
guillaume___I have set a pptp server on my vps, it works fine except for certain websites which works well only if i enable routing to on my client. I'd like not to be obliged to do this on the client side, how does it come it happens to only certain websites ?01:05
sarnoldguillaume___: do you have to use pptp? it's pretty rubbish protocol02:19
sarthor HI, I am copying data from SATA1 to SATA2 hard disk, connected both to same PC, it is something around 2 TB of data, says 37 HRs, to make it faster, copying on 7.1MB/sec in the start it was 29MB/sec... HELP please.03:57
cncr04scan't help you with bad hardware04:13
lordievaderGood morning07:02
OpenTokixsarthor: What command are you using to copy?07:03
OpenTokixsarthor: You also should make sure they are on different sata-channels, not only different ports. when I copy large amounts of data I generally use rsync -a --whole-file, to not do checksum on each file.  but cp -R tend to be the fastest.07:05
lordievaderIf you copy data with`dd` the block size makes a huge difference too.07:09
OpenTokixlordievader: yes, but I don't think this is dd. - but then bs=8M or bs=16M is my goto-options.07:30
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josNZHi, after configuring my wireless card during the server installer it autostarts at boot and after installing cinnamon the wireless it connected but the network manager applet says wireless unavailable.12:21
josNZHow can I let the applet control the wireless12:22
OpenTokixjosNZ: Does not sound server-related at all.12:22
josNZI figured this channel was for people running ubuntu server12:24
OpenTokixVery few servers running applets and gui's12:26
Cheezexcept oracle ones. because oracle's installer (at least, last i had to deal with it) required a UI12:34
josNZSo I guess I should join another channel then. Can you help with how the network is connecting at boot? /etc/network/interfaces is blank and I can't find any config files for it12:34
gunixi installed a server with MAAS and ssh ain't working. what is the password for tty login?12:42
gunixubuntu/ubuntu doesn't work12:42
hallyncpaelzer: smoser: is it expected that /sys/module/kvm_intel/parameters/nested in a xenial system be N these days?  I thought we always defaulted to it being Y13:34
cpaelzerhallyn: it should be Y still13:36
cpaelzerwe docuemented that this is for comforts, but not to rely all of your production on it13:36
cpaelzerbut didn't change it13:36
cpaelzerhallyn: do you still have /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf?13:36
smoserhallyn: i have Y in bionic there.13:42
smoseryeah, and as cpaelzer said13:43
smoser$ cat /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf13:43
smoseroptions kvm_intel nested=113:43
smoseri had forgotton that was how that was turned on.13:43
cpaelzerthere are more complex means to turn on vmx/svm in the guest, but that is how the module is controlled IIRC13:44
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hallynsmoser: cpaelzer: no i have no /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf.  but shouldn't the qemu-kvm package install that for me?14:31
smoser$ dpkg -S /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf14:41
smoserqemu-system-x86: /etc/modprobe.d/qemu-system-x86.conf14:41
smoserhallyn: ^14:41
smoserit did for me14:41
cpaelzersame for me as smoser14:41
hallynbut is that a new install?14:44
hallynI'm wondering whether newer pkgs dropped it, and you just have it still sitting around after upgrades14:45
hallyncan you dpkg -L qemu-system-x86 | grep modprobe.d ?14:45
cpaelzer$ dpkg -L qemu-system-x86 | grep modprobe.d14:46
hallynuh. nm.14:46
rbasakcpaelzer: some advice/pre-review please. https://jira.mongodb.org/browse/SERVER-33395 is the ppc64el mongodb FTBFS. A compiler bug is discussed there but I believe (not completely confirmed yet) that it's unrelated. The general cause is that mongodb upstream have optimised ppc64el using gcc intrinsics, and they've stopped working (presumably newer gcc). Would you be happy for me to drop that ppc64el14:47
hallynapparently i did not, or no longer, have the pkg installed after all.  on the host.  my bad :(14:47
rbasakoptimisation completely and have it use the general code instead?14:47
hallynlet's see if after a reboot it works now.14:47
cpaelzerrbasak: in a call, just a few minutes14:52
hallynallr ight well this is weird.  I still can't run kvm from inside a container14:55
rbasakcpaelzer: ack. The code is here: https://github.com/mongodb/mongo/blob/master/src/mongo/db/fts/unicode/byte_vector_altivec.h; I can just undef MONGO_HAVE_FAST_BYTE_VECTOR in byte_vector.h and the build succeeds (with all tests passed)15:00
rbasakcpaelzer: https://gcc.gnu.org/onlinedocs/gcc/PowerPC-AltiVec_002fVSX-Built-in-Functions.html defines vec_vbpermq but I think it needs ppc assembly knowledge to understand what the parameters mean15:02
coreycbjamespage: any idea if we still need to carry the aarch64-libvirt-compat.patch in nova for pike+?16:21
jamespagecoreycb: probably not17:18
coreycbjamespage: would love to drop it if possible. it started failing in the new point release.17:19
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