
=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang
tsimonq2Can someone hop into #lubuntu-devel?01:27
tsimonq2phillw is disguised as guest____01:27
tsimonq2(or however many underscores...)01:27
tsimonq2I'm starting to get uncomfortable.01:28
tsimonq2Love ya, krytarik. :)01:29
tsimonq2Please, just keep him out.01:29
tsimonq2It's making me very uncomfortable.01:29
ubottuoerheks called the ops in #ubuntu (stop startupdisk please)01:36
tsimonq2I'll... stick here for a little bit.01:37
=== mquin is now known as ISO3103
ubottuIn #ubuntu, tomreyn said: !paste Text is preferred, but if you have no network connection yet, an image works, too. | VMITIC20:19
=== ISO3103 is now known as mquin

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