
=== Thedarkb-X40 is now known as Thedarkb-X40away
test_i would like to install wine in lubuntu that i am running on virtual box14:16
test_would someone please help ?14:18
test_i have wine installed but i dont know how to start wn app with it14:45
=== mesa_ is now known as mesa
cetrtekcan someone teach me how to run wine17:09
leszekwhat is the issue?17:10
cetrteki have wine installed but i dont know how to start it17:10
leszekyou know what wine is? There isn't anything to start. Just double click an exe file and it should open up with wine17:11
cetrteki would like to run win apps with right mouse button and oppen with wine if that is possiblle17:11
cetrtekdoubbl eclick doesnt work17:12
leszekthat should be the default afaik17:12
cetrtekexcuse my english and sloppy typing17:12
leszekif there isn't a wine entry in the right click open with menu you can try maybe to open with ... and then type in wine to open the exe with wine17:13
leszekon the first time of execution wine will take some time to initialize the windows folder structure in ~/.wine/drive_c17:14
cetrtekit says mistake has happened and i can only close17:16
cetrteki have it in slovenian so i am translating17:16
cetrteki cant start it with double click17:19
cetrtekwhen i doublelick archiving program opens and message error has ocured17:23
cetrteki will reboot system in english brb17:24
cetrtekok no need to reboot i have it in english now17:25
cetrtekarchive manager openes instead of wine17:26
cetrtekan error ocured while loading the archive17:26

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