
lubot2<tsimonq2> wgrant advised me to file separate bugs instead of one big bug (which makes sense, in hindsight...) https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+bugs?field.tag=qt4-removal02:24
lubot2<tsimonq2> I'll send an email to ubuntu-release shortly.02:25
lubot2<Lazy B> Never heard anything about 5.11 being the last dot release. This link here tells something different http://blog.qt.io/blog/2018/02/22/qt-roadmap-2018/06:08
lubot2<tsimonq2> Oh?06:08
lubot2<tsimonq2> Maybe I misunderstood what "planning for Qt 6 after 5.11" meant.06:08
lubot2<tsimonq2> (In fact, I probably did.)06:09
lubot2<tsimonq2> Sorry.06:09
lubot2<Lazy B> I think we have at least 3 years before Qt6 will appear in some shape06:10
lubot2<tsimonq2> I also said that in #kubuntu-devel, not here. :P06:10
lubot2<tsimonq2> But yeah,06:10
lubot2<tsimonq2> Makes sense.06:10
lubot2<mitya57> @tsimonq2, It would be nice to follow Debian and remove qtwebkit-source before the rest of Qt (because it is a very vulnerable piece of software).06:27
lubot2<tsimonq2> @mitya57, See above, there's a separate removal bug for that now. :)06:28
lubot2<mitya57> Ok :)06:28
lubot2<tsimonq2> Many thanks to slangasek who just removed a good chunk of obsolete Plasma widgets that were Qt 4 :)06:29
lubot2<tsimonq2> @mitya57 Here: https://bugs.launchpad.net/ubuntu/+source/qtwebkit-source/+bug/175784606:30
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1757846 in qtwebkit-source (Ubuntu) "Please port your package away from Qt 4" [Undecided,New]06:30
lubot2<mitya57> Too bad that we don't have bug dependencies06:31
lubot2<tsimonq2> You can merge bugs, I guess.06:31
lubot2<tsimonq2> (mark one bug as affecting a few other affected patches and mark the bugs filed against those patches as duplicates of the original)06:32
lubot2<tsimonq2> s/patches/packages/g06:32
lubot2<mitya57> Nah, I would better leave these as separate bugs and add links to Debian BTS for packages I'm interested in.06:33
lubot2<tsimonq2> Alright06:34
lubot2<tsimonq2> I might as well go through and add links to the BTS for all of these06:34
lubot2<mitya57> There is a list of Debian bugs at https://wiki.debian.org/Qt4Removal06:35
lubot2<tsimonq2> Right, I linked that wiki page in all the bug descriptions in Ubuntu :)06:36
lubot2<mitya57> Oh :)06:36
lubot2<acheronuk> why is qtvirtualkeyboaud not built with languages?  (CONFIG += lang-all)17:47
lubot2<acheronuk> https://bugs.launchpad.net/bugs/175809917:47
ubottuLaunchpad bug 1758099 in plasma-workspace (Ubuntu) "sddm virtual keyboard's langage can't be changed" [Undecided,New]17:47
lubot2<mitya57> Why is it not the default build configuration?17:51
lisandrois it because the build expects all languages available at build time?17:54
lisandroI've read something alongside that in a kde ml17:54
lisandroif someone can confirm it *maybe* we can trick hunspell/myspell maintainers to provide a metapackage17:55
lisandrohttps://doc.qt.io/qt-5.10/qtvirtualkeyboard-build.html might shed some light17:57
lisandrowe might need to pass lang-all17:59
* lisandro tries17:59
acheronukwould be nice if its that simple!18:01
lisandroit owuld18:01
lisandrobut I think it needs all those packages18:01
acheronukopensuse and arch build requires are just hunspell, so the actual input lang support may be internal?18:02
lisandrodoes opensuse and arch ship each lang in a separate package?18:02
lisandrothe current build dependnecies need hunspell-en-gb18:03
lisandromitya57: by the way I am currently needing to add testing to sources.list in order to fullfil qt's needs on gtk18:06
lisandroI do realy hope it's a bug somewhere else18:06
mitya57Qt does not need gtk, only qt5-gtk-platformtheme depends on it but it is an optional package18:07
lisandroif I get to re do a chroot for tetting I'll show you18:07
acheronukarch seem to split hunspell18:09
lisandrodo the use CONFIG+=all-langs ?18:10
lisandroer, lang-all18:10
mitya57yes: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/qt5-virtualkeyboard#n2718:11
mitya57also handwriting, that may be useful for us too18:11
acheronuklisandro: https://git.archlinux.org/svntogit/packages.git/tree/trunk/PKGBUILD?h=packages/qt5-virtualkeyboard18:12
lisandroexcept we can't use handwriting18:13
acheronuk# Only enable languages that don't force-include bundled 3rdparty libs18:16
acheronuk%qmake5 "CONFIG+=lang-ar_AR lang-da_DK lang-de_DE lang-en_GB lang-es_ES lang-fa_FA lang-fi_FI lang-fr_FR lang-hi_IN lang-it_IT lang-nb_NO lang-pl_PL lang-pt_PT lang-ro_RO lang-ru_RU lang-sv_SE"18:16
acheronukthat is opensuse ^^18:16
lisandrolet's try lang-all then18:17
lisandrooh, not possible18:19
lisandroI see what opensuse does18:19
lisandrowe are removing tcime and pinyin18:19
lisandrofrom 3rdparty18:20
lisandrobut I think we better use a patch for that18:21
lubot2<mitya57> Just for more statistics, Fedora also uses lang-all: https://src.fedoraproject.org/rpms/qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard/blob/master/f/qt5-qtvirtualkeyboard.spec#_5218:22
lisandrobut also builds the 3rdparty tcime and pinyin which e do not ship due to dfsg18:25
lisandro*we do not18:25
acheronuklisandro: 'we' as in debian AND ubuntu?18:26
lisandroyes, we both adhere to them18:26
lisandrowell, at least I think you also have that part removed18:26
lisandrobut feel free to check :-)18:26
acheronukmust do, as my test build just crashed and burned on those :P18:28
lisandroyup, will have a patch soon18:31
acheronukthanks :)18:32
lisandromy pleasure! always good if we can improve stuff!18:32
lisandroI might enable handwriting support too18:40
lisandroacheronuk: patch already in salsa.d.o18:41
lisandro+ rules changes18:41
lisandroI might add arrow-key-navigation18:53
lisandroacheronuk: everything on salsa.d.o now19:03
acheronukapplying to 5.9.419:21
acheronukand fails to build. test errors19:28
lisandroyes, they are flacky19:29
lisandroif you check debian/rules you will see that we are ignoring the errors19:29
lisandronot the best thing to do, but....19:29
lisandroalso you need all the locales for all langs for the tests to pass19:29
acheronukignoring with what?19:31
acheronukI see you ignoring on arm64?19:32
acheronukah. I see what you did. just being blind20:05
acheronuklisandro: https://i.imgur.com/MxRbHkv.png20:12

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