
smoserblackboxsw: responded to the open-telekom branch00:30
blackboxswsmoser: I'm going to land the open-telekom branch (wanted to test review-mps getting the authorship correct there)01:56
smoserblackboxsw: ok. great. thanks.02:47
blackboxswsmoser: is this the comment you wanted to see on bugs when commits happen in tip, or something a bit different? https://bugs.launchpad.net/cloud-init/+bug/1756471/comments/602:49
ubot5Ubuntu bug 1756471 in cloud-init "ds-identify does not identify openstack Open Telecom Cloud" [Medium,Fix committed]02:49
blackboxswwhen we release to bionic I'd expect a comment along the lines of "cloud-init v.X released in Bionic, if this is still an issue, re-open the bug or create a new one"02:50
blackboxswanyway it's late. can chat tomorrow about it02:50
smoserblackboxsw: yes, that is great.02:59
blackboxswAscII: if you're around today rharper/smoser was peeking at your metadata network config and the thought was that your metadata service should actually not be presenting the aliases eth0:0 interface name, but it could fold the subnet defined under eth0:0 under a single interface 'eth0'15:21
blackboxswAscII: lines 23-32 should live @ line 17 http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/PDjVZTM9sp/15:24
blackboxswrharper: I'm tweaking your commit message and landing https://code.launchpad.net/~raharper/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/341662 review-mps balked at line length.. sorry about the mp comment noise on that15:52
danMS_hey scott, https://git.launchpad.net/cloud-init/tree/cloudinit/sources/DataSourceAzure.py#n606, can we make this ‘NTFS – one file’ check failure ignorable, because if the OS doesn’t know how to do NTFS, the contents *can’t* be important?17:11
AscIIblackboxsw: thx for the input. If I remember correctly this is again a workaround for rhel/fedora18:39
rharperwell, in general the v1 config format doesn't regonize an alias interface as a physical device18:47
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smoserdanMS_: you're saying that line 642 could return True, "you probably didnt have anything there because your kernel couldnt mount ntfs"19:29
smoserright ?19:29
smoserit is probably reasonably safe, but could obviously false positive and destroy data.19:29
smoserif you booted into a new kernel and had forgot some module s or something.19:29
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smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~kgarloff/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34184420:33
smoserthat one is good.20:33
blackboxswsmoser: good like you wanted it landed or reviewed?20:41
smoserplease give it some thought.20:41
smoseri pointed c-i bot at it20:42
smoserbut it looked logically good ot me20:42
blackboxswroger, it affects dojordans Azure branch I think20:42
blackboxswas he's now using readurl w/ exception_cb too20:43
blackboxswwill take it into account.20:43
smoserblackboxsw: https://code.launchpad.net/~chad.smith/cloud-init/+git/cloud-init/+merge/34154320:50
smoserSimon pointed out you seemed to have dropped the TestPrependBaseCommand tests.20:50
blackboxswyes, I finished testing that this morning.20:50
smoseroh. ok.20:50
smoseryou didnt respond ot that20:50
blackboxswchecking the dropped basecommand test... I moved it into cloudinit/tests/test_subp.py20:50
blackboxswonly question I have smoser is the order in which I'm running ubuntu-advantage module in cloud.cfg.tmpl20:51
blackboxswI put it after the apt pipelining and apt configure  modules as they might tweak apt a bit prior to ubuntu-advantage installing the deb20:52
smoser yeah.20:53
blackboxswif you had any thoughts there it feels a bit heavy to order an {% if variant in ["ubuntu"] %} just after a section that was ubuntu|debian|unknown20:53
smoserthose couldprobably move earlier... they just set configuration. but you definitely want to be after them if you're going to install packags.20:53
smoseryou have a merge conflict showing right now there.20:53
smoseri think20:53
smoserlook for <<<<20:53
smoseri think its fine as you have it.20:54
smoser"heavy" doesnt matter really there... its build time.20:54
smoserif thats what you meant20:54
blackboxswsmoser: if I git merge cs/feature/ubuntu-advantage-module against tip of master checked out locally I get no conflicts20:54
smoserah. so lp is just out of sorts20:55
blackboxswyeah, it just felt like I'm being ubuntu-explicit in the template just after a more general ubuntu, debian, unknown section felt like it might have been overkill, but as you said, template build happens once, so no biggie20:56
blackboxswand we don't want ubuntu-advantage to show of in cloud.cfg anywhere else20:56
blackboxswand we don't want ubuntu-advantage to show up in cloud.cfg anywhere else20:56
blackboxswsmoser: ahh I forgot to add cloudinit/tests/test_subp.py20:58
blackboxswthat's why simpoir suggested I dropped it without replace.  pushing now20:58
blackboxswman it's a bit confusing in that wait_for_url's exception_cb is expected to behave differently than readurl's exception_cb21:21
blackboxswbut anyway, doesn't need to be aligned with this branch21:22

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