=== bazhang_ is now known as bazhang === Israphel is now known as Guest29133 === Israphel_ is now known as Israphel [11:30] Hello [11:31] !hi | mineStile [11:31] mineStile: Hi!, Welcome to #xubuntu! Feel free to ask questions and help people out. The channel guidelines are at https://wiki.ubuntu.com/IRC/Guidelines. Enjoy your stay! [12:27] I sometimes can't open thunar after login (17.10) [12:28] but after some waiting time, it opens multiple windows that I used to request while waiting [12:28] now it happens again, I click File manager and nothing happens [12:29] and it opened from terminal and now opens from menu [12:41] don't know how to change place of audio level displaying overlay, becaus eit coincides with actual volume control in the panel and I cna't see volume control because of that black overlay. [12:50] I have some issues with my xubuntu system's package management and this system is too weak to run firefox without crash, can somebody provide me a method of getting a lighter browser up so I can hit the web with my issues? [12:53] how much RAM do you actually have? [12:59] sima: Around 250m. [13:00] Hexachord, maybe using Seamonkey (iceape under Debian) or Midori? [13:00] Text-based browsers are lynx and links [13:02] https://alternativeto.net/software/firefox/?license=opensource&platform=linux [13:03] sima: Yeah thanks, the issue is with the package manager. How can I get lynx or some other without it? I can't hop online and grab the sources and all of the dependencies due to the inability to run a browser. [13:05] you can download .deb file and use sudo dpkg -i , directly on it [13:05] and how? [13:07] packages.ubuntu com says it is lynx, lynx-common and lynx-cur [13:07] you can try instlaling aptitude maybe ? [13:07] so installing lynx with 'sudo apt-get install lynx' does not work? [13:08] Not at all. [13:08] uname -a says you are using 32-bit? [13:08] correct. [13:08] what does it say, not enough RAM to install? [13:09] can you pastebin output it or not? [13:10] E: Unmet dependencies. Try 'apt-get -f install' with no packages (or specify a solution). [13:10] of running of apt-get -f install. [13:10] yes try it [13:11] I get an error also. [13:11] Errors were encountered while processing: [13:11] /var/cache/apt/archives/linux-image-4.13.0-37-generic_4.13.0-37.42~16.04.1_i386.deb [13:11] sudo apt-get update ? [13:12] do you target archive.ubuntu.com or some mirror? [13:13] I don't know, how do I check? [13:13] with sudo apt-get update or sudo apt update [13:14] it is set in /etc/apt/sources.list [13:14] http://us.archive.ubuntu.com/ [13:15] I have one 512MB machine with 16.04 32bit, but I needed to use ubuntu minimal image to install and i don;t use X graphics on it [13:16] us us US mirror. if targeting archive.ubuntu.com it is located on some island between europe and UK but usually you get better results then with mirrors, that might be out of sync sometimes (at least some years ago it were the case) [13:17] How do I change the mirror? [13:18] you can just edit that file with 'sudo nano /etc/apt/sources.list' and change every line where us.archive.ubuntu.com is to archive.ubuntu.com to avoid using mirror. [13:19] Also you can try logging out and using text console (Ctrl+Alt+F2 , F3 ) and kill X session to frees some RAM for installing operations [13:20] I think that sudo pkill lightdm might do it after logging out [13:20] after update, sudo reboot. [13:22] someone said, systemctl disable lightdm.service to stop loading X session on load, by default or with systemctl disable display-manager [13:33] I also like 'aptitude' command more then apt and so