticenigmaCyber_Akuma, you could check out x11vnc01:49
TJ-ripdisk_: well, you've got it connected to the public net, even if via port forwarding, so might be best to default it to being secure01:49
funkyBashing-om, everything is stock so to speak01:50
ripdisk_sweet, now randomly virtualbox wont run.01:50
TJ-ripdisk_: also, switch to using ssh keys and once they're working disable password authentication, so it can't be brute-force attacked01:50
ripdisk_i lost my entire virtual system now.01:50
ripdisk_i wish lubuntu would stop breaking thngs01:50
ripdisk_nm its working01:50
Bashing-omfunky: Untill you identify what the backup program is --- and read the help page . not much else we can do to "stop" it. One does need to work from within the utility .01:51
Cyber_Akumax11vnc seems to be cli based too01:51
ripdisk_welp tj01:51
ripdisk_i appreciate it01:51
ripdisk_thanks a whole bunch01:51
TJ-ripdisk_: glad we got you sorted01:51
ripdisk_sometimes i forget how dangerous upgrades can be01:51
ripdisk_now, my other problem01:52
TJ-ripdisk_: yes, always pays to read the release notes /and/ look at the list of upgrade packages and query any you don't recognise01:52
ripdisk_a customer hit me up about a laptop.... we agreed on a price for diagnosis, he told me the time he was comming01:52
ripdisk_30 minutes he said01:52
ripdisk_is been 2.5 hours01:52
ripdisk_i KNOW nobody beat my price01:52
funkyBashing-om, Thank you so very much, I'll see if I can find what it is that is backing up my drive.01:52
leftyfbripdisk_: try #ubuntu-offtopic01:52
ripdisk_yeah sorry.01:53
ripdisk_is there an #ubuntu-rants01:53
bugzbunnyI amctually excited01:53
UbuntuServerNewUUbuntu Server Install: Check disc for errors gives me a flashing screen, black and white... ruled out usb drive corruption.... can't find anything on google... next steps?01:53
bugzbunnyI'd like help solving my problems too01:53
bugzbunnyBut my problems is tooo complicated to fix because this would be my last venu01:53
Umeaboybugzbunny: Name them.01:53
UmeaboyOr at least one of them.01:54
TJ-UbuntuServerNewU: which Ubuntu release?01:54
bugzbunnyWell, one, Banshee crashes when I import media01:54
bugzbunnySecond one, is budgie problem, I need to report upstream for01:54
bugzbunnyThere is was another problem but probably had put that in the back burner01:55
UbuntuServerNewUTJ-: Ubuntu Server 16.04.4 LTS01:55
bugzbunnyI can't remember it01:55
TJ-UbuntuServerNewU: I was wondering if this is caused by ther recent GRUB issue where the boot-screens keep trying to flip between text and graphics mode01:55
TJ-UbuntuServerNewU: is the check still running when this flashing occurs?01:56
bugzbunnyI feel we working as a team, I actually find joy in helping01:56
TJ-UbuntuServerNewU: and, how did you rule out the USB drive corruption?01:56
bugzbunnyNo to many cooks in kitchen issues01:57
UbuntuServerNewUTJ-: hmmm... interesting... a couple of different USB drives a couple of times with repeated downloads.... the flickering happens right after I select the option to check the disk for errors01:58
bugzbunnyTJ-: I had that problem02:00
funkyDoes anyone happen to know if any of the newer mainboards are compatible with Ubuntu. Ones with DDR4 usb 3.1 etc.02:00
bugzbunnyAt first, I thought corruption, but I saw the update for grub, so it was Grub02:01
bugzbunnyfunky: It wouldn't be if they are compatible with Ubuntu, it would be it's compatible with Linux Kernel02:01
leftyfbfunky: usb 3.1 and ddr4 are supported just fine02:02
bugzbunnyfunky: Ubuntu doesn't develop their own Kernel... For DDR4, on Intel side, that has been supported for a long time02:02
bugzbunnyUSB ports should fallback02:03
bugzbunnyAt least, AFAIK,02:03
leftyfbusb 3.1 support is in the kernel02:03
funkyI was kinda upset when I checked out one of the latest ASUS mainboard and it said it was only compatible with Windows The board I'm refering to is the asus rog maximus x hero02:05
leftyfbfunky: consumer hardware marketing will almost never mention linux compatibility. That means almost nothing.02:06
JakethepythonIFUP only brign up DHCPDiscovery02:07
funkyThanks leftyfb bugzbunny02:08
bugzbunnyI have ASUS mainboard02:08
bugzbunnyASUS, is focusing on a Market Place02:08
bugzbunnyBut trust me, if you say you have issue with the mainboard02:09
funkyMe too have always been an ASUS fan for the last 20 years02:09
bugzbunnyThey will help you, but it has to be specific to the mainboard02:09
bugzbunnyI am have NOW become a ASUS fan02:09
bugzbunnyI like thier durability02:09
bugzbunnyI have a ...02:10
bugzbunnyOld Mainboard, 970 gaming board02:10
=== brainwash_ is now known as brainwash
funkyI still have my old A8N with the AMD 3200 barton chip  :0)02:11
bugzbunnyI come from Gigabyte02:12
funkyI'm running right now p9x79 asus02:12
bugzbunnyI know ASUS line that well, all I can say02:12
bugzbunnyFor AMD side of things02:13
bugzbunnyI prefer them02:13
bugzbunnyI have ASUS 19 inch monitor, for 2 years02:13
bugzbunnyI dropped but how many times02:13
bugzbunnyThe case is cracked02:13
TJ-funky: I've still got an active Asus A7M266D running in my forensics/data-recovery cluster02:13
funkyI switched to Intel a few years ago because AMD dropped way down is speed comparisons02:13
bugzbunnySometimes it doesn't turn on02:13
bugzbunnyBut that is so RARE02:14
funkyTJ-,  how old is the A7M266002:15
TJ-funky: 2002/3-ish02:15
TJ-it has dual sockets, AMD Athlon MP2000 I think02:15
funkyTJ-,  I don't recognize it, but back then I bought the top of the line gaming equipment02:16
TJ-back then it was dedicated to video compression jobs 24/7 ... now it's host to lots of legacy floppy/zip/cd/etc drives for data-recovery and forensics02:17
bugzbunnyMy only complaints with my Mainboard02:17
bugzbunnyI OC my CPU to 4.3 from 3.2002:17
bugzbunnyI read a lot but was always about voltage02:18
bugzbunnyThis mobo has VRM Digi+ system02:18
bugzbunnyIn bios, I would like the help messages for some options is a bit more descriptive02:19
bugzbunnyMy only complaint02:19
TJ-eeek! it's 2:20 ... time flies!02:19
funkyTJ-, true it does02:20
tripelbso when there is an admin account that means that none of the other acvounts can do sudo? is this correct?02:20
tripelb<learning by trial02:21
funkybugzbunny, nice02:21
bugzbunnyfunky: CPU runing at temp1:        +28.4°C  (high = +70.0°C)02:22
funkybugzbunny,  I don't overclock I just buy a new system. LOL  I wish02:23
bugzbunnyI don't like to go off-topic room, but I am well known around here02:23
bugzbunnyI like to read about your system02:24
bugzbunnyIt's #ubuntu-offtopic02:24
funkybugzbunny,  My p9x79 is pretty good but I do a lot of video editing and it's slowing down02:24
bugzbunnyHit me on off-topic02:24
bugzbunnyYou don't need to go if you want to02:25
bugzbunnyIf you don't want I guess we can stay here 'till op complains02:25
funkyok now all I have to do is figure out how to get there since this is the first time I have been in here02:25
bugzbunnyfunky: type /join #ubuntu-offtopic02:26
bugzbunnyYou IRC client should support that02:26
bugzbunnyThat is "/join #ubuntu-offtopic"02:26
funkyoops I'll try again02:27
bugzbunnyIf you have trouble, don't need to waste your time02:27
fartfaceI'm having an issue I haven't ran into before, haha.  So I install Ubuntu onto a spare machine I've got that has a BCM4360 WiFi card in it.  I'm able to get the card working, in that it can see networks, but it doesn't see _my_ network.02:28
fartfaceI'm guessing this is a driver issue, but I'm using the recommended driver, which is strange.02:29
funkybugzbunny, says it's unavailable02:29
tripelbso I asked about admin account. if i remove iy will the other users gain su_perpowers?02:29
bugzbunnyWhat IRC client are you using?02:29
bugzbunnyfartface: The dreaded BCM* cards02:30
fartfaceOh so this is a known thing, eh?02:30
tripelbfunky it will worknin hexchat02:30
bugzbunnyfunky: I don't have hexchat but I've used it before, look for Join a room02:30
tripelbjust donit02:30
tripelb   /join #ubuntu-offtopic02:31
bugzbunnyfartface: The company behind BCM* cards never release open source cards02:31
tripelbstarting in colnone02:31
tripelbcolumn one02:31
bugzbunnyfartface: But the Reverse engineer works for the most part...02:31
bugzbunnyUh, there is dedicated wireless website02:31
funkyhmm can't see anything other than freenode02:31
fartfacebugzbunny: The reverse engineer?02:32
tripelbfuny it in inside of freenode. where you type in here type that string02:32
bugzbunnyYes, to make it work in Linux02:32
tripelbfunky just do it and it will happen.02:32
funkytripelb, yes02:33
bugzbunnyBut you card could work but needs some extra work02:33
tripelbi am in that channel too02:33
bugzbunnyfunky: freenode is the network you are on02:33
bugzbunnyfunky: join a room on Freenode, you are already on Freenode, this #ubuntu02:34
funkybugzbunny, this is all french to me  LOL02:34
bugzbunnyYeah, let me look it up02:34
fartfacebugzbunny: Ah.  Not working for me, but your explanation makes sense.  Given I've got another adapter, I'll just burn this one in a fire lol!02:34
bugzbunnyRealtek, is another company but is better supported out of the box02:35
bugzbunnyRealtek have been around fro a VERY long time02:35
bugzbunnyNew Broadcom Wireless I read in 2016 is getting better02:36
funkythis is what I typed in  /join #ubuntu-offtopic02:36
bugzbunnySo don't totally give on them02:36
bugzbunnyfunky: When you add a space before /02:36
bugzbunnyIt negates the command02:36
funkyno space02:37
tripelbfunky it must start in column one02:37
tripelbdo uparrow funky02:37
tripelbthen check there is no space before the slash02:37
lagostaHello, Does anyone had problems with displaying video with a display port02:37
=== FrankF1 is now known as FrankF
funky I know / works because I can change my nic02:39
funky /nick02:39
tripelbright .. did you do upartow?02:39
tripelbi het fooled sometime and havr that leading space02:40
fartfaceThis card is from 2017, so they're not doing too well haha.  I'm familiar with Realtek as well.  I have some adapters and some Intel chipsets laying around, that'll likely work best I would think.  Just never ran into such a strange problem of _most_ networks showing up but mine not.02:40
fartfaceActually I know exactly why it wasn't...02:40
fartfaceCause I disabled 2.4G02:40
tripelb-/join #ubuntu-offtopic WILL work.02:41
funkyyes tried up arrow and nothing02:41
fartfaceAnd the open source drivers likely don't support all features of the card02:41
tripelbok then type it again02:41
bugzbunnyHexchat doesn't support /join02:41
daxyes, it does.02:41
leaftypebugzbunny, I literally just joined this using that command02:42
bugzbunnylagosta: Display Port? that's vague, what GPU do you have02:42
tripelbt did you type it again funky?  i use hexchat every day02:42
funkyI tried it and I got a  #unavailable02:42
bugzbunnyNo, I mean, I have come IRC clients that do now what to do with /join02:42
lagostaI`m using a RX 48002:42
bugzbunnylagosta: What problems are you having exactly?02:43
tripelb}sorry that IS how you join a channel on everything look for a typo02:43
funkyI'm soooo confused  LOL02:43
lagostaIt doesnt detect the monitor that`s connected with the Display port02:43
lagostaI  tried to install the new driver, amdgpu-pro but for the past 2 days I couldnt make it work.02:44
bugzbunny'xrandr', pastebin, is the display connected, also, can pastebin 'dmesg'02:44
tripelbfunky then try typing /join #freenode  that is the help.channel02:44
bugzbunnyType 'dmesg', then copy and pastebin02:45
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.02:45
tripelbit may be that you dont have a registered nick? bugzbunny could that be?02:45
lagostahttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/pxr6GHMThY/ -> xrandr02:46
bugzbunnyI need dmesg too02:46
lagostahttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/VqZyt3gFsH/ -> dmesg02:47
bugzbunnylagosta: Has it ever work?02:47
lagostafrom display port? I never had tried to make it work02:47
funkyno It's not registered02:47
lagostaIt works at windows02:47
tripelbfunky sorry, it does work. you get better advice when you say what you did. and not Inuse yoir username every time I address you.. that is a custom that works. good luck. i am over on this qiestion.02:48
bugzbunnylagosta: You never TRIED02:48
bugzbunnyin Linux, is that correct?02:48
bugzbunnyLet me look at you dmesg to see you loaded amdgpu and detect your display ports02:49
bugzbunnyYou have two Display Ports and 2 HDMI and One DVI02:52
bugzbunnySo the problem is not Kernel02:52
bugzbunnyCan you 'echo $DESKTOP_SESSION'02:52
tripelbfunky i asked in #ubuntu-offtopic and ... i was right. it requires a nickserv login to join. look up how to do it. good luck.02:53
ShadowmmCPU Speed: 3.50 GHz02:55
funkythanks tripelb I was just there too just now02:55
lagostait saus ubuntu02:57
lagostaand yes, I've 2 hdmi, 2 displays and one DVI... the only one working is the HDMI.... but I'm clueless about how to make the Display port to work.02:58
lagosta@bugzbunny I notice this line ` [   19.060330] amdgpu: probe of 0000:01:00.0 failed with error -22` any idea what that means?03:00
bugzbunnylagosta: that doesn't mean anything you [drm] detect all your devices03:02
bugzbunnyWhat DE are you using? Unity?03:02
lagostayup, I'm with a fresh install... All I did was adding the padoka ppa to upadte VESA03:02
bugzbunnylagosta: You said it never work03:03
lagostaYeah... it's the first time I'm try to accomplish it in any Linux platform03:03
lagostabut for the past 2 days I'm trying to make it work, but failing miserably :P03:04
bugzbunnyWell, only thing that Xorg failed at detection03:04
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bugzbunnyThat is Unlikely, since I know how they work at improving very old code03:04
bugzbunnyI think more likely the cable03:05
lagostabut it works at Windows03:05
bugzbunnyXorg might be more senstive, you can't compare both03:05
bugzbunnyThey have different ways to attack a problem03:05
bugzbunnyWhat I see is that amdgpu driver works03:06
bugzbunnyIt might be xorg for some reason is not seeing it03:06
bugzbunnyTry unplug and plug in, any change?03:06
bugzbunnyIf not03:06
lagostaI'll try it now03:07
lagostanup, not a change03:07
bugzbunnyI have RX480 btw03:08
lagostaand works fine?03:08
lagostawith Display port?03:08
lagostaare u using the amdgpu-pro?03:08
lagostathe default one?03:09
bugzbunnyDifferent kernel versions03:09
lagostawhich one is yours?03:09
bugzbunnyI think the problem is that Xorg for some reason is not seeing03:09
bugzbunnyBut that's out of ordinrary03:09
lagostaI'll try install a new kernel03:09
bugzbunnynot out of the ordinrary03:10
lagostamaybe is some bug they have already fixed.03:10
bugzbunnyThat might a freedesktop issue03:10
bugzbunnyI have problems with voltage03:10
lagostaat the dmseg it stated voltage problems03:10
bugzbunnySo it's not out of oridinary, but there is a sensor on those ports03:10
bugzbunnyCan you try different ports03:11
bugzbunnyBecause you might have a bad port03:11
bugzbunnyCan try the other one03:11
lagostayou mean the display connector? sure.03:11
smrtzHey!  I've been trying to reverse the horizontal scrolling direction on my mouse for a while, but I can't figure it out, has anyone here done that?03:11
bugzbunnyBut you saying it works in Windows is not going to help developers fix the problem03:12
lagostathere's any way to get more info about the issue?03:12
bugzbunnylagosta: Do you want to help other people who might have similar problems?03:12
bugzbunnyThen it's going take a bit more work03:12
bugzbunnyOpen a bug report on Ubuntu, say what you told me... xrandr is not sensing the display.. Do you have display on other ports?03:14
bugzbunnyReport that DVI and HDMI works but Display Port doesn't work03:14
bugzbunnyThat's very useful03:14
lagostaI'll try each prot03:14
dwagoDoes anyone here use gnome-maps. Just curious. Dosnt work for me. displays no map at all.03:16
tripelbfunky: you are welcome03:16
funkywell I'm on my way to registering my nick truns out it's been used by someone for 15 years but they haven't used it for a few years now03:16
bugzbunnylagosta: One thing I noticed with RX48003:16
dwagoOr can anyone just confirm for me if gnome maps works for them?03:17
bugzbunnylagosta: When I uplug, what is not my primary monitor, meaning what BIOS choses is that monitor03:17
bugzbunnylagosta: So when uplug the monitor and plug back in03:17
bugzbunnylagosta: Xorg won't recongize03:17
bugzbunnyI have noticed that very often in Linuz03:18
lagostaoh... so I need to restart?03:18
bugzbunnyWindows 10, no03:18
bugzbunnylagosta: I just saying I noticed that a lot03:18
bugzbunnyLet me uplug my DisplayPort03:18
bugzbunnyIt recovered here03:19
bugzbunnyIn fact, Xorg didn't even notice that display was disconnected03:19
bugzbunnyIn windows 10, when display disconnected, it put all the stuff in primary screen03:20
lagostamight be something weird going at the display port management?03:20
Bashing-omfunky: Still a struggle to understand your disk usage ?03:20
lagostaya it does...03:20
bugzbunnyBut for sure, if I don't boot with the second screen connected I have hard03:20
lagostaThanks for the warning.03:20
lagostaIll restart and test the other ports03:21
lagostato see if it detects it.03:21
lagostaThanks for all the help bugsbunny03:21
funkyBashing-om, no I'm good now that's a million I just have to delete some stuff. but I'll have to find out where that backup program is running03:22
Bashing-omfunky: 'top' will display all instances of what is active .03:23
funkyBashing-om, thanks I'll check that out once I'm done registering my nick03:26
lagostabugzbunny I Found out, meanwhile testing the other ports... If I boot with only the Display Port connect, and after logged I connect the DVI port It does works both monitors03:35
lagostado you ever had or have seen a similar problem?03:36
bugzbunnyI am reading03:36
bugzbunnySo you boot just with DisplayPort, you fulfill a how system boot?03:37
lagosta"how system boot" didn`t understand. you mean.... accomplish my goal?03:38
bugzbunnyI mean, the system completely boot to a desktop03:38
lagostaIt works normaly, it does have some noise meanwhile it loads the login screen03:39
bugzbunnySo, with just a DisplayPort, it boots to a completely to a desktop?03:39
lagostaYup. It does.03:39
bugzbunnyThat's information03:39
bugzbunnyAlright, with just the DisplayPort connected, did you try to connect other monitors?03:40
lagostaso... to have both screen working... I would've to disconect the DVI. boot with Display Port only, then after logged in I would connect the DVI and it would work just fine.03:40
_4p0lhi any patch for that ubuntu 0-day?03:40
bugzbunnyLet's narrow the down the problem03:40
bugzbunnylagosta: So you booted with the DisplayPort? right03:41
bugzbunnylagosta: And you have another monitor a DVI port?03:41
bugzbunnySo, it's boot problem, add this stuff to report03:42
lagostaI tried this, because a friend of mine had this problem at his notebook... but it was with the hdmi port.03:42
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bugzbunnyI had these problems too, but I never reported, I just accepted it, and know what I want03:42
bugzbunnyOnce you report the bug, give me the bug number03:43
lagostaI never filled a report, how I should do it?03:43
bugzbunnyLooks like Ubuntu one is down03:47
Bashing-om!bug | lagosta03:47
ubottulagosta: If you find a bug in Ubuntu or any of its derivatives, please report it using the command « ubuntu-bug <package> » - See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/ReportingBugs for other ways to report bugs.03:47
bugzbunnylagosta: ubuntu-bug xorg03:50
bugzbunnyThat's where it should go03:50
bugzbunnyBashing-om: Can you log into Ubuntu One03:50
secondipa friend provides me with internet connection via a network cable that runs from his house to mine. i got myself a router and connected that network cable to my router and created a subnet and a wireless network called WIFI. The thing is that i forgot the ip of my wireless router and now can not access it with a web browser to change some settings? How can i find out the ip of wireless router?03:51
Bashing-ombugzbunny: Lemme see .03:51
bugzbunnyJust fixed it03:51
bugzbunnyI was getting 50303:52
bugzbunnyand 50103:52
Bashing-ombugzbunny: K; As I had no problem .03:52
bugzbunnysecondip: Created a Submet?03:53
bugzbunnyWhy would you do that?03:53
bugzbunnyJust the same subnet03:53
bugzbunnyWhy create a new subnet that introduce a new cans of worms03:54
bugzbunnyBashing-om: Did think I so those errors, I have squid proxy in between http clients03:55
lagostabugzbunny, do you still have the links of the paste bin? I kinda lost it with the restarts04:00
ubottuFor posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.04:00
lagostathe ones I send to you04:00
lagostaIt prob is at the history04:00
bugzbunnyDid you send me links?04:00
bugzbunnyWhen did you do that?04:00
lagostaya the xrandr and dmesg04:00
bugzbunnyOh, that, I saw that, was there suppose be new information?04:01
lagostaSince they collect the information with the both screens working... I think would be usefull send then when it's not working04:01
bugzbunnyI asked for a bug report number04:02
bugzbunnyHave you done that?04:02
bugzbunnyYou said sure you want to support people with the same place04:02
bugzbunnylagosta: Nice04:05
lagostathanks for the help04:06
bugzbunnyI commented04:07
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1756783 in xorg (Ubuntu) "Problems at display the second monitor" [Undecided,New]04:09
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dwagoDoes gnome maps work for anyone here?04:12
funkybugzbunny, WAHOOOO I'm registered with freenode  that only took two hours04:17
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dwagofunky: funky has NOT COMPLETED registration verification04:21
bugzbunnyfunky: You figured it out?04:22
dwago"/msg nickserv info funky"04:22
codebot_i want to run adobe reader's read out aloud option. but im unable to do that.04:24
codebot_in ubuntu. i tried getting the tts engine festival but still it isnt working.04:25
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funkyok I got it this time  :0)04:27
bugzbunnyThat experience of you learning how to register with nickserv04:28
bugzbunnyIt must be hard huh04:28
funkyNow I have to try not to forget everthing04:29
EriC^^cool nick04:30
funkyI think I have elzimers04:30
bugzbunnyNew stuff might make you feel that way04:31
bugzbunnyBut it's not04:31
bugzbunnyfunky: Learn the IRC client that you using04:32
bugzbunnyYou said hexchat04:32
bugzbunnyLearn it, it will make it easier for you04:32
funkyhexchat has nothing on it other than the chat page. No info no help nothing04:33
funkyI'm at offtopic right now04:34
bugzbunnyLearn how to use the tool04:34
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bugzbunnyI know, Hexchat, in open source04:35
bugzbunnyThere is no straightforward as helping understanding the tools04:36
bugzbunnyI would say, that Microsoft is better but just as worst.. I will say open source is even worst04:36
funkybut there is no customization or anything else on hexchat should I just change to another one04:36
funkyI don't use04:37
bugzbunnyhexchat, once you know how to use it properly04:37
funkywindoze  ever04:37
bugzbunnyYou might like it04:37
bugzbunnyI support Micrsoft, I don't like the negavity, I think people have opinion about close source just to have openion against close source04:38
funkyIt took me two hours to just register  LOL  I could be into it for a few years  LOL04:38
GoopHow do you configure and enable remote desktop from command line (specifically from SSH) in Ubuntu Desktop 16.04?04:38
funkysorry I just got tired of the three big boys snooping on everthing you do.04:39
bugzbunnyfunky: Same when I first started04:39
bugzbunnyimaging me04:40
EriC^^Goop: type sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config  and see if X11Forwarding is set to yes04:40
funkyproblem is that I'm 65 and learning is very hard and slow for me. some people are 65 and do well not so for me.04:43
funkyThank you for your patients04:43
Goopfunky, did you need help with something? I may have joined the channel after you asked your question.04:45
funkyme and bugzbunny were talking about mainboards and compatibility04:46
bugzbunnyGoop: I've been working with him for awhile04:46
bunnymanhello all04:46
funkywe deciced to go to another room  then the fun began  LOL04:46
bugzbunnyGoop: He is learning04:46
bunnyman*hello world04:46
bugzbunnyGoop: FYI, /join #ubuntu-offtopic is not working04:47
funkyI can build a computer from scratch and used to help in computerhope for a year or so but things are getting foggy for me lately04:48
bugzbunnyGoop: Some one from #ubuntu-offtopic said you need to register a nickserv account04:48
bugzbunnyGoop: He finally figure that out04:48
funkyI have all that fixed now04:48
funkyI'm in there right now04:48
bugzbunnyfunky: I had your back on that one04:49
funkyI don't think I was at fault really04:49
bugzbunnyI think that was out of line04:49
funkyI typed everthing in the same about five times then walla it finally worked04:49
funkysaid my email was wrong  duhh   I've had it since 199504:50
funkyanyways water under that bridge04:50
funkyI'm up and running  WAHOOO04:51
funkygot a funky name too boot04:51
GoopI really don't like how they switch around stuff in Ubuntu 17 and 18. Is it possible to revert my applications back to having the close/minimize/maximize on the top left?05:20
Cyber_AkumaDoes Ubuntu support exFat without having to install anything extra in the latest versions?05:23
doge-dogewould it be easier to just reinstall ubuntu mate on an ssd versus trying to migrate the data resizing the partition?05:27
doge-dogeit's a luks partition as well, complicating things05:27
codebot_i have an issue with adobe reader in ubuntu. i am trying to run read out aloud in it, but its not working. i got the tts engine festival, still nothing05:28
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netham46I've got an ubuntu server in a VM, is there any way I can install Gnome and run GDM in a 'headless' mode where I can connect to it using XDMCP?05:56
lotuspsychjenetham46: perhaps the #ubuntu-server channel might know that one05:58
lotuspsychjebarry_: welcome, how can we help you?06:04
barry_Hi, I have a DNS problem with 16.0406:05
barry_am i in the right place??06:05
doge-dogewhat's the problem06:05
barry_fresh new install of 16.04.04.  desktop.    Network settings for DNS servers shows 127.01.0106:07
barry_Putting in local router  or any other DNS works until reboot06:07
barry_then it reverts back to just localhost06:07
barry_I coomented out DNSMasq in resolv.conf and put in dns=default bu no joy06:08
guivercbarry_, if it says 127.01.01 - that's an invalid address (one octet too few) or is that a typo?06:08
barry_also, 32bit if that makes diff06:09
guivercare you using static IP (change to /etc/network/interfaces or other? if so you can add nameservers to this file) or defined in network.manager? or dhcp provided address/nameserver?06:12
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barry_trying DHCP for the moment.  Goal is static IP for PiHole06:13
barry_dhcp doesnt' work.  It gets an addrss, but can't reslove names06:14
guiverc(if using dhcp - it should get nameservers/dns at same time as ip - sorry gotta step away)06:14
barry_thanks G!06:15
barry_I'm wrong. resolv.conf not changed,  NetworkManager.conf changed:  #dnsmasq  & dns=default06:18
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descuidadocan someone help me out? i just installed ubuntu 17.10 but my monitor is not being recognized07:07
guivercbarry_, sorry was away ages; if you go to network.connections  (this is via network manager; go thru menu or click network/wireless icon on desktop if you see it) - do you see your connection?07:13
Lornzzheya, sorry for the newb question but I am bit lost: Is there a way to still get a older version of a package published by a PPA if apt-cache info <pkgname> doesn't show the specific version which I'm interested in anymore?07:18
ikoniaLornzz: you can pin the package to a specific version if it's still in the repo07:18
fikohello there?07:19
Lornzzhmm I don't think that helps there. To be more specific, I use Ondřej Surý's PPA for PHP 7.1 packages. I want to add a single package for a php extension (bcmath) to my current installation with upgrading PHP. All my php-related packages are using v7.1.5, but the PPA only offers php packages with 7.1.15 nowadays (at least thats what apt-cache info php7.1-bcmath shows me) and therefore installing the 7.1.5 version fai07:22
Lornzzls / is not possible with via apt-get. When I open the PPA in the browser, I can still see mentions of the package and "my" php version. Is there a way to download the old package manually from the PPA website and install it with dpkg?07:22
LornzzHere's the PPA website page where the package I want is still referenced: https://launchpad.net/~ondrej/+archive/ubuntu/php/+build/12621294 (pkg name: php7.1-bcmath-7.1.5-1+deb.sury.org~xenial+2 )07:23
Lornzzbut apt-cache policy php7.1-bcmath only returns the candidate 7.1.15-1+ubuntu16.04.1+deb.sury.org+2 50007:24
sereis ~.cache needed if im just backing up ~07:35
EriC^^sere: not really07:36
kontoliam from india07:36
kontolwhere do you from07:37
EriC^^kontol: this is the support channel for ubuntu, for chatting type /join #ubuntu-offtopic07:37
sereEriC^^: ok thanks07:38
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ubvmbHi! Is there any "offtopic" room for people?08:27
lotuspsychje!ot | ubvmb08:28
ubottuubvmb: #ubuntu is the Ubuntu support channel, for all Ubuntu-related support questions. Please register with NickServ (see /msg ubottu !register) and use #ubuntu-offtopic for other topics (though our !guidelines apply there too). Thanks!08:28
lotuspsychjeubottu: for ubuntu discussions we also have #ubuntu-discuss08:28
ubottulotuspsychje: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)08:28
lotuspsychjeubvmb: ^08:29
ubottuThe guidelines for using the Ubuntu channels can be found at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines08:35
starfallsHi everybody08:36
lotuspsychjestarfalls: welcome, how can we help you?08:36
starfallsI want to make sound whenever I click something08:36
starfallslike closing , minmizing08:36
starfallsI feel very silence I can't hear a thing08:37
starfallswhere should I check in setting08:37
starfallsis that possible ?08:37
lotuspsychjestarfalls: https://askubuntu.com/questions/153316/how-to-make-a-sound-effect-play-whenever-i-click08:38
starfallsAll I hear from Linux is when download complete :D08:38
starfallsthanks buddy08:38
starfallsso that means there is no default program for this ?08:39
lotuspsychjestarfalls: first time i hear this question, so ill look around a bit08:40
starfallsthank buddy08:40
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azizLIGHTcan someone recommend a utility to show some texts on my screen (generated from script) always on top08:45
azizLIGHT*text messages08:46
azizLIGHTnot SMS, just text08:46
ozberkgood morning from Middle East and Europe (best part of living in Turkey)08:47
lotuspsychjestarfalls: cant find anything decent sorry08:47
starfallsIt's okay . Thank you very much08:48
ozberkguys I have an issue I recently installed GTX950M drivers on Ubuntu 17.10 yet there was a screen tearing issue. So from PRIME settings I just switch it back to the Intel Graphichs 65008:52
EriC^^azizLIGHT: notify-send08:52
lotuspsychjeozberk: on xorg or wayland?08:52
ozberkNow Nvdia controll pannes doesn't even startup because it doesn't find any nvdia graphichs card on the system08:52
ozberklotuspsychje: as far as I know this is wayland08:52
lotuspsychjeozberk: wayland and nvidia are a no go mate08:52
ozberkfor correction it is panel not pannes08:53
ozberklotuspsychje: so how can I switch to the xorg08:53
lotuspsychjeozberk: try logout and login to xorg, then try nvidia or nouveau driver08:53
lotuspsychjeozberk: you can choose the option at gdm login, gear icon08:53
ozberklotuspsychje: will I have any performance loss I wanna try steam games aswell08:54
lotuspsychjeozberk: try wich layout is best for your system08:54
ozberkok let me give a shot08:55
ozberkI'l brb08:55
jinkCan I see what source is used for a package?  I use apt-cache show, but that doesn't seem to list the repository.08:55
EriC^^jink: apt-cache policy <package>08:55
starfallshow can I mention specific name in public chat  ?08:58
sveinseThe gnome display selector (Super+P) is completely unusable for me on 17.10. I'm spending 10 minutes every day trying to tweak and find settings which works that the display selector doesn't take over. Where should these issues be reported?08:58
guivercazizLIGHT, maybe zenity/dialog (a bash call to display gtk+ message box); using wmctrl et.al to force it to top of workspace/screen maybe - rough idea only08:59
azizLIGHTEriC^^: i need constant display, not notifications sent ad hoc09:00
azizLIGHTit will be a countdown timer09:00
EriC^^starfalls: type the first few letters of it then press tab09:00
EriC^^azizLIGHT: i think you can set the notify-send to show infinitely09:00
starfallsI m trying09:01
EriC^^azizLIGHT: seems like ubuntu ignores the -t parameter09:02
BluesKaj'Morning folks09:04
barry__good morning.   anybody have time to help me figure out a DNS problem?09:05
azizLIGHTEriC^^: back inthe day there used to be conky. i wonder if i can use that09:06
azizLIGHTguiverc: interesting, that could work for me. ill check it out09:06
ozberklotuspsychje: back again and have some bad new. Ubuntu on xorg is now a nogo. It just freezes and09:07
ozberkI had to force restart my pc over two time09:08
lotuspsychjeozberk: on wich driver was that09:08
ozberkI suppose nvdia driver09:08
ozberkyes it is nvdia binary driver09:09
lotuspsychjeozberk: try nouveau on xorg09:13
jurgentjeHi, I've been having an issue lately with a lot of gnome/ubuntu apps that won't launch anymore. I'm thinking it has something to do with both python 2 and 3 being installed, but I can's seem to figure out how to fix it. A bunch of tools I'm trying to launch (e.g. gnome-tweak-tool) won't run and they will shoot me an error message in the genre of this: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/dRXGWdHHSz/09:32
jurgentjeAnyone who can suggest me a way out?09:32
ducassejurgentje: seems to be because of python modules installed under your homedir clashing with the system python09:36
tamaada orang ngak09:38
tamadiam diam baik09:38
tamaada orang kagak09:38
ducassetama: do you have an ubuntu support question?09:38
tamafuck yoou09:39
ducassethat's not very nice09:39
superguestwhat are dummy packages for?09:42
XXCodersomething to do wth dependentacy stuff09:42
supergueste.g. 'libc6-armel-armhf-cross - Dummy package to get libc6:armel installed'?09:42
funkygood morning/Night09:43
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ozberkhi people what is the best source for some gnome themes09:48
ubottuFind your themes at: http://www.gnome-look.org - http://art.gnome.org - http://www.kde-look.org - http://kubuntu-art.org - http://freecode.com/tags/theme - http://www.guistyles.com - https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Artwork/ - Also see !changethemes and https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UbuntuEyeCandy09:50
guivercozberk, to read about 'new' themes; maybe also look at https://www.omgubuntu.co.uk/?s=themes09:53
testeri'm trying to boot ubuntu from raw disk in virtualbox. get the boot menu, i select Ubuntu, it says init ramdisk and then it's stuck on flashing underscore for minutes.10:01
testeram i missing anything?10:01
testerthe disk is connected with usb 2.0, but it worked pretty fast in the past with similar ports elsewhere10:01
testeralso the led on the disk shows no activity10:02
hsoshipengwhat is it?10:02
testerwhat is what10:02
hsoshipeng just started to learn Linux. I don't know what this software is10:04
akikhsoshipeng: you started an irc client that connected you to the freenode irc network, #ubuntu channel10:05
testerlol akik10:05
akikisn't that what he was asking?10:05
lupulohsoshipeng, you should read Stallman about free licenses.10:05
pagioshello, i am looking to provide a web solution where users can register with an account and then login to customize using graphical widgets a single page for their own website. The tools need to be drag and drop, buttons, scrollbars for colors etc. So that users can upload their own logo, write their own text, choose the lauout etc. Something very basic maybe like Wix.com. Is there something like an opensource project i can10:06
pagiosrely upon to build my solution instead of reinventing the wheel from scratch ? Thank you for your time and suggestions10:06
jane_booty_doeakik, i think he was curious about tester's question10:06
guiverchsoshipeng, if you have problems, this is the place to come to seek help (a ubunt support channel)10:06
testerpagios this isn't the right place to ask. look at composer, packagist, laravel, wordpress, drupal10:06
guiverc:s/ubunt/ubuntu - sorry my typo/mistake10:06
akiktester: you could boot a live session in virtualbox, and remove "quiet splash" from grub settings so you see what is happening10:07
testerakik how? i've been trying everything i could find.10:07
hsoshipengwhere are you from?10:07
jane_booty_doepagios, meteor.js10:07
akiktester: add the ubuntu iso as a media in a cd/dvd drive10:07
testerakik but i want to boot the ubuntu that's on the mobile disk?10:08
akiktester: you can do this in virtualbox10:08
testerakik i lost you. that's what i'm trying to do...10:08
guiverchsoshipeng, personal questions are not welcome here, use another channel like #ubuntu-offtopic, #ubuntu-discuss for non-support questions please.10:08
akiktester: if you can't see what's happening, it's probably because you have quiet splash in grub settings10:09
testerakik how do i disable that then? i've mounted the raw disk with a vmdk, using some howto on google10:09
testerfor some reason, i know that i have to boot without uefi10:10
testerotherwise only the windows setup on that disk (dual boot) will take place10:10
testerwithout uefi, grub asks what to boot10:10
akiktester: the config is in boot/grub/grub.cfg. you can edit it directly as a temporary solution10:10
testerakik i lost you again. how can i mess with that without booting naything first10:11
EbolaHellow guys10:11
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akiktester: you can change the vmdk config if you have mounted it. everything is a file10:11
cesuraseanhow do i solve this missing file? fatal error: cannot open file '/usr/lib/clc/gfx900-amdgcn-mesa-mesa3d.bc': No such file or directory10:11
akiktester: do you see the boot directory?10:12
EbolaIf you  ignores me i willspam chat over 9999999 words You ready for this?????10:12
testerakik you're moving forward and i'm not even catching up. i have the vmdk, i mounted it in vbox. everything i described earlier is when i try to boot from it.10:12
testerso it "works", but ubuntu wont load. you suggested to mess with grub's config. i asked how.10:12
EbolaSex beast hy10:12
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Guest65585fuck u udot10:13
akiktester: do you get the grub menu when you boot it?10:13
akiktester: press left shift when booting the virtualbox vm10:13
testerakik yes. I select Ubuntu (or every ubuntu recovery), and then the screen hangs on flashing underscore without disk activity,.10:13
akiktester: you can press "e" in the grub menu to edit the kernel parameters for that boot10:13
Kon-He would have gotten away with it too, if it weren't for you meddling adults.10:13
testerone moment.10:13
rosco_yHow change ownership of my mounted drive partitions from root to myself (ross)10:14
Guest65585so i m from russia thats why fuck ur moms pindoses10:14
EbolaI back again like a LIch KIng hahaha10:14
akik!ops | Ebola10:14
ubottuEbola: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:14
Guest65585u like ur sister10:14
testerakik okay, i have the edit window10:15
akiktester: there you can scroll with cursors and find the line starting with linux10:15
Ebola! ops  | akik10:15
ubottuakik: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:15
Guest65585she always backs whrn she has chance to suck my penis10:15
akiktester: remove the strings quiet and splash, then press ctrl+x or f1010:15
testerakik one second.10:15
Ebola!ops  | Guest6558510:15
ubottuGuest65585: Help! Channel emergency! (ONLY use this trigger in emergencies) - Pici, Myrtti, jrib, Amaranth, tonyyarusso, Nalioth, lamont, CarlK, elky, mneptok, Tm_T, jpds, ikonia, Flannel, genii, wgrant, stdin, h00k, IdleOne, nhandler, Jordan_U, popey, Corey, ocean, cprofitt, djones, Madpilot, gnomefreak, lhavelund, phunyguy, bazhang, chu, dax10:15
Kon-He even reported himself. Case closed.10:16
testerakik done that. waiting for it to load or hang10:16
Ebola! report Guest6558510:16
EbolaiTS TIME TO STOP10:16
testerakik it weirldy works now.10:17
Ebolawe wait so long that i can wait anymore10:17
Ebolawe most to start a revolution10:17
akiktester: it boots up to login manager?10:17
Ebolaits start here10:17
rosco_yhow can I open up the disk management utility as root?10:18
testerakik why would it not work with quiet splash, but work without it?10:19
akiktester: maybe it was just slow boot?10:19
akiktester: it should affect the boot whether those parameters are there or not10:20
testerakik i waited liek 10 minutes earlier. it booted within less than 1 now10:20
akikshould not affect10:20
testerwell as long as it works now..10:20
akiktester: you should edit /etc/default/grub now and change it there too, then run sudo update-grub10:20
akiktester: you can also add this to /etc/default/grub "GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=text" to see the biggest amount of kernel information (it scrolls by very fast)10:32
DbuggerHi everyone10:36
DbuggerI have an issue: The dropbox folder does not seem to be uploading anything to the cloud. It doesnt even show the small indicators on the folder icons.10:36
DbuggerI fear that happened after upgrading to 17.10. Does anyone have a clue why could this be?10:37
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=== guiverc_t is now known as guiverc
cart_manHow can I make a new user fot FTP purposes that only has a user name and password but no HOME dir etc?10:44
akikcart_man: you can create a chrooted sftp account for that. openssh has a built-in "internal-sftp" that you can use10:56
akikcart_man: here's an example config for /etc/ssh/sshd_config: https://pastebin.com/raw/96F5e1kn10:58
geirhaDbugger: when you upgrade ubuntu to a new release, all non-official repositories are disabled. You probably need to re-add it10:58
geirhaIIRC, the deb you download from dropbox' site adds the relevant sources.list entry for you, so that's probably the easiest approach10:58
akikcart_man: create a new group sftpusers and add the users that need to use this into that group10:59
Dbuggergeirha, I will try that. BEcuase it is weird, with the headless daemon it seems to work10:59
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Dbuggergeirha, but I am not installing it from a repo, but using directly the DEB from their website11:00
cchahello I have an OUT OF DISK SPACE when I run apt update. But there are more than 7Gb free for /var and 3% inode use11:01
cchaI don't understand why I got the OUT OF DISK SPACE11:02
rosco_yccha: that is strange.  I thought I was having the same kind of problem the other day.11:02
cchalast week I didn't got this problem11:03
rosco_yI was trying to make stage3.iso for installing gentoo, and I kept getting an out-of-space error11:03
rosco_yput I have lots of room11:03
BluesKajccha, check your / partition11:04
=== Betonneklakske is now known as Garc
cchamy / partition is bigger 16G free11:05
rosco_yI'm having different problems today:  all my mounted partitions are read-only.11:05
rosco_yso now I can't do anything with them11:06
rosco_yDoes anyone know what I can try to change my mounted partitions from ro to rw?11:06
cchaI check /var/lib/apt/lists there is no symbolic link11:06
xzrrecommended way to upgrade 16.10 (I know shoulda done ages ago)? Full reinstall?11:08
rosco_yxzr: are you worried about losing data?11:09
xzrslightly yes, but guess I should backup anyway11:09
rosco_ySounds like you won't go to jail if you lose something :)11:09
xzrall of the relevant stuff is in git anyway, but I suspect I'll miss some document and end up regretting it a year from now11:10
rosco_yno way around that11:10
xzrbut full re-install it is?11:10
Amm0nccha, unix filesystems usually have space reserverd for kernel processes etc.. on ext4 it's usually 5%11:10
rosco_yIt's a good question, upgrade/reinstall?11:10
guivercxzr, recommended way is thru 17.04 (also EOL) so recommended way is now gone.  if you need a longer life, consider using LTS versions11:10
xzryup will go lts next11:11
Amm0nrosco_y, do you dualboot with win10?11:11
cchaAmm0n: yes; but I just dd 1G file; no problem11:11
rosco_yAmm0n: Thanks.  Yes I am.  I did reboot to windows, and make sure that I shut down clean.  Is that what you're driving at?11:11
cchaqnd reseved itùs for root user11:11
Tin_manrosco_y, might read this link >> https://ubuntuforums.org/showthread.php?t=186322511:12
rosco_yThanks Tin_man, I'll check that out11:12
cchaapt doesn't concerned about reservation11:12
rosco_ydo I need to unmount drives to run chckdsk?11:13
Tin_manI don't think so, if they are windows partitions, just open a command prompt and run chkdsk c: or what ever drive you've assigned.11:15
Tin_manif linux ubuntu then yes you need to unmount them and run fsck.11:15
rosco_yfrom the gui launcher menu, the "system->disk management" (User Mount Tool) tells me that "There are no filesystems which you are allowed to mount or unmount."  Is there a way to open the tool as root?11:15
rosco_yI think my system is falling apart.11:16
EriC^^rosco_y: what is the original problem?11:16
Tin_manif you read the link, you can use a live DVD to login, and unmount them then run fsck11:16
rosco_yEriC^^: ty, all my mounted partitions are ro, and I can't do anything with them.11:16
Amm0nrosco_y, are the partitions ntfs?11:17
EriC^^rosco_y: did you look in 'dmesg' for any errors or info about them?11:17
rosco_yAmm0n: yes, and the fstab is using "defaults", which I think is supposed to be "rw"11:17
rosco_yEriC^^: I never heard of dmesg11:17
Amm0nrosco_y, sudo ntfsfix /dev/sdx11:18
Amm0nwill remove the dirty bit11:18
rosco_yEriC^^: I logged into my system today, and all my mounted parts are read only11:18
EriC^^rosco_y: try 'dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999' and paste the link it gives you here11:18
Amm0nand you should disable hybrid suspend in win1011:18
rosco_yThanks Amm0n.  I don't do the "fast restart" in my windows, I ran into that problem in the past.11:19
Amm0nrosco_y, on my gf's pc the option got reenabled last week, and she got the same error11:20
EriC^^hey mancman311:20
mancman3hi EriC^^11:20
rosco_yAmm0n: "Error opening /dev/sdx: no such file or directory11:21
Amm0nrosco_y, x for your partition11:21
rosco_yAmm0n: doh, excuse the blonde11:21
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rosco_ylooks like I should maybe use a CD to boot, unmount and run fsck11:24
Amm0nrosco_y, can you mount them manually?11:25
Guest12519hi all-can s1 tell me if copying my HDD using dd command terminal will be faster than using copy paste want an exact copy size is 1TB11:25
rosco_yAmm0n: they are mounted in my fstab, so I can read them, I'm not allowed to do anything with them (unmount/mount chown/create a file etc.)11:26
EriC^^Guest12519: exact copy of the hdd you need dd, copy paste would be faster but you won't get an 'exact copy' of the hdd11:26
EriC^^Guest12519: you need the whole partition table and everything too or just the data?11:26
rosco_yMy historical solution for this kind of problem has been reinstall linux, but that's just wrong11:26
Guest12519so with exact copy do you mean all things bit for bit (deleted files without placemark would be there as well?)11:27
Guest12519just data but wanted to satisfy curiousity with prior question11:27
rosco_ybut it does work.11:27
EriC^^rosco_y: dmesg should tell you more11:27
rosco_yEriC^^: wow: too much information!11:27
Amm0nrosco_y, not allowed as root?11:27
Guest12519lol roso me too11:28
EriC^^Guest12519: yeah deleted files as well11:28
rosco_yAmm0n: "sudo vim newfile" fails because filesystem is read-only11:28
EriC^^rosco_y: type 'dmesg | nc termbin.com 9999'11:28
Amm0nrosco_y, sudo umount /dev/sdx11:28
Guest12519awesome got another drive i want backed up in that way11:28
rosco_yEriC^^: http://termbin.com/8z8b11:29
rosco_ywow, that is cool11:30
Guest12519question <EriC^^> if you pipe to web address as above will you need to copy and past a link or will it be done automaticallly into irc11:31
Guest12519re pastebin11:31
Amm0nrosco_y, mkdir ~/tmp then sudo mount /dev/sdx ~/mnt the paste the error if you get one11:31
Guest12519sorry misread re termbin.com11:32
rosco_yAmm0n: I'm on it11:32
rosco_yGuest12519: ?11:32
MarceeZHello every one! I have ubuntu version 12.04 but i trying to upgrade to 12.10 but it show cant find something11:33
MarceeZHow i can upgrade it?11:33
leftyfbMarceeZ: 12.10 is completely EOL. 12.04 is only supported if you pay for the ubuntu advantage service11:33
bazhangMarceeZ, let me give you the eon end of life upgrade link11:34
Guest12519oops i should of been asking that question to Eric^^11:34
rosco_ysudo mount /dev/sda9 tmp11:34
rosco_yMount is denied because the NTFS volume is already exclusively opened.11:34
rosco_yThe volume may be already mounted, or another software may use it which11:34
rosco_ycould be identified for example by the help of the 'fuser' command.11:34
bazhangleftyfb, ubuntu advantage service paid?11:34
rosco_ySo I guess I'd have to unmount it first?11:34
cart_manakik Will sftpusers be automatically be configured ? Is this n standard name of sorts?11:34
mancman3umount it first11:34
leftyfbMarceeZ: http://robots.mobilerobots.com/wiki/Upgrading_Ubuntu_Linux_12.04_(precise)_to_Ubuntu_16.04_(xenial)11:34
EriC^^Guest12519: you have top copy and paste to irc, unless you use /exec -o something | nc termbin,com 999 from irc11:35
leftyfbbazhang: https://www.ubuntu.com/support/plans-and-pricing11:35
rosco_ysudo umount /dev/sda911:35
rosco_yumount: /media/ross/DATA: target is busy.11:35
Marcezleftyfb, But it gives me 12.10 version not 1411:35
Marcezin upgrade11:36
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akikcart_man: no you need to add that group yourself. it's not a ubuntu standard name11:36
leftyfbMarcez: it gives you that when you do what?11:36
Amm0nrosco_y, anything accessing the partition? like disktool gparted or something?11:36
rosco_ymebbe I should just reinstall....it doesn't take that long....11:36
rosco_yAmm0n: good call.11:37
Amm0nthat won't fix the dirty bit on your ntfs partitions11:37
rosco_yhad a term open11:37
Marcezleftyfb, When i open updates available11:37
Amm0nntfsfix should have taken care already, try a reboot11:37
rosco_y sudo umount /dev/sda911:37
leftyfbMarcez: to be honest, at this point, 6 years after you installed, you are much better off reinstalling from scratch.11:38
rosco_yumount: /dev/sda9: not mounted.11:38
Marcezleftyfb, It shows new ubuntu release available11:38
Marcezand 12.1011:38
bazhangMarcez, since 12.10 is a no longer supported upgrade, you wont be able to get it11:38
MarcezYes but maybe is some way to update to 14>04/11:38
rosco_yAmm0n: I was able to mount my partition to ~/tmp11:38
Amm0nrosco_y, is it rw now?11:38
MarcezBecause i have outdated old 12.04 version but i want upfgrade it online11:38
bazhang!eolupgrades | Marcez11:39
ubottuMarcez: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades11:39
rosco_yAmm0n: it's rw11:39
bazhangsee the last link please there Marcez11:39
Amm0nrosco_y, the ntfsfix the other partitions and disable the crap in win10 again11:39
Guest12519<EriC^^> =) thank you11:40
rosco_yAmm0n: Thanks!  I'll check in later if it doesn't work....11:40
rosco_yThanks everyone (too many to name), you people are great11:40
leftyfbMarcez: I do NOT recommend forcing and upgrade to 12.10. That gets you nowhere.11:40
leftyfbMarcez: try update-manager -d11:41
leftyfbMarcez: did you run sudo apt-get update # before you ran the update-manager? Or in the last 3 years?11:42
MarcezThansks about help11:46
MarcezNow i can upgrade to 14.04 version11:46
MarcezTHanks all about support11:46
leftyfbMarcez: I would recommend upgrading to 16.04 from 14.04 once you're done. And then upgrading to 18.04 next month11:47
leftyfbMarcez: if it's a desktop, your life is going to be a lot easier to just reinstall from scrach11:48
Marcezleftyfb, Yes but i dont have usb or CD : )11:50
MarcezNow i trying to upgrad11:50
MarcezThanks about support11:50
Amm0nI really enjoy running a rolling release on my Desktop, Didn't have to reinstall since 2009, That's what i call stable :P11:51
akemIs the VPN option in Ubuntu 17.10 topbar menu uses openVPN?12:03
mancman3it can but doesnt have to12:08
akemOk thanks.12:10
keiserrhi, mouse question, I have ubuntu 16.04 running. I have a logitech M510 mouse. My mouse works on my system. MY colleague tried ubuntu, he has the same exact mouse. Scroll doesn't seem to work on his mouse. Yet it works on a windows box. The weird thing is, his mouse's scroll doesn't work on my machine either. They are both the same mouse model, any idea?12:26
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keiserrYou won't believe it. But I swapped the batteries out of both mouse, and they are working fine now. This is absolutely weird!12:30
mn3monic weird12:31
keiserrmn3monic, makes absolutely no sense right! I am still wondering how such a thing can even be possible.12:33
mn3monici always do with my tv remote and its always works12:34
m00n_urnhey anyone try setting up grub password on 14.04?12:58
SamulI need help, ubuntu doesn't recognize gtx 650 card on dg31pr12:59
posFor some reason this system refuses to boot with framebuffer res 1920x108013:01
posthe mode is available in /sys/class/drm/***/modes13:01
poshwinfo --framebuffer only shows 4:3 resolutions as available13:01
posyet the system always boots with 1280x72013:02
Amm0npos, did you enable KMS for your gpu driver?13:03
=== ganesh is now known as Guest69814
ioriaSamul, https://forums.geforce.com/default/topic/533095/gtx-650-on-intel-dg31pr-mainboard/13:04
posAmm0n, looking into it, please elaborate13:05
Amm0npos, try to boot with nouveau.modeset=1 once13:10
Amm0nif that works add it into a file in /etc/modprobe.d13:10
dragondaksh hello all13:18
dragondaksh i am facing an issue with rtsp and rtp protocols13:18
dragondakshin google chrome on linux, can anyone please suggest how those procols can be integrated in chrome13:18
NotHereany option to turn off bell on ubuntu 18.04? I can even change the bell sound by selecting a different sound theme, but when I choose "No Sounds" as the theme, I still get sounds13:18
NotHerethe "No Sounds" theme option, has the "Ubuntu" theme sounds13:19
Amm0nNotHere, if 18.04 uses pavucontrol you can turn of system sounds there13:19
leftyfb!bionic | NotHere13:20
ubottuNotHere: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+113:20
NotHerethanks leftyfb13:21
m00n_urnhey anyone try setting up grub password on 14.04?13:21
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leftyfbm00n_urn: Are you conducting a survey or are you looking for help?13:22
m00n_urnleftyfb: i'm looking for help.13:22
leftyfbm00n_urn: ok, then ask your support question. It doesn't help to ask who has done what13:23
m00n_urnhey anyone try setting up grub password on 14.04 machine? Could someone help me out?13:23
* leftyfb sigh13:24
leftyfbm00n_urn: Got any more details other than what your end goal is?13:24
Amm0nm00n_urn, https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Passwords13:24
Yourock17Hi all. Using a linux machine for the first time ever... Wifi isn't working, shows broadcasted networks but then when i go to join one, after a few seconds it says disconnected13:25
posAmm0n, can that be related to how the box almost always hangs at reboot?13:26
Yourock17Worked previously on windows from the same location. Any help would be appreciated :D13:26
=== Guest12519 is now known as Mooncakehexchat
m00n_urnAmm0n: are there any caveats i need to know before i set up grub password?13:27
eoli3nHi, is there any prerelease of xubuntu ?13:27
Amm0npos, i think so13:27
=== Mooncakehexchat is now known as Guest57737
eoli3nxubuntu 18.0413:28
leftyfb!bionic | eoli3n13:28
ubottueoli3n: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+113:28
Amm0nm00n_urn, read the Note in the 3. passage of the link i posted13:29
Amm0nm00n_urn, i'd rather go with fs-encryption13:29
eoli3nleftyfb: and ?13:29
m00n_urnAmm0n: this? https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Passwords#How_It_Works13:29
leftyfbeoli3n: read the last part13:29
Amm0nm00n_urn, Note: The password security available with GRUB 2 provides basic protection to prevent an unauthorized user from gaining access to the operating system(s) via the GRUB 2 menu. Persons with physical access to the computer can gain access to the files via other methods which GRUB 2 cannot prevent.13:29
m00n_urnAmm0n: well, how would i mitigate from people logging as a single user from grub though?13:30
eoli3nleftyfb: still i don't get what you want to show me :/13:30
leftyfbeoli3n: go to #ubuntu+1 for discussion about 18.0413:31
eoli3nok thx13:31
Amm0nm00n_urn, grub2 supports encrypted /boot partitions13:31
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Amm0nm00n_urn, but you can't set this up with ubuntu installer13:32
posnouveau.modeset=1 did not solve the issue, is it supposed to be combined with GRUB_GFXMODE=?13:32
leftyfbm00n_urn: https://www.cyberciti.biz/hardware/howto-linux-hard-disk-encryption-with-luks-cryptsetup-command/13:32
m00n_urnAmm0n: i see so just basic auth using passwords are possible in buntu, is it?13:33
m00n_urnleftyfb: well, you see i'm doing this on my universities lab so the sysadmin over there wouldn't be happy if i asked him to backup and crap, so im afraid i cannot setup luks fde13:33
Amm0npos, did you try the prop. nvidia driver?13:34
leftyfbm00n_urn: if you can't wipe and reinstall, then you have no business setting a password on GRUB either13:34
Amm0npos, it should work13:34
m00n_urnleftyfb: well, you don't have to reinstall the netire system to set the grub password right?13:35
leftyfbm00n_urn: if you are not the administrator of the machines, you should not be modifying them system in such a way as to lock anyone else out13:35
posdid not try, tons of dependencies :)13:36
m00n_urnsure, fair enough. but i'm just asking if this is possible without actually having to re-install the netire system13:36
Amm0npos, give me a minute13:37
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=== conyo is now known as mooncake
posi'm able to manually adjust the res to 1920x1080 with fbset -xres/yres. this only works for the dvi output though, monitor connected to DP requires 1920x1080i (as per sys/class/drm/***/modes)13:39
Amm0npos, did you enable GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX= too?13:40
postried that too13:41
posunsure whether i update-grubbed last time though13:41
m00n_urnleftyfb: would it though?13:41
Amm0npos, try GRUB_GFXMODE=1920x1200x32 and GRUB_GFXPAYLOAD_LINUX=keep13:42
posto get 1920x1080?13:42
Amm0n1080 ofc sry13:42
posyeah, tried that13:42
leftyfbm00n_urn: can you set a password on grub without reinstalling? yes. Will it prevent anyone from messing with the computer the way you think? No. Do I think you should be messing with University equipment in these ways? No.13:42
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m00n_urnleftyfb: cool, thanks13:43
m00n_urnleftyfb: and no i won't be messing with university equipment13:43
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Amm0npos, do you have any vesa option enabled in the kernelline, like vga=?13:49
Amm0npos, or nomodeset?13:50
posneither are present/enabled13:51
Amm0npos, there is this ancient thread, but someone there used the uvesafb module to change it: https://askubuntu.com/questions/18444/how-do-i-increase-console-mode-resolution#comment1449339_47080413:56
nklasdfefif i forgot the LUKS passphrase, possible to add  a new one or any other way to unlock the hard disk?13:58
EriC^^i will raise a 'hell no' to that13:59
leftyfbnklasdfef: kinda defeats the purpose13:59
Cyber_AkumaDoes Ubuntu support exFat without having to install anything extra in the latest versions? Both read and write?14:13
lordcirth_workCyber_Akuma, at least in 16.04 I think you need exfat-utils14:16
dimisdasPretty sure you still need fuse to make it work14:17
meriHi, I am having problem with keyboard, I am using slovak keyboard layout and I can't put caron on any letter. Can you give me hint where to look?14:18
meriI am using standard configuration and it doesn't work just from last update14:18
posAmm0n, uvesafb also insists on 4:3 resolutions...14:18
merii am using kubuntu14:19
windrunnermeri: test14:19
windrunnermeri: /join #mpm14:19
Amm0npos, it should do 16:9 too https://git.kernel.org/pub/scm/linux/kernel/git/torvalds/linux.git/tree/Documentation/fb/modedb.txt14:22
Amm0npos, but i have to bail out now, i hope someone else is able to help you14:23
genioI'm starting to get this for more and more packages: Failed to fetch  Redirection loop encountered14:33
leftyfbgenio: why does your repo URL look like that?14:33
genioI'm assuming there's some sort of problem in my packages.list, but I don't see anything and I haven't manually edited it14:33
EriC^^genio: what's in your sources.list ?14:34
genioleftyfb: I'd love to know why14:34
leftyfbgenio: pastebin your /etc/apt/sources.list14:34
genioEriC^^: Is there a pastebot tool to use that would show that?14:35
leftyfbgenio: just use pastebinit or just copy and paste it to the website14:35
leftyfbgenio: try setting: nameserver # in your /etc/resolv.conf and see if you still get the errors14:37
geniough. systemd-resolv :(14:38
leftyfbjust change it to
leftyfbfor testing14:39
leftyfbbecause it's a known functional public dns14:40
bugzbunny8.8.8.8 doesn't have no log policy14:40
leftyfbbugzbunny: it's google's public DNS14:40
bugzbunnyGoogle doesn't have no log policy14:40
leftyfbmy guess is, Cox is redirecting genio's URL's14:40
leftyfbbugzbunny: log policy?14:41
bugzbunnyI am saying, meanying, every website you visit the query DNS on Google public DNS is logged14:41
leftyfbbugzbunny: who cares? If you don't like it, don't use it.14:42
geniono worse than cox cable injecting shit on DNS lookups.  visit a web site that doesn't exist, you get a Cox Cable web page rather than a browser error14:42
bugzbunnySo, imho, it's unsafe to always point folks to Google Publis DNS14:42
TJ-genio: try this: " sudo apt -o Debug::pkgProblemResolver=true install ..." and pastebin the output14:42
leftyfbgenio: contact your ISP. They're messing with your connection14:42
leftyfbbugzbunny: you are right. It is your opinion.14:43
bugzbunnyleftyfb: You are right, you don't care about your anonymity but it's foolish to assume others don't14:44
leftyfbbugzbunny: it's called troubleshooting14:44
bugzbunnyThere isn't others?14:44
leftyfbbugzbunny: if you know of another one, feel free to use it in your debugging14:44
bugzbunnyI feel free to share it, than blindly tell people to use Google DNS14:45
TJ-The issue isn't DNS it's a HTTP proxy14:45
leftyfbTJ-: I gathered that after genio's last past14:45
genioTJ-: http://paste.scsys.co.uk/57602314:46
leftyfbbut then I got roped into privacy fun14:46
leftyfbgenio: you need to contact your ISP and tell them to stop messing with your traffic14:46
bugzbunnyIt's more than just Privacy when you in the relm of libre14:46
TJ-genio: I dealt with a very similar issue some time ago for a RasPi user; let me link you to the solutions I wrote up for him.14:47
genioTJ-: thanks.14:47
leftyfbbugzbunny: Please continue this conversation in #ubuntu-offtopic. I will not, however be joining you14:47
TJ-genio: http://iam.tj/projects/raspi/#install-apt-transport-tor14:47
bugzbunnyI rather just ignore you14:47
TJ-genio: short answer: "sudo apt install apt-transport-tor"14:48
leftyfbtor slows things down quite a bit14:48
genioSo, Cox Cable seems to be running my traffic through some sort of proxy service that's effing me up? I don't have a local proxy running.14:48
leftyfba U.S. residential ISP shouldn't be messing with the traffic and should be brought on notice14:48
bugzbunnySome ISPs do that14:49
TJ-genio: correct "" belongs to Cox14:50
bugzbunnyBut usually just 8014:50
bugzbunnyDon't should be routing or proxy 44314:50
TJ-genio: I'd suggest using apt-transport-https but most of our mirrors don't use HTTPS :(14:50
TJ-genio: there's been some discussion in moving to HTTPS but there are so many mirrors with different policies that we couldn't do it universally14:51
bugzbunnyCox IMHO, can be too overly privacy folks14:52
lordcirth_workhttp mirrors are useful because you can cache them, and you don't trust the mirror anyway, you trust the GPG sigs14:53
genioand you don't have to have openssl or similar installed14:54
bh777Im trying to set up NFS, however when I try to actually run the mount command, it complains that statd is not running. I have installed nfs-common, however 'service statd.start' yields 'Unit statd.service not found"14:54
leftyfbbh777: sudo systemctl start nfs-kernel-server14:55
bugzbunnyCox is realling to go to court, lose millions, to protect you privacy.. Sevice wise.. no idea14:55
bh777did something to horribly wrong during install? The mount succeeds with the -o nolock option14:55
bugzbunnySorry, willing*14:55
bh777leftyfb: that ran quietly, starting the statd service still complains 'statd.service not found.'14:56
TJ-lordcirth_work: the problem with that is by default apt has Acquire::AllowInsecureRepositories "1";14:58
leftyfbbh777: rpc.statd.service14:58
TJ-bh777: are you configure NFSv3 or NFSv4 ?15:00
genioI'm on the phone with Cox. This is going to take a while to get to someone who even knows what DNS is or what proxies are15:04
bh777TJ: v3 according to nfsstat15:04
bugzbunnygenio: Ask them to transfer you directly to the technical department15:04
bh777leftyfb: service rpc.statd start complained in the same way15:05
genio"We have a dedicated team that will have the tools, and knowledge to troubleshoot the DNS problem, from our end, tests have been made to the Internet service itself and the modem is showing good signs. But my best advice would be to contact the specialists directly to the number: 888-269-9693"15:08
geniogoing to be a long day.15:08
bugzbunnyAs I said, go speak to the the Technical Department15:09
lordcirth_workTJ-, according to Debian bugtracker, apt-get does, but apt doesn't15:09
TJ-lordcirth_work: what does "apt-config dump | grep Insecure" report ?15:11
lordcirth_workTJ-, 115:11
lordcirth_workJust did that15:11
bunnyman13@genio yea it's going to be a long day,15:16
bunnyman13wait DNS problem?15:16
bugzbunnyI don't use ISP DNS15:16
bugzbunnyThey are just as bad as Google Public DNS15:17
bugzbunnyThe problem is having trouble with 10:33 < genio> I'm starting to get this for more and more packages: Failed to fetch  Redirection loop encountered15:18
lordcirth_workTJ-, are "0" and "false" interchangeable in apt configs?15:19
TJ-lordcirth_work: I believe so. I've looked at the source and Changelog (last reference 2014) - the only thing I can find is actually in the man-page where for the option it states "The default is false for backward compatibility. This will be changed in the future"15:21
TJ-lordcirth_work: which is weird; as-read it suggests it will change from being Secure to InSecure!15:22
kusHi in artful I get $ gpg --full-generate-keygpg: invalid option "--full-generate-key"15:25
kusgpg --version gives me https://hastebin.com/raw/lacacosetu15:25
nacckus: does the manpage on artful indicate it is a valid option?15:27
sereIm trying to run my conky script at lxsession/LXDE/startup with this to run it "sh /home/$USER/.conky/conkys &" but its not loading up any ideos?15:28
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nacckus: no such option in the manpage15:28
kusyes in the page I see https://hastebin.com/raw/eyibevoyix15:29
nacckus: read the option shown there again15:29
kusah it works15:29
nacckus: :)15:29
kuswhat was I doing wrong?15:29
kusah generate vs gen15:29
nacckus: the full --full-generate-key was added later, i assume15:29
kusthank you15:30
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posAmm0n, had to add "video=DVI-I-1:*** video=DP-1:***" to cmdline15:35
poswhich isn't really documented except for the mod source15:36
posnow, for the big question: how do i add a second framebuffer device and tie it to a specific video output (no x)?15:37
bugzbunnypos: Try modinfo <module> nextime15:38
ne2kyo. what's the cleanest way to get a newer OpenSSH than 6.6 on trusty? I've looked for a backport PPA but cannot find one. I do not want to upgrade the whole system15:41
tgm4883ne2k: You'd have to compile, but why do you need a newer version?15:42
leftyfbne2k: it's probably about time to upgrade regardless. Older LTS releases don't tend to get the latest releases of software. Only security patches.15:42
tgm4883leftyfb: that's not necessary a bad thing, although an upgrade needs to be planned anyway15:42
ne2ktgm4883, I have something that uses domain socket forwarding which was added in 6.7. I'm trying to get it to run on a specific server which (currently) runs trusty15:43
tgm4883ne2k: well compiling OpenSSH then is your best bet15:43
ne2ktgm4883, and is there a ubuntuish way of doing this or should I just to straight to the source?15:44
kostkon!info openssh bionic15:44
ubottuPackage openssh does not exist in bionic15:44
leftyfb!info openssh-server bionic15:45
ubottuopenssh-server (source: openssh): secure shell (SSH) server, for secure access from remote machines. In component main, is optional. Version 1:7.6p1-4 (bionic), package size 363 kB, installed size 1047 kB15:45
tgm4883ne2k: well if it were me and I couldn't migrate to a newer version, I'd follow debian packaging guidelines and try pushing the updated OpenSSH package there15:45
tgm4883ne2k: I mean, you're compiling from source either way, but if you make it into a package you can do much easier upgrades and such15:45
ne2ktgm4883, I'm not sure I follow about "pushing the updated package"15:46
bugzbunnyCorrect me if I am wrongr15:47
bugzbunnyBut I think he means, go upstream, have them patch it15:47
MarceeZIs it possible to change window size in ubuntu 17.04 like in 16.04 when press windows button ?15:47
tgm4883ne2k: lol, following two conversations at once and didn't finish my thought. You can make a package from it and push it to a PPA for building15:47
leftyfbupstream won't patch older versions with new features15:47
MarceeZSearch window size i dont want it full screen15:47
bugzbunnyIsn't their a PPA with openSSH version he needs15:47
kostkonMarceeZ, afaik no it's not possible15:48
tgm4883bugzbunny: apparently not.15:48
MarceeZkostkon, But i dont like this new15:48
tgm4883ne2k: and to be clear, this may require a lot of other work if openssh depends on a bunch of other stuff that needs backported as well15:48
leftyfbMarceeZ: 17.04 is EOL and not supported anymore15:48
naccMarceeZ: to be clear, are you actually on 17.04?15:48
leftyfb!eol | MarceeZ15:49
ubottuMarceeZ: End-Of-Life is the time when security updates and support for an Ubuntu release stop, see https://wiki.ubuntu.com/Releases for more information. Looking to upgrade from an EOL release? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/EOLUpgrades15:49
naccMarceeZ: yeah, upgrade first15:49
kostkonMarceeZ, it's a different desktop. 16.04 has unity 17.04 gnome shell. btw your OS has run out of support15:49
leftyfbkostkon: 17.04 has gnome shell by default? Pretty sure that was just 17.10. 17.04 still being on Unity by default.15:50
dijuremoIs there an specific channel for discussing problems with kernels patched for Meltdown and Spectre? We are observing many issues on computers with 16.04, 4.13.x kernels and the latest BIOS from DELL and Lenovo15:51
sereis it possible to create a lvm snapshot of another snapshot15:51
MarceeZups i have 17.1015:51
MarceeZI have ubuntu 17.1015:51
hggdhdijuremo: you can stateyour issues on #ubuntu-kernel15:51
bugzbunnydjhoulihan: Create a bug repport15:51
djhoulihanUh, hi? Why? For what?15:52
dijuremohggdh: thanks, will do15:52
kostkonleftyfb, you are right15:52
djhoulihanOh you meant the other person15:52
bugzbunnyWe all benfit from the problems you might enconter15:52
kostkonMarceeZ, then you are fine, you don't need to upgrade, and still no you can't resize it, it's gnome shell15:53
leftyfbI haven't used it yet ... but what???? You can't resize windows in gnome shell?15:54
kostkonleftyfb, the usual answer would be: if you though unity was dumbed down, well then wait until you see gnome shell. joking aside MarceeZ means the dash window15:56
* leftyfb sigh15:57
ne2ktgm4883, very easy to build from source. just had to install automake, libssl-dev and libz-deb, and that was it15:57
leftyfbWhat ever happened to DE's with actual features? Everything needs to be dumbed down these days. Makes no sense.15:57
bugzbunnyI agree disagree15:59
bugzbunnyDumbed down make's it easier to use15:59
kostkonleftyfb, smartphones and tablets happened :/16:00
bugzbunnyWhere I agree is when a DE does everything for you without explaining what's it doing16:01
akikleftyfb: if you want features galore: kde16:08
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posbugzbunny, mhm16:16
oerheksWhat is the proper way to block facebook completely, are there trusted ip lists like https://gist.github.com/Whitexp/9591384 ??16:17
leftyfboerheks: on your router16:17
oerhekshmm not sure i can do that on my router16:18
leftyfbwhy not?16:18
ne2koerheks, block it for whom? on what sort of system? what do you mean by "proper"?16:18
posoerheks, and with maaajor kung-fu in-browser...16:18
ne2kleftyfb, how can a router block facebook?16:18
leftyfbne2k: https://www.linksys.com/us/support-article?articleNum=134633#416:19
leftyfbno, that's software .... lame16:19
leftyfbthere we go16:19
ne2kleftyfb, a router forwards packets based on L3 headers. not sure how it can block something at L716:20
bugzbunnyWhy block16:20
bugzbunnyDon't use facebook16:20
ne2kbugzbunny, what a dumb response16:20
leftyfbne2k: a router can block certain traffic just fine16:20
bugzbunnyUnless you talk about plugins that hook into sites16:20
leftyfbne2k: visit the last link16:20
bugzbunnyne2k: I don't use facebook and I track IPs that go in and out of my network16:21
oerheksI was thinking about blocking by the /etc/host file16:21
ne2kleftyfb, that looks suspiciously like a firewall to me16:21
bugzbunnyIf I don't use it16:21
bugzbunnyIt's unesscary for me to look up ips to block it16:21
leftyfbne2k: you'd be hard pressed to find a consumer router these days that doesn't also double as a firewall16:21
bugzbunnyUnless you visit sites that facebook plugins16:21
ne2koerheks, I do that; I just put facebook.com; m.facebook.com; www.facebook.com in16:21
bugzbunnyEven in those cases16:21
bugzbunnyI use noscript16:21
oerheksleftyfb, my modem/router can block ip adresses, but i want to be sure i have a solid list16:21
bugzbunnyWhat a dumb response to a dumb response16:22
ne2koerheks, but that's self-policing, really. purely designed to stop me wasting time on FB while at work. it only takes a moment of determination to get round it16:23
ne2koerheks, as you haven't actually said what the setup is and why you're trying to block it or anything, it's difficult to know what sort of answer to give16:23
leftyfbblocking ip's per site is a futile game16:24
oerheksne2k, evenb non-facebook users are tracked, i want to block that all in my browsers16:24
bugzbunnyAslo, instead of the router blocking invidual IPs, wasting CPU time16:24
oerheks.. and write a proper manual to do this, to share.16:24
bugzbunnyBlock subnets16:24
ne2koerheks, the /etc/hosts method should be effective if you know a list of domains16:25
bugzbunnyFacebook have a few them16:25
leftyfboerheks: https://github.com/jmdugan/blocklists/blob/master/corporations/facebook/all16:25
leftyfbbetter off with the domains16:26
limbo_I cannot close firefox. All processes are showing up as zombie in system monitor, and the force quit/wait modal dialog comes up on both windows occasionally.16:26
leftyfblimbo_: reboot16:26
ne2klimbo_, have you tried removing all the gas from the tank and turning the car upside down?16:26
limbo_Clicking either button does nothing, but I can't click/scroll anywhere until I've clicked on it.16:26
oerheksleftyfb, thnx, is this domain list more secure than the ip-ranges? https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Whitexp/9591384/raw/16:27
leftyfbne2k: trolling is off topic16:27
leftyfboerheks: more likely to not change as often, yes16:27
ne2kleftyfb, hardly trolling16:27
leftyfblimbo_: reboot16:27
limbo_leftyfb: I'd prefer to not have to reboot as I'm in the middle of something. Plus, I'm concerned it might happen again.16:27
leftyfblimbo_: https://stackoverflow.com/a/1694493116:28
leftyfblimbo_: first result on google for "linux kill zombie process"16:29
ne2kleftyfb, telling him to check for occurrences of files with F417 in the filename in the cache directory and to truncate but not remove them all, and then try pressing the X button five times within a second would have been trolling16:29
leftyfbne2k: commenting with asinine answers while verymuch not helping is trolling16:30
ne2kleftyfb, you are mistaken16:30
oerheks.. just be helpfull ..16:32
ne2koerheks, that's not a domain list; that's a subnet list16:32
posi seem to recall oerheks being a bit more 1337 than this? ololololol?16:33
leftyfbne2k: the list I gave to oerheks is a list of domains. Directly portable to /etc/hosts16:33
ne2kleftyfb, I know. I'm talking about "<oerheks> leftyfb, thnx, is this domain list more secure than the ip-ranges? https://gist.githubusercontent.com/Whitexp/9591384/raw/"!16:34
ne2kleftyfb, although, reading that again, I think I might have misunderstood16:34
ne2kI thought he was saying that /that/ was a domain list16:35
libreplanetnick quidam_16:36
pavlosprefix with a /16:42
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pavloslibreplanet: eg. "/nick quidam" (no quotes)16:42
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Pistahhhi, on a freshly installed system, following the instructions at https://tutorials.ubuntu.com/tutorial/install-kubernetes-with-conjure-up#1  I run "snap install conjure-up" which seems to succeed, but the conjure-up command does not become available. Any idea what to check?16:52
azizLIGHTon 14.04 where is the terminal beell sound located :)16:54
bugzbunnyazizLIGHT: In a plain TTY, ie ctrl+alt+F1?16:58
bugzbunnyThrough the PC Speaker?16:58
azizLIGHTwell any error sound ubuntu makes16:59
bugzbunnyAs far as Terminal Emulators, AFAIK, it depends on DE or Terminal Emulator and you can go through the settings16:59
azizLIGHTwhat is that sound and where is it stored and how to change it16:59
bugzbunnyI am trying to remember where does are located because I had looked into it in the pass16:59
TJ-azizLIGHT: for GUIs under /usr/share/sounds/17:00
oerhekslocate -i bell.ogg17:01
posanyone know how to spawn a new framebuffer device (/dev/fbX) and attach it to a specific video output? getting close to the end of a project here, any help would be appreciated :)17:02
bugzbunnyI would help if I knew17:03
bugzbunnyno idea17:03
pavlosPistahh: did you use sudo? I just did that command, sudo snap install conjure-up, it completed, then I type conjure-up17:03
Pistahhpavlos: I ran it as root17:04
pavlosPistahh: whereis conjure-up gives me /snap/bin/conjure-up17:05
Pistahhpavlos: argh, that is the problem, I didn't have /snap/bin in my path17:06
Pistahhpavlos: thx17:06
pavlosPistahh: np17:06
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kostkonanma, hi17:29
oerheksi guess both methods work fine domain and ip ranges.17:29
oerheks+ ghostery plugin17:30
anmai have problems with dricers17:31
anmai have problems with drivers17:31
JimBuntu!ask | anma17:32
ubottuanma: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience17:32
JimBuntuanma, standard greeting. Basically, post as much as you can about the issue, with details, use pastebin if needed/possible17:33
leftyfboerheks: no, ip's will change more often than you think17:35
oerheksleftyfb, oh, good to know, i'll investigate further.17:37
anmaproblem with nvidia card fx5500, lubuntu 14.04, graphics is bugy17:42
anmanvidia propietaryu17:43
anmadriver 175.xx is installed17:43
oerheksthat fx5500 is a really old card, do not expect it to be a youtube racemonster.17:43
oerheksor 3D17:43
oerheksmaybe the standard nouveau driver gives better performance.17:44
anmait's more buggy17:44
oerheksfx5500 (2004) ... 14 years, wow17:46
anmai'm trying to play latest version of bsu-chromium17:47
leftyfbyeah, that thing isn't getting updated drives any longer17:47
tobra_hi… is `sudo cp ubuntu-17.10.1-desktop-amd64.iso /dev/sdb` the right way to make a bootable stick (assuming /dev/sdb is the in fact the stick)?17:47
nacctobra_: no17:47
nacctobra_: you want dd or a usb creator17:47
tobra_so `sudo dd if=$file of=/dev/sdb` is correct?17:47
bugzbunnyJust make sure you writing to right disk/drive17:48
tobra_bugzbunny of course…17:48
azizLIGHTEriC^^ and guiverc i found a little program called teatime that can show countdown timers in a window in case you wanted a followup17:48
oerheksanma, sorry to tell you, but there is no fix.17:48
tobra_but otherwise that’s correct?17:49
bugzbunnyBut I hear, you might need bs= and other options17:49
tobra_where would I check?17:49
bugzbunnyYes, should work17:49
oerheksbugzbunny +1  bs=4M surely helps speeding up writing17:49
oerheksand do not forget 'sync' after this.17:50
bugzbunnyYeah, because, it go straight to write cache but Linux usually flush on a proper shutdown17:50
bugzbunnyI mean always*17:51
EightBitTacoHello everyone, first time Linux user having trouble installing Ununtu17:51
JimBuntuWelcome EightBitTaco17:51
JimBuntuEightBitTaco, please post what you can, in detail, about the issue and if someone can help, they will. (please be patient)17:52
EightBitTacoSo I'm installing it and I'm at the part where it is installing the 'grub2' package and a error pops up. "The 'grub-efi-amd64-signed' package failed to install into /target/. Without the GRUB boot loader, the installed system will not boot."17:52
EightBitTacoThe ver. of Ubuntu I'm installing is 16.0417:53
vladi__hi guys, need some help here: trying to automatically eliminate hundreds of tabs, already tried the /t + regular expression via find&replace. Also the tools>auto correct>options strategy, this is a huge .pdf file which I copied and pasted into an .odt new file, I cannot eliminate the tabs in between lines which makes weird lines and paragraphs. help?17:54
vladi__libreoffice 6.0 on ubuntu17:54
oerheksEightBitTaco, maybe the UEFI manual is a help..17:55
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI17:55
akikvladi__: a tab is usually \t not /t17:55
rud0lfvladi__: it's \t not /t17:55
ozbrkhi guys I want to get award of idiot of the year17:55
EightBitTacoThanks for the link oerheks I'll check it out17:55
vladi__akik, yeah, just checked, did it in the right way, still no luck17:56
ozbrkI wanted to install ubuntu 16.04 as dualboot but in order to do that I deleted the windows boot manager partition. Now behold for the idiot of the year17:56
vladi__rud0lf,  yeah, just checked, did it in the right way, still no luck17:56
bugzbunnyozbrk: This ia UEFI system?17:57
ozbrkbugzbunny: yeap17:57
bugzbunnyozbrk: If it is, you delete a Windows Boot Manager Partition, you deleted EFI System partition, just a small correction17:57
bugzbunnydidn't delete*17:58
bugzbunnyvladi__: So, you can just boot a USB/CD of Windows Installer and restore everything17:58
ozbrkbugzbunny: windows data and main partition is fine though. Ubuntu installation alerted me to there is a legacy boot partition on the system as expected.17:59
bugzbunnyvladi__: For the most part, Ubuntu installer should install along side just fine17:59
bugzbunnyI dualboot with Windows 10, Ubuntu, and Arch17:59
bugzbunnyOn a UEFI system17:59
tobra_bugzbunny oerheks thx… that worked!17:59
vladi__rud0lf,  yeah, just checked, did it in the right way, still no luck :)18:00
vladi__bugzbunny, I believe you meant to refer to someone else18:00
bugzbunnyvladi__: My bad18:00
bugzbunnyI mean ozbrk18:00
akikvladi__: setting find: \t and clicking regular expressions to selected works for me18:01
PCatineanHey guys, how do I include a command in a bash script that will append anything after calling it?18:01
akikvladi__: try using find in find & replace18:01
ozbrkbugzbunny: is ther eany way to save windows from its current state18:02
vladi__akik, like I said I did, itz making me go crazy, I read all the wikis in the universe :/18:02
akikvladi__: find next doesn't find the next tab?18:02
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bugzbunnyozbrk: What do you mean? The Windows Setup Recovery should work, just follow the steps, it won't delete those partitions, it will just make the system bootable again into Windows18:03
naccPCatinean: can you rephrase? I don't really understand your question18:03
PCatineanI have a bash script does echo and I want to be able to call it with script world18:03
ozbrkbugzbunny: oh so all i need a wintoast stick18:03
akikvladi__: click on view/formatting marks to show them. a tab is a blue arrow pointing to right18:03
tobra_I cannot setup crypto+lvm alongside an existing windows?18:03
PCatineanI place it in /usr/local/bin it has the echo part and I want to be able to add bla bla bla bla after it18:03
vladi__akik, no, it doesn't, dunno why. It is the copy and paste from a .pdf file, any clue?18:04
naccPCatinean: ok, your rephrase is not making it clearer :) let's start again18:04
naccPCatinean: you have a script that echos a string, right?18:04
akikvladi__: can you see the arrows?18:04
vladi__akik, which arrows?18:04
bugzbunnytobra_: What do you mean? Just setup a Partition, crytro+lvm works on the partition18:04
akikvladi__: view/formatting marks. a tab is a blue arrow pointing to right18:04
PCatineannacc, my script has just echo in it, nothing else18:04
vladi__akik, give me a sec18:05
tobra_bugzbunny the option to encrypt is grayed out unless, I decide to overwrite windows…18:05
kostkonPCatinean, there you go https://stackoverflow.com/q/192249/28254618:05
PCatineanand I want to be able to add as many paramaters/strings after it and I just want to concatenate the bash script + what I write after it18:05
naccvladi__: are you on bionic? or using the snap?18:05
naccPCatinean: well, then your script is ... wrong. YOu want to take the arguments to your script and echo them?18:05
bugzbunnytobra_: Huh, it might to ecrypt the entire disk, but I wouldn't know unless I test it myself18:05
naccPCatinean: read `man bash`, specifically the bits about $@18:05
leftyfbPCatinean: $@18:05
naccPCatinean: also, there's #bash (or ##bash)18:06
vladi__akik, these blue marks appeared at the end of every line18:06
naccakik: i guess likewise for you, i believe libreoffice 6 is only in the snap and in bionic's deb18:06
PCatineanthat was it leftyfb thank you18:06
PCatineanalso nacc18:06
vladi__nacc, bionic? snap?18:07
naccvladi__: you said libreoffice 6, right?18:07
naccvladi__: what version of ubuntu are you on and how did you install libreoffice?18:07
vladi__I'm on a 16.04 and installed it manually via bash18:09
naccvladi__: 'manually' ?18:09
naccvladi__: you built it from source?18:09
naccvladi__: ... then you should ask libreoffice upstream, you're not using ubuntu packages18:09
arijhey, which amd drivers are best for graphics on ubuntu 17.10? im having texture issues with a game i recently installed18:09
naccvladi__: presuming you actually have the issue, and it's not some other problem18:09
arijalso gpu is 270x18:09
vladi__nacc, I don't think itz got anything to do with that18:09
naccvladi__: i have very little idea why you'd build something libreoffice yourself18:09
vladi__anyway I'm in the meantime already asking on libre18:10
naccvladi__: well, akik can't reproduce it, and you're not using a supported version of libreoffice relative to this channel18:10
naccvladi__: you could try the snap and see if it works18:10
tobra_bugzbunny seems to "only" encrypt the home folder in this setup…18:10
steviei need to install libleptonica-dev 1.74 and xenial only has 1.73 - how can I get this?18:11
bugzbunnyInstalling Windows and Ubuntu in a VM is a bit time consuming for me tobra_, I don't know why the setup would/should interfer with other partitions18:12
leftyfbstevie: why do you think you need that version of that package?18:12
bugzbunnyIt might be some standard that Ubuntu must have set18:12
steviebecause I need to compile a program18:12
steviewhich uses 1.7418:12
Elysium3301Anyone know why Ubuntu 16.04 32 bit isn't compatible with UEFI?18:13
bugzbunnyDouble check if you are not making any mistakes18:13
leftyfbstevie: contact the developer of "a program". Or maybe find and compile libleptonica-dev manually18:13
steviethere is no way to use backports or something18:14
tgm4883stevie: how can you use something that doesn't exist?18:14
stevieit does exist in sid https://github.com/tesseract-ocr/tesseract18:14
leftyfb!info libleptonica-dev bionic18:14
steviethats what im trying to compile18:14
ubottulibleptonica-dev (source: leptonlib): image processing library. In component universe, is optional. Version 1.75.3-2 (bionic), package size 1355 kB, installed size 5048 kB18:14
JimBuntustevie, http://www.leptonica.com/download.html then tar xvf it, cd to it, ./configure && make && sudo make install18:15
tgm4883stevie: there's no backport of libleptonica-dev 1.74 to xenial, so you'd have to do it yourself18:15
leftyfbstevie: what are you compiling?18:15
steviei just linked it18:15
stevieits a OCR program18:15
stevie:( fine ill do it manually18:16
naccstevie: tesseract is in ubuntu18:16
naccstevie: why are you building it yourself?18:16
naccJimBuntu: i would not generally recommend a user do a make install of a library unless they really know what they are doing18:16
naccJimBuntu: becuase uninstalling it is non-trivial in the general case18:16
naccJimBuntu: minimally, checkinstall is probably safer (it fakes a deb out of it)18:16
JimBuntunacc, good point, good point.18:16
steviebecause i need to change some things18:17
naccstevie: you're being so vague that it's hard to know if you are doing it correctly. Presuing you need to change the latest tesseract, then you should set up a proper development environment18:17
naccstevie: if you don't need the latest tesseract, use the one in ubuntu and modify it and build a new deb18:17
stevieour vm is dead18:18
stevieso im just doing it on my lapto[18:18
tobra_stevie does this work for you? https://github.com/openpaperwork/pyocr on debian it was pretty painless to set it up recently.18:19
amosbirdhi, is there a way to generate shift-insert via one key by tweaking xkb  ?18:20
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A1Reconlost the Unity top bar and dash after update. can access tty1. Please help.18:24
lavinhogood afternoon18:27
cheguacamoleWhat did the K stand for in KDE?18:27
lavinhohow to enable scroll magic  2 apple on ubuntu18:27
oerhekscheguacamole, https://nl.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE nothing actually18:28
oerheksoops, https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/KDE18:28
cheguacamolethanks lol, glad i stopped looking18:28
amar_unable to install ubuntu on 240ssd with win10 and 200GB free space. Stuck in initramfs.18:31
amar_gigabyte z370m d3h18:32
kostkonA1Recon, try this:   dconf reset -f /org/compiz/   and  unity --reset-icons   then    rm -rf .gnome2/ .gnome2_private/ .config/ .gconfd/ .gconf/ .gnome/   and finally   sudo service lightdm restart18:33
bugzbunnyamar_: Did you veriry the ISO and Veriry from Grub Menu?18:34
A1Reconerror on first command... cannot autolaunch dbus without x11 display18:34
oerhekslavinho, i find no fix, https://askubuntu.com/questions/945741/apple-magic-mouse-2-scrolling-not-working/971071 nor on arch... https://bbs.archlinux.org/viewtopic.php?id=21009118:34
bugzbunnyIs there a command for Ubuntu help guid on verify ISO18:35
kostkonA1Recon, you mean this? dconf reset -f /org/compiz/18:35
ubottuTo verify your Ubuntu ISO image (or other files for which an MD5 checksum is provided), see https://help.ubuntu.com/community/HowToMD5SUM18:35
A1Reconkostkon yea18:35
kostkonA1Recon, ignore it for now18:36
A1Reconsame error for the second command 'unity --reset-icons'18:36
kostkonA1Recon, what's your graphics card18:38
A1Reconkostkon ^18:39
kostkonA1Recon, you could try reinstalling the driver18:39
amar_@buzzybunny check md5sum18:39
A1Reconkostkon the guest profile has the dash and top bar18:39
amar_@buzzybunny what to check in grub18:40
kostkonA1Recon, ok18:40
A1Reconso i dont think its related to the driver18:40
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bugzbunnyamar_: When the Ubuntu Installer boots, it has Verify you can select with up or down arrow18:41
kostkonA1Recon, try this instead  rm -r ~/.cache/compizconfig-1 ~/.compiz18:41
bugzbunnyamar_: This is to check if the ISO was written to the ISO/USB properly18:41
amar_@bugzbunny shows erros of "acpi error method parse/execution failed"18:41
amar_then goes to initramfs18:41
A1Reconkostkon and then restart?18:42
A1Recondirectly from tty1?18:42
kostkonA1Recon, you could try  sudo service lightdm restart18:42
anxHello. Have any  of you encounter issues with the night light on Bionic *(w/ Dual Monitors)?18:43
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ducasse!bionic | anx18:44
ubottuanx: Ubuntu 18.04 (Bionic Beaver) will be the 28th release of Ubuntu - Announcement at http://www.markshuttleworth.com/archives/1518 - Discussion in #ubuntu+118:44
bugzbunnyamar_: After you select to verify from Grub? Does it continue how does it get stuch there.... You can try osi=Linux on Kernel command line, hit 'e', scroll with the down arrow key till you see linux line, and append it there18:44
amar_@bugzbunny ill try this18:44
bugzbunnyThese days, you shouldn't need it, but it just tells BIOS that this is Linux18:44
oerheksamar_, check for bios updates for your mobo, and see the uefi manual what you need to disable https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI >  disable QuickBoot/FastBoot and Intel Smart Response Technology SRT )18:45
amar_@bugzbunny i get unable to fund medium containing a live file system18:46
oerheksand do not overclock18:46
amar_@bugzbunny will check it18:46
bugzbunnyamar_: Read oerheks comments18:47
TJ-bugzbunny: not osi, "acpi_osi=" but kernel already tries =linux anyhow18:47
tobra_I get this error after completing an installation and hitting "raboot"… https://askubuntu.com/questions/984970/firmware-bug-tsc-deadline-disabled-due-to-errata-what-should-i-do-about-thi any hints?18:47
bugzbunnyTJ-: Got it18:47
tobra_if I kill the machine and restart, I boot into Windows (instead of grub)18:48
tomreyntobra_: use windows to install the latest bios update, try again18:50
bh777I have successfully mounted an NFSv3 directory. I can create a file on the client, and see it on the server and vice versa. However when www-data attempts to create a file it errors out with 'no locks available'. Is this an idmapd.conf issue?18:51
tobra_and I think I have uefi instead of bios.18:52
tomreyntobra_: ok. the 'how' depends on your hardware, which model do you have?18:52
oerheks"how?" can be answered by the manual18:52
oerheksthere is a project about bios updates, but old .. https://help.ubuntu.com/community/BIOSUpdate18:53
tobra_tomreyn Acer TravelMate P658-G2-MG-550518:53
A1Reconkostkon you are a genous... thanks dude18:54
kostkonA1Recon, np18:54
tobra_oerheks not really anything on that in the manual…18:57
oerhekstobra_, again: check the mobo manual18:58
tomreyntobra_: https://global-download.acer.com/GDFiles/BIOS/BIOS/BIOS_Acer_1.21_A_A.zip?acerid=636378605177235197&Step1=NOTEBOOK&Step2=TRAVELMATE&Step3=TRAVELMATE%20P658-MG&OS=ALL&LC=de&BC=ACER&SC=EMEA_818:58
tomreyntobra_: you'd find this on https://www.acer.com/ac/de/DE/content/support-product/6821?b=119:02
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tobra_which version should I go for? most recent one?19:05
tomreyntobra_: this is all not really about ubuntu, but i'd normally suggest using the latest firmware, yes.19:05
bugzbunnyYes, one thing I dislike about BIOSes updates, they don't have complete changelogs19:06
tobra_well question would be: which one is compatible with ubuntu ;-)19:06
bugzbunnyIt's not about being compatible19:06
bugzbunnyIt's about the BIOS doing what it should be doing for any OS19:06
tomreyntobra_: you'd ask your vendor for support on that. as long as it complies with the standards, it will work with ubuntu. the one you have now does not19:06
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tobra_hm… guess that wasn't the right bios in the link.19:11
oerhekstobra_, latest version is 1.21, i would install that one19:11
oerheks* if you are not up2date19:11
tobra_sais it’s not compatible with the model.19:12
oerheksand the url from tomreyn gives that 1.21 version19:12
tobra_yes… that’s the one I was talking about.19:12
EriC^^azizLIGHT: cool thanks for sharing19:14
tobra_well… I’m out of time now… thx for the suggestions though.19:14
tomreyntobra_: if it's really the wrong model (i'm surprised), you should search yours at https://www.acer.com/ac/en/GB/content/drivers19:14
ozbrkhi guys I have a serious issue19:19
ozbrkubuntu 16/04 never install grub19:19
tomreynozbrk: how do you know?19:20
ozbrkIve tried many things and now Im on the live system due to keyboard mapping I cannot use marks19:20
ozbrkmy problem is simply on this link https://askubuntu.com/questions/789998/16-04-new-installation-gives-grub-efi-amd64-signed-failed-installation-target19:21
tomreynozbrk: so this is an intel NIC?19:22
ozbrkgrub efi couldnt been installed on target but there is an efi partition seperated and boot partition under the root partition aswell19:22
ozbrktomreyn: what is NIC19:22
tomreyn* NUC19:22
BelaDonamy hashbrowns are always the same color19:22
BelaDonamy hashbrowns are always the same color19:23
oerheksBelaDona, please keep this channel clear for ubuntu support, thanks19:23
ozbrkoh boy whole article is about the intel nuc I accidently deleted the windows boot manager partition in order to fix this19:24
ozbrknow windoes doesnt boot aswell19:24
oerheksozbrk, boot your windows iso and fix it19:24
BelaDonai apologize i was stuck in a flood19:24
ozbrkI will but how do I install ubuntu if it resist to install grub partition19:25
oerheksozbrk, see the uefi manual ?19:25
ubottuUEFI is a specification that defines a software interface between an operating system and platform firmware. It is meant as a replacement for the BIOS. For information on how to set up and install Ubuntu and its derivatives on UEFI machines please read https://help.ubuntu.com/community/UEFI19:25
tomreyndisabling secureboot might also help19:26
codebot_what is nspluginwrapper?19:32
leftyfbcodebot_: first result on google19:33
Cyber_AkumaTaking 10 hours to copy around 440GB... from a usb 2 device back to the same usb 2 device in a different partition.... is that normal?19:38
Richard_CavellCyber_Akuma, I get that kind of speed on my machine19:39
bugzbunnyIs this SSD?19:40
Tecan-im getting notifications from facebook when its not even open... anyone know how to fix this ?19:40
Tecan-might be something with firefox19:40
bugzbunnyOr a regular very LARGE flashdrive, or spin disk?19:40
daxmy bet's on NTFS, personally19:40
bugzbunnyEither way, you going to hit the USB interface bandwidth19:40
bugzbunnyThat too19:40
bugzbunnyntfs-3g is SLOW19:40
Cyber_Akumabugzbunny: laptop mechanical hdd19:43
Cyber_Akumafrom a ntfs partition to an exfat one19:44
limbo_Out of nowhere, my PC became unable to resolve DNS records. I'm running the latest ubuntu, and have no idea what might be wrong. (the wifi symbol in the top bar has a '?' over it) Running "service network-manager status" includes the warning "dispatcher: (11) 01-ifupdown failed (failed): Script '/etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01-ifupdown' exited with error status 1."19:44
limbo_Anyone know what might be going on?19:44
james1138Hello. Can I ask a question about Ubuntu 16.04 and Banshee media player here?19:44
Exterminadorhelp! https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jGDmPHWSmK/ <- does anyone knows if this is possible to solve without formatting the machine?19:45
limbo_I checked /etc/resolve.conf and it has "nameserver" as its only uncommented entry.19:45
limbo_The wifi settings application shows the gateway and DNS as as I'd expect.19:46
bugzbunnyIIRC, NetworkManage uses DNSMASQ as a builtin DNS Resolver, for me it's
giganticanyone know how to recover a botched grub loader?19:47
ozbrkoh I see what the hell is going on in order to install linux I need to repair the windows boot manager partition which was the efi partition first19:48
ozbrkbugzbunny: remember what did I said to you I accidently deleted the partition19:48
bugzbunnyozbrk: It's not Windows Boot Manager Parttion19:48
limbo_bugzbunny: dnsmasq isn't installed on my system.19:48
giganticozbrk: sounds like you have the same or similarproblem as me!19:48
bugzbunnyozbrk: It was always EFI System Partition, just Windows display it that way19:48
ozbrkbugzbunny: I deleted the whole EFI partition now it is windows repair tools problem to retrive it19:49
Exterminadorhttp://paste.ubuntu.com/p/S98zDHwMFk/ -> whats the error in line 456?? :x19:49
ozbrkbugzbunny: Otherwise it is imposible to perform a dualboot right19:49
bugzbunnylimbo_: On UEFI system, you need EFI Partition Systerm Partitoin19:50
james1138Banshee will not start. It pops up and then crashes. Purging files and re-installing from scratch does not help.19:50
bugzbunnyAll UEFI bootloaders, including Windows Boot loader, get installed there19:50
giganticbugzbunny: doesn't refind create that partition for you?19:50
BelaDona  17.362347] squashfs: SQUASHFS error: Filesystem uses "xz" compression. This is not supported19:51
bugzbunnygigantic: No, it's a FAT32 partition with a unique GPT UUID19:51
BelaDonai thinks its an error19:51
ozbrkbugzbunny: how much space do you need to be an efi partition and can windows bootloader be installed on a efi partition created by ubuntu (question mark)19:52
BelaDonai don't hear barking19:52
BelaDonaexcuse me19:52
bugzbunnyAll OSese share that EFI System partition19:52
bugzbunnyAs far as how big, I go with 100MB19:52
bugzbunnyozbrk: First repair with Windows Recovery19:53
BelaDona   18.082858] EXT4-fs (vdb): mounted filesystem with ordered data mode. Opts: errors=remount-ro19:53
BelaDona[ 3184.816738] Scheduler[3905]: segfault at 7f31f80001ac ip 00007f3303dc60b1 sp 00007f32e81a8d70 error 6 in libsqlite3.so.0.8.6[7f3303dab000+cf000]19:53
BelaDona[ 6313.70612219:53
BelaDonai think it added 4 zeros19:53
bugzbunnyozbrk: Windows Recovery will handle all that, in Ubuntu installer, make sure you slect the EFI System Partition as /boot/EFI19:53
ozbrkbugzbunny: roger I`ll try to find a windows usb stick first19:55
bugzbunnylimbo_: You can edit /etc/resolv.conf and put the proper DNS IP19:56
bugzbunnyJust keep in mind, you might lose ability for whatever that does DHCP, to update that file, if DNS IP every change... Especially for a laptop19:56
bugzbunnyI don't know if remove it, than systemctl restart NetworkManager, and have it recreate that file works19:57
leftyfblimbo_: it looks like you're using your router for DNS. Which is fine, except what is your router using for DNS? That might be the problem. I would first put "nameserver" in your /etc/resolv.conf to test. If it works, then you know you have to change the DNS on your router to one that works19:58
giganticbugzbunny: can you put that partition anywhere on any disk?19:58
oerheksdo not edit /etc/resolv.conf  .. use /etc/resolv.conf.d/base and update with sudo resolvconf -u.19:58
leftyfboerheks: it's only for debugging19:59
oerheksthe last part should be included in /etc/resolv.conf19:59
oerheksleftyfb, oh, without reboot.. that could work for this session19:59
leftyfboerheks: right, but it's only temporary. Once the problem is resolved (router side) a reboot will undo the edits19:59
Cyber_AkumaUsing Ubuntu to copy around 440GB of data from a 54000 RPM Laptop HDD connected by USB 2.0 off a NTFS partition.... and back to itself on an exFat partition.... I guess I should consider myself LUCKY that it's only going to take 10 hours....20:01
Cyber_AkumaHad to install exFat support too since it's not includedin Ubuntu 17.10, I thought it was included since 16.0420:02
bugzbunny5400 RPM is slow20:02
tomreyn54000 RPM would be fast, but doesn't exist20:02
tomreynUSB 2.0 is very slow20:03
giganticbugzbunny: can you put the system EFI partition anywhere on any disk?20:03
Exterminadornvm. i've solved my problem. :D20:03
giganticbugzbunny: like, if i have 4 drives and 10 partitions i can put the efi partition anywhere?20:04
bugzbunnygigantic: You can20:04
giganticthats aw3esome20:04
bugzbunnyBut just make sure, ie, grub-efi install it correctly20:04
giganticbugzbunny: do you know how to get refind to point to the linux kernel?20:04
Cyber_Akumawould usb 3.0 even do anything for a 5400rpm drive over usb 2.0 anyway?20:04
bugzbunnyI have Ubuntu UEFI bootloader on my Spin disk that boots Ubuntu off my SSD20:05
giganticbugzbunny: ahhh, thats sort of where im stuck i think... you still need grub? you can't just boot ight to the kernel?20:05
bugzbunnyYou /need/ a bootloader, that's what loads the Kernel20:05
limbo_bugzbunny: Every time I restart network-manager it replaces the file with "nameserver"20:05
bugzbunnyI hear, the Kernel supports booting itself, correct me if I wrong...20:06
limbo_also have no idea why /etc/NetworkManager/dispatcher.d/01-ifupdown is failing to run.20:06
gigantici was under the impression that UEFI /waas/ the bootloader? and that grub and lilo etc are basically redundant?20:06
giganticcheck this link out: https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/146784/is-grub-the-best-bootloading-solution-is-there-an-easier-alternative/146803#14680320:07
bugzbunnyNo, UEFI (BIOS) does the POST, then it hands it over to a Bootloader, that than hands it over to the Kernel20:07
bugzbunnyThere is a Wikipedia article that explains the BOOTING process20:07
bh777_How would I go about setting up nfslock? The tutorial I was following doesn't mention it. ps aux | grep nfslock shows that it isn't running and i'm pretty sure this is my problem20:07
giganticbugzbunny: ok, yes, i know what you mean now. i think they call it a stubloader [booting from the kernel]20:09
daxgigantic: it's entirely possible to have UEFI boot into Linux directly without going through GRUB, yes. I don't know of any distros that actually do that because the user interface for configuring UEFI tends to be a pain in the butt and it doesn't hurt anything20:09
daxbut yes, it works and i've done it personally20:09
daxdoesn't hurt anything to have GRUB*20:09
giganticdax: gotcha, thanks. would it just be easier to fix the grub cfg than to try and load directly from efi?20:10
oliv_____I have a brand new ec2 instance. I want to install an x11 that would make it easy to use a UI of software. I was thiking of just setting up a vnc.  Anyone have other ideas?20:10
oliv_____x11 is just too slow20:11
bugzbunnyYou should need to fix /boot/grub/grub.cfg20:11
giganticim thinking that eventually grub etc will just stop being used once people are familiar with uefi20:11
giganticit seems pretty simple, and more robust of a solution20:11
bugzbunnyupdate-grub aka grub2-mkconfig -o /boot/grub/grub.cfg should work.. If you need to add stuff20:11
bugzbunnyedit /etc/default/grub, if it's more complex, I believe the is /etc/grub.d20:12
giganticbugzbunny: can you do that from a liveusb? or do you need to chroot?20:12
onio1 I started an access point network with create_ap "./create_ap wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase" the eth0 is and the wlan0 is on I would like to talk to from another device on how can I do this20:12
bugzbunnyThere should be Ubuntu guide on repair grub20:13
giganticive never really messed with grub. im not too worried about losing anything on the disk, but i don't want to brick it or anything. is that even possible?20:13
bugzbunnyIt's painless20:13
giganticthats a relief20:13
Blueratehello all, i installed vpnc on ubuntu 16.04, but how to make it work for firefox with hotspot shield?20:13
gigantichaving a hard time understanding many of the explanations ive come across though20:13
giganticdoesn't hel;p that they're all different20:14
jnamldkwhen i keepassx snappy, i get this error "cannot create lock directory /run/snapd/lock: Permission denied";  seems AppArmor fails to create the desired paths, any workaroud?20:14
CountryfiedLinuxDo PS3 controllers work by default in Ubuntu?20:14
acovrigI’m on ubuntu 16.04 and must be doing something wrong, I do sudo snap install conjure-up and it says it’s installed, but zsh can’t find conjure-up in my path, shouldn’t snap add it to a standard /*/bin path?20:14
giganticbugzbunny: thanks!20:14
westpig I am lookin for a friend to help me with ma Ubuntu notebook20:14
tomreynonio1: different networks, you'll need a router20:15
acovrigI see it in /snap/conjure-up/973/bin/conjure-up but why isn’t it in my PATH?20:15
tomreynoliv_____: use text instead? if you really want a *graphical* UI, use X with x2go20:16
cheguacamolewestpig define Help?20:16
oliv_____ok thanks let me look at that.20:16
onio1Hi tomreyn: both network are running on the same PC. I can talk to a from the device but not from the other way round20:17
oliv_____In the past I just did x11 but it was slow so thanks.20:17
BluerateCould you help please on how to install vpn?20:17
acovrignevermind, https://askubuntu.com/questions/895030/conjure-up-exception-could-not-determine-juju-version solved my problem20:19
GoopAre there Oauth server packages for Ubuntu, or is Oauth just a concept, and you have to make your own application?20:22
bugzbunnyonio1: Check your subnet mask20:25
onio1bugzbunny: ah I forgot about that because I am using instead on
TheWildtesting 17.10.1. Why the hell switching between tty's is so problematic in 17.10.1?20:28
tgm4883TheWild: how is it problematic?20:28
Wolf_YHeyoo, is anyone online ?20:29
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Wolf_Yi would like to ask some noobish questions !20:29
akikTheWild: they changed the gui to be behind f120:29
Wolf_YI am running ubuntu server 17.10 on hyper-v manager and i cant get the static ip to work20:30
TheWildSince X is now on tty1, I switch to tty2, do stuff here, logout. It switches me back to tty1 (I didn't press Ctrl+Alt+F1), and neither mouse nor keyboard work from now.20:30
Wolf_YI tried configuring my adapter as well as the netplan,yaml20:30
leftyfbWolf_Y: did you setup the network interface in hyperv to be a bridged interface?20:31
bugzbunnyWolf_Y: What do mean?20:31
Wolf_Yleftyfb: hmm i did not20:31
bugzbunnyWolf_Y: In Hyper-V, what network is the adapter connected to?20:31
Wolf_Ybugzbunny:  to default adapter20:32
bugzbunnyNo, what Network20:32
bugzbunnyThere is host, bridge, and another one20:32
Wolf_Ybugzbunny:  let me check20:32
leftyfbWolf_Y: configure it as a bridged interface to your network20:32
TheWildon 16.04.3 it was behind F7, and it sucked sometimes that is: when X was stopped and I switched to tty7, I got a black screen and OS not listening to keyboard/mouse anymore. Couldn't switch to other tty.20:33
bugzbunnyFor bridge, you need to create a Network for that, and reboot Windows20:33
Wolf_Ybugzbunny:  how can i check to what network i am connected20:33
bugzbunnyUh, let me get the guid20:33
leftyfbWolf_Y: you should be asking in #windows for this part no20:34
Wolf_Ybugzbunny:  i can only see the network switch in adapter settings20:34
leftyfbWolf_Y: you should be asking in #windows for this part now20:34
Wolf_Yleftyfb:  im preatty surre that i dont know how to configure my network inside ubuntu20:34
bugzbunnyYeah, it's off-topic20:34
skinuxWhat is the Ubuntu equivelant of ptrace?20:34
Wolf_Ybugzbunny:  where should i ask20:35
leftyfbWolf_Y: step #1, configure the bridge interface in Windows.... then come back once that's done20:35
Wolf_Yleftyfb: alright, ill try and do that20:35
giganticbugzbunny: hrmmm, i seem to have 2 efi system partitions [according to gparted]. does this cause a conflict?20:36
bugzbunnyPer EFI spec, you can't have two EFI System Partitions on the same disk20:37
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bugzbunnyIf they are on different disk, that's okay20:37
giganticalthough i think i booted into refind [say, efi part1] and it seems to have an entry that loaded into an old refit partition [efi part2]20:37
rud0lf"duuh" knowlege level here.. i own vps server. being really newbie about it. how do i set ssh logging successes and fails, also sudo successes and fails into certain file?20:38
rud0lfor at last parse it with regex per line?20:38
giganticbugzbunny: they are definitely on seperate dissk... do they have a hierarchy defined in the mobo firmware or something? [ie the bios pointing to one of the efi partitions]20:38
rud0lfi remember auth.log but i'm not sure if i should start there20:38
giganticbugzbunny: so it just takes the first one installed in the hdd array?20:39
rud0lfor is it a ##linux question?20:39
bugzbunnyThe UEFI (BIOS) will scan the disk for ESP, if not already defined in the firmware20:39
giganticbugzbunny: ahh ok, i think i know what you mean20:39
bugzbunnyCMOS clear or Reset to defaults in BIOS20:39
bugzbunnyShould reset whatever is stored in the UEFI Firmware20:39
Wolf_Y_Alright, i have made a bridge between my pc net adapter nad hyper-v one20:40
Wolf_Y_whats the next step20:40
skinuxWill tcptrace work for ptrace?20:40
bugzbunnyStep #2, attach the adapter to the bridge interface20:40
giganticbugzbunny: ok, i thought that after POST [bios] the uefi gets loaded [bios part2], and somewhere in there [which you're saying is cmos?] the esp gets defined [pointing to the uefi partition to load]20:41
bugzbunnyDo a complete shutdown of the VM and restart.. From that part on, you need to make sure you IP configuration is correct20:41
naccskinux: what do you mean?20:41
Wolf_Y_bugzbunny: alright, ill try and do that now20:41
bugzbunnygigantic: UEFI and BIOS are one of the same20:41
skinuxSomeone in #nginx told me to use ptrace for troubleshooting. But I cannot find ptrace. I can, however, find tcptrace20:42
giganticbugzbunny: i get it. just for lack of a better understanding i'm trying to find out where the esp gets invoked.20:42
naccskinux: ptrace and tcptrace are unrelated, i'd assume20:42
naccskinux: ptrace is a syscall20:42
naccskinux: used by strace, etc.20:42
Wolf_Y_bugzbunny: i should attach both adapter to the bridge interface, or just the hyper-v one20:42
bugzbunnygigantic: esp doesn't get invoke, it UEFI (BIOS) scans for esp, mounts the partition, than looks for a efi bootloader20:43
leftyfbskinux: do you get a basic website when going to the ip of your nginx server?20:43
bugzbunnyWolf_Y_: The VM one20:43
Wolf_Y_bugzbunny:  alright20:43
leftyfbskinux: also, do you have a VERY basic plan html page to serve up to test?20:43
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skinuxIf I go to localhost IP, I get it works page, for my site I get 403 forbidden. 'localhost' I get blank pages20:44
leftyfbskinux: I take it your site is php based?20:44
giganticbugzbunny: ok, as a best practice, is it better to have your ufi partition on one disk for the whole system, or keep a ufi partition on each disk [so you can, say, load it into another comp] and point then point to it20:44
leftyfbwait, I thought you said when you go to localhost you get "it works". Then you said you get blank pages20:44
Wolf_Y_bugzbunny:  alright, the hyper-v adapter is attached to the bridge,whats the next step20:45
giganticbugzbunny: i'm basically trying to clean up and reinstall a triple boot here20:45
bugzbunnygigantic: You can do whatever you want, you just can't two esp on the same disk20:45
skinuxIf I go to I get it works page, if I go to localhost/ etc then I get blank pages20:45
skinuxHold on.20:45
bugzbunnyIt will confused the BIOS20:45
skinuxYeah, that's how it is.20:45
BelaDonais this a wireless router issue20:45
BelaDonamaybe you need to update your port preference20:46
leftyfbBelaDona: no20:46
bugzbunnyWolf_Y_: In the VM, make sure your IP configuration is correct20:46
Wolf_Y_bugzbunny: so i need to configure the netplan now, am i right ?20:46
leftyfbskinux: how are you browsing to localhost on your server?20:46
bugzbunnyI don't know what 'netplan' is20:47
leftyfbWolf_Y_: yes20:47
leftyfbWolf_Y_: https://insights.ubuntu.com/2017/12/01/ubuntu-bionic-netplan20:47
skinuxessentially, http://localhost/20:47
leftyfbskinux: with what browser?20:47
Wolf_Y_leftyfb: alright, thanks ill do that now, but im also wondering if i can change the ipv4 stuff in the bridge now20:47
descuidadohello, upon installing ubuntu, my uefi boot menu added the next entries, ubuntu, ubuntu and UEFI_OS, is there any way i can see what these do? and why is there a duplicate ubuntu menu?20:48
leftyfbWolf_Y_: there should be no ip address configuration in your bridge config in hyperv. All of that gets done in the guys20:48
descuidadoi've already checked efibootmgr but i cant seem to find an option that would let me check that20:48
leftyfbskinux: is there a reason you're running a server hosting a website running a graphical desktop?20:49
Wolf_Y_leftyfb: alright,ill conf the netplan.yaml now and get back to you20:49
giganticbugzbunny: from the tut you linked: "Mount the partition your Ubuntu Installation is on" do they mean the esp or the fs volume? [i have 3 parts, boot/esp, swap, and encrypted fs]20:49
skinuxYes, local dev/testing20:49
giganticbugzbunny: stupid question i know, but you're awesome bugz!!20:49
skinuxThat, however, is irrelevent.20:50
leftyfbskinux: ok, so it sounds like you have your web server up. Now you just need to install php and enable it in nginx properly20:50
skinuxI have PHP-FPM and PHP 7 installed.20:50
ConsoleFxvlt, sorry to bother you once again. I made some slight tweaks in the existing code logic and now its a tuple object and the code logic would fail (of course) now since the index gets changed now. Is there any way I can still make it work against (result2).20:50
ConsoleFxExample code: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/mph7tDvzH6/20:50
leftyfbskinux: is nginx configured for php?20:51
skinuxWell, that's what I've been trying to properly do, but I have no log data to help.20:51
ConsoleFxplease ignore. pasted here wrongly. Wanted to post in python in-stead20:51
bugzbunnygigantic: ooo, the ecrypted fs, if you can uncrypt it20:52
leftyfbskinux: http://matthewwittering.com/blog/ubuntu-tips/php-error-messages.html20:53
leftyfbskinux: try following that, changing up php5 for 7 and apache for nginx20:53
bugzbunnyWith Nginx20:54
bugzbunnyYou need to make sure fpm config is setup properly, I'll post mine20:54
skinuxYou mean downgrade?20:54
leftyfbskinux: no20:55
diamond_hello anyone there20:55
leftyfbskinux: when it asks to change something for php5, do it for php720:55
leftyfb!ask | diamond_20:55
ubottudiamond_: Please don't ask to ask a question, simply ask the question (all on ONE line and in the channel, so that others can read and follow it easily). If anyone knows the answer they will most likely reply. :-) See also !patience20:55
diamond_ubottu why ?20:56
ubottudiamond_: I am only a bot, please don't think I'm intelligent :)20:56
diamond_whats the best distro for gaming?20:56
leftyfbdiamond_: that is not an appropriate question here. You can use google though.20:57
oerheksdiamond_, you ask that in #ubuntu?? lolz ..20:57
oerheks!flavors | pick one..20:58
ubottupick one..: Recognized Ubuntu flavors build on Ubuntu and provide a different user experience out of the box. They are supported both in #ubuntu and in their flavor channel. For a list, see https://www.ubuntu.com/download/ubuntu-flavours20:58
bugzbunnyskinux: https://hastebin.com/pawevuwohi.nginx20:58
BelaDonawhat is a program called jaws?20:58
diamond_ik its a wired question but i use alot of linux20:58
Wolf_Y_leftyfb: alright it seem to be working now, i updated my netplan.yaml and when i check my ip using ip addr show, i can see the correct one there now but when i  try to ping google.com i can see that the packets are sent using the ip i dont want, what should i do now ?20:58
diamond_im still a basic user20:58
diamond_but dose that make a diffrence?20:58
leftyfbWolf_Y_: that's a hyperv issue. Enable mac spoofing in the advanced settings of your network card in hyperv settings20:59
skinuxThat has nothing to do with PHP versions20:59
Wolf_Y_leftyfb: alright ill do that now, thanks for all the help21:00
leftyfbskinux: the link I gave you tells you to edit a file which most certainly relates to a specific version of php which you need to swap out with the version you're using21:00
bugzbunnyskinux: You might run into problems if fastcgi is not setup properly21:00
diamond_but dose anyone know best distro for gaming21:00
bugzbunnyskinux: I am not your enemy, just helping21:00
leftyfbdiamond_: Ubuntu has games. You can play games on it. That is the extent of this conversation. Please go to #ubuntu-offtopic21:00
skinuxOkay, replaced that. But I still get blank pages21:02
leftyfbskinux: anything in any of your nginx logs?21:03
bugzbunnyThe thing with blank pages with PHP21:04
bugzbunnyIs PHP by default doesn't echo errors output, goto your php.ini, since it's dev, to display_errors21:04
leftyfbbugzbunny: you mean exactly like I told him to do and he just confirmed doing?21:05
Wolf_Y_leftyfb: thanks once again, working like a charm, also big thanks to bugzbunny  <321:05
skinuxNo, I'm not getting anything to logs still21:06
naccBelaDona: please stop with the random text. Stick to support topics in this channel.21:07
leftyfbskinux: is there a /etc/php7/nginx/php.ini and if so, is that the one you edited?21:07
BelaDonasorry wrong chat21:07
leftyfbok, i'm out. probably for the night21:11
=== ubuntu is now known as Guest63028
Guest63028hi i am a problem21:13
giganticbugzbunny: ok, hit a snag in the first part ;p can't mount the encrypted fs, but the ext4 part is mounting with what appears to be a bunch of kernels and ufi folder etc... problem is "mount: /mnt/dev: mount point does not exist." when binding directories and i guess because of that, cannot chroot?21:13
animeskirt i am running into problems trying to mount my harddrive from within ubuntu21:16
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Guest63028How To Get Ubuntu To Boot Before Windows?21:17
BelaDonado you have a dual bios?21:18
Bashing-omanimeskirt: Show the channel - in a pastebin - what you are working with ' sudo parted -l ' .21:19
Guest63028a am: windows 10 , ubuntu21:19
animeskirtError mounting /dev/sda1 at /media/cityman/Storage: Command-line `mount -t "ntfs" -o "uhelper=udisks2,nodev,nosuid,uid=1000,gid=1000" "/dev/sda1" "/media/cityman/Storage"' exited with non-zero exit status 14: The disk contains an unclean file system (0, 0).21:21
animeskirtMetadata kept in Windows cache, refused to mount.21:21
animeskirtFailed to mount '/dev/sda1': Operation not permitted21:21
animeskirtThe NTFS partition is in an unsafe state. Please resume and shutdown21:21
animeskirtWindows fully (no hibernation or fast restarting), or mount the volume21:21
animeskirtread-only with the 'ro' mount option.21:21
kostkon!paste | animeskirt, for when you come out of quiet21:21
ubottuanimeskirt, for when you come out of quiet: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.21:21
Bashing-omanimeskirt: Can you take the systems advise and connect the drive to a Windows machine and then cleanly unmount it ?21:23
Bashing-omanimeskirt: And the 1000GB (sda) drive is the one with the issues ? You boot the 2nd (sdb) drive with no issues ?21:27
animeskirtyes the SSD is accessible21:28
animeskirtthe NTFS one is not21:28
animeskirtand i am not running windows like is mentions21:29
Bashing-omanimeskirt: On the SSD is also a Windows install. can you boot that Windows and from there run a Window's file system check on the 1st drive ?21:29
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animeskirti can reboot into windows yes21:30
=== kostkon_ is now known as kostkon
Bashing-omanimeskirt: Then, from Windows, see what Windows thinks of the 1st drive . See if you can mount it .. and then "cleanly" unmount it .21:32
rud0lfhello. i'm a newborn admin of ubuntu server, is there a survey i could read about security considerations? how to protect, audit, etc?21:32
rud0lfso my server won't be an open wound21:32
Guest63028I reinstalled my windows 10 and lost myself cannot start21:32
DF3D2you lost yourself ?21:33
animeskirtok I will attempt that and come back21:33
DF3D2i guess you better go to tibet, become a zen monk and find yourself21:34
tomreynrud0lf: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Security21:35
rud0lfthank you kindly21:35
Guest63028i dont now speak english very good21:36
tomreyn!bg | Guest6302821:37
ubottuGuest63028: опитайте #ubuntu-bg за български потребители . try #ubuntu-bg for bulgarian users, and please idle there patiently21:37
Guest63028can not enter ubuntu menu when restart Win1021:47
oerhekshold shift @ boot to enter grub menu, Guest6302821:48
ubottuGRUB2 is the default Ubuntu boot manager. Lost GRUB after installing Windows? See https://help.ubuntu.com/community/RestoreGrub - For more information and troubleshooting for GRUB2 please refer to https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub221:48
bmomjianI am on Ubuntu 16.04.  What is the recommended way to mount NFS volumes that are only intermittently connected?  Pre 16.04, a simple mount command allowed such functionality, but in 16.04 I need to use x-systemd.automount to cause automounting, but if the host is not connectable, it hangs 'df' and my desktop when I try to access the menu.21:51
Wolf_YHi, once again im here to ask for help, is anyone avaible..22:00
timelessbmomjian: https://serverfault.com/questions/263149/is-there-a-flag-i-can-pass-to-either-df-or-mount-to-make-them-display-result might be interesting22:01
naccbmomjian: and you don't know whether you would need the nfs mountpoint or not?22:01
bmomjianUh, yes, that helps for df but the big problem is hanging my desktop.22:02
bmomjianI have the NFS volumes in my Places folder so as soon as I click to see the desktop menu, I am hung.22:02
naccbmomjian: i ask that because you can use autofs (iirc)22:02
bmomjianI am thinking x-systemd messed this up somehow but I am confused as few people seem to report this problem.22:03
timelessout of curiosity, are you using `noauto` w/ your systemd stuff?22:03
bmomjianI am thinking I do need autofs, but oddly I didn't need it in the past.  Is this expected?22:03
bmomjianyes, I used noauto with x-systemd.automount22:03
bmomjianMount options are: async,soft,noauto,x-systemd.automount22:04
timelessarchlinux tends to be my friend when dealing w/ systemd -- https://wiki.archlinux.org/index.php/fstab  -- it suggests a timeout flag22:04
timeless x-systemd.device-timeout=22:04
bmomjianI have tried this too: async,soft,noauto,x-systemd.automount,x-systemd.device-timeout=1022:04
bmomjianI don't see timeo in the docs anymore so I never tried that.  Does that work?22:04
timelesshttps://www.freedesktop.org/software/systemd/man/systemd.mount.html mentions x-systemd.device-timeout22:05
timelessor rather x-systemd.mount-timeout=22:05
bmomjianI had not seen _netdev before22:06
timelessoh, yeah, i've used _netdev on some of mine22:06
timelesslemme look at mine, i have sshfs(fuse)22:06
bmomjianI can test _netdev, of course22:06
timelessthe ones i'm using (for sshfs-fuse) are defaults,noauto,_netdev,x-systemd.automount22:07
bmomjianoh, OK, let me test _netdev.  That one is new for me.22:07
bmomjianI will try without the timeout22:08
TheWildrunning 16.04.4 now. Yeah, it talks better to my graphics card.22:08
timelessmy system is a bunch of daemons that talk to eachother, i thankfully don't have an X or equivalent thing, but hopefully this is helpful22:09
tomreynbmomjian: how about a "soft" mount?22:09
bmomjianI am using 'soft'.  Didn't seem to help.22:09
TheWildwill be back22:09
bmomjianIt feels like systemd doesn't understand mount options in the same way the old system did.22:09
timelessin my case, iirc _netdev helped w/ boot order and making things less insane22:09
timelesssystemd definitely has a much different view of the world22:10
tomreynoh didnt notice. yes _netdev might help with th einital mount22:10
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bmomjianYes, I am sure.  It feels like it doesn't get the 'soft' hint.22:10
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timelessin systemd's view, by default, any entry in /etc/fstab is a *mandatory* entry22:10
bmomjianAt least on this OS version.22:10
=== libreplanet_rm15 is now known as lprm155
timelessas opposed to one view of the world where "fstab" has a bunch of "advisory" / "quick access" mountable items22:10
bmomjianso goes _netdev help there?22:10
tomreyn'soft' is for when the connection goes away later22:11
bmomjianI have had to edit fstab every time I go in and out of my home network, not fun.22:11
timelesswell, for fuse, w/o _netdev, the mount tried to come before the nework22:11
bmomjiantimereyn, good point22:11
timelessand systemd got very unhappy22:11
timeless_netdev especially helped systemd understand not to even bother trying until the network appeared22:11
bmomjianI seem to boot fine, though early on I do remember some hangs occasionally on boot and shutdown.22:11
timelessi haven't look too closely to be able to say if these flags represent a single thing in systemd or multiple things22:12
masonHey all. I'm curious... My wife just hit an odd bug, and it appears to match 1474927, 1578830, and 1652451, which are evidently duplicates of each other and all still open/unresolved. Anyone familiar with this?22:12
masonError constructing proxy for org.gnome.Terminal:/org/gnome/Terminal/Factory0: Error calling StartServiceByName for org.gnome.Terminal: GDBus.Error:org.freedesktop.DBus.Error.Spawn.ChildExited: Process org.gnome.Terminal exited with status 822:12
bmomjiantimeless:  I will need 30 minutes to test and will report back here.22:12
timelessi'll hopefully be gone, but good luck22:13
bmomjianOK, thanks much.22:13
timelesstuning systemd is was a steep learning curve for me, although, in the long run, the system is imo easier to read/understand for it than the old stuff22:13
timelessso, while it's painful, over time, i'm learning to appreciate it22:14
timelessand the more i use it, the easier it is to apply things elsewhere22:14
masonStockholm syndrome. :)22:14
rosco_yhow can I set my desktop to a solic color?22:14
timelessmason: https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Terminal/FAQ ?22:15
bmomjiantimeless:  Yes, that was my opinion too, though I have not take the time to study it.22:15
timelessmason: specifically, https://wiki.gnome.org/Apps/Terminal/FAQ#Exit_status_822:16
timeless(and, if that works, it might be worth commenting in the launchpad issues...)22:16
oerhekssolution for locale issue: https://askubuntu.com/a/65116922:17
masontimeless: I'll go give it a try and will comment. Thank you for the link.22:17
timelessmason: and oerheks has a link to the fix22:17
masonOddly, this is a fairly new install of Xenial and totally vanilla, but I'll explore.22:18
timelessbased on the fact that the faq lists individual exit codes, it feels like the gnome-terminal carefully defined individual exit codes for individual cases, which is fairly impressive...22:18
masonHrm, pretty sure we've never mucked with locales on the box, but this all seems reasonable.22:18
masonI'll go fetch her laptop and see what's set now.22:19
MarceeZHello i have 2GB RAM but linux ubuntu 16.04 is lagging22:20
MarceeZMaybe there is better desktop environemt and lighter for ram?22:21
MarceeZHow about KDE - plasma?22:21
wxzaWhen the new LTS version comes out will an apt dist-upgrade be enough or will it have to be completely reinstalled?22:21
masonwxza: You'll be able to upgrade.22:22
sdfsdfwhy is snapcraft.io down22:24
sdfsdfAlso can I put my entire LAMP stack into a Snap?22:24
timelesswxza: personally, i've been using do-release-upgrade22:24
wxzatimeless, what's the difference?22:25
timeless"The recommended way to upgrade a Server Edition installation is to use the do-release-upgrade utility."22:25
timeless"it's recommended"? :-)22:25
daxdo-release-upgrade does additional checks22:25
daxdist-upgrade is not really officially supported, though it usually works22:26
wxzaThanks - didn't know that was a thing until now :P22:26
sdfsdfI didn't eitehr22:26
timelessi'm not sure how old it is, i've only started using it fairly recently22:26
sdfsdfI'm thinking about using snaps for my server as they're simplier22:26
daxsdfsdf: #snappy may be useful, if you don't get an answer here22:26
masonSo, it looks like you don't have to edit your sources.list to point to the new release with do-release-upgrade - it'll do it for you.22:27
timelesswhich reminds me, i just did a do-release-upgrade today, i need to run whichever thing it was to restore my disabled repos22:27
wxzaOh awesome22:27
hggdhwxza: the only way an "apt update && apt full-upgrade" would work for moving from release "A" to a release "B" would be to replace the repositories. And, then, you will miss any special handling that would be performed by do-release-upgrade22:27
masontimeless: So, FWIW, gnome-terminal won't start with LANG=C. Go figure.22:27
timelessyeah, ubuntu really is making things much shinier :)22:27
timelessmason: can't say i'm terribly surprised22:28
oerhekshttps://docs.snapcraft.io/snaps/ works, mainpage gives an error indeed22:28
timelessanyone happen to remember the magic to deal w/ the disabled repositories? do-release-upgrade told me before it started, but that session is long gone...22:28
wxzaIs there a way to set Xfce up to how it is supposed to look by default without manually changing it all? (Xubuntu machine)22:30
* timeless manually deals w/ /etc/apt/sources.list.d/*.list (all 1 file, easy...)22:31
ptyttyanyone read PoC || GTFO?22:32
oerhekswxza, remove the ~/.config/ folder, logout & login again22:32
wxzaIt's that simple?22:33
masonThat'll kill other configs too, although who knows if there's anything worth saving in there.22:33
wxzamason, If I did it I'd probably back it up to another dir instead of deleting it just incase it did break anything22:34
masonLocallt, I see configs for several non-desktop things in there. wxza: Maybe take a quick look to see.22:34
oerheksit will be all default, as you asked for22:34
oerheks( the config folder will be recreated, don't worry)22:35
masonoerheks: He wanted XFCE to be default. Only. From what he said.22:35
wxzaYeah, I know how to change things myself but I was just wondering if I can get it to default and go from there rather than changing things one-by-one22:35
oerheksyou might want to remove ~/.cache/ too..22:36
=== kenden is now known as Guest8821
giganticcan anyone help with thishttps://paste.ubuntu.com/p/zj9NXDm5cX/22:38
wxzaShouldn't you grub-install to a dir /dev/sdc is mounted on and not /dev/sdc itself?22:39
timelessgigantic: did you rename a volgroup at some point? :)22:40
giganticwxza: that's a good question. not according to http://howtoubuntu.org/how-to-repair-restore-reinstall-grub-2-with-a-ubuntu-live-cd22:40
Jordan_Ugigantic: You didn't bind mount /dev/, and more importantly you didn't mount /mnt/boot/efi (your EFI System Partition). Least important, there should be no device argument to grub-install when installing for UEFI, as there is no boot sector. So just "sudo grub-install".22:40
masontimeless: I annotated the three bugs I mentioned and I credited you with the find.22:40
masonThanks again.22:41
giganticwxza: and i think i'm only half understanding what you're saying... let me investigate. unless you can shed some more light22:41
Jordan_Ugigantic: You also don't need --recheck.22:41
giganticJordan_U: does it make a difference that i'm using a liveusb?22:41
wxzagigantic, A simple way to understand is like how you can't use a USB using the /dev/sdx its given, it gets mounted then you use its dir (/media/...)22:42
gigantictimeless: ummm, i don't think i did explicitly, but it had something to do with decrypting a vol before trying to mount it22:42
giganticwxza: is that the case even if you're already chroot on the media?22:43
Jordan_Ugigantic: If you were booted from your working system rather than a LiveUSB then you woundn't need to do any extra mounting or chrooting, it would just be "sudo grub-install".22:43
wxzagigantic, pretty sure, yeah22:43
Jordan_Ugigantic: grub-install completely ignores device arguments when installing for UEFI.22:43
timelessgigantic: fwiw, https://unix.stackexchange.com/questions/417786/cannot-grub-install-recover-grub2-after-repair-install-windows10-on-nvme-ssd-o has "just for anybody who is interested. In the end i reset all my settings in the UEFI setup after rebooting and voila the grub menu appeared. ;-) – aerioeus Jan 20 at 13:29"22:44
giganticJordan_U: ok, so i did some mounting. had to use udisksctl to mount the encrypted vol22:44
giganticthen i chroot into the mounted vol22:45
timelessspecifically suggests mounting the /boot folder into the chroot22:45
* timeless isn't sure that's the right thing for the problem, but it sounds familiar22:45
wxzagigantic, Pretty sure I'm wrong given the link timeless put in chat lol22:45
Jordan_Ugigantic: I need to leave. You *need* to mount your EFI System Partition to /mnt/boot/efi/, you also *need* to bind mount /dev to /mnt/dev/ with either of those missing grub-install will not work from your chroot.22:46
giganticso you're saying, because i'm chroot terminal is considering me root from that filesystem yeah? and that is why i don't need to /define/  sdc?22:46
* timeless shrugs22:46
timelessi still have one or two systems where i need to do some fun chroot/pivot magic for22:46
* timeless hasn't gotten around to them22:46
wxzahttps://help.ubuntu.com/community/Grub2/Installing Look through this and see if you missed something22:46
timeless(specifically, converting a RHEL-6 (??) system into ubuntu)22:46
timeless(remotely, w/o console access... -- that's going to be so much fun)22:47
gigantictimeless: yeah, essentially i'm learning all about efi at the same time as all this other stuff22:47
timeless(i'm trying to earn browny points in advance for when i actually need help w/ that adventure)22:47
oerheksconverting rhel to ubuntu.. really?22:47
timelessgigantic: fun.22:47
timelessoerheks: I have 2 disks, they're equivalent, one's in use, the other is empty22:47
giganticJordan_U: thanks!22:48
timelessbasically, "install ubuntu to disk#2, convince the boot loader to try to boot it, and fall back to booting current os-- so i don't lose the system if it fails"22:48
timelessthe big wildcard is not having console access22:48
timeless(actually, i think i might have finished this stuff, but i haven't done the reboot, i can't remember how far along i am)22:49
giganticahh shit.. how do you get out of chroot?22:49
giganticthanks ;p22:50
timelessI didn't pick the RHEL. I asked the hosting provider for ubuntu, and they "tried" and "failed" and then tried "rhel" and it failed, so they replaced some stuff and *then* installed RHEL ... <grr>22:50
timelessgigantic: fwiw, i find the safest thing is having two ssh sessions22:50
bmomjiantimeless: In testing I found the _netdev mount option did not fix the hang problem.  Here is a summary of my problem: http://momjian.us/tmp/nfs.txt22:50
timelessone in the chroot and one not22:50
timelessbmomjian: =(22:50
bmomjianWhat I did was just to disable my wifi and reboot and the hang happens right away.22:51
timelessbmomjian: i won't be any help. I'd personally find a Gnome group and ask there...22:51
timelessbmomjian: is this before X starts?22:51
timelessi.e. literally just booting?22:51
bmomjianNo, X starts fine.  It is when I try to use the Ubuntu menu which has links to the NFS mounts.22:51
bmomjianIt boots but I have to jump to the character screen to fix it so I can boot again.22:52
bmomjianIt used to work so cleanly.  :-(22:52
timelessbmomjian: /apps/nautilus/preferences/media_automount ?22:52
* timeless wonders if there's something similar for net automount22:52
timelessthat might be the right path ... https://access.redhat.com/solutions/2010722:53
bmomjianI have no such file.22:53
timelessspecifically `gconftool-2 --type bool --set /desktop/gnome/volume_manager/automount_drives false`22:53
timelessbut, google first to see if that's remotely current stuff22:53
timeless(rhel docs tend to be for dated stuff...)22:54
timelessgood luck22:54
* timeless runs22:54
bmomjianYeah, agreed. I still want the automount when the volume is accessible.22:54
giganticok, jesus... from what jordan told me: should i be mounting this stuff before i chroot? or after?22:55
gigantichow come when i mount one partition it /unmounts/ another?22:56
wxzaAre you trying to mount to the same directory?22:58
happy_hackerI have a piece of software for a VPN on Linux from my job: ps-pulse-linux-5.3r3.0-b1021-ubuntu-debian-64-bit-installer.deb23:07
happy_hackerIt is requiring libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0 but I can not find it.23:08
akikwhat does nomodeset really do? i'm configuring an old imac that needs nomodeset to give a good picture but it looks like the radeon module does not work now23:08
happy_hackerI built a pkg for Fedora users, and got libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0 from gnucash-2.6.18-1.fc27.x86_64.rpm23:08
happy_hackerakik: https://askubuntu.com/questions/716957/what-do-the-nomodeset-quiet-and-splash-kernel-parameters-mean/71696623:09
happy_hackerakik: It that doesn't answer it for you, let us know what isn't clear.23:09
akiki know that if i use nomodeset on a intel igpu system, the igpu doesn't work23:10
kostkon!find libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.023:10
ubottuFound: W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W:, W: (and 272 others) http://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=libwebkitgtk-1.0.so.0&searchon=names&suite=artful&section=all23:10
happy_hackerkostkon: thanks, I didn't know about that23:12
kostkonhappy_hacker, tried sudo apt-get install libwebkitgtk-1.0-0?23:12
akikhappy_hacker: does nomodeset disable the radeon driver from working?23:12
happy_hackerbeen using Ubuntu since this morning23:12
happy_hackerkostkon: as root, without sudo23:12
happy_hackerkostkon: no, apparently I used "apt-get install libwebkitgtk" ... yours has a pkg ;)23:14
onio(23:12:21) onio1: I have problem talking to network started started with create_ap. The network created on wlan0 is and the eth0 network is on
onio(23:12:21) onio1: => [ping ok]23:14
onio(23:12:21) onio1: => [ping ok]23:14
onio(23:12:21) onio1: => [ping fail]23:14
giganticwxza:  ummm, perhaps i am.23:14
akikhappy_hacker: does nomodeset disable the radeon driver from working?23:15
giganticwxza: jordan had said "You *need* to mount your EFI System Partition to /mnt/boot/efi/, you also *need* to bind mount /dev to /mnt/dev/ with either of those missing grub-install will not work from your chroot."23:15
giganticbut i'm not sure if he meant inside the chroot or from the liveusb23:16
onioaccess point started with the following command ./create_ap wlan0 eth0 MyAccessPoint MyPassPhrase23:16
giganticwxza: i think i know what he means... mount the efi vol then bind dev to the mounted vol?23:17
oniosomeone on this channel suggested checking subnet mask but that does not seem to solve it. I have tried setting the netmask on the as also tried but all behaves the save way23:20
happy_hackerkostkon: thanks, the app installed, and I was able to use the VPN on Linux ... that's 2 distros it's now working with23:20
kostkonhappy_hacker, np23:20
happy_hackerakik: I don't think you need nomodeset with Radeon.23:20
supernovahHey for some reason I lose my environment even when using `sudo -E make install -j8` or --preserve-env23:21
akikhappy_hacker: this is an old imac that gives just a garbled screen if i don't use nomodeset23:21
happy_hackerakik: Are you having a problem when booting....oh, a MAC.23:21
happy_hackerakik: I've never owned a Mac, not even used one except for repairing one for a customer.23:21
akikhappy_hacker: i've never owned one either. this is for a friend23:22
onioon the wired device eth0 is using static device ip, gw and netmask
happy_hackerakik: It has a Radeon chipset in an old iMac? I'd assume it was something different.23:22
akikhappy_hacker: yes radeon hd 467023:22
happy_hackerakik: this is just for the console until X is loaded. Once your X server is up, is everything okay?23:23
akikit's really weird. it doesn't give xorg if i don't use nomodeset23:23
akikbut it's too late now. i'll continue later23:24
happy_hackerakik: Does that mean if you don't use nomodeset, you don't get an X server loaded? But if you use it, you do?23:24
happy_hackerakik: np23:24
akikhappy_hacker: yes23:24
happy_hackerakik: I'm not the one to speak to Mac hardware for sure.23:24
happy_hackerakik: So, is there a problem with using nomodeset? Just Do Eet!23:24
happy_hackerwhatever works...23:25
akikhappy_hacker: the radeon driver doesn't work then23:25
happy_hackerWhat driver does it use?23:25
akiklshw -c video says unclaimed23:25
happy_hackerakik: When? In console, but you have a good X?23:25
happy_hackerakik: So you have Ubuntu installed on an old iMac?23:26
akikhappy_hacker: it gives full hd xorg but it doesn't use radeon module23:26
happy_hackerakik: Okay, so what is the problem?23:26
akikhappy_hacker: i'm tired :)23:26
akikgood night23:27
happy_hackerakik: I don't mean to sound rude, but am I hearing http://mywiki.wooledge.org/XyProblem -- "I want to do X, but I'm asking how to do Y... ?23:27
happy_hackergn Finland ;)23:27
happy_hackerkostkon: Can you give me a URL or something? I have Ubuntu <I don't know> which I installed on this laptop ... maybe last July? But never used it.23:28
happy_hackerkostkon: Is there an upgrade $PATH to get current?23:28
kostkonhappy_hacker, lsb_release -a23:28
kostkonhappy_hacker, will tell you the release23:29
kostkonhappy_hacker, server or desktop?23:29
happy_hackerkostkon: thanks, I worked the Hades out of /etc looking for that 17.1023:29
happy_hackerkostkon: It's a Dell XPS 13 9530 laptop.23:30
crisedTo make a router from scratch, iptables, ufw or nftables?23:30
happy_hackercrised: iptables23:30
kostkon!manual | happy_hacker23:30
ubottuhappy_hacker: The Ubuntu Manual will help you become familiar with everyday tasks such as surfing the web, listening to music and scanning documents. With an emphasis on easy to follow instructions, it is suitable for all levels of experience. http://ubuntu-manual.org/23:30
happy_hackercrised: I use it on my router. Chose to build a PC and use that as a router for my home LAN, rather than a Cisco router, to learn more.23:30
giganticdamnit..,. disconnected.23:31
crisedhappy_hacker: may I ask why you didn't use nftables? Should this replace iptables?23:31
happy_hackerkostkon: yea, that's it ... is that current info, though it says Getting Started with Ubuntu 16.04 and iirc Ubuntu is at 17.04?23:32
kostkonhappy_hacker, 18.04. the upcoming lts release23:32
oerheksnetfilter tables is a newer protocol indeed https://packages.ubuntu.com/search?keywords=nftables > https://linuxnewbieguide.org/hello-nftables-goodbye-iptables/23:33
happy_hackercrised: nftables is Not Yet Ready For Primetime23:33
happy_hackercrised: Give me a minute, and I'll link you to a talk by a friend of mine. Think it was at SELF 2017.23:33
dualityhi is anyone familiar with 7zip or hiding archives behind images23:35
=== duality is now known as Guest27245
happy_hackercrised: you can /j #Netfilter and get some discussion from experts if you like23:36
Guest27245found a 1.5gb image i know to be a 7z archive, just not sure how to open it23:36
crised /j #Netfilter23:36
happy_hackerGuest27245: what does "file <filename>" say?23:36
happy_hackercrised: remove the space in front23:37
crisedhappy_hacker: thanks!23:37
oerheksGuest27245, install p7zip-full23:37
oerheks!info p7zip-full23:38
ubottup7zip-full (source: p7zip): 7z and 7za file archivers with high compression ratio. In component universe, is optional. Version 16.02+dfsg-4 (artful), package size 1216 kB, installed size 4799 kB23:38
happy_hackercrised: yw; be patient for an answer there23:38
Guest27245sorry back23:42
Guest27245Temptation.png: PNG image data, 500 x 500, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced23:43
happy_hackerGuest27245: PNG should display fine with many apps... Eye of MATE Image Viewer here...look in a menu under Graphics23:45
Guest27245sorry probably didnt word my question correctly, very tired, its a 1.5GB image with files hidden within archived as a .7z format23:45
happy_hackerGuest27245: oerheks answered you about 7-zip23:46
Guest27245not sure how to open it as archive manager on ubuntu doesnt work with it and not sure how to use command line 7z to open it23:46
Guest27245happy_hacker: i installed it23:46
oerheksafter install, restart nautilus23:47
Guest27245will do that now23:47
dualityalright back and rebooted, what now?23:49
=== duality is now known as Guest84721
Guest84721trying to open the file with "archive manager" simply says archive type not supported23:50
oerheksGuest84721, are you sure it is a 7z archive?23:51
Guest84721100% no doubt23:51
Guest84721opened in the past too, so 100% its working23:52
happy_hackerGuest84721: smells like pr0n23:52
Guest84721using the 7z application on windows23:52
happy_hacker18:46:06 < happy_hacker> Guest27245: what does "file <filename>" say?23:53
happy_hacker18:52:30 < Guest27245> Temptation.png: PNG image data, 500 x 500, 8-bit/color RGB, non-interlaced23:53
happy_hackerdo those 2 ^^ go together ?23:53
Guest84721oh nvm, got it open23:53
Guest84721happy_hacker: thanks!23:53
Guest84721turns out its a combination of p0rn and source code23:54
happy_hackerhappy to hack, not to crack ... say not to p0rn!23:54
oerhekskeep this channel family friendly, thnx23:54
happy_hackerthat's about what I meant oerheks23:55
Guest84721is there anyway to open the file using a gui, as the 7z program in terminal works however not using archive manager23:55
oerheks7z works fine here in nautilus...23:56
Guest84721actually its fine will just recompress it into a normal .7z instead of hiding behind image23:57
Guest84721thanks oerheks and happy_hacker23:57

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