
=== brascens is now known as brascens__
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lordievaderGood morning07:00
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BluesKajHI folks10:33
=== brascens is now known as brascooo
adeel_ 11:18
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Frankfurt_Souphi guys i just finished installing kubuntu and was prompted to install proper nvidia drivers which i have done i then set a secure boot password and rebooted, entered my password and am now back in kubuntu however im getting funny artifact looking things pop up as i mouse over things on my desktop and menus it almost looks as though tooltips are trying to popup but there is nothing there11:56
BluesKajFrankfurt_Soup, assume you've updated and upgraded your packages as well12:00
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: and nvidia driver is in fact loaded as well?12:02
Frankfurt_SoupBluesKaj i have updated yes sorry forgot to mention that12:02
Frankfurt_Souphateball how can i tell that?12:02
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: lsmod|grep nv12:03
hateballor lspci -k |grep -A3 VGA12:03
hateball(I think)12:03
hateballotherwise just lspci -k, and scroll manually12:03
hateballit should show nvidia module loaded for your GPU12:03
Frankfurt_Soupnvidia_uvm            671744  012:06
Frankfurt_Soupnvidia_drm             45056  212:06
Frankfurt_Soupnvidia_modeset        860160  6 nvidia_drm12:06
Frankfurt_Soupnvidia              13139968  771 nvidia_modeset,nvidia_uvm12:06
Frankfurt_Soupdrm_kms_helper        167936  2 i915,nvidia_drm12:06
Frankfurt_Soupdrm                   360448  6 i915,nvidia_drm,drm_kms_helper12:06
hateball!paste | Frankfurt_Soup12:06
ubottuFrankfurt_Soup: For posting multi-line texts into the channel, please use https://paste.ubuntu.com | To post !screenshots use https://imgur.com/ !pastebinit to paste directly from command line | Make sure you give us the URL for your paste - see also the channel topic.12:06
hateballtoo late for that now :D12:06
hateballbut yeah, looks like it is loaded proper12:06
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: 16.04 or 17.10 ?12:06
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: you could try pressing alt+space, search for "compositing", go into settings and change OpenGL level12:07
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: also it should be noted that stock 16.04 is all kinds of broken, it really needs backports PPA to behave12:08
hateballpersonally (not advisable!) I'd rather run 18.04 pre-release12:08
Frankfurt_Soupcan i upgrade to that from LTS ?12:08
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: Yes, but it is not released/stable yet12:09
hateballthat said, if this is a clean install and you've got nothing to lose, "do-release-upgrade -d" would put you on it. but if it is a clean install, well might as well reinstall nightly 18.04 imo12:10
Frankfurt_Soupis 17 ok ?12:10
hateball17.10 is much better, yes12:10
Frankfurt_Soupi would have thought that the LTS version would have been the most stable12:10
hateballsadly not the plasma bits :p12:10
obert_hateball: received the hdd! \o/12:11
hateballobert_: And you got it working well?12:11
Frankfurt_Soupso was my nvidia driver working from the stuff i pasted ?12:11
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: Yep12:11
obert_didn't opened the package yet12:11
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: so like I said, could try the compositing options12:11
obert_I was waiting for you12:11
hateballobert_: Uh well... shouldnt really need to do much other than plug it in :p12:11
obert_first step is the most important:P12:12
Frankfurt_SoupOpenGL level? is that the version? or interface? or something else entirely?12:15
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: yeah opengl12:16
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: also I'd suggest disabling vsync in kwin and instead use nvidias own12:17
hateballto prevent tearing12:17
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: oh! if this is a hybrid gpu system, open nvidia-settings to make sure you are actually using nvidia and not intel for your x session :D12:17
Frankfurt_Soupthe rendering backend is set to opengl 2.0 but i have also opengl 3.1 or xrender12:17
hateballFrankfurt_Soup: give 3.1 a go12:17
Frankfurt_Soupit is a hybrid lol12:18
Frankfurt_Soup3.1 didnt fix it12:21
BluesKaja relogin might help with that12:23
Frankfurt_Soupi ran nvidia-settings and the nvidia settings dont reference the intel gpu at all from what i can see12:23
Frankfurt_Soupill relog brb12:24
Frankfurt_Soupok a relog seems to have fixed it lol thumbs up to the one who suggested that :-)12:27
Frankfurt_Soupwould it still be worthwhile upgrading to 17?12:28
BluesKajFrankfurt_Soup,  I thinkyou should wait for a month or so then upgrade to 18.04 LTS12:38
Frankfurt_SoupBluesKaj will it be better than the current LTS ?12:39
BluesKajFrankfurt_Soup, It should be new and improved12:40
Frankfurt_SoupbluesKaj ok well as long as i have no other issues ill stick with 16 till then thanks :-)12:41
=== administrator is now known as Guest60751
obert_hateball: I am opening it...I must be carefull: it is slippery :D13:40
obert_hateball: no device found13:42
obert_I only connected the hdd to the usb port13:43
obert_it looks complex13:51
hateballobert_: I am not sure what you are trying to do14:01
hateballobert_: did you not simply buy an external HDD to store data on?14:01
obert_hateball: yeah14:02
obert_wd elements hdd 2 TB usb14:02
hateballobert_: So where are you reading "no device found" ?14:02
obert_after I plug it in, it shows a window with Device not found14:03
obert_or not detected14:03
hateballoh wow14:03
hateballif that is truly the case that is terrible14:03
obert_also df -h doesn't shows any 2TB drive14:03
hateballobert_: does anything show if you run "dmesg" after plugging in?14:04
hateballthe last few lines should note it being connected at least14:04
obert_mm seems it's recognized now14:04
obert_it opened dolphin14:04
obert_this: /media/obert/Elements/14:05
obert_should I try to copy some files in it?14:05
lordievaderUdev is the first step to check for these things: `sudo udevadm monitor --environment --udev`14:05
hateballobert_: yeah, if it is mounted it should hopefully "just work"14:05
obert_[76312.851162] sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] Attached SCSI disk14:06
obert_sd 4:0:0:0: [sdc] 3906963456 512-byte logical blocks: (2.00 TB/1.82 TiB)14:06
obert_let me try then14:06
obert_thanks hateball14:07
hateballobert_: is it working well to copy?14:13
obert_seems so, hateball14:14
hateballobert_: :)14:14
test_i have some questions14:15
test_how t search chanells n konversation14:15
hateballtest_: Do you mean channels on freenode?14:16
hateball!alis | test_14:16
ubottutest_: Alis is an IRC service to help you find channels. For help on using it, see "/msg Alis help list" or ask in #freenode. Example usage: "/msg Alis list http"14:16
test_is there not search option to list channels14:17
test_would someone help me install wine on lubuntu14:20
test_i am running lubuntu on virtual box14:21
test_when i install wine i cant find in start menu14:21
hateballtest_: thats because you use wine to launch windows exes14:22
test_i cant run windows apps with win14:22
hateballit's not a gui app itself, altho you can run winecfg which is a config gui14:22
test_i dont know how to start wine14:22
hateballtest_: I don't know how it is integrated with the desktop in Lubuntu, you should ask in #lubuntu14:22
test_i am asking there alos14:23
hateballotherwise you just run in a terminal: wine /my/little/fil.exe14:23
hateballYeah, crossposting isnt too popular14:23
hateballSo that's me done14:23
test_i would like to run windows app from icons14:23
test_like right click and them run with wine14:24
hateballtest_: And I am telling you the way that works in Lubuntu and Kubuntu is not the same, so you're better off waiting for a reply in #lubuntu or ask in #ubuntu which kind of caters to all the desktops (and has most users)14:25
test_can you recomend me some light linux that is easy to use wine14:27
hateballtest_: Guess you could ask in #linux for that14:28
test_excuse my bad english14:28
hateballObviously #kubuntu is about Kubuntu14:28
hateballAnd I personally do not use WINE at all14:28
test_is there something else to run win apps14:28
lordievaderAs you are already running Virtualbox, you can do the same inside Linux/Ubuntu. Run Windows inside Linux/Ubuntu as a virtual machine.14:31
test_before i install on hard drive i would like to test if i can run some win apps14:33
test_i cant start win apps wint wine14:33
lordievaderYou could also dual boot. Run Windows for the few things that require Windows, run Linux for the rest.14:34
test_i have to yet decied which linux to use14:35
test_i have dual boot in past only mint14:36
test_but i dont like mint14:36
test_it tarts running slowly after  while14:37
test_anyway o how do i list chanells in konversation14:37
test_ok i found it14:39
lordievaderhttp://irc.netsplit.de/channels/?net=freenode lists a lot of channels.14:39
test_i have wine installed but i dont know how to start wn app with it14:43
=== nameless is now known as Guest65053
ubottuWINE is a compatibility layer for running Windows programs on GNU/Linux - More information: https://help.ubuntu.com/community/Wine - Search the !AppDB for application compatibility ratings - Join #winehq for application help - See !virtualizers for running Windows (or another OS) inside Ubuntu14:52
=== administrator is now known as Guest28033
test_can you tell me how to run win app with wine15:16
lordievadertest_: Read the help page, it explains it a whole lot better than I can.15:21
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Astrid3141rpahics card would work out. Hello! I'm trying to run kubuntu on iMac late 2009. I've tried ubuntu, linux mint and now kubuntu since I found a forum that made me believe that problems with my g18:58
Astrid3141Ehm... I don't know what happened with my message there but the end is in the beginning.18:59
Astrid3141My problem is that I have to run in nomodeset otherwise the graphics doesn't work.19:00
Astrid3141And i'm looking for fglrx-drivers19:00
Astrid3141I found this url: https://askubuntu.com/questions/688388/14-04-gets-black-screen-unless-radeon-modeset-019:01
sapesiohi all19:06
sapesiosuddenly my volume control icon has disappeard from the toolbar as wel as from the multimedia setup!19:08
sapesiosound card is still recognized but I cant hear no sound anymore19:09
sapesioI'm using kubuntu 17.1019:10
sapesioI've tried reinstalling pulseaudio but it didn't help19:11
sapesioreloading alsa configuration didn't help either19:12
lordievadersapesio: Could you pastebin the output of `aplay -l`?19:22
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IrcsomeBotAlessandro was added by: Alessandro21:54
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