
mupPR snapd#4869 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: use x-snapd.{synthetic,needed-by} in practice <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4869>00:20
mupPR snapcraft#2010 opened: Release/2.40+18.04 <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2010>01:37
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mupPR snapd#4864 closed: daemon: support 'system' as nickname of the core snap <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4864>06:37
mupPR snapd#4841 closed: snap/pack, cmd/snap: add `snap pack --check-skeleton` <Created by bboozzoo> <Merged by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4841>06:38
zygagood morning06:51
zygaquick breakfast and brb06:52
phoenix_firebrdany of you fellows use a intel gpu?06:52
zygaphoenix_firebrd: probably most of us06:54
phoenix_firebrdzyga: When you find time can you check If you are able to play a VP9 encoded file(ex: videos from youtube) using the vlc snap with hardware acceleration enable and using vaapi for hardware acceleration?06:58
zygayes, sure07:01
zygacan you give me an example URL?07:02
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phoenix_firebrdzyga: any youtube video is fine07:07
zygaaren't they encoded in different formats07:07
phoenix_firebrdzyga: as far as i know all the youtube videos are displayed using vp9/webm format in the latest browsers by default07:07
zygaI mean, I'd love to help but I want to make the test meaningful07:08
mvohey zyga ! good morning07:08
zygahey :-)07:08
phoenix_firebrdzyga: do you have youtube-dl07:08
zygano, I don't believe I do07:08
phoenix_firebrdzyga: try this as an example https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=D6tC1pyrsTM07:09
zygalet me try to get a video and play it07:09
phoenix_firebrdzyga: takecare, youtube-dl by default downloads the highest quality video and the above video is a 4k video and take a lot of size07:10
zygaphoenix_firebrd: which channel of vlc do you want to tets07:12
phoenix_firebrdzyga: normal07:13
zygastable? ok07:13
phoenix_firebrdzyga: I think it contains vlc verion 3.0.107:13
phoenix_firebrdzyga: ok07:14
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zygaphoenix_firebrd: I'll let you know once the download finishes07:19
phoenix_firebrdzyga: ok07:20
zygamvo: what shall we do with 476507:33
mupPR snapd#4874 opened: tests: a bunch of test fixes for s390x from looking at the autopkgtest logs <Squash-merge> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4874>07:34
mupPR snapd#4872 closed: tests: add workaround for s390x failure <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4872>07:35
mborzeckizyga: is this line correct? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/cmd/snap-confine/snap-confine.apparmor.in#L367 the current autotools setup configured with --libexecdir=/usr/lib/snapd07:39
zygano, looks like a bug07:40
zyganice catch!07:40
zygaplease tag the fix with 2.32 as well07:40
mupPR snapd#4863 closed: snap: don't create empty Change with "Hold" state on disconnect (2.32) <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4863>07:42
zygajjohansen: I'm running your kernel today, so far no issues, I will periodically run the script that finds dangling symlinks and report back07:44
mborzeckizyga: #487507:46
mupPR #4875: cmd/snap-confine: fix ptrace rule with snap-confine peer <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4875>07:46
mupPR snapd#4875 opened: cmd/snap-confine: fix ptrace rule with snap-confine peer <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4875>07:46
zygathank you07:47
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zygamborzecki: approved07:48
zygaman, we will have a lot of back ports to do07:48
mborzeckihopefully those are single patch fixes :)07:48
zygamvo: I failed to fix the last bug yesterday, it's not that I don't know what to do it is just _how_ to do it07:49
zygaphoenix_firebrd_: hey07:52
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zygaso I think it doesn't work07:52
zyga[00007f7608001ca0] glconv_vaapi_x11 gl error: vaInitialize: unknown libva error07:52
zygalibva info: VA-API version 0.39.007:52
zygalibva info: va_getDriverName() returns 107:52
zygalibva error: va_getDriverName() failed with operation failed,driver_name=i96507:52
zyga[00007f7608001ca0] glconv_vaapi_drm gl error: vaInitialize: operation failed07:52
zygathis is on a i5 skylake chip07:53
phoenix_firebrdzyga: hi07:53
zygathe video plays but using significant amount of CPU07:53
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phoenix_firebrdzyga: I think skylake supports hybrid decoding of vp907:54
phoenix_firebrdzyga: can you paste the profiles list?07:54
zygawhat profiles?07:54
phoenix_firebrdzyga: the rest of the livainfo07:54
phoenix_firebrdzyga: vainfo i mean07:54
zygaone sec07:54
zyganote that this is vainfo outside of the snap07:55
phoenix_firebrdzyga: are you on 18.04?07:56
phoenix_firebrdzyga: ah07:56
phoenix_firebrdzyga: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/intel-vaapi-driver/+bug/175638007:56
mupBug #1756380: vaapi VP9 hardware decoding not working anymore in bionic <intel-vaapi-driver (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <libva (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1756380>07:56
phoenix_firebrdzyga: vp9 profiles are absent for supported hardware in 18.0407:56
zygaphoenix_firebrd: but shouldn't this matter in snaps07:57
zygais this a kernel side issue or a userspace issue07:57
phoenix_firebrdzyga: i mean just in case of the vainfo you gave from outside of snap07:57
zygadid you see the erros from libva I posted earlier07:58
zygawhen starting up vlc07:58
phoenix_firebrdzyga: ya07:58
phoenix_firebrdzyga: is there a way to update the i965-va-driver package in snap to 2.1.0?07:59
zygaonly by rebuilding the snap07:59
zygamborzecki: ^ FYI, one of the things we could eventually support is pluggable va drivers07:59
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phoenix_firebrdzyga: what are the steps that has to be done to fix this driver bug issue so that it does not show up in the vlc snap08:01
zygaI don't understand the issue so I cannot say08:01
phoenix_firebrdzyga: by driver i mean the one used in the snap core i guess08:01
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zygaphoenix_firebrd: are you asking what is needed to stop shipping libva in a particular snap, like vlc?08:02
MirvI think it would be nice to consider whether the version in bionic archives could be upgraded or cherry pick fixed, but that's outside of snappy realm08:03
phoenix_firebrdzyga: If you know that the intel vaapi driver is buggy  and that causes vlc snap to display corrupted frames while playback, how do you fix that08:03
zygaphoenix_firebrd: I don't know anything about libva, I cannot help with that08:04
zygaphoenix_firebrd: perhaps vlc folks who make the snap can say more08:04
zygaI can help with snapd side of the problem08:04
phoenix_firebrdzyga: if you want to update the display drivers what snap will you update? core or vlc or both?08:04
zygaphoenix_firebrd: vlc08:04
zygaphoenix_firebrd: the core doesn't ship any08:05
phoenix_firebrdzyga: so you mean different media player snaps can ship with different version of drivers ?08:05
zyganot really drivers, drivers are in the kernel08:05
zygaof userspace libraries, yes08:05
phoenix_firebrdzyga: This list of packages used to compile a snap is called manifest right?08:06
mupPR snapd#4876 opened: packaging: recommend "gnupg" instead of "gnupg1 | gnupg" <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4876>08:06
zygaphoenix_firebrd: snap may be built entirely from source (except from the toolchain perhaps) so the word package is perhaps misleading08:06
zygaI don't know how vlc snap is built, for example, I didn't look at it that closely08:07
zygaphoenix_firebrd: so it's possible to both reuse binary builds from a distribution and to build latest and greates of everything from source08:07
Mirva quick look at vlc snap tells me they're building a lot from scratch at least, as they have Qt 5.1008:08
phoenix_firebrdzyga: how I see what are the contents of the core snap08:09
zygaphoenix_firebrd: just look at it? it's usually mounted in /snap/core/current/08:09
Mirvbut the intel driver they have is from 201608:10
kalikianagood morning08:11
kalikianao/ Mirv08:11
Mirvright, they are basically using unmodified 16.04 LTS version of i965-va-driver, not building it themselves. since they're already building the whole Qt, it sounds to me they could be interested in building some of this too08:12
Mirvkalikiana: o/ :)08:12
mborzeckizyga: by the looks of it, plain makefile stuff (even though I'm doing some templates inside) is way faster than autotools08:14
mborzeckithe actual build part is comparable, the largest win is not running configure08:14
zygamborzecki: yeah, that is very typical08:15
phoenix_firebrdzyga: I just found that the intel vaapi driver is shipped with the vlc snap and not with core snap. Where to file a bug on a vlc snap ?08:16
zygaphoenix_firebrd: well, I told you that08:17
zygaphoenix_firebrd: run "snap info vlc"08:17
zygaand see the contact URL08:17
phoenix_firebrdzyga: ok, let me check08:20
phoenix_firebrdzyga: thank you so much for the support08:26
zygathank you for using snaps :-)08:26
zygaOk, I think I have a nice way to fix the bug with layouts leaking thing to the host08:35
mborzecki`ERROR: Conflicting profiles for /snap/core/4278/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine^mount-namespace-capture-helper defined in two files:` this something new?08:49
mborzeckifull log https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xCzYR4Ztpv/08:51
oSoMoNis snapd 2.32+18.04~pre5 known to be broken?08:52
oSoMoNafter dist-upgrading today, all my snaps are marked broken08:52
oSoMoNrebooting seems to "fix" them, but then they won't start08:52
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zygamborzecki: I saw that once yesterday09:00
zygamborzecki: looks like atomic file write left some stuff behind09:01
zygaoSoMoN: yes09:01
oSoMoNzyga, want me to file a bug report or start a thread on the forum to gather information on the issue?09:01
mborzeckizyga: just saw it in 4875, restarted the build to see if it's something random09:02
mwhudsonpedronis: hi did you see this? https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/avoiding-snap-refresh-in-live-sessions-i-e-installers/4468/409:09
* mwhudson is not really here09:09
mupPR snapcraft#2011 opened: tests: run tests on Trusty on Travis <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2011>09:10
pedronismwhudson: yes, I don't have particular opinions, is this something snapd needs to do or the installer could do?09:10
mwhudsonpedronis: how could the installer do it?09:10
mwhudsoni'm all for not changing snapd at this point of the cycle09:10
pedronismwhudson: move refresh.hold from 2h to 60 days ?09:11
mwhudsonpedronis: oh just execute snap set core refresh.hold 60d?09:11
pedroniswell now+60d09:11
pedronisbut yes09:11
pedroniswould that be enough?09:12
mwhudsonoh ok then that sounds easy :)09:12
mwhudsoni think if people boot the installer and then don't do anything for 60 days, i think i'm ok with things breaking09:12
pedronisto be precise you can set anywhere in the future09:13
pedronisbut after 60 days is not respecte09:13
mwhudsonpedronis: i had another awful hack in mind, which was to install core and subiquity unasserted09:13
mwhudsonbut this sounds better than that09:13
mwhudsonpedronis: which version of snapd has refresh.hold support?09:14
mwhudsonand that's not in bionic because i uploaded go 1.10 but well09:15
pedroniswell our plan is to have in bionic in the images09:15
mwhudsonoh no it is in bionic now09:15
pedronisit has issues it seems though (but unrelated to this)09:16
mwhudsonpedronis: thanks09:17
* mwhudson goes to bed09:17
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mvomwhudson: it is in bionic now09:40
mvomwhudson: I mean 2.32 is in bionic, we asked to ingore the s390x failures for now as this only affects the covermode=atomic right now09:41
Chipacahmm, why is connecting to interfaces so slow all of a sudden09:41
mvoChipaca: I noticed this as well09:42
Chipacaok, I'll dig09:42
Chipacamvo: do we still not have auto-prereqs?09:42
mvoChipaca: 2.32 should have them09:43
mvoChipaca: is that not working for you? iirc we do not pull in new prereq on refresh, that is a missing feature/bug09:44
Chipacamvo: 2.32~pre4+git612.2003af8~ubuntu16.04.1 isn't working for me09:44
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Chipacathat is, "snap install evince" resulted in no gnome platform snap09:44
mvoin related news: does someone know why master is broken? it seems ~200 tasks are aborted09:44
mvoChipaca: I look once the current fire is out09:47
mvoChipaca: but I see the same here, slightly sad09:47
Chipacamvo: k09:47
abeatokalikiana, hey, have you ever seen this snapcraft error when cross-compiling: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/z4BW75yhXB/ ? (edge channel)09:48
kalikianaabeato: Hmm no I think that's new to me09:50
kalikianaabeato: Did this break recently?09:50
abeatokalikiana, well, it used to work last week09:51
kalikianaAlso on edge?09:51
abeatoartful fyi09:53
abeatokalikiana, stable works09:54
abeatoa regression in edge then09:54
kalikianaYeah, looks like it :-/09:55
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kalikianaabeato: Can you file a bug, please?09:55
abeatokalikiana, yup09:55
mupPR snapd#4877 opened: snap-confine: fallback to /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev if the core is older <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4877>09:58
zygamvo: looking09:59
abeatokalikiana, https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapcraft/+bug/175709409:59
mupBug #1757094: snapcraft in edge channel (2.39.2+git46.c22d7e2) fails to cross-compile kernel <Snapcraft:New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757094>09:59
zyga+1 :)10:00
mvozyga: yay, thank you10:02
mvozyga: now we just need to unbreak master10:02
mvozyga: and *hopefully* the world is a happy place again10:02
zygais master broken?10:02
mvozyga: yeah, next PR comming that tests my theory on the why10:02
zygaoh, ok10:02
mupPR snapd#4878 opened: tests: disable 18.04 spread tests in google for now <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4878>10:03
mvozyga: it looks like its a test problem with the google 18.0410:03
zygaI didn't see any issues10:03
zygabut I'm still on an older branch from yesterday10:03
mvozyga: no worries, only spread not our code10:03
mvozyga: also - "make fmt" on bionic produces some different output than "make fmt" on older releases it seems10:03
mvozyga: not a great morning so far, too many fires10:04
zygaI noticed10:04
zygathis is why it's no longer enforced10:04
zygawhen things quited down I will reindent with something saner10:04
zygaor see if I can coerce newer indent10:04
kalikianaabeato: Thanks!10:12
kalikianaabeato: Can you link the snap you're building there?10:13
ogra_that might be tricky10:14
ogra_(customer kernel)10:15
abeatokalikiana, that ^10:16
kalikianaHmm okay.10:16
mvoChipaca: turns out the problem with evince is that there is on `content: <tag>` line in the interface, I'm looking if we should use default here10:16
pedronismvo: we have code that sets defaults10:21
pedronisbut probably is not called for this case10:21
pedronisbit fragile to duplicate it though10:21
mvopedronis: yeah, I'm poking a bit to see if there is a nice way10:27
Chipacamvo: i think oSoMoN and/or kalikiana could land a fix meanwhiles :-)10:30
mvoChipaca: yeah, fix is trivial, just adding "content: <some-string>" on both the evince plug and the gnome-3-26-1604 slot10:31
Chipacamvo: ‘content: like a river’10:33
pedronismvo: mmh, it's it not done much earlier, I suppose the issue is that we read the snap yaml but don't validate it10:33
pedronis(which would set the defaults)10:33
pedronisI was remembering the old code, but in the new world this should happen somewhere in snap/10:34
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zygamvo: I finally have good progress on the (I named it) trespassing bug10:36
zygaI'll get a coffee and finish it soon10:36
mvoChipaca: nice and poetic10:37
mvopedronis: hm, that might be it10:37
mvopedronis: it looks like nowday "interfaces.BeforePrpareSlot" must have been called10:39
mvopedronis: interfaces.SanitizePlugsSlots calls this, so you are right I think, somewhere there is a sanitation missing10:42
pedronismvo: it's called by the ReadInfo*  but not by just parsing10:44
pedronismvo: I think you added code to details.go in store that calls parsing of yaml but not that10:44
mvopedronis: indeed, that sounds like the culprit10:45
pedronismvo: otoh it seems to be called only for installed snaps10:45
pedronismvo: Chipaca: it's all a bit confusing:  ReadInfoFromSnapFiles calls Validate bot not SanitizePlugsSlots  and ReadInfo calls SanitizePlugsSlots but not Validate10:46
pedronispstolowski: ^10:47
pedroniswhat was the thinking there?10:47
pstolowskipedronis: yes just looking. seems to be my oversight in the refactoring :(10:47
mvopedronis: I'm still looking but afaict store/details.go calls InfoFromSnapYaml() which does not sanitzze, I wonder if we can/should do it there because that is used by the various bits afaict10:47
pedronisI know why we don't validate already installed snaps10:48
pedronisthe assumption is that is done once10:48
pedronisbut SanitizePlugsSlots has side effects we always need10:48
pedronisfor values of always10:48
mvopedronis: yeah, I wonder if nowdays it should be "annotatePlugsSlots" or something, its doing much more than to sanitize10:50
mupPR snapcraft#2011 closed: tests: run tests on Trusty on Travis <Created by kalikiana> <Closed by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2011>10:53
pstolowskimvo: what do you mean with more? afair the only difference with old implementation is the fact that it collects invalid ones in BadInterfaces10:53
mvopstolowski: it calls BeforePrepareSlot for each interface10:54
mvopstolowski: for the content interface this adds some defaults (like when content: is missing it adds an implicit "content: <slot-name>")10:54
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=== phoenix_firebrd_ is now known as phoenix_firebrd
mvokenvandine: could you please update evince so that default-provider is just a snap name? right now it is "gnome-3-..:gnome-3-..."10:56
pstolowskimvo: I see. BeforePepare* is the old Sanitize*, we were doing that before, it's just that we don't call SanitizePlugSlots now when we should after the code was moved around10:56
mvopedronis: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2NjMYChFzR/ <- this might be what we need, i.e. run this always10:56
mvopstolowski: yeah, it was just a idle though that the name is not fully conveying what is happening (but I guess one could argue that part of the sanitize is that missing fields are updated with sensible defaults)10:57
pedronisit's reasonable, I don't know if there is some assumption that that code does that would explode if we don't Validate first though10:57
mvopedronis: ReadInfo() would still get sanitization via infoFromSnapYamlWithSideInfo10:58
mvopedronis: all tests explode because we are not prepared for this in the tests, so there is some work here :) and of course I need to double check with pstolowski that this is sensible10:59
pedronisseems orthogonal right now10:59
mvopedronis: orthogonal to what?10:59
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pedronissorry, I was answering my question:  I mean the jobs Validate does and SanitizePlugsSlots do11:00
pedronisthey don't seem to depend on each other11:00
mvopedronis: yeah, validate is doing something else right now indeed11:00
mvoChipaca, pedronis fwiw, I tested the evince with the updated location for the SanitizePlug and the content is installed (well, would be installed if default-provider was a snap name ;) but that is a problem of the snap and easy to fix there)11:01
mvopedronis I think I will prepare a PR with the change and test updates and let pstolowski and you double check, sounds reasonable?11:02
pstolowskimvo: the original invariant was (and still is) that every snap.Info that we create and return has all the plugs and slots sanitized and we don't expose broken ones via this struct11:02
pedronismvo: ok11:02
mvopstolowski: yeah, I think this invariant is currently not honored11:02
pstolowskimvo: right, my bad :(11:03
mvopstolowski: when you create a snap.Info via InfoFromSnapYaml()11:03
mvopstolowski: no worries11:03
pstolowskimvo: I can take this bug11:03
mvopstolowski: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2NjMYChFzR/ is probably what we want plus test updates, if you can take it that would be great11:03
mvopstolowski: the real world test is to snap install evince, it should pull in the gnome-3-... content snap but it does not right now because the defaults are not set11:04
mvopstolowski: (john discovered this bug). if you have any question, just let me know11:04
* mvo goes back to unbreaking bionic11:05
pstolowskimvo: yes, that fix looks sensible as long as this is indeed the central (or only) place that needs this11:05
pstolowskimvo: ok, i'll work on this right away; is this some kind of a blocker atm?11:06
mvopstolowski: its not terrible but nice to have11:06
mvopstolowski: 2.32 will have the install of content providers so if we can unbug it, that would be great11:07
mvopstolowski: I mean, its not terrible urgent (no need to skip lunch over it) but ideally we should fix it today if we can11:07
pstolowskiack, will be aiming at that11:08
mvothanks pstolowski !11:08
pstolowskipedronis: one question re your comment "what happens on update with old tasks that had the previous thing?" to the interface hooks; that's a valid concern and I think we need to make sure update conflicts with these hooks (there is already some code for connect/disconnect conflict on update, but I need to check if it would do that). does that sound sensible?11:11
pstolowskimvo: sure, thanks for catching & sorry for the trouble /o\11:11
mvopstolowski: no worries11:15
mupPR snapd#4878 closed: tests: disable 18.04 spread tests in google for now <Critical> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4878>11:20
mupPR snapd#4879 opened: tests: revert "tests: disable 18.04 spread tests in google for now" <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4879>11:21
cachiosergiusens, hey, I've seen some errors on autopkgtests https://objectstorage.prodstack4-5.canonical.com/v1/AUTH_77e2ada1e7a84929a74ba3b87153c0ac/autopkgtest-artful/artful/armhf/s/snapcraft/20180319_163043_7404b@/log.gz11:26
sergiusenscachio: feel free to ignore armhf until the new autopkgtest roll out comes into place11:27
cachiosergiusens, nice, thanks11:27
mupPR snapd#4880 opened: [RFC] cmd, data: plain make  <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4880>11:28
mborzeckizyga: plain make ^^11:28
zygamborzecki: queued for after standup11:28
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mvomborzecki: nice speedup11:38
mvomborzecki: hard to grasp how auto* is so inefficient, speed 6x11:39
mborzeckiall the perl/sed/coreutils invocations add up11:39
mborzeckii'm looking into why #4875 fails, also #4871 failed in a way that's sort of similar11:42
mupPR #4875: cmd/snap-confine: fix ptrace rule with snap-confine peer <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4875>11:42
mupPR #4871: cmd/snap-confine: fix Archlinux compatibility <Created by Erick555> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4871>11:42
mborzeckiit looks as if when updating snap-confine apparmor profile, some temp files are left behind11:42
mborzeckimvo: zyga: any ideas how that could be possible?11:43
zygawe just write it using atomic thing11:43
phoenix_firebrdzyga: I checked the vlc snap info, it shows a url to a general support page. I checked the vlc support page, I shows a general bug reporting page, not anything specific to snaps, also on searching for existing bugs, there was not a single snap related bug report. So is there a specific place dedicated for vlc snap bugs?11:43
zygaphoenix_firebrd: no, it's their snap and their bug reports11:44
mvomborzecki: looking11:45
mborzeckizyga: hm it looks like a temp file made by us though, /etc/apparmor.d/snap.core.4278.usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.gVv662JKQnGl the suffix is 12 chars, the same as we use11:45
mvomborzecki: do you have a link to the failure log or a pastebin of it?11:46
mborzeckimvo: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xCzYR4Ztpv/11:46
zygamborzecki: but I don't know why it would stay behind now11:46
mvozyga: that is ensureDirState, right? that is used all over the place so should be well tested11:47
zygaand the actual writing is done by atomic thing AFAIR11:47
zygaso I doubt it's something newly broken there11:47
mvoor its a race11:48
mvoi.e. we write things at the same time when the profile is loaded?11:48
zygabut who would load it?11:48
mvo(a long shoot)11:48
mvoI have no idea :)11:48
zygaapparmor loads that profile11:48
zygabut we start after apparmor11:48
zygathen snapd reloads that profile11:48
zygabut _exactly_ that profile (not everything else)11:48
zygathe error is weird btw,11:48
zyga+ aa-enforce /etc/apparmor.d/usr.lib.snapd.snap-confine.real11:49
zygathis is aa-enforce doing things11:49
zygait's just a test thing, we never touch that from snapd11:49
zygaso something goes wrong11:49
zygaand then much later we run aa-enfroce11:49
zygaand  that looks for system-wide consistency for some reason11:49
phoenix_firebrdzyga: so a bug in vlc snap has to be reported in the regular vlc bug reporting channel?11:50
zygaphoenix_firebrd: yes, snaps don't have packagers in the same sense as other linux packages, typically upstreams package and ship the snap11:50
mborzeckizyga: mvo: just ran this test through spread and it was all good11:51
zygayeah, I saw this once yesterday11:51
mvozyga: maybe we need to run aa-enforce checks in each restore to catch the offender?11:51
mborzeckido we touch those profiles while installing the package?11:51
zygaand it's first time I ever saw it11:51
zygamvo: I think that's what happened here11:51
zygaor maybe I'm wrong11:51
mvozyga: I think this makes sense - but what is calling aa-enforce?11:52
zygaI think it's one of the tests actually11:52
mborzeckimvo: the test does11:53
zygamvo: main/snap-confine11:53
zygamvo: one idea11:53
zygamvo: somehow we stop snapd at the wrong time11:53
zygaand we have this in the state tarball11:53
zygait would be good if someone managed to reproduce this with -debug11:54
mborzeckizyga: running it now with the same seed as the tests11:55
zygaNB: I doubt it's deterministic anyway11:55
zygabut let's see11:55
phoenix_firebrdzyga: can you point me to a place, where there is a complete documentation about snaps and the related process11:55
zygaphoenix_firebrd: ha, I wish we had one, we are doing most of the work on forum.snapcraft.io and on a new (test URL) site at https://snapdocs.labix.org/11:57
phoenix_firebrdzyga: If i am doing "sudo snap install vlc " in ubuntu, from where does the vlc snap gets fetched?12:01
zygaphoenix_firebrd: from the snap store12:03
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phoenix_firebrdzyga: snapstore.com?12:05
zygait's a service at...12:05
zygahttps://api.snapcraft.io/ AFAIR12:06
zygathe actual package download is from a CDN12:06
phoenix_firebrdzyga: so in case of vlc, Vlc snap gets created and uploaded to the snap store by the vlc maintainers and then we fetch from it during install?12:06
zygaexactly that12:07
phoenix_firebrdzyga: cdn of course12:07
zygamvo: I'm testing the fix for trespassing bug now, looks good for 2.32 from layout POV today12:09
phoenix_firebrdzyga: I guess I have to create a vlc account and file a bug with them. I think I will windup today with this. Thank you.12:09
zygaI will need to backport all the things that were labelled as 2.32 and only merged to master12:09
zygaphoenix_firebrd: thank you! I think you can also shoot them an email somewhere but I have never tried reporting VLC bugs directly12:09
phoenix_firebrdzyga: I am thinking of collection preliminary information by directly talking to some devs in vlc irc channel, if one exists and then will email and/or file a bug report12:11
zygayeah, that's a good idea12:11
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cachioniemeyer, change in spread already updated12:17
zygaaww, drat12:18
* zyga tinks12:19
pedronispstolowski|lunch: my question was more about   the older version of the same hooks? did we partially support hook already in stable?12:23
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cachiomvo, hey12:35
cachioI am pushing a fix for bionic12:35
mupPR snapd#4881 opened: tests: make tests run with specific bionic release avoiding take the last one <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4881>12:38
zygajdstrand: man, fixing the "trespassing" bug (where we write to real /etc is really hard)12:52
zygait requires some fair amount of changes12:52
Chipacamvo: fwiw, https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/auto-connection-for-gnome-3-24-content-interface/1379/7912:56
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zygajdstrand: my approach was to interact with the secureMk* family of functions12:57
zygaand before calling open(..., O_CREAT,...) or mkdirat() or symlinkat() check that fstatfs reports that we are on a tmpfs12:58
zygathis is not perfect but it is a close approximation to "is this a mimic"12:58
zygaif something is a tmpfs we just carry on12:59
zygaif it's not a tmpfs we check if the path we are attempting to make looks legitemately12:59
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/tQg4GVfMK5/12:59
zygamvo: I will be a moment late to the standup13:00
phoenix_firebrdzyga: I spoke to a vlc dev, they say that the one-line-patch to fix the driver bug, has to be backported to 16.04 by ubuntu, they will then re-release an update vlc snap with the updated driver.13:05
phoenix_firebrdzyga: how likely ubuntu will backport a patch to 16.04?13:06
zygaphoenix_firebrd: not sure but they don't have to wait for that, they can just build the right version of the driver from source and put that in the snap13:06
phoenix_firebrdzyga: I guess their policy stops them.13:07
phoenix_firebrdzyga: they say they use the stuff from 16.04 to target the 16.04 core i guess13:08
phoenix_firebrdzyga: like for example the va-api version 2 uses libva2 which cannot be installed in 17.10, because of the dependency issue13:09
phoenix_firebrdzyga: do you know how long it will take for the ubuntu core snap to migrate to 18.04?13:10
ogra_it wont, the design will change13:11
ogra_(you wuill be able to simply declare 16 or 18 in your snaps snapcraft.yaml and it will work on either of them, pulling in what it needs)13:11
ogra_but thats probably a thing that will still take til ... well.. october ?13:12
phoenix_firebrdogra_: this October ?13:12
ogra_no, october in 7 years13:12
ogra_(indeed this october :) )13:12
zygaphoenix_firebrd: ubuntu core16 and core18 will exist in parallel13:13
zygaphoenix_firebrd: so vlc snap maintainers can hop onto the 18 one when they feel like it and when it is ready13:13
zygait won't be a "hard" change13:13
zygasnaps will use base they want and will switch whenever they want13:13
kenvandinemvo, oh, all of our snaps do that13:13
kenvandinemvo, so it should just be the snap name?13:14
phoenix_firebrdogra_:  :)13:15
phoenix_firebrdzyga: ok13:15
kenvandinemvo, the documentation says to use the name and slot13:17
kenvandinedefault-provider (plug): name and slot of preferred providing snap (<SNAP>:<SLOT>)13:17
mborzeckizyga: temp files do not seem to come from snapd-state.tar.gz https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/D8qf6j6CwY/13:20
mvokenvandine: thank you, I'm in a meeting right now, I will review the docs13:23
mvokenvandine: please do nothing for now, I will look in  a bit13:23
kenvandinemvo, ok, thx!13:24
jdstrandmvo, zyga: looking at backscroll from last week, https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4822 would kill boot speed, especially on armhf. I'm glad you figured out another way13:32
mupPR #4822: interfaces/apparmor: skip apparmor cache <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4822>13:32
oSoMoNmvo, zyga: how is that bionic fix coming along?13:38
mvooSoMoN: fix is reviewed we are waiting for tests13:39
oSoMoNmvo, excellent, thanks!13:40
mvojdstrand: thanks, yes, we never wanted to do this for real :)13:40
oSoMoNmvo, do the autopkgtests for snapd exercise installing and running real-world snaps?13:40
zygajdstrand: yes, that was a RFC really, to see what the problem is13:42
zygaoSoMoN: mvo is handling that13:42
* jdstrand hugs mvo and zyga 13:43
mvooSoMoN: yes13:43
mvooSoMoN: well, depends on what you mean by real-world :) it does run lxd and a bunch of small snaps, it does not run chromium or firefox13:44
zygajdstrand: btw, did you see my apparmor parser wrapper13:44
zygawith more control over caching?13:44
jdstrandzyga: not yet. is it a PR?13:45
oSoMoNmvo, ack, thanks13:46
zygajdstrand: it was but got closed (it was another RFC, let me show that to you quickly)13:46
mvooSoMoN: this particular problem is caused by bionic being ahead of core13:47
zygajdstrand: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4827/files13:47
mupPR #4827: cmd/snap-apparmor-parser: add a prototype apparmor parser <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4827>13:47
mvooSoMoN: if you switch your core to "beta" (snap refresh --beta core) you are good again too13:47
zygaI grew it slightly to handle removing later but this version shows the general idea13:47
zyga(I was also saving both the source file and the binary file)13:47
zyga(source after preprocessing)13:47
jdstrandmvo: you mentioned in backscroll that https://bugs.launchpad.net/snappy/+bug/1460152 needed love. that (and a regression fix for it) was committed to upstream apparmor in 201513:51
mupBug #1460152: apparmor cache not updated when apparmor.d rules change (breaks 15.04/stable -> 15.04/edge updates) <patch> <Snappy:Fix Released by mvo> <Snappy 15.04:Fix Released by mvo> <apparmor (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1460152>13:51
jdstrandmvo: if it is continuing to not do what we want, then I think a new bug is in order13:51
zygacachio: you want apparmor-profiles package13:51
mborzeckizyga: cachio: fwiw. apparmor is disabled in snap-confine for opensuse https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/packaging/opensuse-42.2/snapd.spec#L12613:53
zygamborzecki: yes, but it could be enabled now13:54
mborzeckilet's try it :)13:54
jdstrandzyga: before committing https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4827, we should talk to jjohansen13:54
mupPR #4827: cmd/snap-apparmor-parser: add a prototype apparmor parser <Blocked> <Created by zyga> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4827>13:54
zygajdstrand: it's closed, we're not going to commit that AFAIK13:54
mvomborzecki: I'm with you in the hunt for the snap-confine.XXXX leftover profiles now14:00
mvomborzecki: as this blocks my PR too14:00
jdstrandmvo, zyga: is the cache drama from last week resolved due to removing the system key OR?14:01
zygajdstrand: yes, it's the system key14:01
* jdstrand is trying to wade through the discussion and the various PRs14:02
zygawe change things that end up in system key behind snapd's back14:02
zyga(we repackage core)14:02
zygaso revision was not sufficient14:02
zygaand we simply remove the system key as a workaround (this only affects test)14:02
jdstrandhttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4842 is still open btw (and out of date)14:02
mupPR #4842: interfaces: make hash of apparmor profile for snap-confine in core part of the system-key <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4842>14:02
zygajdstrand: I think that was another RFC14:03
mvojdstrand: it is resolved in the sense that things work now and we also have an idea how we could make it more robust (by adding a hash of the current snap-confine profile from core into the system-key). but I think there is a bug lurking there somewhere in the apparmor cache handling still :/14:03
zygathe one that we decided on was merged14:03
mvojdstrand: unfortunately I don't have much better feedback than: "it does not work" :/ sorry for that14:04
jdstrandmvo: if you figure it when 'it does not work', please file a bug and me or jjohansen can take a look at it14:04
jdstrandmvo: there is a lot going on between apparmor cache, system key, ensure dir, reexec, etc14:05
pedronis#4873 is the delay classic reg PR14:05
mupPR #4873: many: delay classic registration until first store interaction <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4873>14:05
mborzeckimvo: any idea where this could be coming from? the code in intefaces/apparmor does not seem to be doing anything wrong14:08
mupPR snapd#4842 closed: interfaces: make hash of apparmor profile for snap-confine in core part of the system-key <Blocked> <Created by mvo5> <Closed by jdstrand> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4842>14:12
mupPR snapd#4781 closed: wrappers: refactor desktop file sanitizer to support autostart files <Created by bboozzoo> <Closed by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4781>14:14
mupPR snapd#4882 opened: snap: make `snap run` look at the system-key for security profiles <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4882>14:17
mvomborzecki: yeah, its confusing. it just uses EnsureDirState() and that uses AtomicWrite and defer .Cancel()14:17
zygamvo: ha, interesting14:20
mborzeckimvo: when core is refreshed, when does snapd restart to reexec into the new one?14:23
mvomborzecki: thats slightly complicated, iirc in overlord/snapstate and in the link-snap handler there14:25
zygamvo: I need to take a break14:25
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mupPR snapd#4883 opened: debian: undo snap.mount system unit removal <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4883>14:29
mupPR snapd#4884 opened: debian: run snap.mount upgrade fixup *before* debhelper <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4884>14:32
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niemeyerzyga: Didn't we have a snap for gcloud or something?14:42
niemeyercachio: ^14:42
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cachiozyga, mmm, I think zyga created it14:44
popeyWe're working on that.14:44
cachioniemeyer, I have the google clud sdk snap that zyga created14:44
niemeyercachio: What's the snap name?14:45
cachioniemeyer, it is not in the store14:45
niemeyerI see14:45
cachioniemeyer, he copied the snap in a usb14:45
niemeyerIs it super secret? :)14:46
popeyNo, but don't put it in the store please.14:46
cachioniemeyer, I don't think so14:46
cachioniemeyer, should we upload it to the store?14:46
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cachioniemeyer, zyga is it ok if we move the tests execution from opensuse 42.2 to 42.3 for each PR?14:51
morphismvo: I am currently seeing problems with snap removal in LXD containers, is that a thing which was meant to work?14:51
zygaYes, i think so14:51
morphismvo: it smells like snapd tries to unmount the snap via mount where `fusermount -u` would be right14:52
zygaIt is s point update14:52
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zygaMorphis: we don’t unmount14:52
zygaIt is done by systemd14:53
morphiszyga: someone does it, however a `snap remove ..` hangs forever14:53
zygaI think the fix was not released yet14:54
zygaYou need 2.32 den14:54
morphiszyga: ++ snap remove lxd14:54
morphis2018-03-20T14:41:12Z ERROR cannot remove snap file "lxd", will retry in 3 mins: [stop snap-lxd-6162.mount] failed with exit status 1: Job for snap-lxd-6162.mount failed. See "systemctl status snap-lxd-6162.mount" and "journalctl -xe" for details.14:54
morphisthat is what I get14:55
morphiszyga: is this https://bugs.launchpad.net/snapd/+bug/1712930 ?14:56
mupBug #1712930: snap-confine: mounts happen in the wrong order <snapd:Fix Committed by zyga> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1712930>14:56
morphisso 2.31 should have the fix, right?14:59
mvokenvandine: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/the-content-interface/1074 has the correct description for the content interface. where did you see the incorrect description? asking so that we can get this fixed :)15:05
morphiszyga: so is there already a timeline for when 2.31 gets SRUed into xenial or should this be fixed (without a reboot) with just a new core snap?15:08
kenvandinemvo, https://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/interfaces15:09
kenvandinemvo,  it says "default-provider (plug): name and slot of preferred providing snap (<SNAP>:<SLOT>)"15:09
mvothanks kenvandine15:09
kenvandinemvo, so that means all of our GNOME snaps are wrong :(15:10
mvokenvandine: well, I need to talk to niemeyer but we could simply support you by adding coding to split on the ":" and just throw that part away15:10
kenvandinemvo, which are the official docs?  the forum or docs.snapcraft.io?15:10
zygamorphis: for this bug we need 3.32 and I don’t know about timelines15:11
mborzeckioff to prep lunch for the kids15:11
morphiszyga: you mean a new deb or a new core snap with 2.32?15:11
zygaNew deb15:11
zygaThen the container inside can work15:12
zygaI mean then snapd inside the container can work15:12
mvokenvandine: well, there is a bit of a debate about this but the forum docs tend to be more up-to-date and more accurate15:13
morphiszyga: ok, sounds like this is long away with the deb of snapd being still at 2.29 in xenial15:13
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kenvandinemvo, hmmm... ok, we need to kill docs.snapcraft.io then15:14
zygaGood point15:14
* zyga needs to stop sitting for back pain to go away15:14
mvokenvandine: this is a ongoing discussion how to best deal with the docs, niemeyer is leading this discussion15:15
mvodavidcalle: what is the best way to ask for a small fix onhttps://docs.snapcraft.io/reference/interfaces ? we need to tweak the "default-provider" line so that it says that the default provider is just a snap name15:16
mvomborzecki: when I tried to reproduce the snap-confine "ERROR: Conflicting profiles for /snap/core/4278/usr/lib/snapd/snap-confine^mount-namespace-capture-helper defined in two files:" in qemu (run in isolation) this did not work - did you managed to reproduce it?15:19
davidcallemvo, hey, I'm not handling this anymore, but I'd say a PR on https://github.com/canonical-docs/snappy-docs/blob/master/reference/interfaces.md15:20
mupPR snapd#4885 opened: Specify charset in po/snappy.pot <Created by gunnarhj> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4885>15:24
mborzeckimvo: yes, i reproduced it twice using #487515:26
mupPR #4875: cmd/snap-confine: fix ptrace rule with snap-confine peer <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4875>15:26
mborzeckibut didn't happen on the 3rd run when i had more ideas what to check :/15:27
naccniemeyer: there's some mention of the core snap and vlc in LP: #1756380 about the vaapi driver used by vlc15:34
mupBug #1756380: vaapi VP9 hardware decoding not working anymore in bionic <intel-vaapi-driver (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <libva (Ubuntu):Invalid> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1756380>15:34
naccniemeyer: dunno if you can help confirm it, that user was a bit problematic on irc15:34
niemeyermvo, kenvandine: We have a agreement to go ahead and replace docs.snapcraft.io to documentation based on the forum, resembling snapdocs.labix.org15:39
niemeyernacc: I don't know details about that one, but I see a message in the bug itself saying it has been fixed elsewhere15:41
naccniemeyer: yeah, i just wasn't sure if the user was full of it :)15:41
niemeyerdavidcalle,mvo,kenvandine: We need to finish moving (and polishing on the way) this content over to the forum.. I'm hoping to come back to it once 18.04 and the review queue is a bit more under control15:43
kenvandineniemeyer, thx15:43
kenvandinesnapdocs looks nice15:43
niemeyermvo: About the splitting of default-provider, I think we had agreed to do that before in conversations.. we just forgot to come back into it15:46
niemeyermvo: The issue was precisely one of practical consequences of people using it already more than it being technically important15:47
niemeyerI didn't realize it was in docs15:47
niemeyerThat explains why people use it.. I thought it was just a copy & paste from terminal15:47
niemeyerkenvandine: There's a lot to do still, but it's slowly getting into shape15:50
zygajdstrand: hey, this is the bugfix for the case when snapd would write to /etc  directly (without a mimic) https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:fix/trespassing?expand=115:54
zygaI'll propose a merge soon but I want to do a clean run first15:55
cyphermoxogra_: did you have a chance to verify https://bugs.launchpad.net/netplan/+bug/1741910 ?15:55
mupBug #1741910: ath6kl_sdio does not support unbinding <verification-needed-xenial> <netplan:Fix Committed by cyphermox> <nplan (Ubuntu):Fix Released> <nplan (Ubuntu Xenial):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1741910>15:55
zygaI need to lay down for now15:58
zygamvo: ^ that is (fingers crossed) my last thing for 2.3215:58
zygamvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4882#pullrequestreview-10542012016:07
mupPR #4882: snap: make `snap run` look at the system-key for security profiles <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4882>16:07
mvoniemeyer: thanks, I will work on the splitting for content provider (cc kenvandine)16:08
kenvandinemvo, thx16:08
mvozyga: I think its not only for reboot, on classic if snapd got updated and you restart the daemon its the same problem, no?16:11
niemeyermvo: Thank you!16:11
mvozyga: I mean, system-key may change even without a reboot16:11
zygamvo: no because in such case snapd will regenerate the profile on core snap refresh16:11
zygamvo: so before we are in the new core the profiles will be ready16:12
zygamvo:  this IMO strictly for core16:12
zygamvo: on classic restarting snapd will complete without system reboot and the phase 2 profile generation handles that part16:12
zygamvo: and then the profiles are ready and we proceed to activating the core snap revision16:12
mvozyga: there is still a race here on phase 2, no? I mean, snapd gets refreshed, for some reason network-manager is restarted during that time, won't that be the same as in the reboot scenario?16:15
zygamvo: that depends on one thing: if the new core is active and has the updated current symlink16:15
zygaif we do that after security (and AFAIR we do)16:15
zygathen it's not racy16:15
zygajdstrand: hey, not urgent as we have thick smoke and some fires now but please enqueue this: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/486816:18
mupPR #4868: [WIP] secure bind mount implementation for use with user mounts <Created by jhenstridge> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4868>16:18
zygajdstrand: jamesh wrote an interation of the secure mount idea16:18
mupPR snapd#4886 opened: tests: adding opensuse-42.3 to google <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4886>16:27
pedroniszyga: mvo: phase2 security setup is after link-snap (it cannot be before by necessity)16:31
zygapedronis: hmm, could we do that after we mount but before we rewrite current?16:32
pedroniswe can do a lot of stuff16:32
mborzeckiwow, snap apps really core dump on arch with nvidia drivers16:32
pedronisbut is not trivial with the current task definition16:32
pedronisit does phase1: setup-profiles link-snap   restarts  phase2: setup-profiles again16:33
Chipacaniemeyer: given my comment about the things doing print via io.Writer in cmd/snap, ok to merge #4858?16:34
mupPR #4858: strutil, cmd/snap: drop strutil.WordWrap, first pass at replacement <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4858>16:34
niemeyerChipaca: Looking16:34
mvocachio: is there anything atypical about the google machines? any strange mount options or filesystem layouts? I ask because we see strange failures in the snap-confine test16:34
niemeyerChipaca: If we have other bad patterns, we should change them indeed, but let's please not add more of them16:35
zygamvo: do you have an example?16:35
niemeyerChipaca: Your PR doesn't need to fix all, though16:35
niemeyerChipaca: It's trivial to do that by just making the type concrete16:35
niemeyerChipaca: If it's memory, that is16:35
* Chipaca changes it all to *os.File16:35
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, that's the point ;)16:36
mvozyga, cachio these errors http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/DNWCbQRDqs/16:36
zygaah, those16:36
Chipacaniemeyer: do you also expect the code to check the returned error?16:36
* zyga keeps trying to reproduce those16:36
niemeyerChipaca: Not if it's bytes.Buffer16:36
Chipacaniemeyer: when it's an io.Writer16:36
niemeyerChipaca: Passing those around with no error checking is fine16:36
cachiomvo, where did you see that?16:36
niemeyerChipaca: If it's io.Writer, something is necessarily broken.. the single point of io.Writer is to allow any io.Writer, but we cannot do that and ignore errors without it being a bug16:37
Chipacaniemeyer: we fmt.Fprintf all over the place without checking error returns16:37
Chipacaniemeyer: are you saying we need to check every error returned from fmt.Fprint?16:38
niemeyerChipaca: That's okay when you are the call site, and you know that it's okay to ignore the error16:38
niemeyerChipaca: It's not okay when that's inside a function that has no context about what the io.Writer is16:38
Chipacaniemeyer: ok, i think i understood16:38
ChipacaI guess I'll get to do the fix sometime later this week then16:39
niemeyerChipaca: The cheapest fix for this particular case would be simply to make the type concrete16:39
niemeyerChipaca: Since it's really all in memory AFAICS16:39
mupPR snapcraft#2012 opened: pluginhandler: only do elf checking and patching for type app <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2012>16:40
Chipacaniemeyer: you mean because it's going into a tabwriter?16:41
niemeyerChipaca: Is that the io.Writer? If so, my point is moot..16:42
Chipacaright now it is, but it could just be the terminal16:42
niemeyerChipaca: In that case the easiest would be to just return the error from these functions.. and let the call site decide to ignore it or not16:42
Chipaca(the description cuts the tabbing anyway)16:43
Chipacaniemeyer: k16:43
Chipacaniemeyer: pedronis: also note i addressed the issues in #479016:45
mupPR #4790: jsonutil/puritan: introducing puritan.String & etc <Created by chipaca> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4790>16:45
* Chipaca goes back to snapshots16:45
mupPR snapcraft#2013 opened: tests: run tests on Trusty on Travis <Created by kalikiana> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2013>16:46
mupPR snapd#4887 opened: snapstate: add compat mode for default-provider <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4887>16:50
mvoniemeyer: -^ (cc kenvandine )16:51
mvoniemeyer: and thank you for your input on this!16:51
zygamvo: question about this pr16:52
zygawill this be any problem on reverts?16:52
zygaor is the :ifname part totally irrelevant and was never used16:52
niemeyerChipaca: Thanks, approved, with a note16:53
jdstrandzyga: ack (i was already there)16:54
niemeyermvo: Thanks!16:55
niemeyermvo: LGTM16:55
niemeyerzyga: Yes, it's irrelevant16:55
zygaack, +1 then16:55
niemeyerWe may actually use this some day, but not today16:55
niemeyerzyga: The only reasonable thing to have there is the actual slot of the default provider.. if people put random content it may eventually stop working indeed16:56
niemeyerbut not a problem we need to worry about today16:56
mborzeckihm glxinfo from inside the snap segfaults too16:57
Chipacazyga: did you say we had an implenetation of OpenAt already?16:57
zygaChipaca: we have something that's very similar in secureMkPrefix16:57
Chipacazyga: ah, ok, then I'll leave it for later16:58
mborzeckianyone intimately familiar with glvnd?17:00
zyganot intimately17:02
zygabut I read the source of it once17:02
zygabut ask in #ubuntu-desktop maybe17:02
zygaand ask around upstream17:03
mborzeckizyga: i'm looking into why snaps segfault on arch with nvidia, apparently even glxinfo segfaults, bt points to glvnd: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/nvidia-proprietary-driver-no-h-w-acceleration-in-chromium-and-firefox-stack-mashing-problem-also/4532/817:03
mvoa review for 4874 would be great, should be easy17:03
mupPR snapd#4843 closed: interfaces/builtin: let MM change qmi device attributes <Created by alfonsosanchezbeato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4843>17:03
zygamborzecki: did you manage to get a backtrace?17:03
zygamvo: doing that now17:04
mupPR snapd#4876 closed: packaging: recommend "gnupg" instead of "gnupg1 | gnupg" <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4876>17:04
zygamvo: I tweaked spread.yaml to break if there's a snap-confine profile with some garbage in the filename17:04
zygaand I'm running this in a main/ loop17:04
mupPR snapd#4883 closed: debian: undo snap.mount system unit removal <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4883>17:05
mvozyga: ta17:05
pstolowskimvo: the sanitize changes are more annoying than I thought (due to the tests)... i'm almost there17:07
mvopstolowski: yeah, I feared it might be. thanks for pushing it through17:07
pstolowskimvo: amazing for 1 line fix :D17:07
mupPR snapd#4888 opened: snap-confine: fallback to /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev if the core is older <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4888>17:07
* kalikiana wrapping up for today17:10
zygamvo: let's keep (2.23) in the PR name if we can, some things will get confusing very quickly17:11
mborzeckizyga: temporarily disabled aslr, bt https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/TwRRRVZHYs/ strace https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/QdsZHM2rnz/17:12
zygamborzecki: can you list all the files in the nvidia and libglvnd files17:16
zygaand compare that to what is visible in /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl17:16
zyga(as symlinks)17:16
mupPR snapd#4874 closed: tests: a bunch of test fixes for s390x from looking at the autopkgtest logs <Squash-merge> <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4874>17:16
zygamborzecki: is it possible that libglvnd is compiled with newer libc than the snap17:17
zygaand that causes the incompatibility?17:17
zygaI long suspect this will bite us17:17
zygaand that we need to ship libglvnd and all the other userspace drivers in separate overlay/content snaps17:17
mborzeckizyga: well, it's possible, it's symlinked from hostfs atm17:17
mvozyga: +117:17
mvopstolowski: heh, indeed17:17
zygayes, I know it is :(17:17
zygamborzecki as a hack:17:18
zygamborzecki: grab xenial chroot17:18
zygacompile libglvd17:18
zygaand drop it into that namespace instead of those symlinks17:18
zygajust libgldv17:18
zygathe only parts of userspace from hostfs you can use are the binary driver from nvidia17:18
zygaall the other parts compile on xenial chroot17:19
zygaif that fixes the issue we will have our answer17:19
Pharaoh_Atemzyga: you guys know glvnd hasn't been working correctly with snapd forever now, right?17:19
zygaPharaoh_Atem: ish, yes17:20
mborzeckiPharaoh_Atem: i didn't :P17:20
Pharaoh_Atemit's been an issue in Fedora for a while17:20
zygait has been working in the past to some extent17:20
Pharaoh_Atemit only works with Mesa drivers17:20
zygabut it's a perpetual todo17:20
Pharaoh_Atemwell, now that it's in Ubuntu 18.04, now hopefully it'll get fixed :P17:20
zygaPharaoh_Atem: this reminds me of the run towards 16.0417:21
zygaI don't miss that17:21
Pharaoh_Atemmborzecki: at one point or another, I've had reports on almost every single snapd update about it17:22
Pharaoh_Atembut there's nothing I could do about it as I have zero nvidia hardware to debug with17:22
zygaI suspect it may require non-trivial work17:23
Pharaoh_Atemno kidding17:25
popeyzyga: can someone please triage bug 1756793 so it has the right assignment and priority? Otherwise it outwardly looks like we're not on top of it17:38
mupBug #1756793: Can't run snaps on Ubuntu 18.04 <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <package-from-proposed> <snapd (Ubuntu):Confirmed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1756793>17:38
gQuigstrying to snap sosreport - and stuck at it needing a file to exist: /etc/sos.conf.  It needs to be a classic snap.  Is there a way to have this file created?  - https://github.com/sosreport/sos17:38
zygapopey: it's already fixed but we need new package out17:38
zygapopey: we debugged this earlier today17:39
zygaI'll update the bug report17:39
popey(this should also be on the bug)17:39
zygadone now, I was not aware of the bug report before17:39
popeyI just rebooted on advice of the bug - closing down all my currently running apps - and now I've rebooted I have an unusable workstation - none of the snaps I use launch17:39
zygapopey: refresh to beta please17:41
zygathat's sufficient AFAIK17:41
popeyzyga: that worked. might want to let people on the bug know that's a valid workaround until the package lands.17:44
zygaand I'm sorry, I did see this bug before17:45
popeyI appreciate there's like 3 threads on the forum and a bug.17:46
popeyOur direction from the top is to file and update bugs. So that's why I'm poking :)17:46
mupPR snapd#4889 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: don't trespass on host filesystem <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889>17:49
zygamvo: I pushed and opened the trespassing PR17:49
zygaand I need to leave now17:49
Chipacapedronis: do you know if there's an easy way (and if it's sane) to add an already-done task to a taskset, just to have a place to Logf() ?17:49
zygamy laptop is looping through all of master17:49
zygaer main17:49
zygahopefully something will come up17:49
pedronisChipaca: ?17:50
pedronisI'm not sure I even parse the question17:50
pedronisChipaca: what are you trying to do?17:52
* pedronis needs to go have dinner17:53
niemeyerNeed to step out for a while.. will be back later today17:59
mupPR snapcraft#2014 opened: integration tests: snap tests shouldn't be arch-specific <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2014>18:32
Chipacapedronis: sorry, was preparing dinner myself =)18:33
Chipacapedronis: my issue is that I have a list of non-fatal errors produced at the start of any of the exported snapshotstate taskset-returning public functions18:34
Chipacaand I thought I could log them18:34
Chipacathere, against the task18:34
Chipacaor I could return them all the way out to daemon and up18:34
Chipacathe latter might be easier, as it's a rather unique case, hm18:35
pedronisChipaca: you can return both a taskset and a error18:35
pedronisif the caller can deal18:35
pedronislogging them on the task is weird18:36
Chipacathey're just informative so yeah18:36
Chipacapedronis: go have dinner :-) thanks18:36
pedronisI'm back18:36
Chipacaah! ok18:36
Chipacait'll be a map[string]error, but, yeah18:36
Chipacait's not an error in doing the thing, it's an error in listing the snapshots18:36
Chipacawhich i was previously ignoring but at the sprint we decided to talk about18:37
Chipacai mean, to alert the user about18:37
mvozyga: thank oyu18:38
mvozyga: once bionic is happy again I will look18:38
mupPR snapd#4887 closed: snapstate: add compat mode for default-provider <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4887>18:40
mupPR snapd#4888 closed: snap-confine: fallback to /lib/udev/snappy-app-dev if the core is older (2.23) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4888>18:40
mupPR snapcraft#2015 opened: docs: add execstack to HACKING.md's list of deb deps <Created by kyrofa> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2015>18:44
mupPR snapcraft#2015 closed: docs: add execstack to HACKING.md's list of deb deps <docs> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2015>18:47
mupPR snapcraft#2016 opened: demos: use realpath in command entry for java-hello-world <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2016>18:50
kyrofaHey stgraber, I'm kind of pushing the limits here, but I installed lxd on my rpi2 with Ubuntu Core on it, but can't get snaps to mount within a container, even with squashfuse installed. Any chance you've tried snaps in LXD on armhf?19:29
mupPR snapcraft#2012 closed: pluginhandler: only do elf checking and patching for type app <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2012>19:29
stgraberkyrofa: what kernel are you using?19:29
kyrofastgraber, 4.4.0-1030-raspi219:30
stgraberis that an official ubuntu kernel? if not, you won't have unpriv fuse as that's not upstream19:30
kyrofastgraber, I assume so, it's our reference Ubuntu Core image for the rpi19:31
stgraberkyrofa: cat /sys/module/fuse/parameters/userns_mounts19:31
kyrofastgraber, N19:31
stgrabertry echo "Y" into it19:31
mvoniemeyer: your opinion on 4882 would be great19:32
stgrabershould be Y by default on Ubuntu kernels though... it is on my 4.4.0-116-generic here (armhf)19:32
mupPR snapcraft#2017 opened: many: optimize retrieval of the linker version <bug> <enhancement> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2017>19:32
kyrofastgraber, ha! Works19:32
kyrofaThink that's a bug, then?19:32
stgraberwell, I don't know, that setting was changed a while back19:33
stgraberand you're running a super outdated kernel19:33
stgrabercurrent 4.4.0 for raspi2 is -108519:33
stgraberand you've got -1030 so you're months if not over a year out of date19:33
kyrofappisati, any chance you're around?19:34
kyrofaProbably not. stgraber I'll chase that one down, thanks for your help :)19:35
stgraberkyrofa: your kernel dates back from Nov 2016 :)19:36
stgraberkyrofa: so yeah, don't run that19:36
jdstrandkyrofa: what is snapcraft-pr?19:43
jdstrandkyrofa: and hi! :)19:43
kyrofajdstrand, hey! snapcraft-pr is essentially a set of shell scripts that sets up a venv for a given snapcraft pull request and then runs that snapcraft. Basically, it's me automating what I have to do several times a day19:46
jdstrandkyrofa: is it useful for more than just you? you've requested classic confinement... perhaps request it formally?19:46
kyrofajdstrand, maybe, but it's pretty developer-focused. Ideally build.snapcraft.io would just build snaps of each PR, which would probably make this tool unnecessary19:50
jdstrandkyrofa: I'm not sure how to proceed with that... I have a process I'm supposed to follow. I mean, technically I can add it, but based on this, it seems like a discussion in the forum might prompt improvements that make the snap unnecessary19:55
kyrofajdstrand, follow your process, you can reject it without incurring my wrath19:59
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|afk
mupPR snapd#4890 opened: snap: Call SanitizePlugsSlots from InfoFromSnapYaml <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4890>20:26
pstolowski|afkmvo: ^20:26
zygaI got /usr/lib/go-1.6/pkg/tool/linux_amd64/link: running gcc failed: fork/exec /usr/bin/gcc: cannot allocate memory20:28
zygathat's fun but unexpected20:29
zygarestarted loop20:29
cwaynemvo: hi, so should we be on the lookout for a new core in beta soonish then?20:35
Saviqcachio: hey, did you guys do something to spread so that it started launching i686 images on google?20:38
Saviqhow can I request amd64 ones?20:38
Saviqcachio: https://travis-ci.org/MirServer/mir/jobs/35603869920:39
vidal72[m]on beta/edge core snap channel every app tries to read /proc/sys/kernel/seccomp/actions_avail on startup which is blocked by apparmor. Is it known issue?20:40
vidal72[m]another thing: is it possible to permanently unplug snap form slot? After update everything is coming back to defaults20:58
zygavidal72[m]: hey, yes' that is a known issue21:02
zygavidal72[m]: I was planning on fixing it21:02
zygavidal72[m]: but if you want to take a bite at the code, look at release/seccomp.go21:02
zygavidal72[m]: and make the initialization there lazy (on first real use)21:02
zygavidal72[m]: that will fix the issue21:02
zygavidal72[m]: the auto-reconnect bug is fixed in edge now (and in master)21:03
zygavidal72[m]: I believe pstolowski|afk can tell you more about that tomorrow21:03
zygavidal72[m]: but if you build snapd from git you should no longer see that behavior21:03
zygacachio: some tests are leaking "snap userd" processes21:04
zygaand those pile up in -reuse VMs21:04
zygaalso plenty of dbus-daemon21:04
zygaspecifically plenty of usr/bin/dbus-daemon --fork --print-pid 4 --print-address 6 --session21:05
vidal72[m]so snapd-git and core --edge are both needed?21:05
mupPR snapcraft#2014 closed: integration tests: snap tests shouldn't be arch-specific <bug> <Created by kyrofa> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2014>21:06
zygavidal72[m]: technically no, it depends if reexec is enabled21:06
zygavidal72[m]: on some distributions, for instance on debian stable, snapd in the package re-exec itself from the core snap21:07
zygavidal72[m]: this is not yet avialable everywhere as some strings are attached21:07
zygavidal72[m]: and on arch for instance it is disabled21:07
zygavidal72[m]: (in general the snapd build in the core snap must be compatible with the distribution and we still have a few compile-time choices in the C code)21:07
zygavidal72[m]: if you take snapd from git you should be ok21:07
* zyga restarted his test loop and resumes being mostly AFK21:08
mupPR snapd#4816 closed: tests: move xenial i386 to google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4816>21:11
cachioSaviq, you should call it like we do https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/spread.yaml#L5421:13
cachioSaviq, take a look to that file, we are configuring the machines for google there21:14
cachiozygan which testS?21:14
cachiozyga, which testS?21:14
Saviqcachio: ack21:15
cachioSaviq, fedora should be working now with the new spread21:16
Saviqcachio: do I need to ask for a drive size or does it default to a bigger one?21:16
cachioSaviq, the default is 10 gb21:16
cachioas it was in linode21:17
* cachio afk21:21
pedroniszyga: do we have a list of directories that are prohibited in layouts?  I thought we planned to have  one21:21
zygapedronis: one sec21:28
zygapedronis: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/snap/validate.go#L66021:30
zygapedronis: those places are off limits21:30
zygapedronis: are you thinking about store-side validation?21:30
pedroniszyga: no, I'm thinking about your new branch and the tmpfs check21:30
zygacachio: I don't know which test, I observed this by running all of main in a -reuse loop in qemu all day21:30
pedronisfor example run is a tmpfs21:31
zygapedronis: ah21:31
pedronisbut is in the prohibited list21:31
zygapedronis: yes, that's safe because it's disallowed there21:31
zygapedronis: as I wrote in the comment it is not perfect, ideally we'd allow only mimics and well-known places (/tmp)21:31
zygaoh, I see real failures in that PR21:32
zygadrat, I need to look at that21:32
vidal72[m]zyga: I have core --edge and curent snapd-git. I did snap revert <app>, disconnected slot, snap refresh <app> and slot is connected again21:35
zygarevert does some things that can cause this to go back21:35
zygarevert is really "I liked previs revision better"21:35
zygaif you install a snap21:36
zygadisconnect something21:36
zygaand then refresh (not revet) to another revision21:36
zygait should not auto-connect21:36
pedroniszyga: I left a comment in the PR21:37
zygathank you21:38
vidal72[m]zyga: I made changes after revert, not before and updated with refresh21:38
zygahmm, in that case you want to talk to pstolowski|afk tomorrow21:39
zygait smells like a bug21:39
vidal72[m]zyga: ok, thx21:40
pedroniszyga: the fix not to re-autoconnect is still up for review21:40
pedronisis not landed even21:40
zygaI see, I must have read it and assumed it is merged21:40
zygavidal72[m]: ^21:41
zygavidal72[m]: you can perhaps review the code to learn more about how this works21:41
zygavidal72[m]: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/455121:41
mupPR #4551: ifacestate: do not auto-connect manually disconnected interfaces <Blocked> <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4551>21:41
vidal72[m]zyga: pedronis ok, thx for info21:42
vidal72[m]zyga: when we talk about PR...as PR my was approved what happens next?21:44
zygavidal72[m]: it will get merged21:45
zygavidal72[m]: it's just that now we have a bit of a fire to put out21:45
zygavidal72[m]: with bad bionic package and overdue release21:45
zygavidal72[m]: and important bugs surfacing21:45
zygaall at the same time21:45
vidal72[m]zyga: ok, no pressure from me :)21:46
pedroniszyga: do we protect about trying to mount with layout  to /var/lib/snapd/hostfs21:55
pedronisor below?21:55
zygathose things are mounted as slave so none of those matter21:55
zygaif you mount something there it won't show up in the host21:55
zygastill, I think it's something we could forbit explicitly21:58
mupPR snapcraft#2016 closed: demos: use realpath in command entry for java-hello-world <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2016>22:03
mvopstolowski|afk: woah, thank you! that was a long day for you, appreciated22:07
mvocwayne: new beta tomorrow, there is a bit of a discussion how to best fix this right now22:08
cwaynemvo: ack, thanks. no rush just wanted to make sure we werent holding you guys up22:09
mvocwayne: heh, thank you!22:09
=== ikey is now known as ikey|zzz
niemeyercachio: ping22:20
cachioniemeyer, the change is pushed22:22
niemeyercachio: Thanks for that22:22
cachioand i386 is merged22:22
niemeyercachio: The placeholder should remain as %q there22:22
niemeyercachio: It's just the variable that needed changing22:22
niemeyercachio: This is a parsing error.. %q tells us what exactly was being parsed22:22
niemeyer%s won't.. at least not clearly22:23
cachioniemeyer, ok, just 1 min22:23
cachioniemeyer, done22:24
niemeyercachio: Thanks!22:25
cachioniemeyer, with this change debian-9 should be ready to be merged22:25
niemeyercachio: I'm merging and releasing.. just a sec22:25
cachioniemeyer, sure22:25
niemeyercachio: It's in, thank you!22:31
niemeyercachio: Let me release it..22:32
cachioniemeyer, great!!!! thanks for reviewing that22:32
niemeyercachio: My pleasure, and thanks for the change. It's a nice tweak.22:32
niemeyercachio: Travis release is up22:33
cachioniemeyer, great22:35
cachioniemeyer, re triggering jobs22:35
niemeyercachio: Snap is up too, btw23:17
vidal72[m]is snapd in debian stretch usable? (2.21 version is quite dated)23:43
mwhudsonjdstrand: ayt?23:52

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