
mupBug #1757067 opened: Intermittent failure: test_estimated_runtime_sets_start_time_when_unavailable <intermittent-failure> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757067>08:17
=== frankban|afk is now known as frankban
mupBug #1757153 opened: [2.4, UI, regression] Run time for commissioning/testing scripts is incorrect <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757153>14:27
mupBug #1757155 opened: [2.4, UI] Storage firmware version is mispelled & should be part of Name | Model | Serial switcher <MAAS:Triaged by ltrager> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757155>14:33
mupBug #1757210 opened: [2.4, regression] Cannot compose a machine inside <MAAS:In Progress by newell-jensen> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757210>17:36
=== frankban is now known as frankban|afk
wdennishi all - looking at https://docs.maas.io/2.3/en/installconfig-network-dhcp and trying to configure MAAS to use my external DHCP server; does not look like the dos correlate to my MAAS UI (running v2.3.0)18:52
wdennis*docs not dos18:52
wdennisI was able to configure my external DHCP server to next boot IP of the MAAS server, and used BIOS filename 'pxelinux.0', and was successfully able to netboot a machine from MAAS18:54
wdennisHowever, got a cloud-init message that the node "failed to enlist system maas server" and powers off18:58
wdennisAnd (unsurprisingly) no node shows up in the MAAS UI18:58
roaksoaxwdennis: /etc/maas/rackd.conf make sure it is pointing to an ip instead of localhost19:32
mupBug #1757242 opened: [2.4, UI] Need some space between green "Compose machine" button and the pod details table. <ui> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757242>19:39
wdennisroaksoax: It was indeed pointing to 'localhost' - corrected to put in IP. Do I need to restart any service etc?20:22
roaksoaxwdennis: yes, rackd20:33
roaksoaxsudo service maas-rackd restart20:33
mupBug #1757210 changed: libvirt drops connection when attaching a disk (breaks MAAS pods) <MAAS:Invalid by newell-jensen> <libvirt (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757210>20:58
mupBug #1757262 opened: [2.4, pod] KVM pod doesn't fail if it fails to attach disk <pod> <MAAS:Triaged> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757262>20:58
mupBug #1757210 opened: libvirt drops connection when attaching a disk (breaks MAAS pods) <MAAS:Incomplete by newell-jensen> <libvirt (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757210>21:10
wdennisroaksoax: Thx for the info... restarted the maas-rackd service, then retried the PXE on the host, but still not registering... Can you point me to logs (either on PXE client OS or server) that I can look at?22:00
wdennisFound server-side logs in /var/log/mass/*, looking at rackd.log, seeing these errors periodically: https://bpaste.net/show/1de12b924a2522:04
wdennisRegion controller and rack controller are on same node (default MAAS install via Ubuntu ISO...)22:05
roaksoaxwdennis: /var/log/maas/rsyslog/*22:07
roaksoaxwdennis: if it is a non-known maas machine, check the logs under maas-enlisting-node/<date>/<ip>22:07
wdennisroaksoax: No files in /var/log/maas/rsyslog/ on server22:13
roaksoaxwdennis: do yo ahppen to have a console log ?22:17
wdennisroaksoax: On the client? Unfortunately no22:19
wdennisroaksoax: Aha - looking at 'cloud-init' messages captured in syslog on the client, I see that the server url as used by maas-enlist has the wrong IP address in it...22:28
wdennisIs that se somewhere on the server?22:28
roaksoaxwdennis: ok, see if it is the same IP as /etc/maas/regiond.conf:maas_url ?22:29
wdennisroaksoax: Yup, it was the wrong IP there - corrected. Restart a service needed?22:30
wdennisAnd, any other places I should look for incorrect IPs?22:31
wdennisA grep for my IP block in /etc/maas/* shows the correct IPs now: https://bpaste.net/show/65ba3791ed3822:33
wdennisOK, looks like that was it - the node successfully registered now :)22:40
wdennisLesson learned - don't install a new MAAS server on a temp DHCP address, then re-IP it later...22:40
wdennisHow may I customize the Ubuntu install that the "Deploy" action lays down on disk? (partitioning, add'l pkgs to install. etc?)23:20

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