
mupPR snapcraft#2017 closed: many: optimize retrieval of the linker version <bug> <enhancement> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2017>01:28
mupPR snapcraft#2018 opened: tests: minor fixes to autopkgtests <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2018>01:31
mupPR snapcraft#2018 closed: tests: minor fixes to autopkgtests <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2018>01:34
mupPR snapd#4578 closed: Expose payment and account URLs in /v2/system-info <Created by robert-ancell> <Closed by niemeyer> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4578>01:49
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
zygagood morning06:37
mborzeckizyga: hey06:37
zygaI lost my phone06:37
zygaI put it somewhere and now I cannot find it06:37
zygaand it's on mute06:37
zygaman :)06:37
zygait's somewhere at home06:37
zygaor the dog ate it very very politely ;-)06:37
mborzeckiwell, that might still be a problem06:37
zygaI need to fix https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/488906:38
mupPR #4889: cmd/snap-update-ns: don't trespass on host filesystem <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889>06:38
zygaand then I'm blissfully happy and can help mvo with the release06:38
mborzeckijokes aside, i'll be looking into glvnd today, didn't manage to do anything yday, my son has flu-like thing again, so fever and the rest of the package06:38
zygamborzecki: uhh, not fun06:39
zygathis winter is not going anywhere it seems06:39
zygabut, it's spring time (officially)06:40
zygaI need to wake kids up06:44
zygamborzecki: I was thinking about making sense of prepare restore06:52
zygamborzecki: and I came up with a very simple mechanism for making it modular and understandable06:52
zygamborzecki: so that we can put some code affecting a given concept in a single file06:52
zygamborzecki: and that file can affect any phase of the lifecycle (prepare project, suite, test, restore, etc)06:53
zygamborzecki: I will propose the mechanism first and then chop prepare-restore into parts and move it there piece-by-piece06:53
zygamborzecki: I did this while running tests all day, looking for the bug that was blocking master yesteday06:53
zygamborzecki: I did not reproduce the bug ever06:53
zygamborzecki: but I did find that we leave snap userd processes around06:53
zygamborzecki: and that leak dbus-daemon processes (probably in the same tests)06:54
zygamborzecki: and that my 1.5GB VM runs out of memory after a few hours just because there are so many of those06:54
zygamborzecki: anyway, I'll get some coffee and start proposing this06:54
mborzeckizyga: hm yeah, we should kill whatever userd is left after the test completes06:54
zygayes, that's obvious06:55
zygajust our way of doing prepare restore is making it hard to ensure and reason about06:55
mborzeckizyga: that might be the reason for one of the failures that pstolowski saw06:55
mborzeckialthough that was in unt tests06:55
zygathe scripts are too large now06:55
zygaand not maintainable much06:55
mborzeckiheh running into build problems with glvnd on xenial, i'm probably better of pulling the source package from bionic06:57
zygagood luck with that!06:57
zygaI need to manage kids a little bit06:57
zygathen I'll be back06:57
mborzeckihm given the problems, we should look into having at least one spread test that tries to run glxinfo on a host with nvidia/radeon/intel, perferrably also something with PRIME07:02
zygamborzecki: yeah, this is not supe easy due to infra07:03
zygamborzecki: I wanted to have a rule where each release is tested on a modern nvidia machine running 16.04 and now 18.0407:03
mborzeckizyga: maybe at least during validation07:03
zygaso that we have reasonable coverage of the most popular release07:03
mborzeckizyga: and radeon would be intersting too, amdgpu probably works since it's mesa, but i'd guess the pro variant is broken07:04
mborzeckizyga: you have r9 right? :)07:05
zygamborzecki: yes07:09
zygamborzecki: I can boot and test things periodically for release07:09
zygaI was thinking about selling this t470 and getting some variant with the nvidia 150 GPU07:09
zygaor was it MX15007:09
zygasomething like that07:09
zygalow end modern core GPU07:09
zygaoh, it's just 1030 relabelled07:10
zygawow, that's impressive then07:10
zygaIt seems I want T480s07:12
zygaeh, expensive07:12
* zyga wonders when the next laptop refresh cycle is 07:12
zygaor that :)07:13
zygabut I'd have to check that it 1) works 2) doesn't need external display07:14
zygaI want only one display, the one in my laptop07:14
mborzeckii still need to buy one of rx580/vegas, 1030 is to be only the backup card, the more powerful one will go for passthrough07:14
zygado you want one r9 280x?07:14
zygaI have two07:15
mborzeckivega :P but I need to wait for btc/xmr/eth to drop07:15
zygayes, that's sad :)07:15
mborzeckithe prices are dropping though, slowly but still, just enough to keep the hopes up07:16
zygaI think at this rate we'll skip a gen or two07:17
mborzeckizyga: i have libglvnd rebuilt for xenial, what would be the best way of getting that into the namespace of a snap?07:17
zygaso, dragons ahead but let's try this07:18
mborzeckimount bind it somewhere and nsenter?07:18
zygaopen a shell with nsenter -m/run/snapd/ns/foo.mnt07:18
mborzeckihaha that's what i thought :P07:18
zygathen inside that shell go to /var/lib/snapd/lib/gl07:18
zygathen it should be a swarm of symlinks, remove them (or move them aside) all07:18
zygathe place should be a tmpfs, unpack your deb there07:19
zygause ldd to see if things resolve one by one07:19
zygaand let's see what we have07:19
zygamvo is not around, I hope he's okay07:22
zygagood morning mvo07:24
mvohey zyga07:26
mborzeckimvo: morning07:27
mborzeckizyga: bad news, still segfaulting, although i have a nicer backtrace now07:33
zygathat's better now07:34
zygacan you list all the files in that directory?07:34
zygaas seen from inside the nsenter world07:34
mborzeckizyga: https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/jBSVD8bG84/07:35
zygais lrwxrwxrwx 1 root   maciek     53 Mar 20 17:52 libEGL_nvidia.so.390.42 -> /var/lib/snapd/hostfs/usr/lib/libEGL_nvidia.so.390.42 this okay?07:35
zygacan you triple check that we only ever open things that are in the nvidia download for linux07:35
zyganothing distros build07:35
mborzeckizyga: yes, that's the glvnd part on nvidia's side07:35
mborzeckizyga: bt https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/G9SdS24tTJ/07:35
zygaactually, just download that an unpack it somewhere07:35
zygayes, this does look better07:36
mvohey mborzecki - good morning!07:36
zygamborzecki: another idea, move them out of hostfs07:37
zygain case some logic then looks at files in the same directory07:37
zygalittle by little well' get to the bottom of this :)07:37
kalikianamoin moin07:52
mwhudsonpedronis: er how can i make a date string that snap set core refresh.hold= accepts?07:58
mwhudsondate --rfc-3339=seconds doesn't do it07:58
mwhudsonahh --iso-8601=seconds07:59
* pedronis breakfast08:01
zygamborzecki, mvo: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/compare/master...zyga:feature/test-modules-and-phases?expand=108:01
zygaI will open it as soon as I get a pass on my machine08:02
Chipacamoin moin08:08
* Chipaca not really here yet08:09
mvohey Chipaca08:09
Chipacazyga: did the themes thing land at any point?08:09
Chipacamvo: how's things on this lovely spring day?08:10
mvozyga: interessting idea08:10
mvoChipaca: things are in progress, we almost landed a fixed 2.32 in bionic, one autopkgtest issue though08:10
Chipacaasking about themes because of this 'papirus theme crashes snapped evince' thing08:10
mvozyga: is all your 2.32 stuff in PRs now? threspass was the last one?08:11
Chipacamvo: nice08:11
mborzeckizyga: hm this doesn't make sense, the segfault is in a mt_mutex_lock (a wrapper around pthread_mutex_lock), it is called a couple of times before the place where it segfaults and seems to work ok, i've confimed that it's trying to load "libGLX_nvidia.so.0", does that successfuly and then goes on to allocate new vendor id and this is where the crash happens08:12
mborzeckizyga: the wrappers are initialized into a larger struct, and the symbols are picked up one by one using RTLD_DEFAULT at the very beginning08:12
mborzeckizyga: unless loading libGLX_nvidia.so.0 break all this08:12
mvozyga: https://api.travis-ci.org/v3/job/355950075/log.txt is interessting, I added code to reset.sh that checks for the snap-confine profiles and it explodes in what looks like total random places08:12
zygamborzecki: it must be doint something when it loads libGLX_nvidia08:12
zygamaybe some constructors fire and they clobber things08:13
zygamvo: I added the same thing I suspect08:13
mvozyga: same result?08:13
mborzeckii have a trace with LD_DEBUG=all, gonna look at it now08:13
zygamvo: ^ I never managed to reproduce it08:13
zyganot once, it ran for 12 hours08:13
mborzeckioh, or coffee first08:14
zygamvo: I ran into two bugs where my test VM ran out of memory though08:14
zygamvo: I will fix those separately08:14
mvozyga: interessting, it seems to happen in google everytime, I wonder if something strange is going on in the google vm08:15
mborzeckiit'd be really nice to have a 'debug' image of the core snap (tar.[gx]z), that you could just set your gdb sysroot to08:15
zygamvo: we reuse machines in google08:15
zygaoh we don't sorry08:15
zygamvo: I need to take the dog out, I opened 4891 for the phase/module system08:15
zygamvo: and I'll porpose that anomaly detector I pasted above next08:16
mupPR snapd#4891 opened: tests: add support for phased prepare-restore logic <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4891>08:16
zygamvo: I'll be back in 20 minutes08:16
=== pstolowski|afk is now known as pstolowski
mborzeckipstolowski: Chipaca: kalikiana: morning guys08:18
mvozyga: is all your 2.32 stuff in PRs now? threspass was the last one?08:22
zyga It is the last one08:27
mvozyga: I just looked at the threspass PR and the errors in the spread run look real (at least some)08:27
zygaSee my comment there08:27
zygaI will fix after the walk08:27
mvozyga: aha, sure, thank08:28
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
mupPR snapd#4884 closed: debian: run snap.mount upgrade fixup *before* debhelper <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4884>08:50
mupPR snapd#4879 closed: tests: revert "tests: disable 18.04 spread tests in google for now" <Created by mvo5> <Closed by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4879>08:51
mupPR snapd#4881 closed: tests: make tests run with specific bionic release avoiding take the last one <Created by sergiocazzolato> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4881>08:51
pedronismvo: Chipaca: have you seen this  https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/var-cache-snapd-commands-db-permission-denied/4590  seems CNF stuff breaks inside classic snap08:54
zygahmm, I just saw /etc error on google08:55
zygaman, I need to run a google loop next08:55
mvopedronis: looking08:55
Chipacapedronis: nice08:55
pedroniszyga: as I said my PRs atm get it all the time08:55
mvojdstrand: afaict #4509 is unblocked now, do you want to have a final look (the interface itself is trivial) ?08:55
mupPR #4509: interfaces/builtin: add support for software-watchdog interface <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4509>08:55
zygapedronis: I'm testing this against google now09:02
mupPR snapd#4885 closed: Specify charset in po/snappy.pot <Created by gunnarhj> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4885>09:16
=== ikey|zzz is now known as ikey
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mupPR snapd#4892 opened: tests: update tests to deal with s390x quirks <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4892>09:19
mupPR snapd#4893 opened: po: specify charset in po/snappy.pot <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4893>09:20
mvozyga: 4765 has a conflict, otherwise its good to go09:49
zygaThanks, resolving now09:49
jibelhi, I'm on bionic and I cannot start spotify.09:57
jibelit fails with09:57
jibel$ /snap/bin/spotify09:57
jibelexecl failed: No such file or directory09:57
jibelchild exited with status 109:57
jibelanyone seeing this?09:58
zygajibel: hey this is a known issue10:04
mupBug #1756793: Can't run snaps on Ubuntu 18.04 <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <package-from-proposed> <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1756793>10:04
jibelzyga, ah it's the same. Thanks!10:05
mvojibel: the snapd in -proposed fixes it, also sudo snap refresh --beta core should work too10:07
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
jibelmvo, yes, I saw the workaround but I'll stay on candidate and wait for the fix.10:08
jibelis there a way to set configuration options when snapd starts like in a config file instead of running "snap set ..." ?10:10
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mvojibel: thanks. autopkgtest is green now so the new snapd should make it to bionic soon (we need to override s390x, autopkgtest is a bit confused, it thinks there is a regression but in reality it was skipped because it was container virt until very recently)10:17
mvo4890 needs a second review10:33
zygamvo: doing that10:44
mupPR snapd#4894 opened:  snap: Call SanitizePlugsSlots from InfoFromSnapYaml (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4894>11:05
mupPR snapd#4895 opened: cmd/snap-confine: fix ptrace rule with snap-confine peer (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4895>11:07
cachiohey zyga mvo could someone take a quick look to #4778, we already fixed spread and it it passing11:08
mupPR #4778: tests: moving debian 9 from linode to google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4778>11:08
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
cachiomvo, about sru, did you reduce the amount of tests to run for autopkgtests?11:09
cachiobecause I see that all of them were executed11:09
mborzeckizyga: i suspect the problem may be TLS related11:09
zygathread local storage?11:09
mborzeckii've reordered some calls and got stack smashing detection to abort the binary11:10
mborzeckithough outside of libglvnd, so i rebuilt libglvnd with -fstack-protector -fstack-protector-all and went on debugging11:11
mborzeckistepped through the prologue, pick up the canary, figure out an address and try cathing with watchpoints, nothing turns up11:11
mborzeckiand the thing is that the value at the address does not change11:12
mvocachio: for 2.32 the number of tests in autopkgtest will be reduced, I hope we can get 2.32-final today11:12
mvocachio: a bunch of the expensive ones (core transiton) are disabled11:12
cachiomvo, ok11:12
mborzeckibut at the end of the function, the canary is calculated again, there's:11:13
mborzecki   │0x7ffff721365e <__glXLookupVendorByName+7862>   mov    -0x18(%rbp),%rbx                                                                                                                                                                   │11:13
mborzecki   │0x7ffff7213662 <__glXLookupVendorByName+7866>   xor    %fs:0x28,%rbx11:13
mvocachio: some stuff is still flaky11:13
mborzeckizyga: and $fs is different this time11:13
mvocachio: like it looks like the upstream autopkgtest env is (somtimes) super slow11:13
cachiomvo, is it gona be a new snapd for sru?11:13
mvocachio: and that kills tests11:13
mborzeckizyga: thought this should not change11:13
cachiomvo, or I should continue with 2.31.211:13
mvocachio: I think so, I think we can go with 2.3211:13
zygamborzecki: does it happen if you run the same app outside?11:13
zygamborzecki: I wonder what is at fault now11:14
mborzeckioutside of snap stuff works11:14
mborzeckii'd guess libc/pthread or something close by11:14
mborzeckilet me debug this a bit more11:14
xnoxmvo, you can propose "force-badtest snapd/s390x/<the right version>" into hints-ubuntu branch of britney..... documenting the override.....11:15
mborzeckimvo: snap run --gdb is very nice, although `run` in gdb does not work :/11:15
cachiomvo, ok11:18
mvoxnox: I hope the next upload fixes the two remaiing tests11:29
mvomborzecki: indeed, just "continue"11:30
jibelLaney, mvo (repeating from #u-desktop) On a live session, it seems that setting refresh.hold triggers a refresh https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/CKmgFZ8vHV/11:38
jibelmwhudson, ^11:38
jibelmvo, I repeated the experiment twice and there is a refresh event immediately after setting the config option.11:39
jibelon a live session we don't want any update at all11:39
mvojibel: this is core                  16-2.31.2  4206  canonical  core11:39
mvojibel: we need 2.32 for this to work11:39
jibelah crap11:40
mvojibel: oh, hold on11:40
mvojibel: what does `snap version` print?11:40
mvojibel: the core snap is 2.31.2 but snapd on bionic may be newer11:40
mvojibel: ok, curious, why? is there a delay in the updates?11:41
mvojibel: could you try to manually install the new snapd in the live-cd?11:41
jibelmvo, I'll try with a newer version11:41
zygapstolowski: https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4890#pullrequestreview-10567760711:41
mupPR #4890: snap: Call SanitizePlugsSlots from InfoFromSnapYaml <Created by stolowski> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4890>11:41
mvojibel: thank you11:42
zygapedronis: ^ does this make sense?11:42
zygaI have a debug shell now11:42
zygamborzecki: can you have a quick look at 4891 please11:43
mvozyga: thanks for the review!11:43
cachiomvo, I' am going to the doctor now, perhaps I'll be few minutes late for standup11:48
mvocachio: ok11:48
mvocachio: good luck11:48
* cachio afk11:49
pstolowskizyga: thanks11:53
mupPR snapd#4892 closed: tests: update tests to deal with s390x quirks <Created by mvo5> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4892>11:54
mupPR snapd#4890 closed: snap: Call SanitizePlugsSlots from InfoFromSnapYaml <Created by stolowski> <Merged by mvo5> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4890>11:55
Laneyjibel: I think you can `snap set' arbitrary keys before they're known, so this should work with After=snapd.service if you get that problem fixed11:57
mborzeckizyga: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/nvidia-proprietary-driver-no-h-w-acceleration-in-chromium-and-firefox-stack-mashing-problem-also/4532/12 would appreciate any advice12:02
zygamborzecki: quick question, can you link to the code of glXLookupVendorByName pelase12:04
mborzeckizyga: it's there12:04
zygaah, I see now12:05
zygadid you try playing with __GLX_VENDOR_LIBRARY_NAME12:06
zygaor with __GLX_FORCE_VENDOR_LIBRARY_%d (%d is screen number)12:06
mborzeckiyeah, but I only have nvidia there12:06
mborzeckiand it seemed to ignore indirect12:07
pedroniszyga: I have a todo to improve on that12:10
pedronisbut it can happen12:10
pedroniszyga: it's related to the fact that our retry mechanism and nonces don't go well together12:10
zygamborzecki: I think I'm lost12:15
=== chihchun_afk is now known as chihchun
mborzeckizyga: that makes the two of us12:19
niemeyerMorning all12:22
niemeyersergiusens: Can we have a quick snapcraft release supporting the new refresh-mode option?12:24
niemeyerWe really need a way to not be blocked by snapcraft on these new features12:24
niemeyerPerhaps some sort of --force-passthrough option12:26
zygamvo: ack to merge https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765/12:27
mupPR #4765: interfaces: harden snap-update-ns profile <Critical> <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765>12:27
mupPR snapd#4896 opened: store: support macaroon refreshes in store.InstallRefresh <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4896>12:27
zygaI think you said so already but you didn't vote on it12:27
mvozyga: ack12:32
* zyga prepares for some backport time now12:33
mupPR snapd#4765 closed: interfaces: harden snap-update-ns profile <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765>12:33
sergiusensniemeyer: I do not even know what that feature is about12:34
niemeyersergiusens: That's part of the issue :)12:35
niemeyersergiusens: https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/process-lifecycle-on-snap-refresh/140/2112:35
sergiusensyeah, would be nice to be included in the conversations; I do not keep track of every single forum post (and these are easy to flag by your team as needing support from ours)12:36
niemeyersergiusens: Sergio, this is an extremely important part of that job12:36
niemeyersergiusens: If you are not reading the forum, something is not right12:36
niemeyersergiusens: Let's catch up elsewhere about this12:37
sergiusensniemeyer: this is 10 days older than your post and not a single comment from the snapd team https://forum.snapcraft.io/t/architectures-keyword-for-build-snapcraft-io/4272 something is certainly wrong12:38
niemeyersergiusens: 1. I've just read it again, and still feel no need to respond; 2. That's completely irrelevant for the point I just made12:42
jdstrandmvo: PR 4509 was already on my list. hope to get to it, 4868 and 4851 today (as you may have noticed, I had a lot of forum backlog to tend to)12:42
mupPR #4509: interfaces/builtin: add support for software-watchdog interface <Created by bboozzoo> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4509>12:42
sergiusensniemeyer: ok, you win, like always12:42
* sergiusens is not in the mood today12:43
niemeyersergiusens: I only win if we fix the problem, so not yet12:43
niemeyersergiusens: Getting back to the original point, I think we need a way to tell snapcraft to override unknown options and pass them through to snap.yaml on request12:45
zygamborzecki: By comparing the config.log between the build environments, the problem turns out to be "-fno-plt" in CFLAGS and "-z,now" in LDFLAGS, which Arch added recently. Wine built with these two flags enabled will have this issue.12:47
zygadid you see that?12:47
zygaalso https://bugs.winehq.org/show_bug.cgi?id=43530#c3512:48
mborzecki> Someone from NVIDIA confirmed it's a bug in the driver. Hopefully this will be resolved in future releases.12:48
mborzeckibut yeah, i saw that before when it was posted in the forum12:50
mborzeckianyways, not sure we would be affected, snaps are built against xenial, so we could have picked up something with libglvnd delivering libGLX*, but I've rebuilt libglvnd on xenial and replaced those pieces12:51
zygai think we are missing something12:52
Son_Gokuthere's an ABI conflict that causes GL explosions12:52
* Son_Goku increasingly wishes he could spend time on making the Fedora core snap12:53
Son_Gokukyrofa, you've not submitted https://bodhi.fedoraproject.org/updates/FEDORA-2018-81ef149b8b12:54
Son_Gokuit looks like you probably need to deal with this issue: https://lists.fedoraproject.org/archives/list/devel@lists.fedoraproject.org/thread/NZY3P352COQVUWMW6VRNN7CJR7TKKCAQ/12:55
Son_Gokui.e.: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_update_HOWTO#Handling_feedback_from_automated_tests12:56
mupPR snapd#4897 opened: Specify charset in po/snappy.pot <Created by gunnarhj> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4897>12:56
Son_Gokuerr: https://fedoraproject.org/wiki/Package_update_HOWTO#Waive_the_absence_of_a_result12:56
Son_Gokukyrofa ^12:56
sergiusensniemeyer: ok12:57
zygaSon_Goku: can you tell us more about the abi issue12:59
Son_Gokuzyga, what it comes down to is that the GL symbols don't bind well between Fedora GL and Ubuntu GL13:00
Son_Gokuthe Ubuntu Core is so far in the past, things get broken when the underlying infra changes13:00
Son_Gokuto some extent, we're lucky that the Mesa stuff still works because of how glvnd works13:01
zygapstolowski: hey13:02
zygapstolowski: standup time13:02
niemeyerSon_Goku, zyga: After we're done with the current changes, we should look into implementing a better mechanism to packing such libraries13:25
zygayes, yes yes13:25
Son_GokuYES, please13:25
sparkiegeekany further debugging advice for https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/snapd/+bug/1757427 ?13:26
mupBug #1757427: Unable to find snap at revision, broken snaps <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757427>13:26
sparkiegeekmy systemd/journald-fu is weak, so if anyone has tips on how I can figure out *why* the mount units are AWOL I'm all ears :)13:27
mupPR snapd#4893 closed: po: specify charset in po/snappy.pot <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4893>13:27
=== chihchun is now known as chihchun_afk
Chipaca#1757427 seems to be a dupe but I'm not sure of which one13:35
mupBug #1757427: Unable to find snap at revision, broken snaps <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <snapd (Ubuntu):New> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1757427>13:35
sparkiegeekChipaca: hmm, I am aware of that bug, but it didn't seem to be the same? I didn't see the execl issue, and the workaround that zyga posted didn't work13:37
sparkiegeekChipaca: or am I missing that the underlying cause is the same?13:39
Chipacasparkiegeek: it's not the 'snap.mount makes everything broken' afaik13:39
Chipacasparkiegeek: but the other one that i don't know the bug# of13:39
Chipacasparkiegeek: the 'snap.mount makes everything broken' one is #175679313:39
mupBug #1756793: Can't run snaps on Ubuntu 18.04 <amd64> <apport-bug> <bionic> <package-from-proposed> <snapd (Ubuntu):Fix Committed> <https://launchpad.net/bugs/1756793>13:39
sparkiegeekso right now my bug is duped to #175679313:39
Chipacaah :-)13:40
Chipacaafaik it's a separate issue, but has also been addressed if I understood zyga in the standup just now13:40
zygatwo bugs, yes13:41
zygato fix the other one just reboot13:41
zyga(the mount is broken one)13:41
zygacachio: can you give me a reference to the failure you saw that you just mentioned13:49
zygaI have some follow-up for that makes everything modular and easier to understand14:01
kyrofaSon_Goku, yes, thank you, I meant to reach out to you yesterday about that14:11
Son_Gokukyrofa, no problem14:12
kyrofaSon_Goku, FEDORA-EPEL-2018-0c373ee2d6 has issues as well, but I can't figure out what they are :P14:13
Son_Gokuit has one more day left before you can push it14:13
Son_Gokulook at the "days to stable" on the bottom right ;)14:13
kyrofaOh! I thought they were all a week14:13
Son_Gokuthe counter starts from when it makes it into the testing repo14:13
Son_Gokunope, EPEL is 14 days from when it hits testing14:13
Son_GokuFedora is 7 days from when it hits testing14:14
kyrofaOkay, that makes sense then14:14
zygaI will break for lunch/walk now14:21
mupPR snapd#4895 closed: cmd/snap-confine: fix ptrace rule with snap-confine peer (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4895>14:23
mupPR snapd#4894 closed:  snap: Call SanitizePlugsSlots from InfoFromSnapYaml (2.32) <Created by mvo5> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4894>14:24
jdstrandroadmr: hi! can you sync r1013 of the review tools? this will cut the review time by half14:30
roadmrjdstrand: oh how does it do it? sounds magical! yes, I'll put it in the queue in a few mins (otp)14:31
jdstrandroadmr: I noticed that the tools were running expensive python magic calls on files twice! now it is only once :)14:31
roadmroh hahah :) nice catch14:31
jdstrandand the review time is dominated by python-magic. at some point I'll see if I can optimize further, but I thought this speed improvement quite nice14:32
sparkiegeekroadmr: wait, when you said it sounds magical, did you know that it was python-magic that was fixed?!14:34
cachiozyga, https://travis-ci.org/snapcore/snapd/builds/356291630#L691414:34
cachiozyga, this is quite new14:35
cachiozyga, the branch should have the latest changes from master14:35
mborzeckioff to pick u pthe kids14:41
=== pstolowski is now known as pstolowski|lunch
sparkiegeekzyga: thanks, reboot seems to have fixed that issue15:08
sparkiegeekI suggest that the bug be de-duped though, since IIUC you ack'd that they are separate issues15:08
pedroniszyga: I just got the snap-confine error running only google:ubuntu-16.04-64:tests/main/...15:16
pedronis(using staging store but shouldn't be different)15:16
zygapedronis: the one with extra profile with garbage filename?15:25
* zyga is almost back, will check stuff now15:25
pedronisrunning from here15:25
pedronisto google15:25
pedronisnot from travies15:25
* cachio afk15:28
mvoniemeyer: sorry for being a pain, your input on 4882 would be great, this and 4889 are the only things left for 2.32-final15:32
=== pstolowski|lunch is now known as pstolowski
zygamvo: I'm about to backport things I did to 2.3215:32
zygamvo: did you do any of my branches by any chance?15:32
mvozyga: I didn't15:32
zygahttps://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889 is green!15:33
mupPR #4889: cmd/snap-update-ns: don't trespass on host filesystem <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4889>15:33
mvozyga: I'm fine with blacklisting the layouts test for now in autopkgtest15:33
mvozyga: unless the fixes for the test are easy and quick to backport, that is of course perferable15:33
* mvo needs to step out for some minutes first15:34
zygawell, given that we still see odd things happening I suspect there's something broken still15:35
niemeyermvo: Will look right away15:38
niemeyerzyga, mvo: Do we really want https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765 now?  Similar changes have taken a while to stabilize.. unless this is fixing something, it doesn't seem like the right time to touch it15:38
mupPR #4765: interfaces: harden snap-update-ns profile <Critical> <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4765>15:38
niemeyerIs that actually fixing something, or required by something else?  It doesn't look like that from the description15:38
zyganiemeyer: this is fixing the open profiles per request from jdstrand15:52
zyganiemeyer: when we did layouts we opened the profile for snap-confine/snap-update-ns significantly15:52
zyganiemeyer: this is the last bit that undoes that15:53
zyganiemeyer: jamie requested that it is present in the release15:53
niemeyerzyga: Which again makes me quite concerned15:54
niemeyerzyga: Previous times we played with that took a while to stabilize, and we don't have a lot of time anymore.15:55
zygaright, I see15:55
zygaif jdstrand acks this we can keep the open (permissive profiles)15:55
zygaand land the hardening for 2.3315:55
niemeyerWe have plenty of other issues to worry about15:55
niemeyerzyga, mvo: What's the plan for 2.32 to land in stable/15:57
popeyAny of you on 17.10 or 18.04 can reproduce this issue with skyp?15:57
zyganiemeyer: I don't know more beyond prepare the release PRs and land them15:57
popeySkype works on 16.04 for me, but not on 18.04. Did we break it or did they?15:57
zygagnome-shell just crashed, eh15:59
zygapopey: actually, running skype on my bionic system crashes gnome shell16:00
zygaI get a segvfault in xwayland16:00
popeyMaybe don't use wayland?16:00
mvoniemeyer: I had hoped early next week, but that may be too ambitious, I want to get 2.32-final out today, two PRs left:  4889 and 488216:01
zygapopey: x11 corrputs my display16:01
zygapopey: wayland doesn't16:01
niemeyermvo: Those testing periods are getting too short for the kind of change being merged I'm afraid16:01
zyga(I get to pick my kind of pain, that's all)16:01
mvoniemeyer: agreed, we need to be careful at this point16:02
mvoniemeyer: we can extend the testing, we could add an extra week16:02
niemeyermvo: For example, we just merged that major change in the profile of snap-confine, which is fundamental for everything16:02
mvoniemeyer: that might be a good idea in any case, lots of churn in 2.3216:02
mvoniemeyer: that merge only hit master, no?16:02
niemeyermvo: Yeah, and not just that.. besides the timing between releases, there's the time from merge to stable16:03
niemeyermvo: IOW, merging now and branching off means pretty much only two days of testing16:03
niemeyermvo: Right16:04
zygamvo: note: I will have some backports still for 2.3216:04
mvoniemeyer: release/2.32 is branched since some days alrerady, we only "cherry-pick". but we did some large cherry-picks, I guess this is your concern (and I agree)16:04
zygathose that merged into master with 2.32 label16:04
mvozyga: for what exactly?16:05
zyga4898 is one16:05
zygathis fixes layouts on refreshes16:05
zyga(and content interface to some extent)16:05
mupPR snapd#4898 opened: cmd/snap-update-ns: use x-snapd.{synthetic,needed-by} in practice <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4898>16:05
mvozyga: hm, that is not even merged into master yet :/16:06
zygait is merged, I linked to the 2.32 PR16:06
mvozyga: oh, sorry16:06
mvozyga: this one is fine, is there more to come? (and if so, how much?)16:07
zygaI think two more, one moment16:07
zygathe rest is smaller16:07
zygaand all are backports from master16:07
niemeyermvo: Sure, but as I understand it these changes are/were going into it?16:08
niemeyermvo: I mean, snap-confine changes, snap-update-ns, ...16:08
niemeyerzyga: 4889 reviewed.. I'm worried about progress in that corner16:09
niemeyerzyga: Feels too loose16:09
mvoniemeyer: yes, a lot of changes went into 2.3216:10
niemeyermvo: I get it, but I'm raising a more specific issue:16:11
niemeyermvo: There's a big difference between landing something in master early in the cycle, and committing something in master right before we bake the beta, even more if the idea is to have a fast release that goes to stable too quickly16:11
mvoniemeyer: yes, agreed. if you want we can have a quick HO to discuss quicker (but here is fine as well of course)16:12
niemeyermvo: Yeah, let's get to the standup16:13
niemeyerzyga: Can you come?16:13
niemeyerjdstrand: And you too, if we're lucky enough to have you around16:13
abeatotyhicks, do you know how the rng_core.default_quality kernel setting works?16:39
tyhicksabeato: hey - I used to have all of those details in my head16:48
tyhicksabeato: if you have specific questions, it might jog my memory16:48
abeatotyhicks, if it is set to, say, 700, how is that related to /proc/sys/kernel/random/entropy_avail?16:49
tyhicksabeato: give me a sec to scan the code16:51
tyhicksabeato: it is starting to come back to me now... default_quality is a way to express the "Estimation of true entropy in RNG's bitstream (per mill)" for hardware random number generators that don't have a pre-defined quality value17:02
tyhicksabeato: some hwrng devices have a pre-defined quality value and default_quality is ignored in those cases17:03
tyhicksabeato: for devices that don't have a pre-defined quality value, default_quality is used when determining how much entropy is available after reading a certain number of bytes from the hwrng device17:04
tyhicksabeato: that would then help determine the value of entropy_avail17:04
abeatotyhicks, oh, ok, so it is a constant tied to the hw to help to estimate entropy17:05
abeato(available entropy)17:05
tyhicksabeato: that's correct17:06
abeatotyhicks, got it then, thanks a lot17:06
tyhicksabeato: the idea is that some hwrng devices have a known quality constant that's hard coded into the kernel sources17:06
tyhicksabeato: other devices, for example, may not have enough public documentation published about them and it is impossible for the driver developer to place a pre-defined quality constant in the source code17:07
abeatoright, makes sense17:08
tyhicksabeato: in those situations, the driver developer defines the hwrng quality as "0" and lets the system integrator/administrator define the quality constant that they are comfortable with17:08
tyhicksabeato: one last tip - the range is from 0 (no quality at all) to 102417:11
abeatotyhicks, got it. Another question, is the randomness exposed through /dev/random or via /dev/hwrng only?17:12
mupPR snapd#4899 opened: many: backported fixes for layouts and symlinks (2.32) <Created by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4899>17:14
zygamvo: ^ that's all of it17:14
tyhicksabeato: it is injected into the /dev/random pool17:14
zygamvo: and this will also explain why some 2.32 branches were failing, the fixes are only in master17:14
zygaI will take a short break and then look at adressing some feedback from the call17:15
abeatotyhicks, ok, thanks17:15
mvozyga: thanks, I have a look in a little bit17:17
zygaall of those were clean cherry picks17:17
zygano conflicts17:17
zygahmmm, I don't see travis running against 2.3217:18
mborzeckizyga: got back just now and tried xenial chroot, glxinfo is segfaulting at exactly the same spot17:20
zygamborzecki: cool17:20
zygacan you boot an unbuntu kernel17:20
zygaubuntu kernel17:20
zygaand see if that makes it go away in your xenial chroot first17:20
zygaand then in your snap env17:21
zygaI smell a kernel option that breaks  this in arch, assuming all code is compiled with arch toolchain with some specific tweaking17:21
zygamvo: offtopic, on pre6 none of my classic snaps run17:21
zygaoh, sorry, atom ran, it was just slow17:21
zygait was just skype that doesn't run17:22
mborzeckiok, let's baseline, libglvnd built with xenial toolchain, nvidia 390 as it comes from arch packages, xenial chroot (from current cloud image)17:22
mborzeckii'm leaving playing with ubuntu kernel (and getting the matching drivers) for tomorrow, need to prep dinner for the kids17:23
niemeyermvo: Quick thought: I think it's safer to compare the in-memory value of unmarshaling the json than the json blob itself17:26
niemeyermvo: With reflect.DeepEqual17:26
niemeyermvo: I'm considering ordering issues, etc17:27
jdstrandniemeyer: sorry, I was out when I got pinged. I'll happily follow whatever outcome you, mvo and others came up with17:56
niemeyerjdstrand: No worries, it's all good17:57
niemeyerjdstrand: We'll just move forward, but work harder on testing this time17:57
niemeyerjdstrand: So we get a similar benefit of having more resting time17:57
jdstrandniemeyer: reading backscroll, it sounds like this is a 'general problem' rather than a 'specific incident' to avoid. it makes sense to be careful with what gets committed right before cutting a beta, sure17:59
niemeyerjdstrand: Right, that's the key idea17:59
niemeyerjdstrand: That's extra true if we need to fast track the release due to requirements17:59
jdstrandit's always difficult to balance that with outside pressures, but I don't think there is anything wrong with saying "no, you need to wait" more often17:59
* jdstrand nods18:00
niemeyerjdstrand: Yeah, definitely.. it's a careful balance18:00
* jdstrand nods18:00
mupPR snapd#4897 closed: Specify charset in po/snappy.pot <Created by gunnarhj> <Closed by gunnarhj> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4897>18:02
mupPR snapd#4898 closed: cmd/snap-update-ns: use x-snapd.{synthetic,needed-by} in practice (2.32) <Created by zyga> <Merged by zyga> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4898>18:04
jdstrandniemeyer: perhaps this is worth discussing: it sounds like this is prompted by zyga's snap-update-ns hardening branch. this is part of layouts and because everything was broken up in many PRs, the last major piece of layouts I acked some time ago, but I ack'd it conditional on (at the time) a future hardening PR such that 2.32 would have the hardening in place18:12
jdstrandniemeyer: this was probably a mistake since other PRs built on top of the layouts feature and rework, and the hardening came quite a bit later and wanting to be jammed in at the last minute18:13
jdstrandniemeyer: because of my conditional ack, it put zyga and everyone in a hard place since it made backing out the conditionally acked pr difficult. in the future I won't do that18:14
* zyga recalls the moment when we realised this was a * rw, permission18:15
jdstrandniemeyer: if a similar situation comes up, I'll instead leave as 'Request changes' until the conditional followup PR is approved and ready, then they could both go at the same time18:15
Chipacawhat's "grade" doing in snap.yaml in the wild?18:17
zygaChipaca: hiding18:18
jdstrandChipaca: personally, I use grade to make sure nothing ever goes to stable. I do this with my test snaps, for example18:19
Chipacajdstrand: but that's in snapcraft.yaml, right?18:19
jdstrandI'm not sure if that was your question, but that's my answer18:19
jdstrandChipaca: grade was added to the review tools ages ago. I think it needs to be in the snap.yaml because the store looks at it to enforce things (it doesn't have snapcraft.yaml). I could be wrong. cprov should know since he added initial grade support to the review tools18:21
niemeyerjdstrand: Thanks for the details, and I definitely don't blame you for that one. I think it was a reasonable decision in the context we had at the time.18:25
niemeyerChipaca: No, grade is for snap.yaml18:25
cprovjdstrand, Chipaca: grade is used in the store to prevent release of `devel` revisions in stable risks (stable, candidate). What is the problem in the snap.yaml hierarchy you are referring to ?18:26
niemeyerChipaca: It's supposed to prevent people from releasing snaps into candidate and stable if they are marked as unstable18:26
ChipacaI was just surprised because I didn't know all this, and snapd ignores its existence18:26
niemeyerChipaca: We should at least validate it, but we don't need to do anything with it I think18:26
niemeyerChipaca: It's a snap.yaml setting that is more critical for the store18:26
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Chipacaniemeyer: we don't even parse it, today :-)18:27
jdstrandniemeyer: ok, thanks. I suspect attempting my suggested future workflow is a good idea. some PRs end up being quite special though.... let's hope we don't have too many more of those ;)18:27
=== Guest77671 is now known as Odd_Bloke
niemeyerChipaca: I get it.. we should probably do it for validation, but it's not crticial.. it's okay for snapd to accept it. If it gets there it's too late for the setting to make sense. The store is the one that should reject it.18:27
jdstrandcprov: no problem, Chipaca was wondering if it should be in snapcraft.yaml and I thought I remembered why it needed to be in snap.yaml, and mentioned you since you could back up my claim (which you did) or correct me18:28
niemeyerNo, it's really meant for snap.yaml.. none of snapcraft.yaml is defined in the output format18:28
Chipacajdstrand: cprov: niemeyer: it was just me being curious :-)18:28
niemeyerChipaca: I knoooowww.. :)18:29
niemeyerChipaca: Was simply explaining it18:29
jdstrandniemeyer: re snap.yaml> yep18:29
niemeyerWe also agreed to rename it to unstable instead of devel, but that never went through for lack of time18:29
jdstrandmvo: is 'core18' the final name for the core 18 base snap? I'm adjusting the review tools for it and see it was base-18 before. core18, not core-18, right?18:37
Chipacaniemeyer: I have a problem with an aspect of 'broken' snapshots18:39
Chipacaniemeyer: basically one of the snapshots in a set could be broken, which means listing it in 'snap saved' is tricky18:40
Chipacaniemeyer: I played with adding a '!' after the name of the snap snapshot that was broken, but (a) the information of _how_ it was broken is lost, and (b) if you have 200 snaps installed and the broken one is zzt, you won't see that '!'18:41
niemeyerChipaca: I wonder if we should expand it out18:41
niemeyerChipaca: I thought about this earlier for different reasons, but I think we never discussed it18:42
Chipacaso one option would be to have a saved --long18:42
Chipacathat would list more info about each set18:42
jdstrandkalikiana: hi! I see the 'vendorize' snap is classic. what does it do?18:42
Chipacaniemeyer: then the short listing could have a single marker to say "check engine"18:43
niemeyerChipaca: It's also pretty obscure to just have a !18:43
niemeyerChipaca: Too subtle, too rarely.. probably won't work18:43
Chipacaniemeyer: you're right, I'll make it a ‼18:43
niemeyerChipaca: It worked for yaml.. :)18:43
ChipacaFWIW it was: have ! in the list, and if you have any !, add a "! means broken, yadda yadda"18:44
niemeyerWhich probably means it's a counter example.. :P18:44
Chipacawhich with --long would be "! means broken, see --long"18:44
niemeyerChipaca: The current design, although not nearly as bad, reminds me a bit of snap interfaces in terms of the grouping18:44
Chipacaniemeyer: the current design of snapshotses?18:45
niemeyerChipaca: No, the output format..18:45
niemeyerChipaca: I mean, we also have that sort of grouping per line on "snap interfaces"18:45
niemeyerChipaca: But we list it all, and it sucks for other unrelated reasons..18:45
niemeyerChipaca: Still, the grouping issue is similar.. we lose the ability to talk about the individual entries18:46
kyrofaSon_Goku, this "waive absence of result" thing is soaring over my head. I seriously have to send a raw POST to greenwave to unblock things? What is an NVR?18:46
niemeyerChipaca: We can play with an analogy with "snap list", though18:46
niemeyerChipaca: e.g. snap list --all18:46
Son_Gokukyrofa, name-version-release18:47
kyrofaAh ha18:47
Son_Gokuand yeah, there's a button coming to bodhi in the coming weeks18:47
Son_Gokugreenwave is... not fully integrated yet18:47
niemeyerChipaca: So, strawman for brainstorm: "snap saved" keeps the grouping, shows "broken" in notes similar to how it works in "snap list"  , and "snap saved --all" expands the listing to show a single snap per line (so repeated set ids, potentially), and identifies which specific snap is broken18:52
niemeyerChipaca: "snap list" can take an optional [<snap name>] as usual, in which case the output would be effectively the same as "snap list --all" filtered for that particular snap18:53
niemeyerChipaca: Waddathink?18:53
Chipacaniemeyer: basic idea seems a'ight, although there's more info we could show than is conveyed by --all18:54
Chipacaniemeyer: give me a minute or 518:54
mupPR snapd#4900 opened: many: use the new install/refresh API by switching snapstate to use store.InstallRefresh <Created by pedronis> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4900>18:54
Saviqcachio: hey, we're still ENOSPC'ing on fedora... https://travis-ci.org/MirServer/mir/jobs/356462120 am I using the right images and such https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/267/files? (-64 suffix doesn't work yet)18:56
mupPR MirServer/mir#267: [travis] move Fedora over to GCE, too <Created by Saviq> <https://github.com/MirServer/mir/pull/267>18:56
cachioSaviq, try using this image --> image: fedora-cloud-base-27-1-6-x86-6418:59
cachioSaviq, I'll update the name soon to make it match automatically19:00
cachioSaviq, which sprad are you using?19:00
cachioare you downloading spread for each test execution?19:01
Saviqcachio: Gustavo's https://github.com/Saviq/mir/blob/9df8e34b514608503f88a723ade8df4bf2446be6/.travis.yml#L5719:01
cachioSaviq, this one should be updated, could you please debug the execution from your localhost and check if the host has 10GB of disk?19:02
kyrofaSon_Goku, so I got the test failure from greenwave, but waiverdb-cli doesn't have the same interface as documented there, at least on f2619:02
* Son_Goku sighs19:03
cachiojust to make sure that spread is the correct one19:03
kyrofaIt requires an ID, and the curl command it's giving me gies me nothing :P19:03
Son_Gokukyrofa, I suggest checking in #fedora-releng19:03
cachiootherwise we can try adding more space19:03
Son_Gokuone of those folks can help19:03
Son_GokuI have no clue :P19:03
kyrofaSon_Goku, haha, okay glad I'm not the only one19:03
Son_GokuI've been lucky enough that greenwave hasn't failed my updates yet19:03
Son_Gokuthough I think that's going to happen when I make the Mir update for Fedora 2819:03
niemeyercachio, Saviq: Question might be how much free space that specific image has, instead of how much space was allocated for it19:04
niemeyercachio: How much space is the image itself taking out of the 10GB?19:05
Chipacaniemeyer: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/kH8Wj5vZsS/19:05
cachioniemeyer, well, first I want to know is the image has 10GB, in that case, it they are going out of space they need to define the storage for that specific image19:06
niemeyerChipaca: That reminds me a *lot* of the output of snap interfaces19:06
niemeyerChipaca: That help message at the end also feels a bit awkward to have there all the time19:07
Chipacaniemeyer: it'd only be there if a ! is shown19:07
cachioniemeyer, sadly, the don't have any free space19:07
niemeyerChipaca: If the UX is right we shouldn't need it19:07
Chipacaniemeyer: the output with --long should also remind you of the output of snap list :-)19:07
niemeyercachio: That doesn't make much sense19:07
niemeyercachio: The image wouldn't take 10GB for data by itself19:08
niemeyerChipaca: The second output looks so much better that it should really be the default one19:09
Chipacaniemeyer: oh wait, the _first_ one is the one you were objecting to?19:09
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, totally :)19:09
Chipacaniemeyer: it's not really suited to show more than one set at a time though19:10
Chipacabut, let me play with it a little bit19:10
niemeyerChipaca: I'd take a long list in that format over a short list in the first one any day19:10
Chipacaniemeyer: fair enough19:10
niemeyerChipaca: People can constrain by providing the snap name they are interested on19:10
Chipacaniemeyer: which reminds me, what do you say to start paging by default?19:11
Chipacaniemeyer: that is, snap feeding its output to less instead of straight to stdout19:11
niemeyerChipaca: The thing that second output is missing is a way to identify the particular snapshot19:11
niemeyerSo it can be restored, etc19:11
cachioniemeyer, we are requesting by default diskSizeGb=1019:11
Chipacaniemeyer: yep, but fixable with indentation (although that'd make grepping harder)19:12
niemeyerChipaca: I'm not a huge fan to be honest.. it feels like getting in the way of the terminal flow19:12
niemeyerChipaca: | less is so easy19:12
Chipacaniemeyer: do you find git getting in the way?19:12
Chipacaor journalctl19:13
niemeyerChipaca: Much of git doesn't go to a pager19:13
niemeyerChipaca: Things like git log etc, I pipe to vi instead of using the default pager19:14
niemeyerChipaca: It'd also be easy to make the same argument towards every other tool that does not go to a pager19:15
niemeyerChipaca: "Do you find ls broken?"19:15
Chipacaniemeyer: yes :-)19:15
Chipacabut that's another conversation19:15
Chipacaniemeyer: changing subjects, I might be looking at working on an initial (warning-less) implementation of the "keep some space for refreshing core" thing; would you have any concerns over that?19:16
Chipacawaiting for the customer to get back about whether it is snapd filling the disk, or if it's them :-)19:17
niemeyerChipaca: I just wonder if we should do warnings first19:17
Chipacathat was the plan19:18
niemeyerChipaca: Every other day we stumble upon an issue that would benefit from having that mechanism we discussed in London.. would be a UX win to have that, and then do disk space/etc19:18
pedronisChipaca: niemeyer: for what is worth lots of recent work would have been improved UX wise by warnings19:18
pedronisI had to use logging and leave TODOs around19:19
niemeyerIt's one of those things that it's not a deal breaker and we keep pushing forward19:19
ChipacaI've got half of warnings done since that sprint and look at it every so often19:19
niemeyerChipaca: Go go go :)19:19
Chipacabut … snapshots!19:19
Chipacaanyway maybe it's syslog filling this customer's disc19:20
Chipacawe'll see :-)19:20
niemeyerChipaca: Well, to be clear that's not a suggestion not to do the disk check, but rather to do it right after warns19:21
Chipacahttps://forum.snapcraft.io/t/out-of-disk-space-protection/1632/13 fwiw19:23
Chipacaooh look it's beer o'clock19:23
Chipacahow are people monitoring big deploys with core? because warnings should tie into that as well :-)19:28
Chipacai wonder who i need to talk with about that19:28
* Chipaca has a sudden surge of compassion for the person on pagerduty for 100k toasters19:29
* Chipaca 's feeling passes19:29
mupPR snapcraft#2019 opened: elf: avoid duplicating rpath entries <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2019>19:38
niemeyercachio: Going back to the image conversation, how much free space is left in the 10GB for Fedora?  That was the original question19:39
cachioniemeyer, I don't know, let me check that20:04
niemeyercachio: Ideally we should try to keep those images low profile, and make sure to collect garbage as we did in Linode20:05
niemeyercachio: I won't be bothering you anymore about the individual images, so please make sure to account for those details20:05
cachioniemeyer, sure20:06
Chipacaniemeyer: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/dM6wMqJc37/ ?20:13
niemeyerChipaca: <320:14
niemeyerI need to step out quickly or will miss the window in which I can exercise.. but will be back later20:15
* Chipaca won't :-)20:15
Chipacaniemeyer: enjoy20:15
cachioniemeyer, taking a look to fedora image20:26
cachioniemeyer, https://paste.ubuntu.com/p/9m9p8pdCnD/20:26
cachiothe resize is not as useful as I thought20:27
cachiojust 2.5 GB free on /20:27
* zyga found https://packagecontrol.io/packages/Colorcoder interesting20:27
cachioniemeyer, I'll resize the filesistems to get a better distribution once the image is resized20:30
mvojdstrand: yeah, its core1820:34
mvojdstrand: base-18 will be phased out20:35
jdstrandroadmr: hey, can you queue up r1014? small change for core18 (see above). not urgent in the least21:11
roadmrjdstrand: sure! I'd just QAd r1013 :) no problem, this'll make it in to the queue and I'll aim to roll out tomorrow21:12
cachioSaviq, I am working to generate a new fedora image21:12
jdstrandroadmr: thanks. sorry it was post QA21:12
cachioSaviq, it won't be needed to specify the image anymore once it is uploaded21:13
roadmrjdstrand: hehe no worries, QA is really fast: I just approve the merge, wait 2 hours or so, then push a snap and ensure it was processed by the correct tools version :)21:13
cachiojust to call the system "fedora-27-64"21:13
jdstrandheh, cool :)21:13
jdstrandI like that we have the black box functional tests for 50+ snaps21:14
jdstrand(beyond the extensive unit tests)21:14
popeyWhen will we be able to build snaps against an 18 core?21:18
cachioniemeyer, if you have time, could you please take a look to this one? #477821:23
mupPR #4778: tests: moving debian 9 from linode to google backend <Created by sergiocazzolato> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/pull/4778>21:23
cachioniemeyer, it is passing after the last change we did to spread21:23
mupPR snapcraft#2019 closed: elf: avoid duplicating rpath entries <bug> <Created by sergiusens> <Merged by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2019>21:33
Saviqcachio: it's still just 4GB though: https://travis-ci.org/MirServer/mir/jobs/356561944#L349221:35
mupPR snapcraft#2020 opened: elf: set no-default-lib for all elf files if patching <bug> <enhancement> <Created by sergiusens> <https://github.com/snapcore/snapcraft/pull/2020>21:36
cachioSaviq, yes, working on that, I could reproduce the same with our machines21:36
cachioSaviq, it is failing just on fedora the resize21:37
cachioI need to see what is wrong with that image21:37
Saviqmaybe missing resize2fs or something, /me grabs cloud-init log21:37
cachioSaviq, apparently also missing growpart21:40
cachioI'll create a new image with those deps21:40
cachioSaviq, thanks for the info21:41
* cachio afk21:43
Chipacaniemeyer: it just struck me that possibly the most important bit of info is missing from that 'saved' proposal, and adding it looks relaly nasty: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/Kb8mc7nb3b/22:15
niemeyerChipaca: I think we can fix two problems at once there22:18
niemeyerOne issue in that output is it had spaces, breaking the column-based parsing22:19
niemeyerChipaca: We discussed before on another context the use of a shorter format.. If we use something like that we can remove the repetition and avoid the spaces22:20
Chipacafor parsing you'd use --abs-time which doesn't have spaces though22:21
niemeyerWell, ideally we'd make both of them without spaces22:21
niemeyerWe've managed to do that in every other table so far, I think22:21
niemeyerOr at least it's a nice property to preserve22:22
Chipacanot sure it'll solve the thing i dislike about it being two columns all the same, but I'll take a look22:24
niemeyerTwo columns?22:24
* niemeyer looks again22:25
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, still don't see the two columns22:26
Chipacaniemeyer: https://pastebin.ubuntu.com/p/75BdH8g9rc/22:26
niemeyerChipaca: What I suggested above would be a single column, but ... Looking22:26
Chipacaniemeyer: the repetition of the set id and the time (now age) column22:26
Chipacaniemeyer: creates two columns that look nasty22:26
niemeyerI quite like that output now22:27
niemeyerDuplication is not by itself all bad22:27
niemeyerIt also makes us realize the associtation22:27
Chipacaniemeyer: would you have the columns ordered like this, or age before snap?22:28
niemeyerAs long as it's not a lot of data duplicated, but the shorter values solve some of that22:28
ChipacaI'd rename the column to Time when --abs-time was given22:28
Chipacai guess22:28
niemeyerThat 22.6h looks a bit strange, but the rest looks quite nice22:28
niemeyerThe 2h10m form in particular looks nicer22:29
Chipacaheh, yes, decimal hours are strange -- quantity's thing is that it's fixed width, which might not be wanted here22:29
niemeyerYeah.. Just rounding to 22h would be fine22:29
Chipacaniemeyer: while you're at it, any other that look weird? https://github.com/snapcore/snapd/blob/master/strutil/quantity/example_test.go#L9222:30
SuperJonotronhow do you find dhcp lease information in ubuntu core?22:31
ChipacaFWIW i wanted to let it do things like "2¼h" but that's Hard, again22:31
Chipaca(especially in the context of tabwriter)22:31
* niemeyer looks22:32
* Chipaca just realised that µs will suffer the same issue22:33
* Chipaca is sad now22:33
ChipacaSuperJonotron: what is handling dhcp for you on core?22:33
niemeyerChipaca: Yeah, I'd drop all of these decimals22:34
niemeyerJust accepting the rounded integer form, or presenting the fractional part with a proper unit if it's relevant22:34
niemeyerAlso E is weird :)22:35
niemeyerAh, and the leading zeros can probably be dropped for a nicer output too..22:36
niemeyerThat is 4h9m instead of 4h09m22:36
ChipacaSuperJonotron: leading zeros?22:36
Chipacaniemeyer: leading zeros?22:36
Chipacaniemeyer: ah22:36
niemeyerHmm.  Although that last  one is more  unclear22:36
niemeyer(Now that I write it out)22:37
SuperJonotronChipaca: leading zeros?22:37
ChipacaSuperJonotron: trying to carry two conversations at once when I should be carrying none22:37
ChipacaSuperJonotron: there's nothing core-specific about dhcp leases, the info'll be where it is without core22:38
ChipacaSuperJonotron: i mean, how would you get that info without core?22:38
SuperJonotronChipaca: according to forums, /var/lib/dhcp/dhcp.leases but that folder is empty22:40
SuperJonotronChipaca: that folder is empty though22:41
SuperJonotronChipaca: there's also mention to looking at /var/logNetworkManager* which also doesn't exist in core22:41
ChipacaSuperJonotron: I don't think that's the location of the leases file in reasonably new ubuntus though22:42
SuperJonotronChipaca: where did they move to in core?22:42
ChipacaSuperJonotron: as NetworkManager is a snap, I'd expect it to be under /var/snap/22:42
ChipacaSuperJonotron: but you can figure it out with 'find':22:42
ChipacaSuperJonotron: sudo find / -name \*.lease 2>/dev/null22:43
SuperJonotronwhoops, wrong window22:43
SuperJonotroni did find the lease files starting in /var/snap22:44
SuperJonotronbut that find command will likely be needed since it is not a pretty file name22:44
ChipacaSuperJonotron: if it's looking there like it looks here, the names have a reason22:44
ChipacaSuperJonotron: (but that reason might not make sense to you :-) )22:45
SuperJonotronChipaca: looks like a naming pattern with a UUID as part of it both pointing to the same interface so that is a bit confusing about which one to read22:46
ChipacaSuperJonotron: as i understand it it's a UUID which is the id of the network connection in network manager, then "-", then the device name, then ".lease"22:46
ChipacaSuperJonotron: nmcli con22:46
ChipacaSuperJonotron: ^ list the connections, including the uuids22:46
SuperJonotronnow to figure out how to read this file...22:48
ChipacaSuperJonotron: what are you trying to do?22:48
SuperJonotronChipaca: working with an application that needs to report DHCP Server, Lease Granted Time and Least Expiration time22:49
SuperJonotronfor all interfaces using dhcp that is22:49
ChipacaSuperJonotron: so,  nmcli can give you that info22:51
ChipacaSuperJonotron: if $CON is your connection name or uuid, then 'nmcli connection show $FOO' will give you all that, i think22:52
ChipacaCON and FOO got jumbled there22:52
Chipacasee: me needing to go to bed22:52
Chipacaah, maybe not granted time22:53
SuperJonotronwas inspecting that now22:53
ChipacaSuperJonotron: good luck22:54
Chipacaand good night22:54

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