
Unit193jbicha: Pinging with 1757574 as you did the aforementioned upload.00:31
Unit193LP 175757400:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757574 in libappindicator (Ubuntu) "development libraries missing depends listed in *.pc files" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175757400:31
jbichaUnit193: could you be more specific?00:32
Unit193jbicha: Eg libappindicator-dev should depend on libgtk2.0-dev, same for the gtk varient.00:33
jbichado you want to submit a merge proposal? https://code.launchpad.net/~indicator-applet-developers/libappindicator/trunk.16.1000:36
Unit193Sure, I could do that if it gets it in.00:39
Unit193(If you're wondering how one could have a build-depend on that but not libgtk2.0-dev, wxwidgets.)00:59
tseliotdoko: hi, any chance of getting the fix for gcc in 16.04 and 14.04? https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.8/+bug/175093709:28
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1750937 in gcc-4.8 (Ubuntu) "4.4.0-116 Kernel update on 2/21 breaks Nvidia drivers (on 14.04 and 16.04) due to outdated gcc-4.8" [Undecided,Fix released]09:28
dokotseliot: I'm not sure what you're asking09:44
dokoif it's about the retpoline patches, then you should ask the security team09:45
anon^_^i was the user that reported an issue with reptoline missing in gcc-4.809:46
anon^_^in ubuntu-kernel yesterday09:46
tseliotdoko: this ^09:47
anon^_^i had a functional system with nvidia 384, updated to 3.13.0-143-lowlatency09:47
dokolooks good to me: https://launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/gcc-4.809:48
anon^_^then kern.log began throwing errors09:48
anon^_^Mar 21 02:11:55 ****** kernel: [   60.800613] nvidia: version magic '3.13.0-143-lowlatency SMP preempt mod_unload modversions ' should be '3.13.0-143-lowlatency SMP preempt mod_unload modversions retpoline '09:48
anon^_^the nvidia driver was unloaded09:48
anon^_^actually it was 4:4.8.2-1ubuntu609:49
anon^_^gcc version09:49
anon^_^removed both the kernel and nvidia 384, re-installed and it was still broken09:50
anon^_^modinfo nvidia-384 -k 3.13.0-143-lowlatency09:50
anon^_^vermagic:       3.13.0-143-lowlatency SMP preempt mod_unload modversions09:50
anon^_^^ no retpoline flag09:51
anon^_^to get the nvidia driver to load i have to manually edit09:51
anon^_^# /usr/src/linux-headers-3.13.0-143/include/linux/vermagic.h09:51
anon^_^following sven's workaround09:52
anon^_^then i removed the nvidia module from dkms, re-installed, rebooted09:52
anon^_^there probably aren't very many people using 14.04 with it being close to EOL09:53
anon^_^but i doubt that most ubuntu users are going to be able to figure out what broke nvidia drivers or go through all that to fix it09:54
anon^_^if i remove that workaround from vermagic.h the nvidia module will not load09:56
anon^_^the issue is persistent across reboots and re-install09:58
dokosbeattie: ^^^  I have no idea about that ...10:16
coreycbsil2100: it seems like the accepted into proposed script needs updating if only per-release verification-done tags are accepted11:54
sil2100coreycb: it is updated, not sure why Brian's response had the old comment - for instance right now it's like this: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/httmock/+bug/1735160/comments/2111:59
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1735160 in py-macaroon-bakery (Ubuntu Artful) "[SRU] Please backport python3-macaroonbakery 0.0.6-1 [universe] from bionic" [Undecided,In progress]11:59
coreycbsil2100: ok cool11:59
coreycbsil2100: thanks :)11:59
sil2100I'll poke Brian later, maybe he's missing a bzr pull or something ;)12:00
sil2100(but that's a very old change)12:00
sil2100bdmurray: hey! As per coreycb's pointer, it seems like you have a greatly outdated sru-review script? Looks like you're leaving outdated verification comments, like for instance in https://bugs.launchpad.net/horizon/+bug/1582725/comments/1912:02
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1582725 in horizon (Ubuntu Xenial) "cinder_policy.json action does not match the Cinder policy.json file" [Medium,Fix released]12:02
sil2100bdmurray: I changed that string ages ago when we switched to the verification-done-SERIES enforcement12:04
bdmurraysil2100: I might have been in an old branch... I'll clean that up.13:38
sil2100bdmurray: thanks ;)13:58
rbasaksil2100: reminder to review bug 1466926 please14:40
ubottubug 1466926 in apache2 (Ubuntu Xenial) "reload apache2 with mpm_event cause scoreboard is full" [Undecided,In progress] https://launchpad.net/bugs/146692614:40
sil2100rbasak: ACK15:18
rbasaksil2100: thank you for the review15:20
powersjslangasek: LP: #1758113 is currently causing troubles with server ISO17:13
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758113 in python-cryptography (Ubuntu) "bionic: depends on package that does not exist" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175811317:13
powersj^ coreycb is this known?17:16
slangasekpowersj: also reported as LP: #1758004; but I'm not sure what the actual bug is, python3-cffi-backend provides both virtual package names17:17
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758004 in Ubuntu on IBM z Systems "[Ubuntu 18.04] Error installing the "Basic Ubuntu Server"" [High,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175800417:17
coreycbpowersj: i don't know. my changes to that were no-ops.17:17
slangasekpowersj: is python3-cffi-backend present on the ISO?17:18
coreycbpowersj: Tristan might be a better contact17:18
powersjslangasek: it is not17:18
slangasekpowersj: ok. does the error occur when trying to do an install of this task without a network apt source?17:19
slangasekpowersj: my guess is that apt within the target is fine to do this installation, but our code to assemble the pool on the image fails to handle versioned provides17:20
slangasekin this case, we would've sidestepped the bug if the squashfs on the server ISO was the full server task17:21
slangasekxnox: ^^17:21
xnoxslangasek, which server team rejected17:22
xnoxslangasek, saying "oh no, people use server.iso, as a mini d-i.iso, and only install minimal by default"17:22
xnoxslangasek, unless we ship multiple squashfs on the server.iso17:22
slangasekxnox: where/when was this reject?17:22
xnoxslangasek, in an informal conversation.17:23
xnoxslangasek, however that was in the context of disable tasksel /as well/. maybe they will be happy with a fatter squashfs. (and tasksel kept in tact)17:23
xnoxi can re-raise that.17:23
slangasekxnox: yeah, I don't think that's a good rationale for this behavior anymore17:24
slangasekxnox: please re-raise it where I can participate in the discussion :)17:24
xnoxslangasek, meet us in the pub, in cambridge, at 17:00 tomorrow17:24
* xnox giggles17:24
slangasekxnox: anyway, these days we are producing a "good" squashfs for the subiquity image, and it's a shame that we're not using it for the d-i image17:26
slangasek? Unknown dependency python3-cffi-backend-api-min (<= 9729) by python3-cryptography17:29
slangasek? Unknown dependency python3-cffi-backend-api-max (>= 9729) by python3-cryptography17:29
slangasekactually, this seems to be in germinate17:30
slangasekcjwatson: does germinate support versioned provides, in some version later than what we currently have on nusakan?17:30
cjwatsonI don't think so.  Could I have a bug?17:31
cjwatsonIt shouldn't be too horribly difficult17:31
slangasekcjwatson: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/germinate/+bug/175800417:31
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758004 in germinate (Ubuntu) "[Ubuntu 18.04] Error installing the "Basic Ubuntu Server"" [Undecided,Triaged]17:31
cjwatsonThanks.  I'd be happy to take a look, though probably not today17:31
cjwatsonI do at least have a failing test case in place17:36
sergiusensslangasek: since I see you are on it, just wanted to say that the new dh-python broken our snapcraft pkg builds https://launchpadlibrarian.net/361662873/buildlog_ubuntu-bionic-amd64.snapcraft_2.40+18.04.2_BUILDING.txt.gz19:24
sergiusensthere seems to be new copy logic in there19:27
slangaseksergiusens: please refer this to doko who made this post-FF change19:27
sergiusensack, I'll log a bug19:28
sergiusensdoko: LP: #175814219:33
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758142 in dh-python (Ubuntu) "Recursive follow of symlinks" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175814219:33
slangasekpowersj, cjwatson: as a short-term hack to unbreak server, I think I'm going to try to have germinate on nusakan ignore versions entirely for provides calculation; AFAIK we don't have any versioned dependencies currently that will be incorrectly resolved to non-version-matching virtual packages as a result of this, and even if we do, the outcome is no worse than currently19:59
powersjslangasek: ok I would need to wait for tomorrow's ISO to re-test?20:00
slangasekpowersj: I would retrigger a build immediately for testing20:00
powersjeven better20:00
slangasekpowersj: (and running now)20:02
* slangasek waves20:05
slangasekpowersj: we should diff the .list files for each architecture, to make sure it's done what we expect20:05
* powersj downloads the 20180322.list20:08
slangasekpowersj: 20180322.1 done20:27
* powersj waits on http://cdimage.ubuntu.com/ubuntu-server/daily/20180322.1/20:27
slangasekunfortunately the dh-python dpkg-dev fix landed at the same time so the diff is large20:29
powersjdiff http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/xXpyH96ntG/20:30
slangasekthat part doesn't look good though20:30
slangasekwhereas that part does20:30
slangasekactually, even the perl stuff is consistent with the priority-mismatches fixup20:32
powersjdiff with only changes: http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/8VHTTf57ds/20:33
powersjall the gcc and gnupg2 changes are expected?20:33
slangasekpython3 -> dh_python was incorrectly pulling in dpkg-dev -> build-essential20:33
powersjok I'll launch tests20:33
slangasekso actually 20180321 might be a better basis for comparison20:34
slangasekhmmm no, gcc was already in the mix in 2018032120:34
slangasekso nevermind20:34
slangasekI could revert this change and do another build for comparison20:35
slangasekpowersj: ^^?20:35
powersjthat might be good to make sure we don't let something slip through20:35
powersjI'll still launch on 22.120:35
slangasekk, running20:35
slangasekthe libperl5.26 change *looks* super-odd, but when I dig I am surprised to find that perl-base (/usr/bin/perl) does not depend on libperl.  Sooooo even this is plausible20:39
slangasekcjwatson: you mentioned a failing test case, perhaps you also arrived at something like https://code.launchpad.net/~vorlon/germinate/+git/germinate/+ref/lp.175800420:41
powersjslangasek: smoke test install just completed successfully20:48
cjwatsonslangasek: Similar kind of thing; thanks20:50
jbichacking: why did you reintroduce xchat-gnome to Ubuntu? LP: #175816320:52
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758163 in xchat-gnome (Ubuntu) "Please remove xchat-gnome from Ubuntu (again)" [Undecided,New] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175816320:52
ckingjbicha, it can be killed, it's too much hassle to maintain IMHO20:52
jbichacould you comment on the bug please then :)20:53
jbichaapw: since you sponsored xchat-gnome back into Ubuntu, could you look into removing it now? ^20:55
slangasekjbicha, cking, apw: done20:57
jbichacool, that was really fast :)20:57
slangasekoh no, we removed his irc client from the archive and he fell offline21:01
slangasekpowersj: 22.2 is up, with a shorter (and still interesting) delta21:04
powersjslangasek: is this what you show? 22.1 diffed against 22.2 http://paste.ubuntu.com/p/2cTHwh7W3W/21:05
powersjso e2fslibs21:05
slangasekpowersj: yes.  so, what does ef2slibs mean21:05
powersjef2slibs was on the cd, but since changing germinate to ignore versions it is now not on there21:07
anon^_^doko, sbeattie, any update re: reptoline, gcc-4.8 issue with 14.04 that lead to persistent unloading of Nvidia driver?21:10
slangasekpowersj: turns out libext2fs2 Provides: e2fslibs (= 1.44.0-1); so it's a bit strange that e2fslibs and libext2fs2 exist like this, but it's not wrong for the image build to drop e2fslibs from the image based on my germinate change21:33
sbeattieanon^_^: I don't know what you're referencing. gcc-4.8 4.8.4-2ubuntu1~14.04.4 (available in both trusty-security and trusty-updates) is needed for the dkms build. I'm not sure why any of that would cause a module to unload, though.21:39
jbichaslangasek: can you explain the bash 4.4.18-1.1ubuntu1 removal?21:42
jbichabecause I used sbuild-launchpad-chroot to create an armhf chroot but it is stuck trying to update bash with an error that looks like Debian bug 88986921:43
ubottuDebian bug 889869 in bash "bash: crash in qemu-user: bash: xmalloc: ... cannot allocate XX bytes (0 bytes allocated)" [Important,Fixed] http://bugs.debian.org/88986921:43
slangasekjbicha: PIE is a security feature, and shouldn't be disabled to work around a bug in qemu-user-static21:43
jbichais there a LP bug for the issue I experienced then?21:44
slangasekjbicha: LP: #175101121:44
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1751011 in bash (Ubuntu) "bash crashes in qemu-user environments (bionic)" [Undecided,Triaged] https://launchpad.net/bugs/175101121:44
jbichabash being stuck half-installed is a bit of a problem…21:44
jbichaslangasek: I request that you reconsider. The PIE change was only in Debian one week before it was reverted21:49
jbichameanwhile, I added it to the Release Notes…21:50
slangasekjbicha: considering.  I think at minimum, I would want it signed off by the Security Team that they're ok with non-PIE bash in 18.0421:51
slangasekjbicha: barring that signoff, although I understand it's inconvenient to have qemu-user completely unusable for cross-chroots as a result of this, there are also still large swaths of the archive that qemu-user can't cope with (last I checked: anything Qt-based, for armhf), so I think having it completely-broken vs 25% broken is not a persuasive reason to disable the hardening feature21:56
slangasekmdeslaur, sbeattie: ^^ would one of you want to weigh in on this?21:56
sbeattieslangasek: we previously had bash as no-pie because it hit a similar failure on older kernels. It's not ideal, but I can live with it.21:58
jbichaslangasek: comment 15 at Debian bug 865599 has another proposal…21:59
ubottuDebian bug 865599 in src:bash "bash can stop disabling PIE" [Normal,Open] http://bugs.debian.org/86559921:59
jbichaI don't know enough about bash to know what the proposal means21:59
slangaseksbeattie: you're not required to live with it, though... if you think this is important to our hardening story in 18.04, I think that takes precedence22:00
slangasekalso it's one thing to have had PIE disabled for a package for 16.10-17.10, and another to have it disabled in 18.04 LTS22:01
slangasekjbicha: yes, that suggestion makes sense given what I saw of the description of the problem (internal use of sbrk instead of glibc malloc)22:01
slangasekjbicha: I think it's worth investigating as a path forward (but I'm probably not going to pursue this myself)22:02
anon^_^sbeattie, pm22:29
tjaaltoncould a member of the security team please review https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/pysmi/+bug/174857222:51
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1748572 in pysmi (Ubuntu) "[MIR] pysmi, pycryptodome" [High,New]22:51
tjaaltonI need to get 389-ds-base unblocked, finally22:51
sarnoldtjaalton: it'll be next week before we can get to that22:52
tjaaltonsarnold: as long as it's on the radar, thanks22:52
sarnoldtjaalton: yup, not forgotten, it just got knocked back a bit on the list when encrypted devices stopped working the other day :/22:53
tjaaltonfun times22:53
sarnoldthere's always a bit of a rush around FF time .. this one more than most, probably because it's an LTS..22:54
tjaaltonI'm just as guilty :)22:54
sarnoldit's probably just the way things are going to go when it's run on a cycle ;)22:55
slangasektjaalton: <cough> I accidentally got 389-ds-base in already without the MIR being handled23:15
slangasekMIR still needs doing of course23:16
tjaaltonslangasek: oh, hehe.. thanks23:33

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